Annexure-1 For LT meters S No Testing Charges (3 times) spread for life of the meter F= (Testing charges for respective meters)*3/15 Cost of Meter Installation cost of meter and metering equipment Cost of defective meters @ 2.5% per year Total effective cost of meter Annual Cost per year A B C= (B*2.5%*9.5 Years) D=C+B E=D/15 1106 1,397 332 1,729 115.26 73 188 20 100% 10-60 Amp meter 2326 4,956 1,177 6,133 408.89 73 482 50 100% 20-100 Amp. Meters 2892 5,588 1,327 6,915 460.99 73 534 50 0% L.T.C.T meter 10225 13,302 3,159 16,461 1,097.39 281 1378 120 71% Particulars 1 Single Phase meter a Single Phase meter 2 Polyphase meter Total (Annual Cost) Monthly Rent G=E+F G/12 % Increase /Decrease Modem Cost as per SOR 4017 Annexure- 2 Sl. No. Particulars Approved Charges effective from 01.09.2007 B. Other work oriented jobs 1 Shifting of meter/meter board in the same premises. (Even at the consumer's request) 70 2 Re-sealing of cut outs provided on meter board in the consumer's premises, if seal is found broken. 25 3 Replacement of fuses/meter reading card a) Replacing consumer's cut out fuses (LT) b) Replacement of missing meter reading card (LT) 4 Disconnection/Reconnection 25 Work Force Required LM + HELPER LM + HELPER Number of jobs Cost of Work Force (monthly) Cost of Work Force Per day (Taking 24 working days in a month) Cost per Job A B C=(B/24) D=C/A 56575 2357 168 170 143% 56575 2357 67 70 180% % Increase /Decrease Charges 14 35 HELPER 20 26100 1088 54 55 100% HELPER 20 26100 1088 55 55 - a) Single phase LT connection 60 LM + HELPER 20 56575 2357 118 120 100% b) 3-Phase LT connection upto 25 HP/19 KW 150 LM + HELPER 10 56575 2357 236 240 60% c) 3-Phase LT connection above 25 HP/19 KW 500 LM + HELPER + JE 6 95408 3975 663 665 33% d) HT Connection upto 5 MVA 1750 LM+AE (2) + TA GR-1 + HIRED VEHICLE 3 205287 8554 2851 2860 63% e) HT Connection above 5 MVA 2500 LM + AE + TA GR-1 + EE (2) + HIRED VEHICLE 2 6141 6150 146% 294749 12281 LM + JE 8 69308 2888 361 370 140% LM + JE 4 69308 2888 722 730 140% 5 Re-rating/checking of installation/equipment done at the request of the consumer a) Single phase connection 150 b) Three phase connection 300 Sl. No. 6 Particulars Testing of installation For the subsequent testing of installation, or testing of an extension to the existing installation, or if the wining contractor or his representative fails to be present during initial testing of a new installation or subsequent testing Approved Charges effective from 01.09.2007 Work Force Required 200 Number of jobs Cost of Work Force (monthly) Cost of Work Force Per day (Taking 24 working days in a month) Cost per Job A B C=(B/24) D=C/A 3975 497 Charges % Increase /Decrease 8 LM+HELPER+JE 95408 500 150% Annexure- 3 Employees Required Testing charges Existing Single phase meter 130 3Ph. 4 wire meter, without CT 200 LT CT (each) 170 3 Ph, 4 Wire meter, with CTs 880 Equipment’s Required 1. ERSM Acc CL 0.1 2. Phantom Loading Kit (Voltage current source) 1. ERSM Acc CL 0.1 2. Phantom Loading Kit (Voltage current source) 1. Primary Injection Kit 2. Multimeter 1. ERSM Acc CL 0.05 2. Phantom Loading Kit (Voltage current source) Employee Cost (Monthly) Rs /- Per Day Employee Cost ( 24 days) Employee Cost Per Job Equipment Cost Per Job Net Cost B C=B/24 D=C/A Y=X/(15*24*12*A) E=D+Y Equipment Cost Possible Number of jobs in a day X A 12,75,385 15 1 1 1 0 124025 5168 345 19.7 1275384.6 15 1 1 1 0 124025 5168 345 1,51,705 15 1 1 1 0 124025 5168 345 14,67,347 - - - - - AE