CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Dear friends in Christ, Our celebration today on Passion (Palm) Sunday leads us into the most sacred and special season of the Church’s liturgical calendar, Holy Week. The palm branches we bless and carry today remind us of the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. He comes not as a victorious king as some had hoped for, but rather as a willing servant that lays down His life for all. May these palms remind us of that entrance and, most importantly, what follows. Are we willing to go to the cross with Christ and die to the sin in our lives? If so, this will indeed be a triumphant journey that ends not in death but victory and life-everlasting. I urge you to make this entire week different than normal. Don’t simply go on with all the other tasks of the week and then rush to Mass on Easter morning. Enter into the beauty and rhythm of the week and I guarantee it will make a difference in your spiritual life. Let’s look at the schedule for the Triduum, from the Latin for “three days,” that are the highlight of the Christian journey: Holy Thursday, April 2, Mass at 7 p.m.: Lent ends quietly on Thursday morning and we begin the season of the Triduum with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper that evening. On this night we recall the Last Supper and the Church celebrates both the institution of the Eucharist and the ministerial priesthood. We do so in service to others represented by the washing of feet and the Eucharistic Procession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass. We will process from the main church into the chapel where we can spend time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight. As the Eucharist is at the heart of Catholic faith and the priesthood is forever tied to that sacrifice, this is a most special Mass for the life of the Church community. It’s a beautiful, prayerful service. Good Friday, April 3, Service at 3 p.m.: Darkness comes over the land as we remember the death on the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our service begins at 3 p.m.. Note that this is the only day of the year that Mass is not celebrated; the service of the Word, the reading of the Passion, and the veneration of the cross frame this day. I know that not all of you are able to come at the traditional time of 3 p.m., but if your schedule allows I certainly hope you will make every effort to join us. I would especially call your attention to our Good Friday service of tre ore (Italian for “three hours”) from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. It’s a perfect time for prayer and contemplation. The church will be open for you to make the Stations of the Cross individually if you wish and there will be periodic Scripture readings, hymns and reflections. It’s a beautiful way to set the scene for the Good Friday service that begins at 3 p.m. Come early for the service and spend time at the cross. Remember that it is a day of both fast and abstinence. Holy Saturday, April 4, Easter Vigil at 8:30 p.m.: The morning is quiet as we contemplate and meditate on the death of Jesus Christ. There is a small prayer service for our elect who are in the final hours of their preparation for entrance into the Church. If you do nothing else this Holy Week, please remember to keep in prayer these 32 brothers and sisters of ours who will be baptized and the 27 others who will make their full entry into the Church the following week. At 9:45 a.m., we will conduct our blessing of Easter baskets and Easter foods in the chapel. If your kids have Easter baskets, bring March 29, 2015 them for a blessing and bring your food items for your Easter table that you would like blessed. The Easter Vigil Mass at 8:30 p.m. is the highest, most holy celebration of the entire Church year. It is a longer Mass than a regular Sunday service, but I truly hope you will clear your night and celebrate with us. If you’ve never attended the Easter Vigil Mass I highly encourage you to come this year. This is the night when time doesn’t matter. We spend so much of our lives (both in church and in the world) tied to a clock worrying whether we’re on time or late. We are slaves to a schedule and what does it get us? Nothing. Put all that aside for this one night. Come this year and give yourself over to the beauty and power of the celebration. Don’t schedule anything else this night – make the Vigil the center of your Saturday night, then celebrate with a late night/early morning feast when you get home as many of you do on Christmas Eve/Day after Midnight Mass. Plus, you will avoid the crowds on Easter morning! This is the night to sing to the heavens the triumphant cry of “Alleluia! Alleluia!” Easter Sunday, April 5, Masses at 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.: This “day of days” dawns to find the crucified Christ risen