Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 1 Notes “comme de faict il est advenu de nostre memoire au pays d’Anjou” a father who killed his son accidentally with a clod of earth - and then hanged himself 9390 *** Antoine de Paul R 1029 judges refuse to obey Henry II & condemn an Italian - as I know from Antoine de Paul, second President of Thoulouze, one of the judges 8985 *** Anvers, un marchand d’ R 877 100,000 pieces of cloth, etc. exported from England to Low Countries in 1565 - as I’ve been assured by a merchant of Anvers 9039 *** Blois, Estates at R 890 false reckoning of the possible taxes to be exacted from France, made by a bankrupt (quem honoris causa praetereo) at Estates at Blois where I was a deputy 9105 *** Blois, Estates General R 921 use of gold for non-monetary purposes - people L 685 complain to king at Estates at Blois 9112 *** Blois, Estates General, special committee on R 936 while at Estates at Blois B. on a committee coinage about coinage, with the first President, 3 generals of money & Marcel, the superintendent of finances - but the “maladies of the state were deemed incurable” 9660 *** Blois, Estates General ut non ita pridem apud RL 503* need for three speakers to overcome distrust a Blesenses conventus L363C among estates – three orders of citizens useful in all types of states 8986 *** Blois, Estates, grievances of merchants R 877 when B. went to Blois (ad conventus Gallicos RL L 653 accepta legatione) he heard the merchants complaining that, though exports of wool were forbidden, a certain Italian had got round this ban and made a fortune by reimporting clothes made up in Florence 8213 *** Canaye, M. R 637 advocat en Parlement - told B. of the case of the Norman gentleman condemned for treason because he’d confessed to a Franciscan that he wished to kill the king 5256 *** Chastillon sur Oing, 1565 R 31 case of a father's quarrel with his son - the punishment 9372 *** corrupt judge R 1027 B. remembers a Iuge ruzé en chiquanerie (iudex RL sordidissimus) who said, “Here come the lawsuits & heaps of gold” when a new law was being put forward 9465 *** crime, at Angers (?) RL 1042 “I remember a thief crucified at Andes” for L 766 robbery with violence 5895 *** Dale (Dail), [Valentine] R 139 powers of English Parliament - comme j'ay sceu de M. Dail, Ambassadeur d’Angleterre 9203 *** debate at Oxford, 1566 R 973 scholars of Oxford (in disputation before Queen) decide king to be chosen by vote 6530 *** diplomatic incident, 1556 R 247 "et me souvient avoir entendu" that the Emperor's ambassador complained to the privy council of Henry II in 1556 about the seizing of 2 shipwrecked galleys in Corsica by Iourdan Ursin. 8469 *** edict, royal, 1558 // 1548 R 705 further building in Paris forbidden by edict of King 1548 (B. says “quod Lutetiae Senatusconsulto factum memini”) Slip Reference 5340 *** Anjou, incident in W Page R 40 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 2 W Page Notes RL 684 B.’s account of conversation between Mendoza, L 507B Spanish Ambassador to England & Dalus, the magister libellorum, on sexual jealousy 8354 *** England, Bodin’s visit to RL 682 Bodin’s inquiries about treatment of lunatics at L 505D London 9217 *** England, mission, 1581 R 981 English not to discuss a successor to Elizabeth RL L 723 when I went to England on the embassy of François, Duke of Anjou 8766 *** “example assez notable de nostre memoire” R 829 the treaty of Chambord of 1552 strictly forbade secret individual peace feelers with the Emperor (Article 22), yet this was violated soon after 8967 *** foreign pensions R 872 Lord Hastings refuses to give a receipt for his pension from Louis XI 9654 *** Ghent (Gaunt), trial at RL 503* we have heard that at Ghent a judge ordered a L361C father and son, condemned for the same offence, to cast lots as to who should be the other’s hangman 9213 *** Horbort, seigneur R 978 royal power in Poland - as I’ve learned from seigneur Horbort, one of the 13 ambassadors of Poland [L adds: whom I was ordered to attend upon] 8502 *** l’Allemant, President des Comptes à Paris R 712-713 “Allemanus rationum publicarum Praetor mihi a RL curiosius omnia conquirenti narrabat...” that the church had seven twelfths // “duos fere trientas” of revenues of France 9080 *** Languedoc, Estates of, 1556 “ou_ j’estois pour R 911 offer by Syndic Martin Durant to deliver taxes to the treasury without losing one third to lors” financial officers 8112 *** Languedoc, Estates, 1556 R 585 comme il fust arresté aux Estats du païs de Languedoc tenus à Montpellier l’an MDLVI où j’estois alors... 8991 *** le Maistre, President R 879 President le Maistre says no regular taxation on the French before Louis IX 9109 *** letter, Jaques Pinatel R 932 coinage - forgery - B. has a letter of Jaques Pinatel to K. Henry II to warn of forgeries but this official, appointed 1552, was corrupt and grew rich from forgeries himself 9500 *** Paris, court case R 1048 B. remembers the case of an unnamed Lieutenant civil [L - Praetor urbanus Parisiorum cuius nomen facile patior sileri] who had charged extra for judging a case involving a substantial property - appealed and tried before Ranconet, President de la Chambre 9257 *** Paris, court case, 1517 RL 993 decision of court between the heirs of Johannes L 732 Vastus, son of Count of Fuxaei (Foix?), & Franciscus Phaebus 8572 *** Paris, court case, 1556 RL 729 Iudicatum in Curia Parisiorum adversus L 542C Mareschallum à Sancto Andraea ac pro D. de Partenay anno 1556 - feudal succession 9272 *** Paris, court case, 17 July 1563 RL 993 judgment of Curia between Vilierus & L 733 Bayencurtius about the estate left by Franciscus Bloquaeus - rights of first-born upheld 8132 *** Paris, criminal trial R 595 le Conseiller Potier sieur du Blanc Menil persuades the rest of his fellow judges that a woman condemned to death is innocent; B. says Slip Reference 8375 *** England, Bodin’s visit Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8964 *** pensions, reports, Diet of Worms, 1552 6305 *** Poland, precedence at court 6451 *** Rouen, claims of privilege 9398 *** Rouen, Parlement de, remonstrances 7909 *** Sborochi, Salomon 9078 *** speech, by Baleus 6833 *** Swiss cantons, government of 5248 *** Torquatus (Turquetus), case of 9358 *** Toulouse, court case 9429 *** Toulouse, criminal trial 5494 *** Toulouse, legal case 7278 *** Toulouse, legal case 3 Notes his sons are Maistre des Requestes & Secretaire des finances R 871 princes don’t give large pensions to foreigners RL unless they’ve taken an oath against their country, as a prince of Germany said at the Diet of Worms in 1552 - L adds details: princeps nescio quis palam questus est (nihil enim praetor auditum habeo:) nec illum opinio fefellit. fuit enim eo tempore princeps aliquis, cuius nomen praetereo, qui aureos bis mille pensionis annuae pactus, omnia…arcana delatarum…etc. R 210 question of precedence of ambassadors at court of Poland “as I heard from M. Nouailles, Abbé de Belle Isle, who was ambassador in Poland then and is now at Constantinople” R 239 Chapter of the Church at Rouen claim privilege of granting pardons during the feast of St. Rommain. This right was challenged in a case at which Bodin was present, "y estant en commission pour la reformation generale de Normandie." R 1031 on penalties - representation to King by President Lisoire & d’Amours Advocat du Roy, deputies of Parl. of Rouen to preserve court’s power to vary fines - B. was then procurator principis pro fisco in Normandy R 540 when at Metz B. was told by Salomon Sborochi, Polish ambassador, that the Poles would have imposed harsher terms on the newly elected king if they had not respected the King of France R 910 n1 speech of President des Comptes at St. Maur RL des fossés resists reduction of offices, l’an 1566. le 20. May R 340 "comme j'ay appris de M. de Basse-fontaine Evesque de Limoges" RL 30 we have seen in our time Torquatus the parricide executed (with details of the tortures); he is named only in L R 1024 when I was interpreting the laws of the Romans at Toulouse I remember Barthelemy, one of the Presidents des enquestes, insisted on judges following the law R 1036 debate over differential penalties imposed on de l’Ormeau, fourth President and his clerk, on account of different status R 62 I remember when I was in Toulouse a Genoese merchant who was passing through Toulouse was forced to free his slave R 420 I remember Bartholemaeus, president of court of inquiry at Toulouse, compelled all his fellow judges to change their erroneous decision & vote according to the law - "cum apud Tholosates agerem." W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 4 Notes recent court case of mother maltreated by her son 8752 *** treaty, of Louis & Charles R 825 treaty between Louis & Charles the Bald (sons of Ludovicus Pius) in Romande language “que M. le President Fauchet, homme bien entendu & mesmement en nos antiquités, m’a monstrees en Guytard, historien Prince du sang.” “Pro Deo amur, & pro Christian poblo & nostro commum salvament…” [6 lines] - these texts are the renowned Strasbourg Oaths of 842 9228 *** “un avocat des plus fameux de son age” R 986-987 Bodin remembers him citing Ulpian’s words in a RL a Paris case: populus ei, & in eum omnem suam potestatem contulit; the King’s officials reacted, the Court struck the words from the record, and the advocate “has not pleaded a case since, as everybody at the Palais knows.” (F) 8984 *** wine exports, to Belgium RL 877 Bodin hears that one merchant exports 33,00 L 653 modios of wine to Belgium in 1578, despite military obstacles 5172 ** Act of Divorce of Rabi Ieïel of Paris, 29 Oct. A.D. R 25 document reproduced in Cotsi 1240 ap. Moyse Cotsi 5715 ** arrest 1569 R 97 n3 rights of foreigners 8908 ** arrest de Dreux le 25. Iuing, 1551//26. Iunii. 1551 R 858 n4 even princes may not alienate the domain 5731 ** arrest de l'an 1569 R 98 n8 foreigners 5721 ** arrest du 5 Avril & Decembre 1565 R 97 n4 foreigners’ property rights 5700 ** arrest Novembre 24, 1544 R 95 n8 testamentary rights in France 6066 ** arrest, 1261 au livre Olim. folio. 105. lib. 3 R 160 n2 ancien arrest of 1261 - king not bound by his predecessors’ debts 9290 ** arrest, College of Cardinals R 1003 arrest of College of Cardinals that kingdom of Naples should never pass to a woman 8994 ** arrest, of the Estates, 1338 R 880 arrest of the Estates in 1338, in presence of K. Philip of Valois, that no tax without consent of people 5714 ** arrests in libro curiae. inscripto. l. IV. 20. 15. 456. R 97 n1 right of foreigners to tax exemptions 5713 ** arrests of 1406, 1482, 1497, 1546 F // 1406 & R 97 n9 rights of foreigners 1482 & 1497, 1549 L [1482. 1485. 1497. 1546. F 93] 5741 ** Berne, seigneurs of, diplomatic letters R 99 "I remember seeing letters from the seigneurs of Berne to the late King Henry, complaining about the Queen of Scotland…" 9401 ** Chambre des Comptes, ordonnance of Philippe le R 1032 n8 ordonnance of Philippe le Bel on clothes, as Bel, 1294, registered in book called Ordinationes example of harmonic justice Sancti Ludovici. fol. 44. 9400 ** Charles IX, ordonnance R 1032 law on clothing (sumptuary) of Charles IX, as example of arithmetical (equal) justice 6905 ** charte ancienne, une” R 366 il se trouve une charte ancienne faisant mention d'Endobalde Comte du Palais du Roy Clotaire, who held Parlements for the king & told the king of their decisions 9013 ** Chastelet de Paris, les registres du R 884 B. consults the registres du Chastelet de Paris about varying prices of commodities 5475 ** Dagobert, King, letters patent R 59 "par lettres patentes du Roy Dagobert, qui sont au thresor de Sainct Denis en France" - on the slaves of this Abbey 6148 ** decree, Philip Augustus, 1209 RL 171 on vassals “…ut iam pridem Philippi Augustin Slip Reference 5257 *** Toulouse, Parlement of W Page R 31 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 5789 ** dispatches, diplomatic, 1565 R 112 5990 ** donation, 1330 R 154 8918 ** Edict de l’an 1566//Edictum de domanio factum a R 859 n1 Carolo IX 1566 RL 9081 ** edict, 1554, on treasurers R 913 RL 6490 ** edict, Charles IX a R 8931 ** edict, Charles IX l’an 1566. article XII & XVII R le 7 May 1566 le 12 Iuillet 1556 // 1566 8935 ** edict, Charles IX, l’an 1566 R 8929 ** edict, François I, l’an 1544 5684 ** edicts, 1303, 1351, 1355 9008 ** extracts, Chambre des Comptes R R R 9042 ** extracts, from Chambre des Comptes, 1576 R 8962 ** finances, state of the, 1572 R 9048 ** finances, statement, 1560 R 8201 ** formula, in trial of a peer, 1523 R 8199 ** formula, in trial of peers R 8200 ** formula, in trial of peers, 1216 R 6430 ** France, thresor de R 6431 ** France, thresor de R 8498 ** France, thresor de R 6803 ** Heidelberg, Imperial Diet at, 1553 R 244 n5 5 Notes Regis Francorum decreto cantum est, anno MCCIX” dispatches to the king of France from his ambassador "qui lors estoit à Soleurre l'an 1565" donation to the Queen of 21 Nov. 1330 (qui se trouve au registre 66. lettre D. 327) acknowledges three Estates must agree to alienation of domain edict of Henry II, September 1554, on order of precedence of treasurers, antagonizes higher nobility - Latin notes that this was remedied by a law of Charles IX Charles IX, at request of Estates of Orléans, issues a general edict forbidding private taxation without royal permission (Article 30). alienation of domain, edict of Charles IX; verification of this edict by Parl.of Paris 862 n1 n2 n3 864 n6 public domain - policy about it best expressed in Edict of Charles IX 861 n9 at what price may royal domain be alienated? 92 n4 on citizenship 882 changing prices of commodities - refers reader to anciens extraits de la chambre des Comptes, & quotes from one of time of sainct Louis (i.e. Louis IX) 891 number of parishes in France - acc. to extracts of the Chambre des Comptes, which were carried to Blois to the Estates 871 payment to the Helvetic ligues, acc. to l’estat des finances de l’an 1572 895 debts of François II, acc. to l’estat des finances dressé l’an 1560 629 j’ai veu au proces de Charles Duc de Bourbon evidence of St. Valier & the Bishop of Puy, in 1523 628 formulas used in “arrest” of Robert, Count of Flanders for treason & the “arrest” of Pierre Mauclerc... 628 formula used in arrest of July 1216, on question of homage due from Counts of Champagne 234 declaration of Chares V to the Duke of Berry (1374) "comme j'ay appris par les lettres d'appennage, qui sont encores au thresor de France." Other documents from the Archivi Francorum are quoted e.g. 1499, 1505, 1370, 1517 235 letters of recognisance of the Dukes of Lorraine which "extant in Archivis publicis & in Senatum allatae sunt 1564" 712 “j’ay aussi une declaration extraicte du thresor de France” by Barons of Normandy on testaments & legacies 323 a decree of the Imperial Diet at Heidelberg, Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6801 ** Holy Roman Empire, ordonnances of the cap. 28 5807 ** instructions, diplomatic 6 Notes 1553…"comme j'ay veu par lettres de l'Ambassadeur de France." 323 on rights of towns & princes in the Holy Roman Empire 118 "la Guiche Ambassadeur pour le Roy vers les Suisses, eut charge expresse, comme j'ay veu par l'instruction qui luy fut baillée, de faire mention de l'Empereur au traitté d'alliance de l'an 1521" 173 negotiations between Charles V & King Francis concerning Artois "comme j'ay veu par les instructions baillees au seigneur de la RocheGaucourt Ambassadeur en Espagne" 277 in a chapter of the law of Mohammed everyone is forbidden to call himself dominus 323 "Il me souvient avoir leu une lettre d'un seigneur pensionnaire du Roy, escrite au Constable en date du 12 May 1552" saying that the K. of France had a just complaint against the Empire for a refusal of justice by certain officials of the Empire. 862 n4 letters patent of François II to revoke alienation of domain 880 doubles the salt tax in 1328 W Page lib. II. R R 6157 ** instructions, diplomatic R 6658 ** Koran R 6802 ** letter, diplomatic, 1552 R 8932 ** letters patent, François II, l’an 1559 R 8998 ** letters patent, Philip of Valois 5781 ** letters, diplomatic R RL R 108 5894 ** letters, diplomatic R 139 6156 ** letters, diplomatic R 172 6576 ** letters, diplomatic R 250 6826 ** letters, diplomatic R 336 8104 ** letters, diplomatic R 580 8633 ** letters, diplomatic R 770 treaties between France & the Swiss and their effect on treaties made between the Swiss themselves....“comme j'ay appris des memoires & lettres de l'Ambassadeur de France, qui lors estoit vers les Grisons.” Queen Elizabeth and the Parliament of October 1556 - comme j'ay appris par les lettres de l'Ambassadeur du Roy on relations of Emperor Suleiman, King of Hungary & King of Poland "comme j'au veu par lettres de Stanislaus Rosdrazeroski Polonnois, escrites au Connestable" L says "ex literis quas Stanislaus Rosdrazeroscus ad Annam Mommorantium equitatus Gallorum magistrum, scripsit, anno MDLV" "et me souvient avoir veu lettres des Princes de l'Empire escrites au Roy pour la deliverance du Comte Mansfeld, lors prisonnier en France, ausquelles il y a six fois V.S.M. c'est à dire, vostre sacrée majesté." on the politics of the Grisons "comme j'ay veu par lettres de l'Evesque de Bayonne, Ambassadeur de France." ordonnance on ministers of religion passed at Diet of Grison at Coire 1558, “comme j’ay appris des lettres de l’Ambassadeur de France qui lors estoit à Coire.” letters of Julius III & K. Henry II dated 12 March 1552 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8750 ** letters, diplomatic W Page R 823 9046 ** letters, diplomatic R 894 5625 ** letters, diplomatic, 1553 R 86 5808 ** letters, diplomatic, 1553 R 119 n1 6063 ** letters, diplomatic, 1559 R 159 5689 ** letters, diplomatic, 1563 R 94 9293 ** letters, diplomatic, on English politics R 1007-8 RL 9316 ** manuscripts, in thresor de France R 1011 6501 ** Moulin, edict 8296 ** Nouailles, le Seigneur de R R 245 n2 669 5890 ** oaths, coronation - Auvergne R 136 5891 ** oaths, coronation - Beauvais R 136 5889 ** oaths, French kings - Rheims R 136 9088 ** ordonnance, 1540 9089 ** ordonnance, 1541 8919 ** ordonnance, Poland, faict l’an 1504//1503 R R R 916 917 859 n2 7238 ** ordonnances Constitutionibus Caroli VII. art. 66. & Philippi Belli art. 11. 9344 ** ordonnances de Charles 7. & 8. 9065 ** ordonnances, financial procedures R 411 n4 RL R 1023 n4 R 904 n5 6306 ** ordonnances, of Louis XII // XI R 210 RL 7 Notes treaty of Berne & subjects of Savoy “comme j’ay appris des lettres de l’Ambassadeur Coignet.” borrowings of Rostan Bascha of Turkey - as I’ve learned from the letters & memoirs of la Vigne, the ambassador “comme j'ay appris des lettres de Stanislaus Rasdrazeroski” sent to the Constable of France, 17 August, 1553 - on Walachia, between the Poles & the Turks treaties between the Empire & the Swiss League - comme j'ay appris par la copie des lettres de l'Empereur Charles V escrivant aux seigneurs des ligues J'ay veu & leu de plus fraische memoire les lettres du Roy François II. du XIX. Janvier, l'an MDLIX qui escrit ainsi aux Seigneurs des ligues [L "ex Archivis descripsi"] letters of March 1563 of rulers of Metz to K. Charles IX - complaints against the Pope marriage pact of Philip & Mary - article saying no Spaniards to be in English fortresses - as I have learned from the French ambassador, who was then in England [L ex literis Novalii Legati] ancient Salic laws in the chapter d’Allode & in chapter 1. De Matrimonio ad Morganaticam written in manuscript and in the thresor de France on taxation very hot summer of 1556 in England - as I saw by letters of le Seigneur de Nouailles, French Ambassador to England mais j'en ay veu une autre en un petit livre tres ancien, en l'Abbaie de sainct Allier en Auvergne, portant ces mots... The Oath of Coronation - quotes that of Rheims Library - then adds: "j'ay sceu que celle, qui se trouve en la bibliotheque de Beauvais, est pareille, et du mesme Roy Philippe I" je mettray les mots, ainsi qu'ils sont extraits de mot à mot de la bibliotheque de Rheims, d'un ancien livre… money - ordonnance of François I in 1540 money - edict of Henry II in 1551 people of Poland must agree before royal domain is alienated on "lettres de justice" (charge to a judge) ordonnances of Charles VII & Philip le Bel provisions on right of magistrates to use equity on finances - old ordonnances of Charles VII & François I mentioned; also ordonnance of Henry II, 1556 on order of precedence; Article 13 of ordonnances on the order of Chevaliers Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9061 ** ordonnances, on annual budgets 8495 ** Orleans, estates of 9495 ** Orleans, ordonnances 5709 ** Paris, arrests of Parlement of 5493 ** Paris, Court of 23 Feb. 1518 7 March 1533 27 Aug. 1540 1549, 1534, 1536 XI March 8 W Page Notes R 901 n1 public ordonnances of 1542 & 1554 require estimates to be prepared by the chiefs of finance - B. quotes as an example the estimates for the year 1572 R 712 ordonnances at request of estates at Orleans, article 27 - forbids church from certain inheritances R 1047 interest on sums owed, acc. to ordonnances d’ Orleans, article 60, time of Charles IX R 96 n5 testamentary rights of foreigners n6 n7 R 62 7275 ** Paris, Parl. of R 417 7276 ** Paris, Parl. of R 418 7379 ** Paris, Parl. of R 437 7156 ** Paris, Parl. of RL 397 L 278 anno 1569. 26 Februar. Felinus copiose disputat in d. cap. at si clerici. 5987 ** Paris, Parlement 5719 ** Paris, Parlement Faber in §. sed hodie….arrest contre l'estranger du 27 May 1567 6490 ** Paris, Parlement anno 1514. arrest de Paris 5764 ** Paris, Parlement de Par arrest du Parlement de Paris prononcé en robbes rouges contre François Partenay le 23 Decembre 1565 6406 ** Paris, Parlement of 6980 ** Paris, Parlement of 7555 ** Paris, Parlement of 8192 ** Paris, Parlement of 8491 ** Paris, Parlement of 8497 ** Paris, Parlement of 8915 ** Paris, Parlement of un ancien arrest de la Cour [L senatusconsulto Parisiorum] contre un Ambassadeur publication of ordonnances of Louis XII 15 June 1498 - aux registres de la Cour [Parl. of Paris] an ordonnance of 28 June 1442 with an erasure ordered by Parlement is still extant we read in the arrest of 1274 Parlement of Paris forced Simon de Montfort to give up title of Marescalus decision of Parlement of Paris on powers of church & Pope R R 154 97 n6 various decisions of Parlement of Paris quoted foreigners to pay caution before trials, but not citizens R R 244 n3 on taxation in France; various "arrests" quoted 103 n5 on patrons & clients R 230 "nous lisons és registres de la Cour" - quotes ordonnances of 1408, 1465, 1496; on choice of magistrates in France R 378 an ancient arrest of Parlement of Paris, extracted from the register entitled OLIM, given against the Ushers at the "grands jours de Troye." R 462 arrest of Parl. of Paris, 7 Jan. 1547 R 626-27 replies of Parlement of Paris: RL to Charles VII 26 April 1458 to Louis XI 26 April 1475 R 711 forbids Carthurians & Celestins to acquire more land in Paris R 712 arrests of Parl. of Paris dated 1388 & 1401; church & testamentary legacies R 858 decision of Parlement on the right of heirs of Noguaret de Sainct Felix to the lands given him by Philippe le Bel Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6558 ** Paris, Parlement of anno 1468. 28 July 6280 ** Paris, Parlement of arrest du 27 Juin 1536 & du R dernier Ianvier 1552 6582 ** Paris, Parlement of in lib. curiae inscript. olim. R fol. 81. 6366 ** Paris, Parlement of in lib. inscripto olim fol. 81. R [L 86: in actis Curiae Paris. libro olim fol. 81.] 6445 ** Paris, Parlement of Iugé par l'arrest le XV R Iuillet, l'an 1419. et par l'edict de Moulins. arrest le 16. Fevrier 1519. ann. 1515. Februarii. 8883 ** Paris, Parlement of le. 3. Iuill. 1565 R 8882 ** Paris, Parlement of 8661 ** Paris, Parlement of le. 7. May. 1538 9 Notes "extat in actis Curiae Parisiorum" that Louis XI gave René of Naples right to use yellow wax 202 n.o la cour de Parlement by several arrêts declares phrase in Papal rescrips null & void 250 n5 ancient arrest de la Cour on royal rights W Page RL 249 R 221 n1 on death penalty "ancien arrest du Parlement" 238 n2 on granting of pardons in France n3 n7 854 n4 excommuniation not allowed for a civil cause by report of the Estates at Orleans, confirmed by arrest de Parlement 853 n3 excommunication - man appeals to Parlement of Paris 787 n3 vassal appeals to Parl. of Paris against his lord his appeal is not considered - ancien arrest de Parlement 245 n9 various "arrests" on taxation - Feb. 5, 1521 & May 1527 pour le Comte de Pollignae. R Gallus q. 121. anno 1387. Molin. ad Galli. quaestiones 6499 ** Paris, Parlement of Pour Louis Rivone [L 86 R Rinovo] iugé l'an 1559 le 19 Iuin 8193 ** Paris, Parlement of extat in actis Curiae testatio. R 627 protestation of Duke of Burgundy of 3 March RL 1386 re presence of King at trials of peers 9366 ** Paris, Parlement of, formulae R 1025-26 arrests of Cour de Parlement of Paris – with words “Sans tirer à consequence” 5483 ** Paris, Parlement, arrest R 61 l'ancien arrest du Parlement de Paris, par lequel il est permis à l'Evesque de Chalons d'avoir des fiefs 5682 ** Paris, Parlement, arrest R 92 arrest of Court of Parlement of Paris 14 June 1554; on citizenship 6134 ** Paris, Parlement, arrest R 169 il se trouve arrest aux registres de la Cour, du IX Decembre MCCCCLXXXVI (on feudal rights of Marquis of Salusses) 6135 ** Paris, Parlement, arrest R 169 arrest of XII Mars MDXXXVI RL on the feudal position of the seigneur d' Ormoy [L adds also "of Maximilian de Mehaic" in a marginal note] 6446 ** Paris, Parlement, arrest, 1365 R 238 se trouve un arrest és registres de la Cour de l'an 1365 en Iuillet 5073 ** Paris, Parlement, arrests, in 1517, 1551, 1565 R 18 n1 successors of house of Albret, Laval & Montmorency obtained "arrests du Parlement" reversing their family laws 5491 ** Paris, Parlement, decision R 62 par arrest de la Cour contre l'Abbé Saincte Genevieve 5986 ** Paris, Parlement, decision of Iudicatum anno R 154 n7 creditors preferred before fines to the treasury 1391. Gal. q. 257. RL parte 5. 5484 ** Paris, Parlement, ordonnances R 61 Charles VII 1430 enfranchises many slaves; il y a ainsi aux registres du Parlement de Paris, intitulé Les ordonnances Barbines 7056 ** Paris, Parlement, registers R 387 5th and 6th President of Parlement of Paris Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7057 ** Paris, Parlement, registers 8745 ** Parlement, arrest of 9041 ** records, in the Chatelet Acta Publica Castelleti 8502 ** registers, Chambre des Comptes 6827 ** reports, diplomatic, 1565 9223 ** Rheims, coronation procedure 8916 ** Rouen, Parlement of 5626 ** Scotland, Estates of, decree, 1550 8010 ** St. Denys Historia Dionysiaca. 5476 ** Suger, Abbé 5492 ** Toulouse, Parlement of 8995 ** Tours, Estates of 5507 ** Tours, Estates of, article 8665 ** treaties, with the Swiss 6137 ** treaty, 1330 6136 ** treaty, 1482 10 Notes suppressed in 1544 by edict, as can be seen in the "registres" of time of King Francis, Bk. V. fol. 95 verso & fol. 99 R 387 "il se trouve és registres du Parlement de Paris erection en tiltre d'office d'un languayeur de pourceux par edict expres, verifié au mois de Iuillet l'annee mesme" [1544] R 821 subject is not to get safe conduct against his own lord - case of le Comte de Tonnerre in regestris RL 890 size of France, acc. to the public records of the L 664 Parisians R 713 par registres de la chambre des comptes - on extent of church property in France - census of Charles IX, 1563 R 336 M. de Bellieure, Ambassador of France, gave warning in May 1565 that the Spanish ambassador had almost caused the Grisons to revolt from France. R 984-985 old method of initiating the kings of France can still be seen in MS in library of Beauvais, which we also have in an extract from the library of Rheims R 858 arrest of 14 February 1511 - Procureur du Roy v. religious of St. Omer R 86-87 l'un des articles arrestés aux estats d'Escosse tenus l'an MDL & envoyés au Roy Henry pour y estre par luy pourveu - frontier agreement between England & Scotland R 557 n3 Eastern astrologers warn of revolutions, etc. in 1136: “chronique de St. Denys” R 59 enfranchises slaves - comme j'ay veu par la charte qu'il en fit l'an MCXLI lors qu'il estroit regent en France R 62 n4 the claims of the seigneur de la Roche-blanche in Gascony - abated in one point by arrest de Parlement de Thoulouze 1558 R 880 deputies of the three Estates at Tours, year of death of Louis XI & accession of Charles VII [L VIII], offer king certain taxes for two years only R 64 "comme il s'entend en un article des estats tenus à Tours, où il est dit, qu'anciennement on nous appelloit francs, & maintenant nous sommes serfs" R 789 the treaties of the Swiss “comme j’ay veu par RL les traictés lesquels l’Abbé d’ Orbez (Ambassador to Switzerland) ...m’a communiqués.” “Ego Helvetiorum omnia foedera quae multa sunt, a crucaeus apud Helvetios legati accepta accuratissime legi...” R 169 treaty of 1330 between PhilipValois & Edward III R 169 treaty of 1482 between Louis XI & Archduke Maximilian "au LVI article" W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 5633 ** treaty, 1520 R 88 8917 ** treaty, 1527 R 859 5634 ** treaty, 1559 R 88 8667 ** treaty, 1559 R 789 8660 ** treaty, Chamborti, anno 1552 R 786 RL 6158 ** Vatican records R 173 RL 6160 ** Vatican register R 173 6184 ** Vatican register R 177 6185 ** Vatican register R 177 RL 6257 ** Vatican register R 195 6262 ** Vatican register R 198 6109 ** Vatican registers R 165 RL 6186 ** Vatican registers R 178 6199 ** Vatican registers R 181 6254 ** Vatican registers R 194 11 Notes on homage clause in treaty between house of France & Helvetic League 1520 treaty of 1527 between K. of England, the Pope, Italian Potentates - no part of royal domain of France to be paid for ransom of Francis I 7th article of treaty between Duke of Savoy & the 5 little cantons 1559 treaty of protection between Scotland & England, 1559 “in our memory” treaty of Henry II with German princes, Article 34 - in L these princes are named F 80 en l'investiture faicte par Innocent IIII à Edmund fils de Henry Roy d'Angleterre, l'an MCCLV où pend la bulle d'or, ces mots y sont: “Ego Henricus...” L 86 says “cuius formulam ex actis Vaticanis descripsimus" act of homage of Charles, K. of Naples, in 1295; and of Jeanne, Q. of ditto, in 1348 "comme j'ay leu au registre du Vatican" oath of fealty of the K. of Arragon, 1204 quoted at length in Latin "comme j'ay leu aux registres extraits du Vatican" investiture of kingdom of Sardinia & Corsica quoted at length in Latin - "formula, quam ex Archivis Vaticanis descriptam habemus" Hungary a feudatory of Pope "et de faict il est compris au catalogue de la Chancelerie de Romme: et mesme j'ay veu au registre de Vatican un acte daté de l'an 1229,” by which Lancelot of Hungary did obeisance to Benedict XII. Further acts of 1280 &1308 from same source Emperor Henry III makes clergy swear to get approval of German emperor before choosing a Pope "comme il se trouve au registre du Vatican, et Onophre Chambrier du Pape l'escrit aussi" King John does homage to Papal Legate of Innocent III in 1213…Bodin has seen the copy of the Bull "en un registre du Vatican, extraict par mandement du Chancelier du Prat, lors qu'il estoit Legat." L 86 (p. 110) is shorter: "Extat ad huc apud nos formula fiduciae, quae ex actis Vaticanis expressum legimus." list of kingdoms which are vassals of the church F 80 "en l'extrait de la Chancelerie de Rome" L 86 "Extant etiam in Archivis & publicis actis curiae Romanae." many details of money paid by vassal states to the church "comme j'ay leu au registre du Vatican." Popes confirm by oath the freedom of Rome "comme dit Augustin Onophre, chambrier du Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 12 Notes Pape, avoir leu aux registres du Vatican, lesquels je n'ay pas tous veus." 6260 ** Vatican registers R 197 a donation by Otho to the Pope (undated) of certain towns (Pisaurum, Ancona, etc.) "une donation, que j'ay leu au registre du Vatican." On the same page various donations are quoted at length in Latin. 6261 ** Vatican registers R 197 letters of Frederick II to Innocent IV "lettres patentes seellees en seel d'or, en date de l'an 1219, d'ont j'ay veu l'extraict…" [3 lines quoted in Latin] 6264 ** Vatican registers R 198 treaty between Emp. Henry V & Pope Callistus II at Vormes "Le traicté est au registre du Vatican." [3 lines quoted in Latin] 6265 ** Vatican registers R 199 details of election & coronation ceremonies "Il y a plusieurs autres ceremonies qui sont bien au long couchées és registres du Vatican." 6288 ** Vatican registers R 203 on the donation of Ravenna, etc. to the Church; Bodin says Onophre does not mention "ce que j'ay leu en l'extraict du registre du Vatican," that Jean Digitorum had forged the donation 9209 ** Vatican Registers par les registres du Vatican R 976 n1 22 Popes were beheaded 8975 ** Venice, financial accounts R 874 accounts of the Venetians - money raised by sale of offices, etc. during war with Louis XII 7620 *[leg. ref.] R 469 la loy III de temporibus appellatio uses phrase “statuta tempora” 9262 *[leg. ref.] §. caeterum. Novell. 118. RL 993 succession L 733 9489 *[leg. ref.] §. ex maleficiis. §. quadrupli. de action. l. R 1046 n1 fine of double or quadruple sum stolen si pro fure. §. 1. de condict. furte. l. si pignore. eodem. l. ult. de noxa. C. 8120 *[leg. ref.] §. his autem. de prohib. feudi alie. R 589 n.o difficulty of suppressing office that has been bought and sold 8103 *[leg. ref.] §. nos autem. in feudis. de prohibita feudi R 579 n1 need to compensate for suppression of alienat. magistracy or office 6145 *[leg. ref.] §. omnes filii. si de feudo contro. Zasius RL 171 on vassals - homage requirements in epit. feud. par. 7... 7192 *[leg. ref.] §. proponebant. de iure naturali. institut. R 401 n7 on growth of power of curule aediles 6133 *[leg. ref.] §. sed utrum. titulo per quos fiat R 168 n7 on vassals investitura. Praepositus in §. omnes col. ult. de feudo defuncti. licet contrarium videntur in cap. 1. §. verum de statu. reg. lib. 9. 6118 *[leg. ref.] Actus legitimi. de regul. F 80 R 167 n6 on the force of an oath of fealty l. actus de regulis L 86 7214 *[leg. ref.] ad l. 1.& ad l. palam. §. quae. de ritu. R 403 n3 “les anciens Docteurs” called ignominia nupt. "infamia facti" 6273 *[leg. ref.] ad superiorem gravantis appellandum. RL 201 King appeals against interdict to the Council dd. in l. 1. qui et a quo. 5149 *[leg. ref.] Andr. in addit. ad Specul. rubri. de R 24 n4 A wife badly treated by her husband can request iniuriis. ex l. 3. rerum amota. l. non separation, but legal actions between spouses, debet de dolo. l. si quis uxor. de furtis. as some have wanted, should not be allowed. Alexan. in l. diuortio. si fundum. col. 4. soluto. Ancara consil. 408. 6068 *[leg. ref.] arg. si qui donum locati. ff. R 160 n4 prince & his predecessors Slip Reference W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page Notes n5 arg. cap. dilecto. de praebendis. Bal. in l. ult. de transact. C. 7043 *[leg. ref.] argu. l. eius si certum. & l. si ego. §. l. de R iure dot. 6995 *[leg. ref.] arg. l. 3. de militari testament. l. R societatem. §. arbitrorum pro socio. & ibi dd. Bald. in l. si miles. de test. milit. Felin. in d. c. cum ex officii. 5150 *[leg. ref.] auth. hoc. iure. de adult. C. R 5490 *[leg. ref.] authen. 78. 8544 *[leg. ref.] Authen. bona damnatorum. de bonis damnatorum. C. 7159 *[leg. ref.] Authen. de sanctissi. episcopis. 7128 *[leg. ref.] Authen. de sanctissimis Episcopis. §. si quis. l. repetita. de Episcopis et clericis. C. c. cum episcopis. de offic. ordin. lib. 6. cap. novimus. de verbor. signif. 7691 *[leg. ref.] authen. habita. ne filius pro patre. C. R R 13 385 n8 on termination of a commission 380 n8 office compared to commission 24 n5 public penalties do not cancel marital authority over wife 61 n3 all freedmen restored to status of free-born 722 n3 goods of condemned RL 397 L 279 RL 397 L 277 Justinian on cases involving clerics Iustinian on power of early Pontifices R 482 n8 Emp. Frederick II gives rectors of universities right to punish their pupils RL 581 “religious” are barred from inheriting R 381 n9 powers of commissioners 8107 *[leg. ref.] authen. ingressi de sacrosanctis. 7000 *[leg. ref.] authent. ad haec. de iudic. C. cap. ut debitus de appella capit. super quaestionum. de off. deleg. Ioan. And. & Panor. in c. cum Bartoldus de re iudic. post Innoc. & Hostiensem. Bar. in l more. de iurisd. Aufert in decis. pel. Tolos. 7261 *[leg. ref.] authent. de mandat. princ. §. deinde. & R authent. ut nulli iudicum. §. et hoc. Bald. in l. puniri. si contra ius. C. l. ult. sententiam rescindi. C. Barto. in tract. de represal. q. 6. & in authent. ut determinat. sit. Bal. consil. 109. Anchar. consi. 235. & 399. 5660 *[leg. ref.] authent. de mandatis princ. §. suscipientes R l. incola. ad l. municipalem. 8485 *[leg. ref.] authent. rem duram. & authen. ad haec. de R usuris. C. 7015 *[leg. ref.] authentica ad haec. de Iudic. ca. super R quaestionum. de offic. delegat. ca. statutum & lib. glos. de rescript. Io. Andr. & Panor. in c. cum Bertoldus. de re iudic. 7337 *[leg. ref.] Bal. in l. eam quam. de fideicommiss. C. R text. in l. cum tale. de condit. & demonstr. §. quod autem. 6654 *[leg. ref.] c. 1. lib. 1. feud. R 6529 *[leg. ref.] c. quae sint regal. Alex. consil. 13. lib. 6. R col. 4. Iacob. in investitura glo. cum vero. 7324 *[leg. ref.] c. si motu proprio. de praebend. li. 6. R Clement. si Romanus. eod. decisio Rotae. 282 7732 *[leg. ref.] ca. admonere. 25. q. 2. ca. scripturae. de R voto. & ibi Io. And. Bart. in authen. ingressi. nu. 34. 415 n3 on prince's orders 89 n5 citizenship 709 n1 on usury 383 n4 Iustinian's restrictions on scope of commissions 426 n2 magistrates to test facts given in rescripts 276 n3 on origin of fiefs & seigneuries 247 n9 various rights of sovereignty 425 n7 pernicious clause "de motu proprio" 483 n8 monks not to be charged with crimes done before they became monks Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5085 *[leg. ref.] ca. de illis. & ibi Hostien. & Panor. de spons. 7746 *[leg. ref.] ca. dilecta. de excessibus praelatorum. l. per fundum rusticorum praed. & §. religiosum. de rerum division [in instit. F 80] 5092 *[leg. ref.] ca. duo. 33. q. 2. can. sicut. 7. q. 1. 6241 *[leg. ref.] ca. intelleximus de iureiurando. ext. Bald. in c. pastoralis. de rescript. W Page R 20 n6 14 R 485 n7 in college matters unanimous vote or majority rule? R R 20 n8 power of husband over wife 190 n5 on papal power the "docteurs" base their case on a pronouncement of Pope Gelasius 644 n7 duels only allowed by certain peoples 986 n5 Popes interfere in Empire, in several leges 8230 *[leg. ref.] ca. monomachiam. 2. q. 5. R 9226 *[leg. ref.] ca.venerabilem. de electio extra. cap. ad R Apostolicam. de re iudic. Clement. 1. de re iureiurando. 6546 *[leg. ref.] …Caesar Augustus primus procuratores R instituit ut ait Dio. lib. 53. Adrianus advocatos fisci. postremo comes rerum privatorum kaqoliko\j qui patrimonium universum curabat. l. ult. de advocatis fisci. C. l. ult. de delator. C. l. neminem. de bonis vacant. 7280 *[leg. ref.] cap. infames. 21. q. 5. R 9315 *[leg. ref.] cap. 1. §. filiae. de success. feud. cap. 1. quid sit investitura. 8693 *[leg. ref.] cap. 1. de iure iurando. 6270 *[leg. ref.] cap. 1. de renunciat. lib. 6. notatur in l. Barbarius de offic. Praet. 6114 *[leg. ref.] cap. 1. hic finitur lex. 7325 *[leg. ref.] cap. ad audientiam. 1. de rescript. Andr. Panor. Felin. eo. extr. 8971 *[leg. ref.] cap. clerici. 14. q. 3. 6247 *[leg. ref.] cap. clericis. c. quia nulli. de immunitate Ecclesia. imovero imperat. angelis, ut planum sit in rescript. Clementis Pont. max. quod Viennae extat. & in extrauagante de maioris & obedient. j. Feli. in ca. nonnulli de rescript. nu. 8. Bal. in l. iure iurando. de testib. C. 7130 *[leg. ref.] cap. cum non ab homine. de iudi. Notes on fiancée & fiancé R R R R R R R 248 n5 separation of the private domain of the sovereign from the public domain 420 n6 magistrates especially must obey the ordonnances 1011 n3 feudal law - feuds not to go to women 802 n6 keeping of oaths 200 n8 the canonists say Emperor can only give up his dignity to the Pope 166 n1 duties of a vassal 425 n8 magistrates must inquire into truth of facts mentioned in rescripts 873 n8 clerics forbidden to trade by Canon Law 191 n9 papal powers RL 397 L 277 6269 *[leg. ref.] cap. cum olim. de privilegiis cleric. cap. et R 200 n7 si summus Pontifex. de sentent. excommunicator. 9469 *[leg. ref.] cap. de promiss. malef. in statut. Vene. et R 1042 n5 Alexan. consil. 5. lib. 1. nu. 12. 5095 *[leg. ref.] cap. debitum. de bigam. Lombard. in 4. R 20 n2 sentent. dist. 30. & 27. q. 2. Barbat. consi. 1. col. 7. lib. 4. glos. in c. ex publico ext. de conver. coniu. Cor. consi. 248. lib. 2. Fel. in c. 3. loco de praesumpt. 7018 *[leg. ref.] cap. dudum de prehendis. cap. penult. RL 383 eod. cap. ex literis. de offic. deleg. Felin. in cap. caeterum. 7025 *[leg. ref.] cap. ex literis. de offic. dele. Innocent. R 384 n9 Roman Pontifices do not claim any powers of execution vicars of the Roman Church, not of the Empire penalties for theft at Venice on marriage on termination of a commission validity of acts of a commissioner whose Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference Butrio, Imol. Panor. Felin. in d. cap. caeterum. 6187 *[leg. ref.] cap. grandi. de supplenda negligentia Praelat. 7161 *[leg. ref.] cap. inquisitionis. §. prohibemus. de haeretic. lib. 6. Fel. in cap. at si clerici. 7266 *[leg. ref.] cap. literis. de rescript. 8493 *[leg. ref.] cap. nuper. de decimis. 15 W Page Notes commission has ben revoked RL 178 letter of Innocent IV to the princes of Portugal [neither the text nor the note is in F 80] on trial of clerics RL 397 L 279 R 416 n5 types of rescript obtainable from Pope: monitoria, iussoria, executoria R 711 can state forbid church to acqire more lands? RL R 1010 n6 rights of patronage connected with a dowry belong to husband R 190 n.o Pope can make legitimate 9304 *[leg. ref.] cap. olim. ca. cum Bertoldus. de iure patronat. 6236 *[leg. ref.] cap. per venerabilem. qui filii sint. legitimi. 7327 *[leg. ref.] cap. plerunque. de rescript. ext. Felin. in R c. eam te. de rescript. col. 3. 8877 *[leg. ref.] cap. quaerenti. de verb. signific. R 9085 *[leg. ref.] cap. quanto. de iureiurando. R 8879 *[leg. ref.] cap. Romana. §. universitatem. de sentent. R lib. 6. cap. venerabilibus. §. sentent. excommunic. lib. 6. 8734 *[leg. ref.] cap. sedes. de rescript. Clemen. non R potest. de procur. l. ult. §. cui dulcia. de vino, tritico. ff. 7761 *[leg. ref.] cap. si ad ea. de concess. praebendae. cap. R quod sicut. de electio... 6267 *[leg. ref.] cap. solitae. de majoritate & obedient. R 7315 *[leg. ref.] cap. ult. de filiis presbyter. Andr. Panor. R Bald. Butr. Imo. in cap. causam quae de rescrip. Felin. eo. col. 10. 5878 *[leg. ref.] cap. ult. lib. 6. de rescript. glos. in l. si R patronus, de iis quae in fraudem 5771 *[leg. ref.] cap. unico. de forma fidelitat. cap. 1. de R feudo defuncti. l. servi. in l. imperialem. 5766 *[leg. ref.] cap. unico. de vassallo qui contra R constitut. Lotharii 6128 *[leg. ref.] cap. unico. de vassallo qui contra R constitut. loc. L 86 RL F 80 ends up: …constitut. Lo[th]arii 6577 *[leg. ref.] cap. veniente. de iureiurando. R 6729 *[leg. ref.] cap. venientes. de iureiurand. R 5160 *[leg. ref.] cap. duo ista. 23 q. 4. Accurs. in l. etsi. §. R ulti. ad l. aquil. & in authen. ut liceat matr. §. quia vero. Bal. in filius. de patr. potest. C. & in l. nec patronus. de operis libert. C. & cons. 176. Panor. in capit. ex transmissa. de restit. spol. Bar. in l. iubemus. de repud. C. 7257 *[leg. ref.] cau. non licet. 10. distinc. Bald. in ca. R cum adeo. de rescript. ait obediendum si ius est positivum 6244 *[leg. ref.] causa 2. c. ad Romanam. Hos. in cap. cum R Ioannes. de fide instr. Pan. in c. ex literis. de prob. ex. c. ego. de iureiuran. causa 9. 425 n9 rescripts and privileges must be presented to the magistrate within one year 852 n9 excommunication 914 n1 Innocent III forbids debasing of coinage 852 n2 excommunication 816 n8 on terms of treaties 486 n6 majority votes 200 n6 Popes claim they are above the Emperor 424 n3 on privileges 134 n3 prince & the contracts of his predecessors 104 n2 vassals & fiefs n3 103 n7 fiefs & vassals 168 duties of a vassal – both texts are faulty (see preceding entry) 250 n.o true marks of sovereignty cannot be shared 299 n.o can tyranny be prescribed? 24 n1 husband's right to punish 415 n9 on obedience to prince's orders 190 n6 any person of any nation can appeal to Pope Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page quae. 3. & can. aliorum. & can. nemo & cano. cuncta per mundum. & ca. nemini. 17. q. 4. 6146 *[leg. ref.] Cenomani aliter §. 13 & Veromandiu. RL 171 vide. Molin. §. 2. glo. 4. nu. 25. 8909 *[leg. ref.] Codice Hispa. parte 5. titu. 5. et in R 858 n5 comitiis Hispaniae 1560. 9551 *[leg. ref.] cons. 190. & Ias. in l. generaliter. col. 2. RL 503 de in ius voc. ff. L353C n1 7237 *[leg. ref.] Constitut. 17. & in l. mandatis. de poenis. R 411 n1 ff. 5356 *[leg. ref.] Constitut. novel. 89. R 43 n4 l. 1. de natur. lib. C. n5 l. 2. & 3. ead. Novel. 89. n6 l. 4. de natura. lib. C. n7 8907 *[leg. ref.] contre le Roy de Sicile pour la succession R 858 n3 d’Alphons, Comte de Poitiers, l’an 1283 5294 *[leg. ref.] cum relatorum sit eadem ratio. l. ult. de R 37 n5 indicta. viduit. C. l. ult. de except. l. 1. de consuli authent. 81 7783 *[leg. ref.] d. c. pastoralis. §. 1. de rescript. l. 4. §. R 487 n2 item. quod cuiusque universitat. 7406 *[leg. ref.] d. l. 1. de offic. eius cui. l. solet. l. more. R 441 n7 de iurisdict. 6497 *[leg. ref.] d. l. 1. vectigal. C. domini praediorum. R 245 n7 de agricolis & censitis. C. Alex. consi. 145. lib. 2. Bal. in l. cum multa. de bonis quae liberis. C. Oldrad. cons. 124 Pa. pari in repetit. l. placet. de sacrosan. C. Boer. decis. Burdegal. 129. & 132 Chassan. Rubr. 1.5.4. 6476 *[leg. ref.] d. l. 2. Guid. Dolph. dec. 257 [re: de falsa R 242 n6 moneta. C.] 5220 *[leg. ref.] d. l. foeminae de senator. R 28 n6 Accurs. Bartol. Ange. Plate. in l. cives. de n7 incolis. C. Bal. consil. 139. lib. 5 6027 *[leg. ref.] d. l. item si verberatum [de rei vindi L] R 157 n2 9570 *[leg. ref.] d. l. providendum de postul. & in l. RL 503* nobilissimos & ibi Cynus, Faber, Bal. L354D Angel. Salic. n6 9106 *[leg. ref.] d. l. quotiescunque. de argenti pretio. C. R 925 n6 RL 5681 *[leg. ref.] dd. in cap. qui tacet. de regul. li. 6. & R 92 n3 in l. 2. §. qui tacuit. de interrogat. actio. & in l. cum ostendimus. de fideiussor. 6746 *[leg. ref.] dd. in d. l. si quis non dicam rapere. & in R 303 n8 l. cogitationis. de poenis. ff. 9460 *[leg. ref.] dd. in l. 1. §. haec autem. quod quisque R 1041 n1 iuris. l. aut facta. §. eventus. de poenis. not. in l. et si severior. C. ex quibus causis infamia. [irrogat. L 86] 8176 *[leg. ref.] de orig. iuris. ff. RL 621 5664 *[leg. ref.] decision. cape. Tholosan. 485 R 89 n7 9210 *[leg. ref.] distinct. 63. cano. 13. non est permitR 977 n2 Notes 16 on vassals - different districts have different customs princes can’t alienate domain the most learned jurisconsults are of the opinion that the priesthood is to be preferred above all other honors and vocations on the "mandata principis" bastards even princes may not alienate the domain [in France] father & son voting in colleges Papinian on right to delegate right of taxation punishment of coiners by sovereign princes status of wife rights of princes knowledge the second cause of nobility coinage - libra has 72 ounces citizenship tyrannicide is treason intention punished less than effect in olden days king’s will was law citizenship General Council of Laodicaena forbade people Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page tendum. Augustin. epistola. 110. Theodoritus lib. 4. cap. 20. ecclesiasticae historiae. 9552 *[leg. ref.] ex l. 2. ut nemo privat. C. Salic. col. 4. q. RL 503* 7. de iuris & facti. C. L353C n2 7459 *[leg. ref.] ex l. creditores. ad l. Iul. de vi priva. R 446 n4 contra Molin. §. j. gl. 4. nu. 7. in consuetud. Paris. 9250 *[leg. ref.] ex l. emancipatum. de Senatorib. Petrus, R 992 n1 Cynus, Bal. Alberi. Fulgos. in l. imperialis. §. illud his. de nupt. C. 8249 *[leg. ref.] ex l. si senator. de dignitate. C. R 992 n.o l. 2. de libertis et eorum liberis. Bart. in l. cum satis. de agricolis. et ex l. si quis decurio. C. l. neminem. l. divae. de decurio. C. l. libera. de suis et legitimis. & contra Albericum in quaestion. statutariis. q. 157. 9479 *[leg. ref.] ex maleficiis. institut. de actio. R 1044 n4 RL 7370 *[leg. ref.] Faber in instit. de legitima patr. & in RL 436 authen. ingressi. col. ult. de sacrosanct. eccles. C. 7504 *[leg. ref.] Flavius Vopiscus in Floriano. R 452 n1 l. 1. de offi. praefect. praetor. n2 9028 *[leg. ref.] Gellius lib. 2. c. 15. l. si is qui haeres. de R 888 vulgari. Tertullian in lib. de monoga. RL Ulpian. li. 14. l. 1. unde vir. l. 44. de ritu. nuptiar. Dio. lib. 56. 7258 *[leg. ref.] gl. & Cynus in l. ult si contra ius vel R 415 n1 utilitatem public. C. dd. in l. 1. de constit. princip. ff. & in cap. quae in ecclesiarum de constitut. 9596 *[leg. ref.] glo. in l. 1. de dignitat. C. ex l. divo. de RL 503* quaest. glo. in l. liberos. de senator. L357A Bar. in d. l. 1. Isern. & Afflict. in constit. n6 Neapolitanas ex l. 1. de privile. eorum qui in sacro palat. milit. 7786 *[leg. ref.] glos. in cap. si capitulo. de concess. R 488 n4 praebendae. 9639 *[leg. ref.] glos. in ver. publice in clem. de vita & RL 503* honestate cleri. Ancharanus Card. L359D Florentin. ibid. Alciat. regu. 1. n7 praesumptionum. Tiraquel. in li. de nobilit. Rebufus in auth. habita ne filius pro patre. C. & ex l. honoribus. §. 1. de vacat. munerum. ff. 9462 *[leg. ref.] gloss. in ca. qui viderit. 32. q. 5. Bald. in R 1041 n3 l. dare. col. 12. qui accusare. C. 7366 *[leg. ref.] hodie. de poen. ff. R 435 n3 8237 *[leg. ref.] in §. per contrarium. de haereditatib. quae R 646 n.o ab intestat. in institu ait legibus Franciae duella permissa excepta furti causa: sed voluminum duellun. rbiq. vetitum est Notes to elect ministers & prelates 17 those who perform sacred rites not to be accounted among the vulgar and common people a lord must not take law into his own hands younger son of king, conquering a new kingdom, is to be preferred succession of younger son open adultery, etc. punished more severely sovereignty, jurisdiction, powers have become hereditary throughout the West appeals could be made to the Praetorian Prefect Augustus’ laws de maritandis ordinibus obedience to prince's orders how far the honor of ancestors should extend in posterity who is to summon meeting of collegium many jurisconsults say trade that results in an abundance of all things does not derogate from a man’s nobility persuading someone to a crime is punished less than the effect, acc. to Canonists Ulpian on fitting penalties view of Faber on duels Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page Petr. Bellaga ait legib. Hispaniae prohibe ei in Speculo. it. 26.6. Iesu. 9656 *[leg. ref.] in authen. de defens. civitat. §. 1. & l. RL rescripto de munerib. ff. l. ad subeunda de decurio. C. Iser. in ti. de pace iuram. firm. ca. 1. Platea in l. nequis de dign. C. Afflict. in constit. Siciliae col. 2. no. 2. 7098 *[leg. ref.] in Authen. de Iudic. R 8500 *[leg. ref.] in authent. de rebus ecclesiae non alien. R 9418 *[leg. ref.] in c. dudum. in c. cum adeo. & ibi glos. de R rescript. can. qui contra. 24. q. 1. 8489 *[leg. ref.] in ca. futuram ecclesiam & ca. videntes R 12. q. 1. 7155 *[leg. ref.] in cap. at si clerici. de iudic. & in cap. RL olim. de rescriptis. 7740 *[leg. ref.] in cap. contingat. col. 9. de foro R competenti. & pragma. de concub. §. quod si in glos. in verbo pertinet. not. in c. quanto de offic. ordin. 7306 *[leg. ref.] in cap. de rescript. in constitutionib. R Mediolanensib. Notes 18 503* richer citizens more useful as magistrates than L361D poor ones, since wealthy magistrates more n7 likely to be clearer from bribery and corruption 395 n9 various kinds of judges 712 n9 church property may not be alienated 1035 n2 nobles punished less - acc. to Canonists 711 n5 church has grabbed too large a share of riches & lands, etc. contrary to its own canons 397 powers of Popes L 278 484 n.o Panormitan on right to eject from college 424 n9 on law of Milan requiring recipients of gifts from prince to give account of gifts previously received 7144 *[leg. ref.] in cap. nemo & glosa. eodem. 9. q. 3. RL 397 powers of the Pope L 278 6237 *[leg. ref.] in cap. novit. de Iudic. in cap. solitae. de R 190 n2 on papal power maioritate et obedienta. glo. in l. 3. de offi. procons. ff. 6373 *[leg. ref.] in cap. quae sint regal. R 222 n1 on privileges 6259 *[leg. ref.] in cap. super quibusdam. de verbor. R 195 n4 Pope prohibits Count of Toulouse from signif. imposing fresh taxes – text specifies: "aux decretales 4" 9227 *[leg. ref.] in cap. venerabilem qui filii sint legitimi. R 986 Popes admit K. of France is free from their jurisdiction – F 80 says this is a decretal of Pope Innocent 7148 *[leg. ref.] in Clement. ne Romani. de election. & in RL 397 on power of Pope cap. signif. de electio. quae abrogata sunt L 278 decreto Concilii Constantiae. 7149 *[leg. ref.] in Concilio Sardaeo de religionibus RL 397 on power of Pope cognitio Pontificibus tributa est. ca. si L 278 quis 6. q. 4. cap. si inter episcop. 11. q. 3. 9427 *[leg. ref.] in consil. Tiburiensi. Gratia. 17. q. 4. ca. R 1035 n1 penalty for crime against a priest qui subdiaconum. 5927 *[leg. ref.] in d. l. humanum. de legib. C. RL 149 n8 Theodosius said consent of Senate to sovereign's decrees non tam necessitatis est, quam humanitatis 5774 *[leg. ref.] in d. l. non dubito. Cicero pro Balbo hanc R 105 n5 phrase inserted in treaties - "Comiter clausulam interpretatur. Maiestatem conservare" 9446 *[leg. ref.] in instit. tit. de iniuriis. R 1038 n.o what size fine? 6433 *[leg. ref.] in l. 1. de relation. C. l. 1. §. quaesitum. R 236 n2 right of appeal de appellat. 5364 *[leg. ref.] in l. arrogato. §. ult. de adopt. R 43 n4 adopted children had same rights as proper l. certam. de iniusto rupto. children l. 1. §. suo de suis & legit. & §. in testatorum. de haereditat. quae ab intesta. institut. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7805 *[leg. ref.] in l. aut facta. de poenis. & ibi Bart. 9327 *[leg. ref.] in l. clemens patronus. et in l. ex unciis. de haeredibus instituend. et in l. sit ita scriptum. de liberis et posthumis. ff. 9644 *[leg. ref.] in l. Thais. §. Lucius. de fideicom. libert. l. alimenta. de alimentis & cibar. l. Scio. de annuis legat. l. 1. §. ne autem. de servo communi. ff. 7855 *[leg. ref.] in l. ubi numerus. de testibus. 8231 *[leg. ref.] in legibus Langobard[ensium] 9422 *[leg. ref.] in lib. 1. de iurisdict. 8913 *[leg. ref.] in statutis Venet. lib. 2. 9288 *[leg. ref.] in suis. de liberis et posthu. W Page Notes R 489 n5 legal actions against communities R 1016 n4 the jurisconsults recognize arithmetic & geometric proportion 6181 *[leg. ref.] in ti. de feud. Molin. glo. 7493 *[leg. ref.] in tit. de quaest. & magistris offic. R R 507 n1 645 n7 1035 n6 858 n8 1002 L 738 176 n5 448 n2 5259 *[leg. ref.] in titul. de patria pot. in Institut. 6258 *[leg. ref.] in cap. licet de voto R R RL R R 32 n3 195 78 160 n3 460 n3 6067 *[leg. ref.] Iugé par arrest du 16 Avril 1468 7545 *[leg. ref.] Iustin. de Attiliano tutore. institut. 19 RL 503* the Romans considered the profession of L360C physician a servile one, but the Hebrews and n4 Greeks held it in great estimation R R R R RL 6979 *[leg. ref.] l. & quia. de iurisdict. & sequent. R 7560 *[leg. ref.] l. & si praetor. de offi. eius cui. l. 3. de R offic. Proconsul. 7386 *[leg. ref.] l. §. ult. ad Turpil. l. ordine. ad l. R municipalem. l. si qua poena. de verbor. signif. ca. iudicet. 3. q. 7. l. si quis. reum. de custod. reorum. Anton. Butrio, Imola, Panor. Felin. Decius in c. de causis. de offi. deleg. Bald. in l. & si severior. ex quibus causis. Bal. consil. 443. 5540 *[leg. ref.] l. 1 & 2. l. cives. de incolis. C. l. pupillus. R §. advena. de verbor. signif. 5470 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. & 2. de mendicant. C. Theodos. & R Iust. 5169 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. & 2. rerum amo. l. adversus. de crimi. R expilatae haeredit. C. 5474 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. & sequent. de infantibus. liber. expos. R 2 rulers are a plurality - not monarchy attempt of Rotaris to forbid duels penalties - opinion of the Iurisconsult Goveanus public domain inalienable at Venice patria potestas 438 n2 vassal must serve his original liege lord Valentinian calls failing to honor magistrates sacrilege Justinian on Roman reverence for fathers orders the King of Hungary to follow his late father’s wish or forfeit the crown law of succession to the crown lex Atilia: praetor & majority of tribunes to appoint tutors for women & children length of term of magistracies magistrate who is in the seat of another can order nothing in his own name on delegation of magistrate’s power 72 n6 naturalized citizen 59 n4 provisions for paupers 25 n5 the law values marriage 378 n7 463 n3 59 n6 exposed children to be slaves of those who reared them 1034 n7 penalties [L 86 acc. to Martianus] 9411 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. & ult. de furibus balnearum l. ult. de R sepulchro. RL 7604 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. ult. de praetoris stipul. R 468 n8 only magistrate can declare his own sentence 5107 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. 1. de liberis ag. ff. l. 1. §. ult. l. R 21 n8 power of paterfamilias eum qui. §. si nupta. de iniuriis. l.1. fine. & sequen. de liberis exhibendis. l. 2. §. quod si in patr. l. quoties soluto. l. 3. l. nec int. l. si ut proponis de dona. inter virum. C. l. filium. l. licet. de collat. C. l. si uxor. & ibi Accursius, Cynus, Bartol. Bald. Salicet. Alberic. de condit. insertis. C. 8733 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. 1. quod iussa. l. si duo. de R 816 n7 on terms of treaties administratio. tut. c. quia circa. de privileg. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page cap. solitae de maioritate. Alexand. consil. 235 lib. 6. 9302 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. cum autem. de rei uxor. actis. C. et R l. alia causa. §. ult. soluto matri. 9457 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. divus. ad l. Cornel. de sicar. Exodi. R XXI 9396 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. generaliter. de poenis. R 5409 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. generaliter. de poenis. l. si quis id R quod. de iurisdi. l. cum ab eo. ad l. Iuliam pecul. 9645 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. medicorum de variis. cognit. ff. RL l. 1. de decretis de curio. C. l. ambitiosa. de decretis ab ordine. C. Aristophanes scatophagos appellat. 5496 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. quae onerandae. quarum rerum R actio. 7394 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. qui mandatam. de offic. eius cui R mand. l. et si. eod. 9355 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. si is qui. de exercit. l. non aliter. de R lega. 3. l. ea quae. §. 1. de regul. 5287 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. si parens. si quis a parente manu. R 9403 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. ult. ad l. Corn. de sicar. R 9111 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. §. ult. de variis cognit. ff. R 8760 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. 2. 3. de liberali causa. RL argu. l. si unus. §. ante omnia de pactis. l. 1. & seq. de iniuriis. l. lex Cornelia. eod. l. nam quod attinet. ad Trebel. ff. 5656 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. 2. l. cives. l. assumptio ad l. R municipal. 6418 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. a quibus appellare non licet. R 6344 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Aquil. ff. 7231 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Iul. de ambitu. R R 5313 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Iuli. maiestat. 6760 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Iuliam majestat. ff. 6400 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Iuliam. de ambitu. 5337 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad l. Pompeiam l. marito. ad l. Iul. de adult. ff. 7361 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad Turpilianum 5147 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad. l. Iul. de adult. l. marito. l. patri. eod. d. l. marito. l. si adulterium. §. Imperatores. eod. l. 1. ad legem Cornelia. de sicar. l. Gracchus. eod. C. l. 3. §. si maritus. ad Silania // s.c. Sillanian 8728 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ad. l. Iul. maiestat. ff. l. hostes. de verb. signif. 7827 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de auro coronario. C. R R R R R R Notes 20 1010 n4 woman to reverence man 1041 n8 Emperor Adrian on penalties for murder distinguishes by intent 1031 n6 on penalties 50 n9 slavery as punishment 503* the Romans separated medicine from the liberal L360C disciplines n5 62 n6 slaves 438 n3 “potestas” does not belong to the person it is delegated to 1024 n4 magistrates refer to prince, but if he’s far away they follow terms of the law 37 n3 emancipation of sons 1033 n1 on penalties 936 n4 the coin which the law calls aureus 828 does an oath include fathers & brothers? 