| SPECIAL STORY | Advance Rulings & Settlement Commission| Bharat Raichandani, Advocate “No more crawling over entrails of tax disputes” – Settlement Commission In India, there are burgeoning number of tax disputes, apart from the large number of pending cases that the Indian judicial system is already encumbered with. Tax laws, by nature, seem to be ambiguous and are subject VQEQPƀKEVKPIKPVGTRTGVCVKQPUQRKPKQPUVJTQWIJ various appellate levels, before being blessed with a final verdict, only to note that, in some ECUGUſPCNKV[KUVJGJQTK\QP5KIPKſECPVCOQWPV of time, money and effort is being put in both by taxpayers and the Government in long drawn litigations. Indirect Tax (Customs and Excise) litigation across various levels in India as of November, 2012 (which number definitely must have increased manifold):Level at which Number Amount case is pending of pending disputed cases (USD billion)* Commissioner 33,135 1.5 (Appeals) Tribunal 58,994 15 High Court 14,654 2 5WRTGOG%QWTV 3,004 2 Total 109,787 20.5 (KIWTGUCRRTQZKOCVGF5QWTEG(GFGTCVKQPQH Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (2013) Dispute Resolution in Tax Matters) To mitigate the burden on the current system and for expeditious settlement of disputes, India needs to reform, develop and create higher awareness about various dispute settlement and resolution mechanisms available. In reaction to the high costs and delays associated with conventional litigation, there has been a conscious development of alternatives to litigation over the last 20 years in societies around the world 1 . Liberal structure for settlement of tax disputes is now a norm in many countries. Settlement Commission As early as 1992, in the Budget speech, the Finance Minister had proposed setting up QH 5GVVNGOGPV %QOOKUUKQP HQT %WUVQOU CPF Central Excise disputes. However, provisions were introduced only in the Finance Bill, 1998. The stated objective was that the door to settlement with errant taxpayer should be kept open keeping in mind the primary objective of augmentation of Revenue. There has to be ,10'//#2.'5# /GFKCVKQPCUCPCNVGTPCVKXGQRVKQPKP#WUVTCNKCŏUVCZFKURWVGUTGUQNWVKQPRTQEGFWTGU Australian Tax Forum. 12 (February), p. 531. 558++ | The Chamber's Journal | $SULO| 83 ¯ _“No more crawling over entrails of tax disputes” – Settlement Commission_ However, the conditions for availing this facility are restrictive and need to be liberalised. Any proceeding for the levy, assessment and collection of excise duty, pending before the adjudicating authority may be settled by the 5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQP%NCUUKſECVKQPFKURWVGU disputes relating to interpretation of law, disputes below a certain monetary limit and disputes for short levy on goods for reasons other than misclassification, undervaluation and application of exemption notification #UGVVNGOGPVD[VJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPKU QT %'08#6 ETGFKV ECPPQV DG UGVVNGF D[ VJG based on the principle of alternative dispute Commission. resolution which is in the nature of arbitration or intercession between the taxpayer and the 6JGUEQRGCPFLWTKUFKEVKQPQHVJG5GVVNGOGPV Indian Revenue Authorities. The commission Commission also been subject to challenge in is a mechanism for speedy settlement of cases courts of law. In Australian Foods Limited without going through the adjudication stages case 2 , the Madras High Court held that the having legal challenges, recoveries and other 5GVVNGOGPV %QOOKUUKQP YJKEJ JCU DGGP procedural tangles. It may also be referred to established as a quasi-judicial body under the as “out of court” settlement. The proceedings statute cannot proceed to deal with an aspect DGHQTGVJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPCTGFGGOGFVQ which is completely out of its purview and be judicial proceedings for the purpose of Indian LWTKUFKEVKQP6JGLWTKUFKEVKQPQHVJG5GVVNGOGPV Penal Code. Commission is limited to the “case” before it. The expression “case” has been statutorily Keeping the aforesaid objective in mind, the FGſPGF6JGUCKFGZRTGUUKQPJCUJCFKVUUJCTGQH 5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPYCUEQPUVKVWVGFWPFGT litigation. In Ashok Kumar Jain’s case3, the Delhi 5GEVKQPQHVJG#EVYKVJGHHGEVHTQOVJ,WPG *KIJ%QWTVJGNFVJCVVJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQP 1999. The various provisions of sections in has jurisdiction to settle cases