Monetary Policy Design in the Basic New Keynesian Model by Jordi Galí April 2015 The E¢ cient Allocation max U (Ct; Nt; Zt) where Ct R1 0 1 1 Ct(i)1 di subject to: Ct(i) = AtNt(i)1 ; all i 2 [0; 1] Z 1 Nt = Nt(i)di 0 Optimality conditions: Ct(i) = Ct, all i 2 [0; 1] Nt(i) = Nt, all i 2 [0; 1] Un;t = M P Nt Uc;t where M P Nt (1 )AtNt Sources of Suboptimality of Equilibrium 1. Distortions unrelated to nominal rigidities: Market power Optimal price setting: Pt = M MWP tNt , where M " " 1 >1 Un;t Wt M P Nt = = < M P Nt Uc;t Pt M =) t Assume employment subsidy : Under ‡exible prices, Pt = M (1M P )W Nt . =) Optimal subsidy: M(1 M P Nt Un;t Wt = = Uc;t Pt M(1 ) ) = 1 or, equivalently, = 1" . 2. Distortions associated with the presence of nominal rigidities: Markup variations resulting from sticky prices (assuming optimal subsidy): Pt Pt M Mt = = (1 )(Wt=M P Nt) Wt=M P Nt Un;t Wt M = = M P Nt 6= M P Nt Uc;t Pt Mt E¢ ciency requirement: average markup = desired markup, all t =) Relative price distortions resulting from staggered price setting: Ct(i) 6= Ct(j) if Pt(i) 6= Pt(j). Optimal policy requires that prices and quantities (and hence marginal costs) are equalized across goods. Optimal Monetary Policy in the Basic NK Model Assumptions: optimal employment subsidy =) ‡exible price equilibrium allocation is e¢ cient no inherited relative price distortions, i.e. P 1(i) = P 1 for all i 2 [0; 1] Optimal policy: replicate ‡exible price equilibrium allocation. Implementation: stabilize marginal costs at a level consistent with …rms’desired markup, given existing prices: no …rm has an incentive to adjust its price, i.e. Pt = Pt for t = 0; 1; 2; :::(aggregate price stability) 1 and, hence, Pt = Pt equilibrium output and employment match their natural counterparts. 1 Equilibrium under the Optimal Policy yt = ytn ) =0 it = rtn t yet = 0 for all t. Implementation: Some Candidate Interest Rate Rules Non-Policy Block: where rtn = (1 yet = 1 (it Etf t+1 g rtn) + Etfe yt+1g = Etf t+1g + yet a ) ya at + (1 z )zt t An Exogenous Interest Rate Rule it = rtn Equilibrium dynamics: yet t where = AO AO 1 Etfe yt+1g Etf t+1g 1 + Shortcoming: the solution yet = t = 0 for all t is not unique: one eigenvalue of AO is strictly greater than one. ! indeterminacy (real and nominal). An Interest Rate Rule with Feedback from Target Variables it = rtn + Equilibrium dynamics: yet t where AT = AT 1 + y+ t + et yy Etfe yt+1g Etf t+1g 1 + ( + y) Existence and uniqueness condition: (Bullard and Mitra (2002)): ( 1) + (1 ) y >0 Taylor-principle interpretation (Woodford (2000)): dit+k = k!1 d t + = + lim de yt+k y k!1 d t ) y (1 lim Figure 4.1 Determinacy and Indeterminacy Regions: Standard Taylor Rule 2 1.5 ?: Determinacy 1 0.5 Indeterminacy 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 ?y 2 A Forward-Looking Interest Rate Rule it = rtn + Equilibrium dynamics: yet t where 1 (1 AF Etf t+1 g 1 yt+1g y Et fe Etfe yt+1g Etf t+1g = AF 1 + 1 y ( 1 y) ( 1) 1) Existence and uniqueness conditions (Bullard and Mitra (2002): ( ( 1) + (1 ) 1) + (1 + ) y y > 0 < 2 (1 + ) Figure 4.2 Determinacy and Indeterminacy Regions: Forward Looking Taylor Rule 25 20 Indeterminacy ?: 15 10 5 0 Determinacy 0 0.5 1.5 1 ?y 2 Shortcomings of Optimal Rules they assume observability of the natural rate of interest (in real time). this requires, in turn, knowledge of: (i) the true model (ii) true parameter values (iii) realized shocks “Simple rules” : the policy instrument depends on observable variables only, do not require knowledge of the true parameter values ideally, they approximate optimal rule across di¤erent models Simple Monetary Policy Rules Welfare-based evaluation: 1 X Utn t Ut W E0 UcC t=0 =) 1 1 X = E0 2 t=0 t + '+ 1 expected average welfare loss per period: 1 '+ L= + var(e yt) + var( t) 2 1 yet2 + 2 t A Taylor Rule it = + t + Equivalently: it = where vt btn yy + t + Equilibrium dynamics: yet t where AT and Exercise: 1 + y+ at = AT et yy + vt Etfe yt+1g + BT (b rtn Etf t+1g 1 + ( + : Note that rbtn bt yy vt = ; y) ya ( (1 AR(1) + modi…ed Taylor rule it = vt ) 1 BT a) + + y )at t + + (1 y z )zt yt Table 4.1 Evaluation of Simple Rules: Taylor Rule Technology Demand 1:5 1:5 5 1:5 1:5 1:5 5 1:5 0:125 0 0 1 0:125 0 0 1 y (y) (e y) ( ) 1:85 2:07 2:25 1:06 0:44 0:21 0:03 1:23 0:69 0:34 0:05 1:94 0:59 0:68 0:28 0:31 0:59 0:68 0:28 0:31 0:20 0:23 0:09 0:10 L 1:02 0:25 0:006 7:98 0:10 0:13 0:02 0:02 Money Growth Peg mt = 0 Money demand: lt = yt where lt mt 2 [0; 1). Letting lt+ t pt . t where it lt + t Imposig the assumed rule = t 1 b lt = yet + ybtn bit = 1 (e yt + ybtn + "t bit t b lt+) mt = 0, and clearing of the money market: b l+ = b l+ + t t t 1 t Equilibrium dynamics: 2 where AM;0 2 4 yet 3 2 3 2 Etfe yt+1g AM;0 4 t 5 = AM;1 4 Etf t+1g 5 + BM 4 b b lt+ lt+ 1 1+ 0 3 0 0 1 05 1 1 ; AM;1 2 3 1 4 0 05 0 0 1 Simulations and Evaluation of Simple Rules ; rbtn ybtn t BM 3 5 2 3 1 0 40 0 05 0 0 1 Table 4.2 Evaluation of Simple Rules: Constant Money Growth Technology Demand Money Demand (y) (e y) ( ) 1:72 0:92 0:35 0:59 0:59 0:12 1:07 1:07 0:55 L 0:29 0:04 0:69 The Taylor Rule (Taylor 1993) it = 4 + 1.5(π t − 2) + 0.5 yt Source: Taylor 1999 Source: Taylor 1999 Clarida, Galí and Gertler (QJE 2000) it = ρ it −1 + (1 − ρ )[r + π * + β Et {π t +1 − π *} + γ Et { yt +1 − yt*+1}] Orphanides (JME 2003) Source: Orphanides (JME 2003 b)
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