2015 COU

Siren & Web
s t e r,
it y
5 Easy Ways to Register!
By Phone
(715) 349-7070
Arts & Creativity
Beginner Quilting
Health + Wellness
Hobbies & Interests
Planning & Finance
By Email
By Mail or
Drop Off (registration form page 14)
Communities United in Education
24022 Fourth Avenue
Siren, WI 54872
Register Online
You can go online
to register for your
favorite courses!
Partners in Learning
CUE is an active partnership and service provided by the
community-centered School Districts of Siren & Webster, WI.
Rag Rugs
Receive timely updates on
CUE classes, special events and
promotions. Sign up at www.
CUE provides lifelong learning
opportunities in Siren & Webster,
WI thanks to the creativity,
involvement and generosity
of the community. Funding for
Community Education courses is
provided through participation fees
plus community support.
Advisory Council
Siren School District
Webster School District
24022 Fourth Avenue
Siren, WI 54872
26428 Lakeland Ave S; PO Box 9
Webster, WI 54893
Phone: (715) 349-7392
Phone: (715) 866-4391
Scott Johnson
James Erickson
Charlie Altstatt
Susan Armstrong
Chuck Awe, Chair
Rhonda Highstrom, School Board
Brenda Rachner, School Board
Gene Stanchfield, Vice Chair
Sherill Summer, Secretary
Gerry Vogel, Treasurer
LeAnn Christensen, Advisor
Jim Erickson, Advisor
Jessica Jackson, Advisor
Scott Johnson, Advisor
Director: Jennifer Swenson
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
A great way to recycle fabric
or pare down your fabric stash
while making a unique rug that is
beautiful and functional. Participants
will learn a version of the half hitch stitch
to make a rag rug. Individual assistance
provided through direct instruction;
students must provide their own
supplies. No cutting or sewing required.
Finished project measures 20” x 30”
suggested minimum.
Supplies you will need:
Approximately 10 yards of cotton or
cotton/polyester fabric needed to
complete one rag rug. Old bed sheets
with proper fabric content will substitute
Instructor: Liz McConkey
Mondays, July 13 - July 27, 2015
9:00am – 12:00pm
Webster High School - FACE Room
Course Fee: $47 Senior (62+) Fee: $25.75
WITC Class # 41865
Cat. # 60-815-640
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Basic sewing skills are needed for these
sessions. This course will provide a variety
of topic-based classes using beginning
and intermediate quilting techniques
and projects.
First session: cutting and sewing of
project top, plus a beginning review of
quilting tools
Second session: borders and putting
layers together
Third session: quilting and binding
Throughout, participants will gain an
understanding of color, design and other
compositional elements of quilting.
Materials needed for first session are six
fat-quarters (lights-mediums-darks) and
1 1/2 yards of a coordinating fabric for
backing. Matching thread and pins a
must, quilting cutters and mats will be
greatly appreciated, but not a necessity.
Also, batting for small project will be
discussed first session. Any questions
contact Liz at lizmcconkey@yahoo.com
Finished project is a table runner:
dimensions will vary.
Instructor: Liz McConkey
Tuesdays, July 14 - August 4, 2015
9:00am – 12:00pm
Siren High School - FACE Room
Course Fee: $55.50
WITC Class # 41866
Sr (62+) Fee: $30
Cat. # 60-304-615
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Arts & Creativity
Drawing Basics Before Painting
Learn how to draw anything by learning
the basic structures in all objects.
Everything from line to composition.
This class uses drawing as preparation
for painting. We cover the process from
rough idea to the moment before loading
the brush with paint. This is essential
information for all artists regardless of
how long they have been working. You
will receive a supply list at the first class.
Instructor: Sheila Dahlberg
Monday & Wednesday, July 20 & 22, 2015
3:00 – 5:00pm
Siren High School – Art Room
Course Fee: $21.50 Senior (62+) Fee: $13
WITC Class # 41627 Cat. # 60-815-605
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Mosaic Wall Mirror,
Welcome Sign
All About Flowers
Flowers have been an enduring favorite
subject of many painters and it’s no
secret why! Create your very own
paintings, exploring florals and other
subject matter. This class is great for all
levels whether you are just beginning
or an artist who is developing your own
style. Enjoy painting with an experienced
instructor who will offer demonstrations,
individual instruction, painting assistance
and critiques. Bring your own supplies and
your work in progress if you desire. You will
receive a supply list at the first class.