relating to baggage %JCRVGT8RTQXKFGFGVCKNUQHVJGHWPEVKQPKPI KORQTVU6JG5RGEKCN$GPEJQHVJG5GVVNGOGPV QH VJG 5GVVNGOGPV %QOOKUUKQP 6JG %GPVTCN %QOOKUUKQP 1TFGT0Q5$%':JGNF QDLGEVKXGQHVJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPKUVQ that co-noticees can approach the Commission provide quick and easy settlement of tax dispute after the “case” of the main noticee is settled, of high revenue stake so as to save the time and provided case of the co-noticee is pending. energy of both, the Litigant and the Department However, in Viva Herbal Private Limited case4, the adding to the proverb “Time saved is money Bombay High Court held that the orders passed saved”. Any assessee can make an application D[VJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPCTGCOGPCDNGVQ VQVJG5GVVNGOGPV%QOOKUUKQPEQPVCKPKPIHWNN writ jurisdiction. and true disclosure of his duty liability which has not been disclosed before the Central The resort to settlement of disputes finds its Excise Officer. The applicant has to accept the roots in mature tax jurisdictions. Hence, it additional amount of central excise duty payable becomes imperative, for us, to look at the by him and such liability should be not less than dispute resolution mechanisms globally. ` NCEKPCRCTVKEWNCTECUG room for compromise and settlement. A rigid attitude would inhibit a onetime tax evader or unintending defaulter from making a clean breast of his affairs and unnecessarily strain the investigation resources of the Government. The settlement machinery is, thus, meant for providing a chance to a tax-evader who wants to turn a new leaf as recommended by the Direct Taxes Inquiry Committee, popularly known as the “Wanchoo Committee”. 2 254 ELT 392 (Mad) 3 292 ELT 32 (Del) 4 260 ELT 168 (Bom) ¯84 | The Chamber's Journal | $SULO | 669,, | SPECIAL STORY | Advance Rulings & Settlement Commission| United Kingdom (‘UK’) UK Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution The UK tax mediation regime is at a Ŏ%'&4ŏCTGCRRQKPVGF6JGRCTVKGUUKIPCP#&4 comparatively nascent stage. In 2009, when agreement, when they commit to work towards *GT/CLGUV[ŏU4GXGPWGCPF%WUVQOU Ŏ*/4%ŏ resolution in good faith and acknowledge was burdened with a backlog of tax appeals, that their discussions will be on a without there was a growing sense that many tax prejudice basis. The parties exchange position disputes could be resolved through collaboration papers summarising their arguments. Facilitated between the taxpayer and the tax authority. mediation is held with all decision makers In 2010, HMRC created a Dispute Resolution present. The goal is to reach resolution and 7PKV Ŏ&47ŏVQEQQTFKPCVGFGXGNQROGPVQH prepare a draft agreement within one day. C.KVKICVKQPCPF5GVVNGOGPV5VTCVGI[ Ŏ.55ŏ 5KPEG*/4%EQPFWEVGFRKNQVRTQLGEVUHQT YJKEJYCUEQFKſGFCPFTGXKUGFKP*/4% evaluating the benefits of implementing ADR KPVTQFWEGF#NVGTPCVG&KURWVG4GUQNWVKQP Ŏ#&4ŏ in tax disputes. The statistics highlight how which is a formal procedure for tax dispute CXGTCIGCIGQH8#6FKURWVGUKUOQPVJUCPF resolution. The Civil Procedure Rules carried how the average elapsed time for all closed URGEKſEFKTGEVKQPUVQ%QWTVUVQGPEQWTCIGRCTVKGU ADR cases is 53 days.6 In light of the above, it is to use ADR procedures so as to achieve fair clear that the UK has progressively developed and expeditious settlement of disputes without its tax dispute settlement mechanisms and such unnecessary waste of resources.5 approach adopted by the HMRC is a sunshine Government Departments go to court, as a path for resolving the problem of large numbers last resort, and a formal pledge was published of pending tax disputes. Even though the ADR committing Government departments and process in the UK is relatively new, they have agencies to settle legal cases by ADR techniques, made considerable progress. whenever the other side agrees to it. The approach is considered appropriate in cases Australia where the parties are at an impasse and litigation The Australian-based National Alternative might have to be considered. ADR also helps Dispute Resolution Advisory Council parties prepare for litigation, which would Ŏ0#&4#%ŏFGHKPGU#&4CUőVJQUGRTCEVKEGU ultimately reduce litigation costs if ADR efforts other than judicial determination, in which an do not succeed. However ADR cannot be used impartial person assists those in a dispute to to resolve cases involving avoidance schemes