STANDARDISING CREW COMMUNICATION SKILLS TRAINING USING SPEECH ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY: APPLICATION FOR AIR TRANSPORT OPERATORS. Dr. Brian Vaughan, Cofounder & CTO, Vocavio About Vocavio Vocavio has developed speech signal processing technology to generate insights into communication effectiveness and team dynamics. Our first product, CrewFactors, measures excellence in team communication skills to enhance safety and operational systems. This cloud based solution uses patent pending speech analysis technology to measure communication effectiveness in highly skilled teams. This technology can be used alongside existing simulation training systems to gain valuable insights into communication and team dynamics. Instructors and crew benefit by having access to evidence based metrics that augment the simulation training debrief and ultimately accelerates training. Team Communication The ability to work together with partners on a team is an essential skill for successful communication in stressful environments, such as aviation. This in turn facilitates the successful exchange of information, improves team effectiveness and cohesiveness, and generally leads to a more successful outcome. While there are a number of ways that communicative ability can be assessed, these can be somewhat subjec- Copyright © 2015 Vocavio Ltd. tive; the challenge then is how to objectively assess it. Human communication is a multi-faceted, multi-modal exchange of information utilising gestures, gaze, facial expression, body language and tone of voice. However, pilots are limited by the physical layout of the cockpit and by the need to stay fully aware of the instrumentation: thus pilots rely on speech as the primary method of communication, over and above the normal visual modalities. Numerous methods and training protocols exist to train crew in the non-technical aspects of flying a plane: Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC), Jet Orientation Course (JOC) and Crew Resource Management (CRM). Assessed communication skills commonly include Situational Awareness, Decision Making, Adaptability, Teamwork, Leadership, Assertiveness and Mission Analysis (REF). These methods may however suffer from subjectivity, as different instructors and training schools may assess differently. Consequently, this presents a real challenge forstandardising communication skills across an air transport operator. So how to objectify the subjective? In Trinity College Dublin, two speech scien- tists, Dr. Brian Vaughan and Dr. Céline De Looze, have developed a speech analysis engine (called ‘Vocavio’) that provides objective insights and metrics about individuals’ communication performance. 1 This technology is utilised by Vocavios first product, CrewFactors, to augment subjective CRM practices with a layer of objective metrics that can be used by both instructors and pilots. The technology is based on the research hypothesis that cooperation and coordination, within a team/crew environment, would be evident in the speech of the team members. By analysing how the prosodic parameters (the pitch, rhythm,and tone of speech) of two people interact over the course of a conversation, a process known as prosodic accommodation, insights about a crews (and an individual’s) communication performance can be gleaned. This is due to the fact that these prosodic accommodation processes are an important socio-communicative aspect of human interaction, being necessary for both information exchange and the establishment and maintenance of good relationships and rapport. The Analysis System The Vocavio speech analysis system is a cloud-based system that analyses the recorded speech of two people and produces detailed metrics. The CrewFactors product utilises the Vocavio engine to provide detailed, metrics via a by a web-based visualisation system. This turns the raw speech data into information, presented as intuitive and understandable figures and charts. The performance metrics are accessed via a secure website for use on an iPad by an instructor in a debriefing. 1. Record pilot audio 5. Deliver insights report 4. Generate & visualise metrics Testing the System Through working with a number of civil and commercial aviation partners it was established that the Vocavio speech analysis system metrics were strongly correlated with standard aviation communication metrics carried out using a number of different data sources over a period of time: a concentrated validation process involving human factors aviation psychologists and commercial partners was complimented by subsequent validation work with CRM instructors and various commercial aviation partners. The CrewFactors system turns the raw speech data from the Vocavio analysis engine into usable, concise and understandable information via a web based visualisation framework. The metrics that CrewFactors produces from the vocal analysis are: global team score and communication performance over time (based on the levels of prosodic accommodation between the two partners), team balance (based on each individual’s effort to adapt to their partner’s communicative style) and global amount of time talking, listening and overlapping. Result / Validation This research has demonstrated that the CrewFactors metrics provide strong objective metrics of CRM to augment the instructors own assessment, with strong, clear visuals that can be used in a de-brief to give pilots and instructors an unambiguous and concise set of results to discuss and work with. Value for Objective Evaluation 2. Upload to speech engine 3. Process speech signals Powered by Vocavio, a crew communications train-ing system called CrewFactors has been developed, which provides both crew and their training instructors with objective insights into communication and coordination skills. This web-based system can be easily operated by training instructors and integrated into existing crew training programmes. Two team partners perform a task. Their vocal interaction is recorded, processed, and a report is automatically generated by the system. Overview of the CrewFactors System, incorporating the Vocavio speech analysis engine. Copyright © 2015 Vocavio Ltd. 2 CrewFactors metrics include team score, communication performance over time, balance, talking, listening and overlapping quotients (See Appendix 1). Along with time aligned stressful events, these metrics provide information about an individual’s behavioural changes in critical situations (e.g. stress recovery). Figure 1 illustrates behavioural maintenance (a) and change (b) (blue curve) at a stressful event (orange dotted line). As can be seen, on the one hand, team#2 drops slightly in terms of their communication and recovers at a steady rate over the rest of the task; on the other hand, team #3’s communication drops significantly at a stress event, but increases and recovers very quickly immediately afterwards for a better performance outcome. Value for Standardisation By providing objective insights about an individual’s communication performance, Crewfactors, utilising Vocavio technology, can be used to assist an air transport operator in standardising crew communication skills. Once standards are defined (using statistical modelling techniques), evaluations of new entrants, skill monitoring and data gathering and comparison become more accessible, reliable and cost effective. Moreover, objective communication metrics can be used to focus communication training on the areas that individual pilots, and groups of pilots, are not strong in. Contact us at: Vocavio, Trinity Technology Campus, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2. Ireland Figure 1: Levels of communication effectiveness (blue line) over time obtained for two crews. The colour range indicates poor to excellent communication skills. The orange dotted lines indicate an instructor led stress event during a training scenario. Copyright © 2015 Vocavio Ltd. 3
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