Instructor: Sheila Dahlberg
Mondays & Wednesdays,
July 27 – August 26, 2015
3:00 – 5:00pm
Siren High School – Art Room
Computers for Absolute
If you are ready to explore the very basics of
computer use, starting and shutting down,
using a mouse; creating, saving, retrieving
and printing a document, and exploring
the computer desktop, your instructor
will guide you at a comfortable pace. We
will help you become more comfortable
managing and storing your documents
and files. Bring your laptop if you have
one, otherwise, desktops are available for
use. You will receive handouts to help you
practice on your home computer.
Instructor: Travis Cormell
Tuesdays, July 7 – 28, 2015
6:30 - 8:00pm
Siren High School - Business Lab
Course Fee: $23.38
WITC Class # 41863
Sr (62+) Fee: $4.50
Cat. # 42-107-413
Course Fee: $89.50 Senior (62+) Fee: $47
WITC Class # 41628 Cat. # 60-815-600
To Register call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Windows 8
Beaded Circle of Life
Mark Your calendars for this mosaic class
coming in fall! Using this easy mosaic
glass technique, you will create a colorful
mosaic mirror or make a statement with
word art décor.
Instructor: Peggy Ingles
Thursdays, November 5 – 12, 2015
6:00 – 9:00pm
Webster High School – Art Room
Registration available in September:
Mark Your calendars for this
art class coming in fall! Brighten up any
window or wall space with this unique
wire and beaded tree. This suncatcher
makes a wonderful and meaningful gift.
They are fun and easy to do.
Instructor: Peggy Ingles
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
6:00 – 9:00pm
Webster High School – Art Room
Registration available in September:
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
If you have a new computer running
Windows 8, this course is for you.
Understand how it is different from
Windows 7 and how to navigate the
user interface. Windows 8 is Microsoft’s
new operating system. We’ll explore the
look and functionality of the Windows 8
interface; learn interesting tips, special
features, and touchscreen. Bring your
Windows 8 laptop or tablet.
Instructor: Travis Cormell
Cloud Computing
What is Cloud computing? It’s an easy and
safe way to protect digital files against
disaster, loss or theft. Cloud computing
represents the future of online backup
and file storage. We will discuss storage
of your documents, pictures, videos, and
more in the “Cloud”-- so you can access
them anywhere, anytime with any device.
Email has been in the “Cloud,” now you
can learn to store/upload documents,
photos, music and videos there, and
share and retrieve them. Bring your own
laptop or device.
Instructor: Travis Cormell
Wednesday, July 28, 2015
6:30 - 8:30pm
Siren High School - Business Lab
Course Fee: $13 Senior (62+) Fee: $8.75
WITC Class # 41867 Cat. # 60-107-602
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Thursdays, July 9 - 30, 2015
6:30 - 8:00pm
Siren High School - Business Lab
Course Fee: $30 Senior (62+) Fee: $17.25
WITC Class # 41864 Cat. # 60-103-601
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Youth Classes
Youth Swimming
The Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program
is designed for children 6 years & up.
Students progress at their own pace,
mastering the skills in one level before
advancing to the next. Swimmer must
pass the previous level or be able to
complete the exit skills for the previous
level. Each class includes training in basic
water safety, and stroke development.
Courses meet for 8 sessions of 30 minutes
each. Bring your own towel.
Choose a session:
3:00 – 3:30pm Level Two
3:30 – 4:00pm Level One
4:00 – 4:30pm Level One
4:30 – 5:00pm Level One
5:30 – 6:00pm Level One
6:00 – 6:30pm Level Two
6:30 – 7:00pm Level Three
Mondays through Thursdays,
July 13 - 23, 2015
Crooked Lake Park – Siren
In severe weather, lessons will be moved
indoors to Best Western Hotel.
