Our Mission, Our Dream Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission & The Impossible Dream Thrift Store Spring 2012 On a Mission to Save You Helped Save a Man’s Life, Now He’s Saving You Money I f you live in Watertown or near Fort Drum, you know Cliff Olney. You’ve gotten his coupons in the mail. But you may not have known that as a supporter of the Watertown Urban Mission, you helped the founder of Americoups to get his business off the ground by giving him the support he needed to save his life. “Faced with prison or Bridge isn’t much of a choice and I came in with the attitude that I’d just put in my time and be done with it,” Cliff said. “At the Mission, there was a group of people who showed me they cared enough to see me change. And then, the victim panels.” Cliff said he had heard the stories and he knew about the new harsher sentences, but still, he You Can Sponsor The Next Newsletter! Help defray the cost of printing our newsletter and let everyone know how much you support the Watertown Urban Mission! Contact Development Director Drew Mangione at 782-8440, or dmangione@watertownurban mission.org about this great opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to our community. thought accidents and fatalities were for people who didn’t drive drunk as well as he did. But after attending a STOP DWI Victim Impact Panel as mandated by the Bridge Program, his perspective changed. “Until that time, I just didn’t get it,” he said. “It wasn’t going to happen to me. I saw through the Victim Panel that it could have. I’m just lucky it didn’t happen to me.” The Victim Impact panel is organized by your Mission, which started conducting these panels in 2000, to give families whose lives were tragically changed by a DWI fatality the chance to share their stories and change the minds of those who don’t realize the danger of driving while intoxicated. Your support of the Mission and the Bridge Pro- Inside this issue: Your Mission 2 New Excitement at Your Mission’s Annual Auction 2 Your Mission Story Corner 2 Here’s Cliff in your Mission’s Food Pantry with one of his coupon books gram ensures these panels continue several times a year. Now committed to his sobriety and recognizing that he is fortunate to have his life, Cliff graduated from the Bridge Program in March. In April he celebrated his first year with Americoups, a direct mail and advertising company, through which he gives (Continued on Page 4) Fresh Look at Your Dream Store 3 Your Generosity in Action: Feinstein Challenge 3 Dollar Dinners a Success 3 2012 Run for Recovery 4 You Made it a Warmer Winter This Year 4 Family Fun Day 4 Facebook.com/YourMission 5 YOUR NEWS What your gifts have done in your community in the first quarter of 2011 You provided 110 vital prescriptions. You supplied more than nearly 200 gallons of gas, for medical appointments. You distributed more than 1,827 diapers to protect infant and toddler bottoms. Your support gave 5,368 items of clothing, furniture and supplies to individuals and families facing a critical need. Most importantly, you gave hope to more than 2,500 families in need of basic help. Our Mission, Our Dream Page 2 W Erika F. Flint, in her first year as executive director, has worked to carry out the Mission’s 2010 strategic plan, which included improving communication. She has overseen the creation of your Mission’s first development office and marketing plan. Your Mission: Spread the Word hat do your friends think of the Watertown Urban Mission? As I reach out in our community to talk about your Mission, I love meeting people like you, who read our newsletter and get involved. However, as much as I love you, my favorite conversations are when I get to share your Mission with those less aware of what we do. I see them thinking, “Wow, who knew?” Every day, neighbors from throughout the North Country come to your Mission for help moving beyond life’s road blocks. You might be surprised how many of your friends and neighbors don’t know that your Mission helps 25,000 people each year, by providing food, clothing, household goods, personal hygiene items, assistance with medical costs, access to housing and more to make ends meet. You know this. However, what you may not know is that even with all we do to spread the word: YOU are our best marketing asset. You are best suited to show how your Mission works every day to help our neighbors rise above challenges, and how that makes our community stronger. Use your interest and love for your Mission to help us spread the word. You can share this newsletter and tell people why you support your Mission. You can direct people to our Web site