Appendix 1 WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL FAMILIES AND WELLBEING DIRECTORATE ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND NURSERY CLASSES FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-17 1. Age of Admission Primary Schools 1.1 Admission authorities must provide for the admission of all children from the September following their fourth birthday. Deferred Entry, Part-Time Attendance and Summer Born Children 1.2 Children reaching the age of five between 1 September and 31 August may be admitted full time on the first day of the autumn term before their fifth birthday. To help children adjust, schools may phase the intake over the first few weeks of term with reception children attending on a part-time basis. Arrangements are determined at school level but part-time attendance does not usually last longer than the first four weeks of term. 1.3 Flexibility exists for parents/carers who feel their child is not ready to start school in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents/carers can request that the date their child is admitted to school is deferred until later in that academic year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age. Parents/carers can also request that their child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. 1.4 Parents/carers may wish to explore the possibility of their summer born child starting school in the September following their fifth birthday ie so their child is educated outside of their normal age group. 1.5 If a parent/carer chooses to explore this option, they should discuss it with the schools they are interested in and the local authority as soon as possible. Parents should make it clear that they wish to apply for a reception class place a year later than the year into which the child could have been admitted. 1.6 The admitting authority is responsible for making the decision as to whether or not to educate outside of the normal age group based on the individual circumstances of each case. If the decision of the admitting authority is to refuse entry outside of the normal age group, the parent/carer does not have the right of appeal. The right of appeal is only available if they have been refused a place at a school which they have applied for, not the year group. 1.7 Parents/carers may complain about the decision not to educate out of the normal age group in accordance with the local authority’s published complaints procedure. Appendix 1 2. Infant Class Size Legislation – Key Stage 1 2.1 Infant classes must not contain more than 30 pupils with a single school teacher. Additional children may be added under limited exceptional circumstances. These children will remain an ‘excepted pupil’ for the time they are in an infant class or until the class numbers fall back to the current infant class size limit. The circumstances which would qualify a child to be considered as an excepted pupil are outlined in the school admissions code. 3. Published Admission Numbers (PAN) 3.1 Each maintained school has a published admission number (PAN) which is largely based on the assessed capacity of the school. The limit relates to the year of admission and in filling places the admitting authority must have regard to this limit. It is now necessary to publish an admission number for each age group in which pupils join the school (e.g. pupils joining school sixth forms at 16 from other schools and for separate junior schools). 3.2 The published admission numbers for academic year 2016-17 are published in the composite prospectuses and attached to this document as Appendix C. For information, Appendix C also shows the admission numbers for 2015 -16. 4. Parental Preferences 4.1 Parents/carers have the right to state a preference for schools. At both the admission to reception class and the secondary transfer stages parents are invited to express up to three preferences and are given the opportunity to state their reasons for these preferences. 4.2 Parents/carers will be given advice on how to do this and informed how preferences will be dealt with by the local authority for community schools and the admission authority for other schools. 4.3 When preferences cannot be met and a place cannot be offered at any of the parent/carer’s preferred schools, the applicant will be offered a place at the nearest school to the home address which has a place available. When this is a faith school or an academy, any offer of a place would be made in agreement with, and on behalf of the governing body or academy trust, as the admitting authority for the school. 5. Oversubscription Criteria 5.1 Oversubscription criteria are used to establish an order of priority for allocating places when the number of applications for places exceeds the number of places available. 5.2 Children who have a statement of special educational needs will be admitted to the school named in the statement over and above the oversubscription criteria. Appendix 1 5.3 NB The oversubscription criteria for community primary schools are published in the relevant composite prospectus as follows: (i) Children in care and children formerly in care.