C ENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LI\,INB A IIIESSAGE FROM OUR Sanday Celebrations l!1 |lIS]ER we are <trvggliwg iv3t ta 9:30 am and 11:00 am Mak" erl< Mee. i): ta L< Yoath Celebration cha\ar.gLr.g ?it:ii!,-'' {Me, eA.erg\ aa.d facv3 ta live at that Le,rd. -rhL< Mawth. we wU tak" a pLercir.g Laalz at what Mi4ht be bLackia4 avr \ u, Efiitil d,u,t, el Uiixc, # Practitioners and Spiritual Coaches ///i'r.. LICENCSED PRACNNONERS Lillian Due Jean Gray 636.947.6543 RSoP ShariLiessRSoP AnnaThomas RS.P 314.709.2546 314.414.7151 636 227.7379 LindaJoyMooE 314.795.7054 Tom MooE 314.402.0604 EmmaWeawr 314.333.4541, LoraineClarkson 314.210.1452 CatherineWoll 314.337.3003 Rev. Dr Marigene DeRusha ASSOCIATE MINISTER Rev Dr. LauEn@ DeRusha 314.303.6702 314.303.2277 Spiritual Coadres are available for private sessions and Spiritual Llind Treatment (affirmative prayer): Each seb his or her fee. our retired practitioners arealso available and do not drarqe. JUIlE E'/EIl]S 31 1 Il]EME. 2 Spiritual 0irector nev.0r. Marigene 0enusha tlavLwg aw abva.davt 4 SPIRITUAL@ACHES SPIRITUALDIRECTOR ; ! pra+eri.ru Lw fLaw, awd we g ! aw Lw the 6?eAiwg fnadgates L< thLwg aa.d far a,l thLwg a,IUt tt gLves gaad at"4 of gaadt Know with me now: v3 the frudaL ta <hare avr gL{ts wi.th the warLd awd ta have, be aa.d da that wh:Lch I MakB avr heatB <Lv'.q. all wh:Lch are 4ad ardaLaad. tf Jroo[saes oJsoo[r "FREEDOM WLLL car:ciav<Lu create fnw avr Ures have the conscia a stt cteate operingin rte Il]ROUGl] FL0u" 3 5 "Th e Great Am erican Raymond n.lri"iL" Fr;n;s 1230pm 7 a L2 11 13 Floodsates of Good" onene$Bless;s 1230pm lmpbv ComedyCabar* 15 15 L7 20 1a Rev.JodyStden$n 230- 5100pm "ThePower of a BraveThought" ani";"ii,rra ThoushtWork$op 1230pm 22 2L 23 A vkionin;1ras 26 25 "You areProvided for Always and in Allways" 1100- 300pm pm l**' 29 2A "Do lReally Deserve Aft q Death c;;munication Healins Share 530/ eOOpm 7 2 3 27 20 l5 . "Caring. Connected. Cornrnunity- t Center lor {ttu4l LMn! OeILt&a f, 1tur.Ot. AND vDEos. CHE.( suided rhythmic drum journey activation to assist us in connecting with the many incarnations that we have had have helping us to establish the idea of an "eternal" self. Register in the Rising Thought rAL(s Lrs oLrr. DRUM CTRcLE Last Friday ofthe month 6:30PM Pot !.k 7:30PM Dr!m CoNsctous aND PEAcEFUL E48E!]]!.qEgI!!![ 2nd Saturday ofthe month 5:00-6:30 pm, sign up for babysitting in Scott Hall lMPRov CoMEDY select Thursdays 7:00-9:00 PM with Bob Baker PM MEDtraTloN EverySalurday 6:30-7:30PM Alllevels welcome lll NarvE SPrRrr WNps 2nd & 4th [Iondays 6:30-8:30 PM All levels welcome. Eltra fltes/per.lss on ala ab coita.t Terry Stiers e 314 255 3409 RAW VEGAN PoTLUcK 5:00 PM Potluck 3rd Saturday of each month Everyone welcome. RtstNG THoucHT StNGERS 8:00 PM each l\Ionday Talk with Jean Gray VtstoNtNG 3rd Sunday 12:45 PM Allare welcomel Led by Patrice TenBroek CREATtvE ARTtsrs GUtLD 3rd [Ionday 6:30 - 8:30 Allartists welcome! 