Announcements - Christ the King Catholic Church

820 E. Main Street
P.O. Box 1201
Abingdon, VA 24212
Reverend Francis Xavier Musolooza, Pastor
Mass Schedule: Sunday - 9:00 a.m.
Monday, Tuesday, First Wednesday of the month, Thursday, Friday - 8:00 a.m.
All other Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m.
Praying of the Rosary: Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.
Our Mission Statement:
The parish of Christ the King Catholic Church continues the mission Jesus began of serving humanity.
Inspired by Word and Sacrament, we share our God-given talents and gifts, faith and discipleship.
In this, we enrich and share our Catholic faith.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Youth Sunday
Sunday, July 12, 2015: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion:
Altar Servers:
Cross Bearer:
Gift Bearers:
Catherine Rumschlag, John White, Nina White,
Daniel Goolsby, Luke Ponce, Gary Del Gaudio
Lee Ann Geisenhaver, Kate Jacob, Valerie Ponce
Anna Hahn, James Del Gaudio
Chris Dado
Attendance & Contributions
Charlie Dolpp, Larry Houston
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Browning Family
Judy & Ernie Marburg
Poor Box Donations: $ 274.67 was collected in the month of June.
Thank you so much for these cash or check donations which go directly to EFIA for distribution to those needing to pay utility bills. If
you deposit a check, please make payable to EFIA. Your generosity
supports and is appreciated by many in need.
Sunday Offering
Capital Improvement
Counters (July 12th): K. Monyak,
M. Kenyon, D. Bisig
Blood Pressure Readings: will be taken next Sunday, July 12th.
Found at CTK: Navy blue bracelet with black stones. Please see or
Judy Marburg if it belongs to you.
Expenses Paid: June 29-July 3, 2015
Secular Franciscans: meet Sunday, July 19th at 2 p.m. at Jubilee Retreat Center. Meetings are the 3rd
Sunday of each month.
To schedule a
Mass Intention,
please contact the
Parish Office.
July 5th : In memory of the anniversary of Joe & Shirley Brand
July 12th: Repose of the Soul of Edward Rymer (Bob Rymer)
Sunday 7/5
Monday 7/6
Tuesday 7/7
Wednesday 7/8
Thursday 7/9
Friday 7/10
Saturday 7/11
Sunday 7/12
Ezekiel 2:2-5 Psalm 123: 1, 2, 3 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Luke 4:18 Mark 6:1-6
Genesis 28:10-22 Psalm 91:1-4, 14-15 Matthew 9:18-26
Genesis 32:23-33 Psalm 17:1-3, 6-8, 15 Matthew 9:32-38
Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7, 17-24 Psalm 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19 Matthew 10:1-7
Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5 Psalm 105:16-21 Matthew 10:7-15
Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30 Psalm 37:3, 18, 27, 39 Matthew 10:16-23
Genesis 49:29-32, 50:15-26 Psalm 105:1-4, 6 Matthew 10:24-33
Amos 7:12-15 Psalm 85:9-14 Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:7-13
During Mass, youth ages 17 & under may not leave the sanctuary unaccompanied by an adult. This is for
the safety of your children and the preservation of our church. No child should ever be in the nursery,
loft or be outside on church property without a parent or guardian to supervise them.
CTK Annual Yard Sale: this Saturday, July 11th. Drop off items for the sale begin this Monday
July 6th through Friday, July 10th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Ellen Tolton is looking for volunteers to help
set up and work the sale that Saturday. Please contact her at or 276.739.9987
to help or with any questions.
Little Flowers Girls Club: meets Wednesday, July 8th, 4:30-6 p.m. This meeting will be at Sugar
Hollow Park this month. Members will learn about St. Margaret of Scotland and the virtue of Initiative.
Please join us! For more info, contact group leaders Sarah Potter, or Laura
Washington County Social Club: Thursday, July 16th is CTK’s turn to host this hot dog/hamburger
picnic, followed by bingo. Please mark your calendar and plan to come! Great opportunity for CTK hospitality to community folks in area group homes. Sign-up sheets are in the Commons. Contact or see
Josie Campbell, 276.429.2297, or Polly Berry, 703.508.5020 for more info. We thank YOU!
Adult faith formation program led by Seminarian Chris Masla: will resume Sunday, July 12th and
continue through August 2nd. The program uses Father Robert Barron’s newest DVD series on Jesus
Christ, entitled “Priest, Prophet, King.” The purpose of the program is to provide an introduction to the
Lord so that in coming to know Him, we might better introduce Him to others. The seminar is in Seger
hall and directly follows Mass.
The Gift of Life: CTK will host an American Red cross Blood Drive in Seger Hall on Tuesday, July
28th from 1-6 p.m. This donation site will be advertised
regionally and locally so others will be made aware. Po- Faith Formation Corner
tential donors can be church members, community mem- 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
bers, family & friends—whoever can be recruited to doGospel Question of the Week
nate. 16 year olds may donate with parental permission.
In the Gospel, we read that many people in Jesus’
17 years and older do not need parental permission.
