Children`s National Medical Center Intellectual and - CTSI-CN

Children’s National Medical Center
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)
2015-2016 Pilot Research Grants Program (PRGP)
PRGP Guidelines
Goals of PRGP
1. Advance the mission of the IDDRC (IDDRC mission: The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Research Center (IDDRC) at Children’s National Medical Center conducts multidisciplinary translational,
clinical and community research into intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities (IDD), with
the goals of improving our understanding of the causes underlying these conditions, developing innovative
therapies, and preventing or ameliorating these disorders, thereby permitting each child to achieve his/her
full physical and intellectual potential)
2. Promote innovation in the translational science of IDD
1. Early-career faculty (Assistant or Associate Professor) eligible to submit applications to external
funding sources as PI.
2. NOTE: full professors, project scientists, postdocs, graduate students are NOT eligible
3. New or emerging line of research for the investigator
4. Uses one or more IDDRC core resource labs (Biostatistics, Cellular Imaging, Genomics &
Proteomics, Neuroimaging, Neuropsychological Evaluation). For more information about IDDRC
core resources see the following link:
Letter of Intent (LOI) (due 5 PM, April 21, 2015)
1. Biosketch
2. A two-page document including:
a. Pilot study title
b. PI and any co-investigators name
c. Brief background
d. Hypothesis and specific aims
e. Experimental approach
f. Future directions (description of how successful completion of the project will result in a
proposal for extramural funding)
g. Relevance to IDDRC mission
h. Use of cores
i. References (not included in the two-page limit)
Investigators will be informed if they are invited to submit a full application by May 6, 2015. Full applications
submitted without prior invitation will not be reviewed.
Basic Application Requirements (due 5 PM, June 1, 2015)
Use NIH PHS398 Forms
Front page - Includes Project Title
Description (Summary) – 300 words of less
Specific Aims – One or more - 1 page
Background, Significance and Innovation – 1 page
Includes short statement describing how pilot funding will increase competitiveness
6. Experimental Design – 3 pages
Include brief description of IDDRC core resources requested
7. Specific aims, background/significance and design sections must not exceed 5 pages
8. NIH Biosketch, including Other Support
9. Letter of support by Division Chief, Center Director or Chair of the Department
10. Budget – One-page detailed budget (PHS 398) and budget justification (not to exceed one page)
Note: Salary cannot be supported by the Pilot Grant
As a condition of award, a project report is expected at the end of the funding period
Submit LOI and Full Application to Nikkie Adesida at