TA G 1 HELPER EE Proposed Charges Changes 364 360 177% 19.7 364 360 80% 2.3 347 350 106% Sum of Meter testing charges and LT CTs 1405 1400 59% Employees Required Testing charges Existing Tri-Vector meter 1200 33 KV or 11 KV Metering Equipment (Combined CTPT Unit) 2680 220 KV or 132 KV Metering Equipment (CT or PT Set) 3750 O/C, E/F Relay per element testing 400 BDV 320 Equipment’s Required 1. ERSM Acc CL 0.05 2. Phantom Loading Kit (Voltage current source) 1. Intrax make complete CT/PT testing kit 2. Multimeter 3. Megger 1. Intrax make complete CT/PT testing kit 2. Multimeter 3. Megger MultiPurpose loading Kit Oil Testing Kit (BDV) Equipment Cost Possible Number of jobs in a day 14,67,347 Employee Cost (Monthly) Rs /- Per Day Employee Cost ( 24 days) Employee Cost Per Job Equipment Cost Per Job Net Cost Proposed Charges Changes 0 124025 5168 1723 113.2 1836 1840 53% 2 0 150125 6255 3128 381.8 3509 3510 31% 1 2 1 220675 9195 4597 381.8 4979 4980 33% 1 1 1 0 124025 5168 738 31.4 770 770 93% 1 1 1 0 124025 5168 369 0.9 370 370 16% AE TA G 1 HELPER EE 3 1 1 1 32,98,995 2 1 1 32,98,995 2 1 9,50,000 7 52,120 14 Employees Required Testing charges HT CT/PT (Ratio, polarity, IR) each unit Transformer Testing (Power Transformer), Routine test at site, the site being located at the H.Q of E.E (STM) Transformer Testing (Power Transformer), Routine test at site, the site being located away from H.Q of E.E (STM) Employee Cost (Monthly) Rs /- Per Day Employee Cost ( 24 days) Employee Cost Per Job Equipment Cost Per Job Net Cost Proposed Charges Changes Existing Equipment’s Required Equipment Cost Possible Number of jobs in a day 1000 1. Intrax make complete CT/PT testing kit 2. Multimeter 3. Megger 32,98,995 6 1 1 2 0 150125 6255 1043 127.3 1170 1170 17% new 1. Power Analyzer 2. Phantom Loading 3. Megger 4. Oil testing kit 5. Earth Megger 6. Multi purpose testing Kit 26,30,529 2 1 1 2 1 220675 9195 4597 304.5 4902 4900 - new 1. Power Analyzer 2. Phantom Loading 3. Megger 4. Oil testing kit 5. Earth Megger 6. Multi 4902 4900 (Along with actual Transport Charges) - 26,30,529 2 AE TA G 1 HELPER EE 1 1 2 1 220675 9195 4597 304.5 Employees Required Testing charges Existing Equipment’s Required Equipment Cost Possible Number of jobs in a day 9,50,000 1 AE TA G 1 HELPER EE 1 2 3 1 Employee Cost (Monthly) Rs /- Per Day Employee Cost ( 24 days) Employee Cost Per Job Equipment Cost Per Job Net Cost Proposed Charges Changes 288688 12029 12029 608.9 12638 12640 - purpose testing Kit Substation Testing (33/11 KV) (Commissioning charges) New Multi Purpose testing Kit Employees Required Testing charges Equipment tested at site, the site being located at the Head Quarter of the MRT Division. Equipment’s tested at site, the site being located away from H.Q of E.E. (MRT) Equipment’s Required Minimum of TA-Gr-1 and Helper shall be required for a day. Equipme nt Cost Possible Number of jobs in a day AE EE Employee Cost (Monthly) Per Day Employee Cost ( 24 days) Employee Cost Per Job Equipment Cost Per Job Net Cost Proposed Charges TA G 1 HELPER 1 1 1 68013 2834 2834 - 2834 2800 1 1 1 68013 2834 2833 - 2834 2800 Equipment Cost Equipment (Rs. ) Power Analyzer Phantom Loading Kit ERSM Acc. CL 0.05 Earth Megger Intrax System Megger Mulitmeter Multipurpose testing Kit Oil Testing Kit (BDV) Primary Injection ERSM Acc. CL 0.1 Cost 6,44,450 9,03,910 5,63,437 15,924 32,24,870 64,125 10,000 9,50,000 52,120 1,41,705 3,71,475 Annexure- 4 (1/4) SUPERVISION CHARGES FOR SERVICE CONNECTION AND OTHER WORKS Particulars Single Phase Three phase Connected load upto 25 HP Connected load above 25 HP Existing Rates 200 Estimated Cost including labour charges 3821 15% of the supervision charges 573 Proposed Charges 570 % Increase /Decrease 185% 365 7811 1172 1170 221% 510 7841 1176 1180 131% Annexure- 4 (2/4) Single Phase 3KW Connected Load . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Description Twin Core 1 ph Service Cable 6 sq.MM Shackle Insulator 90 x 75 MM Hardware for Shackle Insulator 90 x 75 sq mm staples Nut bolt Wall Clamp/hooks Wooden Bushes Cross arms with clamps Pipe stay back clamp GI Wire no 8 SWG Binding wire Clips Tape cement Aerial fuse kitkat 16 amph MCB E terminal (Including the cost of pit and other activities) 1 Ph Energy Meter 5-30 Amp. T.W. Meter Board, 300x300x75 mm. Total value of Material Up to 3 kw 1 Ph Rate Cost of service connection to be born by Consumer Unit 35 mtr 9 No. 34 83 175 50 594 130 53.2 131 3 15 5.52 24 101 Quantity Amount 30 1050 1 9 No. Kg No. No No No Kg Kg Nos Roll Kg Nos No 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 10 1 0.5 2 1 34 83 175 50 594 130 26.6 131 30 15 2.76 48 101 800 No 975 No. 131 No. 1 800 3,279.36 Centages @ 11.5% 377.13 Labour Charges & Transportation charges 164.33 Annexure- 4 (3/4) 3 Phase service connection upto 25 HP Connected Load . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description 4 Core 3 ph Service Cable 16 sq.MM Shackle Insulator 90x75 mm Hardware for Shackle Insulator 90x75 mm staples Nut bolt Wall Clamp/hooks Wooden Bushes Cross arms with clamps Pipe stay back clamp GI Wire no 8 SWG Binding wire Clips Tape cement Aerial fuse kitkat 16 amph MCB E terminal (Including the cost of pit and other activities) Total value of Material Centages @ 11.5% Labour Charges & Transportation charges 3 Ph Rate 80 9 34 83 175 50 562 130 53.2 131 3 15 5.52 42 101 Cost of service connection to be born by Consumer Unit mtr No. No. Kg No. No No No Kg Kg Nos Roll Kg Nos No 800 No Quantity 30 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 10 1 0.5 4 1 1 Amount 2400 27 102 166 175 50 562 130 26.6 131 30 15 2.76 168 101 800 4886.36 561.93 2363 Annexure- 4 (4/4) 3 Phase service connection above 25 HP Connected Load Description 1 4 Core 3 ph Service Cable 16 sq.MM 2 Shackle Insulator 90x75 mm 3 Hardware for Shackle Insulator 90x75 mm 4 staples Nut bolt 5 Wall Clamp/hooks 6 Wooden Bushes 7 Cross arms with clamps 8 Pipe stay back clamp 9 GI Wire no 8 SWG 10 Binding wire 11 Clips 12 Tape 13 cement 14 Aerial fuse kitkat 16 amph 15 MCB E terminal (Including the cost of pit and other 16 activities) Total value of Material Centages @ 11.5% Labour Charges & Transportation charges 3 Ph Rate 80 9 34 83 175 50 562 130 53.2 131 3 15 5.52 42 101 Cost of service connection to be born by Consumer Unit Quantity Amount mtr 30 2400 No. 3 27 No. 3 102 Kg 2 166 No. 1 175 No 1 50 No 1 562 No 1 130 Kg 1 53.2 Kg 1 131 Nos 10 30 Roll 1 15 Kg 0.5 2.76 Nos 4 168 No 1 101 800 No 1 800 4913 565 2363 Annexure-5 Maintenance of Street Light (Per points) Approved Charges effective from 01.09.2007 Lamp Point 20 Single tube light point Multiple tube light point Special Lightings like MV/SV lamp point 45 60 90 Staff Required LM + HELPER LM + HELPER LM + HELPER LM + HELPER Jobs Per Day Wages Per Day ( 24 days in a month) Proposed Charges % Increase /Decrease 40 2357 60 200% 20 2357 120 167% 15 2357 160 167% 10 2357 240 167%
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