Education Benefits for University Employees Enrolled in Curry

Education Benefits for University Employees
Enrolled in Curry Graduate Programs
Applying for Central Ed Benefits
To apply for education benefits navigate to Benefits@UVa
Log in using Netbadge.
Once you log in, navigate to the Education section (see next page for
The first screen asks about Education Completion Documentation. If you
are participating in Curry’s education benefit program taking for-credit
courses, you will have a transcript to provide documentation of successful
completion. Select “yes” in the drop-down and the form will expand.
There are five sections you need to complete:
Education Information - Select all criteria that apply. If you are staff,
remember to include any courses that you are taking in your development
plan in Lead@UVa.
Course - Fill in the course number and title, select whether the course is
for-credit or not, and fill in the number of credit hours.
Please remember if you are receiving benefits for taking courses at UVa
and have been employed for at least one year in a salaried, benefitseligible position your mandatory fees will be waived. Please only put the
cost of tuition into the tuition cost section. For current tuition rates at Curry,
please visit When you
received the confirmation email of your Curry-funded benefits it outlined
your expected tuition charges for the course.
Course/Tuition Details - Select an option in each dropdown menu and
select the course start/end dates. If you are taking a course at UVa, select
the school in which you are enrolled.
Payment – Enter the amount of the $2,000 per calendar year centrallyfunded benefit that you are using in the Central Funding Amount. If you
have approval to use Curry funds for your coursework at Curry, put the
approved amount into the department funding line. In the example below,
Curry approved $1,208 in funds, so the employee only needed to use
$1,198 of central funds to have the course fully covered ($2,406 in tuition
You can use the Curry Education Benefit Calculator, found at for help
calculating the amounts different funds will pay. Please note that you must
have Curry approval to use Curry funds prior to submission of the
Education Benefits form in Benefits@UVa.
Acknowledgement - Sign the online form by checking the form and click
“submit changes”. You will receive confirmation when your benefits are
For more information or assistance, contact:
Katie Walker
Director of Student Finance and Enrollment