CTP PILOT BRIEFING EDDK 2015 EDDK – CGN – 50° 51‘ 37‘‘ N, 007° 08‘ 34‘‘ E – 77m AMSL Index 1 Preamble ............................................................................................................. 3 2 General................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 3 Airport Overview .................................................................................................. 5 3.1 4 5 Frequencies ................................................................................................... 4 Parking .......................................................................................................... 5 3.1.1 Terminal 1 ............................................................................................... 5 3.1.2 Terminal 2 ............................................................................................... 6 3.1.3 Cargo ...................................................................................................... 6 3.1.4 General Aviation ..................................................................................... 7 3.1.5 Miscellaneous ......................................................................................... 7 Departure ............................................................................................................ 8 4.1 Delivery ......................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Pushback/Apron ............................................................................................ 9 4.3 Ground ........................................................................................................ 10 4.4 Tower .......................................................................................................... 10 4.5 Departure Controller .................................................................................... 11 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 12 5.1 ILS Frequency ............................................................................................. 12 5.2 Feedback ..................................................................................................... 12 CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 1 Preamble Thank you for choosing Cologne-Bonn Airport as your departure airport for this year VATSIM’s Cross The Pond Westbound Event. We will make your departure out of Cologne as much pleasant as possible. Cologne Bonn Airport has a lot to offer. Measured by aviation traffic Cologne-Bonn is he 5th largest airport in Germany and resides on the 6th place for passenger traffic and on the 3rd place for Cargo behind Frankfurt and Leipzig. With a catchment area of more than 20 million people and an outstanding infrastructure Cologne-Bonn is one of the few European Airports with a great potential for development. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 2 General Listen to the instructions carefully! If you missed something or did not understand a radio call, don’t hesitate to ask! Expect early handoffs, even on the ground. Continue to the clearance limit and contact the next controller on your way. Do not stop just because you are asked to change the frequency! Charts can be found at http://www.vatsim-germany.org/airport/EDDK A list of sceneries is available at http://www.vatsim-germany.org/airport/EDDK Initial Climb altitude is 5000ft only! After takeoff you need to contact the first radar controller on your own when passing 2000ft. There will be no handoff! 2.1 Frequencies Login Name EDDK_ATIS Frequency Callsign 124.100 EDDK_DEL 121.850 EDDK_P_GND EDDK_GND 121.950 121.720 EDDK_TWR 124.970 Cologne Delivery Cologne Apron Cologne Ground Cologne Tower EDDK_APP 118.750 Langen Radar EDDK_W_APP 135.350 Langen Radar EDDK_F_APP 121.050 Langen Radar EDDL_APP 128.550 Langen Radar EDGG_P_CTR 135.650 Langen Radar EDGG_T_CTR 127.620 Langen Radar EDGG_H_CTR 129.170 Langen Radar CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany Description Cologne Bonn Voice/Text ATIS Coordinates Pushbacks Responsible for SONEB, COL, WYP, KUMIK, PODIP departures and easterly arrivals Responsible for NOR departures and westerly arrivals Cologne Director 3 Airport Overview 3.1 Parking Cologne-Bonn Airport has 2 passenger terminals (Terminal 1 including Apron A, B & C and Terminal 2 Apron D) and a huge cargo terminal (Apron E, F & W). 3.1.1 Terminal 1 This Terminal is exclusively used by Lufthansa (DLH), Austrian Airlines (AUA) and Gemanwings (GWI) in the real world and on VATSIM also by other Star Alliance partners. You might consider another Apron (see 3.1.5 Miscellaneous) as there are not much heavy gates available at Terminal 1. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 3.1.2 Terminal 2 Terminal 2 is used by all other airlines. You might consider another Apron (see 3.1.5 Miscellaneous) as there are not much heavy gates available at Terminal 2. 3.1.3 Cargo As Cologne-Bonn Airport is the 3rd largest cargo airport in Germany there is plenty space for Cargo Airlines like FedEx and UPS on Apron E, F and W. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany Some Cargo Carriers have more or less fixed positions on the Cargo Apron (see list below): FedEx (FDX): Lufthansa Cargo (GEC): MAERSK Air (DAN): UPS (UPS): All others: E14 – E30 Apron E Apron E, F, W Apron F, W, E28 – E34 Apron E 3.1.4 General Aviation General Aviation is parked at GAT 1, GAT 3 or Apron V. General Aviation will normally use runway 14R/32L. 3.1.5 Miscellaneous As there is a limited space at Terminal 1 & 2 for heavy aircrafts it is possible that your preferred gate is already taken. In this case you should consider using an available gate on Apron E, F or W. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 4 Departure Be sure to login at latest 30 minutes before your TOT, so you have enough time to do your final checklists and to get your enroute clearance. The later you login the more you should be done with your Before Startup/Pushback Checklist. 4.1 Departure Routes Your departure route will either be a NOR or SONEB departure. However it might be possible that you get a PODIP departure depending on the final route meeting results. Note: Due to the fact that the route via PODIP departure will be longer than via NOR or SONEB we decided to use some short cuts which will not validate against CFMU! 4.2 Delivery After your initial contact the Delivery Controller (EDDK_DEL, 121.850) will assign you your departure route and will give you the enroute clearance. Pilot: “Cologne Delivery, DLH123 Gate E14, information A, request IFR clearance to Toronto” ATC: “DLH123, Cologne Delivery, information A correct, cleared to Toronto via NOR3B departure route, squawk 2205 (startup approved)” Pilot: “DLH123 cleared to Toronto via NOR3B departure route, squawk 2205, (startup approved)” ATC: “DLH123 readback correct, contact Cologne Apron on 121.950 for pushback, callsign only” Hint: If you are using a takeoff calculation tool you should plan for intersection takeoff via A5 when runway 14L is active or A1 when runway 32R is active. If you are not able for intersection takeoff, advise the Delivery Controller on initial contact! Remember: Oceanic Clearance is not included! CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 4.3 Pushback/Apron After you received your enroute clearance you will be sent to the Pushback/Apron Controller (EDDK_P_GND, 121.950). Initial contact with callsign only! You will receive your pushback according to your TOT. If you haven’t received a startup clearance yet, you will receive the startup clearance with the pushback instruction. When you contact the Pushback/Apron Controller be sure to be ready for pushback at any time! Pilot: “Cologne Apron, DLH123, good day” If you are well ahead of your TOT you will for example receive the following answer: ATC: “DLH123, Cologne Apron, good day, standby for pushback (in 10 minutes)” If you are well in time (15-20 minutes before TOT) you normally should receive your pushback clearance right away: ATC: “DLH123, Cologne Apron, good day, pushback (and startup) approved, facing south east. For taxi contact Cologne Ground on 121.720” Pilot: “DLH123, pushback (and startup) approved, facing south east. For taxi ground 121.720” Important: Pushback has to start immediately when clearance has been issued. Pushback clearance is valid for one (1) minute only. In the case of delays, ATC has to be informed accordingly. In order to avoid delays, the engines shall be started during pushback. After pushback has been completed successfully, readiness to taxi shall be reported to ATC. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 4.4 Ground After you finished your pushback and completed your After Start Checklist and Before Taxi Checklist contact Cologne Ground (EDDK_GND, 121.720). Depending on the actual runway configuration you will be either sent to runway 14L (holding point A5 or A7) or runway 32R (holding point A1 or A). Pilot: “Cologne Ground, DLH123, good day, request taxi” ATC: “DLH123, Cologne Ground, good day, taxi to holding point 32R via Morange and A, hold short runway 24” Pilot: “DLH123 taxi to holding point 32R via M-orange and A, hold short runway 24” ATC: “DLH123 cross runway 24, contact Cologne Tower on 124.970” Pilot: “DLH123 cross runway 24, contacting Cologne Tower on 124.970” 4.5 Tower You are almost enroute towards the Atlantic. Cologne Tower (EDDK_TWR, 124.970) will give you the takeoff clearance and your long journey crossing the Atlantic will start. Pilot: “Cologne Tower, DLH123, ready for departure” ATC: “DLH123, Cologne Tower, good day, line up runway 32R and wait” Pilot: “DLH123, lining up runway 32R and wait” ATC: “DLH123, wind 300 degrees 8 knots, runway 32R cleared for takeoff” Pilot: “DLH123, cleared for takeoff runway 32R” Important: Be sure you are ready for departure when you reach the holding point! If you cannot comply please advise the Tower Controller on initial contact! CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 4.6 Departure Controller You have to manually switch the frequency when passing 2000ft! Depending on your departure route there are two different frequencies: NOR departure: SONEB/PODIP departure: COL and KUMIK departures) 135.350 (EDDK_W_APP) 118.750 (EDDK_E_APP, including WYP, Pilot: “Langen Radar, DLH123, passing 2100ft, climbing 5000ft” ATC: “DLH123, Langen Radar, identified, (climb FL110)” (Pilot: “DLH123, climbing FL110”) Important: - It is vital that you change the frequency from Tower to Radar on your own when passing 2000ft Initial climb altitude is 5000ft CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany 5 Miscellaneous 5.1 ILS Frequency With AIRAC 1311 the ILS frequency of runway 32R changed. You will find an updated AFCAD file for the EDDK GAP2 Scenery at the airport page: http://www.vatsim-germany.org/airport/EDDK. 5.2 Feedback We are very interested in any kind of feedback, be it a positive experience you had in Cologne or a negative one. We want to constantly improve our service to you and we need your help to do this! Also, please consider giving us your opinion on the material we provide, including this briefing - was it helpful, where did you miss information we should add, etc. The feedback form is located at http://www.vatsimgermany.org/. Thank you very much for your help, we really appreciate it. CTP 2015 Pilot Briefing EDDK © VATSIM Germany
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