QUAD CITIES Wedding Planner u www.visitquadcities.com Table of Contents Welcome to the Quad Cities.............................................................................................. 3 Professional Services........................................................................................................... 4 Map of the Quad Cities....................................................................................................... 5 Reception Centers RiverCenter/Adler Theatre – Davenport, Iowa.................................................................. 7 i wireless Center – Moline, Illinois...................................................................................... 8 Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center – Bettendorf, Iowa...................................... 9 Reception Facilities with Lodging Best Western Plus Steeplegate Inn – Davenport, Iowa........................................................... 11 Clarion Hotel & Conference Center – Davenport, Iowa................................................. 12 HomeRidge Inn & Suites – Bettendorf, Iowa.................................................................... 13 Holiday Inn – Rock Island Hotel & Conference Center – Rock Island, Illinois................. 14 Hotel Blackhawk – Davenport, Iowa................................................................................ 15 Isle Casino Hotel & Conference Center – Bettendorf, Iowa........................................... 16 Jumer's Casino & Hotel – Rock Island, Illinois................................................................... 17 The Lodge Hotel and Conference Center – Bettendorf, Iowa........................................ 18 Radisson on John Deere Commons – Moline, Illinois....................................................... 19 Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel – Davenport, Iowa........................................................ 20 Ramada Hotel & Conference Center – Moline, Illinois.................................................... 21 Stoney Creek Inn & Conference Center – Moline, Illinois............................................... 22 Unique Reception Facilities.................................................................. 23-27 Quick View Facilities Grid...................................................................... 28-30 u 2 www.visitquadcities.com Welcome to the Quad Cities T Moline/East Moline and Rock Island in Illinois & Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa he Quad Cities is the largest metropolitan area on the upper Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Louis. With a population of more than 400,000, the Quad Cities rests on the banks of the mighty Mississippi and is made up of the riverfront cities of Moline/ East Moline and Rock Island in Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa. Located in the heart of the Midwest, the Quad Cities is within a day’s drive of several major metropolitan areas such as Chicago, St. Louis, Des Moines, and Minneapolis. In addition, the Quad Cities is a stop along I-80, I-88, I-74, and several major state highways. The Quad City International Airport offers over 70 flights daily with direct flights to business and travel centers like Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Orlando, and Minneapolis among others. (For complete information on the Quad Minneapolis City International Airport, carriers and flight Des Moines QUAD CITIES information, go to www.qcairport.com) Miles to Regional Cities Minneapolis Milwaukee Omaha Chicago St. Louis QUAD CITIES Chicago Des Moines Indianapolis Kansas City St. Louis 3 Chicago, IL 160 mi. Des Moines, IA 160 mi. Indianapolis, IN 303 mi. Kansas City, MO 365 mi. Milwaukee, WI 201 mi. Minneapolis, MN 328 mi. Omaha, NE 300 mi. St. Louis, MO 232 mi. www.visitquadcities.com Professional Services T he Quad Cities offers many venue options for your special day including: churches, outdoor parks, botanical gardens, restaurants with space for groups, hotels with banquet facilities, and separate reception halls. The Quad Cities offers a variety of caterers, florists, bakeries, photographers, and wedding planners to assist you with your wedding plans. In addition, many of our larger reception facilities offer these services in-house to meet your specific needs. Please refer to our website www.visitquadcities.com for members that provide these services under our Membership Directory under the listing “Services and Suppliers”. In addition, the Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau will be happy to direct you to members providing such services. Simply call us at 1-800-747-7800. For Same-Sex couples, marriage licenses can be secured at the Scott County recorder office at 600 W. 4th Street, Davenport, IA. All that is required is a nominal license fee and a witness (photo IDs required). While your service needs to be conducted on the Iowa side of the river, the Quad Cities welcomes the opportunity to host your reception in either Iowa or Illinois. 