Red Cross Certified Instructor: Lucas
Course Fee: $39
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Child & Babysitting Safety
This course is for young people (11
to 15 years old) who are interested in
babysitting. The Child and Babysitting
Safety training program is designed
to focus on supervising, caring for,
and keeping children and infants safe
in babysitting settings. The program
provides fundamental information in
proper supervision, basic caregiving skills,
and responding properly to ill or injured
children or infants. Bring a bag lunch.
Instructor: Deb Gutzman
Friday, July 17, 2015
9:00 – 2:00pm
Webster High School – IMC
Course Fee: $40
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Safe Kids 101
The dilemma: Your kids think
they’re ready to stay home alone
and you wonder if they are.
The answer: A home alone class, Safe Kids
101, that helps kids with the next step
in independence and helps parents rest
in the knowledge that this course will
help their child stay safe at home and in
the community. This course will cover
important safety principles that ALL
parents want their pre-teen and teens
to know. This DVD program includes
a student workbook and hands-on
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
(Safe Kids 101 continued)
activities providing a superior program
that students love and parents appreciate.
Topics Include:
• Responsibilities and basic guidelines
• Simple first aid, cuts, burns, ckoking
• Identifying fire safety rules.
• Weather, aggressive dogs, riding bicycle.
• Abuse, abduction, and stranger danger.
• Digital safety and how to navigate the
online world safely.
Give your child solid training on
becoming a self-care kid and yourself
peace of mind, knowing you’ re helping
him or her safely prepare for staying
home alone and emergency situations.
Instructor: Deb Gutzman
Thursday, July 16, 2015
3:00 – 5:00pm
Siren High School
Course Fee: $20
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Youth Drivers Education
New Drivers under 18 years must attend
30 hours of classroom instruction.
Students must be 15 years old by the
first day of class. Classroom instruction is
open to all students from all schools.
Instructor: Dorie Pederson, Safe Start
Driving School
Parent Orientation (parent & student
must attend):
Thursday, July 30, 2015
6:00 – 8:00pm
Siren School Auditorium
Classes: Monday – Friday,
August 3 - August 21, 2015
1:00 – 3:00pm
Siren High School – IMC
Course Fee: $75
Behind the Wheel Fee: $315 Payable when
Behind the Wheel instruction begins
To register, contact Safe Start Driving School
(715) 825-4950 or (715) 553-0474.
More information available online at:
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Preschool Story Time
Meet for stories, crafts, and snacks.
Wednesdays, 10:30 – 11:00am
Larsen Family Public Library - Webster, WI
Summer Reading Program
Theme “Every Hero Has a Story.” For
elementary-age children.
Wednesdays, June 10 – July 29, 2015
12:30 – 2:00pm
Larsen Family Public Library - Webster, WI
Bring your children to play, do crafts,
and have a snack. Free program through
Burnett County Family Resource Center.
Mondays and Thursdays, 10:00 -11:30am
Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI
Tom Pease Concert
Free. A fun & interactive children’s performer.
August 19, 2015 5:00pm start
Crooked Lake Park Band Shell, Siren
Family Nature Day!
June 27, 2015 at Nelson’s Landing,
St. Croix River, Grantsburg. Campfire s’mores,
picnic, frog station, fishing, fly tying, fish
printing on t-shirts, shelter building, and fire
starting. Free canoe trip at 9am (must preregister) equipment provided. Please RSVP:
(715)349-2922, administrator@bcfrc.com
DNR Safety Courses
The WI Dept of Natural Resources Safety
Classes include ATV, Boating, Hunting,
Trapper, and Bow Hunting safety courses.
Search for upcoming classes, visit the DNR
Summer Rec Playground
Ages 5–17. Drop-in program. Meet for
games, arts & crafts, contest, field trips
and more. Lunch provided.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays,
June 29 – August 28, 2015
12:00 – 3:00pm
Webster Elementary School – Playground
For more info, call Stephenie: (715) 349-2121
or swedin@burnettcounty.org
Health + Wellness
Full Moon Canoe
Enjoy a leisurely evening paddle, as our
scenic St. Croix Riverway guide leads
you on a canoe trip under a full moon.