89 n3 on citizenship 232 n6 Emperor Adrian forbids appeal from decisions of Senate 216 n.o definition of plebiscitum 407 n1 the sovereign majesty is the power which makes a magistrate 38 n4 treason 305 n1 treason even to suggest killing a king 228 n2 right of appointing magistrates 40 n.o power of fathers n1 435 n4 legal penalties could not be varied 23 n1 power of husband over wife n2 24 n3 n4 RL RL 814 R 9038 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de capitat. civium tollenda. C. // l. 1. R de capitatione civium censib. C. l. 1. de colonis fugit. C. is faith to be kept with robbers, etc? 498 n2 impost of Aurum Coronarium paid in return for religious privileges 890 n6 capitation tax Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7397 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de constit. princ. & Pauli libri decretorum in cognitionibus prolatorum dumtaxat ad pricipem refertur cuius propria iurisdictio dicebatur cognitio. 5901 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de constit. princip. 21 W Page Notes R 440 n5 prince’s ‘arrests’ are called Decreta; proper jurisdiction of prince is called cognitio R 142 n4 law on powers of Emperor, still extant at Rome carved on stone 9657 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de custod. reo c. 2. de testib. Alex. RL 503* in obtaining magistracies and honors the law consi. 209. L361D often commands that the richer be placed with l. rescrip. de muner. n8 the nobler, or sometimes preferred above them n9 9594 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de dignit. & l. senator. & l. si senator RL 503* nobility may be transferred to one’s descendants eod. C. Bal. in l. cum in antiquiorib. de L356D - contrary to the theologians and philosophers iure deliberandi. C. Lucas. Penna. Bart. n4 Plat. in d. l. 1. de dignit. 5695 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de haeredib. institu. C. R 94 n3 citizenship l. 1. §. 2. de legat. 3. l. quidam. de poenis. l. neque. §. 1. de militari. testa. l. 1. §. penult. de iis quae pro non scriptis 9264 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de iis qui ante apertas tab. C. RL 993 succession L 733 8867 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de iis qui notantur infamia facti. R 850 n6 ignominia compared with infamia appellant dd. in l. palam. §. quae. de ritu L 86 makes this 2 notes & expands dd. in the nuptia. text to “iurisconsultorum interpretes” 6507 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de iis qui vacat. a principe. §. immun- R 246 n.o taxation itatem. de agricol. & censit. C. & tot. tit. de immunit. conced. C. 9003 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de imponenda lucrativa descriptione. R 881 n5 tax of 1/20th on legacies crept back in hidden C. form 9040 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de imponenda lucrativa in C. RL 890 capitatio annonaria on cultivated fields Theodos. l. 9. de actio. emptio. C. L 663 Novell. 17. 6784 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de infirmandis iis quae sub tyrannis R 309 n8 Constantine the Great questions the acts of in C. Theodosiano. Licinius (his tyrannical predecessor) and ratifies others 7683 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de Iudaeis. C. R 480 n1 position of collegia of Jews in R. Empire 7565 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de iure deliber. C. l. 1. de iis qui R 464 n8 lex Pappia Poppaea on which consul takes numero liber. C. precedence 5002 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de legat. 3. R 2 n2 on rights of those captured by pirates, etc. 9394 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de legib. C. RL 1030 declaration of laws part of sovereignty of L 758 emperors 6348 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de legibus. R 217 n3 edictum & lex came to have same meaning 9354 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de legibus. C. Bald. in l. 1. §. si is R 1024 n3 right of correcting laws taken away from qui. de exercit. ff. magistrates 9475 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de malefic. et mathe. C. RL 1043 worse to kill by poison than by the sword L 767 5488 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de natalib. restit. C. R 61 n1 rules for manumission 7526 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offi. consulis. R 458 n2 Ulpian says: Consul can manumit Consul 7011 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offi. eius cui mandata R 383 n2 scope of a commission 7364 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offi. praefect. urbi. R 435 n6 Severus extends jurisdiction of Praefectors Urbi 9377 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offi. praefecti Urbi. ff. R 1028 n3 legal power of Praefectus Urbi 7356 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offic. eius cui mandat. R 434 n3 cause of dispute between Azo & Lothaire was RL the words of Papinian: Quaecunque specialiter lege, vel senatus consulto, vel principum constitutione tribuuntur, etc. [9 lines quoted in Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6421 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de offic. praefecti praetor. R 9492 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de pignora. l. quae fortuitis. 5. eod. C. R l. 1. commodati. C. 7103 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de Proximis Sacrorum. C. & R l. 29. de usuris. C. lib. 12. Cod. & in auth. ut ab illustri. l. speciosas. de verb. signif. 5093 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de rapt. vir. C. R 5059 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de tutel. ff. l. ius dandi. eod. R 7054 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de variis & extraordin. cogni. R 6985 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de variis cognit. Iaco. Butri. in l. qui R procuratorem princip. de procur. Laufranc. in repet. c. quoniam contra de probat. dd. in l. & quia. de iurisdic. Fel. in cap. licet. de offi. ordin. Aug. consi. 137. 7125 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. de ventre inspiciendo RL 7239 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ex quibus causis maior. R 9459 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. fine. de extraord. crim. l. si quis ali- R quid. §. 1. de poenis. l. si fugitivus. de servis fugit. C.... 6940 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. in rerum amotarum. l. Gallus. [de RL liberis posthum. quod ab Iurisconsultorum authoritate pendebat, Aufrenius in decis. Tolosa. q. 405. Bald. in l. humanum de legibus. C.] 6382 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. 3. de leg. C. l. placuit. de iudic. C. R l. 1. de constitutio princ. 7108 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. dies. §. duas. de damno infecto. ff. R l. iubere. de iurisdict. d. l. 1. & l. dies. §. ubi. l. ius dandi. de tutorib. datis. l. ea quae. ad municipal. 5602 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. dies.§. duas. de damno infecto. l. R iubere cavere. de iurisdict. l. ea quae ad municipal. 7603 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. non dubium. de legib. C. R 5662 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. originem. de municipalibus & R origin. C. l. assumptio. ad municipal. 7457 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. l. si de fundo. de vi & vi armat. R l. si pignore. §. si praedo. de pignor. l. 1. §. si praedo. l. bona fides. deposit. l. ita. ut si fur vel praedo. commodati. 8658 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. mandati. ff. RL 5497 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ne Christianum mancipium vel pagan. R vel Iudaeus. C. 8198 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ne quis in sua causa iudicat. C. R l. qui iurisdictioni. de iurisdict. 9641 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. negotiatores ne milit. C. RL 6423 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. quis & a quo appellat. [F 80 only] 22 Notes Latin] 232 n8 on powers of praefectum praetorio 1046 n3 man, not a craftsman in jewelry, who spoils a gem suffers a penalty 395 n4 different grades of magistrates W Page R n5 n6 20 n9 17 n3 386 n3 380 n6 rape by a fiancé care of orphans, etc. commission is an extraordinary method office compared to commission 397 on the powers of the Pontifices L 277 412 n1 formula in Praetor's edicts: “Si qua mihi iusta causa videbitur." 1041 n1 intention punished less than effect 370 edicts of minor magistrates became part of the body of law 223 n4 right of declaring & correcting law 396 n1 Ulpian on powers of the Duumviri n2 n3 n4 n5 82 n5 power of municipal magistrates in the provinces 468 n1 only the prince can interpret his laws 89 n6 citizenship 445 n2 the law abhors recourse to force 785 63 n7 performance of a duty does not require payment slavery 627 n4 interested party cannot be judge 503* they act wisely those who forbid the nobility, L360A magistrates and soldiers to deal in trade n8 233 n1 on right of appeal Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7556 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. quis & a quo. appellatur. ff. 6508 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. quod cuiusque universi. l. inter publica. de verb. signif. l. si quis de vectigal. cap. super quibusdam. de verb. signif. §. praeterea. 7676 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. sed religionis. de collegis. l. 1. de sacrosanct. C. l. ult. de iurisd. C. l. collegium. de haeredib. institut. 8803 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. si minor se majorem. C. 1. neque natales. de probat. C. 7443 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. si quis ius dicenti non obtemperaverit. 7107 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. si quis ius dicenti. l. cum ab eo. ad l. Iul. pecul. 7473 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. si quis ius dicenti. l. item apud. §. adiicitur. Angel. in l. qui iurisdictioni. de iurisdict. cap. j. de poenis. 6388 *[leg. ref.] l. j. ut armorum usus. C. authentica de armis. Aufrerius inti. de guertis veterem ordinationem citat, & Feral. privileg. 9660 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. ut ordinum dignit. C. 6488 *[leg. ref.] l. 1. vectigalia nova imponi. C. cap. 1. quae sint regalia. Fa. ibidem. Gallus quaest. 60. parte 5 stili forensis. 9518 *[leg. ref.] l. 14. §. serviles. de ritu nupt. l. 49. de manumis. test. ff. l. 35. de edilitio. l. 3. de incestis. C. [&] l. adoptivus. de ritu nupt. ff. 9271 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. & 3. de legib. ff. W Page Notes R 462 n3 on delegates R 246 n8 on taxes 23 R 479 n3 on religious collegia R 837 n.o censor’s lists under Gk. emperors R 444 n4 obedience to magistrates R 396 n9 Ulpian says all magistrates can defend their n1 jurisdiction by penalties 446 n9 magistrate’s right to deal with “contempt of court” R R 224 n.o right of peace & war RL 503* citizens better divided into three parts than two L363B n2 R 244 n2 right of taxation RL 503* L349B n2 n3 RL 993 L 733 5614 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. & toto titul. de censib. R 84 n6 9030 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. // l. 1. de iure trium liberorum. C. R 888 n9 9642 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. §. 1. de admi. rerum ad civitat. Bart. RL 503* in l. 3. §. si procurat. quod quisque iuris. L360A ff. Alciat. in l. mercis. de verb. signif. ff. n9 5381 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. §. adoptivi. de vacat. munerum. & §. i R 46 n7 in institut. de excursat. l. fidei conmissum. de condit. & demonst. n8 6543 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. §. hoc interdictum. ne quid in loco R 247 n4 publico. l. sed Celsus. de contrah. empt. Plin. in panegyrico. Spartia. in Adriano. l. bene a Zenone. de quadriennii praescript. 9368 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. §. ignominiae. de iis qui notantur RL 1026 L 755 6176 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. §. in certam de praetor. stipul. RL 175 l. damni. 1. §. si is qui de damno. L 91 l. qui fundus de condit. & demonstrat. 154 l. nec in plures. de exercit. l. quod si nolit. §. si plures de aedil. ff. tex. in l. imper. §. n42 ducatus. de prohibita feud al. Isern. Iacob. Belloni. Bal. Hostiens. in summa tit. de feu. §. ult. Martin. laud. in d. §. omnes rights of slaves – didn’t have the rights of marriage should a child succeed (inherit)? different grades of citizenship marriage laws of Honorius & Theodosius those who cannot trade should not be allowed to circumvent the law through the help of servants laws to prevent abuse of adoption private compared to public domain of a prince judges not to give reasons for their judgments on liege homage Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page Zasius in epit. feud. parte 7. qui eundem Germanis morem esse tradit. 5750 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de censib. toto titul. de senator. R l. 1. de dignitat. C. 7764 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de decur. C. Panor. Felin. Anto. R Butrio in c. cum omnes. de. constit. 6475 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de falsa moneta. C. R 6548 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de falsa mone. C. Bart. ait ex ea causa R feudatarios bona damnati capere. 8548 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de iis qui ante sent. ff. RL Notes 24 100 n6 many examples in our laws of exemptions from taxes and charges 487 n7 voting in colleges 242 n5 on issuing coinage 248 n8 confiscation in cases of false moneying 723 laws against those who kill themselves before sentence is passed on subjects in border areas on magistates' fines “nam ex erroribus et inani opinione iura iudiciaque saepissime constituuntur” on power of appointing legati to Proconsuls; “Apud legatum Proconsulis non est legis actio.” number of praetors increased to 16 in earliest times no law - princes judged by their royal power when the kings were driven out, the plebs passed laws to prevent the life, etc. of citizens being in the arbitrary power of the magistrates on the Quaestores Paricidii powers of praetors under leges Corneliae on senators removed by censors & later reinstated; Ulpian is not sure whether they are acceptable as witnesses the jurisconsults on “ought those suffering ignominy also suffer infamia?” 5624 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de iis qui sunt sui vel alieni iuris. 7114 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de modo mult. C. 8574 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de off. Praetor. l. 3. de supellectile legata. ff. 7557 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de officio proconsulis. R 86 n2 R 397 n8 RL 730 R 463 n2 7229 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de orig. iuris. 9337 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de orig. iuris. R R 405 n8 1021 6810 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de orig. Iuris. [Dig. I. 2.] R 331 n4 6955 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de origine iuris 7352 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de origine iuris 8870 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de Senator. ff. RL 374 R 433 n8 R 851 n3 8868 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de senatorib. ff. l. cognitionum. de variis et extraord. cogni. ff. l. palam. §. quae. de ritu nuptiar. ff. 7215 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de senatoribus. ff. R 850 n7 R 6361 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. de veteri iure enuclea. C [C. 1. 17] R 403 n4 Iurisconsult Cassius on removal of senator from his position by the censor 220 n8 Julian the Jurisconsllt collects edicts of praetors. Emperor Adrian tries to give them force of law 309 n9 Theodosius the younger & Arcadius, succeeding to a tyrant, question some of his acts & ratify others "Quae tyrannus contra ius rescripsit, non valere praecipimus, legitimis eius rescriptis minime impugnandis." 399 n6 Ulpian says no right of vocatio against n7 magistrates 6785 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. eod. [F 80] // l. 3. eod [L 86] R [i.e. de infirmandis iis quae sub tyrannis] C. Theodosiano. 7176 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. in ius vocando l. sed & si. §. haec clausula. ex quibus. causis majores. l. nec magistratibus. de iniur. 6380 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. quae sint longa consuetudo. C. Bart. Bald. Alber.[in l. de quib. de legibus F 80] [in l. de quib. legibus L 86] 7267 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. quae sit longa consuet. c. 6500 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. quae sit longa consuetud. C. 5056 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. quando & quibus quarta. C. 8835 *[leg. ref.] l. 2. quando et quibus quarta pars. C. R 7747 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. & 4. quod cuiusque universitat. 7798 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. §. 1. de acquir. poss. l. 1. de libert. universitatis R R R 222 n3 custom cannot derogate from law R R R R 416 n6 245 n1 17 n2 842 n1 on old laws right to impose taxes public property not treated properly law about censuses - not an inteference with man’s private affairs 485 n.o rules of voting in colleges 489 n2 rights of colleges Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5072 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. §. diuus. de sepulchro violat. ff. l. nemo. potest de legat. 1. 5940 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. §. divus. de Sepulchro violat. l. 2. quae sit longa consuetud. C. 6538 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. §. in amittenda de acq. poss. l. 1. pro derelicto. [L. 86 has only: l. 1. pro derelicto.] 7521 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. §. ult. l. nam et magistratibus. de arbitris. l. apud. de manumiss. vindic. l. minor. de minoribus. 5338 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. 4. 5. de legib. R 25 Notes private laws must not derogate from “loix & ordonnances generales” 150 n3 customs cannot derogate from general laws R 247 n2 right of lord ro seize goods abandoned R 457 n8 on powers of equal magistrates R 40 n3 W Page R 18 n9 slight possible disadvantages no bar to a law being passed 7475 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. ad l. Iul. maiest. R 446 n2 harm done to a magistrate is treason 6356 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. ad l. Iul. maiestat. R 218 n4 harm done to a magistrate is treason 5486 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de iure aureor. annul. R 61 n6 rules for manumission l. ult. eod. n7 l. i. eod. n8 7367 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de iurisdict. RL 435 Ulpian on “potestas” 5830 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de offi. proconsul. l. et quia. l. solet. R 127 n6 delegation of power de iurisdic. l. & si de offi. eius cui. ff. 7562 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de officio praesid. l. ult. de iuris. R 464 n7 power of magistrates only valid in their territory or province 9410 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de privilegio veteranorum. l. mores. R 1034 n6 penalties §. sed enim. de poenis. 7070 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de re milit. R 388 n1 to exceed orders in battle is a crime 7269 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de supell. lega. l. 2. de offic. praet. R 416 n8 common error often takes force of law 6531 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. de suppellectili leg. Barbarius. de RL 247 "Ius quaeris? error ius facit." offic. praetor. L 91 224 n44 7758 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. l. 4. l. item. quod cuiusque R 486 n5 rule of majority universitat. Bart. Angel. Castrens. ibid... 7615 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. quae in fraudem. l. 2. iudicatum solui. R 469 n5 the phrases “litem mori” & “ litem vivere” l. ult. de sid. instrum. 7553 *[leg. ref.] l. 3. si adversus rem iudic. C. l. minor R 461 n8 powers of magistrates vis-à-vis each other autem. de minor. l. 1. §. si quis. de appell. n9 l. iudicium soluitur. de iudic. n1 9348 *[leg. ref.] l. 4. 5. 6. de legib. ff. R 1023 n8 law without equity is soulless - concerns only general things 5084 *[leg. ref.] l. 4. de condit. & demonstrat. ff. l. ea quae R 20 n5 status of women ad municipal. 5458 *[leg. ref.] l. 4. princip. de re militari. l. ab omni R 56 n.o slaves not to be armed militia. eo. 7289 *[leg. ref.] l. 4. si contra ius vel utilitatem. C. R 423 n2 law ordering magistrate to inquire into truth of facts mentioned in rescripts 7689 *[leg. ref.] l. 5. §. ult. ad l. aquil.l. item quaeritur. §. R 482 n6 killer of a slave must pay the slave’s price item. locati. l. 1. de emendat. propin. C. 5628 *[leg. ref.] l. 5. de captivis. l. in bello. priu. eod. R 87 n1 citizen can give up his citizenship l. nihil interest. eod. 5530 *[leg. ref.] l. 5. de captivis. l. 7. ad municipalem tit. R 70 n9 slave of citizen compared with slave of de manumissio. in instit. l. cives. de peregrinus incolis. C. 5512 *[leg. ref.] l. 6. et sequenti. de servis export. R 67 n6 Papinian’s views on slavery 5052 *[leg. ref.] l. 7. §. si paciscar. de pact. ff. R 15 n.o Familiaris res opponitur publicae Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page l. 4. de publicis iudiciis. ff. 9426 *[leg. ref.] l. 795. & 131. partic. 2. chap. R 7681 *[leg. ref.] l. 96. §. 1. l. 114. §. quae ab intestato. de R legat. 1. l. 50. de manumissis testament. l. 6. §. est fisco. ad Trebell. l. 6. §. certe. si quis omissa causa testa. l. 1. §. 1. l. ult. de successor. edict. l. 1. §. divus. l. 41. de iure fisci. l. 18. de usu. [l. 19. de universis et temporal L 86] [F 80 l. 19. DD. diversis et tempor.] l. 10. de inoffi. testa. C. l. 22. de appell. & c. cum dilecti. de rescript. l. ult. de collegiis. 7344 *[leg. ref.] l. a divo prin. de re iudic. R Notes 1035 n9 penalty under laws of Alphons X, K. of Castille 480 n7 right of a collegium 430 n6 commissioners with power to judge, but not to execute judgment 467 n4 execution of judgment outside magistrate’s own territory; the law says: “Sententiam Romae dictam, possunt Praesides in provinciis, si hoc iussi fuerint, exequi.” 381 n8 commissioners - by whom appointed? 132 n2 L adds “inquit Pomponius” 7599 *[leg. ref.] l. a divo. §. sententiam. de re iudic. [D. 42. 1. 15. 1] R 6999 *[leg. ref.] l. a iudice. de iudic. C. 5856 *[leg. ref.] l. à Titio. §. nulla. de verb. obli. l. si quis. in principio. de legat. 3 5922 *[leg. ref.] l. à Titio. §. nulla. de verb. oblig. l. ille à quo. §. tempestium. ad Trebell. l. si quis in principio. de legat. 3. l. penult. de arbitris. ff. 7433 *[leg. ref.] l. A Titio. §. nulla. de verbor. oblig. 7750 *[leg. ref.] l. ab emptione de pactis. R R RL R 149 n6 a law cannot be made which is irrevocable R R 26 443 n4 laws cannot bind he who made them 485 n1 two individuals can together alter what they have mutually agreed 6646 *[leg. ref.] l. ad bestias. de poenis RL 274 on granting freedom to a performer in the Circus 5485 *[leg. ref.] l. ad bestias. de poenis. l. si proprietatem R 61 n5 rules for manumission de iis qui a non domino. C. l. nec competit. eod. C. l. si servo. qui et a quibus 9544 *[leg. ref.] l. ad cognoscendum de ingenuis. C. RL 503* it is lawful for every man to devise his L352C cognisance n6 5202 *[leg. ref.] l. ad municipal. Plutar. de claris mulierib. R 28 n3 matrilinear status 7614 *[leg. ref.] l. ad peremptorium de iudi. ff. R 468 n4 edicta preemptoria l. 3. de temporibus. appell. 5862 *[leg. ref.] l. adigere. de iure patronat. R 133 n5 on oaths l. qui iurato. qui satisd. cogatur. ff. 5186 *[leg. ref.] l. adversus de crimine expilat. haereditate R 27 n5 wife is "companion of the human & divine house" 5039 *[leg. ref.] l. an usus fructus. de usufr. ff. R 12 n5 usufruct lasts only 100 years 5569 *[leg. ref.] l. Antiochensium. de privilegiis R 75 n.9 city of Antioch creditorum 7525 *[leg. ref.] l. apud. de manumissis vindicta. R 458 n1 Paulus on manumission l. apud. de manumissionibus 5455 *[leg. ref.] l. arethusa. de statu hom. R 56 n7 slaves with many children had better chance of freedom 9424 *[leg. ref.] l. aut facta. §. persona. l. praetor. §. R 1035 n7 offender against a noble is punished more praeterea. et seq. de iniuriis. severely 7476 *[leg. ref.] l. aut facta. de poenis. RL 447 magistrate is especially sacrosanct when acting l. 4. de interrogat. in iure fac. as judge 8790 *[leg. ref.] l. aut facta. de poenis. RL 834 not fair to be punished for accidentally breaking Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 6198 *[leg. ref.] l. Barbarius de offi. praetor. l. ad bestias. de poenis 8551 *[leg. ref.] l. bona fides depositi. ff. R R 5857 *[leg. ref.] l. c. mandasti. 2. 4. licet Archidiaconus R contra sentiat. in c. 2. constit. lib. 6. ex cap. nemo. 11. q. 3. 5554 *[leg. ref.] l. Caesar. de publicanis. l. sed siquis. eod. R 9359 *[leg. ref.] l. caeterae. famil. erciseundae Bart. in R extravagenti ad reprimendam. verbo videbitur. Bal. in l. si quando. de inoffi. test. C. Panor. Felin. in c. 1. de const. ext. 6080 *[leg. ref.] l. cap. 1. de iis qui feudem dare possunt. R 5508 *[leg. ref.] l. capitalium §. in servorum. de poenis. R l. 1. de emendat. ser. C. 9406 *[leg. ref.] l. capitalium. §. in servorum. de poenis. & R §. ult. eod. l. 3. de ordi. cognit. C. 9466 *[leg. ref.] l. capitalium. §. ult. de poenis. ff. R 5825 *[leg. ref.] l. certe. §. i. de precario. cap. mulieres. de R sentent. excom. ext. 5500 *[leg. ref.] l. circuncidere. de poenis. R 5669 *[leg. ref.] l. cives. de incolis R l. domicilium. ad municipal. 7216 *[leg. ref.] l. cognitionum. de variis cog. R 9651 *[leg. ref.] l. colonos de agricol. C. l. ult. de mancip. RL & col. 1. 2. de praepositis sacri cubic. C. l. milites locati. C. l. originarius de agricolis. C. 5007 *[leg. ref.] l. communi. §. inter praedones. communi R divid. 5176 *[leg. ref.] l. consensu. de repud. C. l. ult. eod. R Bald. in l. 1. quod scimus. de latina libert. 7063 *[leg. ref.] l. contra. §. ult. de pactis. l. transactionis. R de transact. l. mandato. de procurat. l. procurator tutorum. eod. l. iusiurandum. §. ult. de iureiurand. l. 3. de acceptilat. 7462 *[leg. ref.] l. creditores. de vi privata. l. in rebus. de R iure dot. C. l. extat. quod metus. ff. 9261 *[leg. ref.] l. cum acutissimi. l. cum prudentissimum. RL de fidei commiss. C. l. cum avus. de condit. et demonstr. ff. 5335 *[leg. ref.] l. cum furiosus. de curat. fur. C. l. ult. R famil. ercis. C. 5372 *[leg. ref.] l. cum in adoptivis. C. de adopt. R 5055 *[leg. ref.] l. cum pater. §. dulcissimus. de legat. 2. R l. 2. quando & quibus quarta pars. C. l. in re communi. urbanorum praediorum. l. sancimus. §. fin. autem. de donat. C. l. Lucius §. Caius. de legat. 2. 7402 *[leg. ref.] l. cum prolatis. de re iudic. Felin. in c. R cum non ab homine. de iudiciis. 8542 *[leg. ref.] l. cum ratio naturalis. de bonis damnat. R 9267 *[leg. ref.] l. cum ratio. de bonis dam. RL 180 n8 n9 723 n.o 132 n3 27 Notes agreement a slave who is made a magistrate is automatically freed law wishes children of wrongdoer to suffer too as example to others the canonists say the Pope never binds his hands 74 n1 on a city 1025 n6 judge must be innocent and good 162 n1 nature of a fief 65 n2 punishment of slaves n3 1034 n4 penalties 1042 Roman laws on robbers 125 n4 master is responsible for what he delegates to others 63 n9 Trajan forbids circumcision 90 n3 rights of residence n4 403 n6 forms of punishment 503* husbandmen in the fall of the Roman Empire L361A were removed from military service and placed n1 among laborers; necessity may require such changes 4 n7 pirate societies lack “droit gouvernement” 27 n9 on divorce 388 n7 limited powers of a commissioner 446 n6 you must not recover your own things by force 993 L 732 succession - Papinian 40 n8 law presumes parents will act for good of their children on adoption community of goods causes discord 45 n1 16 n1 440 n2 on appeal from penalty fixed by law 721 n1 goods of father go by right to his sons 993 succession L 733 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 7682 *[leg. ref.] l. cum senatus. de rebus dubiis. R l. omnibus. ad Trebell. ff. 6545 *[leg. ref.] l. cum servus. §. ult. de legat. 1. l. 1. de R iurisdict. C. l. et [F 80: ex] consensu. §. 1. de appellat. l. 3. ubi causae fiscales. C. toto tit. si adversus fiscum. C. l. 1. de offic. procurator. Caesar Augustus primus procuratores instituit ut ait Dio. lib. 53. 7088 *[leg. ref.] l. curator. de modo mult. C. R 5604 *[leg. ref.] 1. de defensorib. civitat. C. R l. solent. l. si quid erit. l. penult. & ult. de offic. proconsul. 6521 *[leg. ref.] l. de naufrag. C. & tit. de incendio ruina et R naufrag. l. qui levandae. ad l. Rhodiam. l. divus. de offic. praesid. ff. 6375 *[leg. ref.] l. de quibus. l. diuturna. de legibus R 6560 *[leg. ref.] l. decreta. de re iudicata. ff. RL 5929 *[leg. ref.] l. digna vox. de constitut. princip. C. R l. ex imperfecto. de legat. 3. & l. ex imperfecto de testament. C. 7304 *[leg. ref.] l. disputare de crimine sacrileg. C. R l. quidam consulebant. de re iudica. 5252 *[leg. ref.] l. diuus. ad l. Pompeiam. de paricid. R 7625 *[leg. ref.] l. Divus Adrianus. de custod. reor. R 9303 *[leg. ref.] l. doce ancillam. de rei vindic. C. l. dotis. l. plerumque. de iure dot. ff. l. pro oneribus eodem. C. 7959 *[leg. ref.] l. domus. de legat. 1. 5991 *[leg. ref.] l. dudum de empt. & vend. 6166 *[leg. ref.] l. ea quae. de regu. l. 2. de verb. oblig. R Page Notes 480 n8 on collegia 28 248 n5 public & private domains of Roman Emperors 392 n6 curator or ής could not impose a fine 82 n8 power of municipal magistrates in the provinces n9 247 n7 rights of princes in maritime districts 222 n.o custom has as much force as law 249 presidents of provinces are ordered to use Latin 149 n9 appropriate for sovereign prince to keep to the law 424 n8 duty of magistrate to test statements in rescripts 31 n2 father kills his son who had committed incest with his mother 471 n8 Adrian orders provincial governors to retry cases tried by foreign judges 1010 n5 fruits of dowry belong to husband R 544 n6 values of houses depends on their age RL 154 Romans and the law of nations RL 175 on liege homage L 118A 8664 *[leg. ref.] l. eadem dicemus. de verb. oblig. ff. et ibi RL 788 promise binding on one’s heirs Bart. nu. 30. l. tale pactum. de pactis. 5674 *[leg. ref.] l. eam quam. de fideicomm. C. R 90 n6 noncitizens may leave charitable legacies l. proxime. de iis quae in testamento del. 5130 *[leg. ref.] Leges Rotaris & Luitprandi & in legibus R 23 n5 subjection of Lombard women Longobard. c. 1. & penult. & ult. titulo qualiter mulier. lib. alien. permiss. 5003 *[leg. ref.] l. eius qui a latronibus. de testam. ff. R 2 n3 on rights of those captured by pirates, etc. 5623 *[leg. ref.] l. eius. ad municip. R 85 n.o citizenship of several towns 9397 *[leg. ref.] l. eos qui. §. ne temere. de appel. C. R 1031 n.o on penalties a 9436 *[leg. ref.] l. eos qui. de poenis. Roman. singul. 476. R 1037 n4 nobles punished more heavily for crimes against & 669. Bald. in cap. si quis vero. de pac. their Prince iuramento. Felin. in ca. pastoralis. de iure iurand. 9328 *[leg. ref.] l. eos. de usuris. C. RL 1016 jurisconsults don’t understand harmonic L 748 proportion 9494 *[leg. ref.] l. eos. de usuris. C. cum auth. ad haec. R 1047 n5 Iustinian and his law on usury eod. et auth. rem duram. 7596 *[leg. ref.] l. episcopale. de episcopali. audient. C. & R 467 n3 on executing judgment outside one’s territory c. Romana. §. contrahente. de foro competenti. li. 6. l. iudices. de fide Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page iustrument. C. 7294 *[leg. ref.] l. epistola. de pactis. R 7507 *[leg. ref.] l. est receptum. de iurisdic. l. si quis in R conscribendo. de pactis. 9458 *[leg. ref.] l. et generaliter. §. 1. de calumniat. l. si R amicis. de adult. 7042 *[leg. ref.] l. et quia. de iurisdict. Io. Andr. Bald. R Imol. Hostiens. Panor. in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. Angel. in l. 1. de iurisdict. Bart. in d. l. et quia. l. inter. l. si quis alicui. l. mandatum mandati. 5898 *[leg. ref.] l. eum quem temere. de iudic. ff. R 6078 *[leg. ref.] l. ex hoc iure. de iustitia. R 8958 *[leg. ref.] l. ex imperfecto. de testamentis. C. & de R leg. 3. 8980 *[leg. ref.] l. ex praestatione. et toto titulo de RL vectigalilb. C. 7510 *[leg. ref.] l. expressa. de regul. RL 8788 *[leg. ref.] l. extat. quod metus. ff. RL 5033 *[leg. ref.] l. familiae. de verbor. signif. R 9450 *[leg. ref.] l. fere in omnibus. de regul. R 9268 *[leg. ref.] l. filius familias. §. divi. de legat. 1. RL l. cum pater. §. pen. de leg. 2. ff. l. haeredes mei. §. ult. ad Trebell. ff. 9286 *[leg. ref.] l. foeminae. de regul. ff. R l. cum praetor. de iudicis. ff. l. 1. de postulando. ff. 9308 *[leg. ref.] l. foeminae. de senat. l. cum te. l. ult. de R nupt. C. l. ult. de incolis. C. & cC. ubicumque. de poenis. lib. 6. Bart. in l. 1. col. 7. de in ius voc. C. Plat. in l. 1. col. 2. de dignit. C. ... 5197 *[leg. ref.] l. foeminae. de senat. l. cum te. l. ulti. de R nupt. l. ulti. de incolis. C. Barto. Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de verbo signif. [L. 86 omits Jason] 6512 *[leg. ref.] l. forma. §. salinae. de censib. l. magis R puto. prin. de rebus eorum qui. ff. Alex in l. divortio. §. si vir in fundo. soluto matri. Ludo. Rom. in l. si fundum. eod. 5842 *[leg. ref.] l. forma. de offi. praefect. praetor. C. R 5182 *[leg. ref.] l. generaliter. de in ius vocando. Decius in R l. ulti. eod. in fine. C. 7228 *[leg. ref.] l. generaliter. de tabul. C. R 9266 *[leg. ref.] l. hac edict. §. his omnibus. de secundis nupt. C. et ibi DD. Ancaran. consi. 106. col. 1. Bar. in l. si is qui pro emptore. l. qui non prohibet. de regul. ff. 7888 *[leg. ref.] l. haereditas. ad Trebell. 8816 *[leg. ref.] l. haereditatum ad l. Fal. 9545 *[leg. ref.] l. Henrici III. regis vetitum praeterquam nobilibus. Notes 29 423 n.o statements in rescripts must be tested 455 n3 an equal or superior magistrate can be tried by his peers or inferiors 1041 n9 judge crimes acc. to their intention 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 142 n1 loser of lawsuit & the costs 161 n9 obligations of a prince 870 n3 if testament was imperfect ruler seized estate 875 duty of ⅛ = octavarium 456 834 11 n2 1039 n3 993 L 733 Expressa nocent, non expressa non nocent different kinds of “vis” or “assault” family = 3 at least & the pater young people more lightly punished succession 1001 n3 women not eligible for public offices n4 n5 1011 n9 glory, etc. of family depends on man 28 n1 noble husbands & their wives' status 246 n2 tax on salt 131 n5 power of the sovereign 27 n4 divorce 405 n7 Valentinian forbids slaves from holding even the most minor offices RL 993 succession L.733 R 530 n6 man’s life is of 60 years RL 838 life of man is 63 years RL 503* not lawful to borrow insignia of noble families L352C n7 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 6284 *[leg. ref.] l. hoc iure § ductus aquae. de aqua R cotidiana 8905 *[leg. ref.] l. hoc iure. §. ductus aquae. de aqua R quotid. ff. 6728 *[leg. ref.] l. hoc iure. §. ductus aquae. de quotidiana. R 9379 *[leg. ref.] l. hodie. de poenis. ff. R 7224 *[leg. ref.] l. honor. de muneribus. R 30 Page Notes 203 n3 discontinued servitude - prescription of 100 years is necessary 857 n1 land tenure - generally for 100 years 299 n8 tyrant gains title by lay prescription 1028 extraordinary judgments 405 n4 Callistratus says: "Honor est administratio Reipublicae cum dignitate." 278 n6 just war compared to brigandage 6662 *[leg. ref.] l. hostes. de captivis. l. hostes de verbor. R signif. 5000 *[leg. ref.] l. hostes. de verb. signif. RL 2 text: "legitimos hostes" 5912 *[leg. ref.] l. humanum de legib. R 147 n1 Emperor Theodosius wants his laws ratified by the Senate 5321 *[leg. ref.] l. humilem & authent. ex complexu. de R 39 n7 all laws abominate incest incestis & inutilib. C. 5283 *[leg. ref.] l. i. §. nec castrense. de collat. bon. l.i. de R 36 n1 emancipation of sons castrensi pecul. C. l. forti. l. advocati de advocatis diu. iudicior. C. l. fine emancip. C. Alexand. consil. 142. lib. 2 5401 *[leg. ref.] l. i. §. quae onerandae. quarum rerum 48 n1 enslavement actio non detur. 5247 *[leg. ref.] l. i. ad l. Pompeiam R 30 n8 la loy Pompeia des Paricides 5539 *[leg. ref.] l. i. ad municipal. R 72 n.o citizenship l. assumptio. ad municipal. n5 5281 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de bonis maternis. C. R 36 n7 on son's inheritances l. cum oportet. de bonis quae liberis n8 5828 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de constitut. princip. R 127 n5 delegated power 5832 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de donat. R 128 n8 a donation may be free and without conditions l. perfecta de donat. C. n9 5280 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de emendat. propinq. C. R 36 n4 status of children with regard to their fathers l. si filius. de patria pot. C. n5 l. quae sit longa consuet. C. n6 8751 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de iis qui sunt. ff. R 824 n3 law orders slave to be taken out of jurisdiction of cruel master 5399 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de legat. 3. l. eius qui a latronib. de R 48 n8 enslavement testam. 5396 *[leg. ref.] l. i. de patria potest. C. Cicero pro R 47 n6 fathers could not take away the liberty of their Caecinna children 5855 *[leg. ref.] l. ille à quo. §. tempestivum ad Trebell. R 132 n1 impossible by nature to give laws to oneself l. penult. de arbitris. cap. innotuit. de elect. 5342 *[leg. ref.] l. ille a quo. §. ult. ad Trebel. R 40 n6 patria potestas superceded by rights of son when an official of the state 6747 *[leg. ref.] l. illicitas. de offic. praesid. satis, inquit, R 303 n9 madness is a plea in attenuation of murder ipso furore torquetur 7569 *[leg. ref.] l. imperialem. §. praeterea. de prohib. R 465 n9 jurisdiction is indivisible feud. alien. 7300 *[leg. ref.] l. imperiali. l. 3. l. humanum. de legi. C. l. R 423 n6 only the prince himself can declare the meaning ult. eo. l. placuit. de iudi. of his rescripts 9599 *[leg. ref.] l. imperialis. de nupt. C. l. 1. de senten- RL 503* nobility once lost can only be restored by the tiam passis. C. L357B Prince by special rescript n9 5596 *[leg. ref.] l. imperium. de iurisdict. R 81 n8 power of provincial governors 7225 *[leg. ref.] l. imperium. de iurisdict. R 405 n5 Ulpian calls governments of provinces "potestates" Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 5004 *[leg. ref.] l. in bello. de captivis. ff. R 5948 *[leg. ref.] l. in cap. non est. de voto… R 5447 *[leg. ref.] l. in capitalium de poenis. l. 1. de iis qui R ad statuas 5966 *[leg. ref.] l. in debiti. de condic. in deb. R l. 2. rerum amotar. l. ex hoc iure. de iustitia. Bar. Bald. Angel. eod. [ibid. L] 9357 *[leg. ref.] l. in fundo. de rei vindicat. l. placuit. de R indiciis. C. 5603 *[leg. ref.] l. in ius dandi. de tut. dat. R l. magistratib. de iurisdict. om. iud. 5083 *[leg. ref.] l. in liberae. de concubinis F R l. in liberae. de ritu nuptiarum L RL 7532 *[leg. ref.] l. in re communi. de regul. l. Sabinus. R communi dividundo. l. per fundum rusticorum. DD. in cap. cum omnes. de constit. l. fistulam. urbanorum praediorum 8923 *[leg. ref.] l. in reb. de iure dot. C. RL 5237 *[leg. ref.] l. in rebus de iure dot. C. R l. si ego. §. dotis. eod. ff. 6038 *[leg. ref.] l. in rem actio. de rei vindic. R 5262 *[leg. ref.] l. in suis. de liberis & post. R 5611 *[leg. ref.] l. in urbe. de statu hom. l. Roma. ad R municipal. 7076 *[leg. ref.] l. in venditione. §. de tempore. l. haec R venditio. de contrahend. empt. l. creditor. §. Lucius. mandati. 5277 *[leg. ref.] l. inauditum. ad l. Corn. de sicar. R 9598 *[leg. ref.] l. infamem. de public. iudic. l. si qua. de RL secun. nupt. C. Bald. ibid. l. 1. ubi senatores. C. Bald. & Plat. in l. 1. de dignit. col. 4. Bal. in l. cum antiquiotib. de iure de liberand. C. 7213 *[leg. ref.] l. infamem. de publicis iudic. ff. R l.1. de iis qui notantur. 8866 *[leg. ref.] l. Infamem. de publicis iudic. ff. R l. Infamem. de publicis iudic. ff. 9528 *[leg. ref.] l. infamia. de decurionib. l. 1. de infam. ff. RL l. si quis filio exhaeredato. §. irritum de iniusto. ff. 9601 *[leg. ref.] l. ingenuum de statu hom. ff. 9474 *[leg. ref.] l. is qui cum telo. ad. l. Cornel. de sicar. Page 2 n4 150 n6 54 n3 31 Notes on rights of those captured by pirates, etc. Pope can dispense one from the laws of God asylum for slaves 153 n1 whether princes are bound by compacts made with their subjects 1024 n5 magistrate in power of law, equity in spirit of magistrate 82 n6 power of municipal magistrates in the provinces n7 20 n4 status of women 458 n5 in conflict of equal magistrates he who forbids prevails 859 28 n3 husband can’t alienate wife’s dowry husbands and their wives' oaths 157 n4 sovereignty and subjects’ private property 32 n5 father's power over children 83 n5 Antoninus Pius gives citizenship to the whole empire 390 n5 on a "general charge" to an official 35 n8 father has to go to magistrate to punish his son 503* a man loses his honor in public judgment noted L357A with infamy n8 403 n.o n2 850 n5 n2 503* L350D n3 n4 RL 503* L357B n2 R 1043 n9 on infamia as opposed to ignominia judgment of censors brought ignominia; judgment of judges brought infamia at Rome vile men were barred from all honors yet had no exemption from military service a thing by judgment passed is accounted a true thing murder from ambush worse than murder in anger 227 n.o procurator must stick to his instructions 6399 *[leg. ref.] l. itaque de procurat. ff. l. contra §. ult. de R pactis. ff. l. si procurator. de condic. indeb…. 7819 *[leg. ref.] l. iubemus nulla. de sacrosanctis. C. RL 496 laws on colleges l. i. de magistratibus conveniend. ff. L 342 l. aurhent. de pace. l. metum. §. animadvertendum. de eo quod metus. Bart. in l. aut facta. de poenis. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 32 Slip Reference W Page Notes 5282 *[leg. ref.] l. iubemus. de emancip. C. Novel. quibus R 36 n9 emancipation of sons modis naturales. §. generaliter. collat. 7. l. cum in adoptivis §. i. de adopt. C. 7512 *[leg. ref.] l. iudicium soluitur. de iudic. ff. R 456 n.o Paulus says: “Iudicium soluitur, vetante eo qui iudicare iusserat, vel qui maius imperium in ea iurisdictione habe.,” 5814 *[leg. ref.] l. iudicium solvitur. R 123 n6 authority of the sovereign de iudic. l. solet. de iurisd. ff. 9493 *[leg. ref.] l. Iulianus. §. de actio empti. R 1046 n4 man, not a jeweler, who spoils a gem on purpose suffers a penalty 5860 *[leg. ref.] l. iurisgentium. §. si plagii. can. R 133 n3 one is not bound by an oath to oneself iusiurandum. 22. q. 5. 5238 *[leg. ref.] l. iurisgentium. §. si plagii. de pactis. R 29 n4 husbands and their wives' oaths l. generaliter de verbor. oblig. 5939 *[leg. ref.] l. ius publicum de pactis. R 150 n2 contracts of individuals cannot derogate from l. nemo potest. de leg. 1. decrees of magistrates 5072 *[leg. ref.] l. ius publicum. de pactis ff. RL 18 private laws must not derogate from public ones a 6945 *[leg. ref.] l. ius senatorum. de dignitat. R 370 n3 sovereignty not impaired by consulting senators 5758 *[leg. ref.] l. l. mandati. ff. R 102 n3 patrons & clients 5756 *[leg. ref.] l. l. omne delictum. de re militari. ff. R 101 n1 clients - protection 5899 *[leg. ref.] l. lege Iulia. de testibus. Canonico iure R 142 n2 abolition of custom by royal edict aliter cavetur. Bar. in tractat. de differentiis iuris civilis et canonici. 8105 *[leg. ref.] l. leges. de legibus. 1. ab Anastasio. R 581 n6 suppressing of magistracies at death of mandati. C. magistrate; all laws & decrees only look to the future 5442 *[leg. ref.] l. liber homo. ad l. aquil. R 54 n6 on murder of a slave 9595 *[leg. ref.] l. liberos. l. senatoris de senatorib. ff. RL 503* nobility may be transferred to those one has L356D adopted - contrary to the theologians and n5 philosophers 5405 *[leg. ref.] l. libertas de statu hom. R 49 n5 enslavement 5079 *[leg. ref.] l. libertas de statu homin. R 19 n1 natural liberty defined 5400 *[leg. ref.] l. Maevius. de condit. & demonstra. R 48 n9 enslavement 5305 *[leg. ref.] l. milites. §. si vitem. de re militari. ff. R 38 n2 death penalty for soldier who strikes captain a 5810 *[leg. ref.] l. more de iurisdict. l. et quia. eod. ff. R 122 n2 on delegation of jurisdiction 5826 *[leg. ref.] l. more. l. licet. l. et. quia. de iuris. RL 125 delegated power omnium iudicum. l. i. de offic. eius cui mandat. est iurisd. 7190 *[leg. ref.] l. motae. l. solet. de iurisdict. R 401 n6 on lieutenants 5357 *[leg. ref.] l. mulierem de adop. C. R 43 n9 adopted children 6949 *[leg. ref.] l. munus tribus. de verbor. signif. RL 373 definition of an official or officer 8575 *[leg. ref.] l. munus. de verbo signif. RL 730 an office can be an honor or a burden 5394 *[leg. ref.] l. nam & Servius de negot. gest. RL 47 those captured in war l. qui testamento. de testamentis. l. pater. de captivis. l. senatus. §. ult. de legat. 1. l. in bello. §. si quis servum de captivis.ff. 7045 *[leg. ref.] l. nam et servus. §. si vivo. de negot. RL 385 on urgent matters a commission continues even gestis. l. filio. §. hi autem. de iniusto after the death of the prince rupto. 5978 *[leg. ref.] l. nam hoc natura. de condi. in deb. l. si R 154 n4 prince must not profit by loss of another privatus. qui & a quibus. l. toties. de RL pollicitat. l. Antiochensium. de privileg. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference credi. 6075 *[leg. ref.] l. nam hoc natura. de condic. indeb. 7495 *[leg. ref.] l. nam quod attinet. ad Trebell. W Page R R Notes 33 161 n7 when sovereign bound by acts of predecessor 448 n1 domestic authority must yield to public authority 9287 *[leg. ref.] l. nam quod attinet. ad Trebell. R 1002 n6 domestic power separated from public power 6520 *[leg. ref.] l. navigia. de furtis. C. R 246 n6 rights of kings over shipwrecks 9624 *[leg. ref.] l. ne quis de dignit. C. l. si cohortalis. de RL 503* imperial laws closed honors and places of cohortalib. C. l. humilem de incestis. C. L359A command to the order of merchants n4 7345 *[leg. ref.] l. ne quis eum qui in ius vocatus est. R 430 n3 right to rescue someone being taken to court of law 7308 *[leg. ref.] l. nec damnosa. de precibus. C. R 424 n2 on privileges 7451 *[leg. ref.] l. nec magistratibus. de iniuriis. R 445 n9 appeals against judgments 7391 *[leg. ref.] l. nec mandante. de tutorib. datis. l. cum R 438 n2 powers which could not be delegated ii. §. sed nec mandante. de transact. l. et si. de offi. eius cui mand. 8377 *[leg. ref.] l. neminem. de incestis. R 684 n.0 polygamy in any form forbidden 6020 *[leg. ref.] l. nepos. de verbor. signif… R 156 n8 the prince cannot do anything which is dishonest 7677 *[leg. ref.] l. Neratius. de verb. signif. R 479 n4 collegium must have at least 3 members 5032 *[leg. ref.] l. Neratius. de verbor. signif. ff. R 11 n1 at least 3 persons for a collegium 8709 *[leg. ref.] l. nihil interest. de captivis. ff. l. 1. §. non R 805 n.o prisoner of war can try to escape sicut. de dolo. ff. 7574 *[leg. ref.] l. nimis. propere. de execut. rei iudic. C. R 465 n4 can a lord be judged by his peers? rules of fair l. 1. de confess. C. n5 trial l. 1. de exemptione. rei iudic. C. RL l. 1. comminationes epistoles. C. 9625 *[leg. ref.] l. nobiliores de commerc. C. RL 503* at Rome to deal in trade was forbidden the l. 1. negotiatores ne militent. C. L359A nobility, and to meddle in martial affairs was n5 forbidden merchants n6 9616 *[leg. ref.] l. nobiliores de commerciis. C. l. ne quis. RL 503* our noble men who have taken up base trades de dignitat. C. auth. de testib. §. 1. L358C have thereby left their nobility Bartol. & Plat. in d. l. 1. de dignit. n9 Curtius senior consi. 18. Fel. cap. super eo. 2. de testib. And. Isern. in constit. Sicil. & Afflic. tit. ut dignitat. ordo servetur. 9602 *[leg. ref.] l. nobiliores de commerciis. C. l. nequis. RL 503* noble men, by exercising base trades, lose their de dignit. C. Bart. & Plat. eod. Curtius L357B nobility senior consi. 18. Fel. in c. super eo. de n3 testib. 8970 *[leg. ref.] l. nobiliores. de commerciis. C. R 873 n7 gentlemen forbidden to trade by ordonnances of l. milites locati.C. l. ult. de rescindenda the Emperors vendit. C. l. 5. §. pupillus. de autoritate tutor. ff. 6824 *[leg. ref.] l. nominationum. de decurio. C. R 335 n1 voting & quorums in collegia l. ult. quod cuiusque universitat. 6349 *[leg. ref.] l. non ambigitur. de legib. ff. R 217 n4 Roman Senate has power to make laws 6937 *[leg. ref.] l. non ambigitur. de legibus. ff. R 370 n9 a jurist says "Senatum ius facere posse" 7745 *[leg. ref.] l. non distinguemus. §. Iulianus. de R 484 n6 relations of college & its members receptis. arbit. 5526 *[leg. ref.] l. non dubito de captivis R 70 n3 citizens versus subjects 5784 *[leg. ref.] l. non dubito. de captivis. ff. R 109 n.o hostes defined 5772 *[leg. ref.] l. non dubito. de captivis R 105 n4 does a prince under protection of another lose Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 34 Notes sovereignty? B. follows Pendects of Florence 135 n4 contracts of princes n5 n6 443 n8 about inheritances W Page 5879 *[leg. ref.] l. non dubium. de legib. C. R l. Labeo. de verbor. signif. ff. l. nihil tam naturale. de regul. 7428 *[leg. ref.] l. non est ambigendum. de bonorum R possess. §. sed remota. in iustit. de bonor. l. lege obvenire. de verb. sign. l. & ex diverso. de rei vendic. 7461 *[leg. ref.] l. non est singulis. de regul. R 6958 *[leg. ref.] l. non figura. de actionib. R 6117 *[leg. ref.] l. non omne. l. desertorem. de re mil. R Livius 1 RL 7533 *[leg. ref.] l. Nulli. quod cujusque universitatis. ff. RL 5094 *[leg. ref.] l. nuptias. de regul. R 5397 *[leg. ref.] l. ob. aes alienum. de actio. C. R Alciatus hanc legem accepit pro Praetilia // Paetilia 7047 *[leg. ref.] l. observare. fine. de offi. proconsul. & in R ca. ex parte decani. de rescript. ext. Molin. in tit. de censib. in consuetud. Parisiens. §. 52, glo. 1. nu. 131 5699 *[leg. ref.] l. omnes. communia de successio. C. R 7360 *[leg. ref.] l. ordo. de public. iudic. R RL n9 n4 446 n5 you must not take law into your own hands 376 n8 seals & wax, etc. are not the law 166 n3 duties of a vassal (L omits l. desertorem) 458 20 n1 48 n7 majority rule in colleges marriages enslavement for debt 385 n1 on ratification of deeds done under a commission from one's predecessor 95 n7 testamentary rights 435 n3 Martian says: Iudiciorum ordo ac circuitus pene inexplicabilis conversus est, manente poena legum iudicio cuique constituta. 28 n1 status of wife (L retains only the references to Baldus – 412//411 in later editions) 892 n9 conditions of loans 5223 *[leg. ref.] l. orig. & ibi glo. eod. Bal. cons. 51 // 351. R col. 2. lib. 1. & consil. 441. lib. 1. 9045 *[leg. ref.] l. pecuniae foenoris. de usuris. R l. Iulianus. §. idem. Pomponius. de action. empti. ff. 8530 *[leg. ref.] l. pecuniae. de verbor. signif. RL 718 8952 *[leg. ref.] l. pen. de Iudae. C. l. 4. de auro coronario. R Cod. Theodos. 7427 *[leg. ref.] l. penul. de institut. R l. penul. de iustitia. 7061 *[leg. ref.] l. penult. de iustitia. R legal position of women at Rome before Augustus’ time 868 n5 coronarium - gift by the Jews to the Emperors 443 n7 power of Praetor to correct and amend L n1 388 n2 office-holders are allowed a wide discretion in discharging their duties 7240 *[leg. ref.] l. penult. de iustitia. R 412 n2 powers of praetor urbanus 5829 *[leg. ref.] l. perfecta. de donat. quae sub modo. C. RL 127 delegation of power 5265 *[leg. ref.] l. placuit. de acquir. haeredit R 32 n8 father's power over children 7279 *[leg. ref.] l. placuit. de iudic. C. l. 1. de legib. C. R 420 n2 magistrate must judge according to the l. 1. ad Turpil. n3 ordonnance l. cum prolatis. de re iudicat. n4 l. si expressim. quando appellare non est n5 necesse. 9445 *[leg. ref.] l. plerique. de publ. iudic. ff. R 1038 n9 scale of fines 9215 *[leg. ref.] l. post perfectam. de donat. quae sub RL 979 Imperium, once given, does not admit of modo. C. L 721 conditions 6659 *[leg. ref.] l. postliminium. de captivis R 278 n5 right of conquest 5782 *[leg. ref.] l. postliminium. de captivis. R 109 n8 alliances & captives l. hostes de captivis & de verbor. sign. n1 5001 *[leg. ref.] l. postliminium. de captivis. ff. R 2 n1 on rights of those captured by pirates, etc. 7200 *[leg. ref.] l. potestatis. de verb. signif. R 402 n4 on meaning of word "potestas" Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page d. l. solet. l. 3. de iurisdict. n5 9490 *[leg. ref.] l. praeses. de poenis. l. 1. de iis. qui notan- RL 1046 tur L 769 7439 *[leg. ref.] l. praetor ait. §. ait praetor. de novi operis R 444 n9 7338 *[leg. ref.] l. praetor ait. §. ait praetor. de novi operis. R 427 n3 l. penult. de iustitia. l. servo. §. cum praetor ad Trebell. ff. 6358 *[leg. ref.] l. praetor ait. de novi operis nunciatione. R 218 n6 9442 *[leg. ref.] l. presbyter. de Episcopo. C. l. si quis R 1037 n7 decurio. de falsis. l. quaedam. de poenis. Thomas. 1. 2. q. 7. art. 3. artic. ult. Dinus. Bal. Salic. Iacob. Arena. in l. nemo. de summa trinit. C. 5841 *[leg. ref.] l. princeps. de legib. R 131 n4 l. sacratissimae. eod. C. 7748 *[leg. ref.] l. princeps. de legib. l. à Titio. §. nulla. de R 485 n8 verb. oblig. 5387 *[leg. ref.] l. pronuntiatio. de verb. signif. toto. titu. R 46 n1 si familia furtum. l. si quis id quod. de iurisdic. l. verbis. legis. de verbor. signif. 9443 *[leg. ref.] l. properandum. §. 4. de iudic. C. & in §. R 1038 n8 si quis. de pace iuramento. glo. in c. 1. §. si rustic. et eod. Bal. Alvarot. Cardin. Alexand. De pace tenenda. Odofred. Cynus. Alberic. Bald. in l. nemo de summa trinit.... 5038 *[leg. ref.] l. proponebatur. de iudi. ff. R 12 n4 7055 *[leg. ref.] l. proponebatur. de iudic. R 386 n4 Notes 35 double or fourfold penalty plus eternal infamy duty to obey magistrate magistrates must be obeyed use of word "maiestas" severer penalties for those in authority when they sin the prince is absolved from the laws prince not bound by his own laws familia rich fined more heavily ‘the people’ never dies in democracies and aristocracies the people or the seigneurs, as corporate bodies, never die 223 n7 rights of magistrates to interpret law n8 n9 6384 *[leg. ref.] l. prospexit. qui & a quib. R l. 1. ad Turpil. l. cum prolatis. de re iudic. [l. ius autem de iustitia. l. 1. de bonor. possess. F 80 only] 5407 *[leg. ref.] l. prospexit. qui et a quibus. duram R 49 n7 lawyers did not like the institution of slavery quidem ait Ulpian. sed ita scripta lex est. 8890 *[leg. ref.] l. quaestionis. de verbor. signif. R 856 n3 public domains 7422 *[leg. ref.] l. quatenus. de regulis. RL 442 “quod cuiusque interest in facto non iuris consistit, quibus verbis Paulus” cuts through mass of interpretations 9498 *[leg. ref.] l. quatenus. de regulis. RL 1047 id quod cuiusque interest, acc. to Paulus I. C. L 770 9404 *[leg. ref.] l. qui caedem. ad l. Cornel. de sicar. ff. R 1033 n2 murderer to be put to death 6219 *[leg. ref.] l. qui ex vico. ad municipales. l. forma. R 185 n4 on restrictions on sovereignty de censib. Faber in l. 1. de iure emphyteut. C. & in l. cunctos populos. de summa trinitate. C. argu. l. pupilli. §. territorium. de verbor. signif…. 8254 *[leg. ref.] l. qui iurasse de iureiurando. ff. RL 654 one can swear by one’s own deities L 484A 5809 *[leg. ref.] l. qui pignori. de usucapion. R 122 n1 on loans l. quod meo. de acquir. pos. ff. 5222 *[leg. ref.] l. quicunque. de re militari. C. Corne. R 28 n8 status of wife consil. 41. col. ult. lib. 1. l. cum quaedam. de iurisd. ff. l. exigere. n9 de iudic. l. ea quae. l. ult. ad municip. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7602 *[leg. ref.] l. quidam Hiberus. urbanorum praedior. [ F 80] l. quidam Hiberus. rusticorum [L 86] 6744 *[leg. ref.] l. quis quis ad l. Iul. maiest. l. 1. ad l. Iul. maiesta. DD. in l. cogitationis. de poenis. ff. & in l. si quis non dicam rapere. de sacros. C. 9476 *[leg. ref.] l. quisquis ad. l. Iuliam maiestat. C. & l. ult. ff. eod. 9452 *[leg. ref.] l. quisquis. ad l. Iul. maiesta. C. et ca. sicut dignum. de homicid. et cano. indignantur. 32. q. 6. 8552 *[leg. ref.] l. quisquis. ad l. Iul. maiestrat. C. 9513 *[leg. ref.] l. quod attinet de regul. iur. ff. 5525 *[leg. ref.] l. quod attinet. de regul. 6429 *[leg. ref.] l. quod iussit. de re iudic. l. relegati. de poenis. 7434 *[leg. ref.] l. quod iussit. de re iudic. l. si opus. de operis novi. l. qui vetante. de regul. 7754 *[leg. ref.] l. quod major. ad municipalem. l. 3. l. nominatim. de decurio. C. l. ubi de tutor. l. 3. de decretis. 8740 *[leg. ref.] l. quod quis. de iureiurando quod quis propria superstitione iuraverit. 7065 *[leg. ref.] l. quod. si. de speciali. de minorib. ubi Bald. l. penult. rem ratam. l. hoc iure. de regul. l. ult. ad Maced. C. 9101 *[leg. ref.] l. quotiescunque. de susceptorib. C. 6440 *[leg. ref.] l. relegati. de poenis. l. is qui reus. & ibi Accurs. & Bart. de publicis iudic…. 7511 *[leg. ref.] l. relegatorum. de poenis. ff. 6043 *[leg. ref.] l. Rempublicam. de iure Reipub. C. 8921 *[leg. ref.] l. Rempublicam. de iure Reipub. C. 8802 *[leg. ref.] l. repetit. de episcopis et clericis. l. placet eod. C. l. consul. ad testament. de testamentis. C. l. in hac. de donat. C. Novell. 44. & 73. 7817 *[leg. ref.] l. respiciendi de poenis. 7498 *[leg. ref.] l. respiciendum. de poenis. W Page Notes R 467 n6 on jurisdiction: “Alloquere illum ne rem iniustam faciat.” R 36 303 n.o tyrannicide is treason n4 n5 RL 1043 worse to kill a prince than a father L 767 R 1039 n4 women punished more lightly RL [L 364] R 723 n6 RL 503* L348C n1 R 70 n2 R 233 n.o law intends to punish children of malefactors slaves not accounted citizens by the general consent of almost all people slave not a citizen right of appeal R 444 n6 magistrate can alter his orders R 486 n4 rule of majority RL 820 swearing & oaths R 388 n8 things done without a commission can be ratified R R 921 n4 72 gold solds in a livre 237 n6 right of reprieve R R R R 456 n5 158 n7 859 n4 837 n4 on penalty of exile Republic always considered a minor at law alienation of domain Gk. emperors appointed a Magistrum census RL 495 law requires tempering of lenience & fierceness R 449 n2 punishments must be neither too hard nor too lax 8187 *[leg. ref.] l. respiciendum. de poenis. R 624 n2 judges must keep mean between cruelty & lenience 9343 *[leg. ref.] l. respiciendum. l. aut facta. de poenis. ff. R 1023 n.o equity in a magistrate 9361 *[leg. ref.] l. respiciendum. l. hodie. de poenis. Bal. R 1025 n8 power of magistrates - opinion of all the in l. nec quicquam. §. ubi decretum. de jurisconsults offic. procons. Specul. tit. de offic. iudic. 5757 *[leg. ref.] l. rogasti. §. si tibi de rebus credit. R 101 n2 protection l. 1. §. si convenerit. depositi. l. Lucius. eod. ff. 6723 *[leg. ref.] l. sacri affatus. de diversis rescript. C. R 298 n2 misuse of marks of sovereignty is capital l. 1. ut dignitatum ordo servetur. C. offense 6585 *[leg. ref.] l. sacri. affatus. de diversis rescript. C. R 251 n7 private man who uses marks of sovereignty is worthy of death Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 6383 *[leg. ref.] l. Salvius. de legat. praestan. R l. respiciendum. de poenis. ff. 9491 *[leg. ref.] l. sed addes. §. si gemma. l. si merces. R locat. §. ult. l. illicitas. §. penult. de offi. praesid. 9231 *[leg. ref.] l. sed cum ambo. de iudic. l. generaliter. R §. quid ergo. de fidei commissariis. l. ult. commonia. delegat. l. 2. quando & quibus quarta pars. C. Felin. sentit in c. capitulum Cardin. Florentini in cap. licet. de electio. 7799 *[leg. ref.] l. sed ex dolo. §. 1. de dolo. R 5487 *[leg. ref.] l. sed si hac. §. sed si de in ius vocand. l. R 2. de natalib. restit. i. C. l. 2. de iure aureorum. i. 7440 *[leg. ref.] l. servo. §. cum praetor. ad Trebel. c. cum R venissent. de restitut. in integrum. 9356 *[leg. ref.] l. servos. ad l. Iul. de adult. R 6457 *[leg. ref.] l. servos. de re publica. C. l. 1. de privatis R carcerib. C. l. 2. de commerciis. C. l. nulli. C. ne sacrum baptisma. l. 1. de desertorib. C. & ibi Lucas Penna. Fel. in cap. de causis. col. 6. de offic. deleg. 6584 *[leg. ref.] l. si appellatione. de appellat. C. per R Cynum. in cap. venientes. de iureiurand. 5181 *[leg. ref.] l. si constante, de repud. R l. authore. quod hodie. eod. l. 1. quod autem. de rei uxor. C. l. alia. §. ubi soluto 8716 *[leg. ref.] l. si convenerit pro socio. l. viro et uxori. R soluto matrim. ff. 5742 *[leg. ref.] l. si filii. §. senatores. l. penult. de senator. R 5382 *[leg. ref.] l. si ita quis. §. si quis. de le. 2. R 9269 *[leg. ref.] l. si libertus. §. penult. l. libertinus. de RL bonis libert. ff. 6725 *[leg. ref.] l. si per impressionem. & l. qui in R carcerem. quod metu. ff. & ibi. dd. gloss. in l. 1. quod iussu. ca. convenior. 23. q. 8. 6717 *[leg. ref.] l. si per impressionem. quod metus. C. R [glo. not. in l. 1. quod metus. can. convenior. 23. q. 8. - L 86] [glo. not. in l. 1. quod iussu. ff. cano. convenior. 23. q. 8. F 80] 5005 *[leg. ref.] l. si pignore. §. si praedo. act. de pign. R l. 1. §. si praedo. l. bona fides depositi. l. ita ut si fur vel praedo. commodat. 5286 *[leg. ref.] l. si quando. §. generaliter. de inoff. test. R C. l. peto. de legat. 