Volunteering to work or donating blood garners com- hometown “took offense at him.” They were not
able (or perhaps unwilling) to give Him the honor
munity service credit toward being a Washington
that was due Him, since He was only “the carpenCounty Community Scholar. Please sign up on the
ter, the son of Mary.” Why do you think they failed
sheet in the Commons or email Mary at office@ctkto recognize Jesus for who He is: the Messiah, Son See Marianne Boyle, Margaret Evans, or
of God, and Lord? Why do you think that Jesus
Beth Wright for information. Everyone needs a picture “was not able to perform any mighty deed there,
ID or a Red Cross donor card.
apart from curing a few sick people by laying His
hands on them”? The Gospel also tells us that in
Join your CTK family at the Bristol Pirates v.
His hometown, Jesus “was amazed at their lack of
Danville Braves Game! Friday, July 31st. We will faith.” What do you think Jesus’ reaction would be
share a potluck meal at 6:30 p.m. in the Johnsonto your faith in Him? Why?
Halstead Pavilion prior to the first pitch at 7:00 p.m. Sign
Take a look at the website for the Knights of Coup on (Coordinator: Smith; passlumbus: Under the Know Your
word: 1225) to register what dish you will bring to share
Faith tab, you will find many resources, including
that evening. Bring a lawn or bag chair if you have one!
Be prepared for rain! CTK has the pavilion rented for the online courses, prayers and devotions.
domesticchurch will take you to Building The Doentire evening, so come and enjoy the game from the top mestic Church with information about their family
of the hill! Driving & parking directions, more details
and info on tickets will be in upcoming bulletins. See
Patti Smith for more info. Note: The ballpark features “Parrothead Night” on the 31st. Break out your
Hawaiian shirts and be ready to sing along with your favorite Jimmy Buffet tunes!
Statement by Bishop Paul S. Loverde and Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo on Supreme Count Marriage Decision: On June 26th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution requires states to issue marriage licenses to two person of the same sex, and requires a state
to recognize as marriage the union of two people of the same sex when it was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state. We are deeply distressed by this decision which fails to uphold marriage as the union
which unites one man and one woman. This fundamental institution, grounded in natural law, predates
any religion or nation. All persons have inviolable dignity and deserve love and respect. Unjust discrimination is always wrong. However, our commitment to marriage is a matter of justice and fidelity to our
Creator’s original design. Marriage is the only institution uniting one man and one woman with each
other and with any child who comes from their union. Redefining marriage furthers no one’s rights, least
of all those of children. As bishops, we believe it is more vital than ever that we share the Church’s consistent witness to the truth about marriage, and we call on Catholics and those concerned for the common
good to continue to pray, live and speak out with charity about the true nature of marriage. The truth cannot be marginalized. We will join our brother bishops from across the country when we shortly share an
additional statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which will provide further analysis.
PRAYERS REQUESTED (new names this week in bold): David Arnold, Jackie Arthers, Harold
Arthers, Nancylee Bailey, John Baldwin, Leslie Birch, Gerard Boyd, Krztena Brooks, Marilynn Browning,
Maryann Browning, Woody Cantrell, Jim Cowan, Connie Crusenberry, Jerry Dado, Margaret Dankovic,
Stevan Demase, Jr., Jeremiah Denton, John De Sensi, Mendy Dillow, Marie Dixon, Joseph Dorson, Richard
Durbin, Melissa Farmer, Alex Fast, Ethan Finch, Sister Margaret Flynn, Bill Franklin, Frank Fratto, Maria
Fuller, Amy Gray, Juanita Gray, James Griffith, Lorenzo Guillen, Tyler Hamm, Jaxxon Harris, Jim Huber,
Mike Hughes, Mae Klaus, Jean Knapp, Mike Kuzo, John Lamie, Skip Legg, Marie Martell, Elvira McLees,
Steve Mullins, Jimmy Murray, Brandon Nadler, Lesley O’Grady, Anne Olsen, Linda Painter, Heather Parks,
Melody Poe, George Pope, Sandra Radford, Karen Rhymer, Mike Riordan, Eddie Rose, Donna Seymour, Ben
Shew, Michelle Smith, Jim Stoiber, Jesika Stoll, Henry Vega, Jane Vittoria, Joseph Vollmer, Franz Walkup,
Cathy White, Linda White, Pastor Kenneth Widner, Peggy Williams, Shari Williams, Beth Wilson, Amber
Wolfe, Patricia Anne Wolfinger, Robert George Wolfinger.
(If you are sick, in the hospital, or unable to go to Mass, please call the office. If there are persons
who should be removed from the list, let the office know.)
MILITARY PRAYERS: Brandon Bates, Jose Cisneros, Michael Davidson, Scott Elliott, Michelle Fratto,
LTC Dustin Frazier, Matt Frazier, Chuck Gill, Jennifer Hamilton, Scott Hebert, Anthony Lachlan, James
Mayes, Kevin Perkins, Capt. Daniel R. Pionk, Blaine Robinson.
Office Manager: Mary Byrd - 276.628.2941
Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. & Wednesday, Noon - 4:00 p.m.
Parish Website:
Please submit info to the office or email by Thursday Noon. Please include name & phone.
when you exit the building. If you turn on lights, appliances; raise or lower the thermostat, please do the
reverse when you leave the building Always do a safety check that the building is fully secure.