CRESTWOOD COLLEGE FOR BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE: PUPIL PREMIUM 2015 Crestwood College Pupil Premium Report 2014 - 2015 The pupil premium grant is paid to schools for pupils who are recorded as having been eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years, who are classed as Looked After Children, who have a parent serving in the armed forces or a parent who has left the armed forces in the last 3 years. The funds have been allocated as shown below and have been used to try to maximise their impact on ensuring that pupils from the above groups have equal and fair access to all aspects of school life, both curricular and extracurricular. We have used a wide range of initiatives to help those students who are eligible for the extra funding to achieve their targets and GCSE results show that these initiatives have had a significant effect on narrowing the historical gap in the achievement of pupils who receive pupil premium and those who do not. ESTIMATE OF Pupil Premium spend 2014/2015 Pupil Premium spend 2014/15 Activity Spend (£) Non –staff spend ICT Revision guides and study materials Educational trips/transport The Bridge/Andover Education Centre/ Cornloft (plus est for Spring term not yet invoiced) Educational Psychology Service Music Tuition / Uniform/ Breakfast club (est) Non-staff Total 578 3,075 531 25,000 1,500 500 31,184 Staffing – proportion of :Parenting Support Advisor Attendance Officer Alternative Learning Leader Behaviour Support Assistants Contribution towards these staff TOTAL 136,233 167,417 CRESTWOOD COLLEGE FOR BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE: PUPIL PREMIUM 2015 Gap in performance 28% compared with 26% Nationally Core Group gap is 23% Whole School Gap As a result of the interventions put into place last year, the gap in performance between those pupils who qualify for pupil premium and those who do not remains close to the national figure. Overall last year 26% students receiving pupil premium achieved 5 A*-C including English and Maths as opposed to 58% of those who do not qualify. A gap of 28% compared with the national average of 26% gap. This is an increase from the previous year but is still within 2% of the national gap. Core Group Gap The cohort of pupil premium students this year included a significant number of pupils who were educated in referral units or in alternative provision. If one considers only the students who were regular attenders in the school itself, those over whom we had a direct influence, we find that the percentage of this core group who achieved 5 A%-C including English and Maths rises to 35% - the gap between their attainment and that of the rest of the non-eligible students narrows to 23% which is smaller than the national gap. CRESTWOOD COLLEGE FOR BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE: PUPIL PREMIUM 2015 Performance in 2014 GCSE Examinations Pupils achieving 5 A* -C at GCSE incl English and Maths ACHIEVEMENT 2012 2013 2014 Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School National Diff All students 130 45 64 -19 137 57 67 -10 121 49 55 -6 PP 42 31 64 -33 42 50 67 -17 34 26 36 -10 Non-PP 88 51 64 -13 95 60 67 -7 87 58 62 -4 Within School Gap -20 -10 -28 There has been an improving trend over recent years however in 2014 the gap between students eligible for pupil premium support and their peers grew – this trend was reflected nationally with fewer disadvantaged children achieving 5A*-C across the whole country. Forward projections highlight the need for more effort, particularly at KS3, to ensure students begin their KS4 studies with achievement in line with their peers. More work overall is required to close the gap next year. CRESTWOOD COLLEGE FOR BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE: PUPIL PREMIUM 2015 % Pupils achieving expected progress in English HISTORICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012 2013 2014 Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School National Diff All students 126 73 72 1 133 70 74 -4 124 52 70 -18 PP 40 53 72 -19 41 56 74 -18 35 23 58 -35 Non-PP 86 83 72 11 92 76 74 2 89 61 75 -14 CRESTWOOD COLLEGE FOR BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE: PUPIL PREMIUM 2015 % Pupils achieving expected progress in Maths HISTORICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012 2013 2014 Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School Non-PP (nat.) Diff Cohort School National Diff All students 126 56 73 -17 135 67 76 -9 125 63 71 -8 PP 39 44 73 -29 41 59 76 -17 35 31 48 -17 Non-PP 87 62 73 -11 94 70 76 -6 89 76 71 5
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