2. l. etiam §. si debit. de bon. libert. & l. si non de inoff. test. C. 7316 *[leg. ref.] l. si quando. de inoffic. testa. C. R l. 2. §. merito. ne quid in loco publico. l. quod vero. l. ius singulose. de leg. 7561 *[leg. ref.] l. si quid erit. de offic. Proconsul R 7016 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis alicui. §. morte. mandat. R Page 223 n5 n6 1046 n2 37 Notes magistrates can declare meaning of obscure laws jeweler who spoils a gem must pay the price of it 988 n.o when succession to kingdom fails, then use lot 489 n3 rights of collegia 61 n9 rules for manumission 444 n1 Martianus wrote: “Reipublicae interesse, ut iniustis & ambitiosis decretis pareatur.” 1024 n.o magistrate must judge acc. to law, or be guilty of infamy 240 n2 judge cannot absolve one from the laws not in F 80 250 n6 on royal rights 27 n1 n2 n3 divorce 808 n8 faith need not be kept with those who have broken faith 100 n5 taxation 46 n9 adoption 993 succession L 733 299 n 7 is there any basis of tyranny in popular consent? 294 n2 those bound by the prayers of a tyrant can always be restored 2 n5 legal rights of pirates & robbers 37 n2 emancipation of sons 424 n4 on privileges 463 n5 legate to Proconsul used not to have power to impose capital punishment 383 n5 termination of a commission Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 38 W Page Notes l. iudicium soluitur. de iudiciis. l. & quia. n6 de iurisdict. 6872 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis aliquid. de poenis. ff. R 352 n2 divulging of state secrets capital offense 7622 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis filio. §. 4. de iniusto rupto. R 470 n5 on appeals l. addictos. de episcop. audient. C. n6 6283 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis in conscribendo. de pactis. C. R 202 n.o the rules of canon law on obligations 9451 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis in gravi. §. ignoscitur. ad Sillan. R 1039 n4 women more lightly punished l. 2. de termino. l. sacrilegii. ad l. Iul. pecul. l. si adulterium. §. stuprum. §. incestam. de adult. l. quisquis. ad. l. Iul. maiesta. C. & ca. sicut dignum. de homicid. & cano. indignatur. 32. q. 6. 7458 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis in tantam. ad l. Iul. de vi. C. R 445 n3 law does not aid rightful owner if he uses force l. extat. quod metus. l. quemadmodum. §. to regain possession 1. ad. l. aqui. l. ex stipulatone. de acquit. vel amittenda posses. l. unica. de suffrag. C. l. dotis solutio. l. in rebus. de iure dot. C. 5733 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis ingenuam. de captivis. R 98 n1 if war begins, strangers may be considered l. in bello. §. l. de captivis. enemies 5734 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis legatus. de legationibus. R 99 the slave Barbarius became praetor of Rome l. 19. de captivis. n.o l. 3. de offi. praetoris. n2 7069 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis mihi bona. §. sed si mandavit. de R 388 n9 in private affairs to have done more than you acquit. haer. ubi Bart. & Imol. Ias. in l. were asked is to have fulfilled your duty puberem. de iure delib. l. 5. l. fideiussor. & sequen. mandat. 5431 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis praegnante. de captivis. R 52 n.o status of child born to captive mother 8722 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis. §. non solum. de adimendis RL 810 when oaths must be kept legat. & ibi Bart. ff. L 600A 7749 *[leg. ref.] l. si quis. in principio. de lega. 3. R 485 n9 testator not bound by his testament 8922 *[leg. ref.] l. si secundum legem. de iure Reipub. C. R 858 n5 alienation of domain 5336 *[leg. ref.] l. si tutor. de interdicto matri. C. l. si vero. R 40 n9 no presumption of fraud by father to son §. penul. de adop. l. non solum. §. de uno de ritu nup. 7587 *[leg. ref.] l. si unus. iudicatum solui. d. l. 2. §. ex iis. R 466 n8 on a trial conducted by a group of equal lords Molin. in consuet. feud. n9 7265 *[leg. ref.] l. si vindicari. de poenis. C. R 415 n4 Theodosius the great at request of St. Ambrose, Bp. of Milan, makes law; execution of harsh judgments of emperor to be stayed for 30 days 5565 *[leg. ref.] l. simile. ad l. municipalem. dd. in l. 2. in R 75 n8 status of cities quibus causis… 5780 *[leg. ref.] l. socius socii. pro socio. ff. R 107 n8 alliances 6435 *[leg. ref.] l. solet. de iurisdict. omnium R 237 n4 power of Roman proconsuls 7385 *[leg. ref.] l. solet. l. more. de iurisdict. omnium. R 438 n1 right of magistrates to delegate power of life & iudi. death 7197 *[leg. ref.] l. solent observare. de offi. procons. R 402 n3 power of governor of province 7796 *[leg. ref.] l. sub. praetextum. de extraordinar. R 489 n1 rights of colleges crimin. l. semper. §. quibusdam. de iure immunitatis. Bart. eod. 5031 *[leg. ref.] l. ubi. de testib. RL 11 "plures" cannot mean a family of 2 7123 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. §. qui mandatum. de offic. eius cui. RL 397 powers of magistrates L 277 6745 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. 1. ad l. Iul. majestatis. ff. & §. R 303 n6 tyrannicide is treason Poenales. de action. Instit. Slip Reference Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 39 W Page Notes d. l. ult. ad l. Iul. majest. n7 6360 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. ad l. Iul. ff. l. quisquis. eo. C. R 219 n7. definition of treason 5363 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de adopt. C. §. sed ea. in Institut. de R 43 n3 adopted children had same rights as proper haeredit. quae ab intestate. l. si te parens. children de suis & legit. C. l. poenae. §. & si quidem de adop. C. 9097 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de argenti pretio. C. R 921 n3 1 lb. gold = 14 lbs. silver, acc. to ordonnance of Constantine 6539 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de bonis vacan. C. l. intra quattuor. R 247 n3 prince can seize unclaimed estates after 4 years de diversis & temp. l. 1. de quadriennii praescrip. C. cum antea perpetua erat autoritas fisci. l. 2. fine ad Tertullianum. 7666 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de colleg. R 476 n6 Solon authorizes all types of collegia 7658 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de collegiis illicitis. [D. 47. 22. 4] R 475 n2 laws of Solon mention associations for piracy (e0pi\ lei/an oi0xmenoi) 5736 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de decret. ab ordine. l. 2. & ibi Bar. R 99 n3 a subject, wherever he is, may be recalled by his de eunuchis. Bal. in l. non solum. de sovereign commerciis. C. Barto. in l. cunctos populous. q. 8. 7743 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de decretis ab ordine faciend. R 484 & Scaevola on relations of college to one of its n5 members 9522 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de decurionib. C. RL 503* the Decurions, by Roman law, are called L350B “nobiles” n7 9477 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de effractor. R 1044 n2 robbery worse by night than by day 5385 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de iis qui veniam aetatis. C. R 46 n3 laws on adoption l. fideiconmissum de codit. & demon. & l. adoptiones. de adopt. ff. 9405 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de incendio. R 1034 n3 penalty for incendiarism 8920 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de iure civitatum. c. lib. XI R 859 n3 common law requires agreement of people to alienation of domain 8781 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de legat. R 832 n2 violation of ambassadors forbidden 5675 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de legationib. R 91 n6 & the differing opinions of Brutus & Scaevola thereon 8569 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de modo multar. C. l. his quoque. de R 729 n3 confiscations sacrosanct. C. 5638 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de municip. & origin. C. R 89 n8 the law requires one who changes domicile to pay taxes in both places 8694 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de non numerata pec. C. R 802 n7 oaths of princes l. adigere. §. ult. de iure patron. l. iuris gentium. §. et generaliter. de pact. l. ult. qui satisdare cogant. licet canonistae aliter sentiunt ex cap. ex rescripto. de iureiurando. gl. in l. si pecuniam. de condic. causa. Bald. ibid. & ita iudicatum Gratianopoli 12. Septembr 1460. 7119 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. de offic. eius cui mand. R 397 n3 on jurisdiction 5861 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. qui satisd. cogatur. ff. R 133 n4 on oaths 5812 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. qui satisdare. Corset. de dot. Reg. // R 123 n4 on the sovereign de pot. regia 9. 17. cap. dudum de praebendis. lib. 6 n5 7087 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. quod cuiusque universitat R 392 n5 Ulpian's book on the curator Reipub. 7287 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. quod cum eol. 1. de exact. militaris. RL 422 those who hold imperium can execute their C. cap. olim. de offic. deleg. orders even after their imperium has expired 7260 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. si contra ius. C. R 415 n2 obedience to prince Slip Reference Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 9367 *[leg. ref.] l. ult. si contrarius. C. l. nemo iudex. de R sententiis et interlocutio. C. 6794 *[leg. ref.] l. ultima quod cuiusque maiestat. RL 5811 *[leg. ref.] l. una de offic. praefecti Augustalis R 6552 *[leg. ref.] l. unica de nundinis. C. R 9029 *[leg. ref.] l. unica prin. de caducis tollendis. C. R l. 1. de infirmandis poenis coelibatus et orbitatis. C. 7395 *[leg. ref.] l. unica. de offi. praefecti August. R 9499 *[leg. ref.] l. unica. de sententiis quae pro eo quo RL interest. C. 7421 *[leg. ref.] l. unica. de sententiis quae pro eo quod R interest. C. 7288 *[leg. ref.] l. universa. de diversis rescript. C. R & ca. ex parte. de rescript. ext. 5574 *[leg. ref.] l. urbis de verbor. signif. R 9463 *[leg. ref.] l. ut autem. de servo corrupto. Platoni R gravius peccat, qui persuadet. 7301 *[leg. ref.] l. ut gratiam. de munerib. Bal. in l. R praescriptione. si contra ius. C. 8532 *[leg. ref.] l. uxorem. de lega. 3. l. titia. §. qui marito. RL de annuis legat. & in l. ult. §. uxorem. de auro & argento 7044 *[leg. ref.] l. venditor. de iudic. cap. 2. de offi. deleg. R l. ubi. coeptum. de iud. 40 Page Notes 1026 n2 dangerous to judge from examples not from laws 315 rules for majority rule in collegia 122 n3 lieutenant responsible to his superior 248 n.o power to grant right to hold a fair 888 n7 Constantine & Justinian remove tax on the n8 unmarried 439 n4 delegated power is “on deposit” 1047 id quod cuiusque interest, acc. to Justinian L 770 442 n1 Iustinian tries to define in one law all the interests of the various magistrates 423 n4 magistrate must test truth of facts mentioned in orders sent to him 77 n3 a town - meanings 1041 n4 persuading someone to a crime leaves indelible effect 423 n7 magistrate must test statements in rescripts of the prince 718 legal position of women at time of Augustus 385 n9 commissioners must finish their commission, even when the prince has died, if it is not finished 8513 *[leg. ref.] l. verbis de verbo signif. RL 715 XII Tables give free right of making legacies 9265 *[leg. ref.] l. verbis. de verborum sig. ff. RL 993 succession L 733 9515 *[leg. ref.] l. vetus quaestio. de usufr. ff. l. antiquis si RL 503* question remains undecided whether slaves are pars haeredi. l. iustissime. de aedilitio. ff. L348D to be accounted among a man’s goods or not n2 6182 *[leg. ref.] l. via constitui. de servit. [i.e. Digest VIII. R 176 n6 on vassals 3. 23. L 86 reads: "l. viam constitui."] 6506 *[leg. ref.] l. viam de via publica. C. RL 245 n3 Pomponius denies prescription can ever infringe a againat the public highway 7808 *[leg. ref.] l. vulgaris. §. penult. de furtis. ff. l. si R 490 n.o if several people attack one man they are all plures. de iniur. ff. l. ita vulneratus. ad l. guilty aquil. 5067 *[leg. ref.] l'an 1431. Decius consil. 515. R 18 n6 private laws between houses of Saxe & Hesse, ratified by Emp. Charles IV & Sigismund 5408 *[leg. ref.] lege Aelia sententia 7 tit. quibus ex causis R 50 n8 slavery manumittere non licet. 8748 *[leg. ref.] Lege Federici. §. quicunque. de pace R 823 n9 King of England deprived lawfully of his fiefs Constantiae. beyond the seas 9132 *[leg. ref.] leges Valeriae tres, lex Sempronia, Cicero R 943 n2 at Rome citizens not liable to capital penalty pro Rabirio perduel. Livius lib. 7 & 10. 7342 *[leg. ref.] legis virtus. de legib. R 429 n1 Modestinus said: "legis virtutem esse in iubendo, vetando, permittendo ac puniendo." 7099 *[leg. ref.] lib. 1. & 12. Cod. Iustin. R 395 n1 minor magistrates are called 'officials' 9342 *[leg. ref.] lib. 1. cap. de aequitate. R 1022 n4 right to judge by equity compared with by law; le docteur Faber criticized 6975 *[leg. ref.] lib. 1. tit. 1. Institut. RL 377 what the Romans call a lex 7185 *[leg. ref.] lib. 2. de origine iuris. RL 401 Pomponius on the power of the tribunes Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 41 W Page Notes R 455 n4 Xenophon on princes to whom God has given very wide jurisdiction R 710 n5 not more than 5 years’ arrears of interest can be claimed 8494 *[leg. ref.] lib. 4. c. 56. de statut. Venet. R 711 n6 statute of Venice forbidding further acquisitions of land by the church 6105 *[leg. ref.] Magister in regal. decis. 1. & 13. Mol. in R 164 n5 on fiefs & obligation to take oaths ti. de feud. §. 46. q. 1. & 2. 6101 *[leg. ref.] Magister in regalibus decisione. 13. R 164 n2 on conditions of tenure of a fief 5406 *[leg. ref.] Maxime in l. proxime. de iis qui in testa. R 49 n6 the law on slavery and its bias towards liberty delent [F 76 debent] ubi nec legibus ullum nec testamento locum reliquit imperator favore libertatis. 7852 *[leg. ref.] metum. §. mulier. quod metus. RL 507 coacta voluntas is still voluntas 8910 *[leg. ref.] not. aux ordonnances de Polongne R 858 n6 princes can’t alienate domain in Poland 6072 *[leg. ref.] not. in c. 1. tit. qui successor. tene. & R 160 n6 prince & his predecessors' promises c. ult. ne praelati vires. & in c. abbate. sane de re iudic. 6245 *[leg. ref.] not. in l. 1. sententiam rescindi non. C. & R 191 n7 papal powers in cap. cum literis. de restitut. spoliat. 8878 *[leg. ref.] not. in summa angelica. verb. R 852 n1 excommunication excommunic. v. [margin is cut off] 9259 *[leg. ref.] Novel. 118. 127. §. placebat. l. ult. de RL 993 succession Impuberum. L 732 5730 *[leg. ref.] Novel. constitut. 52. & l. providendum. de R 98 n8 position of foreigners decur. C. 5343 *[leg. ref.] Novel. ut cum de appellatione. §. causas. R 41 n8 redress for sons unjustly disinherited toto tit. de in offic. testamen. n9 l.1. de bonor. possess. n.o 7024 *[leg. ref.] Panor. Butrio, Dominicus, Fel. [L 86 R 384 n7 revocation of a commission by the prince omits Dominicus, adds Immola] in ca. RL caeterum. Innocentius in c. cum contingat. de rescript. ext. cap. dudum. c. penult. de prae. ben. lib. 9 n8 9277 *[leg. ref.] Panormitan in c. licet. de voto. R 996 n7 feudal estates & sovereignty can’t be divided Ripa in l. quartam. ad l. falcid. RL Bald. in authent. ex testamento. Calderin. consil. 9. titu. de feudis. Hostiensis. in summa de feudis. §. qualiter. et decis. delphic. 476. Oldrad. consi. 94. & 237. Ancharan. consi. 939.// 339. 8928 *[leg. ref.] postea confusum a quibusdam in l. bene à R 860 n8 Aerarium compared with Fiscus Zenone. de quadriennii praescript. C. 5036 *[leg. ref.] l. pronuntiatio. §. familiae. eod. [de verb. R 12 n3 paterfamilias signis.] 6450 *[leg. ref.] Princeps referuata sibi non potest R 239 n4 iura magestatis must not be delegated committere legato, quod translationem de offic. delegat. nisi iusta sit absentia vel impotentia 2. Albericus notauit in l. decreation. de episcop. audien. C. 9305 *[leg. ref.] saepiss. iudicatum in Curia Paris. RL 1010 on dowries L 714 6100 *[leg. ref.] tit. 24. §. i. quae fuit prima causa feudi R 164 n2 text: "car le fief peut être sans obligation…" amittendi. Magister in regalibus RL L 86: "ut videre est in antiquis legibus Slip Reference 7509 *[leg. ref.] lib. 3. a)naba&s. l. et hoc. Tiberius. de haered. instituend. l. servi. de furtis. ff. 8488 *[leg. ref.] lib. 3. cap. 8. de statutis Venet. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page decisione. 13. 8236 *[leg. ref.] tit. 32. de pugna sublata. in constitut. R Neapolit. [Afflict. L 86] RL 6113 *[leg. ref.] tit. quae fuit prima causa feudi amitt. R 6103 *[leg. ref.] tit. qualiter iurare debeat. cap. 15. R 6131 *[leg. ref.] tit. qualiter iurare debent. cap. 5. & duo R sequentib. et tit. quae fuit prima causa RL feudi amit. Bald. in l. sed. & si hac. §. si libertus. de in ius vocando. Molin. glos. 4. §. 2. nu. 54 [in consuetud. feud. - L 86] 9263 *[leg. ref.] titul. 50. lib. 2. feudor. RL 6140 *[leg. ref.] titul. de auxil. vassall. in feudis. Clement. R pastoralis. de re iudic. Spec. in §. quoniam de feudis 5479 *[leg. ref.] titul. de conjugiis servorum R in Decretal 5471 *[leg. ref.] toto tit. de Episcop. & cler. R 7365 *[leg. ref.] toto tit. de extraordinar. R 5100 *[leg. ref.] toto tit. quibus mod. patr. potest R [in Institut.] RL 7823 *[leg. ref.] toto titulo de Iudaeis. R 5192 *[leg. ref.] Tranquillus in Claudio. l. uxorem. de R lega. 3. l. titia. §. qui marito, de ann. leg. & in l. ult. §. uxorem. de auro & arg. 6274 *[leg. ref.] ut est in c. novit. de off. delegat. cap. non R est. de sponsal. cap. 1. de postu. praelator. 8496 *[leg. ref.] ut iure Pontificii licet in cap. cum esses. R de testamentis 8696 *[leg. ref.] Vetitum arresto curiae Parisiorum, ut R notat. Rebuf. glo. ult. numer. 9. de mercat. quod a privatis ad principes extenditur. 7254 ??? RL Notes feudorum…" 646 n2 duels at Naples only in special cases 42 166 n9 on duties of a vassal 164 n4 on fiefs & the obligation to take an oath 168 n3 duties of a vassal 993 succession - in feudal custom L 733 170 n8 liege homage does not except even Pope or Emperor 60 n2 edicts of Popes Alex. III, Urban III, Innocent III n66 show existence of slavery L 59 n5 institution of hospitals & poorhouses at request of Christian bishops 435 n2 jurisdiction of praetors 21 n6 power of husband 497 n1 laws restoring rights to Jews 27 n9 Romans of the Empire had not proper control over their wives 201 n.o Pope Alexander III excommunicates Philippe le Conquerant 711 n3 right of church to receive inheritances 802 n8 promises & oaths of princes 413 Scitum est illud tw~n tura&nnwn deh/seij L 288-9 paragge/lmata ei]nai – rulers’ requests to be treated as commands 9536 ??? RL 503* list of Patrician families in Rome (about 40)… L351C- list of the noble families in Rome in Cicero’s D time (about 30) n5 n6 9006 “a certain Spaniard” RL 881 Duke of Alba’s taxes cause revolt of Belgians L 657 example of the rise of prices - ut Hispanus quidam scripsit 8127 “ancien auteur” // “vetus proverbium” R 591 short term magistrates try to get all they can out of their term of office: “Nec enim parcit populis regnum breve.” 9199 “Chaldean interpreter, the” R 970 n5 Judges of the Jews - their powers, acc. to the b RL Chaldean interpreter to Hieremiam & the Hebrew jurisconsults in the Pandects 9333 “Chaldean interpreter, the” R 1019 on Chapter X of Joshua 6605 “comme nous lisons aux Apophthegmes des Grecs” R 257 the gaolers (fu/lakej) and kings of Cumae 8162 “Courtisan, le” [i.e., Baldassare Casstiglione] R 616 courtiers copy the twisted neck of Alexander the Great & Alphonsus of Arragon “comme Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8168 “Graecus nescio quis” R 618 RL R 970 n5 RL 9199 “Hebrew jurisconsults” libro Sanedrim c. 2. & 3. 9211 “Hebrew, the wise” R 977 7687 “Hebrews, the” R 481 8157 “Hebrieu, le sage” // “Magister Sapientiae” 9049 “Hebrieux, les sages” 8373 “histoire des Indes” R R R 614 897 684 8169 “Histoires des Indes” R 618 8742 “Histoires des Indes” R 820 n4 9011 “Histoires des Indes” R 883 9240 “Histor. Indica.” 5204 “Historia Indorum” in historia Indorum 8362 “historia Perusina lndorum” 5469 “History of Africa” R 989 n4 RL 28 RL 683 L 506C R 58 6657 “History of Peru” en l'histoire du Peru 5482 “History of Poland” R R 9047 “in annalibis nostris” R 895 RL L 667 9319 “in historia Nangi et Seselli” [Guillaume de Nangis and Seyssel] R 1012 RL 8316 “l’histoire des Indes” 9414 “l’histoire des Indes” 8746 “l’histoire de Flandres” // “Meierus qui res Belgarum scripsit” 7993 “Liber Quadripartitus” 8349 “nous lisons” R R R 674 n5 1034 n8 821 R R 551 680 8048 “Poeta” 6081 “Poête” (comme dit un Poête) 5037 “Rabbi, a” 8166 “Sapientiae magister” 277 n5 60 43 Notes escrit le Courtisan, et Plutarque...” said: “Principem non aliter publice, quam in tragoedia si modo sapit, verba facturum.” Judges of the Jews - their powers, acc. to the Chaldean interpreter to Hieremiam & the Hebrew jurisconsults in the Pandects the wise Hebrew says nothing more intolerable than slave become lord [L ascribes this to Salomon] the Hebrews in their Proverbs say justice shall begin with oneself subjects should model themselves on their king best defense of riches is alms giving king of Puna very jealous sexually - “en l’histoire des Indes” King of Borneo never speaks directly to anyone; his meeting with the Ambassador of the Catholic King, according to the Histoires des Indes manner of making of treaty between Portuguese & K. of Calange treasures of Peru - comme nous trouvons ès histoires des Indes Peruvians rejoice when Pizarro kills Atabalippa the Galecutii of India; matrilinear descent king of Gilolo // Gillo in West Indies has 600 children nous lisons en l'histoire d'Afrique of Paulinus of Nola - sells all to buy freedom for slaves status of Charles V in Peru “nous lisons en l'histoire de Poulogne” of enslavement of prisoners of war actions against fraudulent Italian moneylenders - as we read in our annals (e.g. 1254, 1300, 1347) after the death of King Louis Hutin, the Duke of Burgundy proposed Louis’ daughter to succeed – this was rejected by the Estates meeting in Paris “as we read in the history of Nangi.” Spaniards perish in high mtns. of Peru penalties in the Indies Louis XI and the rebels in Flanders (on astrology) wrongly attributed to Ptolemy we read of great cruelties in the newly discovered Indies RL 564 At numero Deus impare gaudet, ut ait Poeta L 414C [Virgil, Eclogues, VIII, 75] R 162 "Esse sat est servum, iam nolo vicarius esse, Qui Rex est, Regem Maxime non habeat." [Martial, Epigrams, 2, 18, 7-8] R 12 Hebrew word for family - so-called because family contains 1000 people, says a Rabbi wrongly, says Bodin RL 617 scribit: “Stultos quandiu vocem continent Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7945 “Spanish, the” 8079 “Talmudists, the” a 8889 “un ancien Capitaine” 8886 “un ancien Orateur” // “vetus proverbium” 8987 “un ancien Senateur Rommain” 8409 “un certain poëte” 9155 “un Poete”// “Graeci Apollini tribuunt illud oraculum” 7956 Abraham aben Esra, Rabi 7998 Abrahamus a 9467 Accursius 5132 Accursius 5101 Accursius 7321 Accursius 5215 Accursius 5544 Accursius 5161 Accursius 5981 Accursius 5117 Accursius 7100 Accursius 7330 Accursius 5529 Accursius 6369 Accursius 7675 Accursius 7795 Accursius 6047 Accursius 5937 Accursius 5295 Accursius 44 Notes sapientissimos iudicari.” [If fools keep their mouths shut they can pass as wise men.] RL 544 the Indians still worshipped the sun & moon, L 396B “ut Hispani prodiderunt.” R 570 length of time from Saul to Zedechiah 496 years; Garcaeus adds 10, the Talmudists much less R 855 guerre, qui n’est pas entretenue par diette, comme disoit un ancien Capitaine R 855 finances are the nerves of a state R 878 there is nothing more just than that which is necessary - as an old Roman senator said R 687 “Gallia causidicos docuit facunda Britannos.” [Juvenal, Satires, 15, 111] R 949 “Vir bonus, et sapiens, qualem vix reperit unum RL Millibus è cunctis olim consultus Apollo.” [Ausonius, Idyllia, 16, V, 1-2] R 544 n3 7th month originally the 1st R 554 prediction of end of world (is qui princeps dictus est) R 1042 interpretation of word “latro” acc. to Accursius, etc. R 23 n6 legal position of women W Page in 7c. Danielis. & Baldus in l. velles de revocandis donat. C. …& ibi Accursius…Alberic. de condit R insertis. C. Accurs. Bar. Angel. in l. milites. de re R iudic. decisio. capel. Tolos. 246. Panor. in c. olim de restitu. & in c. de cleric. aegrot. Accurs. Bartol….in l. cives. de incolis R Accurs. in l. ult. de praes. longi temp. R capit. duo ista. 23 q. 4. Accurs. in l. et si. R §. ult. ad l. aquil. & in authen. ut liceat matr. §. quia vero… consentiunt Bartol. Accurs. Alex…. R excipiunt concubitum & operas. Accurs. R in d. l. si uxorem. & in d. §. l. institut. de. S. C. Tertul. ex l. sicut. de operis liber… in d. l. 1. de offic. eius cui mandata R in glo. ult. in l. si ex pluribus. §. ult. de R solut. in l. 1. de haeredib. instituend. C. & R finxit antinomian quae nulla est in §. ult. in institutio. de haered. instit. in l. 1. ne Christianum mancipium. C. & R in l. ult. de veteris numismatis. C. in l. 1. quod cuiusque universit. R in l. 2. quae sit longa. consuetud. R in l. imperatores. de re iudic. in l. unica. R de sentent. adversus fiscum. C. in l. princeps. de legib. ff. R in l. si ex causa. §. Pap. de minor. R 21 n8 power of paterfamilias 424 n6 on misappropriation of privileges 28 n7 74 n7 24 n1 status of wives division of opinion on what is a city husband's right to punish 154 n6 obligations of a prince 21 n3 exceptions to laws on marriage 395 n3 says 4 sorts of magistrates 426 n1 rescripts should bear date and hour of issue 70 n7 on peregrinus 221 n2 on death penalty [not in L 86] 478 n2 definition of collegium 488 n9 rights of colleges 158 n7 on the respublica 150 n9 obligations of princes 37 n7 father & son Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 7697 Accursius in l. si ex causa. §. Papin. de minor. R sequuntur Bart. Bald. & Alex. ad Bart. RL Ludovic. Bolognin. in authen. ingressi de sacrosanct eccl. C. 7768 Accursius in l. sicut. quod cuiusque universit.... R 6171 Accursius in l. ususfructus legatus. de usufr. Bal. in RL l. i. q. 22. de reru. divis. Angel. in l. loci. corpus. §. si functus. si servitus. Rom. l. 3. de verborum oblig. Aluarot. in c. 1. §. omnes. si de feudo. 5303 Accursius in tit. de patria pot. §. ult. de institut…. R 6437 Accursius l. relegati. de poenis. l. is qui reus. & ibi R Accurs. & Bart. de publicis iudic…. 5445 Achilles Statius in amator. Clytophontis & R Leucippae 6862 Acron R 8366 Aelian a 8383 Aelianus 8082 Aemilius, Paul 5371 Aeneas Sylvius R R R in Europa. cap. 33 R 7062 Aeschines R 7496 Aeschines R 7233 Aeschines contra Ctesiphontem R 45 Page Notes 483 n1 those entering religious houses are no longer under their father’s jurisdiction 487 n8 voting in colleges 175 on liege homage L 118B 37 n8 patria potestas 237 n6 right of reprieve 54 n1 350 J. Caesar increased numbers of the Senate, even making L. Licius the barber a senator, "comme dit Acron." 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare 685 n9 on wisdom of elephants 570 in his history of France is 10 years out, as Du Tillet has shown 45 n.o 1408 Marguerite de Wolmar adopts Henry of Pomerania 388 Aeschines pro sua legatione - on the terms of his commission 449 says the ancients intended the fable of Peitharchia Jupiter & Happiness to have a hidden meaning 408 n2 says 3 kinds of public office at Athens [3 lines of Gk. quoted] 448 n9 smiling in the Areopagus forbidden 886 the people fell under their load like Aesop’s ass 247 n8 rights of princes in maritime districts 445 n1 right to resist magistrates 159 n3 prince & his predecessors' oaths 39 n7 on incest 158 n7 on the respublica 310 n2 those who paid taxes to the collectors of Charles VIII in Naples need not pay again after the return of the Spanish 471 n9 handing over to foreign princes fugitives from jusice 157 n4 132 n8 7491 Aeschines contra Timarchum. 9024 Aesop 6523 Afflict Io. Plat….Afflict. decis. 59. lib. 1. 7455 Afflict lib. 1. consuet. Neapol. tit. l. nu. 78... 6065 Afflictus dec. 282. nu. 7. deci. 17. nu. 5. 5324 Afflictus decis. 165… 6050 Afflictus decis. 340. 6787 Afflictus decisio. Neapol. 149. & 150. latiss. R R R R R R R R 7629 Afflictus in constit. Neapol. lib. 2. ti. 3. nu. 88. R 6039 Afflictus 5852 Afflictus in constit. Neapol. lib. 4. tit. 10. in tit. quae sunt regalia. in prooemio. nu. 61. 6387 Afflictus tit. 1. lib. 1. constit. Neapolit. 8256 Agatharchides R R 8317 Agathias & Crantzius 9220 Agathius Graecus 9093 Agricola R 224 n.o RL 654 L 484C R 674 n6 R 983 R 919 in histor. Polonor. treatment of erring slave right of peace & war Ptolemaeus Lagus & the Jews (siege of Jerusalem) peoples of north fight in the cold weather scriptor (Fl. c. 500) on the Franks value of coinage - estimates of George Agricola, based on evidence of Pliny, Appian, Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 46 Notes Suetonius & Celsus [L adds that Budaeus’ error about the value of old coinage has been pointed out by Agricola] 876 Agrippa, K. of Jews, in speech to people, said Gaul by its fertility sustained a large part of Europe 983 n7 sons of Pepin, Charles & Carloman, elected by the nobles 100 n7 blames Hippodamus for his division of citizens into soldiers, artisans & laborers 446 n8 magistrate and wrong done to himself Slip Reference W Page 8981 Agrippa R 9222 Aimo R lib. 4. cap. 7. 5752 Aistotle lib. 2. Polit. R 7466 Alberic l. qui iurisdictioni. de R iurisdict. 5297 Alberic Accursius…Ludovic Bolognin in authent. R ingressi. Alberic. eodem. Alex. Ias…. 7242 Albericus R 5102 Albericus 6779 Albericus …& ibi Accursius…Alberic. de condit R insertis. C. …Alber….in d. l. eius qui. si certum R …Cuneus & Albericus in l. observare. de R offic. proconsu. Bart. Alex. Alberic. in d. l. Barbar. de R offic. praetoris & in l. regul. de iur. ignorant. Castrensis & Alberic. in l. Respublica, ex R quibus causis majores Cynus & Albericus in l. nemine. de R sacrosan. C. in l. 2. §. exactis. de origine iuris. R 6578 Albericus 9225 Albericus in l. ult. de iurisdict. in suo dictionario, in verbo electio. 7050 Albericus 5226 Albericus 7272 Albericus 6054 Albericus 6016 Albericus R R 6379 Albericus l. 2. quae sint longa consuetudine. C. R Bart. Bald. Alberic. in l. de quib. de legibus 6449 Albericus notavit in l. de creation. de episcop. R audien. C. 7698 Albericus ibi. nu. 12. ait opinionem esse doctorum... R 8521 Albert & Sigismond of Poland R 7998 Albumazar 7980 Alcabitius a 5398 Alciat l. ob aes alienum. de actio. C. Alciatus hanc legem accepit pro Praetilia // Paetilia 7348 Alciat lib. 2. paradox. c. 6. & cap. 1. 9525 Alciat in li. de singulari cer. ex sententia Triuultii. R R 6230 Alciatus R 37 n7 father & son 412 n3 the "honorarium ius" of the praetors, which our commentators call "nobile officium" (NobleDevoir) 21 n8 power of paterfamilias 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 28 n2 status of wife 416 n2 common error can take force of law 158 n7 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 250 n4 on royal rights 986 n4 Popes interfered in the Empire - put their sickle in another’s harvest, says Albericus, the jurisconsult 222 n3 custom cannot derogate from law 239 n4 iura magestatis must not be delegated 483 n1 father has no jurisdiction over those entering religious houses 717 ordonnances of Albert & Sigismond Augustus of Poland 1495 & 1538 - alienation of fiefs 554 prediction of end of world 548 Leupoldus, Alcabitius & Ptolemaeus agree that stars affect rise & fall of states 48 n8 enslavement for debt R 432 n5 dispute on imperium between Lothaire & Azo RL 503* the bearing of arms makes a gentleman L350C n9 R 189 says wrongly that the king of France is subject Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7405 Alciatus lib. 2. paradoxor. cap. 6. 6527 Alex …Alex. consil. 13. lib. 6. col. 4. 7606 Alex Alex. Bart. Cuma. in. l. a divo. de re iudic. l. 1. de servis fugit. 7270 Alex Bart. Alex. Alberic. in d. l. Barbar. de offic. praetoris & in l. regul. de iur. ignorant. 6335 Alex consi. 141. lib. 1. not. 2. 6491 Alex consi. 145. lib. 2. 6115 Alex consi. 234. lib. 6. & 236. eod. (F) // consi. 234. lib. 2. & 236. (L) 6579 Alex consi. 30. lib. 5. 6502 Alex consi. lib. 1. & consi. 87. lib.3. 6468 Alex consil. 67. lib. 1. col. 1. 6511 Alex in l. divortio. §. si vir in fundo. soluto matri. 7711 Alex in l. sub conditione. de lib. & posthu. 7705 Alex in l. sub conditione. de liberis & posth. 7716 Alexan ...Paul. Alexan. in l. sub conditione. & in l. apud hostes. de suis et legit. C. 7408 Alexan …Alexan….in l. 1. de offic. eius cui. 6570 Alexan ad Bart. in l. illicitas. §. veritas. de offi. praesid. 7291 Alexan consi. 10. lib. 7 8698 Alexan consil. 48. lib. 4 & 17. lib. 5. 8472 Alexan 5546 Alexand 5230 Alexand 5180 Alexand 5298 Alexand 5673 Alexand 5543 Alexand 9271 Alexand a 9254 Alexand 5663 Alexand 5293 Alexand 5322 Alexand 7680 Alexand 47 Notes of the Empire; Emperor Charles V sends for Alciatus to Pavia & doubles his wages RL 441 on right to delegate power R 247 n9 various rights of sovereignty R 468 n9 execution outside one’s territory W Page consil. 144. lib. 6. …Alexand. in l. 1. §. si autem ad municipalem …Ang. Alexand. in l. si cum dotem. §. si maritus. soluto …Iason & Alexan. in l. si ab hostib. soluto matrimo. Accursius…Alex. ad. Bart. notes. …Alex. Iaso. Roman. in l. sub conditione. de liberis & posth. Alex. consi. 29. li. 4. & consi. 32. li. 5 Alexand. consil. 20. lib. 2 Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in l. is potest. de acquir. haeredit. Bald. in authent. post fratres. de legit. haered. C. R 416 n2 common error can obtain the force of law R R R RL R R R R R R R 215 n8 royal rights cannot lapes 245 n7 right of taxation 166 n2 some jurisconsults hold vassal owes aid to lord even against vassal’s father 250 n4 on royal rights 245 n3 taxation 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards 246 n2 tax on salt 483 n3 position of boys entering a religious house 483 n1 status of those entering religious houses 483 n4 boys entering monasteries R R 441 n9 old Doctors on delegation of powers 249 n1 judges cannot judge contrary to law R R 423 n3 facts mentioned in rescripts must be tested 803 n.o can princes break oaths made under compulsion? RL 706 females excluded from inheritance L 527D R what is a civitas? R 28 n2 status of wife R 27 n9 divorce R 37 n7 father & son R 90 n5 R 72 n.o RL 993 L 733 Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in l. R is potest. de acquir. haered. et Bald. in authent. post fratres. de legitimis haered. C. consi. 130. lib.2 // 110. lib. 3 R RL consi. 242 // 241. lib. 2 R consil. 60. lib. 2… R consil. 74. lib. 4. contra. & cap. dilecta. de R cité compared to ville the opinion of the older and younger lawyers therefore favors the grandson (nepos), not only in direct descent but in collateral lines; “we have examined these things more carefully because of the succession that seems to be close at hand in France.” 994 n3 succession to children of eldest son 89 n6 citizenship 37 n4 emancipation of sons 39 n7 on incest 480 n6 right of a college can reside in one man Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5167 Alexand 5091 Alexand 5069 Alexand 6325 Alexand. i 5285 Alexand. excissib. praelat. in l. divortio. si fundum. col. 4. soluto. in l. miles. §. qui iudicati. de re iudic. l. ult. de libero hom. C. in l. si non speciali. de testament. C. Notes R R 24 n4 20 n7 husband's rights rights of husbands R R 18 n8 private laws must not derogate from public ones 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty 36 n1 emancipation of sons …l. fine emancip. C. Alexand. consil. R 142. lib. 2 9470 Alexand. cons. 110. lib. 4. R 8732 Alexand. cons. 46. lib. 2. dd. in l. 1. ad l. Iul. R maiestatis. arg. l. de aetate. ad Trebell. 9331 Alexand. regis Polonorum lege. RL 5691 Alexander Alex. consi. 103. lib. 2 R 5567 Alexander …Alexan. consi. 104. lib. 6… R 6030 Alexander Alex. cons. 15. lib. 5. col. 2. R 6014 Alexander Alex. consi. 2. col. 7. & sequen. lib. 1. R & consi. 101. col. 6. & consi. 37. col. 3. …Alex. consi. 89. col. 3. lib. 3. & consi. 93. col. penult. eod. 5955 Alexander Alex. consi. 97. lib. nu. 13. R 5739 Alexander Alex. consil. 116. lib. 6. c. tuae. cap. ult. R de clericis non resident. 5924 Alexander Alex. consil. 224. lib. 6 R 5888 Alexander Alex. consil. 224. lib. 6. & consil. 122 & R 125. lib. 4 5844 Alexander Alexand. consil. 101. nu. 5. R 5934 Alexander Alexand. consil. 216. cano. sunt R quaedam. 25. q. 1. Specul. titu. de leg. §. nunc & DD. in l. ult. si contra ius. C. 7241 Alexander Bart. Alexan. Albericus ad l. Imperium. R de iurisdict. 9360 Alexander 5982 Alexander cons. 106. nu. 11. lib. 3. viso. 48 W Page R consentiunt Bartol. Accurs. Alex. in ult. R not. l. venia. de in ius.voc. C. 5701 Alexander consi. 157. li. 2. nu. 12 R 5703 Alexander consi. 168. lib. 6 R 5748 Alexander consi. 41. li. 7. nu. 4… R 9346 Alexander consil. 89. lib. 6. R 9307 Alexander in c. 1. in fine. an maritus succedat uxori R in lib. feudor. argu. l. si quis in gravi. §. si cum omnes ad Syllanium. et l. aut qui aliter. §. sed et servus. quod vi aut clam. l. in rebus. de iure dot. C. Palatius Rivius. in cap per vestras. de donat. inter virum. nu. 11. C. 6046 Alexander in l. 1. §. nunciatio. de novi operis. R 8136 Alexander in l. principalib. de rebus creditis. R 5815 Alexander in l. ult. de iuris. R 6330 Alexander in lib filiae quam pater. de liberis & R posthum…. 6021 Alexander l. nepos. de verbor. signif. Alex. consil. R 59. lib. 4. glo. in l. 1. de constit. princ. 1042 n6 penalties for theft at Parma 816 n6 on the need for a prince to keep his oaths & promises 1017 laws of Poland 94 n.o 75 n8 status of cities 157 n2 rights of princes 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 153 n6 prince's compacts 99 n4 princes’ right to bind subjects is not attached to places 149 n6 a law cannot be made which is irrevocable 135 n8 prince's promises 131 n5 power of the sovereign 149 n2 rulers bound by law of God 412 n3 the "honorarium ius" of the praetors, which our commentators call "nobile officium" (NobleDevoir) 1025 n7 B. thinks Alexander wrong on the powers of magistrates 154 n6 obligations of a prince 95 n9 95 n2 100 n5 1023 n6 1011 n4 rights of foreigners to hold property at Ferrare rights of foreigners at Milan taxation on equity vassal of wife belongs to husband 158 n7 598 n2 123 n7 215 n7 on the respublica magistrates hold office at pleasure of prince sovereign and the power he delegates royal rights inalienable 156 n8 the prince cannot do anything which is dishonest Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 49 W Page Notes Alexand. consil. 224. lib. 6. & RL 134 on promises & oaths Bal. in l. clari. de fideicommiss. C. & Canonistae in glosa distinctionis II. 6210 Alexander Imolensis consil. 1. lib. 5 R 183 n3 on the restricted sovereignty of Italian cities F 80 "le docteur Alexandre Halien." 8218 Alexander the Great RL 638 method of crushing conspiracies L 470 6097 Alexandrum Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar... R 162 n3 Alexandrum, etc. 6000 Alphons X, ordonnance of l. 1. tit. 3. lib.1. ordinat. R 155 n4 . [Hispan. L] 7936 Alphonsus R 543 Cyprian Leovicius following Alphonsus has got his astronomical calculations wrong 7981 Alphonsus R 549 chronology of Alphonsus, Beda, Eusebius, Philo Judaeus compared 7948 Alphonsus Alphon. tabulae. RL 544 Tables of heavenly motions begin from the L 396C Autumn sectio 8371 Althamer, Andreas (Altomer Alleman) R 684 Germans very little liable to jealousy 6170 Aluarot in c. 1. §. omnes. si de feudo RL 175 on liege homage L 118B 6292 Alvarez R 204 on kings' tributary to the Negus; François Alvarez Portugalois qui a demeurë six ans en Ethiopie 8410 Alvarez R 688 on great religious enthusiasm in Africa 8392 Alvarez en l’histoire d’Ethiopie R 685 n4 leprosy in Africa 5511 Alvarez Fran. Alvarez en l'hist. d'Ethiopie R 66 n5 slavery in Africa 8170 Alvarez, Francis R 618 on the majesty of the great Negus 8954 Alvarez, Francis en l’histoire d’Ethiopie R 869 n8 gifts to the Negus of Ethiopia 9282 Alvarez, Francois en l’histoire d’Ethiopie R 1000 n.o divine revelation to Abraham, K. of Ethiopia 8615 Alvarez, François en l’histoire Ethiopique R 751 n2 only one fortress in Abyssinia 6653 Alvarez, François en l'Histoire d'Ethiopie R 276 n4 on Ethiopia 5631 Alvarez, François in l'histoire d'Ethiopie R 87 n5 citizenship 7594 Alvaro in c. unico. col. ul. §. final. quib. modis R 466 n2 jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief feudum amitt. 7647 Ambassador to Soleure R 472 on events at Geneva “comme j’ay veu par les lettres de l’Ambassadeur de France, qui lors estoit à Soleurre, escrites au Connestable: et celuy qui a escrit le contraire n’a pas bien feuilleté les registres de Geneve.” 5510 Ambrose, St. l. vel necare. de liber. agnos. R 66 n4 refusal of food = murder 9393 Ammianus R 1030 Druids custodians of Truth 8290 Amyot R 668 Amyot’s translation of Plutarch: Marius ὀ ά ό yeux roux et castaings 6353 Anacharsis [L 86 Acharnassus philosophus] R 218 F 80 Anacharsis said: at Athens the wise propose & fools dispose 8243 Anaxagoras R 653 said snow was black 5168 Ancaran ...consil. 408. R 24 n4 husband's rights 5846 Ancaran Anchar. consil. 198. nu. 2. R 132 n6 power of the sovereign 5976 Ancaran Anchara. consil. 2. ut factum R 153 n3 prince's compacts 6782 Ancaran cons. 289. R 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 5702 Ancaran in c. canonum statuta constitut. R 95 n1 at Perusium - testamentary rights of foreigners Slip Reference 5864 Alexander Imolensis Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 7718 Ancaran in c. de cetero. de testib. R 7583 Ancaran in c. postulasti. de foro compet. R 5542 Ancaran in cap. canonum statuta. de constitut. R verbo consuluit 8711 Ancaranus Petr. Ancaranus in cap. venerabilem. de R electio 9362 Anchara. in cap. pia. de except. Panor. in c. R prudentiam. §. sexta. de offi. deleg. Castrens. in l. ubi pactum. de transac. C. col. ult. 7264 Ancharan …Bald. consi. 309. Ancharan consi. 235 R & 339 // 35 RL 6460 Ancharan in c. 1. de sponsal. 7 consil. 320. R 7794 Ancharan in ca. licet. causam. de probat. R 7170 Ancharan in cap. at si cleric. de iudic…. RL 7154 Ancharan in regula ea quo. de regul. lib. 6. 9312 Ancharan, Pierre consil. 339. col. 3. pro malo. & consil. 489. visi.... 7310 Andr …Andr….in cap. causam quae de rescrip. 7575 Andr Bart. in d. l. inter tutor. Andr.... [v. sub. Bartolus] 6732 Andr. Andr. Isern. in titul. quae sint regalia… 5064 Andre … Andr. ad Specul. in tit. de testa. §. compendiose 5118 Andre ad Specul. titul. qui filii sint legit. grace: restitution of bastards college can make any law it pleases trial of clerics on jurisdiction of Popes & of ordinary magistrates on noble women who marry commoners 424 n3 on privileges 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers R R 300 n9 is tyrannicide legitimate? 17 n4 private family laws R 22 n4 ...Angel. Bar. Paul. Alexan. in l. sub R conditione. & in l. apud hostes. de suis et legit. C. …Ang. in l. 1. de iurisdict. R …Ange. Aret. & Imol. in l. triticum de R 50 415 n3 on prince's orders R R in addit. ad Spec. tit. de iniur. ex l. 2. R rerum amota. l. non debet de dolor. l. si quis uxor. de furtis… 6079 Andre, John Ioan. And. in ca. ult. de immunitate R Eccles. 6191 Andreas …in cap. dilecti. de majoritate & R obedient…. 5858 Andreas, John Ioan. Andr. in cap. 1. de rap. & in R regul. cui licet de Reg. li. 6. c. dudum de praebend. lib. 6. 5229 Ang …Ang. Alexand. in l. si cum dotem. §. si R maritus. soluto 7734 Ang arg. l. 1. de precib. imperat. offert. C. R 6572 Ang in l. a divo. de re iud. R 7800 Ang l. sed ex dolo. §. 1. de dolo. Innocent....Ang. & R Castrensis in l. §. 1. 7572 Ang Rotae decis. 253. in novis. Ang. in l. est R receptum. de arbit. idem tenet. 5217 Ange Accurs….Ange….Plate. in l. cives. de incolis R 6168 Angel in l. loci. corpus. §. si functus. si servitus RL 7040 Angel 5309 Angel Notes boys entering monasteries trial of lord by his peers cité compared to ville 806 n6 some say Pope can give dispensation from oaths, even to himself 1025 n8 power of magistrates - opinion of jurisconsults 241 n2 488 n8 397 L.279 RL 397 L 278 R 1011 n2 5166 Andre 7715 Angel Page 483 n4 466 n6 72 n.o 24 n4 only one doctor held that the wife is not in her husband's power husband's rights 161 n1 prince can abrogate parts of the ius gentium which are unjust 179 n6 sovereignty & vassalage 132 n3 the Pope never binds his hands 28 n2 status of wife 484 n1 abbot can be proceeded against by his monks 249 n1 judges cannot judge contrary to law 489 n3 rights of collegia 465 n3 trial of lord by his peers 28 n7 status of wife 175 on liege homage L 118B 483 n4 boys entering monasteries 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 38 n3 parricide justified where father a traitor Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6208 Angel 6340 Angel 5300 Angel 5205 Angel 7790 Angel 6989 Angel 6736 Angel 6568 Angel W Page verbor. obligat. …Angel. Sal. in l. cunctos populos. de R summa trinitate. C. …Bald. in l. omnes. de praescr. 30 R annorum. C. Accursius…Bart. Angel. Alex. ad Bart. not.. R Bart. Angel. Platea in l. exemplo. de decurio. R C. consi. 267... R consil. 137. R de clava in summa. verbo seditio. q. ult. R in l. 2. de iis qui sunt sui vel alieni. R Notes 51 183 n2 limited sovereignty of most Italian towns 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights 37 n7 28 n4 488 n8 380 n6 300 n9 249 n1 father & son status of wife right of college to make any law it pleases office compared to commission is tyrannicide legitimate? right of sovereign to judge according to his own conscience 6004 Angel in l. 3. §. si is pro quo. quod quisque iuris. ff. R 156 n6 some flatterers say Pope & Emperor may do anything 7172 Angel in l. magistratibus de iurisdict. textus est in RL 397 on trial of clerics cap. ad falsariorum. de crimine falsi. cap. L 279 degradatio. de poenis. lib. 6. cap. in praesentia. de offi. ordin. 7319 Angel in l. milites. de re iudic. R 424 n6 on misappropriation of privileges 7474 Angel in l. qui iurisdictioni. de iurisdict. cap. 1. de R 446 n9 contempt of court poenis. 6441 Angel in l. si decesserit. qui satis dare. & in l. 1. §. R 237 n6 right of reprieve non fuit. de dolo. l. ad bestias. de poenis. l. fine de quaest. 7710 Angel in l. sub conditio. de lib. & posth. R 483 n2 status of thoese entering religious houses 5547 Angel in l. ult. de iurisdict. R 74 n7 what is a civitas? 7756 Angel l. 3. l. 4. l. item. quod cuiusque universitat. R 486 n5 rule of majority Bart. Angel. Castrens. ibid... 5965 Angel l. in debiti. de condic. in deb. …Bar. Bald. R 153 n1 whether princes are bound by compacts made Angel. eod. with their subjects 6325 Angel. R 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia c for sovereignty 9579 Angel. Peru. Aretin. Corn. Ias. in l. omnium. qui RL 503* some have written that attendants of princes can testamen. fa. C. Plat. in l. 1. de domesticis L355C become noble - not true says Bodin & protect. C. n3 8903 Angel. Perus. in l. ex praestatione. de vectigal. C.... R 857 n9 public domain inalienable 9432 Angel. in authent. sed novo iure et sepeliri vetitum R 1036 n2 hanging the worst penalty erat. l. liberorum. §. non solet. de iis. qui notantur. l. moris. §. sed etiam. de poenis.... 6009 Angelus Ang. consi. 139. col. 2. Bal. & Angel in l. R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 2. de quadriennum. C. 6092 Angelus Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. … R 162 n3 Angelum, etc. 7638 Angelus in l. haeres absens. de iudic. R 471 n9 fugitives from justice 8538 Anjou, coustumes d’ R 720 n5 laws on marriage, dowries, etc. 6516 Anteb. in tract. de numeri. nu. 42. R 246 n5 rights of rulers 7963 Antimachus Lyrius R 545 and Plutarch say that M. Varro ordered L. Taruntius to cast the horoscope of Rome 5319 Antiochus R 39 & Antipater, the philosophers, put question: may a son kill a father who is a traitor? 5320 Antipater R 39 & Antiochus, the philosophers, put question: may a son kill a father who is a traitor? 7759 Anto ...Ant. Panor. in c. pastoralis. de rescript. §. 1. R 486 n5 rule of majority Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W & l. 2. de praediis curialium. [is this Ant. Panor.?] 7418 Anto …Anto. Imol. Panor. Feli. in ca. alias. & in R ca. quod sedes. de offic. deleg. 7772 Anto Butrio c. cum nobis olim. de elect... R 7767 Anto Butrio l. 2. de decur. C. Panor. Felin. Anto. R Butrio in ca. cum omnes. de constitut. 7393 Anton Anton. Butrio, Imola, Panorm. [Felin F 80] R Decius in c. de causis. de offi. deleg. Bald. in l. et si severior. ex quibus causis. Bal. consil. 443. 6737 Anton in summa. tit. 4. cap. 8. §. 1. DD. in l. R decernimus. de sacrosanct. eccles. C. 5235 Anton …Anton. Cardinalis uterque in capit. de illis R de sponsa. & in cap. 1. de coniugiis lepros. 7884 Antonin Pogius Machiavelli. Antonin Pogius R 9150 Antonin. en l’histoire de Florence R 5370 Antonine of Florence Anton. [Floren. L] chroni. R tit. 22 8255 Apollodorus RL d 9629 Apollonius apud Philostratum. 9190 Apollonius Thyanaeus apud Philostratum 8072 Appian 9214 Appian 9280 Appian 6697 Appian 5591 Appian 6924 Appian 5463 Appian 9073 Appian 5571 Appian 8126 Appian …Appianus, Livius, Valerius Max. Appian lib. 1. emphyl. Plutar. in Sylla Cicero pro lege Manil. Appian. lib. 1. Livius lib. 28 in civilibus in Libyco in Libyco… in Syriaco. 6853 Appian 7274 Appian lib. 1. ἔ ῦ lib. 1. civil. 8512 Appian 8508 Appian 7184 Appian 8461 Appian 8507 Appian 8214 Appian lib. 1. civil. lib. 1. civil. Cicero in Bruto. lib. 1. emphylion. lib. 1. ἔ ῦ lib. 1. ἔ ῦ lib. 3. 5450 Appian 5904 Appian Plut. in Sylla & Appian li. 1. bell. civ. Plutar. in Mario. Appia. lib. 1. [Ἔ ῦ F 76] Page Notes 52 441 n9 delegation of powers 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 487 n7 voting in colleges 438 n2 powers not to be delegated 300 n9 is tyrannicide legitimate? 28 n2 status of wife 528 n2 sources for history of Florence 947 n3 civil strife at Florence 45 n8 Anne, Queen of Naples & Sicily, adopts Louis of France, Duke of Anjou 654 Plutarch says Antiochus respected the Jewish L 484B religion during the siege; but he captured & sacked the city, acc. to Polybius, Strabo, Timagenes, Apollodorus RL 503* the trade of merchandise is an enemy to virtue L359B n1 R 969 kingship best, says Apollonius Thyanaeus RL R 568 says Athenian hegemony lasted 70 years R 978 says Romans refused sovereignty over various peoples R 998 n1 2nd Triumvirate at Rome R 285 n8 Roman Senate sends royal gifts to subject kings R 80 n6 social war fought to gain Roman citizenship R 368 n2 R. people often allotted provinces at its sole discretion RL 57 slaves in army of Sextus Pompeius R 907 n3 treasure of Trajan R 76 n2 city of Carthage destroyed R 590 n2 Epaminondas & Pelopidas win victory after end of their term of office R 349 n8 Sulla enlarges the Senate R 417 n9 magistrate forces those who voted against a law to swear to keep it R 715 n3 sale of one’s allotment of public land forbidden R 714 n9 law of Spurius Thurius on rent for public lands R 400 n4 on the diligence of the tribune Livius Drusus R 703 n2 cancellation of debts R 714 n9 censors fix rent of public lands R 637 n.o how Augustus dealt with Q. Gallius who had tried to murder him R 55 n5 civil wars of Sylla R 143 n6 Why did the Roman people swear to keep the laws? Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 53 Slip Reference 6933 Appian Valer. Max. li. 8. Appia. li. 1. 6942 Appian, translator of Appiani interpres lib. primo plebem pro populum vertit. Ottoman. in cap. 2. de Romanis Senatorib. 8674 Appius W Page Notes R 370 n8 in wartime laws not adhered to so strictly R 370 n8 misuse of "plebs" and "populus" 5034 Apuleius 6332 Aquens, Claud. R R proud reply of consul Appius to the leader of the Acheans about the freedom of Sparta: “Dum liceret voluntate sua facere, gratiam inirent, ne mox inviti & coacti facerent.” 12 populus · people = 15 persons, i.e. 3 families 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights R 733 8581 Aquinas, Thomas in summa titu. qui feudum dare pos. limit. 1 & 12… R 6734 Aquinas, Thomas in 2. 2. q. 24. art. 2. 7027 Archidiaco in cap. saepe. de offi. deleg. R R 7033 Archidiaco R Innoc….Archidiac. in cap. 3. de probat. ext. 6008 Archidiacon in cap. ius civile & ibi Card. Alex. 7699 Archidiaconus ...& Archidiacon. in c. non dicatis. 12. q. 1. & glo. quam sequuntur Panor. & Feli. 6325 Aret. d 5211 Areti …Aret. & Felin. in cap. super. eod. de testib. 5308 Aretin Bar….Ange. Aret. & Imol. in l. triticum de verbor. obligat. 6049 Aretin consi. 20. col. ult. 6525 Argentraeus Io. Plat….Argentraeus in consuetud. Britan. art. 55. not. 1. nu. 5. 6126 Argentrée sur les coustumes de Bretaigne In consuetud. Britan. & in historia Brit. 8681 Aristenus 8275 Aristides 8608 Aristippus 5030 Aristotle 5043 Aristotle 5520 Aristotle 6597 Aristotle 6639 Aristotle 6666 Aristotle 6770 Aristotle 6831 Aristotle in panathenaeis R R 791 said a young prince must be given the appetite for glory 300 n9 is tyrannicide legitimate? 384 n2 commissioner's power begins only when he accepts the commission 384 n6 commissioners 151 n7 powers of a sovereign 483 n1 no jurisdiction of father over those entering religious houses RL 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty R 28 n4 status of wives R 38 n3 parricide justified where father a traitor R R 158 n7 on the respublica 247 n8 rights of princes in maritime districts R 168 n2 on a point of history of Britanny RL "le Seneschal de Rhenes" "Argentraeus, Rhedonensium praetor" R 794 speech of Aristenus at council of the Aetolians: “Romanos aut socios habere oportet aut hostes; media via nulla est.” R 664 n2 Athenians autochthonous RL R 746 says Dionysius the elder gave nothing to those who asked, but much to Plato who refused R 10 Xenophon & Aristotle divided economics from politics R 13 said Babylon was a nation rather than a city R 69 A., Demosthenes & Cicero say wrongly that the first kings were models of justice R 255 Thucydides,…Aristotle…say that Athens aimed at setting up democracies everywhere R 273 & Plato classify brigandage as a kind of hunting, as I noted in my commentary on Oppian R 280 said that kingship used to be elective R 307 in his Politics - definition of a tyrant as one who acts contrary to the will of the people R 338 calls "popular" the republic of Apollonia Thera Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 7400 Aristotle R 440 7657 Aristotle R 475 8039 Aristotle 8046 Aristotle 8061 Aristotle 8134 Aristotle 8164 Aristotle 8268 Aristotle 8327 Aristotle 8364 Aristotle 8862 Aristotle 8930 Aristotle 9152 Aristotle 9204 Aristotle 9326 Aristotle 9335 Aristotle 9416 Aristotle 9514 Aristotle 9605 Aristotle 9485 Aristotle 8446 Aristotle 8251 Aristotle 5189 Aristotle 5016 Aristotle 5389 Aristotle 5013 Aristotle 8300 Aristotle 9157 Aristotle 8043 Aristotle 54 Notes & Colophon distinguishes ὰς ἀπὸ τῶν ῶ judex compared to arbiter Plato & Aristotle put piracy among types of hunting finds fault with the obscurity of Heraclitus RL 564 L 413D RL 564 writes hares live at most to be six; an unclean L 414C animal & forbidden to sanctified people R 565 mentions many animals which live no longer than 7 years R 595 says best method of judging is by majority vote, not by unanimity R 617 the book De mundo, dedicated to Alexander the Great, attributed to Aristotle but not in his style R 660 thought it good “tam fallaci fuco rerum naturam velare, ut fraus detegi non possit.” R 675 says wrongly that those who live in extreme cold or heat are barbarians R 683 says horse-riding excites lust R 849 avoid Ionic & Lydian modes of music R 861 Aristotle praises Byzantium for selling some of its public domain R 948 Aristotle’s criticism of the result on a city of Plato’s community of goods, wives, etc. R 974 says kings should be elected R 1015 would use both arithmetic & geometric justice R 1021 is wrong to say a state is blessed if the prince is so just that he can rule without laws, by equity alone R 1034 wanted geometric proportion in penalties RL 503* termed slaves instruments for other men’s uses L348D lib. 3. & 8. RL 503* mechanical and handicrafts men in Greece were L357C kept from counsel, from command, from n6 honors: for being hired for wages, they had lost the strength and power of a noble ad Theodectem lib. 1. & 5. ethic. ad R 1045 n9 blames the lex talionis - taking the words too Nicom. Gel. lib. 20. RL literally ad Theodectem lib. 2. RL 699 “levitas” is natural to adolescence L 521B ad Theodectem. RL 654 equal folly is shown by orators who try to prove L 482D & geometers who try to persuade Arist. li. 2. Polit. Plutar. in Laconic. R 27 n8 Spartans’ treatment of their wives Arist. libro 6. phys. & lib. 12. cap. ult. R 7 n2 by contemplation the philosophers have decided metaphys. there is one eternal God Aristo. lib. 5. ethic. R 47 n3 captives in war enslaved Aristot. in politicis eundem singulorum et RL 5 civitatis finem statuit aux Problemes R 669 on summer heat of sun in cold countries ethico. 1. RL 952 mediocritas is best - but it must be medium L 704 rationis not medium rei in libris de ortu et interitu. RL 564 says the forms of all things divinely infused L 414A to_ qe~io&nti Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8044 Aristotle in libris de partibus animant. 5053 Aristotle 6402 Aristotle 6673 Aristotle in polit. in polit. in polit. 7670 Aristotle 8115 Aristotle in polit. in polit. R R 477 n9 586 n7 8224 Aristotle in polit. R 641 n6 8518 Aristotle in polit. R 716 n6 8526 Aristotle 9052 Aristotle 9548 Aristotle in polit. in polit. in polit. 9553 Aristotle in polit. 9560 Aristotle in polit. 6586 Aristotle 5261 Aristotle 5404 Aristotle 8265 Aristotle in Polit. Polyb. lib. 6 in politic. in Politic. in politic. 8477 Aristotle 5009 Aristotle 9005 Aristotle 8293 Aristotle 8305 Aristotle in politic. in politicis in Politics in problem. in problemat. 9114 Aristotle a 6953 Aristotle li. 5. cap. 20. polit. R 718 n1 R 899 n7 RL 503* L352D n1 RL 503* L353C n3 RL 503* Hippodamus, lawgiver of Miletus, divided the L354B Milesians into soldiers, artificers and n5 husbandmen, which Aristotle seems to have missed R 252 n1 how many sorts of republic? R 32 n4 father's power over children amongst Persians R 49 n4 on slavery R 658 n5 Aristotle is surprised that barbarians carry arms in time of peace R 707 n1 usury to be abolished or severely checked R 4 n8 definition of a republic R 881 n6 taxation of Cypselus, tyrant of Carthage R 668 n8 on inner heart of the northern peoples R 671 n2 people of north feel weak when south wind blows R 937 n1 worst tyranny that of whole people, acc. to Cicero & Aristotle R 373 n6 principal of Dialectic: one definition only for one thing RL 507 everything born must one day die RL 543 what has a beginning has an end L 394B R 561 n1 one body can have only one motion R 567 n7 says 3 has great power R 5 n1 sometimes gives popular opinions of the end of a republic; sometimes says "contemplatio" alone R 8 n3 R 940 n5 says democracy bad - quotes Homer oὐk ἀgaqὸn πολυκοιράνιη R 215 n9 there cannot be two infinite things R 748 n.o orphans of those killed in battle educated at public expense - but this strained the finances, 7853 Aristotle 7923 Aristotle li. 9. topic. F 80 li. 6. topic. L 86 lib. 1 de caelo. lib. 1. de caelo. 8023 Aristotle 8068 Aristotle 5014 Aristotle lib. 1. de caelo. lib. 1. de caelo. lib. 10. ethic. Nico. & 7. politic. 5017 Aristotle 9120 Aristotle lib. 10. ethicor. & lib. 7. polit. lib. 12. cap. 12. metὰ tὰ fusikά 6342 Aristotle 8611 Aristotle lib. 2. [de. naturali audit. L 86] lib. 2. cap. 5. politicon. Notes man’s mind 55 W Page RL 564 L 414B R 16 n1 R 229 n3 R 281 n.o on community living of the Cretans on the V viri at Carthage says kings of Scythia chosen for ability at drinking people of Crete ate together disadvantages of magistracies for life: at Carthage the people become master and change the aristocracy Oxiles & Phytales forbidden to alienate their estates ⅔ of land at Sparta in hands of women free corn spoils the citizens, e.g. at Tarentum reports it is common in all Greek cities to feed, at public expense, the children of those who had died valiantly for their country ancient kings were also priests Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 6883 Aristotle 9322 Aristotle lib. 2. cap. 6. polit. lib. 2. cap. 6. politicor. R R 356 n1 1013 n6 8381 Aristotle 6807 Aristotle 5552 Aristotle 8462 Aristotle 6674 Aristotle 6679 Aristotle lib. 2. de partibus animantium. lib. 3. cap. 5. polit. lib. 3. cap. 6. Politic. lib. 3. cap. 7. lib. 3. de Repub. lib. 3. de Repub. cap. 3. R R R R R R 685 n7 330 n9 74 n8 703 n3 281 n2 282 n5 9623 Aristotle lib. 3. polit. 