in glory. It stands to reason that this is a day we must join together to praise God in the highest. Please note our Mass schedule is different than the regular Sunday schedule: the last Mass of the day will begin at 1 p.m., not the usual 5 p.m. In addition, we will have additional (overflow) Masses in the Parish Hall beginning at 7 a.m., 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. There will be no incense used in the Parish Hall masses. Plan your schedule accordingly as we will have very large crowds. Let’s practice hospitality and be especially welcoming to visitors and newcomers. Give yourself plenty of time to get to Mass early (expect traffic), follow the direction of the police officers, and obey the parking signs. (Parking will also be available next door at Cypress Gymnastics.) It’s a great day to show God’s love to everyone. The impression we leave may just be the thing someone needs to get back into a regular practice of the faith. Come one, come all, and celebrate the Risen Christ! All of these great services and events of Holy Week and Easter do not happen without committed volunteers, staff and ministers. My special thanks to all who give so much of their time and talent in service to the community, especially our Liturgy, Music and Art & Environment departments. If you are an usher, greeter or Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion, please double check this week with the liturgical coordinators to assure that everything is covered. We will need multiple ministers at every Mass (especially in the Parish Hall) so please volunteer to help when and where possible. Remember our Spring Festival is just a month away – April 25-26. We had a great response to the first week of shirt and ticket sales last week. You all really seemed to like the shirt design this year, and I agree. It looks sharp! The Festival team will return in two weeks for additional sales and volunteer registration after all Masses, but in the meantime, be sure and check our webpage at You can get more information there, and more importantly, sign-up online to volunteer at a booth, ride or game. Your help is needed to make a successful Spring Festival, so please register today. Peace, Fr. Sean PASSION SUNDAY Parish Calendar Sunday, March 29 - Passion Sunday Masses: 7, 9, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. 12:30 p.m. African Angels Festival Food Booth Mtg. PO113 6:30 p.m. AFF Catholic Scripture Study PO111 6:30 P.m. Tridiuum Rehearsal - Good Friday Church 6:45 p.m. Youth - Encounter PH 7:30 p.m. Triduum Rehearsal - Holy Thursday Church Monday, March 30 7:30 a.m. Church Cleaning Church 9 a.m. Mass Chapel Noon Piece Makers PO111 7 p.m. Youth Singers PO112 7:30 p.m. Allegro Singers Music Storage Tuesday, March 31 9 a.m. Mass Chapel 9:35 a.m. Rosary Chapel 10 a.m. Journey Through Scripture - Spanish PO201 5 p.m. Chorister Rehearsal PO111 9:30 a.m. Holy Week Setup Chapel 7 p.m. Contemporary Ensemble Church 7 p.m. Divorce Healing Support Group PO215,217 7 p.m. Young Adults Group PO206, 208 7 p.m. KofC and Ladies Auxiliary PH Wednesday, April 1 8:30 a.m. CtR Catholic School Mass Church 9:30 a.m. Familia 3 PO207 9:30 a.m. Holy Week Setup Chapel 10:00 a.m. Catholic Scripture Study PO111 6 p.m. Reconciliation Chapel 6:45 p.m. Youth - Rise PLC Youth 7 p.m. Catholic Daughters Board Mtg 212 7 p.m. Familia 208 7 p.m. Mass Chapel 7:30 p.m. BSA Troop 573 Mtg Scout House 7:30 p.m. RCIA Seder Meal Event CC 7:30 p.m. Respect Life Committee Meeting PO201 Thursday, April 2 - Office Closed at 1 p.m. 5:30 a.m. AFF That Man is you CC 7 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass Church Friday, April 3 Good Friday - Office Closed 11:30 a.m. Tre Ore - Church open for prayer Church 3 p.m. Good Friday Service Church Saturday, April 4- Holy Saturday - Office Closed 9:45 a.m. Holy Saturday, Blessing Easter Food Chapel Noon Altar Server Rehearsal Church 8:30 p.m. Easter Vigil Mass Church Sunday, April 5 - Easter Sunday - Office Closed Masses: 7, 9,11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Church 7, 9,11 a.m. PH Stewardship o off our Treasures Collections: Week of March 22, 2015 Envelopes (717 received) Loose Mailed In Faith Direct (Electronic Giving) Collected: Budget: Over/(Under) Weekly $ 67,624 $ 65,309 $2,315 $ 15,001 $ 34,171 $ 891 $ 17,561 Year to Date $ 2,507,005 $ 2,481,742 $25,263 CtR on the Web To learn about our different ministries and for all the latest CtR information, check us out online at One Faith, One Family Capital Campaign Total Pledged Total Paid to Date Total Contributing Families Total Project Cost (est.) Total Registered Households $ 6,234,301 $ 5,746,772 1,536 $11,700,000 6,172 Visit to securely enroll online by using our church code: TX150. Diocesan Service Fund (DSF) Goal $298,000 Pledged to Date $154,331 Paid to Date $ 97,434 Participating Families 438 Thank you for your