Experience the magic moments of
the sun setting and then the full ‘Buck
Moon’ rising, while paddling along the
river! Pardun’s Canoe will provide all
equipment needed to have a relaxed and
enjoyable experience, including canoe or
kayak, paddles, life jackets, shuttle and
instruction. Skill level is easy. Children
must be accompanied by an adult. Bring
water to drink, and a positive attitude.
Instructor: John Jensen
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
7:30 – 10:00pm
Meet at Pardun’s Canoe Rental State Rd 77 & 4th Ave. S. Danbury, WI
Course Fee: $19
or $34/pair
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Intro to Paddling
Is canoeing or kayaking on your
“bucket list” of things to try, but
you don’t know how to put this adventure
into motion? Come out and spend an
evening with us learning how to get in and
out of a canoe/kayak, and learn paddling
strokes. We will address concerns such as:
“I am afraid of tipping over!”, or “It looks like
a lot of work and I don’t have strong arms”.
Let us put your fears to rest. Once you
are comfortable with a canoe/kayak and
paddling strokes, we will go for a leisurely
group paddle along the scenic St. Croix
Riverway. You’ll be excited about your new
found skills in no time! Pardun’s Canoe
will provide all equipment needed to
have a relaxed and enjoyable experience,
including canoe or kayak, paddles, life
jackets, shuttle and instruction. Skill level is
easy. Children must be accompanied by an
adult. Bring water and a positive attitude.
Instructor: John Jensen
Thursday, August 6, 2015
5:30 – 8:00pm
Meet at Pardun’s Canoe Rental State Rd 77 & 4th Ave. S. Danbury, WI
Course Fee: $19 or $34/pair
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Yoga For
An Alignment oriented style of yoga. Best
for adults (though ages 14+ are welcome)
of literally any level, Yoga for Everybody can
offer movement options for intermediates,
beginners and complete novices. It will
incorporate some components of the Core
Strength Vinyasa method for postural
support, but overall is a slower moving
class that gives you time to observe the
details of each posture and balance your
effort with ease. You’ll learn some Sanskrit
and English names of postures, what
you’re doing and why, and how to modify
your postures so you can remain not
only safe but comfortable – your practice
should meet you where you are, not the
other way around! You’ll also learn how to
access your Deep Core Line and why you
and your spine need to use it. You’ll gain
both strength and flexibility here, improve
your balance, and move toward a deeper
understanding of yourself as a whole,
which is what yoga was originally meant
to do. While everybody can practice yoga,
not everybody should practice every
posture or breathing technique, so please
inform your instructor of any injuries or
medical conditions so modifications or
alternate postures can be offered. Bring
yoga mat & towel.
Instructor: Lorrie Blockhus CYT
Mondays, July 27 – August 31, 2015
4:00 – 5:00pm
Siren High School – Dragon Room
Course Fee: $30
Sr (62+) Fee: $17.25
WITC Class # 41537 Cat. # 60-807-628
Mondays, September 14 – October 19, 2015
4:00 – 5:00pm
Siren High School – Dragon Room
Course Fee: $30
Sr (62+) Fee: $17.25
WITC Class # 64293 Cat. # 60-807-628
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Yoga for Weight Loss &
This popular series will be predominantly
in a Core Strength Vinyasa style, which will
provide cardio, strength building, and burn
some calories; however, the foundation of
the class is NOT about counting calories.
You’ll learn some helpful movement tips,
stress relieving techniques including Yin/
Restorative yoga, gain valuable body
awareness that can translate into healthy
lifestyle and food choices, and learn one
of the best kept secrets to feeling great
about yourself and your body no matter
where you are in your wellness journey.
Class may meet outdoors if weather
permits. Bring your own yoga mat & towel.