4 www.visitquadcities.com www.visitquadcities.com 6 Utah Ave. ToB9 To Muscatine 4 Emeis Park & Golf Course 78th Ave. W. 8 Fairmount St. Hi ck or y To Ski Snowstar 49th St. Pine St. 53rd St. W. 35th St. NorthPark Mall To Scott County Park, Buffalo Bill Homestead & Pioneer Village Genesis Medical Center West Central Park St. Ambrose Locust St. University Fejeverary W. 15th St. Children's Zoo W. 14th St. Putnam Museum Andalusia Rd. Alan Campbell Sports Complex 11 Credit Island Park & Golf Course W. 3rd St. m gha kin Roc Road RiverCenter/ Adler Theatre Convention & Art River Music Experience Visitors Bureau Museum Figge Palmer College of Chiropractic 29th St. The Village of East Davenport Locust St. Genesis Medical Center East Rusholme 53rd St. 57th St. Kimberly Rd. Eastern Ave. 1 57th St. Duck Creek Park & Golf Course 2 4 Trinity at Terrace Park Medical Center 298 3 Grant St. Duck Creek Plaza Family Museum Tanglefoot Ln. Crow Creek Rd. To Monmouth 15 Saukie Golf Course Blackhawk State Historic Site To Mercer County Blackhawk State Historic Site Watch Hill 31st Avenue Trinity Medical Center West Campus Rock Island Crow Creek Park St. te Sta Palmer Hills Scott Municipal Community Golf Course College Trinity Medical Center 7th St. Campus Quad City Music Guild SouthPark Mall 18A&B 4A&B River Valley Golf Playcrafters Barn Theatre To Galesburg of the Cit ies Moline 301 Avenue of the Cities Illini Hospital Western Il. Black Hawk University College Genesis Medical Center Illini Campus Green Valley Silvis Cr os stow n Ave. Deere & Co. World Headquarters Rock Island County Fairgrounds Panorama Park Illiniwek Forest Preserve TPC at Deere Run Golf Course Quad City Downs Hampton Forest G rov eR d. Pleasant Valley East Moline Bettendorf Forest Grove Rd. Hidden Hills Golf Course Col. Davenport House Isle of Capri Rock Island Arsenal Casino Mississippi River JModern LeClaire Rhythm Q.C. Museum Woodmen Park City Visitors Celebration Casino Quad Cities Sports Park Center River Cruises Convention & Center Jumer's Casino John Deere . Visitors Bureau Rock Island Pavilion n Butterworth Pkwy e B & Collectors Quad City Q.C. Arts Center Riverside Park Botanical Center i wireless . Waterslide 5th Ave. Center Ave . The Circa 21 4th Ave 1 District Centre6th Station Fryxell Augustana Broadway Deere-Wiman Whitewater Historic District Geology College 12th Ave. House/Butterworth Junction Museum Center Highland Center for Park Belgian 19th Ave. 18th Ave. Culture Avenue German American Heritage Ctr. Col St. 9th W. 4th St. Ballroom Quad Cities Central Park Ave. Gr ov eR d. Kimberly Rd. Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds d. yR erl Wav Highland Springs Golf Course Davenport Locust St. 46th St. W Wisconsin Ave. Red Hawk Golf Course Marquette St. 1 17th St. Lincoln Ave. 295A&B 24th St. Division St. To Mt. Joy Brady St. Brady St. 4 miles north 30th St. Utic a Rid ge Rd. Eldridge 38th St. Elmore Ave. 7th St. 292 Bridge Ave. Jersey Ridge Rd. West Rock River Bridge 12th St. Wacky Waters 34th St. To Des Moines & Walcott 41st St. 5 53rd St. d. Blv st e w rth No st we rth . No Blvd 60th St. 290 Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park 306 Illinois Welcome Center 1 Port Byron To Cordova & Cordova Dragway To Henry County 7 10 9 To Adventure Quest/Prairie Lodge Rapid City To Geneseo, Henry County, Bishop Hill & Andover Twilight River Cruise Buffalo Bill Museum To Princeton Mississippi Valley Welcome Center LeClaire Map of the Quad Cities Reception Centers u The Quad Cities offers three major convention centers that have the room and services to handle large to medium-size weddings. These centers offer a full array of services under one roof. All three of these facilities are connected to or near hotels, restaurants, and nightlife offerings. 6 RiverCenter / Adler Theatre 136 E. Third Street • Davenport, IA 52801 • 563-326-8500 • Fax 563-326-8505 www.riverctr.com The art deco Adler Theatre combined with the conveniences of the Davenport RiverCenter creates a modern convention center located in the heart of downtown. Connected by skywalk to Hotel Blackhawk and the Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel, this facility offers over 100,000 square feet of flexible space for parties and special events. Services include in-house decorating, AV, utilities, security, and catering. Parking for 780 cars, in addition to a city parking ramp. Miles from Airport – 12 Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Mississippi River Hall 26’ (13,200) 2,000 1,200 875 980 — Great Hall N&S 30’ (32,400) 3,000+ 3,500 2,100 1,700 — River Rooms (6) 9’-10’ (800 ea.) 100 60 ea. 48 ea. 40-48 ea. — 10’ (750-950 ea.) — 50 ea. 40-48 ea. 40-48 ea. — 20 Tributary Rooms (4) Board Rooms (1) 10’ (500) — — — — Atrium 35’ (3,500) 250-500 — 130 — — Concourse 70’ (11,000) 500-750 — 300 — — Adler Theatre — — — 2,423 — — — 7 www.visitquadcities.com i wireless Center 1201 River Drive • Moline, IL 61265 • 309-764-2001 • Fax 309-277-1385 www.iwirelesscenter.com The i wireless Center offers an ideal atmosphere for banquets and wedding receptions. The center also contains an arena for concerts, sporting events, and family shows. Adjacent to the Center, the Radisson on John Deere Commons offers 162 luxurious sleeping rooms. 