pledge to our 2015 DSF campaign. CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Parish Prayer List Let us keep the following people in our prayers: Debra Hart and Family, Bruce Wild, Amara Castillo, Paige Michele Crenshaw, Jacob Bryand, James Siragusa, Kasara Rathbun, Sharon Lerner, Joe Folkers, Kristen Brazil, Kirk Colvin, Ryan Johnson, David Aleman, Murphy Gauthreaux, Janis Gauthreaux, Krystal Garcia Rathbun, Daniel S. McKey, Cindy White, Peter Kearney, Ron Andreo, Marie Ricca, Lisa Ross Smith, Ken Drilk, Daphne Kowalski, Perry Wolfe, Catherine Kaltwasser, Susie Prather, James Kennedy, DeLaney Frankhouser, Margie Holley, Janie Krechting, Steven Able Cook, Brenda Harlan, Jacob Bryand, Jack Young, Ann Grant, Gloria Krancher, Cyndi Serrano, Donald Dagley, Terry Harper, Melissa Kelly, Carole Theunissen, Edwina Kaminski, Rachel Wickman, Adriana Casarez, Connor S. Wambach, Angel Coleman, Torrie Bernard, Vincent Salario, Bernice Kmiec, Michael A. Muench, Jr., Terry Williams, Barry Jackson, Mark Vargas, Robbie Lee, Bobby Wotipka, Joe Pilat, Hilbert Pechacek, Sylvia Binford, Rosiana Lee, Beth Kash Bryant, Ed Russek, Karan Mason, Kristofer Wells, Jules Rizzo, Joe Marie Sequeria, Sophia Ybanez, Thelma Smith, Ginger Elznek, Bill and Leslie Brangwynne, Camille Joseph, David Taveirne, Anabelle Anzaldo, Richard D. Williams, Courtney Wells, Kendrick Wells, Bob and Maggie Schaefer, Bruce Wild, Elsie Forino, Smith Santos, Joseph Pomilla, Logan Mulvany, Sandra Wall, Janice Oncale, Clem Huerstel, Lucille & Ervin Dormak, Toby Smith, Alan Pichan, Marites Wente, David Hawkins, Ronnie Rodriguez, Phil Carpenter, Virginia Padua, Robin Wetmore, Rosalie Zavodny, Michaela Krotofil, Stephanie Moore, Mildred and Sugwsie Slaceder, Brittany Moore, Ray Waguespack, Sr., William Lewis, Sherrie Higgins, Shannon Zureich, Nancy Smalling, Lynne Tupper, Cedric FrenchGalan, Paul Kellog, Laurie Garcia, Lena Luzadello, Matt Zimmerman, Catherine Burnham, Jean Anderson, Wendy Marquart, Donna Jordan, Christopher Geisheker, Rose Marie Sacco, Shae Clark, Jerry Polermo, Blake Blasingim. Please keep all the sick of our parish in your prayers. If someone in your family is in need of prayer, please contact the Parish Office to have their name placed in our bulletin. We will keep the name on for two months unless otherwise notified. Prayer List for our Service Men & Women Please keep the following in your prayers as they serve our wonderful country in Afghanistan: Captain Travis Allen Propes, Jack Anthony Holland, 1st Lt. Michael Lambert, MM3 Shane Beasley, Luis A Palomino, SSgt. David Perez, PFC Andrew Clepfer, Capt. Jeff St. Amant, Capt. David Torres. Keep all our service men and women in our prayers. Visit our website for a full listing of servicemen and women at Please call the Parish Office to add the name of your loved one in the Armed Services in combat zones to our prayer list. If your soldier is back in the states, please call so we may take his/her name off this list and share your joy. March 29, 2015 Stewardship Corner Good stewards strive to conform their lives to that of Christ - emptying themselves of all pride and putting themselves at the service of others. Let us all congratulate the following couples who will be married in April: Nicole Jozwiak and Andrew Huerta Karen Rogers and Kevin Bates Melissa Skopal and Chad Harabis Those who live in love, live in God, and God in them.” John 4:16 Mass Intentions for the Week of March 30, 2015 Monday 9 a.m. Tuesday 9 a.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. Thursday 7 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. Saturday 8:30 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Dennis Slanicky†, Andrew Nguyen† Andrew Nguyen†, Alvin Sodolak† † Jillian Hickey, † Michael General No Mass (3 pm Service) Frank C. Horrigan,† Charles Stegent † Cathy Mathews†, Jeff Champness Parishioners Bennie Bokemeyer†, Josephine Aholi†, Alfred and Florence Kenjura † 1 p.m Eva O. Smith † Readings for the Week of March 29, 2015 Sunday Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26‑31a; Ps 104 or 33; Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 16; Ex 14:15—15:1; Ex 15; Is 54:5-14; Ps 30; Is 55:1‑11; Is 12; Bar 3:9‑15, 32—4:4; Ps 19; Ez 36:16-17a, 18‑28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51; Rom 6:3‑11; Ps 118; Mk 16:1-7 Sunday Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 MANY THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Randall Knight /Farmers insurance Please be sure to patronize our sponsors and thank them for advertising in our bulletin. They make the bulletin possible at no cost to Christ the Redeemer. PASSION SUNDAY Vocations Corner Vocation Chalice Schedule Please pray for vocations during the Holy week and Easter. Vocation Chalice will resume April 12. Liturgical Music Palm Sunday The Entrance Rite for Palm Sunday is one of the most exciting of the