
Amanda K. Kibler, Ph.D.
University of Virginia
417 Emmet Street South
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4260
Current Appointment:
English Education
Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education Department
Curry School of Education
University of Virginia
Assistant Professor, appointed fall 2010
Academic Experience:
Doctor of Philosophy in Education with specialization in Educational Linguistics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Dissertation Title: Talking Writing: Adolescent English Learners in the Content Areas
Advisor: Guadalupe Valdés
Master of Science in Comparative and International Education, with distinction
University of Oxford (St. Cross College), Oxford, England
Thesis Title: Implementation of Educational Policies for Minority Language Pupils in
England and the United States
Advisor: David Phillips
Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Certification in English and ESL
Trinity University, San Antonio TX
Bachelor of Arts in English, minor in Linguistics, summa cum laude
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Professional Positions Held:
Stanford University School of Education, Stanford, CA
Postdoctoral Scholar
University of California at Santa Cruz Education Department, Santa Cruz, CA
Stanford University Teacher Education Program, Stanford, CA
Stanford CLAD/CTEL Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Online ESL Teacher Training Curriculum Developer and Course Facilitator
St. Augustine’s of Canterbury Upper School, Oxford, England
Secondary English Teacher
Beaverton School District, Beaverton, OR
6/99-6/01; 8/04-6/05
Secondary ESL and English Teacher
ESL/Bilingual District Program Facilitator
Publications (advisee names marked with an *):
Refereed Journal Articles and Monographs:
1. Palacios, N., & Kibler, A. (in press). Oral English language proficiency and reading
mastery: The role of home language and school supports. The Journal of Educational
2. *Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. (in press). Questions they ask: Considering teacher inquiry
questions posed by pre-service English teachers. Educational Action Research.
3. *Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. (in press). Before they teach: How pre-service teachers plan
for linguistically diverse students. Teacher Education Quarterly.
4. *Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. (in press). Vocational training for adolescent English
language learners in a newcomer program: Opportunities or isolation? TESOL Journal.
Early online view:
5. *Simpson Baird, A., Kibler, A., & Palacios, N. (in press). “Yo te estoy ayudando; estoy
aprendiendo también/I am helping you; I am learning too:” A bilingual family’s
community of practice during home literacy events. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
Early online view:
6. Kibler, A., Atteberry, A., *Hardigree, C., & *Salerno, S. (July 2015). Languages across
borders: Social network development in an adolescent two-way language program.
Teachers College Record.
7. Kibler, A., Walqui, A., & Bunch, G. (March 2015). Transformational opportunities:
Language and literacy instruction for English language learners in the Common Core Era.
TESOL Journal. Early online view:
8. Bunch, G., & Kibler, A. (2015). Integrating linguistic and academic development:
Promising practices for US-educated language minority students. Community College
Journal of Research and Practice, 39(1), 20-33.
9. Kibler, A. (2014). From high school to the noviciado (the novitiate): An adolescent
linguistic minority student’s multilingual journey in writing. Modern Language Journal,
98(2), 629-651.
10. Kibler, A., Palacios, N., & *Simpson Baird, A. (2014). The influence of older siblings on
language use among second-generation Latino preschoolers. TESOL Quarterly, 48(1),
11. Kibler, A., *Salerno, A., & *Hardigree, C. (2014). “More than being in a class”:
Adolescents’ ethnolinguistic and social insights in a two-way dual-language program.
Language and Education, 28(3), 251-275.
12. Kibler, A., *Salerno, A., & Palacios, N. (2014). “But before I go to my next step”: A
longitudinal study of adolescent English language learners’ transitions in oral
presentations. TESOL Quarterly, 48(2), 222-251.
13. Kibler, A., Valdés, G., & Walqui, A. (Eds). (2014). K-12 standards-based educational
reform: Implications for English language learner populations. TESOL Quarterly 2014
Special Topic Issue, 48(3).
14. Kibler, A., Valdés, G., & Walqui, A. (2014). What does standards-based educational
reform mean for English language learner populations in primary and secondary schools?
TESOL Quarterly 2014 Special Topic Issue, 48(3), 433-453.