where anyone can sign up to volunteer or be on our mailing list. If you’re on Facebook, ask your friends to “like” the Mission with you. Your generosity, time, and advocacy make it possible for your Mission to help people each and every day. Thank you. —Erika New Excitement at Annual Auction Thanks to Sponsor FX Caprara Your Watertown Urban Mission’s Annual Auction drew a packed house to St. Anthony’s Gym on Arsenal Street, thanks to our sponsor FX Caprara. “We just can’t thank Billy Caprara and the FX Caprara car companies enough for their support,” said Drew Mangione, development director. “First the truck and the promotions, then a $5,000 check made this a truly blessed day for our community.” FX Caprara promoted your Mission by holding a drawing at the auction for a 2012 Dodge Ram with a Hemi. You donated nearly 1,000 nonperishable food items to enter the drawing and Community Broadcasters qualified even more people on the radio. “The gym was overflowing into the parking lot and we are so thankful for each of you who came out to the event,” Drew added. William Tario of Adams Center won the truck. Then our community auctioneers took over with Paul Simmons of AAMCO, Robin Bartlett of Johnny D’s, Lynn Brown of WPBS, Dan Osborne of DoCo Printing and “Uncle” Dennis of Croghan entertaining the crowd and coaxing higher bids. The live auction featured 100 antique, vintage and modern items, well 102, including two dozen donuts donated by the Mt. Carmel Society that went for a combined $250. In all, the event raised $13,000 for your Mission’s programs to help people rise above life’s struggles. “We are so grateful to FX Caprara, St. Anthony’s Church, the Mt. Carmel Society and all of you who helped make this a success, especially all of you high bidders,” Erika said. “The money you raised will help so many in need.” Your Mission’s Story Corner Your generosity helped us handle a busy start to 2012. In the first quarter, 1,580 families needed our Food Pantry and Critical Needs helped another 837 households. When a March fire in the city of Watertown left several families without a home and few remaining possessions, your generosity enabled the Watertown Urban Mission to provide food, household items, clothing, furniture and other basic necessities to help them start over. Because of your support, two single mothers with children, and a young couple were able to begin rebuilding their lives. Pictured here is William Tario with the truck he won at the Auction on April 28 Spring 2012 Page 3 A Fresh Look for Your Dream Store If You Haven’t Shopped in a While, Come Back — If You’re Doing a Spring Cleaning, Remember Us I f you’ve been to the Impossible Dream Thrift Store in the last few months, you’ve seen some changes. Our great staff and volunteers have reorganized both upstairs and downstairs to improve your shopping experience. “We are just thrilled when you choose to shop with us,” said Tammy Kirch, store manager. “We’ve seen many new faces and new smiles.” All-Phase Services, a contractor on Fort Drum, and your Dream Store were in the news in February to celebrate a generous donation of desks, dressers, armoires, and other furniture. This brought in new customers and the great shopping experience has kept many coming back. Of course, our inventory depends on the generosity of our community. Your tax deductible donation of used furniture, clothing, books, toys, and just about anything else in good working order, directly benefits your community. “When you donate items you no longer need to the Impossible Dream, you are directly supporting your community,” said Erika Flint, executive director. First and foremost, the store is a program of the Mission. Around 20,000 items per year are given away through Critical Needs. The items sold raise revenue to help support all of your Mission’s programs. So this spring, when you make room in your home, help us stock our shelves and showroom. If you’re downsizing from a large home to a townhouse or apartment, donate what you can’t take with you. We’ll even come pick up donations with furniture. Call us at 782-0090. Journalists cover a delivery from All Phase Your Generosity in Action… 2012 Feinstein Challenge: You Stepped Up Big Time March/April Food Donations at Record Levels E very year the Watertown Urban Mission takes part in the Feinstein Challenge. And every year you step up with thousands of dollars and food items. However, this year, you stepped up in a bigger way than usual. You saw the opportunity to leverage grant funding from a man in Rhode Island and you helped us collect more than 35,800 food items and another $11,288 more in financial gifts. That’s about 