3-24-2015sfNL - Crystal Springs UMC

Crystal Springs United Methodist Church
MARCH 24th, 2015
Volume 66: Issue 12
MEMBERS: J ohn Hollon; Lindsey Walker ; Nick Hoda; Scott J ones; Alber t Suther land;
Howell Neil McNeill; Scott Jones; Kent Newman; Fay & Ray McDaniel.
FRIENDS: Danny Holder ; J eff Var as (Kayr a J ohnson’s br other -in-law); Robert Webb (Hugh’s
brother); Babs Woods; Cherie Blocker; Wayne Swain (David’s father); Genie West; Robert Flores
(friend of Kelly family in NC); Diane & Harold Woodall; Scott Lawyer; Pat Yeates; Spencer
Johnston; Ann Johns; Sylvia Beach; Bailey Jenkins; Bobby Matthews; Dandra “Dannie” Akins (Julie
Johnson’s mom); Lillian Hux (Kayra Johnson’s niece). PR UMC: Frances Goza; Vivian Pace; Allie
Brooke West; Dan Pickett. Gallman UMC: Juanita Harris (knee replacement); Carolyn Cameron;
James Earl Cohn; Doris Polk; Jake Heard; Glen & Janice Belding; Brent Grimell; Robbie
Gremillion; Ann Harper; Mary Ellen Jones; Lilly Love; Nell Morrison; Evelyn Schruff; Irene Coke
Hendricks; & our shut-ins.
HOSPITALIZED: Ver lin Suther land - Copiah Living Ctr
Wed., MAR. 25th:
12:00 pm Noon National Prayer CS United Meth. Church
4:30 pm Praise Band @ APEX
4:30 pm Meal Delivery - Misty S.
5:30 pm Supper
6:00 pm 6th Grade Confirmation
6:00 pm Disciple III Bible Study
6:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:30 pm APEX Praise & Worship
6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun., MAR. 29th:
8:45 am Chancel Choir Practice
9:30 am Nursery Opens
9:45 am Sunday School
The MacDowell Music Club invites everyone to A Grand Night on Fri., Mar. 27th, at 7:00
9:45 am God’s Pods Practice for
p.m. at the First Baptist Church. The Grand Night program is an enjoyable hour of piano
Palm Sunday in Sanctuary
music played by 8 people on 4 pianos. Many of our church members will be playing. Tickets
are $5 and are available at the door. Monies raised will provide scholarships to summer piano 10:55 am Morning Worship
4:30 pm Disciple II Bible Study
camps for piano students. Please come & support the Music Club & enjoy some great music!
6:00 pm Contemporary Service
Mon., MAR. 30th:
FAMILY COMMITTEE MEETING - Monday, March 30th at 6:30 p.m. in Conf. Rm.
6:30 pm Family Committee in CR
TRUSTEES MEETING - Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 p.m. in Conf. Rm.
Tues., MAR. 31st:
10:00 am Ladies’ Bible Study in CR
Holy Week Schedule:
6:00 pm Trustees Meeting in CR
Seder Meal - Maundy Thurs., April 2nd 6:00 p.m. (Seated meal in Family Life Center)
The Last Hour - Good Fri., April 3rd 5 - 7 pm (Personal Reflection; come & go in Sanctuary) morning sermons can now be found
Easter Egg Hunt - Sat., April 4th at 2:00 p.m. at 2160 Harmony Rd. (McAlpin’s)
on our new website at:
www.crystalspringsumc.org. Click
Death to Life Cross - Sat., April 4th at 5:00 p.m. (decorate cross with fresh flowers)
on the “Media/Publications” tab at
Easter Sunday - Sun., April 5th (Baby parade & nursery worker recognition)
the top and then click on the
Besides the fresh flowers that come from our church families’ yards, additional flowers must be “Sermons/Media” button.
ONLINE GIVING is now available!
ordered for the Death to Life Cross. If you would like to help defer the cost of the flowers
It is safe and secure. You may sign
ordered, please designate your check memo line for “Death to Life” cross. Thank you.
up by visiting our church website,
PLEASE NOTE REGARDING THE NEWSLETTER. If you ar e not r eceiving an email copy but
www.crystalspringsumc.org. Click
would like to be added to the distribution, please send your name and current email address to
on the “Media/Publications” tab at the
csumc.information@gmail.com. If you wish to receive a newsletter by mail, please call the church office top; then click on the “Links” button;
(601 892-1357) or send your name and current address to csumc.information@gmail.com.
and then click on the “On-Line
Giving” button.
www.crystalspringsumc.org (note: no dash like the former web address).
