Getting Your Bearings Welcome to Cornerstone Community Church

April 26, 2015
Crew Kid Meeting
Toucans and Lizards meet next Sunday! See
you in Room C4 at 8:15am with your notebooks!
Youth Connect
Grades 6-12
The Gospel Project | Sunday | 9:45am | Youth Center
Grades 9-12
Sunday | 5:00pm-7:00pm | Youth Center
Please place this card in the offering plate when it’s passed.
Regular Attender
Second-time Guest
First-time guest
Best Contact Phone (
VBS Volunteers
Climb your way to the top of Mt. Everest and
volunteer to help with VBS. Stop by the table
in the Atrium next week to pick up your VBS
information! Positions are starting to fill up.
1st/2nd time guest, how did you hear about Cornerstone Community Church?
Ministry Partner (member)
Address Email (please print)
Change in contact information
Children Connect
Grades 6-8
Wednesday | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Pizza Night! Bring $5 | Youth Center
Jr. Sr. Trip
Cannon Beach, OR | June 16th-22nd | Register online
Misc. Information
Sermon CD’s
CD’s can be ordered in the Atrium at the Welcome Center ($2 each). Listen
online at or download the message through iTunes by
searching for “Cornerstone Greeley.”
Sunday Morning Parking
The Resource Center (South East)
Medical Building and Dictaguard (South of Church)
The lower lot across the alley north of the church
Staff 1321 9th ave. | greeley | 80631 | | 970.352.3030
Associate Pastor | Greg Ehlert |
Director of Worship Arts | Marvin Easter |
Director of Care & Community Life | Linda Randolph |
Director of Youth Ministry | Donny Butkus |
Director of Childrens Ministry | Zoe Adamson |
Childcare Coordinator | Tanya Ehlert |
Church Business Administrator | Julie Reimers |
Communications Coordinator | Jenna Soltys |
Receptionist | Sonya Thompson |
AV Tech | TJ Wilson |
Welcome to Cornerstone Community Church
We are an ordinary group of people who are being Rescued by the Grace of God, being Restored in the Joy of
finding life in Him and being Released to Love God, ourselves and others because of the great news of Jesus Christ.
If you’re visiting with us this morning we invite you to
sit back, relax and allow God to meet you. We are
an intergenerational family of imperfect people relying
on God’s grace to love Him and others with His love.
We are currently in the process of searching for a new
senior pastor but our life and mission continues to
thrive. The length of the worship service is generally an
hour and fifteen minutes which includes contemporary
music, traditional hymns, prayer, scripture-reading
and a message. Please join us in singing or feel free
to just observe and take it all in (please silence your
cell phone). You will notice that the newsletter you’re
holding has a perforated Connect Card. Please fill it
out as everyone will be invited to place their card in the
offering plate towards the end of the service. A small
gift is available for you as you exit the inside sanctuary
doors (west entrance).
Getting Your Bearings
First things first; the bathrooms are in the Atrium accessed down the steps through the front of the Sanctuary.
If you have an infant or small child, there is a “cry room” in the back of the Sanctuary where you can still see
and hear the service. The nursery (0-3 years) is also available. Children (potty-trained) are dismissed in the
middle of the service for age-appropriate teaching in the Children’s Chapel (downstairs from Atrium). Join
us from 9:40am-10:40am each Sunday morning in the Celebration Center for teaching for adults (Sunday
school is offered for children and youth). Please visit the Welcome Center in the Atrium to meet some of our
friendly hosts and to find out more about the church. As always, you can find us online at
We are members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (
All Church Connect
Take the Connect with you as a reminder to pray during the week. Talk to God as you read the items listed.
Praise Him for the joys. Bring the mentioned people and events before His throne of grace.
• 12 of our children and youth participated in the Colorado Choir
Festival yesterday with over 120 other singers at the Littleton
United Methodist Church! Marvin Easter was on the planning
team and helped accompany the choirs.
• Our handbell choir will be the pre-concert music for this
weekend’s Greeley Philharmonic concert with the UNC choirs.
Come early to hear them playing in the lobby!
Please pray for the following:
• Gerry Miyoshi is recovering from a hip replacement on
Wednesday. Pray for a good healing journey.
• Les Wilkinson in the loss of his wife, Karen.
• Those in rehab: Bob Lisle at Fairacres and Fran Becker at Star
• Ron and Tammi Schlueter as Ron continues his cancer treatment
plan. Pray for healing and strength.
• Our Elders during this season of leadership.
• Our Deacons as they reorganize their areas of ministry.
