CITY OF GRIFFIN, GEORGIA QUOTE REQUEST 14-010 For USED MINI-EXCAVATOR Submitted by: Name of Company: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Phone (including area code): E-mail: Submittal Deadline: Monday, November 11, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. RFQ 14-010 USED Mini-Excavator Page 1 of 3 CITY OF GRIFFIN, GEORGIA QUOTE REQUEST 14-010 Used Mini-Excavator 1.1. SCHEDULE This Quote request must be submitted no later than Monday, November 11, 2013 at 2PM. They may be scanned and emailed to, faxed to 678-692-0402 or delivered to City of Griffin, Procurement Department (3rd Floor), 100 S Hill Street, PO Box T, Griffin, GA 30223. Email is the preferred method of delivery and should have a subject of “Used Mini-Excavator”. 1.2. SCOPE OF WORK The City of Griffin is seeking quotes from qualified organizations for the purchase of a DEMO or USED mini-excavator in good condition for use by the Electric department. Equipment bid must have been manufactured in accordance with the latest revisions (at production time) of applicable ANSI, OSHA, DOT, SAE and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. They must meet all safety and weight requirements for the state of Georgia. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The department has a budget of $48,000 and is looking to obtain the best equipment available within that budget. The mini-excavator must meet the following criteria: 1.2.1. Total delivered cost must not exceed $48,000, 1.2.2. Engine - minimum of 38 HP (water-cooled diesel), 1.2.3. Low hours – equipment hours must not exceed 200 hours , 1.2.4. Age – equipment model year must not be older than 2011, 1.2.5. Operating weight – minimum of 11,800 lbs, 1.2.5 a 1.2.6. Overall width not to exceed 78” Equipment must have parts easily accessible and be able to be serviced in a relative close proximity to Griffin, GA SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1.2.7. Long stick boom with hydraulic thumb control, 1.2.8. 24” bucket with minimum of 4 teeth, 1.2.9. Hydraulic angle backfill blade, minimum of 78” and capable of 4-way operation 1.2.10. Travel with pedals, 1.2.11. Hydraulic quick attach couple for buckets and attachments, operated on its own dedicated hydraulic circuit 1.2.12. 2nd hydraulic circuit for powering hydraulic attachments, must not be installed on the same circuit as the quick coupler, 1.2.13. Dual position controls (Deere and CAT controls), 1.2.14. ROPS canopy with ROPS/FOPS operators station, 1.2.15. True zero tail swing radius machine, 1.2.16. Rubber tracks. The City reserves the right to demo the unit and have an authorized mechanic examine the equipment prior to purchase. RFQ 14-010 USED Mini-Excavator Page 2 of 3 14-010 PRICE SUBMITTAL: Used Mini-Excavator Company Name ______________________________ Bid Price Valid Through ____________________ PRICE STRUCTURE – Complete the following and include associated information specifics for the cost quoted. Spec sheet for unit MUST be provided with the bid. (This may be copy of original or downloaded from manufacturer.) Manufacturer/Make/Model: Horsepower: Year: CURRENT Engine Hours: Address of nearest Service Center to 30223 . . . Warranty period included with unit . . . . . . . . . Total unit price (delivered to 245 Emlet Drive, Griffin, GA): . . . . . $ Cost and period covered for optional extended warranty: . . . . . . . $ Available manuals/parts list to be included: List (and explain) any requirements of section 1.2 not met: Accessories available that are not included in price (list accessory and cost): List any damages beyond normal usage or defects: ************************************************************************* DELIVERY: ANTICIPATED DELIVERY timetable after receipt of the Purchase Order. ************************************************************************* Additional comments/recommendations: The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotes and to waive any technicalities and formalities in the bidding. The City reserves the right to accept the BEST-EVALUATED submittal as deemed by the Evaluation Committee, which may or may not be the lowest monetary bid. NOTE: Once a quote has been accepted, the bidder will be asked to provide the required paperwork in order to be a registered vendor with the City of Griffin. Information on becoming a registered vendor with the City can be found on our website using the following link: COMPLETED BY: Company Name: Contact Person: (Signature) RFQ 14-010 USED Mini-Excavator (Printed Name) Page 3 of 3
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