CSCI 4620/8626 Computer Graphics Clipping Algorithms (Chapter 8-5 …) Last update: 2015-03-16 Clipping Algorithms A clipping algorithm is any procedure that eliminates those portions of a picture outside a specified region of space (usually a rectangle in standard position). Considered here are 2D clipping algorithms for Points Lines (straight-line segments) Fill areas Curves Text 2 2D Point Clipping Point clipping is reasonably obvious. If the point’s coordinates (x,y) satisfy the following inequalities, then it is inside the clipping region:xw x xw min max yw min y yw max If any of the inequalities is not met, then the point is dropped (clipped). 3 1 2D Line Clipping (1) Assume a rectangular clipping window in standard position and a line segment (i.e. two vertices). The results of a line clipping algorithm can be (1) the line is entirely outside the clipping window; or (2) the line is entirely inside the clipping window; or (3) the line intersects the clipping window boundary; part is inside and part is outside. The most expensive part of the algorithm deals with result (3), so we seek algorithms that minimize the work needed for that result. 4 2D Line Clipping (2) If both endpoints of a segment are inside the clipping window (e.g. P1-P2 in Fig. 8-9), the segment is entirely in the clipping window. If both endpoints of a segment are outside any one of the four boundaries of the clipping window (e.g. P3-P4), the segment is entirely outside the clipping window. (P9-P10 doesn’t fit this case!) Otherwise the segment may intersect the boundary of the clipping window and may extend into its interior. 5 Figure 8-9 Clipping straight-line segments using a standard rectangular clipping window. 2 2D Line Clipping (3) One way to determine where a line segment crosses a clipping window edge: Assume (x0,y0) and (xend,yend) are the line segment endpoints. Use these parametric equations of the line: • • x x 0 ux end x 0 y y 0 uy end y 0 0 u 1 Sequentially substitute the x/y window boundary values (4 of them) for the x/y variables and solve for u. If u is in [0,1], then solve for y/x (the other variable). If it’s in the allowed range for the clipping window, then we clip the line. 7 Clipping Efficiency (1) The basic clipping algorithm just discussed is straightforward, but inefficient. Recall that floating point arithmetic is vastly slower than integer arithmetic, and floating point division is enormously slower than addition. For example, on a 2.66GHz Intel Xeon 108 fp additions (or subtractions) took 515 msec 108 fp multiplications took 584 msec 108 fp divisions took 1168 msec 8 Clipping Efficiency (2) Since “real” images typically have many line segments, and clipping is done frequently, we must be concerned about the time required to perform the clipping operation. Many clipping algorithms do more initial testing to reduce the processing time for a set of line segments. Some of these are designed specifically for 2D pictures, while others can be easily adapted to 3D. 9 3 Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping In this algorithm, each line endpoint is first classified by assigning it a 4-bit region code (sometimes called an “out” code). Think of an infinite line through a clipping window edge as separating the plane into two half-planes. Each bit of the region code identifies the half-plane in which a line endpoint lies. 0 is used if the endpoint lies in the half-plane that contains the clipping region (“inside” half space). 1 is used if the endpoint lies in the half-plane that is outside the clipping region (“outside” half space). 10 Figure 8-10 A possible ordering for the clipping window boundaries corresponding to the bit positions in the Cohen- Sutherland endpoint region code. Figure 8-11 The nine binary region codes for identifying the position of a line endpoint, relative to the clipping-window boundaries. 4 Setting the Region Code Bits It should be easy to see how the bits in the region code for a line segment’s endpoint are set. For example, given the region code bit arrangement shown in figure 8-10, the value of bit 1 is the result of evaluating x xw min The other three bits in the region code are set in a similar manner. The bits are easily computed by keeping just the sign bits of the differences; for example, the sign bit of x – xwmin would be used for bit 1. 13 Simple Cases Once region codes are established, it’s easy to determine which line segments are completely inside or outside the clipping window. Any line that is completely within the clipping window will have a region code of 0000 for each endpoint. Any line that is completely outside the clipping window will have endpoint region codes with 1 in the same bit position. 