ST PATRICK’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL LOCHINVAR School web site: School Intranet: Admin email: SRC Blog Address: Parish Mass Time 9.30 a.m. Sunday Gregory Road, Lochinvar NSW 2321 Telephone: (02) 49307270 or 4930 7176 (answering service available) Fax: (02) 49307917 username: community password: stplochinvarsp iPhone/Android App Store@ Sircle and then scroll across to our school Our Vision St Patrick’s is a Catholic school community centred on the example and teachings of Jesus At St Patrick’s School we: Celebrate our religion and spirituality Respect and care for each other Face challenges and achieve 26th March, 2015 Term 1, Week 9 Dear Parents, Parishioners and Children, Please join us at 9am in the school hall next week as we retell the Holy Week story: Monday 30/3- Palm Sunday- led by infants Tuesday 31/3- Washing of the feet- led by Year 4 Wednesday 1/4- Eucharist- led by Year 3 Thursday 2/4- Good Friday- led by Year 5 Easter 2015 He is RISEN! ALLELUIA! We may overlook some of the important things in life when we are carried away by other things that keep us occupied. It is good to step back and slow down, so we can recall all of the things we should be grateful for. Easter is a good time for recollection and being thankful for all the blessings that we have in our lives. Happy Easter! Combined Catholic Schools – POLDING Representatives Our school is having a wonderful year in the sporting arena. Xavier Russell has now been selected in the Polding AFL team and will compete against Catholic Schools thoughout NSW. Well done Xavier. Corben Reese Female 6 St Patrick's (Lochinvar) Selection Trials Basketball - Girls (2015) - Polding - Polding Eckford Jackson Male 6 St Patrick's (Lochinvar) Selection Trials Football - Boys (2015) - Polding - Polding Russell Xavier Male 5 St Patrick's (Lochinvar) Selection Trials AFL - Polding (2015) - Polding - Polding New Leave Requirements There have been some significant changes made to aspects of Attendance for 2015. This applies to all Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle systemic schools and it follows Government regulations. In summary, the changes are: 1. Exemption from attendance can no longer be granted for students travelling for reasons such as the purpose of a family holiday, family business, bereavement or other reasons during school hours/terms. These days will now appear on the student’s school report as days absent. 2. Exemptions from attendance can only be requested for participation in Elite Arts or Elite Sports. There-fore the following will apply; a. All absences for the above reasons will be treated as Leave (L) b. Where students are absent from school for more than ten (10) school days, families must complete an Application for Extended Leave Form (A1). This form is returned to school and viewed by the Principal. Then, a Certificate for Extended Leave Form (A2) will be issued stating if the leave is approved or denied. Form A1 will be filed in the student’s record card. The certificate, Form A2 will be sent home and a copy put in the student’s record card as well. The number of discretionary days of leave previously capped at 15 has gone. However, schools are asked to monitor the number of days for leave if they reach an excessive amount or become frequent. Have a great week everyone. Peter Treloar Principal Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” CURRICULUM CORNER SAVE THE DATE MATHS WORKSHOPS FOR PARENTS 4th May 2015 9am repeated at 4pm ‘Tips for solving word problems’ 25th May 2015 9am repeated at 4pm ‘Improving mental computation’ Article taken from: Learning to spell is closely linked with learning to talk, listen, read and write. Spelling is regarded as a tool for writing. It is important that students spell correctly in their writing and that they are able to check their writing for mistakes. Here are some ideas for you to try at home. How can I help my child with spelling? • Help your child with those areas of spelling with which you feel confident. • Remember that not all English words can be spelt correctly by “sounding out”, e.g. the words you and said. • Talk about how you spell, and what you do when you don’t know how to spell a word. • Have your child write at home, e.g. filling in forms, writing notes to family members, writing phone messages and reminder notes, replying to letters, sending cards. • Provide a dictionary and use it together. Remember that dictionaries are more useful if your child has a knowledge of the alphabet and how a dictionary works. • Encourage your child to try words, then praise the parts that are correct, and suggest what else is needed. For example, if your child has written little for little, you might say, “You have five of the six letters right. One of the letters should be doubled. Can you tell which one it should be?” • Encourage your child to look at new words, say them, write them from memory, then check them. What should I do when my child asks how to spell a word? • Ask if your child can suggest any parts of the word. • Make sure he or she has access to a dictionary. • Simply tell your child how the word is spelt. Should I correct my child’s spelling? • First, encourage your child to check his or her own work and find any mistakes. • If your child has made a mistake with a common word, ask him or her to try to fix it without your assistance. What should I do if my child finds spelling difficult? • Continue to encourage your child to have a go when writing, to check words he or she is not sure of, and to ask for help. • If your child seems to be having problems, consult his or her teacher. What if I am not a good speller? • No problem. Use the dictionary together. It is good for your child to see you using a dictionary. Talk about what you do when you don’t know how to spell a word. Should I let my child use a spell checker? • Yes. Children need to be made aware that spell checkers can be