115 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 DRESSING ROOM #2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 DRESSING ROOM #1 117 116 GREEN ROOM #2 GREEN ROOM #3 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 GREEN ROOM #1 RESTROOMS STAGE ENTRANCE 114 STAR DRESSING ROOM 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 113 OGDEN OFFICE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 112 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ES ON PH IONS OPERAT OFFICE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 E CE RAG WOMEN'S RESTROOM MEN'S RESTROOM TOR MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM ESCALA 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ENT 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 RAN CE CO NC 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 107 106 C EN ER NF OM CO RO A MS SROO 4 CLAS2 3 1 109 108 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 105 E C EN ER NF OM CO RO STO 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 110 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 104 E E C F ARENA AND CONVENTION FLOOR 31,000 sq.ft. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 103 E C EN ER M NF OO CO R B E NC RE FE OM ON RO O PA GD NT EN RY 111 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 101 102 N ROFER O E C M NC CO HOME LOCKER ROOM #2 EREN CONF BBY LO 19X24 LOADING DOOR TRAINING ROOM CO VISITOR LOCKER ROOM #1 LOADING DOCKS E DRY STORAGE MEN'S LOCKERS N ROFER O E D M NC KITCHEN WOMEN'S LOCKERS E VIS LO ITO C R RO KER O #3 M H LO OME C RO KER O #4 M Miles from Airport – 5 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 SIO NS MAIN ENTRY LOBBY DROP-OFF ENTRANCE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES FIRST AID BB LO T ES ES GU VIC R SE Y BO X OF FIC E STORAGE ES N RECEPTION ELEVATOR ENTRANCE FROM PARKING LOT Meeting Room Capacities Room Conf. Room A Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception 15’ (2,160) 120 Theater Banquet 100 100 Classroom U-Shape 75 45 Conf. Room B 15’ (1,880) 100 100 100 75 45 Conf. Room C 15’ (1,900) 100 100 100 75 45 Conf. Room D 15’ (1,300) 80 80 60 50 30 Conf. Room E 15 (1,000) 80 80 50 50 30 Conf. Room F 15’ (1,050) 80 80 60 50 30 Ballroom (A-F) 15’ (9,290) 600 600 500 375 — Class Room 1 8’ (235) 20 — 10 12 — Class Room 2 8’ (224) 20 — 10 12 — 1 & 2 TOTAL 8’ (459) 40 30 20 24 15 Class Room 3 8’ (230) 20 — 10 12 — Class Room 4 8’ (224) 20 — 10 12 — 3 & 4 TOTAL 8’ (454) 40 30 20 24 15 Lobby — (11,000) 800— — — — 8 www.visitquadcities.com Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center 1777 Isle Parkway • Bettendorf, IA 52722 • 563-359-7280 • 800-843-4753 Fax 563-359-7580 • www.theislebettendorf.com The Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center offers over 24,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting and banquet space, and is ideal for groups up to 1,400. The center offers personalized menus and professional catering staff. The Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center is connected via skywalk to the Isle Casino Hotel and Conference Center with 514 suites and hotel rooms (SEE PAGE 15) and special event space. The casino offers five on-site dining facilities and 24-hour casino entertainment. Services at the Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center include in-house decorating, catering, AV, utilities, security, and ample parking. Miles from Airport – 9 Concourse Lobby State Ballroom Business Center Isle Room Illinois Room LeClaire Room Stage Iowa Room Bettendorf Room Quad City Room Blackhawk Room Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape State Ballroom 20' (14,190) 2,584 1,400 952 720 N/A Quad City Room 20' (6,490) 1,292 750 408 333 N/A Iowa/Illinois Combined 20' (5,830) 1,292 750 408 327 N/A Iowa 20' (2,915) 646 300 168 148 N/A Illinois 20' (2,915) 646 300 168 148 N/A Bettendorf 16' (774) 150 125 32 30 20 Isle 16' (774) 150 125 32 30 20 Concourse N/A (4,000) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Blackhawk 16' (651) N/A 50 N/A 30 10 LeClaire 16' (660) N/A N/A N/A N/A 26+ 9 www.visitquadcities.com Reception Facilities with Lodging u You will find a large array of fine, full-service hotel properties that will provide you with a beautiful location for your wedding reception. These full-service properties have large banquet facilities and can assist you with decorating, in-house catering, and a variety of other services. These hotel properties tend to be close to shopping, attractions, dining, and nightlife. 10 www.visitquadcities.com Best Western Plus Steeplegate Inn 100 West 76th Street • Davenport, IA 52806 563-386-6900 • 800-373-6900 • Fax 563-388-9955 www.bestwestern.com/steeplegateinn • 118 rooms, 6 suites This facility offers flexible wedding facilities for guests up to 350, banquet rooms perfect for a rehearsal dinner and a nightclub setting just right for a bachelor/bachelorette party! Hotel guests staying at the Best Western Plus Steeplegate Inn will enjoy upscale guest rooms featuring free high-speed internet access, refridgerator and microwave. A complimentary hot breakfast buffet is served daily to hotel guests. Our newly remodeled One Hundred West Bar and Prairie Grille, our full-service restaurant, makes this hotel your ultimate destination. A complimentary shuttle is available for guests to and from the Quad City Airport. Miles from Airport – 14 Meeting Room Capacities Room Williamsburg ABC Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception 9’6” 101’ x 37’ (3,737) 325 Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape 350 325 200N/A Williamsburg A 9’6” 27.5’ x 26’ (715) 45 50 45 36 28 Williamsburg B 9’6” 33’ x 42’ (1,386) 90 130 100 70 45 Williamsburg C 9’6” 32’ x 37’ (1,184) 80 120 80 60 40 8’ 22’ x 24’ (528) — 35 — 15 18 Symposium 10’8” 28’ x 35’ (980) — 125 — 94 — Hampton cathedral 40‘ x 24‘ (960) 60 50 60 30 30 Hampton II 8’8” 16’ x 40’ (640) 40 45 50 — — Conference Suite 471 11 www.visitquadcities.com Clarion Hotel & Conference Center 5202 Brady Street • Davenport, IA 52806 563-391-1230 • 800-4-Choice • Fax 563-391-2852 or 563-391-6715 www.clarionhoteldav.com • 288 rooms, 16 suites Over 32,000 square feet of space, perfect for weddings and receptions. Large Family Fun Center features indoor pool, whirlpool, sauna, mini-golf, exercise room, and video game area. Free wireless high-speed internet. Airport transportation available. Miles from Airport – 13 D LOWER LEVEL Bix Convention Center Cornet Trombone Mississippi Ballroom Piano Bass Schooners Lounge Pioneers Brady Street Bistro Planters Terrace Palmer Hills Stadium Studio Glynn’s Creek Oakwood Boardroom Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Bix Conference Center 14’ Irregular (8,337) — 1,000 600 400 (Cornet, Trombone, Piano, Bass combined with 19’x19’ permanent stage) — Cornet (with 19’x19’ stage) 14’ 78’ x 53’ (4,104) — 400 350 180 — Trombone 14’ 56’ x 27’ (1,428) — 150 80 60 — Piano 14’ 56’ x 27’ (1,428) — 150 80 60 — Bass 14’ 56’ x 27’ (1,377) — 150 80 60 — Studio 8’ 17’ x 37’ (459) — 40 30 15 — Stadium 8’ 16’ x 27’ (432) — 40 30 15 — Planters 8’ 37’ x 38’ (1,406) — 70 70 35 — Pioneers 8’ 29’ x 31’ (899) — 100 80 50 — Planters & Pioneers 8’ Irregular (2,305) — 175 150 70 — Glynn’s Creek 8’ 24’ x 45’ (810) — 75 40 20 — Oakwood Boardroom 8’ 24’ x 32’ (768) — 60 40 35 — Terrace Room 8’ 41’ x 33’ (1,351) — 85 70 30 — Mississippi Ballroom (LL) 8’ 120’ x 90’ (10,800) — 800 560 70 — Schooners Lounge 8’ 41’ x 35’ (1,435) — 120 90 40 — 12 www.visitquadcities.com HomeRidge Inn & Suites 909 Middle Road (just off I-74) • Bettendorf, IA 52722 563-355-4761 • 866-813-2497 • Fax 563-355-5572 • www.homeridgehotel.com 150 rooms Centrally located and just a mile away from the mighty Mississippi River, HomeRidge Inn & Suites is located near major shopping areas and is just across the street from Duck Creek Mall. Enjoy an open air atmosphere, fitness center, game room, sauna, whirlpool, indoor swimming pool, and on-site Bennigan’s Grill & Tavern. Perfect setting for banquets and weddings. Two miles from Isle Casino; one mile from Duck Creek Golf Course. Complimentary airport transportation available. Complimentary high-speed wireless internet in all meeting rooms, public areas, and guest rooms. On-site catering department and shuttle service to casinos. Miles from Airport – 7 Grant Imperial Hoover Executive Lincoln Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Imperial 9’ 31’ x 24’ (744) 40 40 30 25 25 Executive 9’ 31’ x 34’ (1,054) 40 40 30 25 25 Lincoln 9’ 20’ x 40’ (800) 75 80 48 40 40 Hoover 9’ 20’ x 40’ (800) 75 80 48 40 40 Grant 9’ 20’ x 40’ (800) 75 80 48 40 40 Presidential 9’ 60’ x 40’ (2,400) 200 250 200 150 100 13 www.visitquadcities.com Holiday Inn – Rock Island Hotel & Conference Center 226 17th Street • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-794-1212 • Fax 309-786-0533 • www.holidayinn.com/rockislandil 175 rooms, 3 suites First-class, full-service accommodations. Convenient downtown location within walking distance to Circa ’21 Dinner Theatre, restaurants, retail shops, and night clubs. Hotel features large banquet and reception facilities, a Bennigan’s restaurant and an indoor swimming pool with sundeck. Complete fitness center with tanning beds, locker rooms, saunas, and whirlpools. Concierge level with guest lounge and amenities. In-room data ports. Guest room voice mail, and free wireless, high-speed internet. Key-card secured guest room locks. Complimentary airport shuttle service. Miles from Airport – 9 Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Florence (Versailles) 12’ 47’ x 52’ (2,444) 250 400 250 200 80 Venice (Versailles) 13’ 65’ x 32’ (2,080) 200 250 180 125 100 50 Tuscany (Versailles) 10’ 38’ x 24’ (912) 100 150 80 75 Versailles Area 12’ 47’ x 110’ (5,436) 500 800 500 400 — Nice 10’ 25’ x 17’ (425) 40 40 30 25 12 Barcelona 10’ 25’ x 17’ (425) 40 40 30 25 12 Genoa 10’ 25’ x 17’ (425) 40 40 30 25 12 *Bergendoff 8’ 45’ x 36’ (1,620) 120 150 100 80 40 *Capt. Quarters 8’ 25’ x 40’ (1,000) 50 100 60 50 (*rooms not shown on floorplan) 20 14 www.visitquadcities.com Hotel Blackhawk 200 East 3rd Street • Davenport, IA 52801 888-525-4455 • Fax 563-322-5010 • www.hotelblackhawk.com 96 rooms, 24 suites The crown jewel of Hotel Blackhawk, the Gold Room has been historically known for elegant events and classical and jazz music since 1915, hosting musicians such as Guy Lombardo and Stan Kenton. Today, the Gold Room stands restored, beautiful in its class, head and shoulders above the rest, molded and lit to perfection with modern technology. Be it a conference or a wedding reception, an event at the Gold Room is sure to leave a lasting impression. One that can, like the room itself, last a lifetime. Miles from Airport – 6 ROCK ISLAND PREFUNCTION FOYER THE GOLD ROOM ELEVATORS ROCK ISLAND LOBBY LO OBBY GOLD ROOM MEZZANINE MOLINE BETTENDORF PREFUNCTION FOYER G LA SS ELEV A TO R M W M STAG GE STAGE DAVENPORT W Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Gold Room 12’ 84’ x 33’ (2,757) 350 400 210 175 75 Davenport 13’ 89’ x 23’ (2,056) 175 30 90 30 45 Bettendorf 10’ 71’ x 29’ (2,070) 175 150 90 30 30 Club Davenport 12’ 33’ x 14’ (1,100) 125 70 50 30 25 Rock