February 2015
15. *Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. (2014). Understanding how pre-service English teachers
adopt stance toward academic teaching inquiry tasks. Linguistics and Education, 28, 92106.
16. Kibler, A., & Roman, D. (2013). Insights into online professional development for
teachers of English language learners: A focus on using students’ native languages in the
classroom. Bilingual Research Journal, 36(2), 187-207.
17. Kibler, A. (2011a). “Casi nomás me dicen qué escribir/They almost just tell me what to
write”: A longitudinal analysis of teacher-student interactions in a linguistically diverse
mainstream secondary classroom. Journal of Education, 191(1), 45-58.
18. Kibler, A. (2011b). “I write it in a way that people can read it”: How teachers and
adolescent L2 writers describe content area writing. Journal of Second Language
Writing, 20, 211-226.
19. Kibler, A. (2011c). Understanding the “mmhm”: Dilemmas in talk between teachers and
adolescent emergent bilingual students. Linguistics and Education, 22, 213-232.
20. Kibler, A., Bunch, G., & Endris, A. (2011). Community college practices for U.S.educated language-minority students: A resource-oriented framework. Bilingual
Research Journal. 34, 201-222.
21. Kibler, A. (2010). Writing through two languages: First language expertise in a language
minority classroom. Journal of Second Language Writing, 19, 121-142.
22. Kibler, A. (2008). Speaking like a “good American”: National identity and the legacy of
German-language education. Teachers College Record, 110(6), 1241-1268.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles and Monographs:
1. Archibeque, M., Castellón, M., Kibler, A., & Vaughan, D.A. (May/June 2010).
Researchers and practitioners making a difference for English learners. Leadership,
39(5), 16-18.
2. Kibler, A. (2005). Implementation of educational policies for minority language pupils:
A comparative case study analysis. Oxford: Symposium Books.
Edited Volumes:
1. Bunch, C. G., Walqui, A., & Kibler, A. (in press.) Attending to language, engaging in
practice: Apprenticing English language learners into the Common Core ELA. Standards.
In L. de Oliveria, M. Klassen, & M. Maune (Eds.), The common core state standards in
English language arts for English language learners: Grades 6-12. Alexandria, VA:
TESOL International Association.
2. Bunch, G., Kibler, A., & Pimentel, S. (2014). Realizing opportunities for English
learners in the Common Core English Language Arts and Disciplinary Literacy
Standards. In L. Minaya-Rowe (Ed.), Handbook to implement educational programs,
practices, and policies for English learners. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
3. Kibler, A. (2013). “Doing like almost everything wrong”: An adolescent multilingual
writer’s transition from high school to college. In T. Silva & L. de Oliveira (Eds.), L2
writing in the secondary classroom (pp. 44-64). New York: Routledge.
4. Kibler, A., & Hakuta, K. (2012). Educational research in language minority students. In
C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
5. Valdés, G., & Kibler, A. (2012). Heritage language teaching. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The
encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
February 2015
Book Reviews:
• *Karam, F., & Kibler, A. (in press). Review of “Displacement, language maintenance
and identity: Sudanese refugees in Australia.” Linguistics and Education.
• Andrei, E., & Kibler, A. (2015). Review of “Linguistic minority students go to college:
Preparation, access, and persistence.” International Multilingual Research Journal.
• Kibler, A. (2010). Review of “True American: Language, identity, and the education of
immigrant children.” Teachers College Record. Available at:
Policy Documents:
• Valdés, G., Kibler, A., & Walqui, A. (2014). Changes in the expertise of ESL
professionals: Knowledge and action in an era of new standards. Alexandria, VA:
TESOL International Association.
• Bunch. G., Kibler, A., & Pimentel, S. (2012). Realizing opportunities for English
learners in the Common Core English Language Arts and Disciplinary Literacy
Standards. Stanford, CA: Understanding Language Initiative.
• Council of Chief State School Officers. (2012). Framework for English language
proficiency development standards corresponding to the Common Core State Standards
and the Next Generation Science Standards. Washington, DC: CCSSO.