* (ii) Siblings (pupils with elder brothers or sisters already attending the preferred school and expected to continue at the school in the following school year. This includes full, half or step brothers and sisters and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit) (iii) Pupils for whom advice from a medical practitioner or psychologist has been provided by the parents/carers at the time of application in support of admission to a particular school, which, in the council’s view, justifies admission to the preferred school. The council, if it is considered appropriate, will seek the views of the school medical officer or educational psychologist in the event of parents requesting admission on medical or psychological grounds. (iv) Pupils living nearest to the school measured as a direct distance from the child’s permanent place of residence to the school measured using a geographical Information address point system based on the local and property gazetteer. This measures straight line (direct) distances from the address point of the permanent place of residence to the address point of the school. Where a school reaches its published admission number from pupils within one of the categories listed above, those pupils to be admitted from within that category will be those whose permanent places of residence are closest to the school as defined in oversubscription criterion four. For the purpose of dealing with applications for admission on the grounds of a sibling being in attendance, separate infant and junior schools will be regarded as a single unit. * Children in Care and children formerly in Care is defined as looked after children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be in Care because they have been adopted or became subject to a residence order of special guardianship order. 6. Secondary Schools Age of Admission 6.1 Children transfer from primary to secondary schools in the September following their 11th birthday. The local authority must ensure that each child residing in their area has a secondary school place for the start of the new school year. Appendix 1 6.2 NB The oversubscription criteria for mainstream community secondary schools are published in the relevant composite prospectus as follows: (i) Children in care and children formerly in care*. (ii) Siblings (pupils with elder brothers or sisters already attending the preferred school and expected to continue at the school in the following school year. This includes full, half or step brothers and sisters and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit). (iii) Pupils for whom advice from a medical practitioner or psychologist has been provided by the parents/carers at the time of application in support of admission to a particular school which, in the council’s view, justifies admission to the preferred school. The council, if it is considered appropriate, will seek the views of the school medical officer or educational psychologist in the event of parents requesting admission on medical or psychological grounds. (iv) Pupils attending a designated partner primary school. Partnering arrangements apply to Hollin’s Green CE Primary and Burtonwood Community Primary School. Hollin’s Green CE Primary School is the designated partner to Culcheth High School and Burtonwood Community Primary School is the designated partner to Great Sankey High School. (v) Pupils, attending a community primary school which is partnered to a Faith secondary school, whose parents state a preference for their nearest community secondary school, because the parent objects on philosophical grounds to their child being educated in a Faith school. (vi) Pupils living nearest to the school measured as a direct distance from the child’s permanent place of residence to the school measured using a geographical information address point system based on the local and property gazetteer. This measures straight line (direct) distances from the address point of the permanent place of residence to the address point of the school. Where a school reaches its published admission number from pupils within one of the categories listed above those pupils to be admitted from within that category will be those whose permanent place of residence is closest to the school as defined in oversubscription criterion six. Children in Care and children formerly in Care is defined as looked after children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be in Care because they have been adopted or became subject to a residence order of special guardianship order. Appendix 1 7. Tie Breaker 7.1 A tie breaker must be applied to decide which applicant will be offered the last place at a school when two or more applicants cannot otherwise be separated. 7.2 In the event of the direct distances (in miles) being the same for two or more applicants and the last place to be allocated would be to one of these applicants, the measurements would be taken again in kilometres and the place will be offered to the applicant living nearest to the school in kilometres. 7.3 In the event that the distances measured in kilometres are the same, a random allocation will be applied. 8. Shared Parental Responsibility 8.1 For the purposes of the community school admission arrangements, where parents/carers have 50/50 shared responsibility for their child, the address given on the application should be the address of the parent/carer who is in receipt of the child benefit and/or child tax credit. Proof may be required. 8.2 If the care is not split 50/50, the address used for allocation purposes will be the address were the child sleeps on most nights of the week. 9. Fair Access Protocol 9.1 Each local authority must have a fair access protocol agreed with the majority of schools in its area to ensure that unplaced children, who apply outside the normal admissions round, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. The local authority must also ensure that no school, including those with unfilled places, is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour. The Fair Access Protocol may be viewed on the Council’s website. 