Instructor: Lorrie Blockhus CYT
Mondays, July 27 – August 31, 2015
5:15 – 6:15pm
Siren High School – Dragon Room
Course Fee: $30
Sr (62+) Fee: $17.25
WITC Class # 41538 Cat. # 60-807-628
Mondays, September 14 – October 19, 2015
5:15 – 6:15pm
Siren High School – Dragon Room
Course Fee: $30
Sr (62+) Fee: $17.25
WITC Class # 64295 Cat. # 60-807-628
To Register Online:
or call (800) 243-9482 Ext. 4221.
Intro to Square Dancing
Golf Lessons
New to the game of golf? Here’s your
opportunity to learn the fundamentals
and improve your game by focusing on
correct form and club selection. Each
session will cover a different aspect
of the game including irons, woods,
chipping and putting. Classes will be
held outdoors. Bring your own clubs, and
dress for the weather.
Instructor: John Jenson, has PGA golf
background, 14 years’ experience as a
golf club owner
Wednesdays, July 8 - 29, 2015
6:00 – 7:00pm
Fox Run Golf Course, Webster
Course Fee: $49 includes all range fees
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Looking for an activity that will get
your heart pumping and provide an
opportunity to meet new people? Come
join the Friendly Twirlers Square Dance
Club for this introductory class. The
caller will walk you through the moves
and the experienced club dancers will
help you have fun with the dances. No
dance experience or special clothes
needed. Singles, couples, and families are
welcome. So come and join the fun.
Instructors: The Friendly Twirlers
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
7:00 - 8:30pm
Siren High School - Small Gym
Course Fee: $4
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Square Dance Lessons
Join the Friendly Twirlers Square Dance
Club for weekly lessons. No new students
after Sept. 23.
Wednesdays, September 9 - January 27
7:00 - 8:30pm
Luck School, Luck WI
CPR Course -
American Health & Safety
Certified CPR/AED Training
Training meets OSHA Guidelines for First
Aid Programs and combines lecture,
featuring emergency scenarios that
are likely to occur in a variety of
environments and hands-on training
to teach participants lifesaving skills.
CPR Adult/ Child: Participants learn how
to perform CPR and care for breathing
and cardiac emergencies in adults and
in children between the ages of 1 and
12 CPR Infant: Participants learn how
to prevent, recognize and respond to
cardiac and breathing emergencies in
infants & AED Participants learn how to
use automatic external defibrillators.
Instructor: Deb Gutzman
Thursday, July 16, 2015
5:00 – 8:00pm
Siren High School
Course Fee: $50
Outdoor Pickleball
Pickleball is a fun racquet sport that
infuses elements of badminton, tennis
and ping-pong, and also one of the
fastest growing sports in America. The
game is played with a hard paddle and
whiffle ball, is great exercise and lots of
fun! Good for all ages.
Equipment provided.
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070. e Count
through spectacular
Burnett County, and
beyond. Ride with
a fun local group, and experience the 12
different scenic routes planned, mostly
rated easy.
Saturdays, June 6 – August 29, 2015
(no ride July 4th)
Most rides meet at 8:00am
Check out more information online or
call: (715) 431-0455
View the 12 Rides of Summer on facebook:
Sponsored by: Lake Country Pedalers
Play Mahjong!
Skill, strategy, calculation and a certain
degree of luck – that’s the popular
Chinese game of Mahjong. This game of
“tiles,” rather than modern playing cards,
is interesting and fun, social, and can be
very competitive! Learn the strategy of
the game – it’s not only fun, but also a
great way to stimulate the brain!
Instructor: Brenda Christianson
Thursdays, July 16 – August 20, 2015
1:00 – 3:00pm
Webster High School – IMC
Course Fee: $15
Thursdays, May 28 – September 10, 2015
6:00 – 8:00pm
Tennis Courts, Pike Ave. Webster, WI
Course Fee: Free
Hobbies & Interests
12 Rides of
To Register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Planning & Finance
Social SecurityStrategize to
Did you know that there are hundreds
of options associated with your Social
Security retirement benefits? Thrivent
Financial Representative Jason Kohl will
take you through the choices and help
ensure the decisions you make are the ones
you can live with-for the rest of your life.