9365 Aristotle 7094 Aristotle 6863 Aristotle 6948 Aristotle 6828 Aristotle 6806 Aristotle 6625 Aristotle 6315 Aristotle 6910 Aristotle 9584 Aristotle 8850 Aristotle 8031 Aristotle 6812 Aristotle 8792 Aristotle 8246 Aristotle 7095 Aristotle 8027 Aristotle 8851 Aristotle 5012 Aristotle 8467 Aristotle 9628 Aristotle 56 Notes acc. to Aristotle the senate at Carthage it’s all the same whether women are sovereigns or princes obey women the coldest animals are the wisest says A. on constitution of Ethiopia definition of a city lords of Thurii expelled by the people his definition of a king as one who is chosen says there are 4 sorts of kings and then contradicts himself Theban citizens had to abstain from the trade of merchandise for ten years before seeking office RL 503* L359A n3 lib. 3. polit. Pollux. lib. 2. Demosthenes R 1025 n2 equity among Greek judges = contra Timocratem. ά ώ R 394 n4 B. criticizes A's definition of a magistrate lib. 3. politic. καὶ μάλιστα ἐπιτάττειν lib. 4. cap. 14. polit. R 350 n1 on the senate among the Candiots lib. 4. cap. 15 R 372 373 calls all officials άρχαὶ n1 lib. 4. cap. 4. [L 86: lib. 4. cap. 1.] R 337 n2 Bodin disagrees with Aristotle's definition of a popular state lib. 4. cap. 5. polit. R 329 n7 says 4 sorts of Aristocracy lib. 4. cap. 7 n8 5 sorts of Republic lib. 4. cap. 8. of the Republic R 264 on mixed constitutions ί lib. 4. de repub. R 212 n2 only Greek writers on the "iura majestatis" are Aristotle, Polybius & Dion. Halic. Bodin then quotes Aristotle with marginal reference to lib. 4. de Republica lib. 4. de Republica R 367 n4 Senate must approve of motions to be put to people lib. 4. politic. RL 503* Aristotle placed the first degree of nobility in L356A wealth, the second in honorable descent, the n6 third in virtue – placing last what should be first lib. 5. cap. 10. Polit. R 847 n3 says laws useless if children don’t learn good morals lib. 5. cap. 12. polit. RL 564 evades discussion of the difficult Bk. 8 of L 412 Plato’s Republic lib. 5. cap. 6. R 331 n7 aristocrats swear eternal enmity to the people lib. 5. cap. 8. polit. R 835 n2 advantages of a census lib. 5. cap. 8. n3 lib. 6 Physic. Metaphys. lib. 12. cap. 12. R 653 n9 demonstrates the existence of a god lib. 6. politic. R 394 n6 A's division of magistrates into lib. 7. & 8. polit. R 563 n5 on power of harmony in life of states lib. 7. cap. 15. Polit R 848 n8 citizens should be prevented from going to comedies lib. 7. cap. 3. & 15. polit. & lib. 10. ethic. R 5 n9 contemplatio the end of a republic, as of an ad Nicomach. individual lib. 7. polit. c. 15. & Plato lib. 8. de R 705 n6 abortions ordered by Plato & Aristotle to limit legibus. Plutar. in Lycurgo membris number of citizens captos exponi iussit lib. 7. polit. cap. 9. RL 503* the trade of merchandise is an enemy to virtue L359B n9 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8848 Aristotle lib. 8. c. 2. Polit. 9185 Aristotle lib. ult. metὰ tὰ fusikά 8335 Aristotle lib. VIII. polit. W R R RL 5576 Aristotle lib.1. cap.1. & cap.4. Polit. lib.6. topic. lib.3. c.i. polit. 5456 Aristotle Plutar. in Lycurg. Aristo. li. 2. Polit. 7871 Aristotle polit. 5. cap. 10. 7861 Aristotle polit. lib. 3. cap. 13. 7894 Aristotle polit. lib. 5. 7887 Aristotle Thucydid. Arist. polit. 5. 8365 Aristotle au Problemes 7978 Arliac, Pierre R R R R R R R R Page 847 n1 969 n1 678 L 502C 77 n5 n6 n7 56 n8 518 n2 512 n7 533 n9 529 n6 683 548 5139 Arnobius lib. 2. adversus gentes… 7998 Arnold the Spaniard b 5833 Arragon, the Estates of 9278 arrests, 1258 & 1283 R R 23 n8 554 R R 129 997 n8 n9 727 n8 57 Notes thought all citizens should have some education kingship best, says Aristotle continuous labor makes men ferocious definition of a citizen Spartans kill off 3000 slaves rebellion of Megacles against tyrant of Mytilene after tyranny aristocracy Miletus: aristocracy to democracy democratic revolutions in various states why are melancholics more lecherous? Chancellor of Paris, Cardinal since 1416 connected rise & fall of empires, etc. with movements of stars power of husband over wife prediction of end of world "comme j'ay appris d'un chavalier Espagnol" apanages granted to younger princes of France revert to Crown if holders die without children 8563 arrest, donné à Ancenis 1230 R lands which have come to the French crown by confiscation - 8 examples with dates are given 6150 Arrian Q. Curtius, Arrianus, Plutar. RL 171 Alexander the Great & Calisthenes 8221 Arrianus RL 639 Philotas divulges the conspiracy against Alexander 5170 Artemidorus R 25 no greater love than that of marriage 8872 Asco. in Pisonianam. R 851 n5 quashing of the lex Claudia, which required both Censors to agree on the expulsion of a senator -which truncated the Censor’s powers 8944 Asconius RL 865 says Romans established more than 53 colonies in Italy 7523 Asconius Asconius & Cicero [in praetura urbana F R 458 n6 Praetor Piso & his colleague Verres 80] 6936 Asconius Dio Nicaeus: Asconius in Cornelianam R 370 n4 Tribune Cornelius orders Senate not to invade the sphere of the people 7353 Asconius in commentariis ad Ciceronem. Cic. pro R 433 n9 the praetors' powers are strictly laid down Cluentio. in Verrem 7840 Asconius in Cornel. Sallust in orat. Portii Latronis. R 500 n7 Senate abolishes many collegia 5838 Asconius in Cornelianam R 131 n2 lex Cornelia forbids anyone to be absolved from the laws except under certain restrictions 6928 Asconius in Cornelianam R 369 n4 lex Cornelia requires quorum of 200 senators 7357 Asconius in Cornelianam & Verrinas RL 434 gives examples of form of sentence passed during R. republic 9535 Asconius in orat. Cic. in toga candida. RL 503* Cicero had six competitors in his Consulship L351B n4 9532 Asconius in orat. in toga candida. RL 503* the Romans accounted as nobilis the son of a L351A new raised man who was first in his family to n8 hold an honorable office – id est qui aedilis curulis. Praetor. Censorve fuisset. 8837 Asconius [Paedianus L] R 843 on census & keeping accounts during the Empire Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 58 Notes individual senators did sit on judicial bodies said: "Tribunos, Quaestores, Triumviros capitales non in sellis curulibus, sed in subselliis iura dixisse." meaning of the term “novus homo” at Rome Slip Reference 6889 Asconius Paedianus 7183 Asconius Paedianus W Page RL 357 R 400 9504 Asconius Paedianus RL 1054 L 774 R 443 n2 lex Cornelia said praetors must stick to their edicts R 595 n2 on the difference between two methods of judging: “Cum universi judices constituunt, aut singuli sententiam ferunt.” RL 56 Milo manumitted 300 slaves in one day 7432 Asconius Paedianus in Cornelianam. Dio. lib. 26 8133 Asconius Paedianus in divinationem. 5453 Asconius Paedianus in Milonianam 8927 Asconius Paedianus et Ulpian in l. 2. §. hoc inter- R dictum. ne quid in loco publico. l. cum servus. §. constat. de legat. 1. 9301 Astesanus theolog. in summa li. 8. tit. 10. artic. 2. R 5142 Athenaeus & Alcimus Siculus apud Athenaeum R Athenaeus in dipnosophistis RL 8315 Athenaeus dipnosoph. ἐ R ύ ὸ ἐ χύ 6509 Athenaeus lib. 3. R 7836 Athenagoras in apologia ad Antoninum. R 8568 Athens, formula in condemnations R 7608 Aufrer R q. 411. Tolos. Fel. in ca. ult. de foro competenti. 6938 Aufrerius …Aufrerius in decis. Tolosa. q. 405 in addit. ad decis. capel. Tolos. q. 319. R in decis. capel. Tolos. 86. Io. Lup. in R repetit. c. per vestras. §. 9. nu. 13. de donat. inter virum. 7004 Aufrerius in decis. capel. Tolosa. R 7157 Aufrerius in stilo parlamenti. parte. 3. art. 62. tit. de RL Gallinis 6385 Aufrerius in titulo. de guerris veterem ordinationem R citat. 7912 Augustin RL distinct. 63. cano. 13. non est permittendum. Augustin. epistola. 110. Theodoritus lib. 4. cap. 20. ecclesiasticae historiae. 5110 Augustin Numer. ca. 30. Augustin. qu. 56. cap. 4. Num. ca. voluit 13. // 33. q. 5. 5578 Augustine, [St.] August. & Paul. 1. ad Corinth. 4. 7126 Augustine, St. 8854 Augustinus in epistola 69 & 163. 164. 165 1010 n3 woman follows man 23 n8 power of husband over wife 673 n5 Scythians great drinkers 246 n9 on Lysimachus 499 n7 Athenagoras the orator - on the charges against the early Christians 728 as can be seen in the arrest given at Athens against Archiptolemos, Antiphon 468 n9 execution outside one’s own territory RL 370 7636 Aufrerius 9300 Aufrerius 9210 Augustin 860 n7 public domain compared with prince’s patrimony R edicts of minor magistrates became part of the body of law 471 n9 fugitives from justice 1010 n2 woman follows man 381 n9 powers of commissioners 397 on powers of church in early France L 278 224 n.o right of peace & war 542 Augustin (following Panaetius & Seneca) calls L 392D the chain of necessity God; says: Fate is nothing, or else God himself is Fate. 977 n2 General Council of Laodicaena forbade people to elect ministers & prelates R 21 n1 RL R 78 n1 RL 397 L 277 Homel. 38. & 499. & in Math. homel. RL 848 husband's power over wife's promises do the members of the body quarrel with one another? Augustine on power of early Pontiffs theater contrary to public morals Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8060 Augustus 69. & in Actis homel. 49. cap. 19. W Page RL 565 Notes 59 letter of Augustus A.D. IX. Cal. Octobres: “Ave mi Cai, meus ocellus iucundissimus...” (5 lines) 9540 Augustus RL 503* by lex Servia chose many of the more noble L352A families into the order of the Patricians 9260 Authentica in successione. de. suis. C. RL 993 succession L 732 8397 Avicenna RL 685 wrote one book on elephantiasis & another on L 508D leprosy 8993 Aymo lib. 2. R 879-880 Kings Clotaire & Chilperic did exact tribute a n9 6702 Aymon R 285 on Emperor Anastasius sending titles & ornaments to King Clovis of France at Tours 9487 Bachai, Rabi authorem hunc appellat. R 1045 Rabi Kanan says value of an eye for an eye RL L 768 7713 Bal. in l. cum adoptivus. de adopt. R 483 n4 position of boys entering monastery, etc. 6325 Bal. R 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia b for sovereignty 6565 Bal. in l. 1. §. quies. de offic. praef. urbis R 249 n1 right to judge according to one's conscience 9526 Bal. in l. de dignit. C. Io. Plat. ibid. Lucas Penna. in RL 503* the greatest lawyers, together with Plato, have l. mulieres de dignit. C. Faber. in l. milites de L350C divided gentry from war quaest. Bal. & Ang. in l. filiusfa. §. veterani. n1 de procurat. ff. Salic. in l. non prohibentur de his qui accusare. C. Albericus. in l. milites. locati. C. Roman. sing. 507. 9385 Bal. in l. voluntas. de fideicom. & in l. ult. de iure R 1029 n1 powers of magistrates domini. C. 9382 Bald. in l. alio. de alimentis. Bar. in l. creditor. §. R 1029 n7 extraordinary powers of magistrates Lucius. mandati. et in l. procurator cui libera. de procurat. Roman. in l. si quis mihi. §. iussum. de acquirenda haeredit. 7392 Baldus ... in l. et. si severior. ex quibus causis. Bal. R 438 n2 powers not to be delegated consil. 443. 6218 Baldus …& cap. cum episcop. de offic. ordina. c. R 185 n4 restrictions on sovereignty 1. §. item cum notis. Bald. quibus modis feudum amittatur. 5105 Baldus …& ibi Accursius…Bald….Alberic. de R 21 n8 power of paterfamilias condit insertis. C. 5221 Baldus …Bal. cons. 351. col. 2. lib. 1 & consil. R 28 n1 status of wife 441. lib.1 7053 Baldus …Bal. in d. l. eius qui. si certum R 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 7419 Baldus …Bal. in l. gesta. col. 1. de re iudic. C. & in R 441 n9 delegation of powers tit. de offic. delegat. 7412 Baldus …Bal. in l. nec quicquam. §. ubi decretum. R 441 n9 old Doctors on delegation of powers de offic. proconsul…. 5214 Baldus …Bal. in l. ult. de seru. fug. C. R 28 n5 status of wife 6207 Baldus …Bal…Sal. in l. cunctos populos. de R 183 n2 limited sovereignty of most Italian towns summa trinitate. C. 6240 Baldus …Bald. in c. pastoralis. de rescript. R 190 n5 on papal power 5566 Baldus …Bald. in l. ult. col. 4. de sacrosanct…. R 75 n8 status of cities 7133 Baldus …Baldus, Cynus in l. episcopale de RL 397 power of Pontifices in France episcopali audient. C…. L 277 7312 Baldus …Baldus…in cap. causam quae de rescrip R 424 n3 on privileges 6378 Baldus …in l. de quib. de legibus R 222 n3 custom cannot derogate from law Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 6174 Baldus …in summa tit. de feud. §. ult. RL 5231 Baldus …Roma. Ang. Alexand. in l. si cum dotem. R §. si maritus. soluto 5219 Baldus Accurs….Bal. consil. 139. lib. 5 R 5133 Baldus Accursius & Baldus in l. velles de R revocandis donat. C. 6580 Baldus Albericus in l. ult. de iurisdict. Bal. in l. a R procuratore. mandati. C. & in l. si aquam. de servit. & aqua. C. 9271 Baldus Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in l. is RL a potest. de acquir. haeredit. Bald. in authent. post fratres. de legit. haered. C. 9254 Baldus 6069 Baldus 6036 Baldus 5384 Baldus 5088 Baldus 8749 Baldus 6124 Baldus 5068 Baldus 5541 Baldus 5061 Baldus 5843 Baldus 6994 Baldus 6044 Baldus 6364 Baldus 9626 Baldus 6091 Baldus 7256 Baldus 6331 Baldus 6506 Baldus Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in l. R is potest. de acquir. haered. et Bald. in authent. post fratres. de legitimis haered. C. Arg. cap. dilecto. de praebendis. R Bal. in l. ult. de transact. C. Bal. consi. 363. fine lib. 3. R Bal. consil. 24 li. 1. & 202 li. 4. R Bald. & Cune. in l. raptores. de Episcopis R Bald. Alberic. Castren. in authen. statuimus R de episcop. C. Bald. Cyn. Salicet. in l. si quisquis. ad l. R Iuliam maiestat. C. Bald. in cap. 1. §. mulier. si de feudo R controversia. per cap. 1. de filiis natis ad morganaticam. Bald. in l. cives. ex l. provincial. de verbor. R signif….scilicet Bald. sibi contrarius est in l. si non specialiter. de Test. C. Bald. in l. cum omnes. de Episcopis…. R Bald. l. 2. de constitut. pecunia. C. Bald. in l. cunctos populos. col. 1. de R summa trinit. C. & in c. ult. de offic. Archi. Bald. in l. rescripta. de preci. Imperatori. C. Bald. Io. Andr. Panorm. Felin. Cardinal. in R cap. cum ex officii. de praescript. extra. Bar. & DD. in l. nam postea. §. si minor. de R iureiurando Bart. & Bald. in l. cunctos populos. de R summa trinit. C. Bart. Plate. Lucas Penna. Bald. in d. l. RL nequis. Faber. in l. falso de dignit. C. Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. Bald. etc. cau. non licet. 10. distinc. Bald. in ca. cum adeo. de rescript. ait obediendum si ius est positivum consil. 274. lib. 3. & consil. 303. eod…. consil. 340. lib. 3. & consi. 370. & 49. lib. Page 175 28 n2 Notes on liege homage status of wife 28 n7 23 n6 status of wife legal position of women 60 250 n4 on royal rights 993 L 733 the opinion of the older and younger lawyers therefore favors the grandson (nepos), not only in direct descent but in collateral lines; “we have examined these things more carefully because of the succession that seems to be close at hand in France.” 994 n3 succession to children of eldest son 160 n5 prince & his predecessors 157 n4 46 n2 laws on adoption 20 n7 rights of husband over wife 823 n1 vassal to be deprived of jurisdiction but not of the fief itself for breaking his oath 167 n8 on treason [L 86 omits "maiestat."] 18 n7 on private family laws 72 n.o some have said cité = ville [i.e. state = town] 17 n4 private family laws 131 n5 power of the sovereign 380 n7 office compared to commission 158 n7 on the respublica 221 n.o death penalty for breaking prince's order R 503* the trade of merchandise seems to many to be L359A base, and not very honest or commendable n7 162 n3 R 415 n9 on obedience to prince's orders R R 215 n8 royal rights cannot be lost by lapse of time 245 n3 on taxation Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 3….Bal. consi. 12 // 112. lib. 2. 8702 Baldus consil. 364 & 26 lib. 3 & 40 lib. 1... 7695 Baldus 6071 Baldus 5881 Baldus 6061 Baldus 6195 Baldus 8695 Baldus 5931 Baldus 7167 Baldus 6339 Baldus 5992 Baldus 9582 Baldus 5304 Baldus 6246 Baldus 5973 Baldus 9569 Baldus 7590 Baldus 9306 Baldus 7588 Baldus 5745 Baldus 6164 Baldus 6233 Baldus 9318 Baldus 6302 Baldus 7788 Baldus contra Bald. Salic. Castrensem, Bartolum Cynus & Bald. in c. 1. de natu. feud. tradunt, si magnum est detrimentum non teneri. Cynus, Bald. Bart. Salicet. in l. digna vox. de legib. C. de quib. Bald….Salicet. in l. digna. de legib. C. excipit plenitudinem ibid. & ita iudicatum Gratianopoli 12. September 1460 in §. ult. col. 1. tit qui feudum dare….Bal. in l. 2. col. 7. vers. item not. de servitut. et aqua… in auth. clericus. de episcop. C. W Page Notes RL R 803 n.o may a prince break an oath made under compulsion? R 482 n9 jurisdiction of university over students R 160 n.o prince & his predecessors' contracts 61 R 135 n7 compact between prince & subjects R 159 n2 prince & his predecessors' contracts R R 179 n7 on sovereignty of a king who is also a vassal 802 n7 oaths of princes R 149 n2 rulers bound by law of God RL 397 trial of clerics L 279 in auth. hoc amplius de fideicommissis. C. R 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights Angel. Bald. in l. omnes. de praescr. 30 annorum. C. in authen. omnes. col. 2. de censib. C. & in R 154 n9 obligations of a prince c. 1. de nat. feud. homi. consi. 58. col. 1. lib. 3. in c. 1. §. Marchio.tit. de iis qui feudum RL 503* it is lawful for every base-born holder of a dare. Alvarot. Cardinal. Alexand. ibi. Guido L355D feudum to create his own vassals Pap. decis Delphin. 4. & 5. n5 in c. 1. §. si dono. de matr. de novo benefi. R 37 n8 patria potestas in c. 1. de nat. feudi. ex ca. pastoralis de R 191-192 papal powers sentent. & se iudicat. n8 in c. 1. de natura feud. & in c. 1. de prob. R 153 n3 prince's compacts ext. & in l. ult. de transa. C. in c. penult. de probat. ex l. pronunciato. §. RL 503* between noble descent and virtue the more matrem de verb. sign. ff. L354D weight is to be given to virtue n5 in c. quanto de iud. Oldrad. consil. 252. R 466 n2 jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief in c. significante. de rescrip. col. 2. & ibi. R 1010 n7 does foreigner marrying Queen thereby get the Andre. Palat. Rivius. in cap. per vestras. §. fruits of the kingdom? succedit. nu. 10. in ca. uno delegatorum de offi. delegati. R 466 n1 iurisdiction not divisible in cap. 1. de milite vassal… R 100 n5 taxation in cap. caeterum. col. 3. de iudic. expl. R 175 n4 on liege vassals in cap. pastoralis. de rescript. ex cap. R 190 n8 some say all kings are vassals of the Pope intelleximus. de iureiurando in cap. significavit. de rescriptis. & in l. si R 1012 n4 on male succession to throne of France plures. de condit. insertis. C. & in l. ex hoc iure. de iustitia. ff. et in authent. hoc amplius. de fideicommissi. C. & in authent. habita. ne filius pro patre. C. apertius etiam in l. 1. de senatorib. ubi controversiam Valesii cum Eduardo III. narrat. in consilio petita venia. Oldrad consi. 69. R 209 n6 Baldus, though subject of Empire, says King of France is superior to all other rulers in d. cap. cum omnes. de const. R 488 n6 voting in colleges Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 5928 Baldus in d. l. humanum [de legib. C.] RL 7777 Baldus in l. 1. de fide instr. C. & in l. observare. de R decurio. C....Bald. in c. 1. col. 6. de iudic.... 7010 Baldus in l. 1. de iure aureorum annul. C. & R in l. scripta de precib. imperatori. C. 7102 Baldus in l. 1. de offic. eius cui mandata. numero 4. R Page Notes 149 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 62 383 n1 scope of commissions in l. 1. de relation. C. l. 1. §. quaesitum. de appellat. Bald iterum in l. ult. de relat. 6563 Baldus in l. 1. de vindict. libert. C. 5177 Baldus in l. 1. quod scimus. de latina libert… 7640 Baldus in l. 1. ubi de crimine agi oport. C. R 395 n2 Doctors follow Accursius' opinion on classification of magistrates 236 n2 on Francis II & right of appeal R R 249 n1 right to judge according to one's conscience 27 n9 on divorce R 6428 Baldus 5679 Baldus R R 471 n1 on question: must prince hand over fugitive from justice? 233 n2 court of last ressort 91 n1 6434 Baldus 7626 Baldus 5670 Baldus 8471 Baldus 5548 Baldus 9251 Baldus 6132 Baldus 7593 Baldus 8227 Baldus 6018 Baldus 9320 Baldus 5923 Baldus 5886 Baldus 6492 Baldus 6783 Baldus 5866 Baldus 7336 Baldus 6463 Baldus 5162 Baldus 7706 Baldus 6939 Baldus 5877 Baldus in l. 2. conclu. 435. de rerum divisione… in l. 2. de infantibus liberis. C. & in l. 2. de statu hominum in l. 2. de servis fugit. C. R 471 n9 prince is not bound to hand over strangers who have taken refuge to the justices of a foreign land in l. 2. legat. C. R 90 n5 in l. 2. qui ad libertatem. C. RL 706 exclusion of females from inheritance L 527D in l. 3. de naturalib. liberis R 74 n7 what is a civitas? in l. 3. de suis. & legit. C. ex. l. 1. de iis qui R 993 n2 succession - to grandson (son of eldest) or to ante apertas tabulas. C. et ex. l. 1. §. pro younger son? secundo. §. sin autem. de caduc. C. in l. 4. fine de rerum divis. nu. 56. R 168 n6 on vassals in l. a procuratore. de re iudicata. & consi. R 466 n2 jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief 338. considerandum. & consi. 293. thema. & cons. 322. lib. 4... in l. aequissimum. de usufructu. ff. c. R 642 n.o prince can force his subjects to do his will placuit. 90. distinct. in l. bene a Zenone. col. 2. eod….Bart. & R 156 n7 Bald. in l. item. si verberatum. etc….Bal. & Angel in l. 2. de quadriennum. C. in l. centum. unde legitimum. R 1012 n5 on succession in house of Bourbon in l. clari. de fideicommis. C. R 149 n6 a law cannot be made which is irrevocable in l. claris. de fideicom. C. R 135 n8 prince's promises in l. cum multa. de bonis quae liberis. C. R 245 n7 right of taxation in l. decernimus. de sacrosanct. eccles. C…. R 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's Bal. in l. digna vox de legibus. C. deeds & promises in l. donationes. de donat. inter virum et R 134 n6 laws & contracts of the prince uxorem. C. in l. eam quam. de fideicommiss. C. R 426 n2 magistrates to test facts given in rescripts in l. eam quam. de iure aureorum. C. & R 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards consil. 306. li. 2. in l. filius de patri potest. C. & in l. nec R 24 n1 husband's right to punish patronus de operis libert. C. & consil. 176. in l. fin. §. 1. de bonis quae lib. C....Bal. de R 483 n2 those entering religious houses - are they still sacrosan. C. under the patria potestas of their fathers? in l. humanum de legibus. C. RL 370 edicts of minor magistrates became part of the body of law in l. humanum. de legib. C. Archidiacon. in R 134 n2 prince's contracts Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference cap. 1. de constit. lib. 6 6167 Baldus in l. i. q. 22. de reru. divis. 6250 Baldus 6397 Baldus 6001 Baldus 7252 Baldus 7153 Baldus 5967 Baldus 7262 Baldus 5690 Baldus 6235 Baldus W Page RL 175 L 118B in l. iureiurando. de testib. C. R 191 n1 in l. mandatum mandati. C. R 227 n.o in l. nemo sententiis & interlocut- R 155 n5 ionibus. C. in l. nuptae. de Senator. & in l. imperium. R 414 n2 de iurisdict. in l. placet. de sacrosanct. C. RL 397 L 278 in l. Princeps. de legib. & in c. 1. §. ad haec. R 153 n2 col. 5….Bald. in l. ex imperfecto. de testam. C. in l. puniti. si contra ius. C. l. ult. R 415 n3 sententiam rescendi. C…. in l. quod favore. de legib. R 94 n.o in l. rescripta. de precib. imperat. offer. C. R 190 n9 Notes 63 on liege homage what Baldus dared to say on papal powers procurator must stick to his instructions Baldus says wrongly Italians bound by Roman law, French not no prince would order contrary to laws of God on jurisdiction of Popes & of ordinary magistrates prince's compacts on prince's orders some say Pope can appoint regents for insane kings 9574 Baldus in l. sacrilegii de diversis rescrip. C. Bart. in RL 503* whomever the prince makes noble, though he be l. 1. de dignit. C. & Platea. ibi. Imola in c. multa de L355A not worthy in virtue, ancestry or learning, the praebendis. cap. Ioan. Rayn. in tract. nobilitat. q. 1. n9 jurisconsults consent that he be accounted in the Alber. in l. Imperatores. de decurio. l. quaeris de narank of the nobility talib. l. quoties ubi senatores. C. 5765 Baldus in l. sed si hac. §. si libertus. de in ius R 103 n6 on fiefs & vassals vocandi 6129 Baldus in l. sed. & si hac. §. si libertus. de in ius R 168 n3 duties of a vassal vocando. 6996 Baldus in l. si miles. de testam. milit…. R 380 n8 office compared to commission 7448 Baldus in l. si quis filio. §. 2. de iniusto. rupto... R 445 n8 right in certain extreme cases to resist magistrates 6045 Baldus in l. ult. quorum appela. non recip. R 158 n7 on the respublica 6162 Baldus in l. unica. §. 1. col. ult. de caduc. C. R 175 n3 no one can be liege vassal of more than one lord 8757 Baldus in l. unica. de caducis tol. C. Iaso consil. R 828 n5 an oath is personal, not binding on successor 154. col. 7. lib. 7. 7444 Baldus in l. ut vim. de iustitia. R 445 n5 right to resist magistrates 6077 Baldus in prooemio decret. R 161 n8 said a prince must carry out the testament of his predecessor 8904 Baldus in prooemio feud. R 857 n9 public domain inalienable 6271 Baldus in prooemio feudorum R 201 n9 Emperor holds his crown from men, the Pope from God 6514 Baldus in rub. de reru. divisio. col. 2. & in l. cum R 246 n3 taxes on seacoasts proponas. de nautica faenore. C. 5661 Baldus in tit. de majoritate & obedient. R 89 n5 citizenship 9431 Baldus in tit. de offic. deleg. & l. omnes populi. & R 1036 n2 hanging the worst penalty ibi Platea. de delat. C.... 5850 Baldus in tit. de pace Constantia. verbo amplius R 132 n8 sovereign 6064 Baldus in tit. de pace Constantiae. in verb. R 159 n3 prince & his predecessors' oaths successorum. & in l. pen. de bonis quae liberis. C. & in c. 1. princip. de natura feud. text. in cap. 1. de prob. ubi DD. 6074 Baldus in tit. de pace Constantine verbo R 160 n6 prince & his predecessors' promises successorum. text. in cap. 1. de probat. 7721 Baldus inl. 1. nu. 42. qui admit. C. R 483 n5 novices treated as slaves of the monastery Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 5964 Baldus l. in debiti. de condic. in deb. …Bar. Bald. R Angel. eod. 5740 Baldus l. mercatores. & ibi Bal. de commer. & R Alex. consil. 116. lib. 6. c. tuae. cap. ult. de clericis non resident. 7064 Baldus l. quod. si. de speciali. de minorib. ubi Bald. R l. penult. rem ratam. l. hoc iure etc. 5738 Baldus l. ult. de decret. ab ordine. R l. 2. & ibi Bart. de eunuchis. Bal. in l. non solum. de commerciis. C. 7331 Baldus laudat in l. imperator. 1. commentario R primo & in l. ult. col. 4. de edicto divi Adrian. C. 8195 Baldus Perus. & Innocentius in cap. verum. de R foro compet. Andr. in cap. 1. de cleric. coniugat. 5289 Baldus sic definit Baldus in l. illud. de collat. & R Iacob. Arena in l. ut liberi eod. C…. 7465 Baldus l. qui iurisdictioni. deSalucetus R iurisdict. 7036 Baldus …Bald….in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. R 5686 Baldus consi. 46. lib. 1 R 8441 Baptista Mantuanus RL 9383 Bar. Bal. Rom. in d. §. iussum. R 9380 Bar. in l. filius famil. de donat. Bal. in l. si quando. R de inoff. testa. C. & in ca. 1. de constit. extra. 9388 Bar. & Bal. in l. 1. ut quae desunt advocatis. C. R 8234 Barba. in verbo no. ibi salvo in ca. Raynold. de R testamentis... 7576 Barbar Bart. in d. l. inter tutor. Andr. Barbar... R [v. sub. Bartolus] 6197 Barbarius de offi. praetor. R 5208 Barbat …Barbat. consi. 57 [L 86 Bart.] [Bart. heads R the list also] 6325 Barbat. R j 5097 Barbatias consi. 1. col. 7. lib. 4. glos. in c. ex R publico. extr. de conversal. coniugal. 6098 Barbatias Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar.… R Barbatiam 7470 Barbatius cap. cum venissent. de R iudic. 5687 Barbatus consi. 23 R 8448 Baron d’Herbestein R 8287 Baron d’Herbestein [F 80] en l’histoire de Moschovie R [L 86] Sigismundus in Historia Moschovitarum 5301 Bart Accursius…Bart. Angel. Alex. ad Bart. not… R 7605 Bart Alex. Bart. Cuma. in. l. a divo. de re iudic. R 7804 Bart in l. aut facta. de poenis. & ibi Bart. R 7812 Bart in l.aut facta. de poenis. RL 9577 Bart in Plat. in l. 1. de dignit. C. RL 64 Page Notes 153 n1 whether princes are bound by compacts made with their subjects 99 n4 princes’ right to bind subjects is not attached to places 388 n8 things done without a commission can be ratified 99 n3 426 n1 rescripts should bear date and hour of issue 627 n3 king must not take part in a trial 37 n4 emancipation of sons 446 n8 can a magistrate deal with a wrong done to himself? 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 93 n6 on the bull of Pope Sixtus on benefices 698 17 lines on the national characteristics of the L 520C French 1029 n8 extraordinary powers of magistrates 1029 n5 extraordinary powers of magistrates 1029 n4 prince can judge according to his conscience 645 n2 to accuse someone of lying is slander 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers 180 n8 a slave made a magistrate is automatically freed 28 n4 status of wives 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty 20 n2 on marriage 162 n3 446 n8 magistrate and wrong done to himself 93 n7 699 gift of benefices at Boulogne la Grâce history of Moschovites: Muscovite most disloyal race 668 n.o blond hair, green eyes of people of the north 37 n7 468 n9 489 n5 491 503* father & son execution outside one’s territory legal actions against communities Emp. Henry V at capture of Brixia contrary to Bartolus, to bestow nobility belongs Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 65 W Page Notes L355B only to those who have sovereignty n2 6325 Bart. R 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia a for sovereignty 9521 Bart. and Plat. in l. 1. dignitat. C. RL 503* the customs of the Perugians and Florentines L350B regarding nobility n6 9597 Bart. qui nothus & quidem sacerdotis erat filius id RL 503* honors should not be extended to bastards and confitetur in l. 1. de dignit. C. Bal. in l. cum L357A base born legitimae. de incestis. C. n7 9389 Bart. in authen. nisi breviores. de sententiis ex R 1029 n5 powers of magistrates breviculo. C. Angel in l. a divo. de re iudic. 9387 Bart. in l. si fideiussor. §. quaedam. mandati. et in l. R 1029 n3 powers of magistrates quintus. eod. Bald. in l. si pro ea. C. eodem [L 86 adds at the beginning: “l. haec venditio. de contrahenda empt.”] 5104 Bartol …& ibi Accursius…Bartol….Alberic. de R 21 n8 power of paterfamilias condit insertis. C. 7048 Bartol in l. 1. de iudic…. R 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 7003 Bartoldus …Io. Andr. & Panor. in cap. cum R 381 n9 powers of commissioners Bartoldus. de re iudic. post Innoc. & Hostiensem. Bartol. in l. more. de iurisd. Aufreri. in decis. capel. Tolosa. 6478 Bartolum conra Bartolum in l. 1. de veteris munis- R 242 n8 Francis I rescinds all rights of coining money matis potest. C. Cynus in l. si quis nummos. de falsa moneta. C. l. ult. red. 7243 Bartolus R 412 n3 the "honorarium ius" of the praetors, which our commentators call "nobile officium" (NobleDevoir) 7820 Bartolus RL 496 laws on colleges L 342 6007 Bartolus & Bald. in l. item. si verberatum. §. si R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign quis. de rei vindic….Bart. in l. ult. col. 1. si contrarius. C. 5869 Bartolus & Castrens. in l. princeps. de legibus R 134 n6 contracts of the prince 7797 Bartolus ...l. semper. §. quibusdam. de iure R 489 n1 rights of colleges immunitatis. Bart. eod. 6439 Bartolus …& ibi Accurs. & Bart. de publicis iudic.. R 237 n6 right of reprieve ..Bart. in l. acta de re iudicata ex ea lege. 5116 Bartolus …Accursius…Bartol….Castrens… R 21 n3 exceptions to laws on marriage 7041 Bartolus …Bart. in d. l. et quia. l. inter. l. si quis R 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission alicui. l. mandatum mandati. 7251 Bartolus …Bart. in l. a divo. de re iudic. text. in R 413 n5 king's orders to be obeyed unless clearly wrong cap. pastoralis. de rescript. ext. 5164 Bartolus …Bart. in l. iubemus. de repudiis. C. R 24 n1 husband's right to punish 5193 Bartolus …Barto. Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de R 28 n1 status of wives of nobles verbo signif. 6377 Bartolus …in l. de quib. de legibus R 222 n3 custom cannot derogate from law 5216 Bartolus Accurs. Bartol….in l. cives. de incolis R 28 n7 status of wife 5480 Bartolus ad l. hostes. de captivis R 60 n3 lived 1300 - said no slaves any more 6232 Bartolus ad l. hostes. de captivis. ex l. de precario. R 189 n7 on the extent of the Emperor's sovereignty ad l. Rhodiam. [L 86 Rhodian.] 7104 Bartolus ad l. magistratibus. de iniuriis R 395 n7 on magistrates who have dignity without duty 7105 Bartolus ad l. omnes populi. de iustitia. R 395 n8 on the jurisdiction of a gymnasiarch over his pupils Slip Reference Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8704 Bartolus ad. l. conventionum. de pactis. 5657 Bartolus 7318 Bartolus 5900 Bartolus 6365 Bartolus 7701 Bartolus 7271 Bartolus 5207 Bartolus 6206 Bartolus 7471 Bartolus 7445 Bartolus 7410 Bartolus 7580 Bartolus 5743 Bartolus 5199 Bartolus 5060 Bartolus 9626 Bartolus 6090 Bartolus 5980 Bartolus 7694 Bartolus 5867 Bartolus 7162 Bartolus 5882 Bartolus 6060 Bartolus 9248 Bartolus 9309 Bartolus W Page Notes R 803 n.o may a prince break an oath made under compulsion? R 89 n4 ascripti glebae. Bart. in l. quaesitum de legat. 3. ne mille quidem annis originem mutare quem non posse tradit. l. Seiae. §. Pamphiliae. de fundo instructo. ff. Bar. Angel. in l. milites. de re iudic. R Bar. in tractat. de differentiis iuris civilis R et canonici. Bart. & Bald. in l. cunctos populos. de R summa trinit. C. Bart. & Cune. in l. patre furioso. de iis qui R sunt sui... Bart. Alex. Alberic. in d. l. Barbar. de R offic. praetoris & in l. regul. de iur. ignorant. Bart. Angel. Platea in l. exemplo. de R decurio. C. Bart. Bal. Angel. Sal. in l. cunctos populos R de summa trinitate. C. Bart. Bald. Alberic. Salic. in l. qui R iurisdictioni. de iurisdict. Panor. Butrio, Barbatius, Decius in cap. cum venissent. de iudic. Oldrad. consil. 7. Bart. Bald. in l. ut vim. de iustitia... R Bart. Fulgos. Alexan. Paul. Castren. in l. R 1. de offic. eius cui. Bart. in d. l. inter tutor. Andr. Barbar. ad R Bartolum ita consuluisse tradit contra Baldum. in d. §. praeterea. Bart. suam sententiam confirmat ex l. si ut certo.. §. se duo. quem Panor. Butr. Imola in ca. prudentiam. sequuntur. Bart. in l. 1. ad municipal…. R Bart. in l. 1. de dig. C. Castrensis in d. l. R ult. de verbor. signif…. Bart. in l. omnes populi. de iustitia. R Bart. Plate. Lucas Penna. Bald. in d. l. RL nequis. Faber. in l. falso de dignit. C. 66 424 n6 on misappropriation of privileges 142 n2 221 n.o death penalty can be imposed only for infringement of orders of the Prince 483 n1 status of those entering religious houses 416 n2 common error can take force of law 28 n4 status of wives 183 n2 limited sovereignty of most Italian towns 446 n8 can a magistrate deal with a wrong done to himself? 445 n5 right to resist magistrates 441 n9 old Doctors on delegation of powers 466 n6 does trial of lord by his peers break rules of fair trial? 100 n5 taxation 28 n2 status & marriage 17 n4 503* L359A n7 Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar…etc. R 162 n3 consentiunt Bartol. Accurs. Alex…. R 154 n6 contra Bald. Salic. Castrensem, Bartolum R 482 n9 Cynus & Bart. in l. digna vox. de legib. C. R 134 n6 Cynus in l. exequutione. quorum RL 397 appellat. non recipiuntur. Bart. l. in l. ult. L 279 si quis ius dicenti. & in l. divus. §. 2. de custod. reorum…. Cynus, Bald. Bart. Salicet. in l. digna vox. R 135 n7 de legib. C. de quib. Bar….Salicet. in l. digna. de R 159 n2 legib. C. en la loy imperialiis. de nuptiis. C. R 992 Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de verbor. R 1011 n9 private family laws the trade of merchandise seems to many to be base, and not very honest or commendable obligations of a prince jurisdiction of university over students contracts of the prince trial of clerics compact between prince & subjects prince & his predecessors' contracts question of succession of younger son glory of family depends on man Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 67 Slip Reference W Page Notes signif. Bal. in l. cum quaedam. Col. text. in l. cum legitimae. de statu. homin. ff. l. eos. l. exemplo. l. nullus. de decur. ff. C. 2. de iurisd.... 7712 Bartolus in auth. si qua mulier. de sacrosan. C. R 483 n4 position of boys entering monastery, etc. 6465 Bartolus in authen. ex complexu. de incestis. C.… R 241 n2 highest form of pardon (grace) is restitution of bastards 7731 Bartolus in authen. ingressi. nu. 34. R 483 n8 monks not to be charged with crimes done before they became monks 7101 Bartolus in authent. ut ab illustri. constitu. 23. R 395 n2 on classification of magistrates; Doctors follow Bald. in l. 1. de offic. eius cui mandata. Accursius' opinion numero 4. 5847 Bartolus in constit. ad reprimendam verbo reges. R 132 n7 Bartolus was legate of Emp. Charles IV to nu. 21… confirm the privileges of Perusium 9435 Bartolus in d. §. in servorum R 1037 n3 wrong to say that in France nobles were hanged 9590 Bartolus in d. l. 1. col. 3. de dig. C. & c. significan- RL 503* true nobility not to be got by wealth nor lost by tibus extra de offi. deleg. Felin. in cap. L356B poverty aures. de rescriptis. n1 7589 Bartolus in d. l. inter tutores. Butrio. Imol. Panor. R 466 n1 iurisdiction not divisible Domin. Geminian. Fel. in d. c. prudentiam. Bald. in ca. uno delegatorum de offi. delegati. 8560 Bartolus in extravaganti. ad reprimandam. R 726 n2 confiscation of goods in cases of high treason 7775 Bartolus in l. 1. de albo scribendo... R 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 9576 Bartolus in l. 1. de dignit. C. RL 503* ‘civil’ nobility bestowed by the prince is not L355B true nobility n1 9311 Bartolus in l. 1. de dignit. C. col. 5. Platea. eodem. R 1011 n1 wife loses nobility if husband not noble col. 2. Corneus. consil. 55. lib. 1. col. 4. & consil. 26. lib. 4. col. ult. 5680 Bartolus in l. 1. de liberis agnosc. ff. R 92 n2 5671 Bartolus in l. 1. de regula Cato Castrensis in l. R 90 n5 cetera. de lega. 1. argu. l. 3. §. quando. de iure fisci. 7592 Bartolus in l. 1. iurisdic. om. iudicum. fine. Oldrad. R 466 n2 jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief consi. 176. factum. 5070 Bartolus in l. 1. quae sit longa consuet. R 18 n8 private laws must not derogate from public ones 6567 Bartolus in l. 1. ut quae desunt advocat. C. Decius R 249 n1 one mark of sovereignty is right to judge consil. 463. Imol. consil. 22….. according to one's own conscience 7303 Bartolus in l. Aurelius. §. Sticho. de liberat. legat. R 423 n7 magistrate must test statements in rescripts of the prince 7678 Bartolus in l. aut facta. de poenis. R 479 n5 [Baldus] has said wrongly that the colleagues are the college 7769 Bartolus in l. aut facta. depoenis... R 487 n8 voting in colleges 8789 Bartolus in l. Caesar. nu. 13. de publicanis. ff. ex. l. RL 834 on keeping terms of a truce 1. §. occisorum. ad Sylla. & l. qua actione §. 1. ad. l. Aquil. ff. 9430 Bartolus in l. capitalium. §. in servorum. de poenis. R 1036 n2 hanging the worst penalty Bal. in l. data. qui accusare. C. Pan. & Felin. in ca. cum quidam. de iureiurando... 8718 Bartolus in l. conventionum de pactis. R 808 n9 on keeping of oath by prince 7570 Bartolus in l. inter tutores. de administrat. tut. R 465 n1 jurisdiction is indivisible 8233 Bartolus in l. item apud Labeonem. §. ait praetor. R 645 n2 to accuse someone of lying is slander de iniuriis. ff. & dd. in l. si liber. de condit. ob causam. l. & in c. 1. de vassallo qui contumax est... Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7150 Bartolus in l. magistratibus. de iurisdict. & in l. divus. de custodia reorum. 9347 Bartolus in l. omnes populi. text. in c. ex parte. 2. de officio delegati. 7436 Bartolus in l. pater filium. §. Iulius. de legat. 2. Cynum praeceptorem secutus. 8902 Bartolus in l. prohibere. § plane. quod vi... 6775 Bartolus in l. prohibere. §. plane. quod vi. & in tractatu de tyrannia num. 23. & seq. 5972 Bartolus in l. prohibere. §. plane. quod vi… 7456 Bartolus in l. prohibitum. de iure fisci. 7637 Bartolus in l. qui sepulchri. de sepul. violato. 5306 Bartolus in l. si adulterium. §. liberto. de adult. 7851 Bartolus in l. si convenerit. de pignorat. actio. 8761 Bartolus 5549 Bartolus 7335 Bartolus 5325 Bartolus 7060 Bartolus 6200 Bartolus 7449 Bartolus 7674 Bartolus 7263 Bartolus 6738 Bartolus 6769 Bartolus 9193 Bartolus 6231 Bartolus 7029 Bartolus 6106 Bartolus 8787 Bartolus 6549 Bartolus 7755 Bartolus 5963 Bartolus 7067 Bartolus 5737 Bartolus 68 W Page Notes RL 397 on powers of Pope; "utriusque legis interpretes" L 278 R 1023 n7 on equity R 444 n8 is a magistrate’s verbal commandment binding? R R 857 n9 public doamin not alienable 309 n7 successor to tyrant bound to uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises R 153 n3 prince's promises R 445 n1 right to resist magistrates R 471 n9 fugitives from justice R 38 n3 parricide justified if the father is a traitor R 505 n2 Bartolus on question: is a state united to another state subject to it? RL 828 does an oath include fathers & brothers? in l. si ita stipulatus. §. Chrysogonus de verb. oblig. ff. contra Angelum. in l. si nupta. de metatis. C. & in l. urbis R appellat. de verb. signif. in l. si pater. de haeredib. instit. C. R in l. suggestio. de verb. sig. C....Bart. in l. R ut si proponis de dignitat. C. in l. terminato. de fructib. & litium expen. R C. Panor. in cap. 1. quod metus. Felin. in cap. quoniam. de offic. deleg. in l. ult. soluto matrim. R in l. ut vim. de iustitia.... R in titu. de colleg. R in tract. de represal. q. 6. & in authent. ut R determinatus sit iudicum… in tract. de tyrannia. R in tracta. de tyrannia, tyrannum dici putat R a tyros, id est fortis ut ipse interpretatur. in tractatu de regimine civitatis. nu. 10. R in tractatu. de insigniis et armis R Innocent. in cap. qualiter. de accusat. ext. R quem Bar. sequitur in l. Barbarius de offic. praetor. nu. 18. Isernius…Bar. in l. Claudius qui potiores. R Guido decis…. Iul. verum de furtis nu. 5. & in l. licitati. RL de publica. §. quod illicite. l. 2. de falsa moneta. C. sed Bart. ait in R Italia feudatorios ex ea causa bona damnati capere. l. 3. l. 4. l. item. quod cuiusque R universitat. Bart....ibid... l. in debiti. de condic. in deb….Bar. Bald. R Angel. eod. l. si quis mihi bona. §. sed si mandavit. de R acquit. haer. ubi Bart. & Imol. l. ult. de decret. ab ordine. R l. 2. & ibi Bart. de eunuchis. 74 n7 what is a civitas? 426 n2 magistrates to test facts given in rescripts 39 n7 on incest 387 n5 instructions to an official also apply to that official's successor 182 n1 lord always has the right to reassert his rights over a fugitive slave 445 n8 right to resist magistrates 478 n2 definition of collegium 415 n3 on prince's orders 300 n9 is tyrannicide legitimate? 307 n.o a tyrant = one who orders against the people's wish 969 n.o kingship best, says Bartolus 189 n6 Emp. Charles IV made Bartolus a noble 384 n4 when do commissioner's powers begin? 164 n6 on oaths of fealty 834 on breaking of peace 248 n8 confiscation in cases of false moneying 486 n5 rule of majority 153 n1 whether princes are bound by compacts made with their subjects 388 n9 in private matters to exceed what is expected is a good thing 99 n3 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page Bal. in l. non solum. de commerciis. C. Barto. in l. cunctos populos. q. 8. 6721 Bartolus tyrannum decem coniecturis probari dicit R in tractatu de tyrannia. nu. 28, 29, 30 7791 Bartolus in l. omnes populi. in §. an hoc. & 14 // 24. R q. 2. RL 9299 Bartolus in l. qui manumittuntur. de operis lib. C. R Bald. Ang. Rom. Alex. in l. si cum dotem. §. si maritus soluto. Innoc. Hostiens. Panor. Antonini Cardinal. uterque in c. de illis ext. de sponsal. et in c. 1. de coniugio leprosor. 8259 Baruch RL Notes 69 297 n1 definition of tyrant 488 n8 right of college to make any rules it pleases 1010 n2 woman follows man 654 advises the Jews to bow down to idols, but L 485C worship god in their minds 6749 Baruch cap. 1. & Hieremiae c. 29. ver. 7. R 304 n2 prayer for Nabuchodonosor in spite of his destruction of Jerusalem, etc. 5472 Basil, St. R 59 complains of beggars & cripples in church 7981 Beda R 549 chronology of Alphonsus, Beda, Eusebius, a Philo Judaeus compared 6173 Belloni, Iacob …in summa tit. de feud. §. ult. RL 175 on liege homage 7628 Bellovisius, Jacob in §. contrahentes. de foro comp. R 471 n9 handing over fugitives from justice to foreign nu. 15 // 115. princes 5875 Belluga, Peter in Specul. tit. 1. R 134 n7 the Prince's contracts in Arragon Idem titul. 2. n8 notat. in summa de condic. indeb. & n9 in cap. 1. de probat. & ex l. penult. de donat. inter virum et uxorem. C. 5893 Belluga, Peter in Speculo. R 139 & is wrong on a privilegium granted by a king of n.o Arragon 9086 Belluga, Petr. in speculo princip. anno 1245 & R 914 n2 kings of Aragon promise not to alter coinage at 1336 accession to crowwn 5998 Belluga, Petrus R 155 n2 eo [Sc. Romano] iure utimur & id confirmat Petrus Belliga in speculo. 5835 Belluga, Petrus in d. Speculo. c. 1. & extremo. ex. R 130 n8 on constitution of Arragon §. post natale. de clerico violatore pacis. in feudo. & in c. imperialem. de prohibita feudi alienat. & in c. certum. 11. q. 3. 9284 Belluga, Petrus in specul. princip. tit. 25. ex. c. R 1001 n1 some think points of sovereignty can never be quod translationem. de offi. deleg. delegated to the subject 8238 Belluga, Petrus in speculo. tit. 26. §. Iesu. R 646 n.o duels not allowed in Spain 5834 Belluga, Petrus in Speculo. titul. 14. §. veniamus. R 130 & on constitution of Arragon n7 titulo. 14. nu. 6. tit. 26. §. Iesu. n.o cap. extremo. & tit. 10. nu. 10. n9 6238 Belluga, Petrus tit. 14. §. nunc videamus. nu. 29. in R 190 n4 on papal power Spec…. 6623 Bembo, Cardinal R 261 history of Sabellicus & of Cardinal Bembo - on Venetian constitution 7890 Bembo, P. R 530 Cardinal P. Bembo’s history of Venice 6881 Bembus in historia Venet. Contare. in Repub. R 356 n9 on the role of the senate at Venice 6277 Benedic. in cap. Raynutius in verbo. adelazium. q. R 202 n1 John of Navarre condemned for treason 242. [F 80 has "adelaziam"] 5153 Benedic. Faber …Benedic. in cap. infamia & R 24 n6 adulterium Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Page 436 6685 Berosus 8089 Berosus on state of early kingship on Persian history “Berosus verissimus Caldaicarum antiquitatum interpres,” who is followed by Ctesias, etc. 383 n4 commissioners Io. Andr. & Panor. in c. cum Bertoldus. R de re iudic. 5747 Bertrand consi. 92. lib. 2… R 7719 Bertrand, Stepha cons. 66. lib. 3. 116. eod. lib. R 7377 Bertrand, Stephen consi. 15. col. 3. nu. 16. lib. 1. RL 8309 Bible in lib. sapientiae. 2. Esa. c. 14. 41. 19. R Hierem. c. 34. 6. 13. 15. 10. 6. 23. 46. 47. 16. RL 51. Ezechiel 8. 48. Daniel 11. Zacha. 2. (F) L varies slightly 6532 Biturig [=Berry] consuet. tit. des heritages. §. 1. R 6535 Blois, customs of Blois [sc. coutumes de] titre la R jurisdiction. art. 26…. 8413 Bodin in Methodo historiar. cap. 5. R b 8088 Bodin in methodo. RL a 9008 Bodin - Response to Malestroit R a 7704 Boerius 5683 Boerius 7645 Boerius 7633 Boerius decis. 121... decis. 13. decis. 27. decis. 29. [Paulus Elea. F 80 only] Imo. in Clemen. pastoralis. de re iudic. 5984 Boerius decis. 65 6495 Boerius decis. Burdegal. 129 & 132 5667 Boerius decis. l. privilegium exponit datum Februario mense 1474. publié en la chambre des Comtes 1475 en Juillet 7131 Boerius notat. in consuetudines Biturig. §. 15. Gallus. 9. 276… 5586 Boëtius (Boëce) 45 n2 rights of adopted children 28 n4 status of wives 96 n7 247 n8 rights of princes in maritime districts 397 L 277 RL 283 RL 571 7014 Bertoldus R R R R R R R Notes hereditary jurisdiction 70 Slip Reference W 7375 Benedict ...Benedict. ad cap. Raynutius. verbo RL duas. nu. 67. 68. 69... 5374 Benedict …Bened. in cap…. R 5209 Benedict …Benedic. in ca.… R 5711 Benedict in verbo Adelasiam nu. 1042 F R 6524 Benedict Io. Plat….Benedic. ad cap. Raynutius. R verbo & uxorem. nu. 317. 7137 Benedict …Benedictus in cap. Raynatius. num. 424. RL 100 n5 483 n4 436 673 n2 power of Pontifices in France taxation boys entering monasteries hereditary jurisdiction peoples of the north warlike 247 n1 various rights of sovereignty 247 n1 rights of sovereignty 691 n4 on association of right hand with the north, and left hand with the south 571 replies to attacks of Frankebergerus and L 422B Dresserus 882 price increases due to gold and silver from the new lands, especially Peru - “comme j’ay monstré contre le paradoxe du seigneur de Malestroit” 483 n1 status of those entering religious houses 92 n.o 472 n4 arrest of Parl. of Toulouse – on extradiction 471 n9 fugitives from justice 154 n6 obligations of a prince 245 n7 right of taxation 90 n.o grant of privilege to resident foreigners at Bordeaux RL 397 L 277 R 80 powers of Pontifices in France wrote Romans lost their citizenship when sent to a Latin colony 128 n8 laws on regency 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards 5831 Boetius, Hector in histor. Scotor. R 6470 Bohic Heric. Bohic. & Innoc. in d. l. per venera- R bilem… 8911 Bonfini, Antonio in Historia Hungar. RL 858 princes can’t alienate domain in Hungary 8562 Bonifacius 8. in cap. faelicis. de poenis. l. si necem. R 726 n3 confiscated goods of man accused of treason §. si deportatus. de bonis libertorum. ff. 6534 Bordeaux, customs of Burdegalens. tit. des espaves. R 247 n1 rights of sovereignty Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page artic. 105. 7612 Bordeaux, Parl. of Arrest de Bourdeaux 1517 R March 5 & 1519 Dec. 3 & 1525 Jan 23 & of Grenoble [Gratianopoli] Guido Pap. 346. 6196 Bossius R 7295 Bossius senator Mediolanens. tit. de Principe. R RL 6055 Bossius senator. Mediolanem. tit. de principe. R 6321 Bossius tit. de crimine maiestat. nu. 52. & in tit. de R regal. nu. 5. de ducib. Mediolani, Mantuae, Ferra. Sabau. Socin… 6086 Bossius titul. de majestat. nu. 52. & in titul. de R regal. nu. 5. ..[de ducib. Mediolani, Sabandiae, Ferrariae F] 7737 Bourdeaux, Parl. of anno 1544 Dec. 15. R 7641 Boyer allegué par Boyer in consuetud. Biturig. §. 21. de iurisdict. 6221 Brunus consi. 45. 6325 Brunus de comitatu Astensi, post Bart. Bal. Angel. Aret. (RL only), Castrensem. Imolam. Iserniam. Cumanum. Alexand. Barbatiam 6099 Brunus de comitatu. Astensi [Astrensi F 76] post Bar. Bal. Angelum, Castrensem, Imolam, Iserniam, Cumanum, Alexandrum, Barbatiam 5425 Buchanan Buchananus 8137 Budaeus R R R R 71 468 n2 execution of judgments of royal judges in territory of lesser lords 179 n7 on sovereignty of a king who is also a vassal 423 n4 ordonnance made during tyranny of the Sforzas - prince's word not to be questioned 158 n1 new imports of Philip Maria, Prince of Milan, complained about by Bossius 213 n5 rights of sovereignty 162 n2 what is a sovereign? 484 n2 right of monk to appeal from abbot - upheld by Parl. of Bourdeaux 472 n2 handing over of fugitive from justice; arrest of Parl. of Paris 186 n6 sovereignty of Duke of Savoy 213 n6 many writers have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty 162 n3 some people consider even Counts are sovereigns R 52 n.o RL 598 L 442 R 471 R 466 n6 7631 Burgundy, customs of v. sub Chassan 7578 Butr ...Bartolus...quem Panor. Butr. Imola in ca. prudentiam. sequuntur. [v. sub. Bartolus] 7313 Butr …Butr. Imol. in cap. causam quae de rescrip. R 7707 Butrig, Iacob in authen. si qua mulier & ibi Bal. de R sacrosan. C... 9386 Butrig, Iacob in l. properandum. de iudic. c. Pan. in R c. 1. & 2. de iuramento. cal. 5292 Butrigarius, Iacob in l. scimus. de inoffi. testa. C…. R 6986 Butrigarius, Jacob …Iacob. Butrigar. in l. qui pro- R curatorem, princip. de procurat…. 5957 Butrigarius, Jacob in l. ult. si contra ius. C. R 7387 Butrio c. de causis. de offi. deleg. R 7469 Butrio cap. cum venissent. de iudic. R 7333 Butrio …Butrio [Bur. L 86] in c. pastoralis. de R rescriptis extra. text. in cap. si a sede. 6519 Butrio glo. Panor. Hostiens. Butrio in cap. super. R quibusdam. de verbor. signif. 6025 Butrio ibid. col. 2. R 7020 Butrio Panor. Butrio etc. in ca. caeterum…. R 5943 Butrio, Anto. R Notes tragedy on the daughter of Jephtha his wrong opinion on length of tenure of office of judges of Curia of Paris trial of lord by his peers 424 n3 on privileges 483 n2 status of thoese entering religious houses 1029 n2 powers of magistrates 37 n4 emancipation of sons 380 n6 office compared to commission 153 n6 438 n2 446 n8 426 n1 prince's compacts powers not to be delegated magistrate and wrong done to himself rescripts 246 n5 rights of rulers 157 n1 power of confiscation 384 n7 revocation of a commission by the prince 150 prince's laws can contravene God's if he has a good reason Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5951 Butrio, Anto. 5960 Butrio, Anto. 5874 Butrio, Anton W R R Ant. Butrio, Imola, Panormit. Felin. R in c. 1. de probat. 6089 Cacheran decis. Pedemontan. nu. 1. R 6324 Cacherranus decis. Pedemont. nu. 1. R 6515 Cacherranus praeses in decis. Pedemon. R 8004 Caelius l. fat. R 5769 Caesar R Page 150 n6 153 n9 134 n6 6743 Caesar 6771 Caesar 6920 Caesar R R R 302 308 368 7660 Caesar R 475 7995 Caesar d 8322 Caesar R 552 R 674 8406 Caesar R 8424 Caesar R 8437 Caesar 9373 Caesar 5516 Caesar 9555 Caesar bk. VI of his Memoirs Caesar lib. 6. L F 80 de bello. civil. in Africa gesto. R R R RL 9208 Caesar a 6694 Caesar 8875 Caesar 7071 Caesar in bello civili. RL in commentariis in commentariis [L lib. 5.] l. 1. belli civi. R R R 8329 Caesar 8460 Caesar lib. 2. Belli civil. lib. 2. belli civil. Tranquil. in Caesare... R R 9026 Caesar lib. 5. commentar. RL 5794 Caesar 9392 Caesar lib. 6 lib. 6 R RL 8439 Caesar lib. 6 (F ) // lib. 3 of Gallic War (L ) R 8144 Caesar lib. 6. R 8413 Caesar a lib. 6. RL 162 n2 213 n5 246 n4 556 n8 103 72 Notes Pope can give dispensation from laws of God prince's compacts contracts of the prince what is a sovereign? rights of sovereignty a right of the duke of Savoy Roderick of Spain conquered by the Moors mentions ‘soldurii’ & ‘devoti’ which some take as vassals Caesar calls the kings of Gaul "reguli" says death is "miserorum portus" says the Senate was “armed” against him by the ancient Senatus Consultu: “Videant consules ne quid detrimenti capiat Respublica.” on the Germans: “Latrocinia nullam habent infamiam... desidiae minuendae cause fieri praedicant.” [2½ lines of Latin] evidence on nature of people of the North on the Gauls - at start of battle like heroes, at end like women 686 says Germans have no Druids & no gods except the visible ones: Sun, Moon, Fire 695 on the Nervii - not open to merchants & commerce not ennervated 698 accuses Gauls of a certain “levitas” or legereté 1028 size of population of Gaul, acc. to Caesar 69 n2 first men savage 503* among the Celts’ ancestors knights excelled all L353D people n5 975 Caesar, Herodotus count the Egyptians as a most humane people 284 n4 on the annual magistrates of Autun 852 n8 Druids excommunicated Princes of Gaul 389 n2 Caesar on a captain called Syllanus who followed orders & refused battle even though he would have been victorious 675 n4 on the ingenuity of the Egyptians 703 & cancellation of debts temporary expedient to n2 suppress trouble 887 apud Gallos -Nihil plebe contemptius, says L 661 Caesar 115 n.o on leagues among the Gauls 1030 Druids custodians of Truth L 758 698 n3 says the Gauls were docile; says “Subita et repentina fuisse consilia Gallorum.” 605 n5 in his Memoirs [9 lines] on factions in Gaul even inside the family 691 on northerners’ interest in Mars, Diana and hunting Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9554 Caesar lib. 6. W Page RL 503* L353D n4 R 23 n7 R 683 n8 R 32 n6 R 698 n2 5134 Caesar 8367 Caesar 5263 Caesar 8435 Caesar lib. 6. belli Gallici lib. 6. Comment. lib. 6. commentar. lib. 6. commentar. 5417 Caesar lib. 6. Gallici. Cicero pro Fonteio. Plin. lib. R 7 lib. 7. R 8114 Caesar 51 n4 73 Notes the Celts accounted their Druids first, then the knights and then the common people position of women in his memoirs - on chastity of the Germans father's power over children among the Celts on the colonies of Gauls around the Hercynian [i.e. Black] Forest - have changed their customs & become like their neighbors [6 lines] Gauls - human sacrifices 585 n6 law of Gauls forbids magistracies of more than one year: Caesar’s Memoirs 9539 Caesar, Caius RL 503* by lex Cassia chose many of the more noble L352A families into the order of the Patricians 8191 Caietan, Legat R 626 j’ay veu par les lettres du Legat Caietan au Pape - on the trial of Sir Thomas More 6574 Caldreinus Calder. in cap. pastoralis. §. quia vero. R 249 n1 judges cannot judge contrary to law de offic. deleg. 8632 Callimachus RL 769 “Callimachus totaque historia Graecorum” say L 569D the Gauls conquered Greece & founded the kingdom of Thrace 8063 Calvin R 566 speaking of the Sabbath, wrongly calls 7 a perfect number 6762 Calvin in Ioannem, & in Instit. cap. ult. li. 4 sect. R 305 n2 even rebellion against prince is not allowed 31…Calvinus Ephoris licuisse scribit in reges qui tamen private fuerunt animadvertere; ceteris non item 6650 Campania, customs of consuetud. Campan. RL 275 the estates called allodia - how held 8408 Campanus in oratione de Germanis. RL 686 “Nec majores vestri templum nisi armati L 509D ingrediebantur.” 9481 Can. nemo. 32. q. 4. & 50. distinct. 11. & in c. ex R 1044 n6 open adultery, etc. punishable more severely, tenore. de tempore ordinat. & et in cap. 1. de RL acc. to Canonists voto. lib. 6. 5551 Canonists …Canonistae in cap. coram. de electione R 74 n7 what is a civitas? 7420 Canonists Canonistae in titul. de officio & R 441 n.o “les Docteurs” misused the word “Delegué” potestate iudicis delegati. 8429 Cantici 3. vers. 6. & Ezechiel 27. 3. & 28. 16. R 696 n6 the Hebrew word for merchant 6253 Capito R 191 Bodin is not going to deal with the views on papal power of Jacques de Teran (chambrier du Pape), nor of Capito nor of M. Charles du Moulin 8813 Capitol. in Gordiano. R 838 n3 census - a penny to Venus Libitina for each person who died 7968 Cardan R 546 Cardan’s opinions quoted 8380 Cardan R 684 says (wrongly) man the wisest animal because he has most warmth & moisture 7031 Cardin Innocent….Cardin. consi. 115. Rom. singul. R 384 n4 when do commissioner's powers begin? 60. 9568 Cardin. Alexan. & Cardin. Florent. in c. pe. de RL 503* true nobility to be measured by virtue, praebend. Hostiens. Io. And. Anton. Butr. Alber. L354C according to “almost all” jurisconsults Angel. in l. si quis stipulatus sit stichum. §. si qs ita. n4 de verb. obl. Bal. in l. si qua. de fecundis nupt. C. & in l. nobiliores. de commerciis. C. & in l. providendum de postul. C. & ibi Salic. Luc. Penna. in l. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W mulieres. col. 1. de dig. C. Ang. & Platea in l. 1. de conditis in pub. horr. C. 6993 Cardinal Bald.…Cardinal in cap. cum ex officii. de R praescript. extra. 7779 Cardinalis in cap. licet. de elect. R 6013 Cardinalis Alex Archidiacon in cap. ius civile & ibi R Cardinalis Alex. distinct. 1. Divus in regula sine culpa. de regul. lib. 6 5236 Cardinalis? …Innocen. Hostiens. Panorm. Anton. R Cardinalis uterque in capit de illis, de sponsa & in cap. 1. de coniugiis lepros. 8245 Carneades R 5853 Carolus Ruinus consil. 91. lib. 1. numer. II R 7952 Cass. cons. 303. R 5040 Cassiodorus 5365 Cassiodorus 5909 Cassiodorus 6856 Cassiodorus 6878 Cassiodorus 8119 Cassiodorus 8261 Cassiodorus 8647 Cassiodorus 8885 Cassiodorus 9051 Cassiodorus 8827 Cassiodorus 7305 Cassiodorus 6407 Cassiodorus 7824 Cassiodorus Page Notes 74 380 n7 office compared to commission 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 28 n2 status of wife 653 said it is better to be bad than good 132 n8 sovereign 544 n.o dictator or chief magistrate fixed a nail each mid-September to mark the years R 13 a big empire is a big republic R 43 says Theodoric, K. of the Goths, adopts the king of the Herules R 144 on the oath of Theodoric, that he would keep the laws R 349 on Theodoric's practice with regard to making new senators: "Admittendos in Senatum examinare cogit sollicitus honor Senatus." R 354 on the secrets of princes says "Arduum nimis est Principis meruisse secretum." R 588 on annual magistracies, writes: “Antiquitas voluit provinciarum dignitatem annua successione reparari, ut nec diutina potestate unus insolesceret, et multorum provectus gaudia reperirent.” R 655 Theodoric favors the Arrians but does not believe in persecution, acc. to Cassiodorus: “Religionem imperare non possumus, quia nemo cogitur ut credat invitus.” R 775 n9 on the carrying of arms by an official: “Quamvis omnium civitatum officia manu secludantur armata...arma ista iuris sunt non furoris.” R 854 Tribunus Voluptatum elected in place of censors R 898 says: “Disciplinam servare non potest ieiunus exercitus, dum quod deest semper praesumit armatus.” - armies must be paid epist. 83. lib. 2. R 841 n7 Roman citizens subject to census so that possession of land is sure & contributions evenly divided in formulis RL 424 Cassiodorus - letter of Theodoric to the Senate: "Admittendos ad Senatum, examinare cogit sollicitus honor Senatus" lib. 1. 2. & sequent. R 231 n6 letter of Theodoric to the Senate lib. 1. epistol. 6. n7 lib. 5. ca. qui syncera. 45. distinct. & R 497 n1 laws restoring rights to Jews in consi. Tole. cap. de Iudaeis. 45. dist. ca. quinto. cap. post miserabilem. de Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page usuris. libro 6. & 28. q. 1. cap. saepe... 9364 Cassiodorus lib. 6. variarum. R 1025 n1 9571 Cassiodorus lib. 9 epist. 7. RL 503* L354D n7 6301 Castellanus, Baptista Hostiensis in cap. constitutus. R 208 n5 de testibus. Baptista Castellanus in canon. scitote. 6. q. 3 5195 Castrens …Barto. Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de R 28 n1 verbo signif. 5114 Castrens …Bartol. Imol. Castrens [F 76 adds: in l. R 21 n3 rei iudicatio cum seq. soluto matr.] 5383 Castrens Castrens. in l. 2. si in fraudem patroni. C. R 46 n1 & consi. 433. lib. 1 7409 Castrens, Paul …Paul. Castren. in l. 1. de offic. R 441 n9 eius cui. 7290 Castrens, Paul cons. 156… R 423 n3 6325 Castrensis R 213 n6 e 9271 Castrensis Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in RL 993 a l. is potest. de acquir. haeredit. Bald. in L 733 authent. post fratres. de legit. haered. C. Notes 75 quoted on judges at Rome ex obscuro nobilem efficit doctrina - learning makes an obscure man a gentleman because a territory is small this does not prevent it being a kingdom status of those marrying nobles exceptions to laws on marriage laws to prevent abuse of adoption old Doctors on delegation of powers 9254 Castrensis Alexand. consil. 