resolve the issues between them.” Alternative or issues for which HMRC has a clear policy disputes resolution processes include position that cannot be compromised. arbitration, conciliation, mediation, negotiation, Within 30 days of application for ADR, an ADR panel of senior HMRC officers decides whether to accept the case or not. If the case is accepted, reasons are provided in writing together with suggestions on how the parties might proceed towards resolution. At least two independent facilitators appointed by the conferencing, adjudication, case appraisal and neutral evaluation.7 6JG#WUVTCNKCP6CZCVKQP1HſEGŏU Ŏ#61ŏ%QFG QH5GVVNGOGPV2TCEVKEGŎRTQXKFGUIWKFGNKPGUQP the settlement of taxation disputes in relation to all taxpayers. It provides guidance as to the situations in which settlement could be )18+0&58#4#0#5+5 &KURWVG4GUQNWVKQPKP6CZ/CVVGTU#P+PFKC7-%QORCTCVKXG2GTURGEVKXG +PVGTPCVKQPCN6CZCVKQP 5GRVGODGT2 6*'70+6'&-+0)&1/*/4% #NVGTPCVKXG&KURWVG4GUQNWVGHQT5/'ŏUCPFKPFKXKFWCNU2TQLGEV'XCNWCVKQP 5WOOCT[ #7564#.+#0#&4#% &KURWVG4GUQNWVKQP6GTOU6JG7UGQH6GTOUKP #NVGTPCVKXG&KURWVG4GUQNWVKQP 558++ | The Chamber's Journal | $SULO| 85 ¯ _“No more crawling over entrails of tax disputes” – Settlement Commission_ considered and outlines the processes which UJQWNFDGHQNNQYGFŏ+VCNUQCUUKUVUKPGPUWTKPI VJCV ŎUGVVNGOGPVU QH VCZCVKQP FKURWVGU QEEWT only in appropriate cases and in accordance with established practices that provide the necessary checks and balances, and there is transparency and accountability in the settlement RTQEGUUŏ 6JG /QFGN .KVKICPV 2QNKE[ YJKEJ binds all agencies (including the ATO) under the Financial Management and Accountability Act, 1997 requires agencies to endeavour to avoid, prevent and limit the scope of legal proceedings, wherever possible, including by giving consideration to alternate dispute resolution before initiating legal proceedings and by participating in alternative dispute resolution where appropriate. The Code lists certain circumstances in which it is appropriate or inappropriate to settle a matter. Appropriate circumstances include circumstances when the cost of litigation outweighs the amount of tax in dispute, when there are opportunities to narrow facts or issues in dispute, when a party is a tax avoidance or other arrangement has come to accept the %QOOKUUKQPGTŏU RQUKVKQP CPF UGVVNGOGPV KU around the steps necessary to unwind existing structures and arrangements, when certainty or early payment can be achieved, when settlement will achieve compliance by taxpayer in a costeffective way and when there is a unique issue that cannot be litigated upon. Inappropriate circumstances include matters subject to escalation, matters contrary to law policies and precedential positions, when a similar matter is being litigated and awaiting outcome, and when it is in public interest to have judicial ENCTKſECVKQPQPCPKUUWGGVE on the jurisdiction and the type of ADR used. The ATO ADR process is an interactive one whereby facts, circumstances and information are shared, explained and heard at every stage. The ATO has a Dispute Resolution Network, &KURWVG4GUQNWVKQP5WD%QOOKVVGGCPF&KURWVG Management Advisory Panel to facilitate and assist in the increased use of AR across the ATO. #WUVTCNKCŏU#&4RTQEGFWTGUJCXGRTQFWEGF good results in achieving resolutions much more frequently and much earlier in the objection and appeals process. United States (‘US’) 6JG75VCZOGFKCVKQPTGIKOGKUOQUVOCVWTG 6JG75+PVGTPCN4GXGPWG5GTXKEG Ŏ+45ŏQHHGTU a number of ADR mechanisms that can be engaged at various points in the assessment and appeals process. These include Fast Track 5GVVNGOGPV Ŏ(65ŏ(CUV6TCEM/GFKCVKQP Ŏ(6/ŏ CPF2QUV#RRGCNU/GFKCVKQP Ŏ2#/ŏ 6JG(65RTQITCOOGYCUKPVTQFWEGFCDQWV [GCTUCIQCPFKUVJGOQUVRQRWNCT+45#&4 mechanism. The approach is available to all Large Business and International Division taxpayers and has been extended to smaller taxpayers and tax-exempt entities. Both factual CPFNGICNKUUWGUECPDGPGIQVKCVGF(65CRRGCNU CTGTGUQNXGFD[WVKNKUKPIVJGCUUKUVCPEGQHC(65 #RRGCNUQHſEKCNVTCKPGFKPOGFKCVKQPCPFFKURWVG TGUQNWVKQPVGEJPKSWGU6JG(65#RRGCNUQHſEKCN serves as a neutral mediator and also has the ability to use delegated settlement authority to offer a settlement in the event parties cannot reach a settlement through the use of mediation VGEJPKSWGU6CZRC[GTUECPTGSWGUV(65QPEGCP examination letter has been sent to the taxpayer and after an issue is fully developed, but before According to ATO, ADR may be applied “at any a 30-day preliminary notice of deficiency has stage of the dispute”.85GVVNGOGPVPGIQVKCVKQPU DGGP UGPV 5GVVNGOGPVU ECP DG DCUGF QP VJG CTGWUGFKP%QWTVUCPF6TKDWPCNUKPDQVJ5VCVG JC\CTFUQHNKVKICVKQPCNNQYKPIVJGGZCOKPCVKQP and Federal jurisdictions. The ADR process team to weigh the potential litigation costs as can be mandatory or voluntary, depending it negotiates settlement. With few set rules, the ,10'//#2.'5# /GFKCVKQPCUCPCNVGTPCVKXGQRVKQPKP#WUVTCNKCŏUVCZFKURWVGUTGUQNWVKQPRTQEGFWTGU Australian Tax Forum. 