14 Simple Case Examples It should be easy to see why 0000 is associated with each endpoint of a segment within the clipping window. Imagine a line segment that begins to the left of the clipping window and extends to the upper left. Bit position 1 will be 1 for both endpoints, since each of them is in the half-plane to the left of the clipping window. Bit position 4 will be 0 in one endpoint and 1 in the other. 15 5 Implementation of Simple Cases If we do a bitwise OR operation on the two region codes and get 0000, then each region code must have been 0000, and the line segment is completely within the clipping region; keep it. If we do a bitwise AND operation on the two region codes and get a non-zero value, then one of the same bits in each region code must have been 1; discard the line segment as being completely outside the clipping region. Recall that zero/non-zero values are treated as false/true in C/C++. 16 Not So Simple… Lines that can’t be easily classified must be checked for intersection with the clipping window boundaries. This may require several intersection calculations. Note that a line segment can intersect several clipping window boundary lines (that is, cross between multiple of the half-planes) without necessarily entering the interior of the clipping window. 17 Figure 8-12 Lines extending from one clipping-window region to another may cross into the clipping window, or they could intersect one or more clipping boundaries without entering the window. 6 Does It Cross? To determine if a line segment crosses from one half-plane to another (and potentially into the clipping window), we examine the corresponding bit positions in the two region codes. If the value of the bits in corresponding positions differ, then the segment crosses the boundary line between the two half-planes. As each clipping-window edge is processed, a section of the line is clipped, and the remainder of the line is checked against the other borders. 19 Termination Conditions After each “clip” of a line segment, the modified segment is checked to see if it is totally inside or outside the clipping window. If so, we’re done. Otherwise, the modified line segment is checked against the remaining clipping window borders. It is possible that an intersection position may be calculated at each of the four clipping boundaries, as illustrated in Figure 8-13. 20 Figure 8-13 Four intersection positions (labeled from 1 to 4) for a line segment that is clipped against the window boundaries in the order left, right, bottom, top. 7 Boundary Intersections (1) It’s relatively easy to determine a boundary intersection for a line segment. Given (x0, y0) and (xend, yend) as the line endpoints, and x is the position of a vertical clipping border line (i.e. xwmin or xwmax), compute the y coordinate of the intersection as follows: m y end y 0 /x end x 0 y y 0 mx x 0 22 Boundary Intersections (2) If we’re looking for the intersection with a horizontal border, then the x coordinate can be calculated as follows (where y is ywmin or ywmax): x x0 y y0 m 23 Liang-Barsky Line Clipping Cyrus and Beck, then later Liang and Barsky, developed faster line-clipping algorithms based on additional line testing using the parametric form for lines. Given the usual endpoint definitions, the line can be parametrically described as follows (same as before): 24 8 Combine with Point-Clipping Conditions Liang-Barsky then combines the parametric line equations with the point-clipping conditions seen earlier. This yields these four inequalities (given in pairs): xwmin x 0 ux xw max ywmin y 0 uy yw max 25 Rewriting the Inequalities The four inequalities can be rewritten like this: u pk qk k 1,2,3,4 p and q are defined as 26 Example: p1 and q1 Derivation Let’s consider one inequality: Subtract uΔx from each side: Subtract xwmin from each side: If we now define p1 = -Δx and q1 = x0 – xwmin, we obtain the expression given for the first inequality: up1 £ q1 The remaining inequalities can be rewritten to yield the other cases for upk ≤ qk . 27 9 Cases to Consider If pk = 0, then the line is parallel to a boundary. If qk < 0 for the same k, then the line can be discarded. If qk ≥ 0 then the corresponding pointclipping inequality is satisfied. If pk < 0, then the segment potentially enters the clipping window across the k-th boundary; call this case PE. If pk > 0, then the segment potentially leaves the clipping window across the k-th boundary; call this case PL. 28 Definitions Let KPE = { k : pk < 0 } denote the set of indices of clipping boundaries across which the line potentially enters the clip rectangle. Similarly let KPL = { k : pk > 0 } denote the set of indices of clipping boundaries across which the line potentially leaves the clip rectangle. Let uk = qk / pk represent the parameter value at the k-th boundary crossing. 29 Visible Segment With those definitions, the visible portion of the line segment is that where the parameter value u is in the range umin £ u £ umax where umin = max [0,uk ] umax = min [1,uk ] kÎK PE kÎK PL If umin > umax then the entire segment is clipped. 