4. lib. 4. Castrensis in l. is potest. de acquir. haered. et Bald. in authent. post fratres. de legitimis haered. C. 6053 Castrensis & Alberic. in l. Respublica, ex quibus causis majores 7051 Castrensis …Castren….in d. l. eius qui. si certum 5200 Castrensis …Castrensis in d. l. ult. de verbor. signif…. 5870 Castrensis Bart. & Castrens. in l. princeps. de legibus 5672 Castrensis Bart. in l. 1. de regula Cato Castrensis in l. cetera. de lega. l. argu. l. 3. §. quando. de iure fisci. 6093 Castrensis Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. … Castrensem, etc. 5848 Castrensis Castrens. consil. 107… 5555 Castrensis Castrens. in l. caetera. de leg. 1. 7296 Castrensis consi. 158. examinato. col. ult…. R facts mentioned in rescripts must be tested among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty the opinion of the older and younger lawyers therefore favors the grandson (nepos), not only in direct descent but in collateral lines; “we have examined these things more carefully because of the succession that seems to be close at hand in France.” 994 n3 succession to children of eldest son R 158 n7 R R 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 28 n2 status & marriage R 134 n6 contracts of the prince R 90 n5 R 162 n3 R R R 6220 Castrensis 6082 Castrensis 6318 Castrensis 5746 Castrensis 7717 Castrensis 7693 Castrensis 5968 Castrensis 7581 Castrensis R R R R R R R R 132 n7 sovereign 74 n2 on a city 423 n5 only part of rescripts which must be taken on trust is prince's own explanation of his meaning 186 n6 sovereignty of Duke of Savoy 162 n2 what is a sovereign? 213 n5 Iurisconsults on the rights of sovereignty 100 n5 taxation 483 n4 boys entering monasteries 482 n9 jurisdiction of university over students 153 n2 prince's compacts 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers consi. 19. consil. 166. lib. 2 consil. 196. lib. 2. Decius consi. 192… consil. 292… consil. 293. lib. 1. contra Bald....Castrensem... in l. digna vox. de legib. C. in l. est receptum. de iurisdic. & in l. caetera. §. si duob. de leg. 1. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5994 Castrensis 6551 Castrensis in l. eum de consuetudine. de legibus in l. ult. de privilegio fisci. in tit. de sententiis adversus fiscum. C. 7757 Castrensis l. 3. l. 4. l. item. quod cuiusque universitat....Castrens. ibid... 7802 Castrensis l. sed ex dolo. §. 1. de dolo. Innocent.... Ang. & Castrensis in l. §. 1. 5339 Cato ap. Livium Cato in oratione pro lege Oppia apud Livium lib. 35 8479 Cato lib. 1. c. 1. de re rustica. 6559 Cato Censorius 7821 Cato the Censor 8523 Cato the Censor in orat. pro lege Oppia. 8172 Cedrenus 9221 Cedrenus 8015 Cedrenus in Iustiniano. 8420 Celsus a 7028 Celsus l. si forte. de offic. praesid. ff. 6540 Celsus sed Celsus. de contrah. empt…. 7424 Censorinus 7520 Censorinus 8076 Censorinus 8054 Censorinus lib de die natali. cap. 5. a 5605 Chaldaeus interpres in cap. 5. Hieremiae 7380 Chamber of Accounts 6485 Chambre des Comptes 6842 Charlemagne 9107 Charlemagne W Page Notes R 154 n9 obligations of a prince R 248 n2 150 privileges of the Fiscus R 486 n5 rule of majority R 489 n3 rights of collegia R 40 n4 76 every good law has some absurdity or illogicality R 708 n3 whoever takes too high rate of interest to be fined heavily R 249 Cato Censorius says king of Etruscans would not adopt the Latin language - quoted in Latin: "latinas literas ut reciperet, persuaderi non potuit." R 497 said: “Ab nullo genere non summum periculum est, si caetus & concilia et secretas consultationes esse sinas.” RL 717 Danda sunt frena impotenti naturae et indomito animali” (subjection of women) R 619 a Greek author, says ancient kings of France delighted only in eating and drinking, leaving all else to their Maistre du Palais R 983 the Greek, c. 1058, on the Franks & their hereditary kingship R 558 n2 earthquake in 545 A.D. R 694 n6 mountain plants, animals, etc. more hardy R R R 384 n3 on powers of commissioners 247 n4 private compared to public domain of a prince 442 Praetor Urbanus set up by lex praetoria, or as Censorinus has it lex lectoria R 457 the lex Lectoria, on the Praetor urbanus 2 lines of Censorinus quoted: “Praetor urbanus duos lictores apud se habeto, isque ad supremum solis occasum ius inter cives dicito.” R 569 the Augur Vectius prophesied 1225 years of Roman Empire, as Censorinus says Marcus Varro learned RL 565 “septimus quisque annus aetati notam imprimit” L 417C R 83 n1 l'interprete Chaldeen; Jewish constitution before their conquest by Romans R 437 “en la chambre des Comptes j’ay veu par extraict cest article des Comtes de Caux en Normandie...” – list of retainers, etc. including 365 connestables R 244 attempt to impose uniform weights & measures in France "comme j'ay veu par le proces verbal des commissaires, extrait de la chambre des Comptes" R 345 law of Charlemagne quoted in italics: "Nulli per sacramentum fidelitas promittatur, nisi nobis & unicuique proprio seniori." R 930 aussi lisons nous...about Charlemagne’s control Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 77 Notes over the coinage 8874 Charlemagne cap. de modo. (F) // malo. (L) §. 24. R 851n7 Charlemagne, in his Constitutions, put the Canon that a Prelat may not be judged unless there are 72 witnesses, and the Pope by no one 6879 Charles IX R 354 provision of an "ordonnance de Charles IX, faicte au mois de Novembre MDLXIII non imprimée…" 8604 Charles IX R 744 debts of the state at time of Charles IX RL F 80 “comme j’ay par l’estat des finances” L 86 “ut quidem ex rationibus publicis collegi” 5640 Charles le Bel R 89 n9 law on citizenship 1251 (F) // 1351 (L) 5642 Charles V R 89 law on citizenship 8355 Charles V R 682 Ancient Diploma of Charles V of August 1373, giving privileges to University of Angiers 8687 Charles V R 799 treaty of King Charles V & Charles of Navarre, 1365 8102 Charles V Arrest of Charles V of May 1359 (F) R 579 n.o on the position of the many magistrates & 1559 (L) officials [10 lines quoted] 8006 Charles V Bents. F 80 R 556 n1 Charles VI captured Algiers Benth. L 86 5643 Charles VII R 89 law on citizenship 5827 Charles, Emperor, ordonnance of R 126 7 lines of Latin quoted of the ordonnance of Emp. Charles about the Senate of Milan 7630 Chassan in consuet. Burgund. tit. 12. nu. 14. R 471 n9 handing over fugitives from justice to foreign princes 6496 Chassan. rubr. 1. §. 4. R 245 n7 right of taxation 9317 Childebert R 1011 decree of K. Childebert included in the Salic laws 8926 Chopin Renat. Chopi. doctis. c. 1. pag. 4. de R 860 n6 public domain distinct from patrimony of prince doman. - though some think not 8934 Chopin Renat. Chopinus doctissi. R 864 n5 public domain - dealt with in special treatises by Chopin 8856 Chrysostom Tomo 2. RL 848 theater immoral 7830 Chrysostom tomo. 2. RL 498 Chrysostomos calls the Jewish religion L 907 “gentium matrem” 9634 Chrysostomos Homelia 21. in Mathaeum. RL 503* interpreters of Holy Scripture detest the trade of Apollonius apud Philostratum. L359B merchants Augusti. in Psal. 70 n2 7986 Cicer. in divinat. RL 551 Chaldeans have 470,000 years experience of L 402 astrology 5008 Cicero R 4 n8 definition of a republic in C. & Aristotle 5077 Cicero RL 19 XII Tables has law 'Sacra Privata Perpetua Permanento' which Cicero transferred into his laws 5318 Cicero R 39 avoids, or glides past, the questions put by Antiochus & Antipater, the philosophers: may a son kill a father who is a traitor? 5522 Cicero R 69 Aristotle, Demosthenes & Cicero say wrongly that the first kings were models of justice 5595 Cicero R 81 "Nihil acerbius socios Latinos ferre solitos esse, quam id, quod perraro accidit, a consulibus iuberi ex urbe exire" 5627 Cicero R 87 said a Roman could give up his citizenship 5823 Cicero R 124 Sulla made Dictator for 80 years by lex Valeria; C. says this was a tyranny [L 11) in Legibus Slip Reference W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 6591 Cicero R 253 6609 Cicero R 258 6638 Cicero R 273 6720 Cicero 6766 Cicero R R 295 306 6796 Cicero 6847 Cicero R R 315 346 6861 Cicero R 350 6885 Cicero R 357 7009 Cicero R 383 7079 Cicero R 391 7430 Cicero R 443 7524 Cicero R 458 7815 Cicero R 494 7879 Cicero R 526 8026 Cicero R 563 8151 Cicero 8157 Cicero b 8178 Cicero R R 610 614 R 622 8258 Cicero 8353 Cicero 8418 Cicero 8425 Cicero 78 Notes lib. 1] on how many sorts of republic [L 86 gives marg. note: 4) in fragmentis de Repub.] follows Polybius in making Rome a mixed constitution Marcus Tullius aptly uses word tyrannus of the "furentis ac turbulentae plebis impotentia" calls tyranny the license of the unbridled people Cicero says: "quia nulla iusta causa videri potest adversus patriam arma capiendi" said Massilia best ordered state in the world calls the Senate "mentem rationem, intelligentiam Republicae" says 415 senators in his day (in the case against P. Claudius for violation of rites of Bona Dea) Cicero accusing Verres - [2 lines of Latin quoted in italics, ending thus]:…"non est usitatum, non est Senatorum." on an example of cruel murder in his "Famous Orators" on Augustus: "Demus imperium Caesari, sine quo res militaris geri non potest:" reproaches Verres: “Ille nulla religione motus, contra quam edixerat, decernebat.” in one of his laws says: “Magistratus nec obedientem, et nocivum civem, mulcta, verberibus, vinculisque, coerceto, nisi par, maiorve potestas prohibessit.” punishment of whole towns “ut poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat.” speaking of the civil war between Caesar & Pompey said: “Ex victoria cum multa, tum certe tyrannis existit.” does not believe that change of songs leads to downfall of state on the Romans: kings appointed to do justice subjects should model themselves on their king Cicero, pleading for Ligarius in front of Caesar [5 lines quoted]: “Causas, Caesar, egi multas et quidem tecum,...” RL 654 derives that Flaccus stole holy gold from temple L 484C at Jerusalem R 682 n7 on the difference between ‘furor’ & ‘insania’ “Furor in sapientem cadere potest...” RL 693 Athenis tenue caelum, inquit Cicero, ex quo acutiores putantur Attici. R 695 F - people of the plain around Genoa called deceivers; of the Ligurian mountains called rustics L [5 lines quoted] “Carthaginenses [sic] fraudulenti et mendaces, non genere sed natura loci, quod propter portus suos multis mercatorum sermonibus ad studium fallendi Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8547 Cicero R 722-3 8624 Cicero R 761 8697 Cicero R 803 n9 8844 Cicero R 846 9083 Cicero R 913 L 680 9140 Cicero R 945 9181 Cicero R 9375 Cicero R 969 L 715 1028 9538 Cicero RL 503* L351D n3 RL 503* L358A 9611 Cicero 9614 Cicero 9620 Cicero 9640 Cicero 9664 Cicero 8208 Cicero 5920 Cicero 9127 Cicero 7513 Cicero 7124 Cicero 7875 Cicero 7902 Cicero 5561 Cicero 5698 Cicero 7522 Cicero RL 503* L358B RL 503* L358D RL 503* L360A 79 Notes studio quaestus vocabantur,” etc. writes to Atticus that he had condemned Cassius Licinius; Plutarch confirms this on the civil war of Caesar & Pompey: Bellum pium, ac necessarium: civibus tamen exitiabile, nisi Pompeius vicerit: calamitosum etiam si vicerit.” “Nulla iusta causa videri potest adversus patriam arma capiendi.” censors especially concerned with swearing falsely on the extreme popularity of the tribune Gratiolanus because he fixed the value of a coin, the victoriatum disorders in the forum, acc. to Cicero [2 lines quoted in margin] says no fault in kingship but vices perhaps in kings in letter to Jurisconsult Trebatius, says he gets little from his profession Marcus Aemylius Scaurus’ ancestors were base and obscure men yet he became Praetor, Consul, Censor and chief of the Senate speaks of the artificers, whom the conspirators with Catiline stirred to rebellion: Etenim omne eorum instrumentum, omnis opera, ac quaestus, frequentia civium sustinetur, alitur otio. the gains of all mercenarii are base [3 lines in Latin] we read that it was lawful for Roman citizens to engage in the trade of merchandise, and it was not forbidden to Roman gentlemen they are deemed base those who buy of merchants that which they hold in the same place and sell again at the same moment his appeal to the people to return to the theater RL 503* L364D pro Rabirio perduellio. & pro domo sua. RL 632 Sulla transfers jurisdiction from people to praetors ad Attic. lib. 3. epist. 72. R 148 n4 a law cannot be made which is irrevocable ad Atticum (several lines quoted in margin) R 941 n9 on how magistrates could hold up public business ad Atticum lib. 2. R 456 n5 Cicero said: “Maius imperium a minore rogari ius est.” ad Atticum lib. 4. RL 397 Lucullus says: Pontifices religionis iudices L 277 fuisse, legis Senatum ad Atticum. R 523 n2 called Caesar “diligentiae incredibilem .” ad Atticum. R 534 n3 Caesar afraid of becoming a private man & having to give an account of his period of office ad Atticum. lib. 4 R 74 n5 distinguished civitas from urbs ad Q. fratrem [& in oratione L] R 95 n6 only Roman citizens could make testament Asconius & Cicero in praetura urbana. F 80 R 458 n6 the Praetor Piso tries to counteract his colleague in Verrinis actionibus. Verres L86 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 5418 Cicero Caesar…Cicero pro Fonteio. Plin…. R 5598 Cicero Cicero pro domo sua & pro Rabirio perduel. R Cicero actione in Verrem. 1. 4. 7. Valer. Maxim. lib. 8 5137 Cicero de nat. deor. li. 3. & de Repub. lib. 1 // 3 R RL 5760 Cicero Dionys. Halic. lib. 2. Tullius in divinatione R 7399 Cicero eleganter pro Quincio: & in 3. offi. R distinguit iudices ab arbitris 9206 Cicero Epist. 1. ad Q. fratrem. R 6676 Cicero epist. 1. ad Q. fratrem… R 6908 Cicero R 7085 Cicero Idem Cicero in Vatin. Es ne patriae certissimus paricida? ne hoc quidem Senatui relinquebas, quod nemo unquam ademit, ut legati ex eius ordinis autoritate in 4. Verr. 9505 Cicero in Agraria 1. R R 9419 Cicero Page 51 n4 81 n2 n3 Notes human sacrifices in Gaul power of magistrates 23 n8 power of husband over wife 80 102 n4 on patrons who desert their clients 440 n4 judge compared to arbiter 974 n1 says humanitas originated in Asia Minor 282 n4 all kings of the east were barbarians - yet civilization is derived from them 366 n2 powers of Senate 391 n3 says: "Idem transfero in magistratus, curationes, sacerdotia" 1054 n7 Cicero prides himself on having overcome the obstacles to becoming consul 1035 n3 nobles punished less - acc. to the orators in agraria prima. [L 86 pro Sestio] R Cornificius lib. 2. [L 86 li. 1.] ad Herennium Fabius lib. 7. 8179 Cicero in Bruto RL 622 9441 Cicero in Catil. 1. R 5775 Cicero R 8482 Cicero 8388 Cicero 6954 Cicero in d. l. non dubito. Cicero pro Balbo hanc clausulam interpretatur. in episto. famil. ad Lentulum. Cornutus Praetor Urbanus, quia consules aberant, more maiorum cogit senatum in epistol. ad Atticum. in epistol. familiarib.... in epistolis ad Atticum 6891 Cicero in epistolis de Cornuto Praetore Urbano 9126 Cicero in lib. de Divinat. 6727 Cicero in lib. de legibus 5528 Cicero 8503 Cicero in off. si status dies cum hoste in offi. & ad Atticum. 6474 Cicero 6768 Cicero 5027 Cicero in offic. in offic. in offic. Dionys. Halicar. lib. 1 5454 Cicero 5696 Cicero in officiis. in oratione pro Archia. 6612 Cicero R Cicero considers Caesar the best orator of the day 1037 n2 citizen to be punished more severely than an enemy 105 n5 phrase inserted in treaties - "Comiter Maiestatem conservare" 258 n6 in absence of consuls lower magistrates took their place R 709 n7 48% usury in provinces R 685 n9 wisdom of elephants RL 374 Lentulus begins his speech on the consecration of Cicero's house: “Pontifices religionis sunt iudices, legis Senatus" R 360 n5 praetor urbanus could perform functions of the consul RL 941 public meetings - omens - Romans thought left L 695 better than right R 299 n.o F 80: the lex Valeria - Ciceron disoit que ce n'estoit pas luy [? loi] [L 86: negat Cicero legem fuisse] R 70 n6 on the XII Tables; hostis = stranger R 713 n7 Tribune Philip says 2000 people have all the wealth R 242 n4 right of issuing coinage R 307 n6 says patria is dearer than parentes RL 10 on a characteristic of the Romans - high respect for law & justice R 56 n6 branded slaves; called "dedititii" & "stigmatiae" R 94 n4 speech on behalf of the poet Archias, on citizenship Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 81 Notes collegia are restored complained that the tribune who diminished the censors’ powers destroyed the Republic Roman import duty of 5% Cicero accusing Verres distinguishes between lex & edictum cases heard by the praetors Cicero accusing Verres says: “Qui plurimum edicto tribuunt, legem annuam appellant…” [2 lines] first act of new Praetor is to thank the people power of tribunes Cicero has a bill thrown out on a technical point about a quorum of the tribes says: "Omnes potestates, imperia, curationes, ab universo populo Romano proficisci convenit." on proscription & confiscation calls 7 and 8 full numbers (plenos) Slip Reference 7842 Cicero in Pison. [& pro Sestio L 86] 8863 Cicero in Pisonem et pro Milone. l. Clodia de censoribus. Cic. pro Sestio. 8979 Cicero in praetura Siciliensi. 6346 Cicero in praetura urbana W Page R 500 n8 R 849 n1 n2 R 875 n5 R 217 n1 7220 Cicero 7426 Cicero in praetura urbana. in Praetura urbana. R R 404 n9 442 n6 7425 Cicero 7541 Cicero 6814 Cicero in prima orat. in Rullum. in provinc. consular. in Rullum R R R 442 n5 460 n8 332 n1 7083 Cicero in Rullum. R 391 n1 8565 Cicero 8065 Cicero in Rullum. Sallust. in Catil. in somnio Scipionis. R 727 n1 R 567 RL R 366 n1 financial powers of Senate 6906 Cicero in Vatin. Aerarii dispensatio ita fuit penes Senatum ut nunquam a populo sit appetita. 5677 Cicero l. 4 [de legationib.] ubi inepta est lectio R Florentini libri, quod satis intelligitur ex l. ult. de legatio. & ex Cicerone in Topic. 5395 Cicero l. i. de patria potest. C. Cicero pro Caecinna R fathers could not take away the liberty of their children R 809 n7 need one keep a promise made to an enemy? R 427 n5 on need to obey magistrates, e.g. the tribunes, however unjust - "quo nihil praestantius: impediri enim bonam rem melius est, quam concedi male, etc.” [4 lines in italics] R 590 n2 Epaminondas & Pelopidas win victory after end of their term of office RL 760 prince’s need of guards as well as sceptres, etc. L 563A R 308-309 says tyrants not wholly bad n6 8720 Cicero 7341 Cicero li. 3. offi. li. de legibus 8124 Cicero lib. 1. de divinat. 8622 Cicero lib. 1. offic. 6774 Cicero 6773 Cicero lib. 10. epist. 1. ad Atticum, magnum ῶ ά ά veniendum ne sit in consilium tyranni si is aliqua de re bona deliberaturus sit. lib. 14 ad Atticum epistola 16. R 7006 Cicero lib. 2. de finib. 7118 Cicero lib. 2. de legib. Magistratus omne iudicium R & auspicium habento. lib. 2. de natura Deor. & 2. de legib. R 7551 Cicero 8509 Cicero 7738 Cicero lib. 2. de orat. pro Muraena. Valer. li. 8. cap. 1. lib. 2. ep. 7. ad Q. fratrem. 91 n8 R R R 47 n6 308 n5 Inde illud Ciceronis, nihil usitatius quam tyrannorum acta valere, et eorum tamen interfectores in caelo collocari. 383 n1 Praetor L. Tubullus, in charge of murder cases, is himself charged with murder 397 n2 the power of the magistrates in his republic [L 86 gives further quotations] 461 n5 Augurs announce contrary auspices when Tib. Gracchus is conducting the comitia consularia 714 n8 law of Sextus Titius on rent for public lands 484 n3 on right to eject member of a guild: “Mercuriales Capitolini M. Furium, hominem nequam, equitem Romanum, de collegio eiecerunt.” Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6371 Cicero lib. 3. de legib. 7479 Cicero lib. 3. de legibus. 82 W Page Notes R 221 n7 privilegium R 447 n4 does “Iudices” mean only the Consuls? Cicero says: “Praetores Iudices Consules appellantur.” R 227 n1 treaty made with Hannibal R 468 n3 stati dies (κηρίαι ἡμέραι) R 803 n1 Regulus & Mencinus praised as examples of keeping faith R 874 n1 Cicero thinks merchants sordid R 403 n1 said: " Censoris iudicium nihil fere damnato affert praeter ruborem..." [3 lines] R 850 n4 judgment of censors brought ignominia, not infamia RL 19 Romans disapproved of private family laws RL 157 his speech after Caesar's murder R 488 n3 Mark Antony threatens Cicero if he fails to attend the Senate R 609 n7 (after death of Julia & of Crassus, Caesar & Pompey being left face to face) “Utinam, Cn. Pompei, amicitiam cum Caesare nunquam Coïsses, aut nunquam diremisses.” R 869 n2 accuses M. Antony of taking legacies from those he didn’t even know R 461 n5 “vitiosa comitia” (invalid) 6393 Cicero 7613 Cicero 8705 Cicero lib. 3. offic. lib. 3. offic. lib. 3. offic. 8974 Cicero 7209 Cicero lib. 3. officio. lib. 4. de Republica apud Nonium 8865 Cicero 5074 Cicero 6034 Cicero 7785 Cicero lib. 4. de Republica, apud No. [L 86 apud Nonium] Macrobius in Saturnal. Cicero. Philip. 1. Philip. 2. 8147 Cicero Philip. 2. 8957 Cicero Philip. 2. 7549 Cicero 5941 Cicero Philip. 2. Augures nuntiationem habent, caeteri magistratus spectionem, sed Festus Pompeius ait... Philip. 3. R Plato in Critone. Cic. pro Cluentio. & lib. 3. R de leg. pro Caecinna R 9615 Cicero pro Caecinna, pro Rabirio perduel. 7219 Cicero pro Cluentio 7383 Cicero 7441 Cicero 7340 Cicero 9137 Cicero pro Cluentio pro Cluentio, in Verrem et lib. 4. ad Atticum. epistol. ult. 8599 Cicero pro Cluentio. pro Sylla. 8871 Cicero pro Cluentio. 437 n9 many R. magistrates had power of life & death 444 n2 obedience to magistrates 150 n4 clause attached to proposed laws by Roman magistrates "si quid ius non erit E.E.L.N.R." [eius ea lege non rogaretur] RL 503* of Roman citizens he never thinks or writes L358B anything contemptible or base n8 R 404 n8 on the censorship: "…nunquam animadversionibus Censoriis hanc civitatem ita contentam, ut rebus iudicatis fuisse." [italics - 8 lines quoted] R 427 n5 magistrates must be obeyed R 944 n7 public bribery, etc. at Rome R R 7221 Cicero 5619 Cicero 5632 Cicero pro Cluentio. Valer. Max. lib. 8. cap. 4. pro Cornelio Balbo pro Cornelio Balbo L 86 R R R 5379 Cicero 5839 Cicero pro domo pro domo sua R R 743 n3 lex Calpurnia on candidature n4 851 n4 says Censorship carries a certain fear not a penalty [12 lines quoted in text of L 86, in margin of F 80] 404 n1 jurisdiction of Triumviri capitales 85 panegyric on Roman citizenship 88 n87 citizenship; "Ne quis foederatorum a populo Romano civis reciperetur, nisi is populus fundus factus esset; id est, auctor." 45 n5 Claudius adopted by a plebeian 131 n3 XII Tables mentioned Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 83 W Page Notes R 424 n1 in XII Tables: "Privilegia nisi comitiis centuriatis ne irroganto" pro Domo Sua RL 730 says “privilegium de Suo Capite Ratum esse.” pro domo sua. & post reditum in senatu. R 221 n8 Cicero says: Privilegium de meo capite latum est. pro lege Manil. Appian. lib. 1. Livius lib. 28 R 368 n2 R. people often allotted provinces at its sole discretion pro lege Manilia, et in praetura Urbana RL 875 Romans called import duties “portoria” pro lege Manilia. RL 377 Pompey's command v. Mithridates pro Ligario R 241 his argument to Caesar, pleading for mercy pro Muraena R 743 n5 lex Tullia de ambitu (on candidature) Slip Reference 7307 Cicero pro domo sua 8576 Cicero 6372 Cicero 6926 Cicero 8977 Cicero 6976 Cicero 6473 Cicero 8600 Cicero a 7186 Cicero pro Quintio 7230 Cicero pro Rabirio perd. 9652 Cicero pro Rabirio perd. 0132 Cicero a 9133 Cicero a 7624 Cicero 8546 Cicero 7358 Cicero pro Rabirio perduel. on appeal to the tribunes,"ut de Praetoris iniuria cognoscerent." R 406 n9 censors decree butchers must lodge outside the walls RL 503* by the Censors’ laws it was not lawful for the L361A hangman to have a dwelling in the city n2 R 943 n2 at Rome citizens not liable to capital penalty pro Rabirio perduel. R pro Rabirio perduell. pro Rabirio perduell. pro Rabirio perduellion RL 401 944 n3 citizens of Rome not to be scourged R 470 n7 lex Sempronia: on right of appeal R 722 n5 lex Sempronia forbids flogging of a citizen RL 434 gives examples of form of sentence passed during R. republic 6355 Cicero pro Rabirio perduellionis reo. R 218 n.o line quoted on imperium, auctoritas, potestas & maiestas 7401 Cicero pro Roscio Comaedo RL 440 says his opponent has confused judex & arbiter; “Eundem tu arbitrium et iudicem sumebas…” [2 lines quoted] 5249 Cicero pro Roscio perduell. R 30 n9 remark of Solon on parricides quoted ap. Cicero 6790 Cicero Pro Sestio RL 313 distinguishes between "populares" & "optimates" - the former propose things pleasing to the multitude, the latter propose what they think best 7484 Cicero pro Sextio [Sestio L 86] R 447 n5 lex Junia Sacrata de tribunis plebis 6922 Cicero Sallust in Iugur. Cicero in provinciis R 368 n1 C. Gracchus persuades people to suspend consular. tribunes' power of veto 9114 Cicero in lib. de Repub. & Arist. li. 5. cap. 20. polit. R 937 n1 worst tyranny that of whole people, acc. to Cicero & Aristotle 7351 Cicero pro Rabirio perd. & pro domo sua R 433 n7 leges Sacratae on jurisdiction of comitia centuriata, etc. 9593 Cicero (M. Tullius) RL 503* called Roscius, for his nobility and wealth, the L356C chief man of his town 9516 Cicero (Tullius) RL 503* objected to Antony that he had befriended men L349B of the meanest degree – he meant manumitted men, not slaves 9643 Cicero (Tullius) RL 503* praise and commendation were given to Fabius L360B as a fine painter, but the Hebrews considered this occupation the basest 9637 Cicero (Tullius, M.) libro 1. offic. RL 503* exempts those who exercise a plentiful and L359D gainful trade from being base men [3 lines] n5 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9533 Cicero, M. Tullius W Page in Rullum orat. 1. RL 503* L351A n2 9276 Cinus & Bart. in l. imperialis. §. iis illud. // §. illis. R 996 n6 de nup. C. 6138 Clement pastoralis. de re iudic. R 170 n8 8501 Clement prima. de rebus. eccles. 8688 Clement VII R R 6249 Clement, Pope rescriptum Clementis Pont. max. R quod Viennae extat. et in extravagante de majoritate et obedient. 1. Fel. in c. nonnulli de rescriptis. nu. 8 7322 Clementina c. si motu proprio. de praebend. li. 6. R Clement. si Romanus. eod. 8331 Columella R 8897 Columella R 84 Notes “Ego novus homo primus omnium claustra nobilitatis refregi...” dividing empire among several sons liege homage does not except even Pope or Emperor 712 n2 church property not to be let for long periods 799 treaty of Pope Clement VII with England & France 1528 191 n9 on papal powers 425 n7 pernicious clause "de motu proprio" 675 857 calls the Carthaginians “gens acutissima” lex Licinia gave each Roman 7 iugera of land 3 lines quoted from Columella 5432 Columella lib. 1 R 53 n9 slaves chained together 8149 Comines RL 610 says civil wars in England leave the poor L 450 unharmed; Bodin heard the opposite when he was on an embassy in England 8737 Comines nova iusiurandi formula. Philippus R 820 oath taken by Louis XI 1475 in treaty with Cominius Duke of Burgundy 8141 Comines, Philip R 605 on England where the nobles killed each other & the poor people were unharmed 8207 Comines, Philip R 631 on the interview of princes - to be avoided as diminishing the reputation 8229 Comines, Philip R 643 80 princes of the blood killed in England in Wars of Roses 8332 Comines, Philippe de R 675 says the English complain they win the battles but the French win the peace 8333 Comines, Philippe de R 677 on French ambassadors before Francis Sforza, Duke of Milan 8679 Comines, Philippe de R 794 says Louis XI was attacked from all sides while he remained neutral 8738 Comines, Philippe de R 820 n2 the Count of St. Pol [L 86 Ludivicus Luxemburgus magister militum] requires the king to swear by the true cross of Angier 8775 Comines, Philippe de R 831 Charles, Duke of Burgundy, spares the hostages from Liege 8996 Comines, Philippe de en ses memoires nec unquam R 880 n1 at Estates at Tours under Charles VIII - prince ius illud praescribi potest. a RL has no right to order taxes principe cano. nullus. 1. q. 1. 6789 Commines R 312 80 princes of the blood in England killed in 36 years, as we see in Philip de Commines 6896 Commines R 362 advice given after dinner must not be taken as well digested advice, so Philip de Commines says 6838 Commines Philippus Cominius RL 342 Louis XI of France did not disclose his plans 5896 Commines, Philip R 140 his speech to the Estates at Tours - en ses memoires 8723 Comminius, Philip RL 810 Charles of Burgundy breaks the safe conduct he L 600C gave to Louis of Luxembourg [F 80 le Conte Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 85 Notes Sainct Pol Connestable de France] 369 n6 thought decrees of Senate were valid for ever, not for only one year 103 n1 wrongly takes ‘soldurii’ & ‘devoti’ in Caesar = vassals 218 n.o on power of Senate Slip Reference W Page 6930 Conan lib. 1. cap. de Senatusconsul. R 5770 Conan lib. 2 R 6350 Conan lib. 2. de senatu. [L 86: lib. 2. cap. de senatu] 6804 Conrad Celticus 8369 Conradus Celtes R 8717 Constance, Council of, decree R 6610 Contarini R 6619 Contarini 8629 Contarini R R 6882 Contarini Bembus in historia Venet. Contare. in Repub. 6401 Contarini in repub. Venetorum 6413 Contarini in Republica Venetorum 6593 Contarini, G. R 7983 Copernicus R 8021 Copernicus R 6778 Corn R R R …consil. 41. col. ult. lib. 1 …Corne. [L 86 commentator] consil. 1. col. 6. lib. 4… 5201 Cornel …Cornel. consil. 55. col. 4. li. 1. & consil. 26. lib. 4 5098 Cornel consil. 248. lib. 2 6029 Cornelius Corne. cons. 100. lib. 1. 5622 Cornelius Nepos in Attici vita 6193 Corneus consi. 321. 5813 Corset l. ult. qui satisdare. Corset. de dot. Reg. // de pot. regia 9. 17. 9239 Corvinus Messala R R 228 n.o on a law of Venice 232 n3 on a law of Venice 253 Gaspar Contarenus - on how many sorts of republic 549 the tables of Copernicus, who has carefully corrected the errors of Alphonsus and the Arabs 560 movement of eccentric causes, revolutions, etc.his views challenged 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 28 n8 status of wife 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards R 28 n2 status & marriage R R R R R 20 n2 157 n2 85 n1 179 n6 123 n4 on marriage rights of princes Atticus fears to lose his Roman citizenship sovereignty & vassalage on the sovereign R 989 9019 Cosmo, Duke of Florence R 885 8606 Cour, registres de la R 745 Ilus // Illus preferred to Assaracus as K. of Latins, because he was the elder, as Corvinus Messala writes in his book dedicated to Augustus exaggerated estimate of the revenues of Cosmo, Duke of Florence “comme quelqu’un en ce Royaume disoit” [L 86: somebody in recent years dared to say in the Senate] on princes’ gifts - B. has consulted les registres de la Cour consil. 278. li. 3. 5224 Corne 6459 Corne R R R 327 n5 on the aristocratic government of Nuremberg 683 those who praise so much the chastity & continence of the Germans & Scythians are deceived 808 treatment of Hus by Council of Constance executed despite guarantees of safe conduct; opinions of Nicolas Panormitanus & Louis du Pont, surnommé Romain [L Ludovicus Romanus] 258 makes Rome a mixed constitution following Polybius 260 on the mixed constitution of the Venetians 766 Venetians have banished the military art from their republic, acc. to Contarini 356 n9 on the role of the senate at Venice Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 86 Notes taxes in kind in Poland Russians send to Germany for kings slavery in Poland Poles attack the Hungarians on kings of Poland on excessive summer heat in Poland Sigismond of Poland routs the Muscovites among those who date the Persian Empire from Ninus le Docteur Cuias au premier chapitre de ses Notes - on definition of magistrate & official F 80 Dr. Cuias} L 86 Iacobus Cuiacius} wished to erase the words “ex quo provinciam ingressus est” from l. 2. de officio proconsulis le docteur Cuias - you must take account of age of house to reckon its value Doctor Cujas has mixed up "infamia" & "ignominia" execution outside one’s own territory grace: restitution of bastards Slip Reference 9021 Crom. in Hist. Pol. 7859 Cromer Anno 851. Cromerus 5390 Cromer in histor. Polon. & in statutis Polon. 9294 Cromer in histor. Polonor. 6256 Cromer Thomas Cromerus 8295 Cromer, Thomas 8007 Cromer. 8074 Ctesias d 6952 Cuias W R R R R R R R R Page 885 n.o 508 n7 47 n4 1008 n9 195 n3 669 556 n3 568 R 373 7558 Cuias in lib. 1. cap. 1. observat. R 463 n3 7958 Cuias lib. 9. observat. R 544 n5 7211 Cujas R 403 7607 Cuma Alex. Bart. Cuma. in. l. a divo. de re iudic. 6467 Cuman consi. 158. col. 5. 6031 Cumansi in col. 53. & 158. colum. 2. & consil. 161. col. 3. & consil. 106. lib. 3. & latiss. consil. 216. & consil. 65. lib. 1. nu. 3. & consil. 136. nu.1. lib. 2. 6325 Cumanus h 5063 Cumanus …Imola & Cumanus in l. 3. de testa…. 6096 Cumanus Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. … Cumanum, etc. 7850 Cuneus R R R 468 n9 241 n2 157 n2 R R R 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty 17 n4 private family laws 162 n3 R 505 9297 Cuneus & Alberic. in l. observare §. proficisci. de R offi. procons. ff. glos. in c. unaquaeque 13. q. 2. & in c. si quis in necessitate. 34. q. 2. & in c. 1. qui accusare poss. et ibi. Hostiens. et Panormit... 5225 Cuneus …Cuneus & Albericus in l. observare. de R offic. proconsu. 7052 Cuneus …Cuneus, Albericus, Castrensis, Bal. in d. R l. eius qui. si certum 5089 Cuneus Bald. & Cune. in l. raptores. de Epsicopis R 7702 Cuneus Bart. & Cune. in l. patre furioso. de iis qui R sunt sui... 6320 Cursius Junior …Cursius Junior consi. 1. num. 29. R & 30. & consi. 1. nu. 25 li.1… 6426 Curtius Iunior consi. 2. col. 1. R 6084 Curtius Junior consil. 1. nu. 26. & 30. & consil. 91. R nu. 8. 7298 Curtius Senior consil. 49. & seq. R Cuneus on question: is a state united to another state subject to it? 1010 n2 woman must follow man 28 n2 status of wife 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 20 n7 rights of husband 483 n1 status of those entering religious houses 213 n5 rights of sovereignty 233 n2 court of last ressort 162 n2 what is a sovereign? 423 n5 prince's explanation of his own meaning must be accepted 8610 Curtius, Q. Plut. R 748 n6 large gifts made by Alexander the Great 8013 Cuspin R 558 n6 earthquake at Constantinople; 13,000 killed 9573 Cyn. in l. providendum de postul. C. Panor. in cap. RL 503* virtue joined with noble descent to be preferred, Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W 1. in 1. no. de donat. Alvaro. in c. 1. col. 3. quis dicatur dux Bal. in l. nobiliotes de commerciis. C. Cor. in ult. not. communia de legat. C. Hostiens. Pano. Io. Andr. in c. clerici. de iudic. 6012 Cynus & Albericus in l. nemine. de sacrosan. C. … R Cynus in l. rescripta. q. 3. de precibus. C. 5868 Cynus & Bart. in l. digna vox. de legib. C. R 6070 Cynus & DD. in l. digna vox. de constit. princ. R C. & Bald. in c. 1. de natu. feud. tradunt, si magnum est detrimentum non teneri. 5103 Cynus …& ibi Accursius, Cynus…Alberic. de R condit insertis. C. 7132 Cynus …Baldus, Cynus in l. episcopale de RL episcopali audient. C…. 7411 Cynus …Cynus in l. unica. q. 4. qui pro sua R iurisdict. C. 5545 Cynus …Cynus, Salicet. eod…. R 6122 Cynus Bald. Cyn. Salicet. in l. si quisquis. ad l. R Iuliam maiestat. C. 6052 Cynus Castrensis & Alberic. in l. Respublica, ex R quibus causis majores. Cynus eod. ait Petr. à Bella Pertica in eadem sententia fuisse 7163 Cynus Cynus in l. exequutione. quorum appellat. RL non recipiuntur. Bart…. 5880 Cynus Cynus, Bald. Bart. Salicet. in l. digna vox. R de legib. C. 6059 Cynus de quib. Cyn….Salicet. in l. digna. de legib. R C. 7259 Cynus gl. & Cynus in l. ult si contra ius vel R utilitatem public. C…. 5728 Cynus in authent. habita. ne filius pro patre. C. R 6194 Cynus in l. 1. de R 6203 Cynus in l. 1. de novat. C. R 5090 Cynus 5956 Cynus 6479 Cynus 6566 Cynus 6338 Cynus in l. 1. q. 2. de rapt. vir. C. in l. rescripta. de precibus imp. offer. C. in l. si quis nummos. de falsa moneta. C. l. ult. red. in l. si servus de noxal. c. R R R indivisibilia in l. si viva bonis maternis. C. R 9191 Cyprian 8857 Cyprian lib. 2. Epist. 2. 7937 Cyprian Leovicius 5498 Cyril in epistola ad Antiochum Misopogona apud Cyrillum contra Christianos 8094 Daniel 5910 Daniel 6748 Daniel ca. 6. cap. 6. R Page Notes L355A the jurisconsults have agreed n8 87 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 134 n6 contracts of the prince 160 n.o prince & his predecessors' contracts 21 n8 power of paterfamilias 397 power of Pontifices in France L 277 441 n9 old Doctors on delegation of powers 74 n7 what is a civitas? 167 n8 on treason 158 n7 on the respublica 397 trial of clerics L 279 135 n7 compact between prince & subjects 159 n2 prince & his predecessors' contracts 415 n1 obedience to prince's orders 98 n7 rights of foreigners 179 n6 on sovereignty & vassalage 182 n1 lord can always reassert his rights over a fugitive slave 20 n7 rights of husband 153 n6 prince's compacts 242 n8 rights of coining money 249 n1 right of prince to judge according to his conscience 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights R 969 RL 848 R 543 kingship best, says Cyprian theater immoral following Alphonsus has got his astronomical calculations wrong R 63 n8 F Emperor Julian on the Syrians being naturally n84 servile L RL 571 much that is found in the writings of Daniel is L 423C repudiated by D. Hieronymus R 146 n9 the laws of the Medes & Persians R 303, 304 we read in Holy Scriptures about n1 Nabuchodonosor's sack of Jerusalem Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8085 Daniel Hierem. c. 25. & Daniel c. 9. 5155 Daniel Levit. 20. Daniel 12. Deutero. 24 9084 Dante W RL R R Page 571 24 n7 914 6110 Danzai (Danzaeus) R 165 5942 Decius RL 150 7374 Decius RL 436 7472 Decius 6319 Decius 7299 Decius ...Decius consil. 208. col. 2. nu. 9. & consi. 269. col. 3. nu. 8. & cons. 690. col. 2. nu. 8... ...Decius in cap. cum venissent. de iudic. …Decius consi. 192… consi. 168. col. ul. 6083 Decius 7454 Decius 6561 Decius 8700 Decius consil. 191. numer. 1. consil. 459... consil. 463. consilio 219... R R R R 5969 Decius Decius cons. 10. nu. 22….Decius cons. 404. R nu. 8. in c. de causis. de offi. deleg. R l. generaliter. de in ius vocando. Decius in R l. ulti. eod. in fine. C. l'an 1431. Decius consil. 515. R 7390 Decius 5183 Decius 5066 Decius 7122 Demetrius Phalareus R R R 88 Notes prophecies of Daniel & Jeremiah stoning for adultery calls Philippe le Bel “falsificatone de moneta” [L falsae monetae fabricator] for being the first French king to debase the coinage on a treaty between the kings of Scotland & Norway to end the war about the Isles of Orkney in 1564 "comme j'ay appris des lettres de M. Danzai Ambassadeur pour le Roy en Dannemarch." prince's laws can contravene God's if he has a good reason hereditary jurisdiction 446 n8 magistrate and wrong done to himself 213 n5 rights of sovereignty 423 n5 prince's explanation of his own meaning must be accepted 162 n2 what is a sovereign? 445 n1 right to resist magistrates 249 n1 right to judge according to one's conscience 803 n.o may a prince break an oath made under compulsion? 153 n2 prince's compacts 438 n2 powers not to be delegated 27 n4 divorce 18 n6 5521 Demosthenes RL 397 L 276 R 69 5918 Demosthenes R 147 6352 Demosthenes R 218 6966 Demosthenes R 376 6981 Demosthenes R 379 7343 Demosthenes R 430 7616 Demosthenes R 469 private laws between houses of Saxe & Hesse, ratified by Emp. Charles IV & Sigismund says Solon'a laws gave a drachma of silver to the killer of a wolf D., Aristotle & Cicero say wrongly that the first kings were models of justice Demosthenes' speech against Leptinus; on Athenian constitution at Athens the arrêts of the Senate were only annual says Demosthenes in his speech against Aristocrates law usually brought before the people about the erection of new offices - as we can see in Thucydides, Plutarch & Demosthenes [F 80] Demosthenes, Isaeus, Plutarch [L 86] dispute of Demosthenes & Aeschines over the golden crown voted to Demosthenes by Ctesiphon - is the commission to repair the walls a magistracy - Demosthenes says ό ὐκ ά ὴ ἶ ἀ ’ ἐ ιμέλειά ὶ ί on the execution of laws: “ ὐ ὲ ὄ j ῆj ί j ὰ ὐ ἔ j ὰ ῶ ύ ” Demosthenes contra Mediam ἐ ὴ ἧκεν ἡ Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7617 Demosthenes 7618 Demosthenes 8554 Demosthenes 9128 Demosthenes 9397 Demosthenes 6554 Demosthenes 5725 Demosthenes 5693 Demosthenes 8524 Demosthenes 89 Notes ί ῦ ό R 469 Demosthenes contra Stephanum: ί ἐ ά R 469 Demosthenes ad Nicostratum: ἡ έ έ RL 724 calls the orators the watchdogs of the state R 942 magistrates at Athens missing when people assemble, as Philip of Macedon invades, acc. to Demosthenes R 1031 n.o on penalties ί ἐ λί ς R 248 n9 right of reprisal or "clarigatio" W Page Contra Dionysiodorum. … a) i/ , Iustinianus ἐ ὸ vocat. a)ndrolhyi/ vocat. in orat. contra R Aristaratem contra Androtionem. R contra Boeotum & alibi saepe. R 98 n7 "le droit de marque contre les estrangers" 94 n1 estate of aliens - treasury took sixth part 718 n8 heiress must marry the male nearest in the succession 5629 Demosthenes contra Eubulidem R 87 n2 Athenian citizenship 5697 Demosthenes contra Eubulidem. R 95 n5 citizenship 5392 Demosthenes contra Laeritum RL 47 those captured in war 6843 Demosthenes contra Leptinem R 345 n6 at Athens in the Assembly herald called on those over 50 to speak first 9124 Demosthenes contra Leptinem. R 941 n6 people must meet 3 times before bill becomes law - acc. to laws of Solon 5151 Demosthenes contra Neaeram R 24 n.o adultery 5536 Demosthenes contra Neaeram R 72 in the speech contra Neaeram - on citizens 5692 Demosthenes contra Neaeram. metoi/ vocat. R 94 n9 the tax on resident aliens at Athens 9108 Demosthenes contra Timocratem. & in titulo de RL 931 coinage of Greece - acc. to Demosthenes in falsa. speech v. Timocrates 5349 Demosthenes Demosth. contra Boeotum, Spudiam, R 42 n6 adoption of bastards at Athens Phenippum, Macartatum [F 80, Macurtatum F 76], Leocharem. 9054 Demosthenes in Olynthiacis. R 899 n9 says Pericles had helped Athens get 100,000 talents in treasury 8793 Demosthenes in orat. R 836 n4 says revenue of Attica was 60,000 talents, acc. ὶ ῶ ῶ to public accounts 8613 Demosthenes in oratione de falsa legat. & contra R 750 n8 magistrate gives account of his office at end of Timarchum. term 6912 Demosthenes Plut. in Lysia, Demosthenes contra R 367 n5 no motion to be put to people without approval Androtionem of Senate 5531 Demosthenes Plutar. in Demosthene R 71 n1 enfranchised men made citizens after Chaeronea 6412 Demosthenes pro Aphobo. R 231 n2 an appeal to the people of Athens 7234 Demosthenes pro Ctesiphonte RL 408 his classification of offices at Athens 9473 Deutero. 20 // 21 R 1043 n.o law of God says kill a murderer 8263 Deuteron. 12. R 656 n3 those who know the truth must not follow the ordinary opinions 5254 Deuteronomy …Deutero. 27 R 31 n3 child who curses his parents punished 8845 Deuteronomy 16. R 847 God asks us to appear before him at 3 great feasts 7649 Deuteronomy 16 & 23 RL 473 restoration of fugitive slave to angry master 9071 Deuteronomy 17. R 907 n1 God forbids heaping up of treasure 9194 Deuteronomy 17. R 969 n6 kingship best, says law of God Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9216 Deuteronomy 9391 Deuteronomy 6453 Deuteronomy 17. 17. 19 & 21 W R R R 8743 Deuteronomy 9245 Deuteronomy 9631 Deuteronomy 19. Hierem. 12 & 5 21. 23. R R RL 8487 Deuteronomy 8474 Deuteronomy 9501 Deuteronomy 9195 Deuteronomy 8881 Deuteronomy 5260 Deuteronomy 6844 Deuteronomy 23. Nehem. 5. 23. Num. 25. Psalm. 15. 25. 33. c. 17. c. 21. cap. 1. R R R R R RL RL 6660 Deuteronomy 9653 Deuteronomy cap. 16. cap. 17. & 19. RL RL 8650 Deuteronomy 9483 Deuteronomy cap. 23. Deut. 16. // 19. [L Leviticus 24.] 8535 Deuteronomy 5021 Deuteronomy 5503 Deuteronomy 7931 Deuteronomy Deut. 22. Deut. 5 Deuter. 15 Deuter. 6. in fine capitis. RL R RL RL R RL RL 5241 Deuteronomy Exod. 22. Deut. 5 Deut. 11 & 22 90 Page Notes 980 n4 God forbids Jews to choose foreigner as king 1030 n.o God chooses who is to judge 240 n.o penalty of law of God for stealing is to pay back fourfold 820 n5 on oaths of princes 991 n7 God’s law prefers the elder son 503* divine law forbade Israelites, but not strangers, L359B to commit usury, and forbade them to buy and n3 sell 710 n4 usury forbidden 707 n6 usury forbidden 1049 n7 law of God forbids more than 40 stripes 970 n7 Moses called king of his people 853 n.o death for those disobeying the high priest 32 power of fathers over children 345 God ordains a council of 70 old men; L adds a marginal note: the Hebrew terms here have a greater emphasis on values than the Greek and Latin words 278 right of conqueror 503* by Hebrew law it was necessary that the noblest L361B men, if they were witness to a capital crime, be n3 also executioners 779 prohibition of foreign general/ruler 1044 n.o penalty proportionate to crime, i.e. lex talionis 5156 Deuteronomy Levit. 20. Daniel 12. Deutero. 24 5366 Diaconus, Paulus Paul Diac. lib. 6. de gestis Longobard. 5159 Didorus lib. 1 7703 Dinus in l. ergo. de acquir. rerum domi.... 8118 Dio R R 7431 Dio ...Dio. lib. 26. R 6544 Dio R 6865 Dio 7074 Dio 7976 Dio 5988 Dio Caesar Augustus primus procuratores instituit ut ait Dio. lib. 53. Dio. 54 Dio. Plutar. in Pompeio Dio. Xiphilinus Dion lib. 56 720 size of dowries 10 n.o 7th day blessed 63 on slavery 543 the good live longer L 394D 29-30 honor thy father n1 n2 24 n7 stoning for adultery 44 n5 Luitprand adopts the son of Charles, prince of France 24 n9 punishment for adultery 483 n1 status of those entering religious houses 588 Gabinius’ proposal of 5 year command for Pompey arouses opposition of Senate 443 n2 lex Cornelia said praetors must stick to their edicts 248 n5 private compared to public domain of a prince R R RL R 351 n4 390 n3 547 154 n.o 7547 Dio lbi. 40. R 8598 Dio lib. 26. AUC 686 // 680 R RL R R R R Augustus and the Senate Pompey allies with Caesar against the Senate Constantinople sacked by Galienus Augustus asks Senate for dispensation from lex Voconia 460 n4 imprisonment of Q. Pompeius Rufus the tribune 743 n2 lex Calpurnia on canvassing Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6876 Dio lib. 35 8600 Dio 6825 Dio 6894 Dio lib. 37. & Cicero pro Muraena. lib. 38 lib. 38 7552 Dio 5570 Dio 6854 Dio 6927 Dio lib. 38. lib. 41 lib. 43. lib. 54 8798 Dio lib. 54 (AUC 735) 6886 Dio lib. 55 8730 Dio 6644 Dio lib. 56. lib. 57 & Xiphilin in Adriano 8110 Dio lib. 60. 7905 Dio Senec. in lib. de clementia. Dio lib. 55. 7688 Dio [Cassius] in Adriano. 5613 Dio Cassius 6154 Dio Cassius Dio. de Augusto scribens. 6376 Dio Chrysostom in tit. ὶἔ ς ὶ ό 6860 Dio Nicaeus 6935 Dio Nicaeus Asconius in Cornelianam 5906 Dio Nicaeus lib. 37. [38 F 76] 9001 Dio. lib. 38. Paul. lib. 4. sentent. tit. 6. 9028 Dio. lib. 56. d 5341 Diodorus 5751 Diodorus 7990 Diodorus 8074 Diodorus a 9558 Diodorus 9234 Diodorus 6708 Diodorus Diodor. lib. 16. lib. 1. & 15. 9341 Diodorus 5694 Diodorus lib. 12 lib. 2 91 W Page Notes R 354 n6 Maecenas & Agrippa were Augustus' chief advisers R 743 n5 lex Tullia de ambitu (on candidature) R 335 n2 on voting at Rome - the lex Fusia AUC 693 R 362 n6 in popular Roman assembly private citizens gave their opinion before the magistrates did. R 461 n7 R 76 n2 Pomoeius said: non est in parietibus civitas R 349 n2 Caesar adds 40 senators R 369 n3 decision of less than 200 senators as called an auctoritas, not a decretum R 836 n9 Augustus appointed Censor & Praefectus morum R 357 n3 Augustus limited the judicial powers of the Senate R 815 n4 Augustus offers reward for capture of Crocotas R 274 n1 Themistocles wanted to greet the Persian king in the Greek manner R 584 n3 Emperor Claudius revives old law designed to prevent one holding successive magistracies R 535 n5 Augustus’ way of dealing with the conspiracy of Cinna [3 lines quoted] R 481 n5 Hadrian wishes senators to be judged only by senators R 84 n7 Emp. Severus allows Alexandrines to be Senators R 171 n1 on vassal kings of Rome R 222 n2 Dio Chrysostom compares custom to a king, law to a tyrant RL 350 Senate remains at 300 members for three or four hundred years R 370 n4 Tribune Cornelius orders Senate not to invade the sphere of the people R 143 n7 on origin of the custom of the Roman people swearing to keep the laws R 881 n3 tax of 1/20th on legacies, by Augustus R 888 Augustus’ laws de maritandis ordinibus RL R 40 n5 on the Egyptians' punishment of a father who killed his son R 100 Egyptian society - priests, soldiers, artisans RL 551 Diodorus’ investigation of Egyptian history L 402B priest claimed it went back 33,000 years R 568 among those who date the Persian Empire from Ninus RL 503* the Egyptians divided their citizens into priests, L354B soldiers and laborers n3 R 989 n1 succession of Alexander the Great R 289 n2 Persians did not comdemn to death unless the accused had done more evil than good R 1022 n1 the legislator Charondas R 94 n2 says wrongly the Romans allowed the heirs of aliens to succeed to the estate Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 92 Notes ancient Egyptians divided land into 3 parts in Egypt bastards were legitimized leagues in Greece Alexander the Great & Calisthenes says Arabs chose the oldest man as king on the philosophers whose lives he wrote ά ςἀ ά ς ῶ ί ά right to expel strangers from Rome by the lex Papia cruelty to a slave Slip Reference 8899 Diodorus lib. 2. 5351 Diodorus lib. 2. c. 3 5793 Diodorus Pausanias in Achaicis, & Diodor. lib. 16 6149 Diodorus Quint. Curtius, Diodor. 6671 Diodorus Siculus 6982 Diogenes Laertius W R R R R R R Page 857 n6 42 n8 114 n8 171 n.o 281 379 5594 Dion R 81 5436 Dion R 53 n2 R R 3 n6 Emp. Aug. & the Spanish brigand Crocotas 401 n5 on the Aediles Aeditui R 400 n2 tribune's power did not extend beyond walls of Rome 399 n4 to interrupt a Tribune was a capital crime 401 n1 curule aediles could call meeting of the plebs lib. 54 F lib. 55 L 5006 Dion lib. 56 7189 Dion [Halic] Dionys. lib. 6. Flor. epit. 19. Gell. lib. 10 7179 Dion [Halic] lib. 9. 7174 Dion Halic 7195 Dion Halic lib. 5. R Piso annalium lib. 4. & Dionys. Halicar. R lib. 10 7839 Dion Halyc lib. 6. R 8646 Dion. lib. 53. 5580 Dion. Halic. 5441 Dion. Halic. 6967 Dion. Halic. 6913 Dion. Halic. 6590 Dion. Halic. 6693 Dion. Halic. 5143 Dion. Halic. 5804 Dion. Halic. 6317 Dion. Halic. 5819 Dion. Halic. 6929 Dion. Halic. 6409 Dion. Halic. 5391 Dion. Halic. 7116 Dion. Halic. 6351 Dion. Halic. 7109 Dion. Halic. 7668 Dion. Halic. Dionys. lib. 4 lib. 10. Livius lib. 3. lib. 2 lib. 2. lib. 2. R R R R R R R lib. 2. Pliny lib. 14. c. 13. Valer. de R institut. antiq. Cicero de nat. deor. li. 3. & de Repub. li. 1. Plutar. in problem. Rom. cap. 6. Arnobius lib. 2. adversus gentes. Tertull. in apologetico ca. 6. Gellius lib. 10. c. 23. & Alcimus Siculus apud Athenaeum lib. 4 R lib. 4. & 7. R 499 n6 Tarquinius Superbus suppresses popular institutions 775 n8 Augustus deprives certain officials of right of bearing arms 79 n2 the simile of Agrippa - a state is like a body 54 n7 K. Servius appoints an asylum for slaves 376 n3 lex Duillia on election of tribunes 367 n6 R. Senate had no power to execute its decisions 253 n4 Denis d' Halicarnas 284 n7 Denys of Halicarnas compares Roman dictators to the Archi of Thessaly & the Cosmoi of Sparta 23 n8 power of husband over wife 117 n6 the Latin League 213 n4 on marks of sovereignty (King Servius & the Consul M. Valerius) lib. 9 R 123 n.o Roman Dictator lib. 9 R 369 n6 decrees of Senate valid for 1 year acc. to Dionys. Halic. Livius lib. 3. Dionys. Halicar. lib. 10 R 231 n1 on the lex Duillia (early Roman republic) li. 3. RL 47 those captured in war [Greek passage] lib. 10. Festus lib. 14. R 397 n1 says lex Tarpeia gave all magistrates power to fine lib. 4. cap. 7 R 218 n2 on power of Senate; Dion. Halic. who had read diligently the commentaries of Marcus Varro lib. 8 R 397 n6 lex Ateria Tarpeia (AUC 297) - magistrates' rights under Plutar. in Numa. Dionys. Halic. lib. 2 RL 476 Numa Pompilius set up collegia Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6389 Dion. Halic. [F 80 only] 5264 Dion. Halic.. lib. 2 5271 Dion. Halicar. lib. 7 & Livius lib. 3 5269 Dion. Halicar. lib. 2 6611 Dion. Halyc. 7113 Dion. Halyc. lib. 7 7654 Dionys Halic 8222 Dionys. Halic. 9241 Dionys. Halic. 5028 Dionys. Halic. 6859 Dionys. Halic. Cicero in offic. Dionys. Halicar. lib. 1 lib. II 8205 Dionys. Halic. lib. 2. 5119 Dionys. Halicar. lib. 2 5049 Dionys. Halicarnass. lib. 2 9609 Dionysius 6961 Dionysius 8999 Dionysius a 7485 Dionysius lib. 4. Livius lib. 2. lib. 5. lib. 6. Livius lib. 2. Cicero pro Sextio [Sestio L 86] 7536 Dionysius lib. 7. 7477 Dionysius Livius lib. 3. Dionys. lib. 5. 9179 Dionysius // Dio 8566 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 8895 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 9037 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 9139 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 9174 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 9530 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 9621 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 8824 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 6830 Dionysius Halicarnasseus book IV Dionysius. Halicar. & Livius 93 W Page Notes R 224 n2 right of plebs to make peace & war R 32 n7 the law of Romulus on the powers of fathers over wives & children R 33 n4 the tribunes sacrosanct R 33 n2 power of fathers over their sons even when holding office R 258 Dion. Halyc. Cicero, Contarini all follow Polybius in making Rome a mixed constitution [L 86 adds: Thomas Morus] R 397 n4 lex Icilia on magistrates' fines R 475 on King Servius & the setting up of towns of RL refuge R 639 Scaevola attempts to kill King Porsenna RL R 989 n5 kingdom of Alba rightfully belonged to Numitor not Amulius RL 10 high respect of the Romans for law & justice R 350 n9 Romulus makes his Senate 100 because that is 1/30 of total population R 630 n5 Romulus reserved the judgment of most difficult cases for himself R 22 n5 lex Romilia gives husband absolute power R 14 n8 territory of Rome under Romulus only 18000 jugera RL 503* writes that there were 100,000 citizens, besides L358A artisans n9 R 376 n2 lex Iunia on election of consuls RL 880 on expulsion of kings, Romans free of taxes L 656 R 447 n5 lex Junia Sacrata de tribunis plebis R R R RL R 459 lex Icilia on privileges of tribunes 447 n3 lex Horatia de sacrosanctis Magistratibus 969 n8 Augustus & his friends decide domination of one man is best 728 n2 fines were given to temples and called ‘sacramenta’ says Dion. Halicarnass. R 856 Denys d’ Halicarnas a good authority for size of individual Roman’s farm, because he was a domestic of Marcus Varro RL 890 capitation tax of Tarquinius Superbus L 663 R 945 n.o consuls Cassius & Virginius issue contrary edicts R 963 n7 dictator, or Harmost, among Thessalians RL 503* calls Lucius Siccius Dentatus a common man L350D RL 503* seems to have exempted merchants from the L358D number of Roman citizens R 839 Censor included everybody in the census? R 337 n3 on the X viri for law-making at Rome - all historians call them oligarchs Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8891 Dionysius Halicarnasseus 5767 Dionysius Halicarnasseus W lib. 2. R lib. 2. Varro. lib. 1. de re R rustica 5759 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 2. Tullius in R divinatione 6816 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 4. R 8812 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 4. R 8795 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 4. Livius R [lib. 2 Censorinus L 86] 8772 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 6. R 8620 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib. 7. Livy lib. 3. R 9608 Dionysius Halicarnasseus lib.2. 8989 Dionysius the tyrant “comme nous lisons” 6015 Doctores 8747 du Bellay 6624 Du Hallant 6252 Du Moulin 8884 Du Moulin 94 102 n4 on patrons who desert their clients 333 n2 voting by tribes or by heads or centuries 838 n3 census - offering of a denarius to Venus Libitina for everyone who died 836 n3 K. Servius introduces census 831 n3 300 Volscian hostages executed 760 n8 enemy seizes Capitol during dissension between Plebs & Patres RL 503* Romulus separated the citizens from all handiL357C crafts; but allowed them to use husbandry and n8 to bear arms R 878 sought occasions for war, to levy new charges, which continurd after hostilities ended R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign Bar. Alex. & DD. in l. 1. de constit. pecu… 6776 Doctores hanc questionem varie tractant DD. Bart. R in l. prohibere. §. plane. quod vi. & in tractatu de tyrannia num. 23.. ..seq….DD. in l. barbarius. de offic. praetoris… 7049 Doctors DD. in cap. fin. de offic. deleg. & in cap. R gratum. eod. Bartol. in l. 1. de iudic…. 8701 Dominic. Geminiam consilio 124... R [L 86 domin.] 7021 Dominicus Panor….Dominicus… in ca. caeterum. R 7582 Dominicus Geminian in cap. 2. de arbitris. lib. 6. R Bar....Domin. ca. uno delegatorum de offi. delegati. 7600 Donatus in illud Terent. qui scis an quae iubeam R sponte faciat? 7346 Donatus Notat. Donatus [in illud Andriae - F 80] R [in illud Terentii - L 86] animo iam nunc otiosum esse impero, id est volo te salvere. Terent. qui scis an quae iubeam faciat. Donat. iubeam pro velim. 8088 Dresserus RL 5707 Du Bellay Page Notes 856 n4 Romulus divides land into 3 103 n8 vassalage in ancient times 309 n7 successor to tyrant bound to uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 386 n2 why do commissions cease at death of prince? 803 n.o may a prince break an oath made under compulsion? 384 n7 revocation of a commission by the prince 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers n1 467 n5 iubeo = volo 432 n4 impero & iubeo = volo in old Latin 571 “homo de Schola nulla subiecta ratione” - on L 422B Bodin’s Methodus R 96 the mountains of Switzerland, where the poet Du Bellay says one should confine parricides R 822 cause of wars between K. Francis & Emp. Charles V - acc. to Le Sieur du Bellay RL 262 France is a mixed state R 191 Bodin is not going to deal with the views on papal power of Jacques de Teran (chambrier du Pape), nor of Capito nor of M. Charles du Moulin R 854 M. du Moulin speaks at Lyon against the Consistoire, for undertaking temporal jurisdiction under color of using their censorship. Bodin disapproves of his attitude. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9164 Du Moulin 7404 Du Moulin §. 1. glo. 5. nu. 58. de feudis. R 6655 Du Moulin, C. Iugé par arrest de Parlement cotté R par Charles du Moulin in feudis 6. 22. 4. 20. ou 86. contre l'opinion de Faber in l. 1. de sacros. eccles. C. [L 86 reads: in titulo Feudorum §. 12. q. 20. & 86] 8486 Du Moulin, Charles R 5749 Du Moulin, Charles Carol. Molinaeus ad notas. Alex. eod. consil. [i.e. consi. 41. li. 7. nu.4.] 5863 Du Moulin, Charles Carolus Molinaeus ubique ad notas consiliorum Alexandri. 6102 Du Moulin, Charles glo. 4. §. 2. nu. 26 in feud. F 80 in consuetud. feudor. §. 2. glo. 4. nu. 26. L 86 7437 Durand ...Durandus in tit. de sententiis. §. mista. secutus Iacobum [Ravennam F 80] [Ravenatem L 86] 6281 Durand, Jean in tit. de appel. §. nunc hactenus. & glo. & Io. Andr. in cap. per venerabilem. qui filii sint legitimi. 5722 Durant, Jean au specule, tit. de satisdat. §. dicta. vers. sed pone. 9334 Durer, Albert (Albertus Durerus) 95 Notes is wrong to say state of Venice lasted 1200 years 441 n5 on right to delegate power 277 n4 on fiefs W Page R 956 R 709 n2 wants needlessly to alter the text of the law on rates of interest 100 n5 RL 134 on promises & oaths R 164 n3 on fiefs R 444 n8 is a magistrate’s verbal commandment binding? R 202 n2 are kings of France subject to the Pope? Iean Durand Evesque de Mande says yes R 97 RL 1019 book of Polycletus (on proportion in a statue) L 750D most accurately described in our age by Albertus Durerus 8235 Dynus Bart. Castrensis. Angelus in l. si extraneus. R 645 n2 to accuse someone of lying is slander princip. de acquirenda heredit. ff. Cardinal. Alexan. in c. neque [L 86 9. distinct. & actio ne iniuriarum esse etiam si quis addiderit “tu mentiris salva reverentia”] 9606 Eccles. cap. 38. RL 503* the Master of wisdom keeps craftsmen from L357C rule, from honors, from judging n6 9646 Eccles. cap. 38. RL 503* physicians in civitates to be reverenced, but are L360C not equal with orators and lawyers n6 9632 Ecclesiastes 24. RL 503* the Prince of wisdom writes: Mercatorem L359B manus a scelere puras vix habiturum - a n4 merchant hardly has his hands clean from wickedness 8490 Edward I in magna charta. R 711 n7 church in England forbidden to acquire more possessions by law of Edward I 6141 Edward III R 170 actual words of homage done by Edward III to Philip of Valois are quoted (1331) 7955 Eleazar, Rabi in genesim... R 544 n3 7th month originally the 1st 5314 England, ordonnances of R 38 ordonnances of England [published 1564 F] on high treason 8594 England, strict rules against using influence R 742 laws against using influence to obtain offices in England “comme j’ay seu par l’Ambassadeur Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 6681 Escriture saincte 9079 Estates General, Blois, speech on finances R R RL 9067 Estates General, Orleans, requests R 9075 Estates General, requests R 9289 Esther 5048 Esther R RL 96 Notes Randon Anglois” 534 Pericles starts war to avoid giving account of L 387 his spending of public money 283 on state of early kingship 499 n5 charges against the early Christians; cannibalism 1001 n.o God threatens his enemies with female rulers 993 country ruled by a child will be wretched L 733 282 Nimrod as “premier Monarque seigneurial” 911 meeting of Estates at Blois - speech of President of the Chambre des Comptes [L says Maximinus Lulerius praefectus mercatorum Parisiensium] 904 finances; request of the Estates at Orleans [L adds at Blois] to revoke or reduce gifts 908-9 finances; request of Estates at Tours at accession of Charles VIII and at Orleans at accession of Charles IX 1002 n.o Ahasuerus & his wife Vasthi 14 Persia had 127 provinces R 498 n.o Anastasius proclaims a religious amnesty Slip Reference W Page 7899 Ephor Plutar. ex Theopompo. Ephore. Thucydide. RL 6688 Ephorus 7835 Epiphanius 9285 Esaiae 9270 Esaiae de gnosticis. 