April CTUIR-Housing Department 2015 HD contact information: HOURS: 7:30am to 4pm Mon-Fri. 541-429-7920 After hour Emergencies: (heat issues, septic, frozen pipes etc.) call UTPD and they’ll dispatch Housing Maintenance 541-278-0550 & state you need assistance from Housing Department Tenant Newsletter CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF UMATILLA INDIAN RESERVATION HOUSING DEPARTMENT HOUSING Department Staff 541-429-7920 CTUIR-Housing Department Homeownership Program: Pamela Ranslam Resident Services: Keny Mitchell, Heather De Mary, Martina Gordon Procurement: Penny Bott Administration: Paula Post, Deb Wallace, Buffy Hines Housing inspector/Non-HUD Rental Coordinator: Kimberly Hughes Maintenance: Tanner Michael, Lance Dick, Garrell Moore, Ron Snyder, David McKay III, Marcus Conner, Tim Cain, Vincent Sohappy, Bert Klatush Housing Director: Marcus L. Luke II Resource numbers for your FRIDGE: Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Tribal members elders age 60+ ……..……………..…….…..……………………..………..…....541-278-7533 Umatilla Tribal Police Department ………………….…...541-278-0550 CAPECO, commodity foods position is vacant….……..…….541-276-5073 DCFS, Dept. of Children & Family Services.……………..…...541-429-7300 Mission Market…….………………………………...…..….…541-276-9082 Nixyaawii Governance Center…………………………......541-429-7134 CTUIR Public Transit Service ..……………………..……...541-429-7519 CTUIR /DCFS Veteran Coordinator vacant..………..…….541-429-7389 Wildhorse Resort &Casino, Human Resources……….....541-966-1543 Jobs www. wildhorseresort.applicantpool.com/jobs Cayuse Technologies ………………………..…………...….541-278-8200 Jobs www.cayusetechnologies.com/category/careers CTUIR Human Resources………………………………..….541-276-3570 Jobs www.ctuir.org/jobs. Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center…………………..……..541-966-9830 Jobs www.yellowhawk.org. Youth Activities web page: youth@ctuir.org or contact....541-429-7472 April 2015 Schedule of Events for April: April 1, CTUIR Day Training Program (formerly Day Labor), 3 work crews for Public Works & Housing Depts. (Apr-Jun & Jul-Sep 2015) more info or applications call DCFS at 541-429-7314 April 2, ‘Cooking for 1 or 2’ presentation at Nichtyoway Senior Center 11:45 am April 7, Elders Trip to Siletz Elders Honor Day, contact Theda Scott for more info at 541-429-7388 April 8, 9, 10, Red Cross Blood Drive, Open to CTUIR employees & Public, appointments are required & will last about an hour please call Kristi Yunker, RN to schedule an appointment at 541-429-7538 April 9, Community Watch Meeting – “The Gatekeeper Program” a protecting elders presentation by CAPECO at Senior Center 5:30 pm for more info contact, Chairperson, Rosenda Shippentower at rosendash@hotmail.com April 10, Monthly Elders Meeting, 10 am at the Nichtyoway Senior Center April 23, “Knowledge is Power: Problem Gambling 101” A&D Oversight Committee presentation about Community Outreach/Awareness at YTHC Conf. room from 5-7 pm (snacks & child care provided) info call behavioral health 541-278-7528 UTFD Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 4th, 2015 at the BIA lawn, 10:00 a.m. - SHARP !!! Lots of Prizes … Lots of Treats …Lots of FUN! A t t e n t i o n: HD TENANTS * Vehicles blocking streets of access need to be moved and keep clear for emergency vehicle access 100% of the time, or it will be towed, appreciate it. * All debris or rubbish needs to removed from every door exit as UTFD states all doors need to be clear 100% of the time for emergency access to all units. * Keep in mind that garbage cannot be over piled to where the lid cannot shut as the weather warms up the animals can knock it over and you the tenant are responsible for clean up around it so please be mindful about overfilling the bin, if you have more garbage then please drive it to TERF thank you. Come help CLEAN UP on EARTH DAY! April 22, 2015 Tribal Environmental Recovery Facility/TERF will be sponsoring a day of fun filled activities celebrating Earth Day Clean-Up at the 4th of July Grounds, Mission. For more information contact TERF at 541-276-4040 CTUIR-Housing Department April 2015 $$$$$ Financial Success Education Series The Homeownership Program Financial Education Classes Wednesdays April 8, 15, 22, 29 & May 6 from 4:30-6:30 pm. $$$ You must RSVP to HD to attend the series. $$$ The F.E.C. Series meets on Wednesday for 5 weeks totaling 10–hour of class time focusing on financial wellness using First Nations/Oweesta’s Building Native Communities for Families curriculum. The series covers information on traditions of managing resources; track your spending plan; components of a credit report & what impacts your credit & how lenders evaluate loan applications. The class also covers information on consumer protection acts & laws as well as calculating the cost of credit. $$$ For more info. call Homeownership Program 541-429-7920. $$$ Business Workshops: ‘Understand Your Business’ Financial Health April 14 & 15, at 6 pm ‘Who are my Customers?’ April 8, at 5:30 pm Workshops located at Business Development Services Building (behind Wildhorse casino). All work shops are $20, includes dinner. For more information or to register contact Raven at 541-966-1920 Monthly Community Garden TIPS from Yellowhawk, Come learn how to get a ‘Free Raised Bed Garden Workshop’ on Saturday, April 18, from 10-12, at Yellowhawk Suicide Prevention Bldg. Conf. room(old cop shop). We encourage the green thumb HD tenants to attend as participants will receive a free home garden kit (one per a household). Jim Willis, local Master Gardener & composting expert will discuss “How to Create Good Garden Soil” also refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP and call Beth 541-278-7551. ALL TENANTS invited every 3rd Saturday of the month for ‘Community Garden Days’ for a garden planning POTLUCK, bring a hot dish, bring some ideas & then plan to help with the garden! Please contact BETH at 541-278-7551 or bethanydavidson@yellowhawk.org A Few HD Maintenance Tips… Please Take Pride in your area, clean up garbage in your areas, dispose animal carcass (deer), take down tarps as it’s a fire hazard, clear out areas before lawn mowers start in April. As spring time if you water your areas do not leave water on all day or let kids leave them on, use a timer. To prevent mildew build up in window seals & trim remove blankets from windows & request a louvered blind by generating a work order at front HD office 541-429-7920. As it starts to warm up housing will be turning on sprinkler system in Mission Creek—No Parking On Lawns or your vehicle could get sprinkled, report any broken sprinkler heads or leaks in lawns as you could be liable.Please keep freezers/refrigerators locked up for liability issues, no trampolines/pools unless you have liability insurance. Word from HD Resident Services Please prevent ant/cockroach infestations: - HUD guidelines says that all tenants must comply by their guidelines, this includes the annual recertification process. We appreciate your patience & cooperation in showing up on time and if unable to show then please call & make other arrangements. Don’t forget to bring all forms of ID, income etc. include all that are 18+ years they’re required to complete the recertification process. Please contact Resident Services, if you have any questions at 541-429-7920, thank you. CTUIR-Housing Department Do dishes/take out trash regularly Clean floors/counters daily with bleach Clean all rooms by picking up all food wrappers Put foods & leftovers (especially sweets & starches) in containers that seal tightly. TY! April 2015 Where is your money going on paydays? If you aren’t tracking your spending, you can only guess where your money goes. Without tracking your spending & having a working spending plan, you have lost control of your money & most likely spend more than you have. A spending plan is just that; a detailed plan of what you’re going to spend your money on. Often called a budget but that can sound negative or restrictive like a diet. Get the control back!!! The 1st step in developing a spending plan is to start tracking every penny of your income you have for the month. Track everything you purchase or spend money on. You even have to track spending if you use credit cards, get a cash advance (Arrowhead) or loan to make the purchase. Try tracking for a week to see how it goes. Where you spend your money $Amount$ Rent/Mortgage: Utilities: electricity, natural gas, water/sewer: Cell phone/land line/Internet: Food/Groceries: Eating Out/Entertainment: Auto Loan Payment/Insurance: Gasoline: Child Care Other Write down every penny you spend; you can use the table to help. Once you track your money then you’ll learn how to control it, & not let it control you. Other Total Amount A Friendly Reminder that all tenants should keep AA batteries on hand for the Furnace Control to AVOID a cold house...bbrrrr!! ALSO ALL TENANTS need to have tarps removed away from the rental unit, especially if they are in the carport areas. This is FLAMMABLE & cannot block any access areas to the unit. We appreciate your cooperation, please have them all removed by May 01, 2015. CAPECO: Tribal Commodities Distribution Calendar: April 7, 8, 9, 8:30-11:30 and 1:30 - 4:30, Warehouse Open April 14, 15,16 - 8:30 – 11:30 and 1:30-4:30, Warehouse Open April 21,22,23—8:30 – 11:30 and 1:30 and 1:30 - 4:30, Warehouse Open * WAREHOUSE CLOSED ON MONDAYS & FRIDAYS For more information contact CAPECO at 541-276-5073 T E R F T I P S & NE W S . . . Spring is here & with it comes the task of spring cleaning. This means de-cluttering your home & ridding air of any germs. Whatever you chose, the objective is the same; to live clean. Please make sure all garbage is bagged and placed 100% in the garbage can. Please do not place electronic waste in the garbage cans. TERF-hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-4pm, 541-276-4040 CTUIR Housing Department 51 Umatilla Loop If you need a work order or something isn’t working properly in the unit please call Housing Department 541-429-7920 Pendleton, OR 97801 CTUIR-Housing Department HAPPY SPRING!! April 2015
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