Island 10’ 35’ x 16’ (562) —N/AN/AN/A — Moline 10’ 22’ x 17’ (362) —N/AN/AN/A — 15 www.visitquadcities.com Isle Casino Hotel & Conference Center 1777 Isle Parkway • Bettendorf, IA 52722 563-359-7280 • 800-724-5825 • Fax 563-359-7580 • www.islebettendorf.com 514 rooms, 62 suites Book your next party, banquet or special event at this gorgeous 15,000 square-foot meeting and banquet facility, connected to two hotels and the exiting Isle Casino. The meeting facilities accommodate everything from intimate social gatherings to large affairs with up to 1,000 guests. Services include catering, decorating and AV. Miles from Airport – 9 Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Grand Ballroom (Salons A, B, C combined) 12 120’ x 180’ (9,600) 960 1,067 873 640 — Salon A 12 60’ x 80’ (4,800) 480 533 400 320 — Salon B 12 60’ x 40’ (2,400) 240 267 200 160 — Salon C 12 60’ x 40’ (2,400) 240 267 200 160 — Meeting Room 1 16 49’ x 25’ (1,225) 123 136 102 82 70 Meeting Room 2 16 49’ x 25’ (1,225) 123 136 102 82 70 Meeting Room 3 16 49’ x 30’ (1,470) 147 163 123 98 86 16 www.visitquadcities.com Jumer's Casino & Hotel 777 Jumer Drive • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-793-4200 • 800-477-7747 • Fax 309-756-4705 • www.jumerscasinohotel.com 205 rooms • 11 suites The contemporary, modern design of the 5 story hotel provides dramatic views of the adjacent lake. The hotel rooms offer guests plush accents with modern amenities. Experienced sales and catering staff can assist with every aspect of your event, offering customized menus, group room blocks, attentive service and arranging the right combination of facilities. The hotel's modern amenities, upscale accommodations and exceptional service will create an unforgettable event experience for your guests. Miles from Airport – 15 A D B C Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Salon A, B, C & D 18' 98’ x 76’ (7,400) 600 700 500 430 — Salon A, B & C 18' 42’ x 76’ (3,192) 300 274 225 180 60 Salon A 18' 42’ x 28’ (1,176) 110 102 80 70 30 Salon B 18' 42’ x 20’ (840) 80 64 65 40 20 Salon C 18' 42’ x 28’ (1,176) 110 108 80 70 30 Salon D 18' 56’ x 76’ (4,256) 300 426 275 250 85 17 www.visitquadcities.com The Lodge Hotel and Conference Center 900 Spruce Hills Drive • Bettendorf, IA 52722 563-359-7141 • 800-690-4006 • Fax 563-355-0670 • www.lodgehotel.com 210 rooms, 63 suites When guests arrive at The Lodge Hotel and Conference Center, they experience majestic charm and beauty. The Lodge Hotel has a unique, one of a kind character, offering the perfect environment for every guest. Choose from 210 guest rooms with 14 different room types. Each room is touched with elegance, such as priceless antiques and specially designed tapestries. Full catering and decorating services will make your reception a beautiful experience. Complimentary high-speed internet access, full service restaurant and indoor/outdoor swimming pool. Miles from Airport – 9 Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Munchen 8’ 21’ x 35.8’ (751.8) 80 70 60 42 25 Garmisch 8’ 42’ x 35.8’ (1503.6) 170 150 120 69 40 Heidelberg 8’ 16’ x 17.5’ (280) 15 10 10 — 7 Regensberg 8’ 17’ x 31’ (527) 50 40 32 18 15 Atrium I 8’ 26’ x 26’ (676) 60 45 40 21 15 Atrium II 8’ 26’ x 30’ (780) 70 60 50 30 20 Mozart I 14’ 55’ x 35.5’ (1952.5) 225 190 150 100 60 Mozart II 14’ 55’ x 35.5’ (1952.5) 225 190 150 100 60 Mozart III 14’ 55’ x 24.5’ (1347.5) 150 120 90 69 50 Mozart Area 14’ 55’ x 95.5 (5252.5) 800 650 420 300 110 18 www.visitquadcities.com Radisson on John Deere Commons 1415 River Drive • Moline, IL 61265 309-764-1000 • Fax 309-764-1710 • www.radisson.com/molineil 162 rooms, including 54 suites Nestled on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, the award winning Radisson on John Deere Commons sits at the heart of John Deere Commons. Elegant two-room king suites, spacious queen doubles, and deluxe suites all offer executive class amenities, including highspeed wireless internet and Sleep Number beds. Enjoy the complimentary deluxe continental breakfast served each morning in the beautiful John Deere Breakfast room. Exercise and relaxation are at guest's fingertips with a river walk or run; or take advantage of the indoor heated pool, spa, and exercise room. Parking is available on site, and the complimentary airport shuttle service is available from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. The Radisson’s restaurant is TGI Friday’s. It is open for lunch, dinner, and room service. The Radisson is across the street from the renowned John Deere Pavilion and adjacent to the award-winning i wireless Center—home to 21,000 square feet of banquet space and a 12,000 seat entertainment arena. High-speed wireless internet in rooms and throughout hotel. Miles from Airport – 6 John Deere Room Mississippi Room Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape John Deere Room — (975) 42 45 48 30 — Mississippi Room — (730) — 40 40 30 18 19 www.visitquadcities.com Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel and Conference Center 111 E. Second Street • Davenport, IA 52801 563-322-2200 • Fax 563-322-9939 • www.radisson.com/davenport 221 rooms, 18 suites Six-story atrium lounge where waterfalls and plush greenery combine with the soft sound of piano music to create a distinctive and comfortable atmosphere. Two hundred twenty one rooms equipped with remote control TV, voice