2015 CROJGA Brochure

Thank You To Our Sponsors
2015 Calendar of Events
Jones, Ellis, Gardner, and
Twin Pines Golf Courses
Greater Cedar Rapids Open
Marion Iron
Allegra Print and Imaging
Airport National Golf Course
Hawkeye Fire & Safety
Hills Bank & Trust
Judy & Scott Carnes
Dental Prosthetic Service
Lisa L. Miller, PGA Master Professional
A special thanks to the Cedar Rapids Golf Dept.,
Ellis, Jones, Gardner, & Twin Pines golf courses,
and Airport National Golf Course
professionals and staff for their continued support.
Please support and thank our
sponsors whenever possible!
Alumni includes:
2007 Masters Champion
& 11 Time PGA Tour Winner
Zach Johnson
Cedar Rapids Optimists
Junior Golf Association
All tournaments are $5.00 each in addition
to Optimist Junior Golf Association
(CROJGA) membership of $10.
2015 Tournaments & Events
June 15 Tournament - Twin Pines
June 18 Tournament - Airport National
June 29 Tournament - Gardner
July 13 Tournament - Ellis
July 22 Tournament - Jones
All Tournaments scheduled 8 am—Noon
Call host golf course one week in advance to
request approximate tee time within your age
group. (See below).
Jones Golf Course
Ellis Golf Course
Gardner Golf Course
Twin Pines Golf Course
Airport National Golf Course
* Rain Date - July 27 Twin Pines
Tournament Age Groupings
and Approximate Tee Times
15-18 Boys/Girls
13-14 Boys
13-14 Girls
11-12 Boys/Girls
8-10 Boys/Girls
18 holes
18 holes
9 holes
9 holes
6 holes
8:00 - 9:15 am
8:30 - 10:00 am
8:30 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 11:00 am
11:00 - noon
Mission: To promote sportsmanship and healthy
competition through organized junior golf activities.
To encourage junior golf. To teach traditions,
rules and the etiquette of golf. To secure
instruction, practice, playing privileges and
concessions for its members.
2014 Golfers of the Year
8-10 boys
8-10 girls
Joe Giblin
Jenna Kramer
11-12 boys
11-12 girls
Brock Barnhart
Riley Lansing
13-14 boys
13-14 girls
Alex Slattery
Kristen Harding
15-18 boys
15-18 girls
Tyler Stueck
Emily Perrin
2014 Optimist International Qualifiers
Ian Johnson & Connor Neighbors
Visit crojga.org for full list
of Tournament Champions
and Photos from Previous Years!
Do you want to become an Optimist??? For
questions email: crojga@yahoo.com.
Member No.
Nine Core Values
8th Annual
Kennedy girls golf clinic
Parent volunteers are welcome and needed as scorekeepers to walk with junior golfers ages 8-12.
Please consider helping when you can.
Plan for a 3 hour stroll.
Committee Members
Terry Arnold, Larry Basile, Kurt Beenen
Jim Burrows, Terry Ebaugh, Mick Erdman
Rick Erickson, Mike Freriks, Bob Kocer
Bill Travis, Scott Youngberg
City, St., Zip_______________________________
Date of Birth ______-______-______
Age __________ (as of 6/1/15)
Parent Name_______________________________
Parent’s Phone #____________________________
Girls Golf Academy for girls 10-15.
Phone #___________________________________
Trophies and Medals will be awarded at each event
proportionate to the total number of entrants in each
age group.
Or contact Lisa Miller 286-5544
For further information.
(Please Print)
Open to all boys and girls,
ages 8-18 as of June 1, 2015
and entitles you to:
*Players Choice* Grab Bag Item
* Issued at first tournament you attend.
Do not need to be a CROJGA member or in
the Kennedy district to attend.
This summer long golf school is for girl
golfers who consistently play 9 holes.
Great for readying for
High School golf season.
$60 Fee. Starts May 4th, 2015.
Application Form
Detach here
August 5th thru 7th,10:00 AM - Noon
Ellis Golf Course
$30.00 entry fee (includes t-shirt)
Given by Julie Buerman: Past Women’s
City Amateur Champion and
Current Kennedy girls golf coach.
Register by calling 319-558-3222
or jbuerman@cr.k12.ia.us.
CROJGA Membership
Participant Expectations &
 No SkyCaddie© or GPS, parent caddies, or
parental advice during play
 Parents of kids 13 and older may walk with the
group (see above rule)
 Parent scorekeepers needed for ages 8 to 12
 Pull carts are available (for a fee) for anyone 814 years old
 Rules violations should be reported to
tournament director as soon as possible
 Have own golf clubs/equipment
 Must wear golf or athletic shoes during
 Display good sportsmanship and etiquette
 Be ready to play 15 minutes before your
scheduled tee time
Parent’s email ______________________________
Doctor’s Name _____________________________
□ Interested in becoming a caddie at the Cedar
Rapids Open (July 21-25) Must be 13 or older to
caddie. (Check here)
Visit us at www.crojga.org
Send application and $10.00 fee to:
Optimist Junior Golf Association
3500 Caribou Ct NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Or bring your $10.00 to the
first tournament you participate in.
(continued on reverse side)