8. c. 3. cap. 1. Ester cap. 1. Herodot. Plutarchus in Artaxerxe 7833 Euagrius lib. 3. c. 29. Nicephor. Calistus lib. 16. c. 26. 8053 Euclid Ex. 49. lib. 1. RL R R RL RL 564 on the hypotenuse L 416A 8052 Euclides lib. 11. definit. c. 11. & 12. proposit. lib. RL 564 geometrical figures in Plato 12. L 415D 5184 Euripides R 27 no greater conserver of republic than obedience of wife to husband 5430 Euripides RL 52 tragedy of Iphigeneia 8585 Euripides R 735 as wrong-headed as the people who try to fly with the golden wings of Euripides (gold being heavy) 9330 Euripides R 1017 Euripides said (on equality): ὸ ὰ ἴ ό ἀ ώ ςἔ 9564 Euripides RL 503* true nobility consists in virtue [2 lines of Greek] L354C n9 9581 Euripides RL 503* of virtue and nobility no traffic is to be made L355D mo&non d’a)n au0ta_ xrhma&twn ou&k a)n la&boij gennaio&thta kai\ a)reth_n. 9583 Euripides RL 503* nobility is in riches - τὴν δ’εὐγένειαν ἐν L356A xrh&masi 9421 Euripides R 1035 n5 nobles punished less ώ ἀν ῶ ὐ ῶ ώ 7981 Eusebius R 549 chronology of Alphonsus, Beda, Eusebius, b Philo Judaeus compared 5410 Eustatius R 50 derivation of servus ἐ ύ ά 6308 Exodus …Exodi. 22. 28. R 212 n.o slight to prince is slight to God 9408 Exodus 21. RL 1034 penalty for master who accidentally kills his L 760 slave 6759 Exodus 22. 28. R 305 n7 you must not speak ill of your Prince 7941 Exodus 23. ver. 16. R 544 n2 Feast of Tabernacles must be held at end of Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7935 Exodus W Page Notes year, 15th of 7th month the good live longer 97 c. 19. Levit. c. postremo. Deuter. 6. in fine RL 543 capitis. Iob c. 12. Samuel c. 2. lib. 1. L 394D Ezech. cap. 33 6711 Exodus c. 30. RL 289 Moses prays to be a good ruler 7826 Exodus cap. 12. RL 497 Moses & Pharaoh’s offer to allow the Jews to worship publicly 7499 Exodus cap. 23. RL 449 in judging no pity must be shown to the poor 5023 Exodus Exod. 20 R 10 n.o 7th day blessed 5505 Exodus Exod. 21 RL 63 on slavery Deuter. 15 Levit. 25. Hierem 34. Nu. 13 et seq. Exod. 12. Numero. 49 5243 Exodus Exod. 22. Deut. 5 R 29-30 honor thy father Deut. 11 & 22 n1 Ezechiel 22 n2 n3 5347 Exodus Exod. c. 1 R 42 n4 Moses adopted by… 5125 Exodus Genes…. Exo. 2 R 22 n1 "in manu" = in the power of 5255 Exodus Levit. 20. Deutero. 27. Exod. 21 F 76 R 31 n3 child who curses his parents punished Exod. 11 F 80 8815 Exodus XII [L 86 gives Num. cap. 1 & 26 instead] R 838 n5 census - number of the Israelites not counting women, slaves, etc. 8808 Exodus cap. 30. R 838 n9 law of God on holding of census 9511 Exodus cap. 9. R 1060 n1 God arrangers things so that his power & beauty RL will be known - uses Pharaoh for this purpose 6313 Ezechiel …Ezechiel. 17. R 212 n.o slight to prince is slight to God 8310 Ezechiel 8. 48. Daniel 11. Zach. 2. R 673 n2 peoples of the north are warlike 9630 Ezechiel c. 27. v. 5. & 28. v. 16. & cantici. 3. v. 6. RL 503* Non erit mercator in populo tuo - there shall be L359B no merchant in thy people n2 8543 Ezechiel cap. 18. Deuter. 14. & 4. Reg. 4. // 14. R 721 n2 children should not bear wrongs of their fathers Hierem. 31. (F) // 32. & 4. (L) 6753 Ezechiel cap. 29. R 304 n3 Ezechiel irritated by King Zedekiah's revolt v. Nabuchodonosor 7934 Ezechiel cap. 33. RL 543 the good live longer L 394D 9633 Ezechiel cap. 82. Zacharias c. 4. psal. 70. RL 503* the prophets detest the trade of merchants L359B n1 6752 Ezechiel Hieremiae 25 & Ezechiel 29 R 304 n3 God calls Nabuchodonosor his servant 8900 Ezekiel cap. 45. R 857 n7 division of lands 5242 Ezekiel Ezechiel 22 R 29-30 honor thy father n3 9626 Faber Bart. Plate. Lucas Penna. Bald. in d. l. RL 503* the trade of merchandise seems to many to be nequis. Faber. in l. falso de dignit. C. L359A base, and not very honest or commendable n7 6656 Faber …Charles du Moulin in feudis…contre R 277 n4 on fiefs l'opinion de Faber in l. 1. de sacros. eccles. C. 5376 Faber in §. i. de adopt. institut. R 45 n2 rights of adopted children 5111 Faber in §. l. in institu. de S. C. Tertul. & §. 2. quod R 21 n2 married woman no longer in her father's power cum eo qui in alie…. 6201 Faber in §. penult. de assignat. libert. R 182 n1 lord has right to reassert rights over fugitive Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 5720 Faber R 6011 Faber 7369 Faber 6424 Faber 6464 Faber 6216 Faber 5152 Faber 7623 Faber 5993 Faber 9600 Faber in §. sed hodie. in institu. de satisdation. [and] arrest contre l'estranger du 27. May. 1567. in §. sed naturalia. nu. 2. instit. in instit. de legitima patr. & in authen. ingressi. col. ult. de sacrosanct. eccles. C. in institut. de Attiliano tut. §. ult…. in institut. de nuptiis in l. 1. de iure emphyteut. C. & in l. cunctos populos. de summa trinitate. C…. in l. 2. quae sit longa consuetud. C. Benedic. in cap. infamia & adulterium in l. a proconsulib. de appell. C. in l. digna vox. de legib. C. in l. divo. Marco. de decurio. C. 97 n6 98 Notes slave foreigners to pay caution before trials, but not citizens R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign RL 436 hereditary jurisdiction R R R 233 n2 court of last ressort 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards 185 n4 restrictions on sovereignty R 24 n6 R 470 n6 on appeals R 154 n9 obligations of a prince RL 503* as nobility is received from ancestors so is L357B infamy n1 6487 Faber l. 1. vectigalia nova imponi. C. cap. 1. quae R 244 n2 right of taxation sint regalia. Fab. ibidem… 7644 Faber Oldrad notat. consil. Faber aliud quoque R 472 n3 decision of Rome on handing over a fugitive notat. tempore Bened. VI. Pa. in §. est. et from justice inter. de publicis iudic. 7376 Faber Ripa lib. 1. de legib. responso. 1. nu. 70... RL 436 hereditary jurisdiction 8821 Fabius Pictor RL 839 population of Rome - 800,000 citizens in time of King Servius 8075 Fasti, of the Romans R 568 “which cannot lie” 9402 Faunia, Licinia, Cornelia, Iulia, leges R 1033 n9 sumptuary laws of the Romans - used arithmetic justice, equal for all 8212 Favorinus R 635 praised the quartan fever as leading to great advantages 8244 Favorinus R 653 said a quartan fever did good 9484 Favorinus lib. 20. R 1045 n8 blames the lex talionis RL 7609 Fel in ca. ult. de foro competenti. R 468 n9 execution outside one’s own territory 6192 Fel in cap. dilecti. de majoritate & obedient. R 179 n6 sovereignty & vassalage 7766 Felin cum omnes. de constitut. R 487 n7 voting in colleges 5212 Felin …Aret. & Felin. in cap. super. eod. de testib. R 28 n4 status of wives 6988 Felin …DD. in l. et quia. de iurisdic. Feli. in cap. R 380 n6 office compared to commission licet. de offic. ordinarii… 7417 Felin …Feli. in ca. alias. & in ca. quod sedes. R 441 n9 delegation of powers de offic. deleg. 5871 Felin …Felin. in c. 1. de probat. R 134 n6 contracts of the prince 6992 Felin Bald….Felin….in cap. cum ex officii. de R 380 n7 office compared to commission praescript. extra. 7403 Felin in c. cum non ab homine. de iudiciis. R 440 n2 on appeal from penalty fixed by law 7453 Felin in c. ex literis. de restitutio. spoliat... R 445 n1 right to resist magistrates? 6035 Felin in c. quae in ecclesiarum. de const. col. II. R 157 n4 rights of princes 7017 Felin in cap. caeterum. RL 383 on termination of a commission 7763 Felin in cap. cum omnes de constit. R 486 n6 majority votes 7059 Felin in cap. quoniam de offic. deleg. R 387 n5 instructions to an official also apply to that official's successor 6781 Felin in cap. translato. col. 1. de constitut. R 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5885 Felin in cap. translato. de constit. ext. 7585 Felin in d. ca. prudentiam... 6997 Felin in d.c. cum ex offic. 6336 Felin in Rubrica extr. de praescript…. 5962 Felin Panorm. Anto. Butrio. Imol. Felin. in cap. 1. de probat. Cardina. consi. 147. donnans. 9381 Felin. in cap. 1. col. 17. copiose. 7309 Felinus …Andr….in cap. causam quae de rescrip. Felin. eo. col. 10. 6456 Felinus …Fel. in cap. de causis. col. 6. de offic. deleg. 7725 Felinus 5851 Felinus 7297 Felinus Page 135 n7 466 n7 380 n8 215 n8 153 n9 R R 1029 n6 extraordinary powers of magistrates 424 n3 on privileges R 240 n2 judge cannot absolve one from the laws not in F 80 483 n6 “religious” are under jurisdiction of their abbots Felin. & Panor. in cap. pastoralis. de offic. R ordinar. Felin. in c. i. nu. 5. de probat. R in c. cum venisset. de iudic. col. 2. nu. 7… R Notes compact between prince & subjects judgment by peers office compared to commission royal rights cannot lapse on a prince's compacts 99 W R R R R R 132 n8 423 n5 prince's explanation of his own meaning must be accepted 7326 Felinus in c. eam te. de rescript. col. 3. R 425 n9 rescripts and privileges must be presented to the magistrate within one year 6248 Felinus in c. nonnulli de rescriptis. nu. 8. R 191 n9 on papal powers 7571 Felinus in c. prudentiam. nu. 4. de offic. deleg. R 465 n2 lord can be punished by his peers 7598 Felinus in c. significasti. de offi. deleg. R 467 n3 on executing justice outside one’s own territory 6057 Felinus in c. translato. de constitut. R 159 n2 prince & his predecessors' contracts 7639 Felinus in c. ult. de foro. competenti. nu. 11. R 471 n9 fugitives from justice 7246 Felinus in ca. de caetero. col. 2. R 413 n4 king's orders to be obeyed without question 7621 Felinus in ca. ex parte. de rescrip. ext. col. 5. nu. 9. R 470 n4 overlapping spheres of magistrates 5099 Felinus in ca. tertio. loco de praesumpt. R 20 n2 on marriage 5933 Felinus in cap. 1. col.10. vers. quint. R 149 n2 rulers bound by law of God 5977 Felinus in cap. 1. de probat. R 153 n3 prince's compacts 7165 Felinus in cap. ad audientiam. de indic.[sic]… RL 397 trial of clerics L 279 7160 Felinus in cap. at si clerici. RL 397 on trial of clerics L 279 7152 Felinus in cap. at si clerici. de iudic. RL 397 on powers of Pope L 278 6028 Felinus in cap. cum non licent. col. 5. de rescrip. R 157 n2 rights of princes 6225 Felinus in cap. cum te de re iudicata. & cap. quam R 186 n4 Felinus, optimus iuris interpres, on the power of in ecclesiarum de constitut. the Dukes of Savoy 5845 Felinus in cap. ex parte col. 1. vers. regulae de R 131 n6 power of the sovereign rescript. 6048 Felinus in cap. fraternitatis. col. 4. de testibus R 158 n7 on the respublica 6017 Felinus in cap. quae in Ecclesiarum R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 5953 Felinus in cap. quae in ecclesiarum. de constitut. R 150 n6 Pope can give dispensation from laws of God 7143 Felinus in cap. quae in ecclesiarum. de constitut. RL 397 on power of bishops colu. 2. versa. conclusio. L 278 5947 Felinus in d. cap. col. 5 vers. limitat. & col. 14 R 150 n5 prince can make laws contravening laws of God if he has a good reason 5818 Felinus Innocent & Felin. in cap. cum R 123 n7 sovereign and the power he delegates ecclesiastarum. eod. 6386 Feraldus privileg. 19…. R 224 n.o right of peace & war 8541 Ferdinand of Spain R 720 decree of Ferdinand of Spain of 1492 against gypsies: “Que los Egyptianos con senores salgan del Reyno dentro sissenta // cessanta dias.” [quoted] Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8557 Ferdinand of Spain W Page R 725 8595 Ferdinand of Spain R 742 8499 Ferdinand, a law of R 712 7964 Ferrier, Auger R 545 5413 Festus 5787 Festus R 50 RL 110 L p. 71 R 260 n.o RL 407 L 285 RL 440 6618 Festus 7232 Festus 7398 Festus 8336 Festus 8443 Festus 7117 Festus 7111 Festus the people at first elected the Senators "Is etiam carnificis loco habebatur qui se vulnerasset ut moreretur, inquit Festus." calls magistrate with extraordinary powers “arbiter” robur < rubor (i.e. plenty of sanguis) RL 678 L 502D RL 698 derives ‘robur’ from ‘rubor’ L 521B R 397 n1 lex Tarpeia gave all magistrates power to fine R 397 n6 magistrates' rights by the lex Ateria Tarpeia (AUC 297) R 226 n9 on sponsio 7947 Festus Dionys. lib. 10. Festus lib. 14. Dionys. lib. 8. Gell. lib. 11. cap. 1. Festus lib. 14. in voce peculat. Festus, sponsionem, pactionem, foedus, pacem differre scribit. in verbo clavus annualis. 7662 Festus 9468 Festus in verbo commessari. in verbo Latro. 7568 Festus 6977 Festus in verbo maiorem in verbo optima lege. RL 544 L396B R 475 n6 RL 1042 L 766 R 464 n.o R 377 n6 7092 Festus 7661 Festus 7354 Festus in verbo optima lege. in verbo pagi. in verbo parum cavisse R R R 8655 Festus in verbo Patricius. 7517 Festus in verbo pietati. RL 782 L 579 R 457 n6 9095 Festus 8478 Festus a 8791 Festus 7481 Festus 6971 Festus lib. 17. in verbo Sestertius. lib. 19. R R 920 n2 708 n2 lib. 4 [in verbo censores L 86] libro 14. Livius lib. 40. Festus lib. 16. in voce rogatio... R R R 835 n1 447 n4 376 n6 6392 Festus 100 Notes decree of Ferdinand of Spain of 1492 on informers: “Que ningun fiscal pueda accusar à consejo persona particular, sin dar primeramente delator.” against the sale of offices - laws of Ferdinand, 1492 “que no se puedan vender, ny trocar, officios de Alcaldia...ny fiel executoria, ny iuraderia” [2½ lines] on testaments; a lex of Ferdinand of 1392 [2 lines quoted] “Que no se llaven quintos da los que mueren sin fazer testamento...” Augerius Ferrerius, excellent Iatromathematicien, in libro de iudiciis planetarum made some bad mistakes erituto = servitudo on municipium & cives; ¼ page paraphrased 394 n2 475 n.o 433 n.o on the annual nail ώ village commessatio meaning of “latro” eat together] duties of consuls Tribuni Plebis alone retain their imperium during a dictatorship the word 'dictator' pagani = people using the same fountain on the meaning of the formula pronounced by the praetor "Reus parum cavisse videtur" subject peoples - clientela, tutela, which is called patrocinium appeal from the Praetor Orestes accepted by Consul Aemilius Lepidus value of sestertius after lex Papiria Decemviri legum ferendarum fix very low rate of interest definition of census Consuls previously called Praetors, then Iudices lex Cornelia & Baebia for election of six praetors Publicarum Quaestionum Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8621 Festus - ita Hebraei [Hebrew words quoted] 101 Notes latrones derived from laterones (qui latera viatorum obsident) - and so also in Hebrew on choice of Senators wrongly interprets "populus iussit" as "populus decrevit" 391 says: "Cum imperio esse dicebatur apud antiquos, cui nominatim a populo dabatur imperium." 403 three kinds of military punishment: deprehensa, castigatio, infamia 889 n1 tax on lawsuits 461 n5 “vitiosa comitia” (invalid) 6403 Festus Pompeius 6915 Festus Pompeius W Page RL 760 L 562D R 229 R 367 7077 Festus Pompeius R 7217 Festus Pompeius R 9031 Festus Pompeius 7550 Festus Pompeius 7784 Festus Pompeius 7527 Festus Pompeius R ait spectionem sive aspectionem R Augures habuisse, non tamen ut alias impedirent nuntiando. in verbo concio. R in verbo majorem. R 6343 Festus Pompeius 5820 Festus Pompeius 5251 Festus Pompeius in verbo rogatio. in verbo, 'optima lege' lex Servia his verbis concepta est apud Festum Pompeium 5128 Festus Pompeius in verbo emancipatum 8567 Festus, Sextus Pompeius in verbo sacramentum. 8933 finances, state of the R R R 6505 Firmian in tract. de Gabel. 6422 Flavius Vopiscus in Floriano 7503 Flavius Vopiscus in Floriano. 6213 Floard R R R R 6285 Floard R 5466 Floard 8528 Flor. Frodouart qui lors vivoit F Floardus L epito. 41. Paul lib. 4. sentent. Cicero Verrina 3 & in lib. de finib. Dio lib. 56. Gellius lib. 17. August. lib. 3. de civitate. 8951 Flor. in epit. 6326 Flor., Cardianal & Iaso. in prooemio feudor… 5676 Florentine copy of Roman Laws l. 4 [de legationib.] ubi inepta est lectio Florentini libri, quod satis intelligitur ex l. ult. de legatio. & ex Cicerone in Topic. 5773 Florentini, Pandecti l. non dubito. de captivis. ubi negatio detrahenda venit ad fidem archetypi. 6569 Florian 9313 Florian R R R R R R R R R in l. interruptione. finium regund. 2. l. 1. R adTurpil. in l. qui testamentum. de probat. Caepola in R tract. de imperat. milit. elig. 22... 488 n.o on concio 458 says consuls never both had power on the same day - see also Verrius Flaccus 216 n9 on law 123 n8 on dictator 31 n1 on those who beat their parents - explanation follows 23 n3 in manu = in potestate 728 n.o on the word sacramentum = fine 862 l’estat general des finances dressé au mois de Ianvier 1572 - also in 1560 245 n3 taxation 232 n8 on powers of praefectum praetorio 452 n1 appeals could be made to the Praetorian Prefect 184 on division of Lotharingia & Arles after death of Lothaire, as you can see in the history of Guitald, Floard or Frodouard, & Lambert [L 86 Vitaldus, Floardus & Lambertus] 203 reign of Pepin (donation of Exarchate) - in the history of Floard, Sigonius, Onophrius 58 n2 Louis, K. of the Germans, has to raise an army n62 against the revolted slaves L 718 n2 law of Voconius Saxa excluding females from succession while there was a male remotely related 868 n4 six kingdoms bequested to Rome 215 n7 royal rights inalienable 91 n8 105 n4 on subjects & vassals; [L 86 says “Proculus in a curious reply said…” & marginal note 20) in Pandectis Florentinis legitur detract a negatione] 249 n1 judges cannot judge contrary to law 1011 n2 noble woman who marries commoner Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6632 Florus W Page R 269 9438 Florus R 1037 n3 401 n5 76 n2 22 n7 839 838 359 n4 7187 Florus 5572 Florus 5121 Florus 8819 Florus 8818 Florus 6890 Florus …Flor. epit. 19 49. epitom…. cap. 46 Epit. 27 Epit. 59 epit. 98. R R R RL RL R 5460 Florus epito. 23 epit. 74 epito. 55. R 102 Notes on alliance between Etruscans & Romans in time of Tarquinius Priscus: "sed ut civitatum principatus penes regem Romanum esset" Scipio Africanus punishes a soldier, acc. to Florus on the Aediles Aedilitii city of Carthage to be destroyed treatment of adultery in Rome on population of Rome on number of citizens at Rome Fabius Buteo, dictator, chooses 177 new senators at one time slaves & freedmen not to bear arms 56-7 n2 n3 7178 Florus R 400 n1 F 80 2 consuls imprisoned L 86 Licinius Stolo forced Dictator Manlius to resign 5535 Florus epito. 77 & 84 R 71 n4 position of enfranchised citizens 6819 Florus epito. 77 & 9. R 334 n6 proposed rearrangement of voters at Rome by idem epito. 84. n7 Servilius Sulpitius 9527 Florus epitome 74. l. si duobus. de militari. testam. RL 503* Romans did not equate gentry with martial l. operis. de operis libert. ff. & l. ultim. de L350C service, since it was lawful for manumitted men libertis. C. n2 to serve 6818 Florus Livius lib. 6. & Florus epito. 20. R 334 n3 Censor Appius rearranges the voting of the citizens 5533 Florus Livius lib. 9. & Florus epito. 20 R 71 n2 Fabius Maximus rearranges the classes in the Comitia 8510 Florus Plutar. in Grac. Flor. epito. 58. R 714 n1 lex Licinia & agrarian laws of Gracchus - anno 620 6205 Forest, de la R 183 Marquis of Final wins his case against the Genoese (about his sovereignty) "comme j'ay veu par lettres du seigneur de la Forest, ambassadeur pour le Roy, dattees à Vienne du XVIII. Iuillet MDLX." 6226 Forest, de la R 186-187 on position of Duchy of Savoy "comme j'ay veu par lettres du sieur de la Forest, Ambassadeur pour le Roy vers l'Empereur." [L 86 simply says "legi"] 8025 Forestier the German (Foresterius) R 562 on Plato’s theory of numbers 7423 France Ordonnances de François I. que tous R 442 n2 much is left to conscience & religion of the interests sont arbitraires. judge 7423 France Ordonnances de François I. que tous R 442 n2 much is left to conscience & religion of the interests sont arbitraires. judge 8830 France, census R 841 census of ecclesiastical lands in France in 1516 8005 France, Chronique de R 556 n9 Louis XII captured Milan 6127 France, thresor de R 168 Counts of Montfort & Vertus always paid homage to king of France "comme j'ay veu par les actes extraits du thresor de France." F 80 "ut in Archivis legimus." L 86 6165 France, thresor de R 175 on liege homage "et me souvient avoir veu XLVIII [L 86 quadraginta septem] traictés d'alliance, et lettres de serment, collationés à l'original de thresor baillés aux Rois Philippe de Vallois, Iean, Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6188 France, thresor de 6189 France, thresor de 6227 France, thresor de 6228 France, thresor de 6275 France, thresor de 6278 France, thresor de 6279 France, thresor de 6557 France, thresor de 6432 Francis, Duke of Alencon 8699 Franciscus 103 Notes Charles V, VI, VII, Louis XI par les trois Electeurs deça le Rhin, & plusiers autres Princes de l'Empire…" R 179 Louis IX of France was invited to throne of Castille "comme on peut voir par les lettres que j'ay veuës, qui luy furent lors envoyees par la Noblesse, desquelles l'original est encores au thresor de France, seellé des plusiers seels de cire blanche" [L 86 "qui adhuc in Archivis Francorum extant"] R 179 treaty of Charles V of France & Henry of Castille 1369 - "lequel traicté est au thresor de France" R 187 Charles VI made perpetual view of the Empire "par lettres patentes de vicariat perpetuel, qui sont au thresor de France, en seel d'or, et dont j'ay la copie…" R 188 acquisition of the sovereignty of the kingdom of Arles - price paid, terms, etc. "Les contracts, ratifications et quittances sont encores au thresor de France, d'ont j'ay les copies collationnées à l'original: qui meritoyent bien d'estre veuës par ceux qui furent deputés pour les affaires de Savoye l'an MDLXII." R 201 Philip the Conquerant, excommunicated by Pope Alexander III, replies he holds his realm from no other prince on earth "j'ay veu la lettre qui se trouve encores au thresor de France, au coffre cotté Anglia." L 86 "literae extant in Archivis Francorum" R 202 il y a au thresor de France une bulle de Clement V Pape, absolving Philippe le Bel R 202 K. of France given privilege of not being put under the interdict - this was confirmed by 7 Popes, whose bulls are still au thresor de France R 248 "comme nous trouvons par arrest du XII Fevrier 1392." "il y a plusieurs traictés anciens au thresor de France.." R 235 1571 - long discussion in the senate about the powers to be granted to Francis, Duke of Alencon (who had made Bodin his "libellorum magister" & "consilii particeps") R 803 n.o can princes break oaths made under compulsion? R 934 gold / bronze ratio - as I’ve learned from M. François de Foix R 841 census of population of Provence RL 571 Saxo Lipsiorum Pontifex, on Bodin’s L 422B calculations in his Methodus R 60 on slaves R 200 princes of Empire promise all their resources to protect the Emperor against the designs of the Pope "comme j'ay appris des lettres de l'Ambassadeur du Roy, dattees à Vienne au W Page de Acol. consilio 14... 9110 François de Foix 8829 Francois I, edict of, in 1534 8087 Frankebergerus 5478 Frederick II, Emperor (les ordonnances de) 6266 French Ambassador Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 7378 Froissard R 437 R 188 n5 6396 Froissart l'an 1282 6142 Froissart (Froissard) R R 227 n.o 170 n.o 9218 Fuccius anno 1481 les histoires d’Allemagne 5194 Fulgo …Barto. Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de verbo signif. 7407 Fulgos …Fulgos…in l. 1. de offic. eius cui. 7632 Fulgos cons. 149. col. 2. 6466 Fulgos consi. 33. col. 2. 6010 Fulgos, Raphael in l. ult. si contra ius. C. 8077 Funccius R R 982 n5 28 n1 R R R R R 441 n9 471 n9 241 n2 156 n7 569 8081 Funccius R 570 8086 Funccius a 8318 Galen RL 571 R 674 8325 Galen R 675 8334 Galen 8415 Galen 8444 Galen R 678 R 691 n6 RL 698 L 521A RL 542 L 393A RL 685 L 508D R 694 n6 6229 Froissard lib. 1. chap. 33. 7916 Galen in libris de placitis Hippocrat. & Platon. 8396 Galen lib. 11. c. 2. de simplici medicina. 8420 Galienus b 6489 Gallus …quaest. 60. parte 5. stili forensis. 7138 Gallus anno 1346. notat. Gallus. q. 275. 5979 Gallus Gal. notat. q. 184. parte 5. F Gallus q. 284. parte 3. L 7129 Gallus Gallus advocatus fisci parte. 5. q. 276 Gallus q. 76. 5655 Gallus Gallus parte 9 // 4 5985 Gallus iudicatum anno 1391. Gal. q. 257. parte 5. 6041 Gallus q. 55. 6458 Gallus quae 284 & 312 104 Notes mois de Iuillet 1559." conestabilis = centurion in old French, as we se in Froissard Emp. Louis of Bavaria makes K. Edward III of England perpetual vicar Duke of Anjou kills hostages on Charles, King of Navarre & his treaty with King Charles V in 1370 who was the first Emperor of Germany? status of those marrying a noble old Doctors on delegation of powers handing over fugitives from justice grace: restitution of bastards powers of a sovereign adds 3 years to the total of 1225 years of Assyrian Empire on duration of Empire of Macedonia - Funccius subtracts 8 years on time from Cyrus to Herod the Great says Germans dip newborn babies in icy streams says Germans & Arabs do not have any of the “temperatio” of peoples who live between says the pituité makes a man slow & stupid oriental people are more soft & courteous bases prudentia on yellow bile, constancy on melancholy Possidemus, a leading Stoic, breaks away from the idea of Fate says 2 men suffering from elephantiasis from eating vipers contracted leprosy mountain plants, animals, etc. more hardy R 244 n2 right of taxation RL 397 Bp. of Paris fined L 277 R 154 n5 Arrest du Parlement on Prince's obligations RL 397 L 277 R 89 n1 R 154 n7 R 158 n6 R 8666 Gallus quaest. 340. R 8079 Garcaeus R power of Pontifices in early France by ordonnance of king Jean decision of the court obligations of kings of France under "arrests du Parlement" 241 n.o on pardon not in L 86 789 n5 vassal & fealty; arrest of Parlement in favor of la Dame de Raiz against the Duke of Britanny 570 length of time from Saul to Zedechiah 496 years; Garcaeus adds 10, the Talmudists much less Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7966 Gauric, Lucas 7969 Gauric, Lucas 8040 Gellius 8382 Gellius 5358 Gellius 5141 Gellius 9027 Gellius 105 Notes has cast the horoscope of various cities the horoscope of Constantinople found in the library of the Pope at the Vatican in Greek letters, ainsi que Porphyre le calcula, extraict par l’Evesque Lucas Gauric... RL 564 Aristotle boasts he has written his “de natura” L 413D so that no one can understand it R 685 n8 bleeding as punishment for soldiers R 43 n8 adopted children n9 R 23 n8 power of husband over wife RL 887 manubiae hostibus accepto feruntur L 661 R 558 n5 Augustus born and dies in September R 888 Augustus’ laws de maritandis ordinibus RL R 1033 n9 sumptuary laws of the Romans - used arithmetic justice, equal for all R 45 n3 speech of Scipio Africanus while censor R 80 n5 Roman colonists had same laws & customs as Roman citizens R 43 n1 on adoptions RL RL 36 lex Aebutia; fathers & sons RL 397 says that Varro in the 21st book of his Res L 276 Humanae says "multa" was a Sabine word R 447 n4 Aulus Hostilius the aedile attacked on his roumds at night R 398 n4 M. Messala & M.Varro have written that some magistrates have both right of vocatio & of prehensio, some only one, some neither R 401 n5 on the Aediles Aedilitii R 402 n7 Varro & Messala on the censorship R 401 n 3 on curule aediles R 443 n1 lex Aebutia abolishes all of the XII tables that had fallen into disuse R 397 n6 lex Ateria Tarpeia (AUC 297) - magistrates' rights under R 397 n3 in Noctes Atticis says the highest fine was 30 cows or 2 sheep R 79 Emp. Hadrian wondered why the Italian municipia refused Roman citizenship R 368 n8 Senate has no lictors, as Varro says apres le Iurisconsulte Messala R 32 n9 power over adopted children n1 R 565 n6 says 63rd year is very dangerous RL RL 571 how many Persian kings? G. says 5, Funccius L 423 says 10 RL 550 God’s promise after the Deluge R 828 n7 Hebrew “statue of salt” = incorruptible RL 544 Adam created in autumn near river Jordan L 396D W Page R 546 R 547 li. 5. c. 19 F li. 15. c. 19 L l. mulierem de adop. C. lib. 10. c. 23 lib. 13. c. 23. 8011 Gellius lib. 15. C. 9028 Gellius lib. 2. c. 15. a 9402 Gellius lib. 2. c. 24. b 5377 Gellius [A.] lib. 5. cap. 19 5589 Gellius [A.] Livius lib. 23, 24, 35. Gell. lib. 16. cap. 15 5359 Gellius, [A.] Fallit. Gel. lib. 5. ca. 19 (text) Fallit. enim Agellius... 5284 Gellius, [A.] lib. 20 7121 Gellius, A. 7486 Gellius, A. 7173 Gellius, A. lib. 13. c. 12. 7188 Gellius, A. 7204 Gellius, A. 7191 Gellius, A. 7429 Gellius, A. …Gell. lib. 10 apud Gellius lib. 13. c. 12. lib. 13 lib. 16. 7110 Gellius, A. Dionys….Gell. lib. 11. cap. I. 7115 Gellius, A. lib. 11. cap. I. 5582 Gellius, Aulus 6919 Gellius, Aulus lib. 13. cap. 12 5266 Gellius, Aulus lib. 5. c. 19. lib. 20 // lib. 15. c. 19. 8059 Gellius, Aulus (Agellius) lib. 15. cap. 7. 8093 Genebrardus 7985 Genes. 7 8759 Genesis 19. 7950 Genesis c. 2. in Chronologia. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 106 W Page Notes R 1001 n2 woman to be subject to man RL 503* the Egyptians set their priests and soldiers L354B (whom they called Calasyri) free from all taxes n4 and payments 6661 Genesis cap. ult. RL 278 Jacob's right by conquest 5022 Genesis Gen. c. 2 R 10 n.o 7th day blessed 5244 Genesis Gene. 7 R 30 n4 Cham cursed for not covering his father's nakedness 5124 Genesis Genes. 24. Exo. 2. Numeri 11 R 22 n1 the phrase "in manu" = in the power of 7652 Genesis Genes. 26. R 474 n1 in olden days the strong had the upper hand 5557 Genesis Genes. 4. 18 R 74 n4 Hebrews distinguished town & civitas 5108 Genesis Genes. cap. 1 R 21 n9 wife to learn all from her husband 5080 Genesis Genes. cap. 2 // cap. 3 R 20 n2 on status; God's speech to Eve; God's speech to Genes. cap. 4 RL Cain 5346 Genesis Genes. cap. ult. R 42 n3 Jacob adopts 2 sons 9509 Genesis cap. 2. R 1059 n9 God made word equal to its matter & similar to the form he had conceived in his mind 8058 Genesis 2. Exod. 20. Deuter. 5. RL 565 circumcision on 8th day 5317 Genoa, treason case, 1567 R 39 reward given to Sampetre the Corsican by the seigneurie of Genes for killing his cousin (a traitor) 8539 Geoffrey, Count of Britanny R 720 on succession, dowries, etc; assise of Count Geoffrey of Britanny of 1185 9166 Gianotus Donatus de la Republique de Venize. R 956 n1 Venice a monarchy before 1175, acc. to ancient records 6951 Govean (?) in lib. 2. de iurisdict. R 373 n5 difficulty of definition of magistrate & official admitted by "le Docteur Govean" F 80 "Goneanus" L 86 8993 Gregor. Turonensis lib. 9. c. 30. & Aymo. lib. 2. R 879-880 Kings Clotaire & Chilperic did exact tribute n9 8587 Gregorius, bp. of Tours R 736 Emperor Anastasius sends “l’ordre de Patriciat” RL to King Clovis at Tours 6119 Gregory of Tours Gregor. Turon. R 167 n7 Counts of Britanny liege subjects of kings of France, as can be seen in the histories of Gregory, Bishop of Tours. L 86 adds: "Gregorius Turonum pontifex omnium, quas habemus, antiquitatum, verissimus scriptor." 6701 Gregory VII R 285 F 80 au registre du Pape Gregoire septieme L 86 in commentariis Gregori septimi Pontificis maxi. - on the coronation of Demetrius of Croatia & Sclavonia 7610 Grenoble, Parl. of Arrest of Bordeaux...& of R 468 n2 execution of judgments of royal judges in Grenoble [Gratianopoli] Guido territory of lesser lords Pap. q. 346. 9016 Grittus Venetorum Legatus ita retulit. RL 884 finances of Sultan Suleyman of Egypt, acc. to Gritty Venitien in 1520 7080 Gruchius RL 391 Sigonius & Gruchius puzzled by Cicero's saying of Augustus "Demus imperium Caesari, sine quo res militaris geri non potest." 6851 Guicchardin RL 347 no discussion of Senate's decisions allowed at Florence 8272 Guichardin R 661 n8 Savonarola, preacher, enslaves Florence with his words 8276 Guichardin R 664 n3 Soderini and democracy at Florence Slip Reference 9283 Genesis cap. 2. 9559 Genesis cap. 47. Diodorus. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 107 Notes German invaders of Italy under Charles de Bourbon waste away says Pope Julius II only made treaties with France, Germany, Spain, the barbarian countries, in order to get them out of Italy. Julius II is called the “Fax ecclesiae Romanae” Emp. Maximilian makes treaties which he intends to break to get the better of Louis XII Portugal robs Venice of the profits of its Eastern trade Pope Adrian sells benefices because of war v. Turks Pope Julius II paid 30,000 ducats to Emperor Maximilian to buy the freedom of Sienna on a lw of Florence a non-sovereign prince cannot make a base man legitimate Slip Reference 8303 Guichardin W Page R 670 8713 Guichardin R 806 8725 Guichardin R 811 n.o 8973 Guichardin R 874 n9 8976 Guichardin R 875 n9 6204 Guichardini R 182 n.o 6414 Guichardini 9578 Guid. Pap. sing. 486. R 232 n4 RL 503* L355B n.o R 39 n7 on incest R 242 n6 punishment of coiners R 248 n6 confiscation in cases of treason n7 5323 Guido …Guido Papa quaest. Delph. 80… 6477 Guido d. l. 2. Guid. Dolph. dec. 257 6547 Guido Pap decis. del. 341 [F 80: decis Delph.] idem decis. 76. & in cap. vergentis. de haeret. 7729 Guido Pap decis. Delphi. 59. 7700 Guido Pap singul. 26... 7611 Guido Pap. Arrest of Bordeaux...& of Grenoble... Guido Pap. q. 346. 6448 Guido Pap. in decis. Delphin. 233. R R R R 6447 Guido Pap. Iugé par arrest de Grenoble, Guido Pap. R decis. 469. 7141 Guido Papus decretum illud ad verbum descripsit RL Guido Papus. cap. 1. q. Delphin. 6163 Guido, Pap. decis. 310. Specul. titul. de feud. §. 1. R q. 10. Bal. in l. unica. §. 1. col. ult. de caduc. C. 6107 Guido, Pape Isernius…Guido pa. decis. R Delphinatum. 551 5198 Guido, Pope …Guido Papa consi. 217. & decis. R delph. 196. 349. 379. 9224 Guitard (Guitaldus) Guitard // Guitald. R 8091 Haggai Zacharaiah cap. 7 & 5. Haggai cap. 2. 3. RL a 9447 Hebrew Pandects in libro misnaoth. tractatu. de R angulo. c. 8. paragrapho. <Hebrew> & tractatu de decima secunda. c. 4. Rabi David in Ezechielem c. 45. vers. 12. 5607 Hebrew Pandects titul. Sanedrin. & Paulus Riccius R de agricultura caelesti, & Rabi Moses lib. 3. nemore haneuoquim 8204 Hebrews in lib. pirkcauoth <Hebrew> R 483 n7 Parl. of Paris upholds abbots’ jurisdiction over their “religious” 483 n1 those entering religious houses are no longer under their father’s jurisdiction 468 n2 execution of judgments of royal judges in territory of lesser lords 238 n1 on pardons; B. mentions the "coustumes de Henaut" & the ancient coustumes of Dauphine 238 n.o Bishop of Ambrun claims right to pardon 397 decree of Martin V on jurisdiction of bishops L 278 still extant "in publicis archivis" 175 n3 no one can be liege vassal of more than one lord 164 n6 on oaths of fealty 28 n1 status of those marrying nobles 985 letter of Fulcon, Archbishop of Rheims, to Otto - given in full by Guitald on Jewish chronology, length of the captivity 571 L 423A 1038 forbid man with 50 gold pieces to beg 83 n2 Jewish constitution before Roman conquest 629 said delay necessary in public judgments Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9099 Hebrews 8260 Helisaeus in Misnaoth tract. de angul. c. 8. paragrafo. <Hebrew numbers> 108 W Page Notes RL R 921 n5 in Pandects of the Hebrews – gold /silver ratio RL 654 allows Naaman, the converted servant of the L 485C Syrian king, to take part in heathen sacrifices, with mental reservations 6111 Heluodus in histor. Sclavorum cap. 50. R 166 n7 King Canute of Denmark pays homage to Emperor Lothaire 8978 Henry II, edicts of 1551 R 875 n3 import duties l’an 1556 n4 8983 Henry II, King of France edict of , in 1552 R 877 import duties 7987 Heraclitus RL 551 “scriptorum apud Graecos antiquissimus” on b L 402 the great year 8294 Herbestein, le Baron d’ en l’histoire de Moschovie R 668 n9 on saliva freezing, etc. 6469 Heric Heric. Bohic. & Innoc. in d. l. per veneraR 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards bilem… 8366 Herod. R 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare 6498 Herodian R 245 Herodian relates how Emperor Pertinax removed many taxes 7489 Herodian in Commodo. R 448 n2 magistrates wander round masked during feast of Cybele 6788 Herodian in Pertinace. R 311 n5 says Severus killed all who had taken part in the murder of Pertinax 8319 Herodianus RL 674 on the Germans fighting from lakes & marshes 5523 Herodotus R 69 Aristotle, Demosthenes & Cicero (following Herodotus) say wrongly that the first kings were models of justice 6484 Herodotus R 244 Herodotus on Darius executing Ariander, governor of Egypt, for putting his own head on the coins 6595 Herodotus R 253 says 4 kinds of republic 6629 Herodotus R 267 says only 3 kinds of Republic - the rest are corruptions of a state 6664 Herodotus R 279 n1 Persians called Cyrus king, Cambyses dominus, Darius mercator 6690 Herodotus R 283 on state of early kingship as attested by Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarch, Josephus, Xenophon F 80 Herodotus, Josephus, Berosus, Manetho, Ephorus, Theopompus, Xenophon L 86 7989 Herodotus RL 551 says Egyptians claimed they have 13,000 years L 402 of history written down 8074 Herodotus R 568 among those who date the Persian Empire from Ninus 8090 Herodotus RL 571 on Persian history a 8129 Herodotus R 592 n2 Assyrian empire 8150 Herodotus R 610 on the Medes: kings appointed to do justice 8536 Herodotus R 720 on Persian custom of offering dowry with ugly girl & extracting payment from suitor for pretty girl 9098 Herodotus R 921 1 lb. gold = 13 lbs. silver, says Herodotus 9057 Herodotus & Caesar lib. 2. de bello civili. R 900 n5 lazy citizens censured at Athens & in Egypt 8972 Herodotus & Plutarch in Artaxerxe RL 873 Darius called a merchant by some Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5046 Herodotus 5044 Herodotus 5416 Herodotus 5352 Herodotus 9023 Herodotus 8953 Herodotus 9603 Herodotus Ester cap. 1. Herodot. Plutarch Herodo. lib. 3. Ionas c. 3 Herodot. Justin. Plin. Herodot. lib. 2 Herodot. lib. 3 in Euterpe in Euterpe in Euterpe 8558 Herodotus 5213 Herodotus 8741 Herodotus li. 3. lib. 3 lib. 3 & 4. Livius lib. 2. 9184 Herodotus 8358 Herodotus lib. 3. lib. 3. Diodor. lib. 2. Ioseph. lib. 4. antiqui. [Quintus Curtius L 86] 9244 Herodotus lib. 4. 9236 Herodotus lib. 7. 9208 Herodotus, Caesar in bello civili. 9064 Hester cap. 4. // cap. 6. 5411 Hesychius 8085 Hieremia c. 25. & Daniel c. 9. a 8071 Hieremias ca. 24. 9565 Hieron. in epist. ad Demetriadem. 6846 Hippocrates 8062 Hippocrates a 8096 Hippocrates 8266 Hippocrates 8363 Hippocrates 8415 Hippocrates a 8054 Hippocrates 8339 Hippocrates 8283 Hippocrates 5754 Hippodamus 8292 Holster 5041 Homer W RL R RL R Page 14 13 n7 51 42 n9 n.o R 886 n5 R 869 n7 RL 503* L357B n4 R 726 n7 R 28 n5 RL 820 goods of traitor left to his children in Persia wife takes status of her husband on oaths between kings - and mingling of their blood & drinking of wine & blood RL 969 kingship best, says Herodotus R 682 n8 the harems of Persian & African princes R 990 n7 Alexandrides of Sparta prefers his younger son R 989 n3 says eldest son generally succeeds to throne RL 975 Caesar, Herodotus count the Egyptians as a most humane people R 903 n4 Darius Longimanus rewards Mardochaeus, after reading the registers of the empire R 50 derivation of servus ἔ ἔ RL 571 prophecies of Daniel & Jeremiah RL 567 prophecies of RL 503* true nobility to be measured by virtue L354C n1 RL 346 in old man the mind can grow ill, quod quidem Hippocrati visum est. RL 566 writes that boys have all their limbs by the seventh day, and begin to grow R 573 says when someone is in full health the fear is greatest that he will fall sick R 660 forbids giving of medicine to hopeless cases R 683 causes of impotence of Scythians, acc. to Hippocrates, horse-riding & coldness of stomachs R 691 n6 oriental people are more soft & courteous de partu septimestri. Censorinus de die RL 565 natali. cap. 5. L 417C in lib. de locis et aqua. RL 678 L 503A in lib. de locis. R 667 n7 apud Stobaeum 109 Notes Persia had 127 provinces Babylon 3 days' journey round Thracians ate their aged par ents polygamy of Egyptians [F only] polygamy of Persians Babylon not taxed gifts to kings of Persia writes that handicrafts were base trades for all peoples of his time males change every 7 years men’s natures depend on their natural surroundings on peoples of the north - red hair o&trixej &foiniko&trixej R 100 n8 fragments of his laws; divided citizens into soldiers, artisans & laborers R 668 commissaire des guerres, natif d’ Ostolcome en Suède; on hair & eyes of Lituani RL 13 calls Ulysses equally a king with Agamemnon Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6710 Homer 8152 Homer 8399 Homer 8431 Homer W Page RL 289 RL 610 L 450 R 685 R 696 9296 Homer R 9338 Homer R 6631 Homer Iliad. 2. R 20 n6 R 246 n5 rights of rulers 8413 Horat. RL 5233 Hostiens 7038 Hostiens 5086 Hostiens 6517 Hostiens 9444 Hostiens 6023 Hostiens 6175 Hostiens 7147 Hostiens 6190 Hostiensis 7248 Hostiensis 6471 Hostiensis Heri pria Po 6300 Hostiensis …Hostiens…. …Hostiens…in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. ca. de illis. & ibi Hostien. & Panor. de spons. glo. Panor. Hostiens. Butrio in cap. super. quibusdam. de verbor. signif. in c. ea quae. de statu monac. in c. quanto. de iure iurand. ὴ ~ R R R R RL RL Genes. 4. 18 & Hoseae 11. 9 Iesa. 14. Oseae. 4. 110 said Memnon lived 500 years calls Ulysses “very wise” because he’d seen many cities & many men 1010 a man without a home, as Homer calls him ἄ ς ἴ ὶἀ έ ς 1021 Homer, Orpheus [L 86 Musaeus] don’t use word ‘law’ 269 7 n3 verse of Homer quoted: ὔ ἀ ὸ ί , etc. (words of Agamemnon against Achilles) 27 n6 on Jupiter and his wife 969 kingship best, says Homer 668 “Nec fera caerulea domuit Germania pube” L 495D 688 truth more easily seen by man whose mind is L 510D purged from earthly stains who “affigit humo divinae particulam aurae” 74 n4 Hebrews distinguished town & civitas 503* God often commanded extreme destruction L353B upon his people, priests and common people n1 alike 28 n2 status of wife 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 5187 Homer lib. 1. Iliad 9182 Homer lib. 1. Iliadorum. 8298 Horace 5556 Hosea 9550 Hosea a Notes calls a good king ἤ ς calls kings / j R RL R R on fiancée & fiancé 1038 n8 rich fined more heavily 157 n1 prince can take individual's goods for benefit of the state in summa tit. de feud. §. ult. RL 175 on liege homage Ioan. Andr. in cap. per inquisitionem. de RL 397 on power of Pope sentitiis excom. & Hostiens. in cap. L 278 quanto. de translat. Praelat. concilium quidem Pontifici Romano subditum esse, sed illud adiecit, clave non errante. …in cap. dilecti. de majoritate & R 179 n6 on sovereignty & vassalage obedient…. …Panor. eo. col. 7. Hostien. & Imol. in R 413 n4 king's orders to be obeyed without question c. cum contingat. de rescript. Fulgos. consi. 33. col. 2. Cuman. consi. R 241 n2 158. col. 5. Alex. consil. 67. lib. 1. col. 1. Heric. Bohic. & Innoc. in d. l. per venerabilem. omnes consentiunt restitutionem natalium summi principis propriam esse, praeter Hostiensem, qui Pontifici quoque summo tribuit supra Principes, in summa, qui filii sint legit. in cap. constitutus. de testibus R 208 n5 because a territory is small this does not prevent it being a kingdom Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6242 Hostiensis in cap. cum Ioannes. de fide instru. 8328 Hreodotus 7531 I. Caesar 111 W Page Notes R 190 n6 man of any nationality can appeal to Pope R 675 says the Egyptians were superior to others in ingenuity & civility R 458 n3 on “major consul” ...I. Caesar dici putat eum penes quem fasces sint. Nam L. Caesar (ut est apud Festum RL Pompeium) majorem consulem dici putavit eum penes quem fasces essent. 6528 Iacob …Iacob. in investitura glo. cum vero. R 9310 Iacobus Bellovisius in l. Lucius. §. idem. de R muneribus. Panor. in cap. super eodem. 2. col. 1. de testib. Lucas Penna in l. in sacris. col. 3. de proximis sacrorum. C. Guido Pap. cons. 217 & decis. 196 & 349 & 379 [Ferdinand Loaz in repetit. rubri. de iustit. et iure. F 80] 7438 Iacobus Ravenna see Durandus R 7673 Iamblichus in libello de vita Pythagoreorum. R 7334 Iaon Andre Ioan. Andre. Panor. Imol. Butrio R [Bur. L 86] in c. pastoralis. de rescriptis extra. text. in cap. si a sede. 6222 Iaso consi. 227. lib. 2 R 7723 Iaso in l. 1. nu. 42. de vulgari. & in l. cum fundus. R §. 1. nu. 17. si certum. 7373 Iaso in l. de quib. de leg. col. 16. nu. 65... RL 6202 Iaso in l. debitorum de pactis. C. R 6327 Iaso in prooemio feudor…. 6786 Iason R R 7447 Iason 6323 Iason 6398 Iason R R R 6777 Iason ad l. 1. quod praetor. ne quis enim qui in ius. consi. 227. lib. 1. Ias. in §. in bonae fidei. de actio. l. si quis mihi bona. §. sed si mandavit de acquir. l. 5. l. fideiussor. mandati. l. si quis pro eo. mand. ff. Iaso in l. 1. col. 3. de constitut. R 247 n9 various rights of sovereignty 1011 n9 glory of family depends on man 444 n8 477 n1 collegia of Pythagoreans 426 n1 rescripts 186 n6 sovereignty of Duke of Savoy 483 n5 novices treated as slaves 436 hereditary jurisdiction 182 n1 lord can always reassert his rights over a fugitive slave 215 n7 royal rights inalienable 310 Iason the Jurisconsult, of the Spanish party, obtained the goods of Trivulcius, of the French party - when French return Iason loses possession again 445 n5 right to resist magistrates 213 n5 rights of sovereignty 227 n.o 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 7720 Iason in l. qui se patris. unde liberi. C. R 483 n4 boys entering monasteries 9169 Iesaiae cap. 5. R 960 n5 rule of women & children & judgment of God 8070 Iesaiah RL 567 prophecies of 7023 Immola Panor….Immola in ca. caeterum. [L 86] R 384 n7 revocation of a commission by the prince 7037 Imol …Imol….in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. R 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 6562 Imol consil. 22. R 249 n1 right to judge according to one's conscience 7780 Imol in c. cum omnes. de constitut. & in l. 1. §. fuit R 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college quaesitum. ad Trebellium... 5945 Imola R 150 prince's laws can contravene God's if he has a good reason 5961 Imola R 153 n9 prince's compacts 6325 Imola R 213 n6 among writers who have mistaken minor regalia f for sovereignty 7634 Imola Imo. in Clemen. pastoralis. de re iudic. R 471 n9 fugitives from justice 7579 Imola ...Bartolus...quem Panor. Butr. Imola in ca. R 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page prudentiam. sequuntur. [v. sub. Bartolus] 7774 Imola ...Imola, Panor. in c. cum nobis olim. de R elect... 7388 Imola ...Imola... in c. de causis. de offi. deleg. R 5115 Imola …Accursius…Imol. Castrens… R 7314 Imola …Imol. in cap. causam quae de rescrip. R 7415 Imola …Imol….in ca. alias. & in ca. quod sedes. de R offic. deleg. 5062 Imola …Imola & Cumanus in l. 3. de testa…. R 5873 Imola …Imola…Felin. in c. 1. de probat. R 6427 Imola …Panor. & Imol. in cap. nimis de iureiurand. R 5307 Imola Bar….Ange. Aret. & Imol. in l. triticum de R verbor. obligat. 6094 Imola Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. … R Imolam, etc. 6367 Imola in l. 2. de publicis iudic. R 6329 Imola in rubric. de verb. oblig. R 5952 Imola Innocent, Ant. Butrio, Imola in cap. 2. de R renunciat. 7066 Imola l. si quis mihi bona. §. sed si mandavit. de R acquit. haer. ubi Bart. & Imol. 7249 Imola Panor….Hostien. & Imol. in c. cum R contingat. de rescript. 7250 Imola [Alex.] in Clement. l. de re iudic. col. 9… R 7151 Imola [Alex] …Imola in cap. 1. de offic. ordi. RL 7106 Imola, Alex 7139 Imola, Alex consil. 63. lib. 3. 8719 Imperial Chamber, ordonnances of Bk. 1. cap. 86 5268 Indorum, Historia 5232 Innocen …Innocen…. 5944 Innocent 6472 Innocent 7771 Innocent 7679 Innocent 5958 Innocent 7722 Innocent 7293 Innocent 7801 Innocent 5727 Innocent 7792 Innocent 5949 Innocent 7751 Innocent 7735 Innocent …Heric. Bohic. & Innoc. in d. l. per venerabilem. in c. 1. de maiorit.... in c. 2. de operis novi. in c. ad apostolicam. de re iudic. in c. cum olim. nu. 4. de privil. in c. inquisitioni. fine. de sentent. excommun. in ca. gravem. de sentent. excommunicat. in ca. olim. de restit. spoliat. in cap. cum accessissent. de constit. in cap. cum olim. col. 2. de clericis coniug. & in cap. 1. col. 5. & 14. de constitut. in cap. humilius. de majoritate & obedient. in cap. insinuante. qui clerici vel Notes 112 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 438 n2 21 n3 424 n3 441 n9 powers not to be delegated exceptions to laws on marriage on privileges delegation of powers 17 n4 134 n6 233 n2 38 n3 private family laws contracts of the prince court of last ressort parricide justified where father a traitor 162 n3 221 n2 on death penalty [not in L 86] 215 n7 royal rights inalienable 150 n6 Pope can give dispensation from laws of God 388 n9 in private matters to exceed what is expected is a good thing 413 n4 king's orders to be obeyed without question 413 n5 king's orders to be obeyed unless clearly wrong 397 on powers of Pope L 278 R 395 Alexander Imolensis counts as magistrates only those who exercise regular judicial functions RL 397 Alexander Imolensis on jurisdiction of bishops L 277 R 809 oath taken by Jews in the Empire that they will keep faith with Christians RL 33 comme nous lisons en l'histoire des Indes power of fathers over children R 28 n2 status of wife R 150 prince's laws can contravene God's if he has a good reason R 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards R R R R R 487 n9 480 n6 153 n8 483 n5 423 n3 rights of oldest member of college right of a college can reside in one man perjury in prince a great crime novices treated as slaves facts mentioned in rescripts must be tested R R R R 489 n3 98 n7 488 n8 150 n6 rights of collegia rights of foreigners college can make any law it pleases Pope can dispense one from the laws of God R 485 n2 how binding are decrees of a collegium? R 484 n1 abbot can be proceeded against by his monks Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page voventes. cap. monachi. de statu monach. 5876 Innocent in cap. novit. de iudic. epistol. & cap. R licet. canon de electionib. 5817 Innocent Innocent & Felin. in cap. cum R ecclesiastarum. eod. 6026 Innocent Innocent. & Panorm. in cap. in nostra. R de iniur. 6058 Innocent ut Innoc. in c. veritatis. de iureiurando.ext. R 5859 Innocent IV Pont. Max. in ca. innotuit. verbo R ordinatione. de election. extra. 6005 Innocent IV, Pope RL 7034 Innocentius in c. ex conquistione. de restitu. R spoliat. Archidiac. in cap. 3. de probat. ext. 7302 Innocentius in c. super literis. de rescript. R Notes 113 134 n9 prince's contracts 123 n7 sovereign and the power he delegates 157 n1 power of confiscation 159 n2 prince & his predecessors' oaths 133 n2 sovereign is still bound by the divine laws 156 on limits to a sovereign's power 384 n6 commissioners 423 n7 magistrate must test statements in rescripts of the prince 7255 Innocentius in cap. cum inceperit. de offic. deleg. R 415 n8 on obeying the prince's orders 7168 Innocentius in cap. primo. de offi. ord…. RL 397 trial of clerics L 279 7253 Innocentius in cap. quae in ecclesiarum. de constit. R 414 n2 no prince would order contrary to laws of God 7032 Innocentius in cap. qualiter. de accusat. ext. R 384 n4 when do commissioner's powers begin and end? quem Bar. sequitur in l. Barbarius de Pope Innocent changes his mind. offic. praetor. nu. 18. Roman. in l. is cui. de verbor. oblig. Cardin. consi. 115. Rom. singul. 60. 7450 Innocentius in cap. si quando. & in c. pastoralis. de R 445 n8 right to resist magistrates offic. deleg. ext. l. 1. unde vi. C. 5065 Innocentius Innocentius in cap. cum accessissent. R 17 n4 private family laws de constitut. 7022 Innocentius Panor….Innocentius in c. cum R 384 n7 revocation of a commission by the prince contingat. de rescript. ext. 7145 Innocentius IV in cap. quanto. de iureiurando RL 397 Pope Innocent IV on power pf Pope L 278 7012 Io Andr & Panor. in c. cum Bertoldus. de re iudic R 383 n4 commissioners 7001 Io Andr & Panorm in cap. cum Bartoldus. de re R 381 n9 powers of commissioners iudic. 7035 Io Andr …in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. R 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 6990 Io Andr Bald. Io. Andr.…in cap. cum ex officii. de R 380 n7 office compared to commission praescript. extra. 7730 Io Andr ca. admonere. 25. q. 2. ca. scripturae. de R 483 n8 monks not to be charged with crimes done voto. & ibi Io. And. Bart. in authen. before they became monks ingressi. nu. 34. 7708 Io Andr in c. ult. de iudic. lib. 6. arg. l. ult. §. si R 483 n2 those entering religious houses no longer under autem. de bonis quae liberis. C. father’s jurisdiction 7793 Io Andr in cap. cum omnes. eo... R 488 n8 college can make any law it pleases 6573 Io Andr in cap. si sacerdos. de off. ordin. R 249 n1 judges cannot judge contrary to law 6526 Io Platea Io. Plat. & Lucas Penna in l. 1. de R 247 n8 rights of princes in maritime districts naufrag.C. 9580 Io. And. Isern. c. 1. si vero. de pace iuramento. Firm. RL 503* can an honorable fee make a man noble? Iacob. Belloui in proë. feudo. L355C [n4 as corrected in 1591 ed.] n4 7413 Io. Andr …Io. Andr. in addit. ad spec. tit. de iudic. R 441 n9 old Doctors on delegation of powers deleg. §. ult. ver. item… 6337 Io. Andr. in cap. ult. de praebendis lib. 6… R 215 n8 royal rights cannot lapse Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 114 Slip Reference W Page Notes 6726 Io. Andre in c. insinuante. qui clerici vel vovent. R 299 n7 has tyranny a basis in popular consent? 6718 Io. Andre in c. insinuante. qui clerici vel voventes. R 294 n2 those bound by the prayers of a tyrant can always be estored 8712 Io. Imola & Anton. Butrio in cap. 1. de constitut. R 806 n7 some Canonists say Pope cannot give dispensation from oaths 7825 Ioan de Lignano ...vide consil. Ioan. de Lignano. R 497 n1 laws restoring rights to Jews nu. 19. 7146 Ioan. Andr. in cap. per inquisitionem. de sentitiis RL 397 on power of Pope excom. & Hostiens…. L 278 6282 Ioannes Andr in cap. per venerabilem. qui filii sint R 202 n2 are kings of France subject to the Pope? legitimi. 7984 Iob 39 & 40 ubi agit de legib. caeli super terram RL 550 power of heavenly bodies on all living creatures 9512 Iob 40. & Psal. 104. saepius etiam vocatur.<Hebrew> R 1060 but there is a more divine expression of Pharaoh [L adds rectissime interpretatur Ezechiel cap. 29. & RL as worker asnd father of all evils, which the 30.] sacred letters signify by the word Leviathan 8314 Ionas cap. 1. Herodo. Aristot. in polit. RL 673 on great size of Babylon 9507 Ionas cap. ult. Psal. 49 RL 1057 common people are mere beasts of burden L 776 7953 Ionatas, F. lib. 1. reg. cap. 8. versu 2. RL 544 Caldaeus interpres, says 7th month originally the L 396 1st 7134 Iordan Bri (?) …Iordan. Bri. in repetit. §. RL 397 power of Pontifices in France contrahentes. col. 19. curia L 277 Parisiorum vetuit anno 1395… 8014 Iordanes in annalibus. R 558 n7 earthquake at Constantinople in 479 8379 Iornandes R 684 called lower Germany “officina hominum” L 507D 9336 Ioseph contra Appionem. R 1021 n8 before the laws of God there was no lawgiver known 9170 Ioseph. in antiquit. R 960 n.o Tryphon kills his pupil to make himself king of Syria 8241 Ioseph. in antiq. R 652 n2 Alexander overawed by the Jewish High Priest 9068 Ioseph. in antiqu. R 907 n7 Hircanus finds treasures in David’s sepulchre 8950 Ioseph. in antiquit. R 868 n3 gift of Ptolemy to Jerusalem 9374 Iosephus en la Harangue d’Agrippa R 1028 more than 300 peoples in Gaul, acc. to Iosephus in the Speech of Agrippa 9014 Iouinville, le seigneur de en la vie de Louis IX R 884 n1 Louis IX pays Sultan of Egypt 500,000 livres ransom 9017 Iove, Paul R 884 finances of Egypt about 1532, acc. to Paul Iove 8348 Iovius R 680 n3 cruelty of Muleasses & his children 9162 Iovius, Paulus R 956 is wrong to say Venetian state lasted 800 years 8371 Irenicus R 684 Germans very little liable to jealousy a 6965 Isaeus R 376 law on erection of new offices usually brought before the people, as we can see in Thucydides, Demosthenes, Isaeus, etc. [L 86] 5360 Isaeus R 43 n2 ut scribit Isaeus Orator: women could not adopt _j ou)dei/j e)stin ei0spoi/htoj 9547 Isaeus orator scribit… RL 503* writes of public privileges granted to posterity a L352D of Harmodius, the tyrant-killer 5558 Isaiah 2. Reg. Iesa. 16. 11 R 74 n3 Hebrews distinguished town & civitas 7922 Isaiah Esayae c. 19. RL 543 the people of God L 394B 7924 Isaiah Esayae c. 43. & 45. RL 543 what has a beginning has an end L 394B 9550 Isaiah Iesa. 14. Oseae. 4. RL 503* God often commanded extreme destruction Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9070 Isaïe 39. 6172 Isern …in summa tit. de feud. §. ult. 6733 Isern. Andr. Isern. in titul. quae sint regalia… 6325 Isernius g 6095 Isernius Brunus de comitatu Astensi post Bar. … Iserniam, etc. 6108 Isernius in cap. imperialem. §. illud de prohibata feudi alien. Bar. in l. Claudius qui potiores. Guido decis. Delphi. [55]1 L 86 finishes…qui potiores qui Guido pa. decis. Delphinatum. 551 5665 Isernus in cap. 1. qualiter vassal. iurare. 8683 Iudicum c. 18. 9197 Iudicum 8466 Iustin cap. 19 & ultimo. W Page L353B n1 R 907 n9 RL 175 R 300 n9 R 213 n6 115 Notes upon his people, priests and common people alike King Ezechia shows his treasures imprudently on liege homage is tyrannicide legitimate? among writers who have mistaken minor regalia for sovereignty R 162 n3 R 164 n6 on oaths of fealty RL R R R R 89 n9 on citizenship 795 n5 town of Lays in Syria destroyed because the citizens had no allies 970 n8 one day only King of Jews will be God 705 said Herotimus, king of Parthia, had 600 children 683 n9 Herotimus of Parthia has many wives 989 n1 succession of Alexander the Great 37 n4 emancipation of sons 8359 Iustin lib. 39. // 44. 9235 Iustin. lib. 7. et Diodor. lib. 16. 5288 Jacob Arena sic definit Baldus… 7 Iacob. Arena. in l. ut liberi eod. C. 7371 Jacob, Peter ... Petr. Iacob. in summa. de causis. ex quibus fundum amittat. col. 5... 6620 Janot R R R 5179 Jason & Alexan. in l. si ab hostib. soluto matrimo. …Barto. Fulgo. Castrens. Iaso. in l. ult. de verbo signif. [L. 86 omits Jason] …Ias. in l. puberem. de iure delib. l. 5. l. fideiussor. & sequen. mandat. …Iaso in l. omnes populi. R 260-261 Ianot on the constitution of Venice; B. praises his fullness & accuracy 27 n9 divorce R 28 n1 R R 388 n9 in private matters to exceed what is expected is a good thing 18 n8 private laws must not derogate from public ones Accurs….Alexan. Ias. Roman. in l. sub conditione. de liber. & posth. 6037 Jason Iaso. in authen. quas actiones. de sacrosanctis. c. 4. 6088 Jason Iaso. consil. 227. 5884 Jason Iaso. in l. 1. de constitut. princip. C. 6056 Jason Iaso. in l. 1. de constitut. princip. ff. 6073 Jason Iaso. late in l. 1. colum. 3. de const. princ. canon. non liceat. 12. q. 2. & c. quia iuxta. 16. q. 1. & glosa ibidem… 5705 Jean Baptiste de Plot R 37 n7 R 157 n4 R R R R 162 n2 135 n7 159 n2 160 n6 what is a sovereign? compact between prince & subjects prince & his predecessors' contracts prince & his predecessors' promises R 96 5892 Jeremaiah cap. 9. 6312 Jeremiah …Hierem. 38. 6750 Jeremiah Baruch ca. 1. & Hieremiae c. 29. ver. 7. R R R 136 n9 212 n.o 304 n2 5971 Jeremiah R 153 n.o Emp. Charles V forbids foreigners to succeed to estates in Milan. Jean Baptiste de Plot [Baptista Plotus L] gives 50 limitations to this law. God - his justice, judgment and pity slight to prince is slight to God prayer for Nabuchodonosor in spite of his destruction of Jerusalem, etc. God says judge me if I have done anything 5196 Jason 7068 Jason 5071 Jason 5296 Jason Hierem. 45 RL 436 R hereditary jurisdiction status of those marrying nobles father & son Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 116 Notes wrong R 304 n3 God calls Nabuchodonosor his servant RL 63 on slavery R 571 repudiates much that is in the writings of L 423C Daniel; “caetera quae non Caldaice sed Graece scripta sunt a Theodotione Hebraei non probant.” R 544 n3 7th month originally the 1st W Page 6751 Jeremiah Hieremiae 25 & Ezechiel 29 5502 Jeremiah Levit. 25. Hierem. 34. Nu. 13 et seq. 8095 Jerome, St. Hieronymus, D. 7957 Jewish commentators 7921 Job Iob c. 12. 7932 Job Iob c. 12. interpretess Hebraei. Iosephus c. 3. lib. 1. antiquit. Rabi Eleazar in genesim. Rabi Abraham aben Esra in 7c. Danielis 8225 Joinville RL 542 L 394A RL 543 L 394D R 34 n6 R 89 n1 RL R 641 9050 Joinville “Histoire de Ioinville” 5045 Jonah Herodo. lib. 3. Ionas c. 3 9202 Joseph lib. 14. cap. 16. antiq. & eod. lib. c. 5. 9201 Joseph lib. 6. cap. 6. antiquitatum. 5519 Josephus 6684 Josephus 6944 Josephus R R R R RL R R 898 n.o 13 n7 971 n1 971 n9 69 283 370 7091 Josephus R 393 7831 Josephus R 498 8086 Josephus 9549 Josephus RL 571 RL 503* L353A n9 5274 Job Levitici. 