10. Waiting Lists 10.1 In accordance with The Education and Inspection Act 2006, waiting lists for first admission to primary and secondary schools are held by the local authority for the whole of the Autumn Term of the academic year of admission. Waiting lists must be held strictly in oversubscription criteria order. 11. Right of Appeal 11.1 Under the terms of the 1998 Education Act, parents/carers have the statutory right of appeal against the decision of an admission authority to refuse a place for their child at any school. Such appeals are made to an independent appeals panel via the local authority which maintains the preferred school. Appendix 1 12. Admission to Post 16 Provision 12.1 Young people are required to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 18 years old. 12.2 This doesn’t necessarily mean staying in school. Young people will be able to choose how they participate, which could be through: 12.3 Full-time education, such as school, college or otherwise; An Apprenticeship; 12.4 Part-time education or training if they are employed, self employed or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week. 12.5 For more information regarding post 16 provision, please refer to Warrington’s post 16 prospectus. You can also log onto or visit the young peoples careers centre in Times Square, Warrington. 13. Admission to Maintained Nursery Schools and Classes 13.1 There is no requirement for admission authorities to consult on admission arrangements for maintained nursery schools and classes. However, the local authority is required to publish any separate entry requirements and oversubscription criteria. These arrangements are set out in the Nursery Admissions Composite Prospectus. 13.2 Local authority maintained nurseries generally provide education for children aged from three to five. Children become eligible for a free place in a school nursery, a playgroup, private nursery or accredited child minder from the term following their third birthday. 13.3 The funding for this free place is called the Free Early Years Entitlement (FEYE) and is for up to 15 hours per week averaging 3 hours per session. 13.4 Since 2009, authorities have had the opportunity to take part in the two year old programme, which is an extension of the existing FEYE. The programme supports the “narrowing the gap agenda” and offers free education, childcare and family support to two year olds from low income families. 13.5 In 2009, Warrington received funding for 50 free places for 2-year olds to access 10 hours per week, from 10 different nursery provisions including in schools. In September 2013, funding was available to increase this to 402 places for 15 hours per week at 45 different provisions. It is anticipated that 800 places will be available in September 2014 across 55 provisions. 13.6 When a community nursery receives more applications than there are places available, the following oversubscription criteria apply: (i) Children in care and children formerly in care*. Appendix 1 (ii) (iii) Children with special educational needs as defined by the Children’s Act 1989* or the Education Act 1996. Children with exceptional personal or domestic circumstances presented by the parents which justify, in the Council’s view, priority for nursery education. (iv) Children resident in the Borough of Warrington who currently attend the preferred nursery as part of the two year old programme. (v) Children resident in the Borough of Warrington who currently attend a Children’s Centre Nursery linked to the preferred school. (vi) Other children resident in the Borough of Warrington. (vii) Children resident outside the Borough of Warrington. NB *Children in care and children formerly in care is defined as looked after children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be in care because they have been adopted or became subject to a residence order of special guardianship order. 14. Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements and Timetable 14.1 It is a requirement for all local authorities to co-ordinate the admission arrangements within their areas for the normal admissions rounds ie admission into Year 7 and first admission to Reception Class. 15. Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary Admissions 15.1 For full details of the primary admissions co-ordination scheme please refer to Appendix 2. 15.2 The local authority encourages all parents/carers of children due to start in reception class to apply on-line. In the event of a parent/carer completing a paper form, they must ensure that they return it to their home local authority even when the preferences are for faith schools, Academies or out of Borough schools. 15.3 The closing date for receipt of application forms is Friday 15 January 2016. The on-line facility will be unavailable after this date so any parent/carer who applies late will have to complete a paper form. 15.4 The national offer date is 16 April each year or the nearest working day to this date. Therefore; as this date falls on a Saturday in 2016, parents/carers should be notified of their offer of a place at an Infant/Primary school on Friday 15 April 2016. 