mail, high-speed internet and electronic door locks. Attached by skywalk to the RiverCenter/Adler Theatre which has Rick Jennisch Photography more than 100,000 sq. ft. of additional meeting and exhibition space. Miles from Airport – 10 MOLINE EAST SCOTT MOLINE COUNTY REGISTRATION DESK LOBBY BETTENDORF WATERFALL LOUNGE PARTY DECK POOL PRECONVENE DAVENPORT ROCK ISLAND BISTRO ON BRADY STREET KITCHEN SUN DECK LAUNDRY Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape Moline 12 21’ x 32’ (672) 50 60 50 30 — East Moline 12 20’ x 32’ (640) 50 60 40 30 — Scott County 12 21’ x 32’ (672) 50 60 50 30 — Bettendorf 12 62’ x 32’ (1,984) 200 200 140 130 — Davenport 12 62’ x 34’ (2,108) 240 230 150 130 — Rock Island 12 62’ x 28’ (1,736) 190 190 120 100 — Quad Cities 12 (7,816) 800 800 550 450 combination of all rms. — 20 www.visitquadcities.com Ramada Hotel & Conference Center Route 6 and 150 • 6902 27th Street • Moline, IL 61265 309-762-8811 • 800-HOLIDAY • Fax 309-762-3393 • www.ramada.com 216 rooms, 7 suites This facility can accommodate groups from 10 to 1300. Facility includes two indoor pools, complete fitness center, game room, sauna, whirlpool, ping-pong, miniature golf, Ripples full service restaurant, Ripples Lounge and free WiFi internet access throughout. Free 24-hour airport shuttle available. South Park Mall, one mile. Riverboat casinos, four miles. Limited transportation available. Catering and decorating MARYCREST services also available. SCOTT 2nd FLOOR Airport – 2 blocks BLACKHAWK BLACKHAWK B A AUGUSTANA AMBROSE A 2nd FLOOR AMBROSE B MARYCREST SCOTT 2nd FLOOR 1st FLOOR 1st FLOOR BOARD ROOM HOLIDAY BALLROOM D HOLIDAY BALLROOM C HOLIDAY BALLROOM A HOLIDAY BALLROOM B AUGUSTANA BLACKHAWK BLACKHAWK MARYCREST SCOTT B A 2nd FLOOR BLACKHAWK BLACKHAWK B A AUGUSTANA 2nd FLOOR AMBROSE A 2nd FLOOR AMBROSE A AMBROSE B 1st FLOOR AMBROSE B 1st FLOOR HOLIDAY BALLROOM 1st FLOORA HOLIDAY HOLIDAY BOARD BALLROOM BALLROOM ROOM1st FLOOR HOLIDAYHOLIDAY D C BALLROOM BALLROOM Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape A HOLIDAY HOLIDAY B BOARD BALLROOM BALLROOM 14’ 150’ x 70’ (10,580) ROOM 870 1,500 1,200 600 — HOLIDAY D C 14’ 55’ x 35’ (1,925) 70 200 100BALLROOM 60 70 B Meeting Room Capacities Room Holiday Ballrooms A B 14’ 55’ x 35’ (1,925) 70 200 100 60 70 C 14’ 40’ x 70’ (2,800) 130 200 150 130 120 (dbl. U) D 14’ 55’ x 70’ (3,850) 150 300 200 200 150 Augustana 8’ irregular (980) 50 70 50 50 27 Blackhawk A/B 8’ 18’ x 37 (666) 30 50 30 30 20 A 8’ 18’ x 18’ (324) — 10 — — 15 B 8’ 18’ x 18’ (324) — 10 — — 15 Ambrose A/B 8’ 60’ x 55’ (3,300) 100 200 200 130 80 A 8’ 60’ x 28’ (1,680) 70 100 80 80 40 B 8’ 60’ x 28’ (1,680) 70 100 80 80 40 Scott 8’ 12’ x 18’ (216) — — — — — Marycrest 8’ 12’ x 18’ (216) — — — — — Board Room 8’ 12’ x 20’ (240) — — — — — 21 www.visitquadcities.com Stoney Creek Inn & Conference Center 101 18th Street • Moline, IL 61265 309-743-0101 • Fax 309-743-0102 • www.stoneycreekinn.com 140 rooms, 11 suites Decorated in “Northwoods” Stoney Creek décor, this 140 room hotel offers a variety of accommodations including 11 suites. Stoney Creek Inn offers 12,000 square feet of meeting/banquet space to comfortably accommodate up to 600 guests. Amenities include complimentary high-speed internet access, complimentary shuttle service, business center, theme suites with fireplace and whirlpool, extended stay Cottages, expanded continental breakfast, “Wilderness Park Pool”, whirlpool spa, sauna, exercise room, evening Hearth Bar, Northwoods guest laundry, gift shop, catering, and decorating services. Miles from Airport – 10 Rest Rooms RIVER'S BEND CONFERENCE CENTER SALON A SALON B SALON C CATERING KITCHEN PORT SIDE ROOM WHEELHOUSE STARBOARD ROOM 2nd FLOOR HUCK'S THEATER SWIMMING POOL Rest Rooms JOHN DEERE ROOM SALES OFFICE GREEN ACRES BLACKHAWK ROOM LOBBY THE GALLEY LOBBY BACKWATER JACK'S SALOON 17th STREET Meeting Room Capacities Room Ceiling Ht. Dimensions (sq. ft.) Reception Theater Banquet Classroom U-Shape River’s Bend Conference 14’ 60’ x 90’ (4,800) 600 450 400 350 — Salon A 14’ 60’ x 30’ (1,600) 200 156 112 80 — Salon B 14’ 60’ x 30’ (1,600) 200 130 112 72 — Salon C 14’ 60’ x 30’ (1,600) 200 130 112 72 — John Deere Room 9’ 41’ x 26’ (1,052) 75 72 64 54 — Green Acres 9’ 24’ x 25’ (570) 40 40 32 27 — Blackhawk Room 9’ 45’ x 26’ (1,161) 75 78 64 54 — Starboard Room 8’ 26’ x 28’ (603) 40 32 32 27 — Port Side Room 8’ 26’ x 24’ (575) 40 48 32 36 — Wheelhouse 8’ 26’ x 24’ (625) 40 48 32 36 — 22 www.visitquadcities.com Unique Reception Facilities u The Quad Cities offers a wonderful selection of unique and beautiful locations to hold your reception. How about inside one of our stunning museums with breathtaking views of the Mississippi River? Our Botanical Center gardens and historic park settings are also popular. Whatever your tastes, the venues on the following pages are sure to give your reception a unique touch and a wonderful switch from the traditional reception setting. Unique Reception Facilities Abbey Station 3031 5th Avenue • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-786-4601 • www.abbeystation.com Originally built in 1901 by the Rock Island Line Railroad—the Abbey Station is on the National Register of Historic Places. Meet in the elegant ballroom. 