Instructor: Jason J. Kohl, MBA, Financial
Course is offered twice, choose a session:
Wednesday, July 15
Or Wednesday, September 16
5:30 – 7:00pm
Webster High School – IMC
Course Fee: Free - please bring a donation
to the local food pantry
Moving for the
Winter? USPS Mail
Changes 101
Do you move away for the winter, and
need to temporarily forward your mail
for a season? Learn the easiest way to
complete your temporary change of
address, how to establish seasonal holds,
including how to manage everything
online and save a trip to the post office.
Instructor: Matthew Golke
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
5:00 – 6:00pm
Webster High School
Course Fee: Free
Pre-register Online: www.CUEClass.com
or call (715) 349-7070.
100% Satisfaction
CUE’s goal is to develop and deliver
a wide range of quality activities
to meet the learning needs of the
community. You have a satisfaction
guarantee. Your experience with
Community Education should be
great, so please let us know if you
aren’t fully satisfied. Contact Jennifer
Swenson at (715) 349-7070.
5 Easy Ways to Register!
By Phone
(715) 349-7070
By Email
By Mail or
Drop Off (registration form pg. 14)
Pre-register online: www.CUEclass.com
or call (715) 349-7070
Communities United in Education
24022 Fourth Avenue
Siren, WI 54872
You Can Teach
Community Ed!
Do you have a special skill, interest,
knowledge, or hobby you’d like
to share with your neighbors?
Professional certification is not
required; passion and enthusiasm
are a must! CUE is always looking
for qualified instructors who
would enjoy sharing their skills
and special knowledge with
others. Contact us today to discuss
teaching options.
Call (715) 349-7070, or email
Jennifer at comed@siren.k12.wi.us
Join The CUE
Would you like to receive CUE’s email
newsletter? Typically sent once a month.
Sign up at www.CUEClass.com or email
Register Online:
Retire Wisely
Will you have enough to retire?
Will your retirement income
last? Are your assets protected? In
this workshop, Thrivent Financial
representative Jason Kohl will discuss
how to manage six risks all retirees face:
outliving income, inflation, unpredictable
events, market volatility, income taxes
and rising health care costs.
Instructor: Jason J. Kohl, MBA, Financial
Course is offered twice, choose a session:
Wednesday, July 22
Or Wednesday, September 23
5:30 – 7:00pm
Webster High School – IMC
Course Fee: Free - please bring a donation
to the local food pantry
Register Early!
Pre-registration is necessary for
classes. Registrations are on a firstcome basis. Classes may be cancelled
if not enough people sign up. If a
class or event is cancelled, you will be
Pre-register online: www.CUEclass.com
or call (715) 349-7070
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
Visit us online | www.CUEClass.com
Mail to: WITC Educational Services; 1019 South Knowles Ave.; New Richmond, WI 54017
CUE Course Registration Form
You may mail your registration to:
Communities United in Education
24022 Fourth Avenue
Siren, WI 54872
Phone: (715) 349-7070
Online: www.CUEClass.com
Email: comed@siren.k12.wi.us
Participant Name ______________________________________________________________
Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________
Phone ( _______ )______________________ Other Phone ( _______ )____________________
E-mail ________________________________________________________________________
Would you also like to receive CUE’s awesome email newsletter & special announcements?
Receive timely updates regarding CUE classes, special events & promotions. Typically sent once a month.
□ Yes, sign me up!
□ I already receive E-News.
□ No, thank you.
Class Title ___________________________________________________ Fee ______________
Class Title ___________________________________________________ Fee ______________
Class Title ___________________________________________________ Fee ______________
Total Registration Amount ______________
□ Cash
□ Check
□ Credit or Debit Card
(Visa, MasterCard, American Exp, Discover)
Card number __________________________________________ Validation # ____________ *
* For Visa, MC, Discover, the 3 digits on back of card. For AmEx, the 4 digits on the front
Exp. Date ____________ Name on Card ____________________________________________
Billing Address (if different than above) ____________________________________________
Communities United in Education | Summer 2015
24022 Fourth Avenue
Siren, WI 54872
page 8
Full Moon Canoe
Register Early!
(715) 349-7070
SIREN, WI 54872