Research Affiliations:
Affiliate Member of Youth-Nex: The U.Va. Center to Promote Effective Youth Development
(fall 2012-present):
• Contribute to the intellectual work of the center, the training of students through the
center or in relation to center work, and service work promoting effective youth
• Attend and present at Works in Progress meetings and annual conferences
• Participate in quarterly meetings of center faculty and advanced trainees
Grants and Contracts:
• “Influences of Classroom-level Social Settings on Language and Content Learning in
Linguistically Diverse Classrooms” ($580,000)
William T. Grant Foundation
Role: PI
• “Languages Across Borders: Building Positive Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural
Networks in High Schools” ($47,771)
Youth-Nex, The U.Va. Center to Promote Effective Youth Development
Role: PI
February 2015
“The Literacy and Language Practices of Latino Families of Preschool Age Children in
the New Latino Diaspora: An Ethnographic Exploration” ($39,589)
Spencer Foundation
Role: Co-PI (with Natalia Palacios)
Scholarly Presentations:
International and National Peer-reviewed Presentations and Workshops:
• Elreda, L., Kibler, A., & Futch, V. “Importance of peer interactions for learning in
linguistically diverse classrooms: Applying a social network analytic lens,” to be
presented at AERA Annual Meeting, April 2015.
• *Karam, F., Kibler, A., Elreda, L., & Futch, V. “Identity, language learning, and
adolescent peer social networks: A case study,” to be presented at AERA Annual Meeting,
April 2015.
• Kibler, A., Palacios, N., *Simpson Baird, A., & *Bergey, R. “Latino children’s exposure
to school practices though older siblings in immigrant families,” to be presented at AERA
Annual Meeting, April 2015.
• Kibler, A., Futch, V., Elreda, L., *Bergey, R., *Karam, F., *Yoder, P. “English Learners’
classroom peer networks: Mixed-methods insights into English language development,”
to be presented at AERA Annual Meeting, April 2015.
• Palacios, N., Kibler, A., *Simpson-Baird, A., Parr, A., & *Bergey, R. “An examination
of language practices during mother-child play activities among Latino immigrant
families,” to be presented at AERA Annual Meeting, April 2015.
• *Karam, F. J., Kibler, A. “‘In Lebanon, we each decide what we teach and why:’
Education decision-making for Syrian school children,” to be presented at the
Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, March 2015.
• Kibler, A. “A conceptualization of pre-service secondary English teacher development,”
to be presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2015.
• *Karam, F., & Kibler, A. “Multilingualism and identity in postcolonial contexts: A
synthesis,” to be presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics, March 2015.
• Kibler, A., & *Hardigree, C. “Using evidence in argumentative writing: A longitudinal
case study across high school and college,” to be presented at the American Association
of Applied Linguistics Conference, March 2015.
• Kibler, A., Atteberry, A., *Hardigree, C., & *Salerno, A. “Languages across borders:
Social network development in an adolescent two-way language program,” presented at
the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2014.
• Kibler, A., Palacios, N., & *Simpson Baird, A.“The influence of older siblings on
language use among second-generation Latino preschoolers,” presented at the AERA
Annual Meeting, April 2014.
• Kibler, A., & *Salerno, A. “Positioning through hedging: How adolescents frame
suggestions in bilingual small groups,” presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April
• Kibler, A. “From high school to the noviciado: An adolescent linguistic minority
student’s multilingual journey in writing,” presented at the American Association of
Applied Linguistics Conference, March 2014.
February 2015
*Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. “Student positioning as teachers: Using discourse analysis to
understand a bilingual small group,” presented at the American Association of Applied
Linguistics Conference, March 2014.
*Simpson Baird, A., & Kibler, A. “‘Yo te estoy ayudando; estoy aprendiendo también/I
am helping you; I am learning too’: A bilingual family’s community of practice,”
presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, March 2014.
*Simpson Baird, A., Palacios, N., & Kibler, A. “Preschool dual language learners’
English-Spanish cognate knowledge and vocabulary development,” presented at the
Doctoral Student Forum at the TESOL Convention, March 2014. (Poster)
Valdés, G., Kibler, A., & Walqui, A. “Changes in the expertise of ESL professionals:
Knowledge and action in an era of new standards,” presented at the TESOL Convention,
March 2014.