11. Iob 36 [L 86 Iob. cap. 38] 5641 John, King Gallus refert parte 9 // 4 7954 Josephus 6678 Josephus c. 3. lib. 1. antiquit. contra Appionem. R R 544 n3 282 n4 8426 Josephus contra Appionem. R 695 n4 7869 Josephus 6755 Josephus 6297 Josephus 5428 Josephus 5464 Josephus 8080 Josephus in bello Judaico. R Ioseph de sectis Iudaeorum. R Ioseph. [86 adds: Tranquillus] R Ioseph. in bello Iudaico R Ioseph. in bello Iudaico R lib. 10. ca. 11. antiquita. Jeremiah cap. 39 R & 52 (say 9th day of 4th month). Joseph. lib. 7. ca. 9. Belli Iudaici (says 10th day of 5th month). Regum 4. ca. 25 (says 7th day of 5th month) lib. 3. bel. Iudaici R 516 n2 304 n2 207 n.o 52 n7 57 n1 570 n1 5666 Josephus 90 n2 all disasters come from contempt of religion the good live longer the stork nourishes its parents in their old age law on citizenship St. Louis prevents all quarrels during his reign, acc. to the history of the seigneur de Ioinville charitableness of Louis IX Babylon 3 days' journey in circumference was the Jewish state an aristocratic one? says Hebrews had aristocracy on Nimrod on state of early kingship says Moses forbade king to act without advice of the senate in his second book contra Appionem says word "law"(νόμος is not found in Homer no part of Roman Asia where there wasn’t a colony of Jews, say Josephus & Philo on time from Cyrus to Herod the Great among the Hebrews there were two sorts of noble men - one from the stock of Aaron, who were priests, and the other from the stock of the kings 7th month originally the 1st all kings of the east were barbarians - yet civilization is derived from them people of Jerusalem & Sparta cut off from sea and therefore less corrupted on Herod the Elder the holy Essaei held that kings were sacred Augustus grades his tributary & vassal states prisoners killed Simon Gerson frees slaves 1st and 2nd Temples burned the same date - 9th day of 5th month growth of Alexandria Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 117 W Page Notes RL 838 on census arrangements among ancient Jews R 679 n1 German praetorian guards - could not restrain their appetite nor vengeance, acc. to Josephus 8721 Joshua 8. // 19. R 810 n8 Jewish leaders kept their promises RL 8345 Jovius & Crantius en l’histoire de Polongne R 679 n2 Transylvanians force his followers to eat George, the rebel leader 6291 Jovius, Paul [F 80 Paul Iove] [L 86 Ionius (sic)] R 204 on the kings' tributary to the Negus 7664 Judges cap. 3. 6. 9. 10. 20. 21. Iudicum. R 476 n5 to meet invasion Israelites appoint a sovereign general 5426 Judges cap. Iudicum XI R 52 n2 sacrifice of Jephtha's daughter 7648 Judges Iudic. 20 cap. RL 472 Tribe of Benjamin nearly wiped out by rest of Israelites 7856 Judges Iudicum c. 27. & ult. fine. R 508 Jews after the death of Jephtha 7663 Judges Iudicum. cap. 16. & in fine 21. R 476 n4 Israelites lived for long without kings or magistrates 8029 Julian in epistola ad Antiochum [L86 Mysopogona] R 563 n3 calls the Gauls of his time barbarians 5499 Julian in epistola ad Antiochum Misopogona R 63 n8 F Syrians naturally servile apud Cyrillum contra Christianos n84 L 8416 Julian the Apostate in epistola ad Antiochum (F) R 691 n7 on the docility of the Persians & Scythians, the Julianus contra Galilaeos apud RL pride of the Celts & Germans Cyrillum (L) 5575 Julian, Emperor ad Antiochum Misopogona F 80 R 77 & n4 on town compared to civitas Misopona F 76 8320 Julian, the Emperor in Epistola ad Antiochum R 674 n7 on test for bastardy - throw babies into cold Misopogona. streams 5553 Julius Caesar lib. 1. 1. comment. R 74 n9 civitas Helvetiorum has 4 cantons 6871 Julius Capitolinus R 352 senators took oath not to divulge proceedings "comme dit Iule Capitoline" 8642 Julius Pollux R 774 Athenians served in army from age 14 to 60, acc. to Julius Pollux 5509 Junius Pontanus R 66 on a slave who killed all his master's family 8074 Justin R 568 among those who date the Persian Empire from c Ninus 9242 Justin R 990 Ptolemy prefers his younger son, acc. to Justin 5353 Justin …Iustin. lib. 4. Tertul. lib. ad uxorem R 42 n.o polygamy amongst Persians & Asiatics 5414 Justin Herodot. Justin. Plin. RL 51 Thracians ate their aged parents 5129 Justin Iustin. lib. 32 R 23 n4 on Olorus, K. of Thrace 5462 Justin Iustinus RL 57 slaves in the Parthian army 8217 Justin lib. 21. R 638 n2 Carthaginian senate discovers plot of Hanno to murder the nobles at a wedding feast 9237 Justin lib. 24. R 989 n2 Parthian custom that the eldest son succeeds to throne 5035 Justin lib. 44 [F 80] lib. 4 [L] R 12 n.o Crassus had 500 slaves 8402 Justin, Pliny, Tacitus, Diodorus R 685 n7 it is wrong to praise the Scythians for their virtue- they are incapable of vice 6973 Justinian, Code of R 376 Books I and XII of Code of Justinian for individual leges of the separate magistrates 6362 Justinian in proem. Pandectarum R 220 n9 Justinian's use of the edicts of the praetors 6555 Justinian …Demosthenes ἀ R 248 n9 right of reprisal or "clarigatio" ιί , Iustinianus ) _ vocat. 5726 Justinian ) R 98 n7 rights of foreigners _ constitut. 52. & 134. l. 1. de iniuriis. d. damno dato Slip Reference 8809 Josephus lib. 7. cap. 13. 8342 Josephus lib. XIX. c.1. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8286 Juvenal 8297 Juvenal W Page R 668 RL 668 L 495D in eundem [114th] psal. & 1 Corinth. cap. 15. 5559 Kings 2. Reg. Iesa. 16. 11 Genes. 4. 18 & Hoseae 11. 9 6764 Kings 4. Regum ca. 6 & 10 7650 Kings lib. 2. Regum 7943 Kings, 1 lib. 1. reg. cap. 8. versu 2. R 9207 Kimhi, Rabi David 975 6293 Koran 74 n3 n4 R 305 n3 RL 473 RL 544 L 396 R 204 8008 L. Sur 9409 Labeo l. non debet. de dolo. 8846 Lactantius R R R 6791 Lactantius Firmianus R 8064 Lactantius Firmianus in lib. de opificio Dei. 7497 Laertius 8849 Laertius 6214 Lambertus 8612 Lamprid. in Alexandro. 6873 Lampridius 7201 Lampridius 7227 Lampridius R 9229 le Cirier in tracta. de princip. vers. 30 // 305… King Jehu. Azarias instructs Solomon 7th month originally the 1st chapter of the Alcoran says no Moslem princes to call themselves lord except the Caliph 556 n4 King James of Scotland killed in battle 1034 n5 on penalties 847 quoted: Possunt enim leges delicta punire, conscientiam munire non possunt. 314 jokes about the 7 Sages: if they thought themselves wise, they were foolish; if others thought them wise, who were themselves not wise, they could even less be wise 567 says 2 and 10 are perfect numbers R RL R 449 n4 Solon’s law on a drunken magistrate R 847 n2 Athenians vote, at request of Sophocles, that all should have same education R 184 on division of Lotharingia & Arles after death of Lothaire, according to accounts in history of Guitald [Vitaldus], Floard & Lambertus R 749 n7 choice of provincial governors - Alex. Severus gives people chance to question suitability of candidates (as Christians did their bishops) R 352 says Alex. Severus always had a privy council of 50 members RL 402 Alexander Augustus negavit se potestatum mercatores esse passurum [trafficking in offices] R 405 n6 Alexander Severus said: "Non patiar mercatores potestatum." R 343 n.o should a prince seek counsel? R 380 n6 office compared to commission 6839 Lampridius in Severo 6987 Lanfranc in repetit. cap. quoniam contra de probat… 6178 Laud., Martin in d. §. omnes. Zasius in epito. feud. RL parte 7. qui eundem Germanis morem esse tradit 6328 Laude, Martin in cap. 1. qui feudum dare pos…. R 6735 Lauden, Martin in tractatu de princip. §. 3. R 6780 Lauden, Martin in tractatu. de principe. q. 64. R 5932 Laudens, Martin 118 Notes people of the north - blond hair, green eyes “Caerula quis stupuit Germani lumina, flavam Caesariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirrho” Jews called other peoples Barbarians, as has remarked Rabi David Kimhi on the 114th Psalm Hebrews distinguished town & civitas 175 on liege homage R 215 n7 royal rights inalienable 300 n9 is tyrannicide legitimate? 309 n7 successor to tyrant must uphold the tyrant's deeds & promises 149 n2 rulers bound by law of God R 986 power of Popes over kings - M. le Cirier, Conseillier en Parlement, approves opinion of Albericus in his book De Iure Primogeniturae Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9321 le Cirier, Conseiller en Parlement 5723 Le Coq Gallus. partes. quaest. 49. anno 1385 Page 1012 97 8171 Leo Affer 8617 Leo Affer 5524 Leo Africanus 6705 Leo Africanus W R R RL R R R R 7857 Leo Africanus R 508 L 495A 7870 Leo Africanus R 517 8306 Leo Africanus R 671 8341 Leo Africanus R 678 8347 Leo Africanus R 680 8351 Leo Africanus R 681 618 753 n4 70 287 7651 Leo Africanus 7863 Leo Africanus 7858 Leo Africanus Leo Affer. Leo Affer. Leon d’Afrique R 473 n3 RL 512 R 508 n3 7885 Leo Africanus Leon d’Afrique R 529 n.o 6405 Leo Africanus Leon d'Afrique [not in L 86] 5513 Leo Africanus Leon l'Afrique li. i. 5020 Leo Hebraeus lib. 3. de amore 8411 Leo of Africa 8419 Leo of Africa R R R R R 229 n5 68 n1 9 n4 688 694 8270 Leon d’Afrique R 661 n6 8301 Leon d’Afrique 8434 Leon d’Afrique R R 670 697 n1 8618 Leon d’Afrique 8628 Leon d’Afrique R R 758 n6 765 n2 9069 Leon d’Afrique R 907 n8 9153 Leon d’Afrique R 949 n5 8391 Leon d’Afrique livre 2. 7999 Leon Hebrieu 9176 Leon l’historien R R R 685 n3 555 964 7980 Leopoldus R 548 7997 Leovice R 554 119 Notes praises the Salic law arrest of Court of Parlement 1385 noted by le Coq. parte V. quaest. 49. on the majesty of the king of Tombut city of Telessa destroyed by King of Tunis rise of kings of Gaoga customs of kings of Maroc, Fez, etc. as we read in Leo of Africa after death of Abusahit (Abusahid) (L Abusahita) kingdom of Fez in miserable state for eight years, acc. to Leo death of Abusahid, King of Fez - account given by Leon d’Afrique & Alvarez praise the spare diet of the southerners Christian slaves from guard of African kings, acc. to Leo Africanus cruelties related by Leo of Africa, e.g. Homar Essuinus, the king of Tobut, etc. many mad men in Fez & Morocco, acc. to Leon of Africa Almiral or Admiral - borrowed from Arabic law for succession to throne in Africa English put all people of Arzille in Fez to the sword history of towns of Segelmessa & of Togoda in Africa choice of magistrates in Egypt isolated families contemplatio = la mort precieuse on great religious enthusiasm in Africa is surprised that those who live on the mountain of Megeza in Africa are white Moroccan pretender, called the Knight of the Ass, gathers army of 12 legions [L] or [F] six vingt milles all rivers of Mt. Atlas run northwards people around Bugie the most bellicose in all Africa 7 year siege of Fauzara 1412 appointment of governors in realms of Sultan of Turkey kings of Morocco keep treasure on pinnacle of temple people of mount Magnan chose a passerby to judge their disputes leprosy in Africa astrological calculation says people of Africa prefer a single commander Leupoldus, Alcabitius & Ptolemaeus agree that stars affect rise & fall of states errors of Cyprian Leovice; predicted end of world in 1584 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 120 W Page Notes Paradox. lib. 2. RL 685 Avicenna wrote on elephantiasis & leprosy c. 16. L 508D 8876 Levi. 18 & l. celebrandis. de incestis. C. RL 852 Pope Innocent excommunicates Louis VII for marrying a remote relation, whom it was lawful to marry by divine & human laws 8428 Leviticus 19. vers. 13. R 696 n5 merchant = cheat; “Non eris mercator in populo tuo.” 8811 Leviticus c. 17. R 838 n2 God forbids sacrificing to demons 7930 Leviticus c. postremo... RL 543 the good live longer L 394D 7919 Leviticus cap. postremo. RL 542 all disasters come from contempt of religion L 394A 5253 Leviticus Levit. 20 R 31 n3 child who curses his parents punished 5157 Leviticus Levit. 20. Daniel 13. Deutero. 24 R 24 n7 God punishes adultery with death by stoning 5504 Leviticus Levit. 25 RL 63 on slavery 5275 Leviticus Levitici. 11. Iob 36 <Hebrew word> pia R 34 n6 the stork nourishes its parents in their old age misericors. [ἀ έ L 86] 7672 Leviticus Numeri 9. Levit. 23. RL 477 sacred feasts appointed 8869 Libanius R 850 Gks. allowed the killing of those punished with infamia - the orator Libanius in his speech for Allirotius 7987 Linus RL 551 “scriptorum apud Graecos antiquissimus” on L 402 the great year 8710 Livius li. 22 R 805 n4 on keeping of oaths - “Vult quisque sibi credi, et habita fides ipsam obligat fidem.” 8277 Livius li. 45. R 665 ambassador of Rhodes on characteristics of different peoples [4 lines quoted] 9444 Livius li. XXX. R 946 n3 Livy says Rome was under the sway of Scipio [2 lines quoted in margin] 6116 Livius lib. 1 R 166 n3 duties of a vassal to give aid 8767 Livius lib. 1. decad. 1. R 830 n6 Romans preferred long-term truces to treaties lib. 2. n7 lib. 7. n8 lib. 9. n9 9233 Livius lib. 10 belli Macedonici. R 989 n9 Perseus of Macedon 8773 Livius lib. 15. // 35. R 831 n4 Tarentinorum obsides fugientes retracti, ac virgis diu caesi de Tarpeio deiecti sunt.” 5597 Livius lib. 2. R 81 n9 leges Valeriae; power of magistrates lib. 2. 7. 10. n1 8609 Livius lib. 2. R 747 n5 gift of land to Horatius Coclitis a 8623 Livius lib. 2. R 760 n4 Etruscans see need to foment internal dissension in Rome 7384 Livius lib. 2. & 4. Seneca. lib. 2. de ira. Cicero. R 437 n9 many R. magistrates had power of life & death Philip. 3. 9340 Livius lib. 2. [quotation in margin] R 1022 n2 Terentius Arsa praises the kings as judges & law-givers 8999 Livius lib. 2. Dionysius lib. 5. RL 880 on expulsion of kings, Romans free of taxes L 656 8969 Livius lib. 21. AUC 530 R 873 n6 lex Claudia forbids Senators to trade 6616 Livius lib. 26 R 259 n1 on the punishment of Capua & of the Capuanians who had sided with Hannibal [Latin quoted] 6904 Livius lib. 26 & Polybius lib. 6. senatum R 365 n5 "non nisi in gravissimis causis Reipublicae Slip Reference 8398 Leovicetus & Leonardus Fuchius Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 121 Notes occupari consuevisse" 865 n7 Romans make Boii pay ½ their yearly revenue 259 n8 Senate wishes dictator to be appointed - if Consul refuses, then the Praetor Urbanus to put the question; if he refuses then the Tribuni plebis 963 n6 at Rome, chose dictator to meet crises n7 n8 n9 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 231 n1 on the lex Duillia (early Roman republic) 1035 n4 nobles punished less - acc. to the historians Slip Reference W Page 8942 Livius 6614 Livius lib. 26. lib. 27. R R 9173 Livius R 8784 Livius lib. 3. lib. 2. lib. 7. lib. 7. lib. 4. lib. 6. lib.22. lib. 6. lib. 6. lib. 2. lib. 3. Dionys. Halicar. lib. 10 lib. 3. Valer. lib. 8. c. 1. [Valerius is also in the text of F 80] lib. 31. lib. 31. lib. 26. lib. 32. 8785 Livius lib. 32. R 834 n5 8672 Livius lib. 33. R 791 n8 9156 Livius lib. 34 . R 952 n6 9506 Livius lib. 34 // 24 6797 Livius lib. 34. 9332 Livius lib. 34. 8678 Livius lib. 35. 8947 Livius lib. 36 // 37. 8938 Livius 8948 Livius lib. 36. lib. 39 & 38. lib. 36. 8779 Livius 8873 Livius lib. 38. lib. 39. 9020 Livius lib. 4 R 1055 n8 RL R 315 n4 Q. Flaminius establishes aristocracies in Thessaly; F 80 quotes in italics: "Eam partem civitatum fecit potentiorem cui salva tranquillaque omnia magis esse expediebat." RL 1018 Scipio Africanus first gave front seats to L 750 Senators at theater R 794 n2 Roman ambassadors persuade Acheans to side with Rome against Antiochus R 867 n9 Rome refuses gift from Egypt during war with Hannibal R 864 n2 spoils of enemies n3 R 867 n1 Rome refuses most of Hiero’s gifts, except a golden Victory R 832 n9 Phocis left free & its lands restored R 851 n6 Senate wished Censors to be free from any accusations after their term of office R 885 n3 at expulsion of kings Rome abolished taxes but 6410 Livius 9420 Livius 8959 Livius 8988 Livius R R RL RL 870 R 878 n7 n8 R 834 n4 RL Carthage paid a stipendium to Rome during Punic wars Romans gladly pay taxes Philip of Macedon accuses Roman ambassador of disrespect. “Aetas,” inquit, “et forma et Romanum nomen te ferociorem facit.” Popilius, R. ambassador, draws circle round Antiochus. “Obstupefactus est Rex tam violento imperio.” Lycortas, leader of the Acheans, on Romans’ treatment of their allies “Foedus Romanorum cum Achaeis specie quidem aequum esse: re precariam libertatem, apud Romanos etiam imperium esse.” [2 lines] Q. Flaminius leaves the richest men as rulers in Thessaly Romans left rule of conquered town to the rich Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 122 Notes later reimposed them Senate sends Servilius Priscus to beg Tribunes to persuade Consuls to appoint a dictator (4 lines of Latin quoted) lex Papiria on canvassing Perseus renews his father’s treaty of friendship with Rome Perseus refuses to accept without discussion the provisions of the treaty between his father & the Romans position of enfranchised citizens Roman settlement of Macedonia after defeat of Perseus Camillus complains about private family ‘sacra’ old Samnite captain said neutrality “neque amicos parat neque inimicos tollit.” Roman armies always had two allies for every Roman citizen lex Licinia for election of plebeian consul lex Sextia for election of Praetor Urbanus 5 lines of Tribune's speech quoted in italics: “Faxo ne iuvet vox ista VETO, qua collegas nostros concinentes tam laeti auditis….” lex Licinia & agrarian laws of Tib. Gracchus Slip Reference W Page 6613 Livius lib. 4. R 259 n7 8597 Livius 8662 Livius lib. 4. AUC 323 lib. 40. R R 743 n1 787 n4 8663 Livius lib. 42. R 788 n3 5534 Livius 8676 Livius lib. 45 lib. 45. R R 71 n3 792 n1 5076 Livius 8680 Livius lib. 5 lib. 5. RL 19 R 794 n3 8673 Livius a 6969 Livius 6970 Livius 7175 Livius lib. 56. // 36. R RL R R R 791 n9 lib. 6. Appian lib. 1. Emphyl. Plutar. in Camillo. lata anno 387 9132 Livius lib. 7 & 10. b 6357 Livius lib. 7 & 8. 8459 Livius lib. 7 & 8. R 714 n2 R 943 n2 at Rome citizens not liable to capital penalty R R 8480 Livius lib. 7. R 8754 Livius lib. 7. R 8596 Livius 9000 Livius 8770 Livius lib. 7. AUC 395 lib. 7. AUC 396 [L 86 390] lib. 8 // lib. 9. R R R 8651 Livius lib. 8. R 8654 Livius lib. 8. R 9252 Livius 218 n5 use of word "maiestas" 703 n2 cancellation of debts & division of land are “duas faces novantibus res ad plebem in optimates accendendam.” 708 n4 rate of interest reduced AUC 406 (Cons. Torquatus & Plautius) 826 n4 Romans abide by treaty with the Samnites even though this means abandoning the Capuans [11 lines] 743 n9 lex Paetilia (against canvassing) 881 n2 tribunes forbid the tax of 1/20th 831 n1 breaking of treaties: “In Veliternos, veteres cives, graviter saevitum, quod toties rebellassent, muri disiecti, senatus abductus.” 781 n8 men of certain trades unfit for war: “Sellularii et opifices minime militiae idoneum genus.” 782 n2 precautions adopted by Romans when making treaty with conquered people 993 n.o succession to throne of Numidia lib. 8. belli Punici, decad. 3. // Livius lib. 38. R RL lib. 9. R 377 n4 Dictator Aemylius Mamercus resigns after one day lib. 9. R 836 n7 L. Aemilius Mamercus cut period of Censor’s office to 18 months lib. 9. R 805 n3 the Consul Postumius says his agreement with the Samnites is not binding on the Senate lib. 6 lib. 6 lib. 6. 8511 Livius 6974 Livius 8796 Livius 8708 Livius 376 n4 376 n5 399 n5 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8936 Livius lib. 9. lib. 31. lib. 34. lib. 45. 6510 Livius lib. 9. dec. 3. 6972 Livius Livius lib. 40. Festus lib. 16. in voce rogatio. l. 2. de orig. iuris. 6617 Livius Titus Livy bk. 28 W Page R 864 n7 n8 n9 n1 R 246 n1 R 376 n6 R 260 8012 Livres, Nicolas de R 558 5618 Livy 5779 Livy 6354 Livy R R R 84 107 218 6381 Livy R 223 6669 Livy R 281 6870 Livy R 352 6914 Livy R 367 6916 Livy R 367 7078 Livy R 391 7181 Livy R 400 7206 Livy R 402 7226 Livy R 405 7236 Livy R 409 7543 Livy R 460 7544 Livy R 460 7810 Livy R 491 7814 Livy R 494 123 Notes spoils of enemies; Titus Livius on spoils of Samnites, Transalpine Gauls, Greeks, Macedonia on Ancus Martius lex Cornelia & Baebia for election of six praetors Publicarum Quaestionum Q. Fulvius asks the Consul to allow the Senate to decide about provinces (4 lines of Latin) September a common month for earthquakes: Nicolas de Livres en son livre du mouvement de la terre common citizenship between Athens & Rhodes 4 lines quoted; 3 types of treaties Titus Livy often uses the phrase: Senatus decrevit, populus iussit. Titus Livy says all the people gathered to pass the laws of the XII Tables Titus Livy on King Servius: "Neque enim praeter vim quicquam ad ius regni habebat." Livy is astonished that the Asiatic ambassadors did not learn anything that King Eumenes had said in the Roman Senate: "Eo silentio clausa curia erat." Titus Livy often uses the words: Senatus decrevit, populus iussit on the authority of Scipio Africanus: "Nutus eius pro decretis patrum, pro populi iussis esse." on Hannibal's siege of Rome: "Placuit omnes qui dictatores, consules, censoresve fuissent, cum imperio esse, donec recessissent hostes a muris." in Bk. III "Communiter edicunt Tribuni, nequis Consulem faceret; si quis fecisset, se id suffragium non observaturos." Livy (Rome besieged by Hannibal): "Placuit omnes qui antea Dictatores, Consules, Censoresve fuissent, cum imperio esse, donec hostis a muris discessisset." in Livy the patricii complain "Salios ac Flamines sine imperiis ac potestatibus relinqui." on Q. Flaminius (a bad magistrate): "non qui sibi honorem adiecisset, sed indignitate sua vim ac ius Magistratui quem gerebat dempisset." said: “Faxo ne iuvet vox ista, veto, qua collegas nostros tam laeti concinentes auditis,” etc. [3 lines quoted] says: “Ex auctoritate Senatus latum est ad populum, ne quis templum aramve iniussu Senatus, aut Tribunorumplebis maioris partis dedicaret.” various passages on treatment of rebels quoted or paraphrased on the punishment of the rebellion at Sucro: “Certabatur utrum in autores tantum seditionis Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7873 Livy 7891 Livy 8122 Livy 8146 Livy 8157 Livy c 8357 Livy 8401 Livy 8422 Livy 8583 Livy 8656 Livy 8686 Livy 8715 Livy 8756 Livy 8763 Livy 8764 Livy 8768 Livy 8797 Livy 8864 Livy 8943 Livy 9096 Livy 9129 Livy 9149 Livy 124 Notes XXXV animadverteretur...” [4 lines] RL 520 says King Servius was a man of lowly birth RL 532 12 families of Potitii, descended from gods, were killed on one day R 589-90 question of a successor to Scipio Africanus who was fighting abroad: “multis contentionibus, et in Senatu, et ad populum acta res est...ut Consules provincias inter se compararent.” [3½ lines] R 609 on Calvinus of Capua: “Improbum hominem, sed non ad extremum perditum, qui mallet incolumi quam eversa patria dominari.” R 614 subjects should model themselves on their king W Page R 682 on the Numidians: “Ante omnes barbaros Numidiae in Venerem effusi.” R 685 on Hannibal - his virtues matched by his vices R 695 “Ferociores Aetoli, quam pro ingeniis Graecorum” R 734 no age was more abounding in great men (than the time of Cincinnatus & Fabricius [& Pyrrhus] ) says Livy RL 782 on the Campanians who surrendered L 579B voluntarily: “Aliam esse conditionem eorum qui non foedera, sed per deditionem in fidem venissent.” R 797 on war of Perseus with Rome; 3 parties in Macedonia: pro-Rome, anti-Rome and neutral [6 lines] R 808 Roman treaty relations in Greece R 827 “Romanus legatus,” dit Tite Live, “ad communes socios vocabat.” - arbitration by the allies R 829 renewal of treaties; Livy says “Cum Laurentibus renovari foedus iussum renovaturque ex eo quotannis post diem decimum Latinarum.” RL 829 renewal of treaties; Livy says: “Adire iussi sunt legati Romani Cretam et Rhodum et renovare amicitiam, simul speculari num solliciti animi sociorum ab rege Perseo fuissent.” R 831 Samnites repeatedly break alliance with Rome, according to Livy & Strabo R 836 censuses held throughout Italy - Nero & Livius Salinator received the census of 12 colonies, acc. to Livy [quotatiion, but no reference] R 850 66 senators struck off the list by the censors at one go, says Livy RL 865 on C. Gracchus settling colonies during his second tribunate R 920 on the treaty of Rome and the Aetolians, monetary exchange value of gold to silver R 942 on democracy - “in qua regenda plus poena quam obsequium valet.” R 946 on the democracy of the Tarentines [1 line Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 125 Slip Reference W Page RL Notes quoted] 9437 Livy 9542 Livy R 1037 RL 503* L352B RL 503* L358B says traitors in Punic War punished severely on choosing a consul from among the people [3 lines quoted] reports that two thousand citizens were openly sold because they had not served in the wars for four years “Quaestus omnis patribus indecorus visus” - all gain by trade seemed to the Senators unseemly on seating at the theater for senators, nobility and the people [13 lines quoted] Roman Senate sends royal gifts to subject kings garrison of Rhegium punished Narbonne number of citizens at Rome on citizenship decision to hold census because of changes in land ownership infinite treasures gained from beaten enemy every good law has some absurdity 9613 Livy 9618 Livy 9661 Livy 6698 Livy 6415 Livy 5495 Livy 8817 Livy 5583 Livy 8834 Livy …Appianus, Livius, Valerius Max. …Livius li. 27 [F 80 only[ a Martio Narbonne deducta ex Livio au livre troisième au XLI livre book 7 RL 503* L358C RL 503* L364A R 285 n8 R 232 n5 R 62 n5 R 838 R 79 RL 842 8937 Livy Books 23. to 34. 5339 Livy Cato in oratione pro lege Oppia apud Livium x lib. 35 6925 Livy Cicero pro lege Manil. Appian. lib. 1. Livius lib. 28 6968 Livy Dion. Halic. lib. 10. Livius lib. 3. 6829 Livy Dion. Halicar. & Livius R R 864 40 n4 R 6962 Livy Dionys. lib. 4. Livius lib. 2. 5272 Livy Dionys. Halicar. lib. 7 & Livius lib. 3 7273 Livy in fine libri 31 R R R 6957 Livy li. 40 6815 Livy lib. 1 Dionys. Halicar. lib. 4. 8839 Livy lib. 1. 6391 Livy lib. 1. dec. 3. lib. 5. dec. 1. lib. 1. dec. 2. lib. 8. dec. 1. lib. 8. dec. 1. lib. 31. lib. 9. dec. 1. lib. 9. dec. 2. 6394 Livy lib. 1. decad. 3. Cicero. lib. 3. offic. Polybius li. 9 [L 86: Polyb. lib. 3. 1.] 7072 Livy lib. 10 R R 368 n2 R. people often allotted provinces at its sole discretion 376 n3 lex Duillia on election of tribunes 337 n3 all historians call the X viri for law-making at Rome oligarchs 376 n2 lex Iunia on election of consuls 33 n4 the tribunes sacrosanct 417 n2 if he fails to take oath in 5 days man loses his magistracy 375 n4 lex Villia fixes length of term of office 333 n4 on voting by tribes or by heads or centuries n2 844 n4 Servius starts the census - a very healthy thing 225-226 on right of declaring war & peace; several passages quoted & references given in text or margin 7349 Livy lib. 10. Cicero pro Rabirio perduel. Salust. in Catilin. 6438 Livy lib. 2 & 25 7483 Livy lib. 2. 5584 Livy lib. 24 6408 Livy lib. 24 lib. 1. 7. 10 7285 Livy lib. 24 R R R R R R 227 n1 on treaty made with Hannibal R 389 n3 absolute power given to Fabius in war against the Etruscans 432 n6 right to flog Roman citizens taken away by lex Portia AUC 454 237 n6 right of reprieve 447 n5 lex Junia Sacrata de tribunis plebis 80 n4 on citizenhip of colonies 231 n8 on lex Valeria n9 422 n.o Consul Marcellus says: "Multa magnis ducibus sicut non aggredienda, ita semel aggressis non dimittenda." R R R R R Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 126 W Page Notes R 515 n1 successor to Hieronymus, tyrant of Sicily, is slain in a rebellion of the subjects lib. 24. R 573 n2 plebs (pro Hannibal) v. optimates (pro Rome) throughout Italy: “Unus veluti Poenos rem traheret.” [2 lines quoted] lib. 24. R 601 n2 Consul Octacilius deprived of his office at request of Fabius Maximus lib. 24. R 831 n2 end of 2nd Punic war, traitors punished; “Perfugae bello Punito 380 Romam missi, virgis in comitio caesi, et de saxo deiecti.” lib. 24. R 845 n7 Censor for guarding morals lib. 25. XXX. milia aeris Fulvio mulcta dicta R 397 n2 on fines imposed by magistrates (certatio est a magistratu. mulctae) lib. 26 R 80 n.o (2½ lines of Latin quoted) Roman habit of gradually bringing their allies into full citizenship lib. 26 R 391 n9 in "curationes" you have the words "vellent iuberent, ut huic vel illi imperium esset" lib. 26 R 422 n1 Consul Fulvius continues to execute Capuans, leaving letter from Senate unread lib. 26 & 27 RL 434 many examples of form of sentence passed during R. republic can be seen in Livius, Asconius, Cicero lib. 26. R 491 n9 on Valerius Levinus’ treatment of the rebels at Agrigentum [2 lines in Latin] lib. 28. "Nunquam antea de triumpho per R 366 n3 Senate's right to authorize triumphs populo actum, etc." lib. 3. R 447 n4 AUC 304: they were not called Consuls but Praetors at that time lib. 3. R 537 n6 4500 slaves, etc. siege Capitol during quarrel between plebs & patricians lib. 3. R 587 n8 Aemylius Mamercus urges law to make dictatorship last only 18 months lib. 30 R 352 n5 at Carthage, Senate of 400 with inner senate of 30 …"id erat sanctius apud eos consilium, maximaque at senatum regendum vis." [quoted in italics] lib. 31 R 117 n5 Rome & the Aetolian League lib. 31. R 584 n4 on Hannibal’s speech urging that judges at Carthage should be for one year only [11 lines quoted] lib. 32 R 115 n1 Aratus reorganized the Achaean League lib. 32 R 347 n3 no discussion of Senate's decisions allowed at Achaea lib. 32 R 350 n2 the council of the Achaeans lib. 32 R 361 n3 on procedure in Achaean Senate, which is common to all Gk. senates, "uti mos est Graecorum." lib. 32 R 389 n4 general given great power; "Initio liberum pacis ac belli arbitrium permissum." lib. 34 R 257 n4 speech of Nabis to Titus Flaminius [4 lines of Latin quoted] lib. 34. R 753 n3 Titius Flaminius destroys the 3 “Fetters” of Greece lib. 34. RL 799 Athens, Rhodes, Egypt & Chios intervene Slip Reference 7868 Livy lib. 24. 8097 Livy 8138 Livy 8771 Livy 8842 Livy 7112 Livy 5585 Livy 7082 Livy 7286 Livy 7359 Livy 7809 Livy 6909 Livy 7482 Livy 7908 Livy 8117 Livy 6869 Livy 5802 Livy 8111 Livy 5799 Livy 6850 Livy 6864 Livy 6892 Livy 7073 Livy 6607 Livy 8616 Livy 8690 Livy Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 127 Notes between Philip of Macedon & the Aetolians speech of Cato on the lex Oppia on the council of the Aetolians [2 lines of Latin in italics]: "Sanctius est apud Aetolos consilium eorum, quos apocletos appellant…Arcanum hoc gentis consilium." Philopoemen praises the procedure in the Aetolian senate Consul Memmius abolishes all the gatherings (concilia) of Achaea, Phocis & Boeotia Livy tells how Phocis was plundered by the Roman soldiers because they had experienced treachery from Phocis so often lex Atilia: praetor & majority of tribunes to appoint tutors for women & children on the suppressing of the Bacchanals: “Nihil in speciem fallacius prava religione,” etc. [1½ lines] Philip of Macedon grieved that terms of peace imposed by the Romans took away his right to wreak vengeance on those of his subjects who had revolted [2½ lines] at Rome before lex Canuleia office usually went to aristocratic families passages of Livy which show limited power of R. Senate [several lines quoted in italics] civil war at Ardea - Rome & the Volsci involved on creation of Censors Decius’ speech against those who were descended from the nobility [3 lines of Latin] Slip Reference W Page 5122 Livy lib. 35 6868 Livy lib. 35 R R 22 n8 351 n3 6893 Livy lib. 35 R 361 n6 7847 Livy lib. 35. R 503 n2 8778 Livy lib. 37. R 832 n8 7546 Livy lib. 39. R 460 n3 7818 Livy lib. 39. R 496 n6 8731 Livy lib. 39. R 816 n5 6809 Livy lib. 4 R 330 n2 6917 Livy lib. 4, lib. 27 & 30 R 367 n7 7892 Livy lib. 4. R 533 n7 8840 Livy lib. 4. 9519 Livy lib. 4. R 844 n5 RL 503* L349C n4 R 402 n6 censors often published their edicts R 584 n1 tribunes say to Manlius that he “privatum rationem rerum ab se gestarum redditurum quoniam Consul noluisset.” R 831 n6 L. Martius & Attilius, ambassadors to Greece, boast of how they’d tricked the king [5 lines italics] R 72 n4 colony of 4000 men born of Roman citizens & Spanish women R 459 n7 says: “Publicumorum? locationes irritas fuisse rogatione sub unius Tribuni nomine promulgata.” R 698 n2 calls Asiatics, Greeks, Syrians “levissima hominum genera” R 696 n8 says men of fertile countries usually cowardly 7203 Livy lib. 40 & 43. Zonar. tom. 2. 8108 Livy lib. 41. 8776 Livy lib. 42. 5538 Livy lib. 43 7537 Livy lib. 43. 8438 Livy lib. 45. 8430 Livy lib. 45. [F Herodot. in Euterpe putat esse sagaciores] 8003 Livy lib. 45. Plutar. in Aemylio. 7539 Livy lib. 48. 6921 Livy lib. 6 7177 Livy lib. 6. R R R R 556 n7 Paulus Aemilius conquers Perseus in September 460 n8 power of tribunes 368 n9 lex Atinia gives tribunes power to approve (with letter T) or veto a measure of the Senate 400 n9 on the Consul Appius & a Tribune: "Tribunus viatorem mittit ad Consulem, Consul lictorem ad Tribunum, privatum esse clamitans, sine Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 128 Notes imperio, sine magistratu." honors among the Romans (triumphs, etc.): “Matronis honor additus, ut earum sicut virorum solemnis laudatio esset.” [quoted] everybody avoided censuses, witness, accounts, etc. the Censor Appius arranges the voting of citizens so that the freedmen & new citizens could outvote the old citizens dictator is inferior to the people year begins in September; Livy says: “lex vetusta est et priscis scripta literis, ut qui Praetor maximus sit idibus Septembris clavum pangat.” lex Genutia forbids interest 6 lines of Latin quoted; on citizens & peregrini right of reprisal or "clarigatio" speech of Setinus, the Latin general, on the Romans’ treatment of their allies “sub umbra foederis aequis servitutem patimur,” etc. [5 lines] on Philo, the first proconsul "…ut cum Philo consulatu abisset, pro Consule rem gereret." on the Tribuni militum; robe chosen by the people; in war against Perseus - Tribuni militum chosen by consuls Titus Livy put Papyrius Cursor above all the men of his age as general on the time of Papirius Cursor: “Illa aetate, qua nulla virtutum feracior fuit, nemo erat quo magis innixa res Romana, quam in Papirio Cursore staret.” Fabius Maximus rearranges the classes in the Comitia Dictator Buteo chooses 177 new Senators on the greater consul (for that day) Slip Reference W Page 8580 Livy lib. 6. R 733 n2 8838 Livy lib. 6. R 843 n3 6817 Livy lib. 6. & Florus epito. 20. R 334 n5 5822 Livy lib. 7. 7946 Livy lib. 7. R 123 n1 RL 544 L 396B 8481 Livy 5785 Livy 6553 Livy 8671 Livy R R R R RL 708 n5 110 n4 248 n9 791 7005 Livy lib. 9 R 382 n1 7089 Livy lib. 9 lib. 42 R 392 n7 n8 7501 Livy lib. 9. R 450 n5 7860 Livy lib. 9. R 510 n4 5532 Livy lib. 9. & Florus epito. 20 R 71 n2 6404 Livy lin. 23 7529 Livy Livius de Claudio Nerone & Livio Salinatore. Plut. in Aemilio. 6840 Livy Livius de Hieronymo: Regnante Hierone manserat publicum consilium; post mortem eius nulla de re neque convocati neque consulti fuerunt. 5362 Livy Livius in oratione Catonis pro lege Oppia R R 229 458 n3 R 344 n3 Hieronymus, King of Sicily loses his throne 5588 Livy Livius lib. 23, 24, 35. Gell. lib. 16. cap. 15 R 80 n5 5930 Livy Livius lib. 3 R 149 n1 Livius lib. 3. Dionys. lib. 5. AUC 303 [AUC R 304. Text of L 86] 6298 Livy Livius lib. 35 R 6932 Livy Polyb….Livius lib. 4 R 447 n3 lib. 7. lib. 8 lib. 8. lib. 80. RL 43 RL 157 women could not adopt children, being themselves always in tutelage Roman colonists had same laws & customs as Roman citizens Levius est et vanius sua decreta tollere quam aliorum lex Horatia de sacrosanctis Magistratibus [2 lines quoted] anecdote of K. Perseus & Paulus Aemilius military discipline not governed by ordinary laws "quod sine mea aut alterius fraude fiat" R 2000 citizens lose citizenship because they’ve 7478 Livy 6033 Livy Tullius Hostilius apud Livium iisdem verbis utitur in foedere feriendo. 8641 Livy, Titus 208 n.o 369 n7 774 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8685 Livy, Titus R 5805 Livy, Titus lib. 27 5096 Lombardus in 4 . sentent. dist. 30. & 27. q. 2… 5467 Longobardorum, leges cap. 59. in legib. Longobar. & ubique in Ripuariis 6215 Lorraine, Dukes of R R R 129 Notes avoided military service 797 the Aetolians did not keep their treaties of alliance “qui iuventutem adversus suos socios, publica tantum auctoritate dempta, militare sinunt,” etc. [2½ lines] 118 n.o Aetolian League chooses K. Attalus as leader 20 n2 on marriage 58 n3 on slaves R 185 6183 Louis XI R 176 5777 Louis XII R 107 8522 Louis XII & Francis I R 717 5587 Lucan R 80 6635 Lucan RL 270 8288 Lucan fundit ab extremo flavos Aquilone Suevos 9167 Lucanus RL 668 R 958 L 708 8269 Lucian RL 660 6637 Lucian in lib. de astrologia. 8041 Lucilius 8106 Lucilius R RL 564 L 413D RL 581 L 429D 7595 Lud Rom consi. 444. R 7414 Ludo Roma in l. imperium. de iurisd. omn. iudic… R 7724 Ludo Roman in l. is qui haeres. §. neque de acqui. R haered. 7778 Ludo Roman in l. si vero. §. de viro. fallent. 34. R soluto matrimo... 7752 Ludo Roman in tit. de arbitris. col. 15 R 5299 Ludovic Bolognin Accursius…Ludovic Bolognin R in authent. ingressi. Alberic. eod. Alex. Ias…. 7696 Ludovic Bolognin in authen. ingressi. de R sacrosanct. C.... 6513 Ludovic Roman in l. si fundum. eod. R 6575 Ludovicus Romanus Notat. Lud. Roma. consi. 392. R 6761 Luther, Martin R 8016 Lycosthenes 5144 Lysias Polyb. li. 2. Lysias in orat. de Eratosthenis 271 n2 R R 466 n2 441 n9 483 n5 position of Dukes of Lorraine "comme j'ay veu en un traicté d'alliance entre l'Empereur Charles IIII et Jean Roy de France." ordonnances between Louis XI & Philip II, Duke of Burgundy - articles 13 & 9 are mentioned treaty 1482 between Louis XII and Archduke Maximilian edicts of Louis XII (1505) & Francis I (1535) on alienation of fiefs the Arverni said they were brothers of the Romans, being of the same Trojan stock as Lucan writes: "Nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit" yellow-haired northerners on best state - Lucanus says: “Nulla fides regni sociis omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit.” Hercules Celticus, old & uncouth but had gift of oratory & drew men to him as if with chains says kingdom of Argos adjudged to be the most wise says “se non intelligi quam reprehendi maluisse.” the “idle rich” ...qui nihil agere, ut iocabatur Lucilius qui nullum opificium, nullam artem exercere didicerant jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief old Doctors on delegation of powers novices treated as slaves 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 485 n2 how binding are decrees of a collegium? 37 n7 father & son 483 n1 those entering religious houses are no longer under their father’s jurisdiction 246 n2 tax on salt 249 n2 L 86 Ludivicus Romanus on a law of Florence 305 n2 even rebellion against your prince is not allowed 558 n8 terrible storm at Locarno 1556 23 n9 power of husband Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 130 Slip Reference caede. 8898 M. Curius W Page Notes RL 857 8326 M. Tullius R 675 6594 Macchiavelli R 253 9150 Macciavel a 9143 Macciavel 9118 Macciavel 9117 Macciavel RL 947 speech of M. Curius that he is a dangerous citizen who is not content with 7 iugera Asia Minor, temperate climate, home of civility & “humanitas” Franciscus Machiavellus - on how many sorts of republic civil strife at Florence Antonin et Macciavel in historia Florentin. en l’histoire de Florence liv. 1 du Prince, chap. 9. sur les discours // in Livium 9119 Macciavel sur Tite Live 8404 Machiavelli 8726 Machiavelli 9557 Machiavelli 7883 Machiavelli Antonin Pogius 9125 Macrob. in Saturnalibus. 9402 Macrob. lib. 3. cap. 17. Saturnal. a 8066 Macrobius 5075 Macrobius in Saturnal. Cicero. 8706 Madric, treaty of 8307 Magellan 6334 Magister Praeses Magister praeses tit. de regal. decis. 1. 13… 8912 Magna Carta in charta magna Anglorum. 5158 Maimonides Rabi Maymo lib. 3. nemore aneuoquim… 5173 Maimonides, Moses cap. <Hebrew title> 6687 Manetho 8627 Manlius Capitolinus 6621 Manutius, Paulus 7849 Manutius, Paulus 9163 Manutius, Paulus 9131 Marcellus lib. 4. de condic. ob. turpem. caus. ff. 5185 Marcus Varro 8896 Marcus Varro 8831 Marillac 8045 Maro R R R RL R R 946 n8 civil strife at Florence - very bloody 940 n3 says a prince needed to restore liberty of Italy 939 n2 “uno loco” says democracy is best 940 n4 says Venice best state 686 wrongly thinks the wickedest peoples are the Spanish, the French & the Italians R 813 calls Count Valentine, son of Pope Alex. VII, the paragon of princes RL 503* the Florentines divided the nobility from the L354A clergy and from the common people, and these n2 into three groups R 528 n2 sources for history of Florence R 941 n8 people meet 3 times before bill is law - acc. to XII Tables R 1033 n9 sumptuary laws of the Romans - used arithmetic justice, equal for all R 567 interprets Cicero’s remark that 7 and 8 are ‘pleni numeri’ as meaning ‘solidas’ RL 19 Romans disapproved of private family laws R 804 articles of the treaty of Madric 14 Feb. 1526 R 671 Magellan & the Patagonians “comme nour lisons és histoires des Indes” R 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights RL 858 n7 princes can’t alienate domain in England R 24 n8 stoning the cruellest death R 26 n7 divorce case in the epitome of Hebrew Pandects collected by Moyse de Maymon RL 283 on state of early kingship R 763 said: “Ostendite modo bellum, pacem habebitis: videant vos paratos ad vim, ius ipsi remittent.” R 261 says Venice has had same constitution for 1200 years R 505 says Venice has lasted for 1200 years R 956 is wrong to say Venetian state lasted 1200 years R 943 n1 judgment of the Jurisconsult Marcellus on prostitutes R 27 would rather slaves were punished with words than blows RL 856 said Romulus gave each citizen 2 iugera R 841 census of land in Provence - requested by Marillac, Advocat du Roy RL 564 says Igneus est ollis vigor et caelestis origo Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8637 Maro 8047 Maro lib. 4. Georg. Plinius septennes esse ad summum. verior est sententia Maronis. 8324 Maro (Virgil) 8035 Marsilius W Page L 414B R 772 RL RL 564 L 414C RL 674 L 500A RL 564 L 412 6696 Martial R 285 8289 Martial RL 668 9103 Martialis R 8955 Martianus 921 L 685 RL 869 7355 Martianus R the jurist Martian in l. 1. ad S. C. Turpilianum §. si iudex pronunciavit: Caluniatus es.,condemnavit eum… 7828 Martin de Cazar sect. 4. de princip. 9617 Masueri tit. de taliis. §. item qui nobilitate. ex l. in genuum de ingenuis. C. Guid. Papa decis. 196. 7329 Masuerius in practica. tit. de literis notat. §. item literae cap. ut debitus. de appel. cap. ut nostrum. eo. cap. si capitulo. de concess. praebendae. 5373 Masuerius Masuer. tit. de probat. vers. item & si defunctus… 5112 Masuerius titulo de iniuriis. §. item filia & in titu. de dote. §. item de consuetud. 7939 Maternus, Ju.lius 434 n2 Notes 131 the presence of the king in battle - Urget enim, ut ait Maro, praesentia Turni. attributes life of six years to insects “Natos ad flumina primum Deferimus, saevoque gelu duramus et undis.” (Academicorum omnium acutissimus) said he did not understand what Plato meant in his Bk. 8 (theory of numbers) aptly said: "Qui rex est, Regem maxime non habeat." northerners’ blond hair, etc. Crine ruber, niger ore, brevis pede lumine luscus, Rem magnam praestas Zoile si bonus es ostentatious use of gold in Empire; “Martialis Bassam irriserit auro cacantem” Darius exacted tribute in money, not in kind, as Martianus said R 498 n3 RL 503* L358C n1 R 425 n9 impost given to Empress by Emperor noble men who have engaged in trades may obtain pardon from the Prince R 45 n2 on rights of adopted children in France R 21 n2 R 544 married woman no longer in her father's ‘potestas’ Mercator follows Julius Maternus in putting the sun in Leo at the Creation nobles of Naples not allowed to leave country without permission rights of citizenship at Naples 5635 Mathaeus Afflictus Matthae. Afflict. decis. 265. R 88 n6 Neapolit. 5678 Mathaeus Afflictus Mattheae. Afflict. decis. Neap. R 91 n9 1384 9092 Matthaei. 20 RL 919 L 683 5778 Maximilian, Archduke R 107 6600 Maximus Tirius in oratione. 3. 9192 Maximus Tyrius in orationibus. 9122 Maximus Tyrius Orat.3. 5082 Maymon, lib. 1. nemore anneuoquim 9200 Maymon, Rabi lib. 3 <Hebrew> ca. postremo. // lib. 3. More anneboquim. 8090 Megasthenes 6314 Melanchthon R R R R R RL RL R 255 n5 969 n5 940 n6 20 n3 970 n6 7918 Melanchthon, Philip RL 542 571 212 rescripts and privileges must be presented to the magistrate within one year denarius the value of a day’s work, acc. to sacred writings treaty 1482 between Louis XII and Archduke Maximilian on aristocracies kingship best, says Maximus Tyrius on democracy - condemned by four examples on Solomon's attitude to women power of the Jewish judges, acc. to Rabi Maymon on Persian history Philip Melanchthon's interpretation of a speech of Samuel is wrong agrees that man’s will is free Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8022 Melanchthon, Philip 7940 Mercator 8086 Mercator b 8001 Mercator, Geraldus 7938 Mercator, I. 132 W Page Notes L 393A R 561 his argument against Copernicus - verses of Psalm 19 [5 lines quoted in F 80] R 544 follows Julius Maternus in putting the sun in Leo at the Creation RL 571 on time from Cyrus to Herod the Great R R 555 L 406 543 Bodin praises his work on chronology has given special attention to the movement of stars and eclipses of sun and moon 7514 Messala R 456-457 Jurisconsult Messala [Massala L 86]: “A minore imperio, maius, aut a maiore collega rogari iure non potest,” etc. [4 lines] Messala claimed to have transcribed these words from the 14th book of C. Tuditanus 7534 Messala R 458 [3 lines quoted]: “Consulem ab omnibus Magistratibus concionem avocare posse, ab eo neminem,” etc. 9517 Mettulus libro II. sententiarum. RL 503* his speech concerning marriage L349B 5704 Milan, constitution of constit. Mediol. tit. de poenis R 95 n3 rights of foreigners 5315 Milan, edictus Mediolani in statutis Venetor. & R 38 n5 son can kill father who is a traitor edicto. Mediolani anno 1564 Augusto mense 6444 Milan, laws of in constit. Mediolan. in c. de senatu. R 237 n7 relatiions of Charles V & Senate of Milan "comme j'ay appris des lettres patentes par luy decernées" 9455 Milan, ordonnance au titre des peines et statuts de R 1040 n6 law of Milan against false witness Milan 5573 Modestinus en la loi si ususfructus civitati. quibus R 77 Carthage ceased to be a civitas when it was modis ususfructus amittatur. ff. destroyed 6130 Molin Bald….Molin. glos. 4. §. 2. nu. 54 [in R 168 n3 duties of a vassal consuetud. feud. - L 86 only] 7046 Molin in tit. de censibus. in consuetud. Parisiens. R 385 n1 ratification of deeds done under a commission §. 52. glo. 1. nu. 131. from one's predecessor 6147 Molin. Cenomani aliter §. 13 & Veromandiu. RL 171 on vassals - different customs in different vide. Molin. §. 2. glo. 4. nu. 25. districts 7347 Molinaeus Alciat. lib. 2. paradox. c. 6. & cap. 1. R 432 n5 dispute on imperium between Lothaire & Molinae. §. 1. glo. 5. nu. 58. in consuet. Azo Paris. 7460 Molinaeus ex l. creditores. ad l. Iul. de privat. R 446 n4 a lord must not take law into his own hands contra Molinaeum. §. 1. glo. 4. nu. 7. in consuetud. Paris. 7586 Molinaeus in consuetud. feud. R 466 n9 trial conducted by group of equal peers 6180 Molinaeus in ti. de feud. Molin. glo. 4. §. 2. nu. 3. R 176 n5 vassal must serve his original liege lord in consuet. feudor. 6104 Molinaeus tit. de feud. §. 46. q. 1. & 2. R 164 n5 on fiefs & obligation to take oaths 6333 Molinaeus tit. de feudis. §. 46. q. 1 & 2…. R 215 n8 lapse of time does not invalidate royal rights 5996 Molinaeus, Carolus [M. Charles du Moulin F] R 155 calls barbarous the decree of Alaric that Roman laws should not be quoted against his (Alaric's) laws [In Consuetud. Paris. tit. de feud. L] 7158 Molines, law of Artic. 39. RL 397 on papal powers in France L 279 8586 Monstrelet R 736 Charles VI at siege of Bourges creates 500 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 133 Notes knights, acc. to Monstrelet R 821 n6 treaty between partisans of Orleans & of Burgundy RL 4 "Nec tamen Rempublicam idearum sola notione terminare decrevimus, qualem Plato, qualem Thomas Maurus…" R 364 question to be put one day, discussed the next day R 589 en sa Republique all offices annual R 703 en sa Republique - community of goods R 705 wants between 10 & 16 children in one family R 1027 in his Utopia left all penalties to discretion of his judges R 1041 wrongly put intention & act on a level as regards punishment R 253 on how many sorts of republic R 781 suitability of some tradesmen for the army R 347 proposals should not be debated in the Senate the same day R 118 n9 ambassador of French king to the Swiss; his dispatch to the king on the position of the Cardinal of Syon R 1039 n2 repeated offense - increased penalty R 83 n2 Jewish constitution before Roman conquest W Page 8744 Monstrelet 5011 More, Thomas 6900 More, Thomas 8121 More, Thomas 8457 More, Thomas 8468 More, Thomas 9370 More, Thomas 9464 More, Thomas 6592 More, Thomas 8652 More, Thomas 6848 More, Thomas in his Republic in his Republic in his Utopia 5806 Morlet [Musaeus L] l'an 1557 9449 Moses lib. 3. <Hebrew> 5608 Moses [Maimonides] …& Rabi Moses lib. 3. nemore haneuoquim 5171 Moses Cotsi cap. <Hebrew title> id est. abscissionis R 7915 Moses Maimonides sic Moses Maymo in epistola adversus astrologos. 9486 Moses Maymonis, Rabi li. 3. <Hebrew> 8449 Munster 8372 Munster en la description de Bade 9196 Nehemiah 10. 6533 Nevers, customs of 6983 Nic. Gruchius 7127 Nicephorus Nivernen. consuetud. tit. des iusticiers. artic. 1. lib. 7. c. 43. 25 n6 RL 542 L 392D R 1045 RL L 768 RL 699 L 521D R 684 n4 RL R 970 n2 R 247 n1 R 379 Iurisconsulte Moyse Cotsi, au chap. du retranchement; on divorce man’s will is free Pandectes, sous ls tiltre des peines, say “eye for an eye” says people of Greenland very fickle, change their religion easily Germans not sexually jealous; mixed bathing leaders of Jews called Messiahs & Saviours various rights of sovereignty Nicolas Grouche (Gruchius) & Charles Sigon failed to realize difference between an office and a commission on power of early Pontiffs RL 397 L 277 7564 Nicephorus lib. 7. Sozomenes lib. 1. cap. 9. R 464 n8 lex Pappia Poppaea on which consul takes precedence 5473 Nicephorus Calistus R 59 n.o Julian Apostate urges pagans to follow example of Christians and build hospitals 7834 Nicephorus Callistus lib. 16. c. 26. R 498 n.o Anastasius proclaims a religious amnesty 5291 Nicolaus of Marsil sic definit Baldus…de collat.… R 37 n4 emancipation of sons & Nicolaus de Marsil eodem… 8451 Nonius contra Senecam. RL 700 distinction drawn between ‘pertinacia’ & L 522 ‘pervicacia’ 7210 Nonius lib. 4. de Republica apud Nonium R 403 n1 3 lines of Cicero quoted on powers of censor 6125 Normandy, Chronicles of Chroniques de Normandie R 167 n9 Counts of Britanny owe homage to Dukes of Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8758 Numbers 8516 Numbers 5501 Numbers 5126 Numbers 5109 Numbers 5345 Numbers 8470 Numbers 8571 Numbers 7671 Numbers 8806 Numbers 9503 Numbers 8163 Numeri Numeri 18. 27. Levit. 25 Exod. 12. Numero. 49 Genes….Numeri 11 Numer. ca. 30. Augustin. qu. 56… Numeri 23 Numeri 27. Numeri 5 Numeri 9. Levit. 23. Numeri c. 1. cap. 2. 3. 4. 26. 38. 27 12 7627 Odofred R RL RL R R R R R RL R RL R in authen. qua in provincia. ubi de crimine. C. 5227 Odofred Odofred. in l. 1. de uxor. milit. C. Cuneus & Albericus in l. observare. de offic. proconsu…. 9298 Odofred. in l. 1. de uxor. milit.... 8282 Olaus & Saxo Grammaticus R 7464 Oldrad R R 134 828 n6 715 63 22 n1 21 n1 42 n2 706 n.o 729 n5 477 837 n8 1049 L 771 616 n3 God communicates with men only by dreams and visions 471 n9 prince is not bound to hand over strangers to justice in foreign lands 28 n2 status of wife …Oldrad. consil. 176. Speculat. tit. de citatione. §. l. 6303 Oldrad Bald. in consilio petita venia. Oldrad consi. 69. 7591 Oldrad Bald....Oldrad. consil. 252....Oldrad. consi. 176. factum. 6493 Oldrad consi. 124. 7597 Oldrad consil. 167. lib. 2. q. 3. 5836 Oldrad consil. 69 5997 Oldrad consil. 69. consuevit. dubitari. 7166 Oldrad consil. 89. textus in authent. de sanctissimis. §. si vero. 7643 Oldrad notat. consil. 124. 5849 Oldrad Oldrad. consil. 108 5744 Oldrad Oldrad. q. 32 & q. 74… 5290 Oldrad sic definit Baldus…de collat. …& Oldra. & Nicolaus de Marsil eodem… 6239 Oldrad tit. 14. §. nunc videamus. nu. 29. in Spec. Oldra. consi. 69. 7208 Onofrius, Aug. R 1010 n2 woman follows man 667 n5 peoples of far north like savages or beasts, as merchants report & historians write 446 n8 can a magistrate deal with wrong done to himself? 74 n7 what is a civitas? R 209 n6 King of France superior to all other rulers R 466 n2 jurisdiction is not transferred along with a fief R R R R RL 245 n7 467 n3 130 n9 155 n1 397 L 279 472 n3 132 n7 100 n5 37 n4 6255 Onophrius R 6263 Onophrius R 6287 Onophrius, Aug. R ...Oldrad. consil. 7. 5550 Oldrad R R Notes Normandy Jews called firm alliances “treaties of salt” estates must not be alienated on slavery "in manu" = in the power of husband's power over wife's promises on inheritances division of estates - females cannot inherit fines consecrated to God sacred feasts appointed God orders Moses to hold census law of God on inheritances R R R R R R right of taxation on executing justice outside one’s territory on monarchy kings of Spain forbade Roman law trial of clerics fugitive from justice sovereign taxation emancipation of sons 190 n4 "mon docteur Espagnole" on papal power Text: "Oldrad, le premier de son âge" 402 says wrongly that the censors had power to judge certain crimes 194 Popes confirm by oath the freedom of Rome "comme dit Augustin Onophre, chambrier du Pape, avoit leu aux registres du Vatican, lesquels je n'ay pas tous veus." 198 relations of Emperor and Pope "comme il se trouve au registre du Vatican, et Onophre Chambrier du Pape l'escrit aussi" 203 on events of reign of Pepin (donation of Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8078 Onuphriu R 9219 Onuphrius 8366 Oppian c 8248 Optatus Milevitanus R R 135 Notes Exarchate, etc.) "comme on peut voir en histoire de Floard & de Sigon.…Augustin Onophre chambrier du Pape, qui a veu tous les registres & papiers du Vatican, confesse…" 569 B. follows the Fastes d’ Onophre “qui n’avoit aucun soin des nombres” (i.e. was not interested in proving periods of 7 or 63 or 1225 years, etc.) 983 n6 who was the first Emperor of Germany? 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare R 653 lib. III. theological disputes forbidden in the Jewish colleges on Mt. Zion 5788 Orbez , l'Abbé d' R 111 tous lesquels traittés l'Abbé d' Orbez m'a faict voir; treaties of the Swiss cantons 7838 Origen Origenes contra Celsum. RL 499 on charges against the early Christians 9077 Orleans, Estates at R 909 Estates at Orleans suggests reducing number of officers of crown 8880 Orleans, ordonnances d’ R 852 excommunication to be employed only for crimes & public scandals, acc. to Ordonnances d’Orleans [L lege Aurelia] 5451 Orosius R 55 revolt of the slaves everywhere in Italy except Messana 8648 Orosius, Dio, Tranquillus, etc. RL 776 other emperors should have copied Augustus’ L 575A economy 7987 Orpheus RL 551 “scriptorum apud Graecos antiquissimus” on a L 402 the great year 7942 Orus Apollo RL 544 Egyptians depicted the year as serpent coiled in a circle 6943 Ottoman Appiani interpres…Ottoman in cap. 2. de R 370 n8 misuse of "plebs" and "populus" Romanis Senatorib. 7198 Ottomanus, Fr. R 402 on powers of censors; Bodin disagrees with views of Fr. Ottomanus & Carolus Sigonius 9566 Ovid in Tristibus. RL 503* true nobility to be measured by virtue L354C n2 6494 Pa. pari in repetit. 1. placet. de sacrosanct. C. R 245 n7 right of taxation 5954 Pacatius R 151 Pacatius to the Emp. Theodosius: Tantum tibi licet quantum per leges licebit. 7292 Pamor Paul Castrens. cons. 156. Alexan. consi. 10. R 423 n3 facts mentioned in rescripts must be tested lib. 7. Panor. in ca. ad audientiam. col. 3. de praescript. 7762 Pan ...cap. quod sicut. de electio. Pan. in cap. bonae R 486 n6 majority votes eod. 7913 Panaetius RL 542 Augustin (following Panaetius & Seneca) calls L 392 the chain of necessity God 7760 Panor ...Ant. Panor. in c. pastoralis. de rescript. §. R 486 n5 rule of majority 1. & l. 2. de praediis curialium 7765 Panor ca. cum omnes. de constitut. R 487 n7 voting in colleges 7002 Panor …Io. Andr. & Panor. in cap. cum Bartoldus. R 381 n9 powers of commissioners de re iudic. 7039 Panor …Panor. in cap. cum venissent. de testibus. R 384 n7 death of donor terminates commission 7332 Panor …Panor….in c. pastoralis. de rescriptis R 426 n1 rescripts extra. text. in cap. si a sede. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7416 Panor …Panor….in ca. alias. & in ca. quod sedes. de offic. deleg. 7311 Panor …Panor….in cap. causam quae de rescrip. 7577 Panor Bart. in d. l. inter tutor....quem Panor. Butr. Imola in ca. prudentiam. sequuntur. [v. sub. Bartolus] 7726 Panor Felin. & Panor. in cap. pastoralis. de offic. ordinar. 7584 Panor Felin. in d. ca. prudentiam. & Panor. in c. inferior de maioritate. 7773 Panor in c. cum nobis olim. de elect... 7787 Panor in c. cum omnes. de const. & in c. nuper. de decimis. Bal. in d. cap. cum omnes. de const. 7733 Panor in c. cum. in ecclesiarum de offi. ordin. 7770 Panor in c. gratum. de postul. praelat. 7317 Panor in c. olim de restitu. & in c. de cleric. aegrot. 7776 Panor in ca. quaesivit. de iis quae fiunt a maiore parte... 7058 Panor in cap. 1. quod metus. W Page Notes R 441 n9 delegation of powers 7328 Panor R 6461 Panor in cap. dilectus. 2. de praebendis 136 R R 424 n3 on privileges 466 n6 trial of lord by his peers R 483 n6 “religious” are under jurisdiction of their abbots R 466 n7 judgment by peers R R 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 488 n6 voting in colleges R R R R 483 n8 487 n8 424 n6 487 n9 R 387 n5 instructions to an official also apply to that official's successor 425 n9 rescripts and privileges must be presented to the magistrate within one year 241 n2 grace: restitution of bastards in cap. per venerabilem. qui filii sint legit. R col. 7. // 6. 7789 Panor in cap. quae in ecclesiarum. de constit. R 7806 Panor in l. aut facta. de poenis. & ibi Bart. Panor. in R c. gratum. de postul. praelat. l. semper. §. 2. quod vi. 7013 Panor Io. Andr. & Panor. in c. cum Bertoldus. de re R iudic. 7753 Panor ita scribit in c. constitutus. de appel. glo. in R cap. si cui. de elect. lib. 6 7782 Panor sui oblitus. in cap. cum omnes de constit. R 9384 Panor & Ant. Butrio in c. 1. de constit. ext. R 9546 Panor in cap. dilecta ex l. 1. de iis qui potentRL iorum nomine. C. Bal. in l. 1. quae res vendi non possunt. C. & in l. ult. pro socio. 7019 Panor Panor. Butrio etc. in ca. caeterum…. R 7389 Panorm c. de causis. de offi. deleg. R 5234 Panorm …Panorm…. R 6991 Panorm Bald….Panorm….in cap. cum ex officii. R de praescript. extra. 5959 Panormitan R 8196 Panormitan cap. caeterum de iudic. ext. R 7468 Panormitan cap. cum venissent. de R iudic. 5946 Panormitan [Decius L] Anto. Butrio, Innocent. R Imola. Panormi. in cap quae in ecclesiarum. de const. ex l. quoties. de precib. Imperat. C.... 5163 Panormitan …Panor. in c. ex transmissa. de R restitut. spoliat… 5087 Panormitan ca. de illis. & ibi Hostien. & Panor. de R spons. crimes done by monk before entering monastery voting in colleges on misappropriation of privileges rights of oldest member of college 488 n8 right of college to make what law it pleases 489 n5 legal actions against communities 383 n4 commissioners 486 n3 voting in colleges 487 n1 1029 n9 503* L352C n8 384 n7 438 n2 28 n2 380 n7 voting in colleges powers of magistrates it is not lawful to usurp the cognisances, or bear the arms, of other noble families revocation of a commission by the prince powers which could not be delegated status of wife office compared to commission 153 n9 prince's compacts 627 n3 king must not take part in a trial 446 n8 magistrate and wrong done to himself 150 prince can make laws contravening laws of God if he has a good reason 24 n1 husband's right to punish 20 n6 on fiancée & fiancé Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6425 Panormitan 5983 Panormitan 5311 Panormitan 8492 Panormitan 5950 Panormitan cons. 82. lib. 1.…Panor. & Imol. in cap. nimis de iureiurand. consil. 6. lib. 2 consilio. 104. lib. 1 ex l. ult. de pactis. ff. in c. cum venissent. col. 5. de election. 5974 Panormitan in c. novit. de iudiciis. 5816 Panormitan in c. pastoralis. de offic. ordin. Innocent & Felin. in cap. cum ecclesiastarum. eod. 6243 Panormitan in ca. ex literis. de probat. ex c. ego. de iureiurando. causa 9. q. 3…. 6006 Panormitan in cap. 2. de rebus eccles. non ali. 7741 Panormitan in cap. contingat. col. 9. de foro competenti. & pragma.... 5925 Panormitan in cap. pro illorum. de praebend. 6024 Panormitan Innocent. & Panorm. in cap. in nostra. de iniur. 7169 Panormitan …eo. Imol. & Panor. in cap. ad audientiam. de rescriptis. 5872 Panormitan …Panormit. Felin. in c. 1. de probat. 5178 Panormitan consi. 328. lib. 4… 5481 Panormitanus in cap. 1. de coniugiis servorum W Page Notes R 233 n2 court of last ressort R R R 137 R 154 n6 obligations of a prince 38 n3 parricide justified if father a traitor 711 n4 can king forbid church to acquire more land? Panormitan prohiberi posse negat 150 n6 Pope can dispense one from the laws of God R R 153 n3 prince's compacts 123 n7 sovereign and the power he delegates R 190 n6 man of any nationality can appeal to Pope R R 156 n7 on powers of a sovereign 484 n.o on right to eject from colleges R R 149 n6 a law cannot be made which is irrevocable 157 n1 power of confiscation RL 397 L 279 R 134 n6 R 27 n9 R 60 n4 trial of clerics contracts of the prince divorce [Nicolaus Siculus, qui Abbas Panormi appellatur L] surprised that Bartolus said slavery extinct 5887 Panormitanus in cap. pro illorum. de praebend. R 135 n8 prince's promises 5865 Panormitanus in cap. pro illorum. de praebendis. RL 134 on promises & oaths 5659 Panormitanus Panormit. consil. 62. lib. 2 R 89 n4 citizens 7736 Panormitanus, Nicholas R 484 Nicholas Abbé de Palerme on monk’s right of appeal from his abbot 7247 Panormus Felin. in ca. de caetero. col. 2. Panor. eo. R 413 n4 king's orders to be obeyed without question col. 7. Hostien. & Imol. in c. cum contingat. de rescript. 6518 Panormus glo. Panor. Hostiens. Butrio in cap. R 246 n5 rights of rulers super. quibusdam. de verbor. signif. [Anteb. in tract. de numeri. nu. 42. F 80 only] 6634 Papinian R 269 says we must consider not what happens at Rome but what ought to happen 8250 Papinian l. & si quis. de religiosis. ff. R 654 n.o B. is opposing disputes on religion; Papinian says: “Summa ratio est quae pro religione facit.” 