30 10 Example of Liang-Barsky “In the fullness of time” there will be a slide or two that demonstrates Liang-Barsky with a specific set of lines and a specific clipping window. 31 Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line Clipping The Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl (NLN) line clipping algorithm creates more regions around the clipping window to avoid multiple line-intersection calculations, thus using fewer comparisons and divisions. The tradeoff is that Cohen-Sutherland and LiangBarsky can be easily extended to three dimensions, but NLN cannot. 32 NLN Rationale In general, a line segment (being clipped) can intersect all four of the (extended) clipping window boundaries (review fig. 8-13). At most two of these intersections are relevant to the clipping problem. We assume most of the computational overhead is associated with finding intersections, so it follows that irrelevant intersection computations should be avoided. Only three cases need to be considered. 33 11 NLN - Initial Testing Initially, a line’s endpoints are assigned region codes as before. Then the “easy” tests to determine if the line is entirely inside or outside the clipping region are performed. Obviously we’re done (as before) if one of the easy tests succeeds. Otherwise NLN proceeds to set up additional clipping regions. 34 Endpoint Positions to Consider One of the endpoints (called P0) of each line considered by NLN must be in one of three positions. That is, P0 must have one of three region codes: 0000 = inside the clipping region 0001 = immediately left of the clipping region 1001 = left and above the clipping region If P0 isn’t in one of those regions, but Pend is, then P0 and Pend can be swapped. The other endpoint positions can be mapped into one of the three positions by rotating the line and the clipping region by 90, 180, or 270 degrees. 35 Figure 8-14 Three possible positions for a line endpoint P0 in the NLN line-clipping algorithm. 12 NLN: P0 inside the window If P0 is inside the clipping window, and Pend is outside, then four regions are defined as shown in figure 8-15. These regions are defined by the semi-infinite lines beginning with P0 and extending through the four vertices defining the corners of the clipping window. The region containing P0 – Pend is easily identified by comparing the line’s slope with the slopes of the lines bordering the regions (more later). 37 Figure 8-15 The four regions used in the NLN algorithm when P0 is inside the clipping window and Pend is outside. NLN: P0 left of the window As before, four lines are drawn from P0 through the vertices of the clipping window (see fig. 8-16). We now have four regions, labeled for the clipping window edges the line could intersect: L (inside the window), LT, LR, and LB. If Pend is in L, it is easily identified by its region code (0000). The other regions are identified, as before, by comparing the slope of P0 – Pend with the slopes of the region boundary lines. 39 13 Figure 8-16 The four clipping regions used in the NLN algorithm when P0 is directly to the left of the clip window. NLN: P0 above left of the window The regions in this case depend on whether P0 is closer to the (extended) left boundary edge or the top boundary edge of the clipping window. These two cases are shown in fig. 8-17 (a) and (b), along with the various regions they define; labeled for the edges the clipped line intersects. The region containing Pend – and therefore the edge(s) of the clipping window that are intersected – is(are) identified by comparing the slope of P0 – Pend with the slope of the boundary lines of the regions. 41 Figure 8-17 The two possible sets of clipping regions used in the NLN algorithm when P0 is above and to the left of the clipping window. 14 Slopes Assume the line being clipped has endpoint coordinates (x0,y0) and (xend,yend). The slope of this line is easily seen to be yend - y0 xend - x0 In the case illustrated in fig. 8-16, the slopes of the lines bounding the top regions (L and LT) are yT - y0 x R - x0 and yT - y0 x L - x0 43 Slope Comparisons If the line being clipped is in region L or LT, then we must have yT - y0 yend - y0 yT - y0 £ £ x R - x0 xend - x0 x L - x0 Look at the first (left) inequality (as an example). It can be rewritten as ( yT - y0 ) ( xend - x0 ) £ ( yend - y0 ) ( xR - x0 ) Note this involves no divisions! 44 Intersection Calculations Once the clipping window edge(s) that intersect the line being clipped is(are) identified, the intersection point can be determined using only a single division for each intersection. The coordinate difference calculations and product calculations used in the slope comparisons are saved and reused in the intersection calculations. Although only a single region was used here as an example, the work for other regions is very similar. 45 15
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