Molloy, L. E., & Kibler, A. “Importance of peer interactions for learning in linguistically
diverse classrooms: Findings from a mixed-methods pilot study,” presented at the Society
for Research in Adolescence, March 2014. (Poster; Non-presenting author)
*Salerno, A., *Hardigree, C., & Kibler, A. “Teaching English content to bilingual
students using translanguaging approaches,” presented at the National Council of
Teachers of English Annual Convention, November 2013. (Non-presenting author)
Palacios, N. & Kibler, A. “The language use of second-generation Latino preschoolers
with mothers and older siblings,” presented at the Inaugural Bilingual Research
Conference, Children’s Learning Institute, The University of Texas—Houston, May
2013. (Poster; Non-presenting author)
Palacios, N., Kibler, A., & *Simpson, A. “Language use of second-generation immigrant
children: The role of childcare context,” presented at SRCD/Society for Research in Child
Development Biennial Meeting, April 2013. (Non-presenting author)
Bunch. G., Kibler, A., & Pimentel, S. “Realizing opportunities for English Language
Learners in common core English language arts and disciplinary literacy standards,”
presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2013.
Kibler, A., & *Hardigree, C. “Argumentative writing across high school and college:
Contexts for development,” presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2013.
(Presenter and session chair)
Palacios, N., *Simpson Baird, A., & Kibler, A. “Language use among low-income
immigrant families with young children,” presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April
Kibler, A. “Integrating English language standards across the curriculum: A
correspondence approach,” presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2013.
Kibler, A. “Literacy instruction for ELLs: Meeting common core state standards,”
presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2013. (Presenter and session chair)
Kibler, A., *Hardigree, C., & *Salerno, A. “Trans-languaging in high school classrooms:
Building upon cross-linguistic expertise,” presented at the TESOL Convention, March
*Simpson Baird, A., Palacios, N., & Kibler, A. “Immigrant children’s language/literacy
practices: The role of family routines,” presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2013.
February 2015
Kibler, A. “‘Doing like almost everything wrong’: An adolescent multilingual writer’s
transition from high school to college,” presented at the American Association of
Anthropology Conference, November 2012.
Kibler, A., Heny, N., & Andrei, E. “Adolescent L2 writing in US contexts: Exploring
teachers' voices,” presented at the Symposium of Second Language Writing, September
Kibler, A., “From high school to the noviciado (the novitiate): An adolescent English
language learner’s multilingual journey in writing,” presented at the AERA Annual
Meeting, April 2012.
Kibler, A., Capitelli, S., & Alvarez, L. “Understanding growth: The challenges of
documenting bilingual oral language development in linguistically segregated schools,”
presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2012.
*Salerno, A., & Kibler, A. “Vocational training for newcomer adolescent
ELLs: Opportunities or isolation?” presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2012.
Palacios, N., & Kibler, A. “Family routines and languages practices: Findings from a
new immigrant study of Latino preschoolers,” presented the symposium, Bilingual
Language Development at the Society for Research in Child Development Themed
Meeting on Positive Development of Minority Youth, February 2012. (Non-presenting
Bunch, G., & Kibler, A. “Language learning and academic pathways: Innovative
community college practices for US-educated language minority students,” presented at
the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2011.
Kibler, A. “What’s in a writing conference? Considerations for English language
learners,” presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, April 2011.
Kibler, A. “English language learners and the common core standards: Implications for
secondary writing instruction,” presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2011.
Kibler, A. “Generation 1.5 students transitioning to college: A longitudinal view,”
presented at The Writing Research Across Borders Conference, February 2011.
Kibler, A. “Guiding English language arts teachers toward success with English
language learners: Lessons for teacher preparation,” presented at National Council of
Teachers of English Conference, November 2010. (Presenter and session chair)
Valdés, G., & Kibler, A. “Ethnographic approaches to researching language classrooms,”
presented at the TESOL Convention, March 2010.
Kibler, A. “Problematizing scaffolding in adolescent second language (L2) writing: An
interactive view from the content areas,” presented at the Symposium on Second
Language Writing, November 2009.