APEX Wed. Pr aise Band at 4:30 pm; Dinner (Youth Cost $3) at 5:30 pm (don’t for get to sign in & pay at the
table on Wed. evening) & Youth Contempor ar y Wor ship @ 6:30 pm in the APEX.
Come join us for APEX Sunday Evening Small Group Study at 7 p.m.
TUESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY - the next one is Mar. 31st at 6:45 am & is over at 7:30
am. You ar e r esponsible for your tr anspor tation to school. If you or a par ent is willing to help dr ive other s to
school, let Jana know. We need a volunteer to provide breakfast on the 31st.
***WE NEED HELP on Sat., April 4th at 1 pm to help hide Easter Eggs at the McAlpin’s (2160 Harmony Rd.)
& also with the Baby Parade on Easter Sunday, April 5th.***
SAVE THE DATE - Summer Trip 2015 July 30th - August 1st! We’r e going to the Motion Student
Conference in Birmingham, AL. Check it out at www.motionstudents.com!
The APEX is open at 9:45 am on Sun. mornings for SS; 4 pm on Wednesdays; & 7 pm on Sunday evenings.
Contemporary Worship Service on Sunday nights at 6 pm in the Sanctuary!
OUR ACOLYTES Eydi Kitchens and Nathan Bassett
did a great job Sunday!
NURSERY VOLUNTEER: 3/29 Debbie Guynes
THANK YOU: to Tanya Mohawk for providing the
Children’s Moments.
SANCTUARY FLOWERS: 3/29 ar e given by Sally
Garland, Debbie Guynes, Tracy Wilson, & Joe Martello in
memory of Zubie Martello & M/M Auther Knight.
MARCH PRAYER FOCUS: Our Lenten jour ney to the
Cross as we reflect on Jesus Christ & prepare for Easter.
Our Father’s Closet is now open at 105 S. Jackson St. on Th.,
Fri., & Sat. 8 am - 4 pm. Proceeds support Our Father’s
House. Donations welcomed (clothing, shoes, & accessories).
Sunday School 3/22
Morning Worship 3/22
Evening Worship 3/22
Nursery 3/22
Wed. Meal 3/18
Wed Meals Served Homebound
Wed Meal Fund
General Fund
Needed Weekly
Needed to Date
Received to Date
APEX/Capital Fund
Youth Fund
Camp Wesley Pines
Pastor’s Discretionary Funds
Seekers SS Class
Casey Collins
Julia Bryan
Scott Jones
Bridges Rutland
Please send your updates to:
Attention: Sue Freeman
Supper Wed. night 3/25:
Fried chicken; mashed
potatoes; string beans;
broccoli; rolls; green salad;
dessert; & tea.
INFORMATION NEEDED FOR NEW WEBSITE: We request all adult SS & Small Group Leaders to put together a brief paragraph describing your class/group; where it meets; when; and who to contact about your group. Please return to the
church office. You can email Jana at csumc.apex@gmail.com or the church office at csumc.information@gmail.com. Thank you!
Volunteer, Sun., Mar. 29th - Debbie Guynes
Children’s Church, Sun., Mar. 29th - Rebecca Thor nton
*Wed. Night Activities: Music w/ J ulie J ohnson & Dana Bassett; Bible Study w/ Tanya Mohawk &
Lisa Kelly; and Recreation w/ Jason Kelly & Tammy Johnson. K4 - K5 Leader is Casey Collins
Nursery - Nicole Kelly. *
Confirmation Classes on Wednesdays for the 6th graders from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. led by Brother Scott. Class ends April 1st.
God’s Pods Worship Dance Ministry has begun for God’s Pods Grades 1 - 3 during Children’s Church Time and will be led by
Lauren Rutland.
Plan ahead: March 29th Palm Sunday (J oyful Noise Choir & Pod’s Pr aise will sing & wave palm br anches) - God’s Pods
meet in Sanctuary at 9:45 to practice; April 5th Easter Sunday (Baby Parade & Nursery worker recognition); April 12th
(Confirmation); May 3rd (Children’s Sabbath); and Vacation Bible School (July 6th - 10th from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.).
***Sign up for summer camp! We are promoting YEII (1st - 3rd grades) 7/27/15 - 7/29/15 and OEIV (4th - 6th) 7/20/15 7/24/15. The church will pay 1/2 the cost of one camp per child per summer for members.
Register online at www.wesleypines.com.
To sign up for mass God’s Pods informational texts: Text this @godspo to this number: 601-255-1764.
Crystal Springs United Methodist Church
306 W. Georgetown St.
Crystal Springs, MS 39059
Office Telephone 601-892-1357