12 (February), p. 538. ¯86 | The Chamber's Journal | $SULO | 669,, | SPECIAL STORY | Advance Rulings & Settlement Commission| parties have considerable leeway to agree on to intervention of negotiated solutions. As JQYYKNNWPHQNF(65WUWCNN[KPXQNXGUC a result, no tax claims can be negotiated or one or two-day informal mediation process. settled by agreement. Further mediation can only be practiced at the tax courts as courts of 6JGIQCNQH(65KUVQTGCEJTGUQNWVKQPYKVJKP ſTUVKPUVCPEG0QOGFKCVKQPKURGTOKVVGFCVVJG FC[UQHCEEGRVCPEG#MG[CFXCPVCIGQH(65 federal Fiscal Court, which is a pure Court of is that it can occur while the issue is still with Appeals on legal matters. the Examination division, thus, interest on tax FKURWVGYKNNPQVCEETWGYJKNGVJG(65RTQEGGFU New Zealand, Netherlands and Portugal have Another upside is that taxpayers can withdraw seen the benefits of ADR in resolving tax from the procedure at any point without losing disputes. their traditional rights to appeal. France has no formal ADR practice in place. However, a number of administrative processes exist trying to reduce incidents of cases reaching Canada Canada has negotiation as a part of its EQWTV6CZFKURWVGUKP$TC\KNCTGUVTKEVN[TGUGTXGF ADR process. ADR processes that are more HQTVJGEQWTVUDGECWUGVJG$TC\KNKCPVCZEQFGJCU adjudicative in nature include settlement never formally regulated ADR. conferences. ADR is not a regularly used Canadian dispute resolution tool. On a comparative analysis, it appears that Indian tax mediation strategy, though developing, is 6JG %CPCFKCP 4GXGPWG #WVJQTKV[ Ŏ%4#ŏ at a nascent stage. For astute administration traditionally, has been reluctant to allow third- and favourable management of the tax system, party involvement in disputes, but the Tax a legal framework which allows the Indian tax %QWTV QH %CPCFC Ŏ6%%ŏ FQGU JCXG KVU QYP administration to explore ADR as well enable means of resolving cases before they go to settlement should be encouraged. Resolving court. Taxpayers and the revenue authority may disputes through ADR will be cost effective and arrange a settlement conference, where a TCC expeditious for both the Revenue authorities as judge presides over the discussion between both well as the taxpayer, apart from withdrawing parties. However the judge is only allowed to the burden from the judiciary. Needless to state, make non-binding recommendations, resulting there is no bargain of the tax liability, it is an in many cases proceeding to a court hearing. amicable way of resolving a tax dispute. The difficulty in resolving tax disputes is that Additionally, willingness to embrace tax they must be resolved on a principled basis mediation is paramount. As noted above, tax in accordance with fiscal statutes. There is no mediation regimes in other jurisdictions are ability to negotiate on matters based on a single mandatory before the appeals stage. India can technical legal question. model a structure based on those archetypes. A successful tax mediation regime must be implemented as a fundamental part of the Germany ADR is Germany is relatively new. It was wider outlook of the tax authorities. Associated introduced in 2012 as an option in the Mediation operational costs will increase, however, there will be consequent decrease in litigation and Act. investigation costs. Under German law, judicial mediation is not mandatory; its use is left to the discretion of the All in all, ADR settlements rests on good faith courts. In deciding whether to allow mediation of the parties to negotiate. It is a collaborative in their courts, judges and others questioned process and its success will bolster India as an whether the tax law is open as a public right investor-friendly jurisdiction. 558++ | The Chamber's Journal | $SULO| 87 ¯
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