314-576-6772 oftemamger@dstlmg Stevenson will guide you to work through PM Resister in the Risins Thousht Bookstore. Fee is S3s. Bookstore. S1s "Familv BBq' Fridav. June 19th 5:oo 8:00 pm Join your CSL family for a Your Drum Voice Diembe Drum Class "Find relaxins evenins of srilled food and and Rhvthm Circle" Saturdav. June 6'h 1:30 3:00 pm Join Matt and Stephanie of Earth Rhythms Healins for a djembe drum class rhythm circle. They will address the history of why drumming together is so powerful and teach hand and rhythm technique on the djembe. Register in the Rising Thought Bookstore. S1s HEALING SHARE Fourth Sunday ofthe month 5:30 PM Potu.k 6:00PM Hea n9 Explore alternative healing FLow Yoca Thursdays 6:30-8:00 with Susan Lofrin Road aspects of Numerology that will tell you what you have accomplished in past lives, whether or not you have created Karmic debts and/or Karmic Learnings, as well as what you are here to accomplish this life time. Thiscourseisnot and/or will only educational, it is fun and revealingl WWW.CSLSTL.oRG SLTNDAY [e [e WHAT'S HAPPENING "Tunins lnto the Akashic Records" Wednesdav. lune 3'd 7:30 - 9:oo oh Stephanie Kusmer will lead a DowNLoAD 12875 Creve Coer, M0 63146 like-minded companionship. Hot dogs and drinks provided. Please bring a side-dish to share. Feel free to bring your own food to cook on the grill. And don't forget your lawn chairsl Sign up in Scott Hall. "Prosperitv Plus" class starts Tuesdav. June .i.r. 23'd 7:oo - 9:30 pm loin Rev. "lmprov Comedv Cabaret''Sundav. June 7th s /-Z Marisene DeRusha and Patrice renbroer ror this crass on rinanciar 6:30 pm Doors open at 6:00 pm. Show starts abundance for 8 Tuesdays and a at 6:30. Join Bob Baker and a talented cast of improv players as they create scenes, games Saturday -t0:00 am - 3:00 pm workhop. This and songs based entirely on audience class will help you release your financial blocks (meanins your) sussestions. Join us for a nisht and create the life of your dreamsl Registration is S150 in the Rising Thought of pure funl Love offering. "Uve Without Pain and lnflammation" Bookstore. Payment plan requires S80 down. Deadline to register is J une 14. Wednesdav. June loth 7:oo - 8:30 pm . , loin certified L.E.A.N. Coach Nancy "After Death Communication" Sundav. YYW ni't", to learn scientificallv Droven June 28th 12:30 pm l out of 5 Americans has to reduce inrammaiion and had an After Death Communication. loin ' ' pain using L.E.A.N. (Lifestyle, Barbara Altman to learn about ADCS from her ' Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition) techniques own experiences and from "Hello from by Dr. William Sears. Register in the Rising Heaven" by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. Love Thought Bookstore. Fee is S20, optional offering. Sign up in Scott Hall. workbook 54. "Awakened UvinE 3OI'Tuesdav. Julv 7th 6:30 - 9:30 pm Suzanne Giesemann is comins back "The Power of a Brave ThouEht''Sundav. to CSL St. Louisl ln this dynamic course, she pm June 14th 12:30 Join Rev. Jody Hill Stevenson to learn simple, proven techniques will show you how to optimize the humanto transform your life, relationships, and the spirit experience and prepare you to soar to unique world in which you live - one Brave the next level in your spiritual growth. Thought at a time. S30 in advance, S35 at the Register in the RisingThought Bookstore. S30. door. Register in the Rising Thought "Comedv Camp Stand-Up Class" beEins Tuesdav. Julv 14th 6:30 - 9:30 pm Bookstore. *sign up in the Lobby for a private appointment comedy veteran Phyllis Shulman will tIf Alltr *" with Reu lody Stevenson Monday,lune 15s. show you the ropes and help you hone *:[:31ffiffi4i1;iW #-[]i:*il]#;:1,;f';
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