useful, but that there are times when they are not effective, e.g. when the word is spelt correctly but it is not the right word, e.g. shore and sure when the computer gives suggestions but the child still does not know which one is correct when the computer uses American spellings. P&F NEWS Athletics Carnival - 27 March 2015: Parents please remember to pack your child’s lunchbox on the day with a cold drink bottle to take with them to the Carnival. The P&F will run a small Canteen at Max McMahon Oval on the day of the Athletics Carnival. We will now be selling hot pies and sausage rolls with cold drinks, chips and confectionary. Kylie from Forage will be there with her coffee van for parents to purchase hot drinks. Parents who would like to help with time keeping duties and canteen would be greatly appreciated on the day. Easter Raffle & Hat Parade - 2 April 2015: Raffle tickets and Easter donations have been coming in this week for our Giant Easter Raffle. The P&F appreciate your kind donations. Parents with children with special diet requirements could you please donate suitable eggs for your children’s needs. An Easter Hat Parade will be held at 1.30pm with the Easter Raffle to be drawn after the parade. Parents are invited to come along and join in the fun of this colourful event. The children were so excited and had such a fun time last year. Students are to bring in their hat on the day and participation in the parade is voluntary. SRC students will also be holding a Easter colouring competition leading up to Easter and selling raffle tickets for a family prize which will be drawn on the day. Second Hand Uniform Shop: Thank you to all the parents who supported our Second Hand Uniform Shop last Friday. Preloved uniforms are greatly appreciated with your generosity assisting the School with resources for our children. With Winter approaching and thinking of your child’s uniforms needs please see Vanessa & Naomi or anyone from the P&F and we would be happy to assist you. Next P&F Committee Meeting: The next meeting for the P&F meeting will be held on Friday 24 April 2015, starting at 9.15am in the room behind our Canteen. We welcome all parents to join us for a cuppa and morning tea. Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” CANTEEN REMINDER URGENT Please return your Canteen Volunteer’s green note as soon as possible so that next terms roster can be done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINBOW READING PROGRAM Volunteers required The Rainbow Reading Program will continue in terms 2 and 3 for children who require additional support with literacy and targets years 2 and 3, however, students from Year 4 may also be included if there are enough volunteers. The program relies on the assistance of parent helpers to act as tutors for about an hour and a half each week assisting students 1:1 with an individualised program. Grandparents would be most welcome as tutors. All assistance is most gratefully received and you will receive training and support. For further information please contact the Learning Support Teacher, Bettina O’Heir. Please return by Monday, 30 March Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________________________ Eldest child’s name and class: __________________________________ Please circle most suitable day of the week: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” - From the Scriptures The Word: Jesus said ‘I tell you truly, a grain of wheat remains no more than one grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. Then it produces many grains. Those who love their own life will lose it; those who hate their own life in this world will keep it for life eternal’. Jn 12:20-33 __________________________________________________ Mini Vinnies Update This week, Year 4 White visited the many residents of Mt Carmel. The residents were very excited to speak to the students! When asked what they enjoyed about the visit, some responses included: - ‘Meeting all the residents and hearing their stories’ (Matthew D) ‘Meeting a lady named Joan and listening to her sing’ (Ella S) ‘Learning about their experiences in life. One lady told me she was a Maths teacher and loved to play tennis as a kid’ (Kade W) ‘Meeting a man named George. He was born overseas in Europe and had a large family with 4 brothers and 2 sisters. He was really nice’ (Lilia M) ‘Shaking hands with residents’ (Jake R) ‘Making the old residents laugh. One man told me if I get to hand out Easter raffle prizes, to hide some in my pocket!!!’ (Angus L) ‘We were lucky to hear Joan sing to us’ (Cassandra C) ‘It was really nice seeing the elderly. It was nice to try and brighten their day’ (Layne W) ‘I loved learning about their family and pets and life when they were younger’ (Jordan M) Well done to the beautiful manners displayed by Year 4 White! Mrs Sadaj Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” YEAR 4 EXCURSION Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” CANTEEN ROSTER – T1 Week 9 Wednesday Thursday 25th March 26th March Monday 23rd March Tuesday 24th March Christine Fryer Alison Hislop Suzanne Milles Lindsay Watson Monday 30th March Gillian Hewitt Amanda McInerney Tuesday 31th March Julie Lawrence Kelly Smith Mai Wel CANTEEN CLOSED CANTEEN ROSTER – T1 Week 10 Wednesday Thursday st 1 April 2nd April Mai Wel CANTEEN CLOSED Friday 27th March Julie Lawrence Linda Smith Bendie Siddens Friday 3rd April GOOD FRIDAY SCHOOL APP School APP Even if you do not have a “smartphone”, please visit this website iPhone/Android App Store@ Sircle and then scroll across to our school username: community password: stplochinvarsp Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes” This activity is endorsed by Chisholm Pastoral Region as part of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Finalist National Disability Awards “Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes”
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