3,423 sq. ft. of space, hosting 300 guests for banquets and special events. Celebration Belle 2501 River Drive • Moline, IL 61265 309-764-1952 • www.celebrationbelle.com Hop aboard the 850 capacity Celebration Belle and do something a little different for your next banquet or special event. The Celebration Belle offers lunch, dinner, and theme cruises. And if you want the boat all to yourself, it can be reserved for your special occasion. Figge Art Museum 225 W. 2nd Street • Davenport, IA 52801 563-326-7804 • www.figgeartmuseum.org Golden Leaf Banquet and Convention Center, Inc. 2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Suite 1 Davenport, IA 52807 • 563-344-9800 www.thegoldenleafcenter.com This elegant facility accommodates 50 to 600 guests, with two full-service bars, two dance floors, and dressing rooms for bridal party. The facility has a large parking area and limo overhead. Other amenities include full-service wedding planning, in-house catering, and cake and floral designers. 16,800 sq. ft. of total function space. Hauberg Civic Center 1300 24th Street • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-788-2132 • www.rigov.org Unique historical home built in 1909 in the popular Prairie School style. View special rhododendron gardens. Closed all of August. Hillcrest Event Center 16260 E. 350th Street • Orion, IL 61273 309-755-6550 • www.HillcrestEventCenter.com The Hillcrest Event Center is the Quad Cities premier venue for outdoor weddings, bachelor or bridal parties, and rehearsal dinners. The banquet area can hold up to 100 people, but outside accommodations are completely unlimited. The campsite and executive golf course sit on 40 groomed acres with picturesque ponds and a variety of beautiful landscapes. Hillcrest also offers themed weddings. The stage is already set, and can be customized to the customers’ expectations. The Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport was designed by British architect David Chipperfield. The facility features galleries, educational spaces, and public amenities. The lobby, auditorium, and conference room are available for receptions and events for up to 225 guests. German American Heritage Center Lavendar Crest Winery 5401 U.S. Highway 6 • Colona, IL 61241 309-949-2565 • www.lavendercrest.com Enjoy the elegant feel of the winery with beautiful indoor and outdoor settings for up to 300 guests. They even offer a customized wine label honoring the special day! 712 W. 2nd Street • Davenport, IA 52801 563-322-8844 • www.gahc.org The newly-renovated German American Heritage Center offers its top floor with panoramic views of the Mississippi River with seating for up to 100 guests. 24 www.visitquadcities.com Unique Reception Facilities Milan Community Center Putnam Museum & IMAX® Theatre 2701 1st Street E • Milan, IL 61264 309-787-8510 1717 W. 12th Street • Davenport, IA 52804 563-324-1054 • www.putnam.org Banquet facility with seating up to 420. Facility may be divided into separate rooms. May hire own caterer at no additional cost. Modern Woodmen Park PO Box 3496 • Davenport, IA 52808 563-324-3000 • www.riverbandits.com Home to the farm team of the St. Louis Cardinals. Season: AprilSeptember. Games played at Modern Woodmen Park along the riverfront. Suites, picnic areas, and large meeting room are available for special events year-round, hosting up to 300 guests. Metro Centre Station 1200 River Drive • Moline, IL 61265 309-736-0100 Located in downtown Moline, Centre Station offers reception and banquet space for up to 200 guests. Centre Station is near i wireless Center arena and convention center, Radisson on John Deere Commons Hotel, John Deere Pavilion, restaurants and pubs. The Putnam offers unique meeting rooms to accommodate a variety of special events. Enjoy permanent and changing exhibits, as well as an IMAX® film presentation as part of your special event. 8,450 sq. ft. of function space hosting up to 250 guests. Quad City Botanical Center 2525 4th Avenue • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-794-0991 • www.qcgardens.com Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds 2815 W. Locust • Davenport, IA 52801 563-326-5338 • www.mvfair.com The Fairground can host dances, receptions and picnics. Dance floor and stage available. 60,000 sq. ft. of function space hosting up to 1,000 guests. A Prairie Lodge 3501 207th Street N • Rapids City, IL 61278 309-523-3619 • www.morrisco.com A Prairie Lodge is a banquet and meeting facility on 56 acres of hills and Illinois Tall Grass Prairie. Available for weddings, receptions and parties. A Prairie Lodge offers full catering service, family entertainment, a/v equipment, and can accommodate 500+ guests. 25 The Quad City Botanical Center offers beautiful setting options for a wedding or reception for up to 225 guests in their indoor tropical Sun Garden atrium, outdoor conifer garden and lawn, Garden Events canopy, or indoor banquet center. The facility provides catering, set-up, clean-up, and audio visual equipment. www.visitquadcities.com Unique Reception Facilities Renwick Mansion 901 Tremont Avenue • Davenport, IA 52803 563-324-9678 This Italian Villa style mansion is a stately site to hold a special event. It has four reception rooms, a three-story open staircase, and an expansive lawn for outdoor events. River Music Experience 129 Main Street • Davenport, IA 51801 563-326-1333 • www.rivermusicexperience.org The River Music Experience accommodates receptions and seated banquets. Located in a historic building in downtown Davenport, it features live music, Mojo’s coffee, Redstone Room Concert Lounge, gift shop, and catering. 