15.5 All offers for primary schools will be sent out by the home local authority including offers on behalf of the admission authority for Academies, faith schools and on behalf of the maintaining local authority when the school offered is outside the home local authority’s area. Appendix 1 16. Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary Admissions 16.1 For full details of the secondary admissions co-ordination scheme please refer to Appendix 3. 16.2 The local authority encourages all parents/carers of children due to transfer from Year 6 to Year 7 to apply on-line. In the event of a parent/carer completing a paper form, they must ensure that they return it to their home local authority even when the preferences are for faith schools, Academies or out of Borough schools. 16.3 The closing date for receipt of application forms is Friday 30 October 2015. The on-line facility will be unavailable after this date so any parent/carer who applies late will have to complete a paper form. 16.4 The national offer date is 1 March each year. Parents/carers should receive their offer of a place at a secondary school on this date. 16.5 All offers for secondary schools will be sent out by the home local authority including offers on behalf of the admission authority for Academies, faith schools and on behalf of the maintaining local authority when the school offered is outside the home local authority’s area. Appendix 3 WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL FAMILIES AND WELLBEING DIRECTORATE SCHEME FOR CO-ORDINATING THE TRANSFER TO YEAR 7 AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 1. LEGAL BACKGROUND 1.1 The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012 require all Local Authorities to prepare schemes for co-ordinating the normal admissions round for all maintained schools within their areas. 1.2 All admission authorities have a statutory duty to act in accordance with the relevant provisions of The School Admission Code 2012 and has been issued under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. The Code imposes mandatory requirements and provides guidelines setting out aims, objectives and other matters in relation to the discharge of functions relating to admissions by all maintained bodies including Schools Adjudicators and School Appeal Panels. 2. PREPARATION OF THE SCHEME 2.1 The local authority is the admission authority for all the community secondary schools in the Borough of Warrington. There are no voluntary controlled secondary schools in Warrington. 2.3 The local authority is the admitting authority for Bridgewater High School and Culcheth High School. All other mainstream secondary school provisions are their own admitting authorities. 2.4 If an admission authority proposes to make changes to their admission arrangements, they must consult on the arrangements that will apply to admission applications for the following academic year. 2.5 Where admission arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult, subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every seven years, even if there have been no changes during that period. 2.6 The local authority has not made any changes to admission arrangements for academic year 2016-17. 3. THE SCHEME 3.1 Timetable for Secondary School Co-ordinated Admissions The timetable for the transfer from primary to Year 7 at secondary school from September 2016 is set out in section 12 of this document. 1 Appendix 3 4. The Composite Prospectus 4.1 The composite prospectus sets out the arrangements in relation to parents/carers making an application for children transferring from year 6 at primary school to year 7 at secondary school from September 2016. 4.2 A copy of the local authority’s composite prospectus is available at all Warrington primary schools, Contact Warrington on Horsemarket Street in the town centre or by visiting This will be available from 7 September 2015. The application closing date for the transfer to secondary school for September 2016 admission is 30 October 2015. 4.3 Parents/carers are strongly advised to read the composite prospectus before submitting their application. If, after reading the prospectus, parents/carers have any further questions or queries they are advised to contact the school admissions team and contact numbers are provided. 5. Stating Preferences for Schools 5.1 Parents/carers are encouraged to apply on-line for their child’s Year 7 place. Parents/carers are asked to state up to three preferences and to rank them in order of priority. They also have the opportunity to give reasons for their preferences. 5.2 All parents/carers must apply by completing their ‘home’ authority ie parents/carers living in Warrington must apply to Warrington local authority. They may express a preference for any state funded school in any area of the country but must do so via the Warrington form. 5.3 The admissions team will organise drop-in sessions at Contact Warrington on Horsemarket Street in the town centre to enable parents/carers who do not have access to the internet or who do not have an e-mail account to complete their on-line form. 5.4 It is made clear on the on-line form and in the composite prospectus that where preferences are for faith schools or academies, parents/carers should be aware that they may also be required to complete the school’s own supplementary information form. This may be necessary so that the school’s oversubscription criteria can be applied. 5.5 All admission authorities must rank all preferences strictly in oversubscription criteria order. The home local authority must coordinate the allocation of places for all state funded schools. 