1. plummer nick (NORTH WESTERN DEANERY) nickplummer@nhs.net Dr Nick Plummer Academic Foundation Doctor Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust nickplummer@nhs.net 07500 893225 A window to the brain: Should we be practicing point of care intensive care cranial ultrasonography? 2. chrismcgovern@doctors.org.uk An audit of sedati on and richmond agitation-sedation scale scores in intensi ve care Dr Christopher McGovern CT2 ICM & Anaesthetics, Dr Brian Dig by Consultant ICM and Anaesthetics Royal Alexandra Hos pital, Paisley 3. Swindi n Joel (HEALTH EDUCATION EAS T MIDLANDS) js windi n@nhs.net Joel Swindin CT2 anaesthetics East Mi dl ands DEanary A retrospective review of survival on intensive care after cardiac arrest in a typical district general hospital. 4. Maresa Santi maresa@doctors.org.uk Base excess and lactate as prognostic indicators for patients admitted to intensive care – 15 years later M Santi, G McAnulty, M Grounds St George’s Hospital, London, UK 5. Lorna Tordoff4th Year medical student HYMS - Lorna P Tordoff hyl pt@hyms.ac.uk Improving documentation of ICU Ad missions 6 Shuaib Quraishi <dr.shuaibquraishi@googlemail.co m> Surviving Sepsis at Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust Shuaib Quraishi, Sarah Denny, Samiksha Nepal, Ravi Sa ibaba, Gaurav Agarwal Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust 7 tomheaton@doctors.org.uk Social Media and Learning in Anaesthesia and Critical Care T Heaton, J Weeks 1 8. Dr Andrew Bailey andrew.r.bailey@mac.co m 07855261414 ST6 St Helier and Epsom Un iversity NHS Trust 5 years of Critical Care EEGs – 5 Lessons Learnt 9. Tom Syratt - tomsyratt@hotmail.co m Improving Adherence To Ventilator Care Bundle In a District General Syratt TW, Wallbank I Southport & Ormskirk District General 10. Bower, To m To m.Bower@whh.nhs.uk Warrington Hospital Acute Care Team …who cares wins 11. saibeiyin@163.com Biliary tract external drainage increase heme oxygenase -1 expression in liver Lu Wang; Bing Zhao ; Ying Chen; En-Qiang Mao;Er- zhen Chen.Department of Critical Care medcine, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China 12. Dr N Karunasekara niroshini22@doctors.org.uk A Good Outcome After Bilateral Absence of N20 SS EPs N. Karunasekara, A. MacDuff Newcross Hospital, Wolverhampton, UK niroshini22@hotmail.com 13 Khan Pervez (SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) pervezkhan@nhs.net Critical Incident reporting and patient safety initiatives at a local level P A Khan and S Williams 14. jphickman@doctors.org.uk A pilot course in critical care simulation training: Lessons from the nurses Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation trust. Dr J Hickman, Dr M Abayalingam, Dr K Hutchinson, Mr A Seraj, Dr A Rosenberg, Dr M Carby 2 15. Kidd Lawrence (ROYAL DEVON AND EXETER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) lawrence.kidd@nhs.net Non- invasive ventilation (in a folder) 16. Ben Chandler benchandler@live.com Improving the Documentation around admission to Intensive Care.docx 17. jamesmacbrayne@doctors.org.uk Incidence and duration of hyperoxia in out of hospital cardiac arrest patients admitted to the intensive care unit 1. James MacBrayne 2. Natasha Sawhney 1+2 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, UK jamesmacbrayne@nhs.net 18. Dr Ben Dowsing bendowsing@g mail.com07912148972 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust The appropriate prescription of Proton Pump Inhibitors Dr Ben Dowsing Dr Amandeep Gupta 19 Lower, Nicholas Nichol as.Lower@whh.nhs.uk MSSA Infection on the ICU.docx 20. Lina Grauslyte lgrauslyte@g mail.com Title: Diagnosis of HELLP syndrome. Where are we? Authors: Grauslyte L.1 , Zavackiene A.2 , Brukiene E. 2 , Baliuliene V. 2 , Rimaitis K. 2 Affiliation: 1 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; 2 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas klinikos, Dept of Anaesthesiology, Kaunas, Lithuania 21. Janelouisegibson@hotmail.com Rehabilitation after critical illness 3
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