2 1/2 times what you gave last year! “We are just thrilled with the generous outpouring of support this challenge generated,” said Erika Flint, executive director. “Thank you!” “We’ve already seen a rise in the number of families for the first quarter, and heading toward summer the need is only going to be greater,” she added. “This gives us a head start toward making sure we can meet that need.” The Jefferson Leadership Institute classes of 2011 & 2012 sponsored a dollar dinner this year and raised $550 for the Food Pantry, including a generous $300 donation from Caskinette Lofink Ford! Pictured with Erika are Erich Leonard and Amanda Root, JLI Class of 2011. Last year, the Feinstein Challenge drew more than $19,000 in food and donations, including our grant from the Feinstein Foundation, which gives $1 million in grants of $250 to $35,000 to organizations fighting hunger. The Watertown Urban Mission’s grant this year will not be known for a few weeks still, but regardless of the amount, the event was a tremendous success because of your generous support. Twelve local businesses joined the Mission in collecting food for the pantry this year, including Best Western Carriage House, FX Caprara, HSBC, six Jreck Subs locations, M&T Bank, Savory Downtown, Key Bank and Reimann Wholesale. “We want to give back,” said Mark A. Rice, of Jreck Subs, who donated $500 in addition to the food collected at his shops. “It’s part of our message to the community.” Dollar Dinners a Huge Success The Watertown Urban Mission’s seventh annual Dollar Dinner program was a tremendous success this year, with thousands of you sharing a meal at more than 30 dinners scheduled from November through April. Thank you to the Northern New York Community Foundation, all the local churches and organizations who hosted events, and all of you who joined us for a meal. Our Mission, Our Dream Page 4 2012 Run for Recovery to Honor Two Victims of DWI Brian L’Huillier, a BOCES adult instructor, from Watertown, was killed Dec. 19, 1999 at the age of 40. His sister Lisa is helping organize this year’s run. John Ruggiero was killed in a hit and run accident on March 30, 1982 at the age of 30. His brother Chuck is helping organize this year’s run. Your Watertown Urban Mission is gearing up for the fourth annual Run for Recovery on September 8 at the Alex T. Duffy Fairgrounds in Watertown. This year’s 5k run/ walk and 10k run is sponsored by Alpine Fence and is being run in memory of John Ruggiero and Brian L’Huillier both of whom lost their lives in alcohol related motor vehicle accidents. “This event helps raise awareness of the dangers of DWI and supports our Bridge Program,” Laura Wendt, president of your Mission’s Board of Directors, said. “We are so thankful for all of your support for past races and hope you can be a part of this year’s event also.” The event has garnered significant media attention each year and is expected to draw 300 participants this year. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please call Sal Ciulo, Bridge director, or Drew Mangione, Development director, at 782-8440. If you are interested in running or walking in the race, you can pre-register by going to our Web site for a registration form or following the link to register online. New this year is a team competition. We are including a discount registration for teams of six and a new prize for the best combined time. As always, the event will include a great lunch, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, prizes and more. We hope to see you there. Your Bottom Line: 2012 Run for Recovery sponsored by Alpine Fence will be Saturday, Sept. 8, at 10 a.m. with registration opening at 7 a.m. Registration is $20 ($25 on race day) and $110 for teams of 6 ($140 on race day). We are offering a 10 percent off discount for military members. Prizes will be awarded to the top male and female runners in seven age categories, for the top walker, and best team performance. If you register by Aug. 29, you are guaranteed a race T-Shirt/gift bag. You Made it a Warmer Winter in 2012 Your gifts of coats, hats, gloves, scarves and more ensured that more than 1,000 individuals had warm coats, and nearly 2,000 accessories. Thank you for your generosity. Pictured here is Winifred Daughen, a retired United Methodist Pastor from LaFargeville, who handmade 750 hats this year for a total of 1,000 hats over the last two winters for your Mission. Price Chopper Family Fun Day Price Chopper on Arsenal St. will hold its annual food drive and cook out to benefit the Watertown Urban Mission on June 9 & 10. Last year’s event raised nearly $1,000. Come out for lunch, live