• Our Pastor Search Team: Kim Lawrence, Terry Matthews, Grace
Brotherton, Pam LaPorte, Jane Kayl, Dick Ziegler and Tad Gilmore
• If you have a prayer request, please email the church prayer chain
directly ( or call the office (970.352.3030).
Thank you
We want to thank you for the prayers and support you gave us
while Karen was ill with Atypical Parkinsonism. She suffered over the
last two years, but you prayed and supported her through and now
she is with our Lord and Savior. I thank all of you for the friendship,
support and prayers you have given our family during this difficult
time. - Les Wilkinson, Leasa Magnuson, Jeff Wilkinson
Pastor Search Committee
Updates are available at and at the Welcome Center.
Right Now Media
Right Now Media is an online resource that everyone at Cornerstone
has access to – for free! If you received an email invitation, please
follow the prompts to complete your registration. If you did not
receive an invitation, please email Donny at donny@csgreeley.
org to be included in this opportunity.
National Day of Prayer
Join the community of believers on Thursday, May 7th,
between 11:00am-1:00pm in the Celebration Center at
Cornerstone Community Church for the annual National Day
of Prayer event. This is an opportunity to pray with and for one
another, our city and nation.
Faith In Action
If you are a seasoned adult member of our
church, a single mom or know of someone
that needs help with home maintenance
issues, you may need a Faith In Action
volunteer to help you. Contact the church
office or Jerry Felte at 356.7790.
Did you know?
Our deacons made 57 contacts through
hospital visits, home visits, phone calls
and cards in March!
Men’s Softball Team
Cornerstone has a team playing in the
city’s summer softball league. Please
contact Zach Broughton at 405.4560 or and sign up on
the connect card.
“Our vision is to see
people rescued and
restored by Jesus Christ
so they joyfully love the
Lord and others in His
Community Groups | Sundays 9:45am
Meet to discuss the sermon passage and support each other in life.
Retired | Community Room
Facilitators: Neva Ochs, Larry & Fran Becker, Dick & Amy Ness
Late Career/Retired | Upper Room
Facilitators: Dick & Jean Smith, Don & Dee Horton
Late Career/Retired | Chapel
Facilitators: Linda Randolph, Denis & Wanda Harness
Up to 40 (or so) | Son Room
Facilitators: Greg Ehlert, Alexia Peake
April 26, 2015
Contact me about:
Becoming a follower of Jesus
Sign me up for:
Right Now Media
Men’s Softball Team
Men’s Rendezvous Event
Church Picnic
40+ | Hospitality Room
Facilitators: David & Sonya Thompson
Intergenerational | Celebration Center
Facilitators: Ken Wiggers
Community Groups will not meet today during the middle hour. We will be
gathering in the Celebration Center to hear our guest speaker, Rob Styler.
Adult Connect
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study | 9:00am-11:00am
The Tuesday Morning Bible study will end May 5th and resume in September.
It was a great year together! Deepest thanks to this year’s facilitators:
Mary Haight, Grace Brotherton, Elsie Hunter, Deb Ryan, Deb Gilliam, Vivian
Montey, Julie Hall and Zoe Adamson
Alcoholics Anonymous Group
This women’s group meets Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the
“Upper Room” at Cornerstone. The only requirement for membership is to be
a woman who desires to stop drinking. Childcare is provided. Please call 24
hours prior to meetings to RSVP for childcare 373.9817.
Rendezvous at Field of Dreams
Men, save the date. Saturday, May 16th is
a one-day activity at the Johnson’s home.
This event will begin with an 8:30am
breakfast and concludes at 5:00pm with
the all-church picnic.
International Student Bible Study
Bible study will meet each Friday evening starting with dinner at 6:00pm (4720
12th Street, Greeley). Contact Tad Gilmore at 405.7452 or Jane Gilmore at Please keep this ministry in your prayers.
Cornerstone Community Picnic
Join us for an all church picnic Saturday,
May 16th, 5:00pm at the Johnson’s
(22455 Cnty Rd. 49, La Salle). Meat
and drinks will be provided. Last names
starting A-L, bring a side to share. M-Z
bring a dessert. There’s something for
all ages; softball, horse shoes, tractor
train (kids), etc. Register online or on the
connect card.
Financial Update
We will meet May 15th at 11:30am at the home of Ida May Else (7883 West
28th Street, Greeley) for a potluck lunch. Bring a dish to share and table
service. Questions, contact Mary 353.1743.
as of
Income $272,098
Expenses $248,922
“One cannot
authentically love
God without a true
knowledge of Him.”
Isaiah . Hosea . Matthew