Goldberg, W., Schauer, L, Tinker, J., Wilson, K., & Kibler, A. “Sustaining currents of
communication: Project WRITE and the writing center,” presented at the Conference on
College Composition and Communication, March 2009.
Kibler, A., “Redefining authorship: Using the L1 to create fluid boundaries between
‘expert’ and ‘novice’ writers in language minority classrooms,” presented at the
American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, March 2009.
Lotan, R., Steele, T., & Kibler, A. “Opportunities to learn to teach in linguistically
diverse classrooms: Findings from Stanford Teacher Education Program,” presented at
February 2015
the Teachers for a New Era: English Language Development Conference, November
Invited Scholarly Presentations and Workshops:
• Kibler, A. “Preparing teachers to teach ELLs: Current Issues,” presented to EDCI734
(Teaching English Language Learners: Current and Future Research Directions),
University of Maryland, August 2014.
• Deutsch, N., Kibler, A., Lawrence, E., Rimm-Kaufman, S., & Lee Williams, J. “Where
do we go from here? Advancing positive youth development,” presented at the Youth-Nex
U.Va. Center to Promote Effective Youth Development Works-in Progress Meeting,
September 2014.
• Molloy, L, & Kibler, A. “Using network analysis to understand student learning in
linguistically diverse settings,” presented at the Youth-Nex U.Va. Center to Promote
Effective Youth Development Works-in Progress Meeting, April 2014.
• Kibler, A., & *Hardigree, C. “Making the most of key language and literacy practices,”
presented at the TESOL Convention K-12 Dream Day, March 2014.
• Kibler, A. “Classroom realities and the common core: Instructional dilemmas and
promising practices for English language learners,” presented at the Language, Equity,
and Educational Policy Colloquium at Stanford University, May 2013.
• Palacios, N., Kibler, A., & *Simpson, A. “Video analysis of literacy and language
practices in Latino families with preschool age children,” presented at CASTL Works In
Progress Meeting, October 2012.
• Kibler, A., & Trawalter, S. “Languages across borders: Building positive cross-linguistic
and cross-cultural networks in high schools,” presented at the Youth-Nex U.Va. Center to
Promote Effective Youth Development Works-in Progress Meeting, May 2012.
• Kibler, A., *Salerno, A., & *Hardigree, C. “Languages across borders: Building upon
cross-linguistic expertise in teaching and learning a second/foreign language,” presented
at the UVA Roundtable on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, April 2012.
• Bunch. G., Kibler, A., & Pimentel, S. “Realizing opportunities for English learners in the
Common Core English Language Arts and Disciplinary Literacy Standards,” presented at
the Understanding Language: Language, Literacy, and Learning in the Content Areas
Conference at Stanford University, January 2012.
• Kibler, A. “Methodology and the process of ethnographic research: Talking writing,”
presented at the Language, Equity, and Educational Policy Colloquium at Stanford
University, May 2010.
• Kibler, A. “Effective content area instruction for English learners, and what professional
development can do,” presented at the Supporting Excellent Teaching of English
Learners Conference, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Support of Excellence in
Teaching at Stanford University, April 2010.
• Kibler, A. “Language, identity, and community,” presented to the Santa Clara University
Honors Program, February 2010.
February 2015
Other Scholarly Activities:
Professional Development and Curriculum Design:
• Valdes, G., Kibler, A., & Brooks, M. (2014). “Beginning ESL Unit: Me and My Family,
Community, and School,” produced for Quality Teaching of English Learners, WestEd
and New York City Schools.
• Kibler, A., & Roman, D. (2010). “Secondary Mathematics and English Language
Learners” and “Secondary Science and English Language Learners,” four-week online
multimedia courses produced for the Stanford University Program in English Language
Learner Education.
• Archibeque, M., Kibler, A., Castellon, M., & Thompson, K. (2010). “Stanford English
Learner Institute for School Leaders,” online multimedia course produced for the
Stanford University Program in English Language Learner Education.