Church Year. Whether you are at the 9 a.m. Mass to meet outside and join in the solemn procession into the church, or at the other Masses, where you will remain in your pew, Palm Sunday is different. We all get palm branches and sing “Hosanna,” just like the crowds did when Jesus made His way into Jerusalem. Those crowds shouted “Hosanna” and acclaimed Jesus as King. Later, when Jesus was on trial and sentenced to crucifixion, those same folks were either running away or shouting, “Crucify him!” On Palm Sunday we begin with the same “Hosannas” as the procession enters the church. Later we hear the Passion narrative from the Gospel of Mark. This tension is like that in our own lives: we want to follow Jesus, but we would like an easy road to glory! We must ask ourselves if we can remain faithful all the way to the cross. Our hymns today move us from the processional, “All Glory, Laud, and Honor,” proclaiming that Jesus is our King, to the end of Mass, “Take Up Your Cross,” reminding us of what lies ahead as we enter Holy Week. The anthem at 9 a.m. is “In Monte Oliveti” by Giovanni Croce. The text tells of Jesus praying to His Father on the Mount of Olives. Jesus asks, “…if it be possible, let this cup (of suffering) pass from me.” I would like to share with you something I read in “Living Liturgy, 2015”: “Perhaps more than any other week in the liturgical year, Holy Week makes evident the importance and power of the music we sing during the liturgy. The choir and music ministers will have put a great deal of extra time and effort into the music for these liturgies. Their intent, however, is not to entertain but to enable us to enter more deeply into the mystery we celebrate in ritual form: our participation with Christ in his death and resurrection. When we sing we actualize this very mystery as we die to ourselves to become one in heart and song with each other. May we sing during the Holy Week with full and conscious awareness of what we are doing.” Peace and love, Bridget Kelly Wenk The CtR Choir will meet for a special rehearsal after Mass today. Choristers and Youth Singers rehearse at the usual times this week. Liturgy Holy Thursday In the Canon of the Mass of Maundy (Holy) Thursday, the Church bestows the epithet of "most holy." The day brings to mind the beginning of the Passion of Christ and includes the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, the betrayal and the outrages before the Sanhedrin.. Holy Thursday is the most complex and profound of all religious observances, outside of the Easter Vigil. It celebrates both the institution by Christ Himself of the Eucharist and of the sacerdotal (ordained) priesthood, separate from the “priesthood of believers.” The Last Supper was Christ's farewell to His assembled disciples, some of whom would betray, desert or deny Him before the sun rose again. Every ordained priest presents this same sacrifice, by Christ's authority and command, in exactly the same way. The Holy Thursday liturgy is celebrated in the evening because Passover began at sundown. It shows the worth God ascribes to the humility of service and the need for cleansing with water (a symbol of baptism). Today, a priest or bishop (representing Christ) ceremonially washes the feet of others in an act of service and humility. The practice of washing the feet of strangers or guests is of great antiquity. The height of hospitality was for the host to pour water over the feet of his guest. Not to offer water for cleansing to a visitor was a sign of neglect or rudeness. Remember our Lord complained to a man who had invited Him to dinner: "I entered into your house and you gave me no water for my feet; but she [the Magdalen] with tears has washed my feet and with her hair has wiped them," (Luke 7: 44). The Last Supper was the First Mass. From that day onward the Apostles never ceased to carry out the command of the Master, "Do this in memory of Me." Our Lord washed the feet of the Apostles with ceremony and purpose. As Jesus did this act of humility, He commanded His disciples to do to one another what He had done to them. On this night the Church also witnesses to its esteem for Christ's Body present in the consecrated Host. In adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, carried in solemn procession to the Altar of Repose surrounded by flowers, it will remain ”entombed” until the communion service on Good Friday. No Mass will be celebrated again in the church until the Easter Vigil proclaims the Resurrection. And finally, there is the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, just as the disciples stayed with the Lord during His agony on the Mount of Olives before the betrayal by Judas. Peace and Grace be with you, Carol Moses CtR Website: Check it out! See photos, Mass times, news, the bulletin and ministry information. You can also register online, contact the staff and so much more. CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Religious Education 2015-16 Registration - (Pre-K 3 through 7th grade) Online registration begins April 1 for all catechists, aides, hall monitors, team members and students registered in 2014-15. Registration opens for others on May 1. Visit for additional information. Volunteer/Student Registration for VBS 2015 Join us for “Mt. Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power.” Registration will be online at April 1 - registration for adult and teen volunteers (for those entering 8th grade or above) May 1 - registration for parishioners (Parish ID (envelope No.) required.) May 2 - registration for all others If you have any questions, contact Jill Dimiceli, Coordinator of R.E. and VBS, at Registration forms will also be available at the Parish Office. Ministry for Married Couples - Teams of Our Lady Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement of more than 50,000 couples in the Catholic Church blessed by the pope who seek to put Christ in the center of their marriages. Each team is a community of five to seven couples who meet monthly to share a meal, pray together and have a lively discussion. Interested couples are welcome to an information meeting at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 10. Contact Herman and Alba Ayala at or 832-875-9399. Genesis ECP Employment Opportunity - 2015-16 Christ the Redeemer Genesis Early Childhood Program is accepting applications for teachers and co-teachers for the 2015-16 school year. It is preferred that applicants have a background in early childhood education, child care or related work with young children. For an application, please contact Director Mary Davis at Dave Ramsey’s Legacy Journey Preview Class – April 6 This revolutionary class taught by Dave Ramsey and The Legacy Journey teaching team is on video. It will show you how to live a legacy now while preparing to leave a legacy for your children and future generations to come. The Legacy Journey Preview Class is at 7 p.m. on April 6 in the Parish Office, Room 201. The seven classes follow on Mondays at 7 p.m. Register online at financialpeace. Registration is not required to attend the preview class. For more information, contact Class Coordinator Gary Boudreaux at 713-828-9031 or Lost & Found If you have lost an item, please call us at 281-469-5533. After three to four months, we will donate anything left to Cypress Assistance Ministries. March 29, 2015 CtR Catholic School Easter Break We will have early release on Thursday, April 2. There will be no school on Friday, April 3 and Monday, April 6 for the Easter holiday. Room Available for Most Grades for 2015-16 We have opened additional classrooms for most grade levels for the 2015-16 school year. Apply at admissions. You can set up a tour by calling the school office. Tours are at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Youth Ministry CtRYM News Adore North Houston: Wednesday, April 8. Join us from 7-9 p.m. at Prince of Peace. High School Encounter: Sunday, March 29. Join us 6:45-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Doors open for dinner at 6:10 p.m. Summer Trips: Registration for all summer trips is open online at Middle School Rise: Wednesday, April 1. Join us from 6:45-8:15 p.m. in the Youth Room. Middle School Summer Camp: July 20-23. Online registration now open for students, teen leaders and adult chaperones at Journey Through Scripture: The Bible and the Mass Join us in a six-week study on “the Bible and the Mass” at 7 p.m. beginning April 14 and at 10 a.m. beginning April 16. You will see the Mass with new eyes and will enter into it more fully, enthusiastically and powerfully than before. The cost is $25 each or $40 for married couples who share materials. Register online at or in the Parish Office by April 1 to ensure your materials will arrive in time. Registrants after April 1 may not receive their materials until two weeks after the start of the session because of shipping. For information, contact Pat Decker at or Deacon Jack Alexander, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at or 281-469-5533. Journey Through Scripture: La Biblia y la Misa Acompáñenos en un estudio bíblico de 6 semanas, iniciamos el 14 de abril de 10am a 12 del mediodía. Usted apreciará y participará en la Misa como nunca antes. El costo es de $30. Realice su registro antes del 1ro de abril para garantizar que lleguen sus libros a tiempo, aquellos registros posteriores a dicha fecha deberán esperar el tiempo de envío de los materiales a la parroquia. Registro en línea en o en las oficinas de la parroquia. Para más informes contacte a Diacono Jack Alexander a o 281-469-5533, o informes en español en PASSION SUNDAY CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS March 29, 2015 PASSION SUNDAY
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