2,300 sq. ft. of function space hosting up to 200 guests. Arsenal Island Golf Course and Clubhouse & Historic Quarters One 1838 Gillespie Street • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-793-1601 • www.arsenalislandgolf.com Arsenal Island Golf Course and Clubhouse & Historic Quarters One is located on Arsenal Island. These beautiful, historical facilities include formal, casual and banquet dining areas, which are able to accommodate smaller or larger groups. Both properties sit on a picturesque 18-hole golf course with a driving range. In addition to the clubhouse facilities, you can also utilize the charming Quarters One mansion and scenic grounds for banquet and reception purposes. Great for weddings, class reunions, bridal showers, baby showers, anniversary parties, family reunions, business dinners and meetings, company picnics and golf outings. Rock Island County Fairgrounds 4200 Archer Drive • East Moline, IL 61244 309-796-1620 The Fairgrounds can host camping rallies, receptions, banquets etc. Campsites have water and electricity available. The Rock 302 First Street • Coal Valley, IL 61240 309-799-7625 • www.rockreception.com The Rock is a wonderful reception facility that specializes in private parties and large or small-scale banquets. The Rock features in-house catering, personalized service, full service bar, and seating for up to 400. 26 Rogalski Center at St. Ambrose University 518 West Locust • Davenport, IA 52803 563-333-6253 • www.sau.edu This facility offers a ballroom that can be broken down into 6 smaller break-outs, with a circular rotunda for reception style events. 6,080 sq. ft. of function space hosting up to 600 guests. www.visitquadcities.com Unique Reception Facilities Trackside Quad City Downs Watchtower Lodge 5005 Morton Drive • PO Box 368 East Moline, IL 61244 309-792-0202 • Fax 309-792-0522 1510 46th Avenue • Rock Island, IL 61201 309-788-9536 • www.blackhawkpark.org Telecast thoroughbred and harness racing, from all over the United States, betting, and restaurant. Watch and wager seven days a week 10 am–12 am. Book your group outing or reception in our banquet hall. Catering available. 13,000 sq. ft. of function space. Watchtower Lodge sits in the middle of Black Hawk State Historic Site. This wooded area offers walking trails, picnic facilities and beautiful views. The lodge holds 250 people and is used for banquets and special events. The John Hauberg Indian Museum is attached to the Lodge, and the facility is open year-round and has kitchen facilities. Must provide your own catering, beverages, and set-up. Tables and chairs are provided. Tournament Players Club Deere Run 3100 Heather Knoll • Silvis, IL 61282 http://tpcteetimes.com/deere_run 309-796-6000 Hold your next event at the Clubhouse of the Tournament Players Club at Deere Run. This PGA TOUR owned and operated golf course and clubhouse offers sweeping river views, excellent service, and delicious food. Facility holds up to 150 people. 27 www.visitquadcities.com Quick View Facilities Grid u 28 Quick View Banquet Grid Number of Rooms Total Function Space (sq. ft.) Number of Meeting Rooms HomeRidge Inn & Suites 150 6,000 6 300 200 Isle Casino Hotel & Conference Center 514 13,520 6 1,000 600 The Lodge Hotel and Conference Center 210 9,77111 800 520 Quad-Cities Waterfront Conv. Center514 24,000 8 1,500 952 Bettendorf, Iowa Largest Room Largest Room Capacity - Theatre Capacity - Banquet Davenport, Iowa Best Western Plus Steeplegate Inn 121 7,349 8 350 325 Clarion Hotel & Conference Center 279 32,000 13 1,500 800 — — 2 140 225 Figge Art Museum Golden Leaf Banquet & Conference Center— Modern Woodmen Park — Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds — 16,800 2 — 4 60,000 3 Putnam Museum & IMAX® Theatre — 8,450 6 Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel & Conference Center 221 7,816 6 1,200 650 300250 1,000 800 250200 800550 RiverCenter/Adler Theatre — 100,000 17 River Music Experience — 2,300 2 200120 Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University — 6,08010 600 600 29 www.visitquadcities.com 3,5002,000 Quick View Banquet Grid Number of Rooms Total Function Space (sq. ft.) Number of Meeting Rooms Largest Room Largest Room Capacity - Theatre Capacity - Banquet East Moline, Illinois Rock Island County Fairgrounds — 5,000 2 5,000 250 Trackside Quad City Downs — 13,000 1 — 400 Celebration Belle Riverboat — — — i wireless Center — 18,000 Centre Station — 3,500 1 —200 Radisson on John Deere Commons162 2,0302 40 50 Moline, Illinois Ramada Hotel and Conference Center100 Stoney Creek Inn & Conference Center140 10 1,000 12,000 — 850 1,000 550 1 125 75 9 450 400 Rock Island, Illinois Abbey Station — 3,423 1 300 225 Hauberg Civic Center — — 7 75 65 10 800 500 Holiday Inn – Rock Island Hotel & Conference Center 175 Jumer's Casino & Hotel 205 7,400 4 14,500 700500 Quad City Botanical Center — 3,080 3 250 Historic Quarters One at Arsenal Island — — 5 — 117 (more outdoors) 6 150 160 Arsenal Island Golf Course & Clubhouse — Watchtower Lodge — 3,240 1 30 6,330 www.visitquadcities.com 200 250250 800-747-7800 www.visitquadcities.com cvb@visitquadcities.com Phone 309-277-0937 Fax 309-764-9443 1601 River Drive Suite 110 Moline, IL 61265 u
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