5.6 The local authority will maintain a database of all applications received and all preferences expressed. 2 Appendix 3 6. Sharing Information with own admission authority schools and other local authorities 6.1 The local authority will forward copies of all applications to all own admission authority schools, where the school in question is listed as a first, second or third preference. Own admission authorities will receive this information by 20 November 2015. 6.2 Similarly and by 20 November 2015, the local authority will exchange relevant information with other local authorities where schools in their area have been listed as a first, second or third preference. 6.3 All admission authorities must consider all applications and rank them strictly in oversubscription criteria order. They are informed that they must not have regard to the order of preference. 6.4 By 18 December 2015, governors of own admission authority schools must return their ranked lists to the local authority. 6.5 The local authority will rank applications for places at community schools strictly in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. 6.6 Where a place is available for a child at more than one of the preferred schools, the local authority will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the child is offered a place at whichever of these schools is the highest preference. 6.7 Co-ordination with own admission authority schools and other local authorities will continue up to 12 February 2016 in order to ensure that children living in Warrington will receive a single offer of a state funded school place. 6.8 At the end of the process, if the local authority is unable to offer a place at one of the parents’ preferred schools, it will offer a place at the next nearest appropriate school which has a place available. 7. Offers of Places 7.1 Secondary schools in Warrington will receive their allocation list by 29 February 2016. 7.2 The publication date is 1 March 2016, the national offer date. Warrington local authority will post out offer letters for places in all Warrington state funded secondary schools and schools in other local authorities to parents/carers resident in Warrington. In addition to the offer letter which should be received on 1 March, any parent/carer who has completed an on-line form will receive an email indicating which school has been offered to their child. 7.3 In the unlikely event of the offer email indicating a different school offer than the school mentioned in the letter, then the offer detailed in the letter will always prevail. 3 Appendix 3 7.4 If the offered school is not the first preference school, the parent/carer will receive a breakdown showing how places were allocated which explains why their application has been refused. Parents/carers are also informed of their statutory right of appeal; their current position on the waiting list and a list of schools with available places. 8. Late Applications 8.1 All applications received by the closing date which is 30 October 2015 will be dealt with at the same time. Late applications will normally be dealt with after those received on time unless received before the initial make offers routine has been run. Parents/carers are made aware that a late application could reduce the chance of gaining a place at the preferred school. 8.2 Late applications for places at own admission authority schools will be referred to the relevant admission authority for consideration under their procedures. Any late applications submitted after 12 February 2016 will only be considered after the allocation date which is 1 March 2016. 9. Late Changes of Preference 9.1 Applicants may change their application at any time up to 28 October 2015, the closing date for applications. 9.2 After this date any changes of preferences will be treated as on time if there is, in the opinion of the admissions authority, a genuine reason for doing so, e.g. if there has been a change of address. Address changes with documentary proof will be treated as on time up until 12 February 2016. 9.3 For the purposes of the local authority admission arrangements, documentary proof is defined as a copy of the exchanged of contracts for the new property which is to be the child’s new home address. If the change of address is to a rented property, a copy of the tenancy agreement is required and the tenancy must be for at least 6 months. 9.4 Changes of preference for other reasons or, changes of address with documentary proof which is submitted after this date can only be considered after the allocation date. 10. Waiting Lists 10.1 The local authority will maintain waiting lists for the transfer to Year 7 on behalf of all maintained secondary schools in Warrington which are oversubscribed. Parents/carers refused a year 7 place for their child will be informed of their statutory right of appeal and their child will automatically be placed on a waiting list(s) for their preferred school(s). The waiting lists are held strictly in oversubscription criteria order. This means that any late applications must be ranked in accordance with 4 Appendix 3 the criteria which may result in applicants moving up or down the waiting list. 10.2 The waiting lists will operate until the end of the Autumn Term 2016. 