radio broadcasts, free ID cards, and more. We hope to see you there! Are You Doing an Event to Benefit the Mission? Contact Development Director Drew Mangione at 782-8440 or dmangione@watertownurbanmission.org to see if the Mission can help you to make it an even bigger success. On a Mission to Save (continued from page 1) businesses an outlet to reach customers via free, valuable and convenient coupon books. Cliff used alcohol to forget his troubles, like when he lost his last business to his partner and then saw his marriage fail just before his last DWI. Alcohol was “an answer to my temporary issues,” and “I was headed down a road of feeling sorry for myself and self destruction,” he said. He’s in recovery now, thanks to your support of programs at your Mission, including the food pantry, where he volunteered and received emergency help. However, he isn’t worried about when the next bad day comes, because he’s not searching for answers in a bottle anymore. “I feel pretty good about myself now,” Cliff said. “There should be more of this type of program. I’ve learned there is no reason bad things happen to good people, other than it’s just a test. These obstacles are there to guide us.” Today, Cliff sees his opportunities and he makes the most of them. He taught himself how to use Photoshop and now he’s building a resume of high quality designs in his coupon book. He volunteers at the Mission when he has some free time, and he coaches baseball. Through your support of the Mission, you joined the Bridge Program in visiting Cliff in jail, raising his self image, and bringing him back from the brink. Now, he’s sending you coupons in the mail. Spring 2012 Page 5 Your Contribution Helps Your Community Thank You For Your Generosity and Your Continued Support of the Mission I would like to help my neighbors by making a donation to the Mission... Gift To provide baby formula for a mother whose WIC check didn’t cover the month $25.00 To pay for two to three essential prescriptions $50.00 To ensure a family of four has clothing, food, & basic items needed at home $100.00 To provide 1,000 balanced meals through our food pantry $250.00 Because every dollar goes a long way, and I want to give (enter any amount) $___________ Name Total: Address City State Phone E-mail Zip Church Affiliation Your Team at the Watertown Urban Mission President Laura Wendt Vice President Beverly Brown Secretary Marianne Malatino Treasurer Peter L. Salmon Assistant Treasurer F. Toby Morrow Executive Director Erika F. Flint Development Director Drew Mangione Fiscal Manager Tim Hillegas Administrative Assistant Ann Denney The Impossible Dream Thrift Store Tammy Kirch, Manager Joyce Hale, Assistant Manager Food Pantry & Volunteer Program Anita D. Ciulo, Coordinator John McConnell, Pantry Assistant Christian Care Center James Stanley, Coordinator Critical Needs Program Joanna Fassett, Client Advocate The Bridge Program Salvatore J. Ciulo, Director The HEARTH Program Anne McDow, Coordinator Diana Filion, Intake Coordinator In addition to the five officers, your Watertown Urban Mission Board is led by , Yvonne Brown, Richard Halpin, Krista Kittle, Martha A. Loveland,, Fr. Steven Murray, Dan Osborne, Lyle Pickert, JoAnne Rhubart, Timothy W. Scee II, Susan M. Snell and Rev. Joyce Woodcock. Are you on Facebook? Go to www.Facebook.com/YourMission and click “Like” to become a fan of your Mission and your Impossible Dream. If you have a smart phone, scan this QR code on the left. You’ll find the latest information with all kinds of great updates about your Mission, including all of the latest sales at our thrift store. Please click “like” today. Thank you for your support. Our Mission, Our Dream NON PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID Watertown, NY Permit No. 40 Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission & The Impossible Dream Thrift Store 247 Factory St., Watertown, NY 13601 Our Mission, Our Dream Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission & The Impossible Dream Thrift Store At a Glance Calendar May 12: Ready Set Fun Book Fest with canned goods going to Your Mission June 9-10: Price Chopper Family Fun Days July 16-22: Summer Stock Up Book Sale at Impossible Dream Thrift Store Inside this issue: On a Mission to Save You Helped Save a Man’s Life, Now He’s Saving You Money Your News: Your Gifts in Action 1 Your Mission: Spread the Word 2 New Excitement at Annual Auction 2 Your Mission Story Corner 2 Fresh Look at Your Dream Store 3 Your Generosity in Action: Feinstein 3 2012 Run for Recovery 4 You Made it a Warmer Winter 4 Family Fun Day 4
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