EäòxpùÒªÉ ®äú¶É¨É =i{ÉÉnùxÉ +xÉÖºÉÆvÉÉxÉ B´ÉÆ |ÉʶÉIÉhÉ ºÉƺlÉÉxÉ,{Éɨ{ÉÉä® EåòpùÒªÉ ®äú¶É¨É ¤ÉÉäbÇ ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ ºÉ®úEòÉ®ú - ´ÉºjÉ ¨ÉÆjÉÉ±ÉªÉ CENTRAL SERICULTURAL RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE, PAMPORE CENTRAL SILK BOARD GOVT. OF INDIA – MINISTRY OF TEXTILES ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED ----------------------------------------------------- आई.एस.ओ 9001:2008 प्रमाणित -------------------------------------No.CSB/CSR&TI/15 (3)/ Store/2015-16/ Date: 20.04.2015 To M/S____________________________ ________________________________ SPEED POST Dear Sirs, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Sub:-Purchase of Moisture and Dust free Soft wood Charcoal Grade “A”) –reg. ***** With reference to the subject cited above, it is to inform that this Institute is interested to purchase 70 Qtls. of Moisture and Dust free Soft wood Charcoal (Grade“A”) from registered parties. TERMS AND CONDITION: The sealed quotation should be addressed to the Director, Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Pampore having postal address, Village- Galander, Post office, Pampore, PIN 192121.The sealed quotations should reach on the above mentioned address on or before 11.05.2015 by 1.00 PM through Regd/Speed/Courier. Post only and the same will be opened on the same day at 2.00 PM by constituting a committee in the presence of the parties, who so likes to be present. The late and delayed quotation/tender will not be accepted in any case. The tender notice is available on Central Silk Board web site www.csb.gov.in./ www. csrtipam.res.in. The quotation should be accompanied with EMD of 2% of total cost involvement of charcoal in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Pampore failing which, the quotation shall not be accepted. The EMD in form of cheques or cash will not the accepted in any case. The EMD will be refunded to the successful bidder after satisfactory completion of the supply of the ordered items within the stipulated time. The EMD will not bear any interests. The envelope containing the quotation for Charcoal should duly be super scribed on the upper side of the envelop that (“Quotation for Soft Wood Charcoal”). The rate should be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of quotations. The rate of Taxes/VAT/ etc. Should be indicated separately The supply of the items should be FOR destination, i.e CSR&TI Pampore, Kashmir. The cost payment will be made after completion of the supply of the ordered items. No part or advance payment will be made in any case. The ordered materials should be supplied within 15 days of receipt of supply order failing which 2 % penalty per month will be imposed on the delayed supplied. The Director CSR & TI Pampore reserves the right to increase/decrease quantity, accept / reject all the quotations or any quotation without assigning any reasons. “The Director, Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Pampore Reserves the right to increase/decrease quantity, accept or reject any or all tenders. However, the bidder is at liberty to seek clarification in respect of bidding conditions, bidding process and/ or reasons for rejection of the bid”. DIRECTOR ®úɹ]ÅõÒªÉ ®úÉVɨÉÉMÉÇ 44, MÉɱÉxnù®ú, {Éɨ{ÉÉä®ú – 192 121 (Vɨ¨ÉÖ B´ÉÆ Eò¶É¨ÉÒ®ú) {ÉÉäº]õ ¤ÉèMÉ ºÉÆ:88, VÉÒ {ÉÒ +Éà, ¸ÉÒxÉMÉ®ú – 190 001(Vɨ¨ÉÖ B´ÉÆ Eò¶É¨ÉÒ®ú) National Highway 44, Gallandar, Pampore – 192 121 (J&K)Post Bag No. 88, GPO, Srinagar – 190 001(J&K) nÚù®ú¦ÉÉ¹É Phone:01933-222839/223215/223176/293852/293865 ¢èòCºÉ Fax: 01933-223579iÉÉ®ú: ʺɱÉEò ¤ÉÉäbÇ÷ {Éɨ{ÉÉä®ú Grams: Silkboard Pampore <Ç-¨Éä±É e-mail: csrtippr@bsnl.in , csrtipam.csb@nic.in ´Éä¤É ºÉÉ<Ç]õ Website: www.csrtipam.res.in
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