10.3 If places become available between the allocation date and the end of the Autumn Term 2016, they will be allocated to the next child on the relevant waiting list. 11. Right of Appeal Parents/carers can submit an appeal in respect of each school for which admission has been refused. All appeals should be sent to the local authority maintaining the school where the admission has been refused. 5 Appendix 3 12. TIMETABLE FOR CO-ORDINATED ADMISSIONS to YEAR 7 AT SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 Closing date for the receipt of applications. 30 October 2015 Home LA sends applications to faith schools, Academies and to other LAs for schools in their areas. 20 November 2015 Faith schools and Academies send the LA a list of all applications prioritised through oversubscription criteria, without reference to the preference order – including any late applications agreed by the governing body to be treated as on time. LA applies own oversubscription criteria to community school applications again without reference to the preference order – including any late applications to be treated as on time. Other local authorities requested to provide initial information on places to be offered in schools in their areas to Warrington applicants 18 December 2015 (Christmas Holidays) Home LA sends any late applications to faith schools, Academies and to other LAs for schools in their areas. By 15 January 2016 Local authority liaises with faith schools and Academies in the drafting and redrafting of lists where a parent could potentially be offered more than one place for their child By 12 February 2016 LA finalises allocations lists. 18 February 2016 Schools informed of the final allocations which may include offers to pupils living in other LAs. 29 February 2016 (Half term holiday) Offers made to all parents by home LA. 1 March 2016 Appeals to be lodged with the LA maintaining the school by 18 March 2016 6 Appendix 4 PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS (PANS) FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-17 Primary Schools Community Primary/Infant Schools Alderman Bolton Appleton Thorn Barrow Hall Beamont Bewsey Lodge Bradshaw Brook Acre Bruche Burtonwood Callands Chapelford Village Cherry Tree Cobbs Infant Croft Culcheth Dallam Evelyn Street Gorse Covert Grappenhall Heys Great Sankey Locking Stumps Meadowside Newchurch Oakwood Avenue Oughtrington Park Road Penketh Penketh South Ravenbank Statham Stockton Heath Thelwall Infant Twiss Green Westbrook Old Hall Woolston Church of England Primary Schools Birchwood CE Christ Church CE Cinnamon Brow CE PAN for Reception Class Intake 2015 45 30 90 60 45 30 30 30 30 60 90 30 90 30 30 30 45 45 30 45 60 30 30 90 60 30 30 30 60 30 60 45 30 60 30 PAN for Reception Class Intake 2016-17 45 30 90 60 45 30 30 30 30 60 90 30 90 30 30 30 45 45 30 45 60 30 30 90 60 30 30 30 60 30 60 45 30 60 30 PAN for Reception Class Intake 2015 30 45 45 PAN for Reception Class Intake 2016-17 30 45 45 PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 Glazebury CE (Aided) Grappenhall St Wilfrid's CE Hollins Green St Helen's CE Latchford St James' CE Sankey Valley St James' CE St Andrew's CE St Elphin's (Fairfield) CE VA St Margaret's CE VA St Philip (Westbrook) CE Aided St Thomas' CE Stretton St Matthew's CE Warrington St Ann's CE Warrington St Barnabas' CE Winwick CE Woolston CE Catholic Primary Schools Our Lady's Sacred Heart St Alban's St Augustine's St Benedict's St Bridget's St Joseph's St Lewis' St Monica's St Oswald's St Paul of the Cross St Peter's St Stephen's St Vincent's Junior Schools (Community) Broomfield Junior Thelwall Junior 15 60 20 30 30 30 60 60 90 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 60 20 30 30 30 60 60 90 30 30 30 30 30 30 PAN for Reception Class Intake 2015 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 PAN for Reception Class Intake 2016-17 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 2015 PAN 2016 PAN 90 45 90 45 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2015 230 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2016-17 230 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2015 180 210 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2016-17 180 210 Secondary Schools Community Culcheth High School Academies and Free Schools Beamont Collegiate Academy Birchwood High School PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 Bridgewater High School Great Sankey High School King's Leadership Academy Lymm High School Penketh High School University Academy Warrington* 300 315 120 300 240 180 300 315 120 300 240 180 Church of England High Schools PAN for Year 7 Intake 2015 165 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2016-17 165 Cardinal Newman St Gregory's PAN for Year 7 Intake 2015 165 192 PAN for Year 7 Intake 2016-17 165 192 Future Tech Studio PAN for Year 10 Intake 2015 55 PAN for Year 10 Intake 2016-17 60 Sir Thomas Boteler Catholic High Schools *The Academy Trust at University Acadmy Warrington is proposing to close their Post 16 Provisio PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 PAN for Number of External Year 12 Applications for 2016-17 N/A PAN for Number of External Year 12 Applications for 2016-17 N/A 20 PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 20 10 N/A 40 10 *10 PAN for Number of External Year 12 Applications for 2016-17 N/A PAN for Number of External Year 12 Applications for 2016-17 N/A N/A PAN for Number of External Year 12 Applications for 2016-17 55 ost 16 Provision from 2016/17 PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017
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