• Castellón, M., Kibler, A., & Billings, E. (2007). “Teaching High School Math Using
SDAIE Methodology” and “Teaching High School Science Using SDAIE
Methodology,” online multimedia resources produced for the Stanford CLAD/CTEL
Teacher Certification Program
University of Virginia:
• EDIS 4882: Field Experience: English Education
• EDIS 5400: Teaching English in Secondary School 1
• EDIS 5430: Teaching Composition in Secondary School
• EDIS 5470: ESOL Assessment and Curriculum Design
• EDIS 8500: Discourse Analysis in Educational Settings
• EDIS 8500: English Language Learners: Theory, Policy, and Practice
• EDIS 8500: Writing: Research, Teaching, and Learning
Courses Taught at Other Institutions:
• Bilingualism and Schooling (University of California, Santa Cruz)
• Curriculum and Instruction in World Languages (Stanford University)
Organizational Memberships and Leadership Positions:
• American Association for Applied Linguistics: Member
• American Educational Research Association
o Program Chair and Chair-Elect, Second Language Research SIG (2013-15)
o Newsletter Editor, Second Language Research SIG (2011-13)
o Proposal Reviewer for Bilingual Education Research SIG, Hispanic Research
Issues SIG, Language and Social Processes SIG, Second Language Research SIG,
and Division K (2009-present)
• National Council of Teachers of English: Member
• Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
o Member of the TESOL Research Committee (2013-present), which is charged
with monitoring, evaluating, and encouraging the development of research-related
informational, educational and promotional activities for the association
February 2015
o Proposal Reviewer for Second Language Writing Interest Section (2010)
Language, Equity and Educational Practice (LEEP) Student Working Group, Stanford
University School of Education
o Lead Organizer (9/06-6/08)
Editorial Activities:
• Special Issue Editor
o Kibler, A., Valdés, G., & Walqui, A. (Eds). (2014). K-12 standards-based
educational reform: Implications for English language learner populations.
TESOL Quarterly 2014 Special Topic Issue, 48(3).
• Journal Peer Reviewer
o American Educational Research Journal (9/14-present)
o Applied Linguistics (2/12-present)
o Bilingual Research Journal (5/12-present)
o Equity and Excellence in Education (4/11-present)
o Journal of Research on Adolescence (5/13-present)
o Journal of Second Language Writing (4/12-present)
o Journal of Teacher Education (6/10-present)
o Language Learning (1/15-present)
o TESOL Journal (7/09-present)
o TESOL Quarterly (8/13-present)
o Teacher Education Quarterly (11/08-present)
Service to Organizations and Agencies:
• Understanding Language: Common Core Initiative for English Learners (Stanford
o Founding Member, Steering Committee Member, and English Language
Proficiency Standards Task Force Member (1/2012-present)
• Creciendo Juntos Community Organization, Charlottesville, VA
o Education Workgroup Member (9/2011-present)
o Workshop Presenter (4/2011 and 5/2012)
• English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century, developed by the WestEd
Standards Development Team
o Consulted with Director of the Standards Development Team on the framing of
English Language Proficiency Standards, now in use across 10 states
• English Language Proficiency/Development Framework Committee (sponsored by the
Council of Chief State School Officers)
o Consultant and Committee Member (3/2012-6/2012)
o Co-author of Framework for English language proficiency/development
standards corresponding to the Common Core State Standards and the Next
Generation Science Standards (6/2012)
• English Learner Authorizations Advisory Panel, California State Commission on Teacher
Credentialing, Sacramento, CA
o Panel Member (1/09-10/09)
February 2015
Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Semi-finalist
Steve Cahir Award for Excellence in Early Scholarship, American Educational
Research Association Writing and Literacies Special Interest Group
Honorable Mention Award for Best Article of the Publishing Year for the
Journal of Second Language Writing
University of Virginia Excellence in Diversity Fellow
AERA Qualitative Research SIG Outstanding Dissertation Award, 1st Place
NABE Outstanding Dissertation Award, 3rd place
AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG Dissertation Competition, 2nd Place
TESOL Professional Development Scholarship
Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Semi-finalist
Stanford Travel Fellowship Award, Stanford University
Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University
Brackenridge Scholarship, Trinity University
Outstanding Senior in College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University
Terry Foundation Scholarship and Southwestern Bell Scholarship
February 2015