9353 Papinian l. ius autem. de iustitia. ff. R 1024 n2 praetor can correct laws RL 7487 Papus R 447 “Papus noster” wrongly interprets the case where a judge was assaulted [F 80 says: “Et celuy s’est abusé...” omitting the name] 7372 Papus, Guido decis. Delphin. q. 59. 133. 220 & RL 436 hereditary jurisdiction consil. 176. col. 3. verbo aliter.... 9274 Paralip. lib. 2. c. 21. RL 995 Ioram succeeds to Iosaphat, acc. to chap. XXI of Paralip. 9238 Paralipom. lib. 2. cap. 21. R 989 n.o kingdom of Judea given to Joram because he Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 138 Notes was eldest treasure of David what is a sovereign? Baldus says wrongly Italians bound by Roman law, French not kings & tyrants Slip Reference W Page 9072 Paralipom. lib. 1. // lib. 1. cap. 22. 6085 Paris cons. 1. nu. 25. lib. 1 6002 Paris in Syndic. cap. 2. R R R 907 n2 162 n2 155 n5 6739 Paris in tract. de syndic. in titu. de excessibus regum. c. rex autem & seq. 6019 Paris Put. de syndicat. tit. de regum excel. 8924 Paris, Court of registres de la Cour et de la chambre des Comptes [L 86 in actis Curiae Parisiorum] 8564 Paris, Curia R 300 n.o R R 156 n7 powers of a sovereign 859 Charles VII & the domain R 727 8906 Paris, Curia R de l’an 1440, 1538, 1504 [F 80] anno 1440 & 1505 & 1538 in Curia Paris [L 86] 7642 Paris, Parl. of allegué par Boyer in consuetud. Biturig. §. 21. de iurisdict. 7728 Paris, Parl. of anno 1417 Feb. 27. tex. in cap. ea quae. c. singulis. de statu regul. decis. capel. Tholosa. 309. 7742 Paris, Parl. of le 15 Oct. 1514 & pour la privation de la distribution, iugé l’an 1391 7803 Paris, Parl. of pro civitate Corbilionensi ex l. semper. §. 2. quod v. l. aliud. de regul. 7136 Paris, Parlement …Iordan. Bri. in repetit. §. contrahentes. col. 19. curia Parisiorum vetuit anno 1395 curia vero Tolosana etiam in clericos prehensionem ademit 6042 Parlement 6076 Parlement, arrests du R R on confiscations; arrest of 15 May 1533 - in Curia Paris 857 n2 public domain of France - acc. to edicts, arrests & ordonnances 472 n2 handing over of fugitive from justice; arrest of Parl. of Paris 483 n7 Parl. of Paris upholds abbots’ jurisdiction over their “religious” R 484 n2 on right of colleges to eject members R 489 n4 arrest of Parl. of Paris for community of Corbeil RL 397 L 277 6550 Parmensis, Lucas various arrests du Parlement quoted arrests du Parlement 1256 & 1294 which are in the book with the title Olim 248 n2 150 privileges of the Fiscus 7714 Paul 483 n4 boys entering monasteries 8549 Paul R R power of Pontifices in France in tract. de fisco. centum quin- R quaginta recenset. ...Bar. Paul. Alexan. in l. sub conditione. & in R l. apud hostes. de suis et legit. C. lib. 1. // 5. sententiarum. de iure fisci. R 6272 Paul 158 161 723 n6 guilty men who kill themselves before sentence is passed 201 n1 all power comes from God Pauli ad Rom.cap. 14. & §. 1. quomodo R oporteat episcopos // Episcopum, illic dicitur imperium et sacerdotium ex eodem fonte manare // derivari 8689 Paul III, Pope R 799 RL 8614 Paul Iove 8941 Paul the Deacon [L Paulus Diaconus] R R 751 n1 865 n6 5579 Paul, [St.] R 78 n1 R R 212 n.o 440 n5 August. & Paul. 1. ad Corinth. 4. 6310 Paul, St. … Paul ad Roman. c. 14. 7396 Paulus ...Pauli libri decretorum. in cognitionibus treaties of Pope Paul III at Marseille & Soissons; L adds Marseille anno 1536, Soissons anno 1544 50 kings subject to the Negus Hortarius, K. of Lombards, makes vanquished pay half their produce do the members of the body quarrel with each other? slight to prince is slight to God prince’s ‘arrests’ are called Decreta Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8561 Paulus R prolatorum... in l. cum ratio. §. si libertinum de bonis damnatorum. l. in ambiguis 86. de regulis. Notes 139 726 n3 confiscated goods of man accused of high treason 9350 Paulus RL 1024 on magistrates tempering the harshness of the L 754 law 7559 Paulus lib. 5. sententiarum. R 463 n4 Duumviri of villages could manumit & appoint tutors 6692 Pausanias R 283 Achaeans fined their captain, Damocritus 8820 Pausanias R 839 on how many men & women at Athens 5792 Pausanias in Achaicis, & Diodor. lib. 16 R 114 n8 leagues in Greece 8525 Pausanias in Atticis. R 718 n9 number of women give the name of a goddess to Athens 5790 Pausanias in Eliacis Strabo lib. 4. R 114 n7 on the Amphyctionic League 9243 Pausanias lib. 1. R 990 n6 Ptolemy Physcon prefers his younger son, acc. to Pausanias 6636 Pausanias lib. 4 R 271 n1 on kings of Sparta 6602 Pausanias lib. 4. R 256 n6 king of Sparta can be fined or executed 7893 Pausanias lib. 4. R 533 n8 Delphos changes from aristocracy to democracy 9275 Pausanias lib. 4. R 996 n.o joint kingship over Messenians 5801 Pausanias lib. 7 R 116 n4 treaty between Romans & the Achaean League 5796 Pausanias Plut. in Arato. Pausan. in Achai…. R 115 n1 Aratus reorganized the Achaean League 6455 Penna, Lucas …ne sacrum baptisma. l. 1. de deser- R 240 n2 judge cannot absolve one from the laws torib. C. & ibi Lucas Penna… not in F 80 9626 Penna, Lucas Bart. Plate. Lucas Penna. Bald. in d. RL 503* the trade of merchandise seems to many to be l. nequis. Faber. in l. falso de dignit. L359A base, and not very honest or commendable C. n7 7171 Penna, Lucas in l. 1. de privileg. scholar…. RL 397 on trial of clerics L 279 6581 Penna, Lucas in l. contra publicam. nu. 7. de re R 250 n4 on royal rights militari. C. 9025 Penna, Lucas in l. ult. de fundis limit. C. R 887 n6 load of taxation - should be shared l. indictiones de annonis et tributis. C. l. 1. de indictione. eod. l. rescripto. §. ult. §. patrimonium. de munerib. ff. l. 1. de.mul. et in quo loco mu. C. [L is slightly different] 6522 Penna, Lucas Io. Plat. & Lucas Penna in l. 1. de R 247 n8 rights of princes in maritime districts naufrag. C. 6309 Peter …Petri. 2. 17. R 212 n.o slight to prince is slight to God 6758 Peter 1 Peter 2. 17 & 1 Timothy 2. 2 & ad Rom. R 305 n9 kings are sacred 14. 1. 6051 Petrus à Bella Pertica Castrensis & Alberic. in l. R 158 n7 on the respublica; according to Cyrus, Petrus Respublica, ex quibus causis also confuses interests of prince and respublica majores. Cynus eod. ait Petr. à Bella Pertica in eadem sententia fuisse 6911 Phil Plut. in Lysia, Demosthenes contra R 367 n5 no motion to be put to people without approval Androtionem of Senate 7907 Philip de Commines R 537 Philip de Commines, Philip II of Burgundy, annexes Dinan & Bouvines 6179 Philip of Valois R 175-176 treaty between Philip of Valois & Alphonse of Castille 1336 5644 Philip the Long R 89 n2 law on citizenship 1318 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8982 Philip, King of Spain edict of, in 1563 5639 Philipe le Bel 8853 Philippe Auguste, Roy de France W R R R Page 877 89 n.o 848 5995 Philippe le Bel R 154 7832 Philo R 498 7864 Philo R 513 8086 Philo c 8253 Philo RL 571 140 Notes import duties law on citizenship 1302 par edict expres expelled all batteleurs [L 86 histriones] nous voyons és anciens registres that K. Philip the Bel, when setting up the Parlement of Paris & of Montpellier, said they were not to be subject to Roman law no part of Roman Asia was without a Jewish colony, say Josephus & Philo Philo says Herodes l’aisné{Herodem iuniorem} reigned for 6 years as a just king & 31 as a tyrant on time from Cyrus to Herod the Great RL 654 L 484A R 969 n3 RL 567 R 480 n3 Augustus ordered daily sacrifices in Jerusalem for the safety of the state and of himself kingship best, says Philo thinks 10,000 a perfect number, wrongly Augustus & the Jewish collegia R 289 n3 RL 69 RL 564 L 413A R 549 calls Moses "sage legislateur" on Nimrod on Plato’s theory of number in legatione ad Caium. 9188 Philo 8069 Philo 7684 Philo in lib. de creatione regis. in lib. de plantatione Noa. in oratione de legatione ad Caium [sc. Caligulam], licet Sueto. in Aug. dissentire videatur. 6709 Philo in vita Mosis 5518 Philo Hebraeus 8036 Philo Hebraeus in libris de vita Moisis. 7981 Philo Judaeus c 5444 Philostratus in vita Apollonii R 54 n9 7979 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni R 548 7965 Picus dela Mirandola, John R 545 6224 Piedmont in decisione Pedemontana. 155 & decis. R 101 6003 Pindar R 6667 Pindar R 7194 Piso annalium lib. 4. & Dionys. Halicar. lib. 10 R 8653 Plantius Consul apud Livium lib. 8. R 9521 Plat. a and Bart. in l. 1. dignitat. C. 186 n2 155 280 401 n1 782 n1 RL 503* L350B n6 5218 Plate Accurs….Plate. in l. cives. de incolis R 28 n7 9626 Plate Bart. Plate. Lucas Penna. Bald. in d. l. nequis. RL 503* Faber. in l. falso de dignit. C. L359A n7 5206 Platea Bart. Angel. Platea in l. exemplo. de decurio. R 28 n4 C. 6341 Platea in l. si quis. decurio. Felin in Rubrica extr…. R 215 n8 9588 Platea in l. 1. fine. colu. 1. de dignit. C. Soc. consi. RL 503* 18. Benedictus in c. Raynutius in verbo et L356A uxorem. nu. 966. n8 chronology of Alphonsus, Beda, Eusebius, Philo Judaeus compared temple of Diana at Ephesus an asylum for slaves Iean Pic, Prince de la Mirande - accepted blindly Peter Arliac’s astronomical calculations Io. Picus Mirandulae princeps finds fault with Julius Maternus’ astronomy Ozasque, president of Piedmont, on the position of the Dukes of Savoy all princes subject to the law of nature says law is queen of all things curule aediles could call meeting of the plebs on treaties: “Neminem populum diutius ea conditione esse posse, cuius eum poeniteat.” the customs of the Perugians and Florentines regarding nobility status of wives the trade of merchandise seems to many to be base, and not very honest or commendable status of wives royal rights cannot lapes many think that wealth begets nobility and that poverty extinguishes nobility Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5010 Plato 5025 Plato 5051 Plato 5240 Plato 5753 Plato 6627 Plato 6640 Plato 6706 Plato 6845 Plato 7656 Plato 7896 Plato 8024 Plato 8037 Plato 8038 Plato 8128 Plato 8130 Plato 8157 Plato a 8211 Plato 141 Notes "Nec tamen Rempublicam idearum sola notione terminare decrevimus, qualem Plato, qualem Thomas Maurus…" R 10 n6 Spartans courageous but not public-spirited R 15 "in his first Republic" [F only] community of goods R 29 honor to God - similar to honor of child to father R 100 3 classes of citizens R 265 "omitto leges 726 quas Plato duodecim libris complexus est" R 273 Aristotle & Plato classify brigandage as a kind of hunting, as I noted in my commentary on Oppian R 287 addresses his epistle to Dionysius: "Plato to Dionysius the tyrant" R 346 chooses his guardians from the older men R 475 Plato & Aristotle put piracy among types of hunting R 534 P. & Thucydides agree on the great integrity of Pericles R 561 Plato’s views on ruin of states - theory of numbers RL 564 on the perfect number - in imitation of L 413B Heraclitus, who often encouraged his disciples to “ & (id est loquare obscurius)” RL 564 said one needs a “Delius natator” to understand L 413D Heraclitus R 592 in his republic wanted perpetual magistracies R 593 wishes perpetual magistracies as compared to Aristotle who wishes all men to have a chance of holding office R 614 subjects should model themselves on their king W Page RL 4 R 633 8239 Plato R 649 8417 Plato R 693 8427 Plato 8456 Plato 8465 Plato R R R 696 702 705 8537 Plato R 720 8645 Plato 8794 Plato 8861 Plato 9121 Plato 9138 Plato R RL R R R 775 836 849 940 945 9151 Plato R 948 says the people of Megara fell from extreme democracy to a tyranny and Xenophon allow magistrates to tell lies to the people for the common good thanked God that he was a Greek and not a barbarian, an Athenian and not a Theban forbade building his city near the sea said riches & poverty the two curses of a state Plato makes 3 grades of citizens in his 2nd republic says legislator must devote attention to marriage, dowries, etc. Plato divides the people into 3 classes census; Plato’s proposals for population lists avoid Ionic & Lydian modes of music says democracy a market where all is for sale Megarians expel tyrant Theagenes and establish a disorderly democracy Plato advises to have wives & children in Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 9158 Plato 9323 Plato R R 953 1014 9325 Plato R 1014 9395 Plato 9510 Plato R 1031 R 1060 RL 9572 Plato RL 503* L355A 8556 Plato 7339 Plato 7442 Plato 8605 Plato 9647 Plato de legibus. cap. 78. in Critone. Cicero pro Cluentio in Critone... in Gorgia duas tantum utilitates spectat. in Gorgia. Aristot. lib. 1. politic. ca. ult. Pano. cap. caeterum. col. 2. de iuramento cal. & in c. clerici de Iudi. ubi Fr. Aretin. & Dec. l. advocatos de advo. diversorum iudicum. l. laudabili tit. sequenti. C. 6858 Plato in his Republic 9508 Plato in his Timaeus 9526 Plato a 8116 Plato 9627 Plato 5246 Plato 9561 Plato 8476 Plato 8030 Plato 9371 Plato 9638 Plato 7463 Plato 8140 Plato 5018 Plato RL R R RL 725 427 n4 444 n2 745 RL 503* L360C n7 R R 142 Notes common says rule of the optimates is best Plato thinks best is mixture of popular estate & tyranny is supposed to have said: ἀεὶ τὸν Θεὸν ῖν but these words are in none of his works wanted geometric proportion in justice placed woman between beasts and “la nature Angelique” (F) or “between beasts and man, but the link between beasts and angels is man.” (L) those who are obscurely born and excelling in virtues are to be preferred to those who are nobly born and excelling in the same virtues; this seems absurd to Bodin forbids alienation of estates magistrates must be obeyed obedience to magistrates the advantages of making an example of a malefactor the most famous philosophers have defined knowledge of the law – scientiam civilem ac legitimam – as the chief governor of all liberal sciences 349 Plato's senate is of 168 1058-59 says God rules the world according to harmonic proportion in l. de dignit. C. Io. Plat. ibid. Lucas Penna. RL 503* the greatest lawyers, together with Plato, have in l. mulieres de dignit. C. Faber. in l. milites L350C divided gentry from war de quaest. Bal. & Ang. in l. filiusfa. §. n1 veterani. de procurat. ff. Salic. in l. non prohibentur de his qui accusare. C. Albericus. in l. milites. locati. C. Roman. sing. 507. in legib. R 586 n9 life magistracies criticized by Plato & Aristotle in legib. RL 503* the trade of merchandise is an enemy to virtue L359B n8 in lib. de leg. R 30 n7 fathers and children in lib. de legib. RL 503* divided his citizens into guardians, soldiers and L354B husbandmen n6 in libris de legibus R 707 n9 usury to be abolished or severely checked in libris de legibus & Republica. R 564 n4 and Aristotle forbid Lydian mode for children in libris de legibus cap. XCIII RL 1027 forbids making of laws on many subjects L 756 in libris de legibus. RL 503* if trade brings necessary and profitable things L359D for the citizens it is to be commended n6 in libris de legibus. cap. 483. RL 446 said relatives of raped girl or boy must deal L 309 with the culprit in Lysandro. R 604 n3 quarrel between Agesilaus & Lysander in Phaedone R 9 n4 Academics called contemplatio la mort plaisante Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7854 Plato in Phaedone & Timaeo. Aristot. lib. 1. de caelo. 9183 Plato in politico. 1. 5424 Plato in Repub. 7911 Plato 7988 Plato 8860 Plato 7926 Plato 8436 Plato 8018 Plato 9562 Plato 6588 Plato 9168 Plato 8099 Plato 9407 Plato 7927 Plato 9463 Plato a 5057 Plato 5273 Pliny 6482 Pliny 6672 Pliny 6716 Pliny 7995 Pliny b 8057 Pliny 8158 Pliny 8304 Pliny 8311 Pliny 6366 Pliny d 8390 Pliny W Page RL 507 Notes everything born must one day die 143 R 969 n9 kingship best, says Plato RL 52 Iuppiter Licius could only be appeased by human sacrifice (φῶς = man or light, acc. to the accent) in Theaeteto. RL 542 speaks of a golden chain [of necessity] ῶ L 392D ὴ in Timaeo RL 551 Egyptian priest boasts to Solon they have L 402B 20,000 years of history in their hieroglyphics in Timaeo . R 849 n9 music = all liberal sciences two things preserve a state - music & gymnastics in Timaeo, in Phedone. Arist. lib. 1. de caelo. RL 543 if a thing has a beginning it will end Esaya c. 43 & 45. Psal. 90 primus fuit & L 394B novissimus. ero. in Timaeo. R 698 says two arts necessary to states: music & gymnastics in Timaeo. Aristot. lib. de mundo. R 559 Plato on the destruction of the world by water & RL by fire successively - L adds “and the teaching of all philosophers…” lib. 3. & 9. de legib. RL 503* the guardians of his Commonwealth to excel all L354C others in wisdom and experience, and to rule n7 them lib. 4 cap. 7 R 253 n2 says 4 sorts of republic lib. 7. de legib. // lib. 7. de repub. R 959 n4 changes of sovereignty in states always to be RL feared lib. 7. de legibus. R 575 n3 introduction of new laws most dangerous lib. 9. de legib. R 1034 n.o Plato says citizen should have heavier penalty than slave RL 543 makes his Republic mortal Plato scientiam siderum ὰ εἰς βάθος appellavit. Platoni gravius peccat, qui persuadet. R 1041 n4 persuading someone to a crime leaves indelible effect in Menone. Plutar. RL 17 love loses its force when spread R 34 n5 sane man cannot fast for more than 7 days R 243 coins of Servius of Rome not in F 80 R 281 says the Taprobanes chose the oldest man as king R 293 Panegyric of Trajan R 552 evidence on nature of people of the North R 565 says those who die of starvation never pass the 7th day RL 614 duties of a prince; “ut rectissime Plinius vitam principis censuram appellaverit.” R 670 cattle from north waste away if driven south R 673 men of today smaller & weaker than those of the past, acc. to Pliny & all historians R 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare R 685 says Italy free of leprosy before time of Pompey Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8415 Pliny b 8420 Pliny 8423 Pliny R 8432 Pliny RL 8893 Pliny R 8945 Pliny RL 9104 Pliny R 9113 Pliny R RL 9497 Pliny RL 9575 Pliny RL 9659 Pliny RL 5419 Pliny 8609 Pliny 5415 Pliny 8804 Pliny R R Caesar…Cicero...Plin. lib. 7 de viris illustribus. Livius lib. 2. Herodot. Justin. Plin. in epistola [long quotation in margin] R R RL R 9002 Pliny in Panegyrico R 8553 Pliny in Panegyrico. R RL 9439 Pliny li. 14. c. 1. R 8154 Pliny lib. 1. epistol. R 7268 Pliny lib. 10. epist. R 5615 Pliny lib. 10. epistol. 6. R 6436 Pliny 5135 Pliny 9433 Pliny a 9649 Pliny R R R lib. 10. epistol. ad Traianum lib. 14. c. 13… lib. 14. cap. 19. & lib. 2. cap. 25. Notes the Great 691 n6 oriental people are more soft & courteous 144 694 n6 mountain plants, animals, etc. more hardy 695 Ligurians not conquered till they were transported to the plains 696 the winds Altani & Circii which blow in L 517D Gallia/Narbonensis & Aquitaine; Pliny uses the same word for the wind & the people 856-857 size of individual Roman’s farm - Pliny says of Cincinnatus “Aranti sua duo iugera Cincinnato viator inquit, vela corpus et audi mandata Senatus.” 865 enumerates very many colonies established by Romans outside Italy 922 gold/silver ratio - King of Indies praises the justice of Roman coinage, acc. to Pliny 937 Pliny complains how coiners put silver plates L 691 round an iron centre; B. remembers seeing a silver coin like this at Paris, shown to him by “le sieur de Villemor, commissaire des queries” 1047 6% legitimate rate of interest, acc. to Latins L 770 503* writing of Trajan said: “Caesaris esse ut nobiles L355B efficeret ac tueretur.” It is the Emperor’s part to make noble men and also to defend them. 503* the Indians prefer the best and richest men for L362A honors and places of command 51 n4 human sacrifices in Gaul 747 n5 gift of land to Horatius Coclitis 51 Thracians ate their aged parents 837 n5 Pliny’s letters on duties of censors in the provinces; appointment of provincial senators 881 n4 Trajan abrogates lex Julia de vicesima (tax of 1/20th on legacies) 725 on informers, etc. [quotation]: “Vidimus delatorum iudicium quasi grassatorum: non solitudinem illi, sed templum, sed forum insederant,” etc. 1037 n5 wood of vine takes away dishonor of being beaten 613 n2 says “Nulla sit laudabilior philosophiae pars quam agere negotium publicum, cognoscere,” etc. 416 n7 Trajan orders Pliny to republish old laws & edicts 84 n8 Egyptians → citizens of Alexandria → citizens of Rome 237 n5 Pliny the Younger on power of proconsuls 23 n8 power of husband over wife 1036 n2 hanging the worst penalty lib. 2. c. 3. Collumel. Guid. Pap. decis. 41. de RL 503* vocation of husbandman and shepherd is l. & 296. & 392. Benedict. ad c. Raynutius. L360D commendable verbo dotem. nu. 52. Aristot. & Xenophon n9 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference in oeconomic. 5593 Pliny lib. 2. c.1 & 3 8049 Pliny lib. 33 9094 Pliny lib. 33. cap. 3. 7960 Pliny lib. 35. c. 14. 7084 Pliny lib. 7 8394 Pliny lib. 7 9665 Pliny lib. 7 7516 Pliny lib. 7. c. 36. 8385 Pliny lib. 8. 7277 Pliny lib. 8. epist. 9648 Pliny Plin. Dioscorid. 6541 Pliny 5637 Pliny 5050 Pliny 8393 Pliny 9009 Pliny Plin. in panegyrico. Plin. lib. 10. epist. 84 & 117 Plin. lib. 7 Plin. Philostra. Aristot. Plin. Plutar. [L Plutarc. in Aemilio] 5305 Pliny vitibus feriebantur milites. Pliny lib. 12 W Page in panegyrico 5600 Pliny Junior 5564 Pliny Junior 9591 Pliny Junior lib. 10. Epist. lib. 10. epistol. Valer. lib. 2. 5908 Pliny the Younger 6895 Pliny the Younger 6947 Pliny the Younger 7244 Plurtarch in apophthegmatis. 145 RL 81 Spain - different types of local government RL 564 on the number 7 - “nascuntur etiam L 414D quamplurimis in locis adamantes sexangulo laevore ab ipsa natura distincti” ut Plinius lib. 33. prodidit, e.g. in the Pyrenees R 920 n1 value of denarius, acc. to Pliny R 545 n7 calls les murailles de tuille ? R 391 n2 on Pompey says: "Toties Imperator, antequam miles" R 685 n6 greatest age found in census lists of Rome in 150 RL 503* speech in commendation of Cicero’s appeal to L365A the people about the lex Roscia [2 lines quoted] n6 R 457 n6 appeal from the Praetor Orestes R 685 n9 wisdom of elephants R 419 n1 Plinius junior on difference of opinion among 3 judges - death, acquittal, banishment; the latter penalty is chosen as a compromise RL 503* Marcus Cato: Rome flourished 600 years L360C without physicians, but no city can endure n8 without laws R 247 n4 private compared to public domain of a prince R 89 n7 Bithynian citizenship R 15 n9 Cincinnatus had only 2 jugera of land R 685 n5 elephants live 300-400 years R 883 n8 Paulus Aemilius brings treasures of Macedon to RL Rome R 38 n1 soldier who breaks his officer's vitis [staff] is punished R 595 n.o a panel of perpetual judges is a good idea 8131 Pliny Iunior in Panegyrico: “Nemo omnes, neminem unquam omnes fefellerunt...” 6022 Pliny Junior in panegyrico R 6663 Pliny Junior Notes 156 n9 to Trajan: "ut enim foelicitatis est posse quantum velis, sic magnitudinis vellequantum possis." RL 279 Pliny the Younger said to Trajan: "Principis sedem obtines ne sit domino locus." R 81 n4 writing to Emp. on the Christians R 75 n7 city of Antioch not suitable to be a republic RL 503* M. Aemylius Scaurus did not deem the honor of L356B his house to be taken from him by his poverty n2 R 144 his panegyric of Trajan - says T. swore to keep the laws RL 362 says that, under Domitian, Rome had a "curiam eliaguem, in qua dicere quod velles periculosum: quod nolles miserum esset." Pliny also praises Trajan "quod eo rogante sententias libere dicere liceret, vinceretque sententia, non prima, sed melior." R 369 quotes words of decree of Senate: "Voluntati tamen Principis sui, cui in nulla re fas putaret repugnare, in hac quoque re obsequi." R 413 n6 says Egyptian magistrates swear to obey their Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 8610 Plut. a 8020 Plutar. in Aemylio & Alex. Magno. R 146 Notes kings only if they give just commandments 748 n6 large gifts made by Alexander the Great R 560 5459 Plutarch 5763 Plutarch 5914 Plutarch 6598 Plutarch 6601 Plutarch 6604 Plutarch 6641 Plutarch 6683 Plutarch 6713 Plutarch 6832 Plutarch 6959 Plutarch 6964 Plutarch 7813 Plutarch 7846 Plutarch 7866 Plutarch 7867 Plutarch 7878 Plutarch 7906 Plutarch 7951 Plutarch 7962 Plutarch 7967 Plutarch 7995 Plutarch e 8051 Plutarch 8062 Plutarch 8073 Plutarch 8139 Plutarch defeats of Darius & of Perseus almost on same date R 56 Scipio Africanus frees slaves after Cannae R 102 clients gave their patrons money to marry off their daughters R 147 Pericles wanted the Peloponnesian War to divert the attention of his enemies at home, acc. to Theopompus & Timaeus; Plutarch does not deny this R 255 Thucydides,…Plutarch say aim of Athens was to set up democracies everywhere R 256 on the priest called Rex at Rome R 257 on Spartan ephors & kings R 274 on Persian kings demanding earth & water R 283 on state of early kingship R 291 for tyrants read Plutarch's lives of Aratus & Timoleon RL 338 Aristides and Athenian citizenship R 376 n9 Lycurgus for his laws to bewritten down R 376 law on erection of new offices usually brought before the people, as we can see in Thucydides, Plutarch, etc. R 492 on Sulla’s treatment of captured Praeneste R 500 says the tyrant Dionysius forbade even the smallest gatherings R 514 says Persians liked great aquiline noses because Cyrus had one R 515 on the gentleness of Hieronymus, king of Sicily R 525 says: Onomadesines of Chios said when foreign danger is over one fights with one’s friends R 537 on the political effect of connecting Athens & Piraeus with long walls R 544 aux Symposiaques - the seasons have not changed since the Creation [which was made in autumn in the 7th month]. Did eggs or birds come first? R 545 and Antimachus Lyrius say that M. Varro ordered L Taruntius to cast the horoscope of Rome RL 546 writes that Antimachus Lyrius said an eclipse of the sun had happened when it was a whole diameter away from the moon RL 552 evidence on nature of people of the North RL 564 i\ th=j e0n tw~| Timai/w| yuxogoni\aj - on the L 414D length of a daimon’s life R 566 says 7 sacred to Apollo & 9 to the Muses R 568 says battle of Salamis & overthrow of Athens happened the same day R 603 on the suitors who tore the girl to pieces in their quarrels over her Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8159 Plutarch 8160 Plutarch 8203 Plutarch 8242 Plutarch 8255 Plutarch 8273 Plutarch 8279 Plutarch 8284 Plutarch 8302 Plutarch 8445 Plutarch 8452 Plutarch 8670 Plutarch 9116 Plutarch 9148 Plutarch 9160 Plutarch 9187 Plutarch 9448 Plutarch 9547 Plutarch 7530 Plutarch 5590 Plutarch 5190 Plutarch 8056 Plutarch 7872 Plutarch 7075 Plutarch 6707 Plutarch 7653 Plutarch 147 Notes says Mithridates himself gained the prize for drinking the most R 615 on the temporoary reforms of the habits of Dionysius the Younger caused by presence of Plato R 629 justice must not be hasty RL 652 a law of Lycurgus - that laws once made must L 481D not be debated any more RL 654 says Antiochus respected the Jewish religion L 484B during the siege; but he captured & sacked the city, acc. to Polybius, Strabo, Timagenes, Apollodorus R 664 is astonished at the existence of three factions in Athens R 666 on Alcibiades - while speaking to the people let loose a “cotumix” R 668 people of the north - blond hair, green eyes R 670 the Cymbri lose their vigor in Italy R 699 says the Africans are pertinaceous and do not easily change their opinions RL 700 says the Africans are ‘pertinaces’ L 522 R 791 no Spartans tradespeople - Sparta holds all her allies in subjection, as we read in Plutarch R 939 says Athenian democracy the least pernicious R 946 says sale of offices the plague of democracies RL 955 on the rule of the aristocrats at Miletus R 969 kingship best, says Plutarch R 1039 n1 Demades fined at Athens for introducing a mime into the theater RL 503* writes of a decree of the Athenians concerning L352D Lycurgus and his honors R 458 n3 on the greater consul (for that day) R 80 n6 social war fought to gain Roman citizenship R 27 n8 Spartans’ treatment of their wives R 565 n5 Romans gave name to boys on 9th day, girls on RL 8th R 520 n.o Caesar killed by his natural son R 390 n3 Pompey allies with Caesar against the Senate R 288 n1 on the elder Dionysius the tyrant R 475 n.o says among primitive tribes most honor was got by robbery, etc. RL 873 Darius called a merchant by some W Page R 615 ...Plut. in Aemilio. Appian lib. 1. emphyl. Plutar. in Sylla Arist. li. 2. Polit. Plutar. in Laconic. aux demandes Rommaines. in quaestio. Roman. Brutus. Plutar. in Caesare. Dio. Plutar. in Pompeio en la vie de Dion. en la vie de Thesée 8972 Plutarch a 8067 Plutarch 5175 Plutarch 8520 Plutarch Herodotus & Plutarch in Artaxerxe. 8313 Plutarch in Agesilao. 8515 Plutarch in Agesilao. 6691 Plutarch 8101 Plutarch in Agesilaus in Agi. in symposiacis. in Aemylio in Agesilao R 567 n4 says 3 is a perfect number R 26 n8 on divorce RL 717 Spartans could only vie with one another in virtue not wealth R 673 n4 men of Sparta excused from military service after 40 R 715 n5 7000 Spartans each with equal inalienable estates R 283 n2 on Agesilaus RL 577 Agis’ reform of Sparta Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5174 Plutarch in Alcibiade 7281 Plutarch in Alcibiade 7975 Plutarch in Alcibiade. 6675 Plutarch in Alex. 241. 5612 Plutarch in Alexand. W R R R R RL Page 26 n.o 421 n7 547 n2 282 n3 83 n72 8228 Plutarch 8330 Plutarch in Alexand. in Antonio. 8483 Plutarch in Apoph. Graecorum. R 643 n6 RL 675 L 500D R 709 n8 5824 Plutarch 5938 Plutarch in apophth. Graec. in Apophthe. Graecorum R R 125 n3 150 n1 6652 Plutarch 6805 Plutarch 6793 Plutarch 6722 Plutarch 8965 Plutarch in apophtheg. in apophtheg. Graecor. in apopthe. Graecorum in Arato & Timoleonte in Arato. R R R R R 276 n3 328 n6 315 n2 298 n3 872 n.o 5800 Plutarch 6822 Plutarch 8668 Plutarch 7903 Plutarch 9177 Plutarch in Arato. Pausan. in Achai… in Aristide in Aristide in Aristide. in Aristide. R R R R R 115 n1 335 n.o 790 n6 535 n4 964 8350 Plutarch 8914 Plutarch in Artaxerxe. & Herodot. lib. 7. in Catone Censorio et Themistocle. R R 680 n6 858 n9 8278 Plutarch 7182 Plutarch in Catone Censorio. in Catone majore R R 665 n4 400 n3 7207 Plutarch 8841 Plutarch 8142 Plutarch in Catone Majore in Catone majore in Catone Majore. R R R 402 n9 845 n6 605 n4 7096 Plutarch in Catone Uticensi R 394 n6 RL 6390 Plutarch 7540 Plutarch R R 224 n1 460 n8 5452 Plutarch 8360 Plutarch 8504 Plutarch 5617 Plutarch 6695 Plutarch in Catone Uticensi & in Iulio. In Cic. Livius lib. 48. Cicer. in provinc. consular. in Crassi & Pompeii vita in Crasso. in Crasso. in Demetrio in Demetrio R R R R R 55 n.o 683 n1 713 n8 84 n8 284 n.o 6704 Plutarch 6836 Plutarch 6960 Plutarch in Demetrio in Demetrio in Demetrio R R R 286 n1 342 n1 376 n1 5917 Plutarch in Demetrio, Phocione, Demosthene R 147 n2 148 Notes on divorce at Sparta justice = public utility, says Plutarch Byzantium captured by Alcibiades Alexander descended from blood of Hercules Alexander said: the world one state, his camp its citadel murder of Philip of Macedon by Pausanias Antonius finds the Romans boorish in contrast to the Egyptians creditor could recover interest owing by action for robbery the 60 Amymones at Cnidos chosen yearly Dionysius of Syracuse - princes cannot dispense with the laws of nature Artaxerxes' treatment of his nobles people of Cnidus elect 60 Amymones each year on autocratic constitution of Epidaurus rewards for tyrannicides K. of Egypt pays pension to Aratus & thus controls Achaea Aratus reorganized the Achaean League on ostracism alliance of Greek states after Persian wars on ostracism Aristides gives full power to his co-commander, Miltiades cruel legal punishments in Persia Themistocles & Cato recover public domain from private hands people like a severe Censor says tribunes dispensed justice in the Basilica Portia on power of censors says censorship most sacred office Cato the Censor keeps his servants at enmity with one another M. Cato scolds the minor officials:"vos vestrae conditionis memores esse decuit, nec magistratus sed ministros vos esse" Cato Uticensis speaks against Caesar one tribune prevents Pompey’s army from being sent for after Cicero had crushed Catiline revolt of Spartacus Surenus, Parthian general, has 10,000 children great wealth of Crassus Athenian citizenship given to foreign kings successors of Alexander did not dare call themselves king on kings Seleucus & Antiochus Antigonus of Asia did not disclose his plans law brought before people of Athens about enrolling senators for Antigonid & Demetriad tribes on the great spate of laws at Athens Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8173 Plutarch in Demetrio. 8607 Plutarch in Demetrio. 9082 Plutarch in Demetrio. 9281 Plutarch 9135 Plutarch 6820 Plutarch in Demetrio. in Demosth. in Demosthene 8125 Plutarch in Epaminonda. 8714 Plutarch in Epaminonda. 6295 Plutarch 8636 Plutarch 7494 Plutarch in Eumene. in Eumene. in Fabio. 7196 Plutarch 7542 Plutarch 8640 Plutarch in Gracchis in Gracchis. in Gracchis. 9529 Plutarch in Gracchis. 6834 Plutarch 8527 Plutarch 5113 Plutarch 9567 Plutarch in his Symposiaques in Laconic. & Aristot. in polit. in Laconicis in lib. contra nobilitatem. 9415 Plutarch 6670 Plutarch 8384 Plutarch 8555 Plutarch in libro de sera numinis vindicta. in libro de Sera numinis vindicta. ff. in libro ό ῶ ώ ό in Lucullo 8109 Plutarch in Lucullo. 8939 Plutarch in Lucullo. 7669 Plutarch in Lyc. 5344 Plutarch in Lycur. 5457 Plutarch 8644 Plutarch 6. in Lycurg. Aristo. li. 2. Polit. in Lycurg. Herodo. Caesar de Gallis. lib. 5732 Plutarch 6841 Plutarch in Lycurgo in Lycurgo 6849 Plutarch in Lycurgo 149 W Page Notes R 620 n3 Demetrius Poliorketes drops all the “request” petitions he received into the river RL 746 Antigonus, king of Asia, had 2 friends - one was never satisfied, the other refused to accept any gifts RL 913 treasures of the Greeks L 679 R 999 n4 fratricide a normal thing says Plutarch R 944 n5 Athenian democracy R 334 n8 Demosthenes attempts rearrangement of voters at Athens after battle of Chaeronea R 590 n2 Epaminondas & Pelopidas win victory after end of their term of office RL 807 says Spartans condemn Phoebidas for seizing Thebes contrary to treaty but retain hold of Thebes R 206 n4 K. Eumenes' reply to K. Antigonus R 772 n4 Eumenes carried into battle on a sick bed R 448 n9 Fabius Maximus gets off his horse in honor of his son [the consul?] R 402 n2 C. Gracchus sent to Sardinia as proquaestor R 460 n1 Tribune Marcus Octavius deposed R 774 n2 before seeking election to office you must have served 10 years in army RL 503* all citizens, upon taking up the toga, were L350D bound to bear arms n5 R 340 on the nature of "the people" R 718 n.o wives control husbands at Sparta R 21 legal aspects of marriage RL 503* true nobility to be measured by virtue L354C n3 R 1034 n9 penalties in Persia R 281 n1 on the various ways kings gained their kingship R 685 n9 wisdom of elephants RL 724 informers - rewards must be offered to “watchdogs” of the state R 584 n2 Plutarch praises Romans for encouraging young lawyers to prosecute a bad magistrate R 864 n4 says Lucullus the first to enrich himself from spoils of enemies R 476 n8 Lycurgus & the ί or ί as Plutarch says, deriving the word from parsimonia R 41 n1 Ephor at Lacedemon publishes a lex testamentaria R 56 n8 Spartans kill off 3000 slaves R 775 n4 arts of war & peaceful arts separated in Crete, n5 Egypt, India, among the Celts, among the n6 Persians R 98 n9 foreigners at Sparta RL 345 Lycurgus forbids paintings or sculpture in the senate house R 347 n2 no discussion allowed of the Senate's decisions Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 6606 Plutarch in Lycurgo, Lysandro, Agesilao, Cleomene. 7690 Plutarch in Lycurgo. 7739 Plutarch in Lycurgo. 9171 Plutarch in Lycurgo. R 257 n6 R R R 482 n7 484 n4 960 n6 9339 Plutarch 9369 Plutarch in Lycurgo. in Lycurgo. 9607 Plutarch in Lycurgo. 9622 Plutarch in Lycurgo. 9247 Plutarch in Lysan. R 1022 n1 RL 1026 L 756 RL 503* L357C n7 RL 503* L359A n2 R 992 n9 8963 Plutarch 8888 Plutarch 5026 Plutarch in Lysandro et Agesilao. in Lysandro, Agesilao et Cleomene. in Lysandro, Agesilau, Lycurgo R 871 n4 R 855 n2 RL 10 8592 Plutarch 8692 Plutarch in Lysandro. in Lysandro. R R 741 n8 801 n5 8145 Plutarch in Marcello. R 607 n5 8786 Plutarch 9136 Plutarch 5905 Plutarch in Mario. in Mario. in Mario. Appia. lib. 1. RL 834 R 944 n6 R 143 n6 5058 Plutarch in Menone. Plutar. 7876 Plutarch in Nicia & Alcibiade. RL 17 R 524 n3 8584 Plutarch 7667 Plutarch 8194 Plutarch in Nicia. in Numa... in Opuscul. 8946 Plutarch in Paulo Aemil. R 735 n3 RL 476 RL 626 L 462B R 866 n8 9145 Plutarch in Pelopid. R 946 n9 5616 Plutarch 5783 Plutarch 8220 Plutarch 6808 Plutarch 6821 Plutarch 6867 Plutarch 8826 Plutarch 5919 Plutarch 7895 Plutarch 8210 Plutarch in Pelopida in Pelopida in Pelopida in Pericle in Pericle in Pericle in Pericle in Pericle, Demetrio ac Demosthene in Pericle. in Pericle. R R R R R R R R R R 84 n7 109 n2 638 n5 330 n1 335 n9 351 n4 840 n6 148 n3 534 n2 633 n3 8968 Plutarch in Pericle. R 872 n5 150 Notes at Sparta B. praises Plutarch's account of Sparta, based on research in the Archives flogging of children at Sparta on right of ejection from a college at Sparta Charilaus, K. of Lacedemon, killed by his mother Lycurgus robs kings of power on Lycurgus & magistrates Lycurgus separated the citizens from all handicrafts, but allowed them to bear arms Lycurgus by a special law provided more strictly against trade on Lysander’s failure to get the younger son chosen king Persians bribed Gk. leaders finances of Sparta on the Lacedaemonians - courageous but not public-spirited Lysander’s use of flattery Lysander said he could beat boys at dice & men at oaths Fabius & Marcellus, the sword & the shield of the state C. Marius speaks out to Mithridates Marius buys the votes of the people Why did the Roman people swear to keep the laws? love loses its force when spread Syracuse changes from aristocracy to democracy ostracism of Hyperbolus Numa Pompilius set up collegia kings must not only not kill but must not even witness an execution Romans free from taxes after defeat of Perseus of Macedon Pelopidas & Epaminondas practically kings of Thebes Pel. made a Persian citizen equal treaty between Persia & Thebes conspiracy of Pelopidas aristocratic element in Athenian democracy review of citizenship of Athens by Pericles Pericles deprives the Areopagus of power 13,360 citizens at Athens on Athenian constitution on Pericles - a man of great integrity transference of power from Areopagus to people downfall of Athens Athenians trust Pericles paying out pensions to Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 9053 Plutarch 9055 Plutarch in Pericle. in Pericle. R R 899 n8 899 n2 9146 Plutarch 7097 Plutarch in Pericle. in Phocione R R 946 n1 394 n2 7505 Plutarch 8643 Plutarch in Phocione. in Phocione. R R 454 n1 774 n3 8645 Plutarch a 8649 Plutarch in Phocione. R 775 n7 in Phocione. R 9134 Plutarch 5837 Plutarch 6941 Plutarch in Phocione. in Pomp. in Pompeio 7180 Plutarch in problem. Rom. 5138 Plutarch 6724 Plutarch in problem. Rom. cap. 6… in Publicola. 6880 Plutarch in Pyrrho 8161 Plutarch in Pyrrho 5821 Plutarch 6651 Plutarch 8822 Plutarch 8892 Plutarch 8940 Plutarch in quaestio. Roman. in Romulo in Romulo in Romulo in Romulo. 9329 Plutarch 7665 Plutarch 9586 Plutarch in Solo. in Solo. & l. ult. de colleg. in Solo. Aristot. lib. 2. politic. 6835 Plutarch in Solon. 8458 Plutarch 8464 Plutarch 8475 Plutarch 5577 Plutarch 5620 Plutarch 5926 Plutarch 8463 Plutarch in Solon. in Solon. in Solon. in Lycurg. in Solone in Solone in Solone in Solone & Agi. 6857 Plutarch 8100 Plutarch in Solone. in Solone. 151 Notes persons unnamed free corn corrupted Athenians Pericles offers to pay for the temples, etc. he’s had built says Athenians rudderless after death of Pericles at Athens any private person could speak as long as he was 50 years of age at Athens magistrates stand and people sit many Greeks excelled both in war & in peaceful arts 777 n3 only one battle fought by the Athenians apart from their allies, acc. to Plutarch R 944 n4 people execute Phocion & his friends R 131 n1 P.'s position under the lex Gabinia R 370 n7 on rights of Senate; lex Pompeia allows proposal to be made to people without Senate's approval R 400 n says tribunes had no marks of office (lictors, wands, etc.) R 23 n8 power of husband over wife R 298 n5 tyrannicide; on the lex Valeria (P. Valerius n6 Publicola) a few lines later: same reference for law of Solon against tyrannicide R 356 n8 on declaration of war on Rome by the Senate & people of Tarentum R 616 n8 courtiers copy the twisted neck of Alexander the Great R 123 n9 the dictator RL 275 Romans confiscated 1/7of captured lands RL 839 population of Rome R 856 n5 on the population of early Rome R 865 n5 Romans anciently took 1/7th from their conquered enemies R 1016 n5 Solon’s laws R 476 n6 Solon authorizes every type of collegia RL 503* Solon chose citizens of Athens by their wealth L356A and riches; even Aristotle placed the first degree n7 of nobility in wealth, the second in honorable descent, the third in virtue R 341 n3 Solon's boast of how he would order Athens, if he could make the laws R 703 n.o Solon orders cancellation of all debts R 705 n4 Solon sets up 4 grades of citizens R 707 n. 7 usury to be abolished or severely checked n. 8 R 78 n.o citizenship of Athens R 85 n8 Solon & citizenship of Athens R 149 n7 laws not to be revoked for 100 years R 704 n3 some financiers profited by the cancellation of debts ( & ) of Solon & Agis R 349 n6 Solon's rule for annual election of senators R 576 n4 Solon makes Athenians swear to keep the laws Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8514 Plutarch 8814 Plutarch in Solone. in Solone. R R 9056 Plutarch in Solone. R 9018 Plutarch 5449 Plutarch 8389 Plutarch in Sylla in Sylla & Appian li. 1. bell. civ. in symposiacis. R R R 5421 Plutarch 5350 Plutarch 5527 Plutarch 5537 Plutarch 6645 Plutarch 9022 Plutarch 8165 Plutarch 5348 Plutarch 5443 Plutarch 5515 Plutarch 6481 Plutarch 6680 Plutarch 6665 Plutarch 9556 Plutarch 5402 Plutarch 5188 Plutarch 6813 Plutarch 7492 Plutarch 9612 Plutarch 8833 Plutarch 8433 Plutarch 5437 Plutarch 5203 Plutarch 6452 Plutarch 9009 Plutarch a 5422 Plutarch 5042 Plutarch 8510 Plutarch 5568 Plutarch 152 Notes for 100 years, according to Plutarch 715 n4 Solon’s law on legacies 838 n4 census - at Athens one was registered at age of 14 900 n4 lazy citizens censured at Athens & in Egypt W Page 885 n2 Sulla’s taxation of Asia, acc. to Plutarch 55 n5 civil wars of Sylla 685 n2 elephantiasis unknown in Greece before Plutarch in Them. R 51 n5 human sacrifice by Themistocles in Them. & Pericle R 42 n7 word bastard used at Athens in Themistocle R 70 n5 Greeks called strangers enemies in Themistocle R 72 n2 on citizenship in Pericle n3 in Themistocle R 274 n.o anecdote of Themistocles & the prefect Artabanus in Themistocle R 886 n4 Themistocles tries to tax Adrianis Sociis in Themistocle & Alexandro. R 617 n4 no empire so great as that of Persia in Thes. R 42 n5 Theseus adopted by Aegeus in Theseo R 54 n8 tomb of Theseus an asylum for slaves in Theseo R 69 n3 first men savage in Theseo R 243 Theseus stamped his coins with an ox not in F 80 in Theseo R 282 n6 says the first lords forced men to obey them in vita Alexand. R 279 n2 in vita Antonii. RL 503* among the Celts’ ancestors knights excelled all L353D people n6 in vita Caesaris R 48 n2 Rome freed by murder of Caesar in vita Catonis Censorii Plutar. R 27 n7 C. & his wife in vita Gracchorum R 332 n1 Tiberius Gracchus has Marcus Octavius deprived of his tribunate in vita Gracchorum Veturium vocat. R 448 n8 Vectius killed for not rising in presence of tribune in vita Gracchorum. RL 503* by Roman Martial law citizens, having taken up L358A the toga, were compelled to serve in the wars n1 until they were fifty-five in vita Oratorum. R 842 n9 custom at Athens of challenging another citizen to swap property or taxes in vita Timoleo. R 697 n9 on the deterioration of the Sicilians as the result of civil wars in vita Titi Flaminii R 53 n.o treatment of a slave l. ad municipal. Plutar. de claris mulierib. R 28 n3 matrilinear status Life of Numa R 239 on the power of the vestals to gain a criminal a pardon Plin. Plutar.[L Plutarc. in Aemilio] R 883 n8 Paulus Aemilius brings treasures of Macedon to RL Rome Plut. eod. [i.e. in Them.] & in Artaxerxe R 51 n6 human sacrifice by Xerxes Plutar. in Aemylio R 13 n6 on the large family of Aelius Tubero Plutar. in Grac. Flor. epito. 58. R 714 n1 lex Licinia & agrarian laws of Gracchus - anno 620 Plutar. in Themistocle R 75 n1 oracle on the city of Athens to be saved by Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 5429 Plutarch 6151 Plutarch 6799 Plutarch 7882 Plutarch Notes wooden walls R 52 n8 Cato's slaves RL 171 Alexander the Great & Calisthenes R 319 n4 Lysander sets up aristocracies R 527 n4 Athenians impose democracies 5047 Plutarchus 534 L 387 RL 14 Plutarch. in Catone Censorio Q. Curtius, Arrianus, Plutar. in Alexand. Thucyd. Xenoph. Plutar. in Lysandro Thucydid. Xenophon. Plutarch. in Lysandro. 7900 Plutarch Plutar. ex Theopompo. Ephore. Thucydide. R 6583 Plutarchus 7994 Pluto Ester cap. 1. Herodot. Plutarchus in Artaxerxe in Themistocle & Catone in Crasso. 6536 Poictou, customs of 9523 Poitiers, Estates of R [coutumes de] Poictou, titre des bastards. art. 233…. 8182 Poland 8181 Poland anno 1373 in Constitu. Polon. 9471 Poland, ordonnance l’an 1368 aux ordon. de Polongne 7829 Poland, ordonnances of aux ordonnances de Polongne. 5688 Polish statutes in statutis Poloniae 9091 Pollux 9100 Pollux 6155 Polybius 7973 Polybius 8019 Polybius 8098 Polybius 8226 Polybius 8255 Polybius a 8281 Polybius 8321 Polybius 8346 Polybius 8625 Polybius Pericles starts the war in order to avoid giving an account of the public money he’d spent Persia had 127 provinces RL 250 R 6211 Poeta 153 R an opinion of Themistocles & Cato on royal rights 552 n5 reply of Cassius to a Chaldean astrologer: “Non scorpiones metuo sed sagittarios.” 184 ut ait Poeta nescioquis, Rescindere numquam Diis licet acta Deûm 247 n1 rights of sovereignty RL 503* by the consent of all three estates their law says L350B the bearing of arms makes a gentleman R 623 on trial of nobles in Poland, “comme j’ay appris de l’Ambassadeur Zamoschi Polonois.” R 623 n9 nobles of Poland to be tried by their peers R 1042 n7 penalty for theft - law of Casimir the Great R 498 n4 taxes paid in return for privileges in Poland R 93 n8 foreigners forbidden to hold ecclesiastical positions R 918 the drachma of the Greeks, as we read in Pollux R 921 value of a Daric aureus in silver, acc. to Iulius Pollux R 172 n1 King Eumenes wears the pileus to show he was the freedman of the Senate R 547 says Constantinople captured by the Gauls, 1800 years before 1452, who ruled there until King Clyarus of Thrace R 560 Polybius astonished at the large number of new rulers who came to their thrones at the same time (Olymp. 120) R 574 on the excellent discipline & confidence of the Romans during the invasion of Hannibal RL 642 mutiny under Hasdrubal at Carthage RL 654 Plutarch says Antiochus respected the Jewish L 484B religion during the siege; but he captured & sacked the city, acc. to Polybius, Strabo, Timagenes, Apollodorus R 666 and Galen say sky & soil inevitably mold character of nation; B. does not agree R 674 on the Celts as fighters - first fury, soon weakened R 679 on the cruelty during the war of Carthage v. the Spendians R 762 n9 discipline of Romans in face of Pyrrhus & Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8753 Polybius 6416 Polybius 6907 Polybius 6899 Polybius 5145 Polybius 7822 Polybius 7381 Polybius 8887 Polybius 6395 Polybius 5795 Polybius 6032 Polybius 6792 Polybius 8782 Polybius 8506 Polybius 5798 Polybius 9076 Polybius 6486 Polybius 7910 Polybius 8028 Polybius 8421 Polybius 8682 Polybius 8724 Polybius 7816 Polybius 8949 Polybius 9172 Polybius 6587 Polybius 6589 Polybius 6615 Polybius 8312 Polybius 8634 Polybius 9147 Polybius 6608 Polybius 8673 Polybius 8249 Polybius 154 Notes Hannibal, acc. to Polybius RL 825 later Romans could not understand the language of the first treaty with the Carthaginians …Polyb. li. 1 [F 80 only] R 232 n5 garrison of Rhegium punished Cicero in Vatin…[Idem confirmat Polyb. R 366 n1 financial powers of Senate lib. 6 - F 80 only] l. 3. de re milit. R 363 n9 soldier who fights against his captain's orders to be punished even if victorious li. 2. Lysias… R 23 n9 power of husband li. 3 R 497 n7 popular revolts in Italy & Greece li. 6. de militari ac domestica Rom. R 437 n8 says consuls have power of life & death over soldiers li. 6. de militari ac domestica Roma. R 855 n1 Lycurgus forbids the use if money to the disciplina. Lacedaemonians li. 9 [L 86: Polyb. lib. 3. 1.] R 227 n1 treaty with Hannibal lib. 2 R 115 n9 after massacring the Pythagoreans, the cities of Italy turn to the Achaean League for help lib. 2 R 157 n3 Aratus borrowed money to reimburse those who had been banished and deprived of their property lib. 2. R 314 n1 Pythagorean control of Italian cities lib. 2. R 833 n.o Tucca, K. of Illyria, lets ambassador go but sends assassins after him lib. 2. anno AUC 521 R 713 n1 lex Quinctia on division of conquered lands lib. 3 R 115 n1 Aratus reorganized the Achaean League lib. 3 R 909 n4 Antiochus makes his doctor, Apollophanes, chief of his council lib. 3. R 244 n1 on minting of coins in Greece lib. 4. R 541 n7 changes at Sparta after the victory of Antigonus lib. 4. R 563 n2 downfall of state of Cynethenses in Arcady lib. 4. R 695 n7 on the mountaineers of Arcadia - bribed to learn music in order to tame them lib. 4. R 794 n4 Thebes in danger because she stayed neutral at invasion of Xerxes lib. 4. R 811 n9 the exiles of Cynetha did not intend to keep their oaths, says Polybius lib. 5. R 494 n5 Antiochus mitigates the penalties inflicted by Hermeas on the people of Seleucia lib. 5. R 867 n2 Rhodians ask for money to rebuild the Colossus lib. 5. R 960 n7 Appelles, tutor of Philip II of Macedon, rules himself lib. 6 R 252 n1 how many sorts of republic? lib. 6 de militari ac domestica Roma. R 253 n3 says 7 types of republic disciplina. lib. 6. R 259 n9 says wrongly that Senate can judge provinces lib. 6. R 673 n3 at Rome men of 55 exempt from mlitary service lib. 6. R 770 Hannibal after battle at Cannae, acc. to Polybius RL lib. 6. R 946 n2 Athens without direction after Pericles’ death lib. 6. de milit. ac domestica Rom. R 258 n1 says Rome a mixed state disciplina. lib. 6. de militari ac domest. Roma. R 791 n9 Roman armies always had two allies for every disciplina. Roman citizen lib. 6. de militari ac domestica R 653 n.o nothing upholds a state like religion W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8780 Polybius 6316 Polybius 6884 Polybius 6898 Polybius 8579 Polybius 9363 Polybius Romanorum disciplina. lib. 6. de militari ac domestica Romanorum di. lib. 6. de militari ac domestica Rom. disciplina lib. 6. de militari ac domestica Rom. lib. 6. de militari ac domestica Rom. disciplina lib. 6. de Repu. Roman. W Page 832 n1 on the treachery of the Greeks R 213 n3 Polybius on marks of sovereignty R R 357 n2 limited judicial powers of Roman Senate 363 n8 says Roman people the most religious ever R 733 n1 says triumphal statues enflamed youth with desire for glory 1025 n9 judges at Rome 6931 Polybius 7008 Polybius lib. de militari ac domestic. Ro. disciplina. R 6903 Polybius Livius lib. 26 & Polybius lib. 6. senatum R R R 7659 Polybius lib. 3. R 5999 Polycrate lib. 8. c. 22 5913 Polydore 5897 Polydore in Historia Anglorum 8859 Polydorus lib. 2. c. 13. 8894 Pompeius Festus R R RL RL RL 6950 Pomponius RL l. 2. de orig. Iuris. R 9133 Porcia, lex Cicero pro Rabirio perduel. 8050 Porphyrius R RL 8000 Porphyrius in epist. ad Boethum Theodorit. in lib. de affectionum Graecarum curat. 8188 Porphyrius qui a Festo paullulum dissentit in verbo Manubiae. 7970 Porphyry ap. Lucas Gauric q.v. ap. Proculus q.v. 7917 Possidemus see under Galen 6363 Posthumius RL 8825 Poyet, le Chancelier R 5239 Proclus the Academic 8223 Procop. lib. 1. de bello Persi. 5369 Procopius 8774 Procopius lib. 1. belli Gotthic. 9255 Procopius lib. 3. R R RL R R 6480 Procopius R lib. 3. belli Gothici. & Zonaras 155 R lib. 6. Plin. in Panegyric. Novel. constit. 102. & 9. Zonaras lib. 2. anna. 2. lib. 9. Livius lib. 4 7090 Pomponius Notes R R R R 369 n7 military discipline not governed by ordinary laws applicable to private citizens 383 n.o says that in case of violence in Italy senate orders inquiry without consulting the people 365 n5 "non nisi in gravissimis causis Reipublicae occupari consuevisse" 475 on first treaty between Rome & Carthage: “ultra promontorium pulchri, praedae aut mercaturae gratia Romani ne naviganto” 155 n3 Roman law forbidden in Spain 147 n.o on English constitution 140 powers of English kings 848 theater immoral 856 explains why it was called “ager centuriatus” Romulus gave 200 iugera to every 100 citizens 373 Republics ruled by "curatores" before by magistrater - "omnia, inquit Pomponius, manu regia tenebantur." 393 n1 writes that the first republics were ruled "manu regia" not by laws 944 n3 citizens of Rome not to be scourged 564 his translation of a passage in Plato: Timaeus: L 414D \j \ ’ / j ) / 555 on the debt due to transient Hebrew L 405 philosophers 625 n6 the Poets say Jove had tres manubias, albas, rubras, atras - the white are harmless 547 542 220 Consul Posthumius I speech to people said: Nego iniussu populi quicquam sanciri posse, quod populum teneat. 840 ordonnance requiring Curés to register births [L 86 says Rex Franciscus maior Poyeti Cancellarii popularis mei rogatione] 29 God the father 640 n5 Blue and Green factions under Iustinian 44 Iustinian tries to adopt Cosroë, K. of Persia 831 n5 Narses spares the hostages from Luca 994 n.o kingdom not to be divided, as Geric, K. of the Vandals, wisely ordered 243 n.o Romans reserved the right of coining gold Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 156 Notes money 9253 Procopius lib. 3. belli Vandalici. R 993 n3 succession among Vandals 8033 Proculus RL 564 translated the first 7 books of Plato’s Republic L 412 but stuck at the 8th 7971 Proculus ita Proculus discipulus tradit in RL 547 Porphyrius believed the world eternal Rempublicam Platonis L 399 8828 Provence R 841 census in Provence in 1471 8832 Provence, census, anno 1568 RL 841 land census in Provence - triple classification established “quem ego descriptionem ab ipsis peraequatoribus didici, cum ad conventus Galliae Narbonensis profectus essem [anno 1568] 8264 Proverbs R 657 n4 God hates seven things and hates nothing more than the secret sowing of quarrels 8291 Pruinski R 668 the Lithuanian (ambassador of Poland to France) on hair & eyes of Lituani 8403 Psalm 13 R 686 n8 the man who could do evil but chooses to do good is the one to be praised 5024 Psalms Psal. 1 R 10 n5 7th day to be spent in contemplatio 7920 Psalms Psal. 107. Levit. cap. postremo. Iob. c. 12. RL 542 theologians say all disasters come from L 394A contempt of religion 5019 Psalms Psal. 116 R 9 n4 contemplatio = la mort precieuse 7925 Psalms Psal. 90 primus fuit & novissimus. ero. RL 543 what has a beginning has an end L 394B 8454 Psalms Psalm. 69. vers. 15. Iob. 24. vers. 24. R 701 n4 meanings of Sibolet & Schibolet Genes. 43. vers. 5. // 41. vers. 5. RL 7980 Ptolemaeus R 548 Leupoldus, Alcabitius & Ptolemaeus agree that b stars affect rise & fall of states 7982 Ptolemaeus lib. 12. magnae construct. R 549 n5 Mercury never more than 7 diameters from the sun 6268 Ptolemy R 200 Sun is 6645⅞ times bigger than the moon, according to Ptolemy & the Arabs 7993 Ptolemy R 551 the “liber Quadripartitus” (on astrology) a wrongly attributed to Ptolemy 8356 Ptolemy R 682 says the Africans of old everywhere worshipped Venus 7949 Ptolemy in lib. magnae construct. Alphon. tabulae. RL 544 Tables of heavenly motions begin from the L 396C Autumn sectio 6731 Puteo, Paris de in syndicatu. c. ubi. quaerit an liceat R 300 n9 tyrannicide legitimate? occidere regem tyrannum 5312 Quintilian decla. 286. R 38 n.o nullum tantum scelus a patre admitti potest, quod sit parricidio vindicandum 5165 Quintilian lib. 7. c. 4. l. 5. de pact. dotal. l. R 24 n2 husband's rights viro & uxor. solut. 6767 Quintilian Quintilianus pater in declamat. R 306 n5 "quia nulla tanta impietas, nullum tantum scelus est, quod sit paricidio vindicandum" 8197 Quintus Curtius R 627 Alexander the Great would not take part in trials, acc. to Quintus Curtius 6152 Quintus Curtius Quint. Curtius, Diodor. F 80 R 171 n.o Calisthenes refused to make adoration to Q. Curtius, Arrianus, Plutar. in Alexander the Great Alexand. L 86 5427 Rabi Levi R 52 and other interpreters of the passage in Judges XI on the sacrifice of Jephtha's daughter 8473 Rabi Levi in c. 15. Deutero. R 707 n5 debt is allowed by divine law but 7th year brings relief Slip Reference W Page Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 9434 Rabi Maymo W lib. 3. nemore anebocim. Paul. Fagius RL in Deutero. Caldaicam interpretationem. 9345 Rabi Maymon lib. 3. <Hebrew> ex cap. deuteron. R 18. & 21. 9034 Rabi Maymon lib. 3. nemore aneuoquim//anenocim R 8810 Rabi Maymon libro 3. nemo re aneuoquim. R Page 1036 Notes Pandects of Jews on the worst punishment 157 1023 n5 Pandects of Hebrews on equity 889 n3 tax on lawsuits; the Hebrews in their Pandects 838 n1 censorship among the ancient Jews - offering of money associated therewith - sacrifices to devils prohibited 8395 Rasis & Avicenna RL 685 elephantiasis, description of the disease L 508D 6290 Ravenna Inscription R 204 donation to the Church made by Pepin; table of marble still to be seen at Ravenna with these words (2 lines quoted in Latin) 9314 Raymundus in d. tractat. nobilit. q. 5. Felin. in cap. R 1011 n2 noble woman who marries commoner super eo. de testibus. Platea in leg. 1. col. 1 de dignit. 5154 Raynutius verbo cuidam. nu. 63 R 24 n6 infamia 5375 Raynutius …Raynut. in verbo & uxorem. nu. 758. R 45 n2 rights of adopted children & 760… 5210 Raynutius …Raynut. princ. nu. 15…. R 28 n4 status of wives 5710 Raynutius Benedic. in cap. Raynutii, in verbo R 96 n7 Adelaziam nu. 1042 L 86 7992 Regiomontanus RL 551 Io. Regiomontanus explains the motion of L 403A “trepidatio” 8941 Rhegino [Regino of Spires] R 865 n6 Hortarius, K. of Lombards, makes vanquished a pay half their produce 9428 Riccius, Andreas R 1036 the Pole, says there should be equal penalties for all 5606 Riccius, Paulus …Paulus Riccius de agricultura R 83 n2 Jewish constitution before Roman conquest caelesti… 9246 Rice (Ritius), Michael & in cap. licet. de voto. R 991 n8 people of Hungary prefer elder son, even though he’s a monstrosity 5361 Ripuarians, laws of the R 43 adfatinir = adopt 5468 Ripuariorum, leges cap. 59. in legib. Longobar. R 58 n3 on slaves & ubique in Ripuariis 6159 Robert of Sicily R 173 act of homage of Robert of Sicily of 1338 9291 Rodericus et Guiciardin.. R 1004 n7 Castille - Ferdinand & Isabella 6169 Rom l. 3. de verborum oblig. RL 175 on liege homage L 118B 5228 Roma …Roma. Ang. Alexand. in l. si cum dotem. R 28 n2 status of wife §. si maritus. soluto 5302 Roman ...Bart. Angel. Alex. ad Bart. not. Ludovic R 37 n7 father & son Bolognin in. authent. ingressi. Alberic. eod. Alex. Ias. Roman. in l. sub conditione. de liber. & posth. 7030 Roman Innocent.…Roman. in l. is cui. de verbor. R 384 n4 when do commissioner's powers begin? oblig….Rom. singul. 60. 6757 Romans 1 Peter 2. 17 & 1 Timothy 2. 2 & ad Rom. R 305 n9 kings are sacred 14. 1. 8684 Romans, alliances R 795 old ambassador of Romans said an alliance is broken “si socios meos pro hostibus habeas, aut cum hostibus te coniungas.” 8675 Romans, unequal treaties R 792 4 lines quoted from treaty with the Aetolians: “Imperium maiestatemque populi Romani gens Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 7323 Rota 7245 Rota 7026 Rota …decisio Rotae. 282 decis. 3. de except. in novis. iudicatum decisio. Rotae in novis 459. Archidiaco. in cap. saepe. de offi. deleg. 6462 Rota Rotae decis. 200. 7573 Rota Rotae decis. 253. in novis. Ang. in l. est receptum. de arbit. idem tenet. R R R 425 n7 413 n4 384 n2 R R 241 n2 465 n3 8540 Rouen, Parl. of R 720 n6 arrest du 24 Ianvier 1521. Terrerius in Consuetud. Norman. arresto 1521 Ianuar. 24. L 86 8484 Rufin lib. 5 [L 86 Nicephorus Calistus in historia eccles.] 8148 Rutland (Rotelant), Earl of, 8017 Sa. Ap. 5685 Sabellicus 6622 Sabellicus 9165 Sabellicus in historia Venetorum. 5506 Saint Denis, Chronicle of 9482 Salic laws 9413 Salic laws au chap. des iniures 9425 Salic laws au chap. des iniures 7692 Salic. contra Bald. Salic.... 9524 Salic. in l. 1. de iuris & facti. C. ex l. 2. §. in filii. de decurio. Guido Pap. decis. 388. l. inter alias. verbo militari. de pala. fac. larg. C. 5106 Salicet …& ibi Accursius…Salicet. Alberic. de condit insertis. C. 6123 Salicet Bald. Cyn. Salicet. in l. si quisquis. ad l. Iuliam maiestat. C. 7164 Salicet in l. ea quidem. de accusat. C…. 158 Notes Aetolorum conservato sine dolo malo,…” pernicious clause "de motu proprio" king's orders to be obeyed without question commissioner's power begins only when he accepts the commission grace: restitution of bastards trial of lord by his peers - decision “à la Rote de Romme” [F 80] “sic enim Curia Romana indicavit.” succession, dowries, etc. R 709 n9 Constantine at Council of Nicea fixes rate of interest R 610 the English often call Parliament to break up factions, “comme j’ay appris de M. le Comte Rotelant vertueux Seigneur.” In L the name disappears: “when I went to England on a legation, I learned from the inhabitants…” R 558 n9 storm destroys town hall of Magdeburg 1556 R 93 n5 rights of gentleman sold at Venice R 261 the history of Sabellicus & of Cardinal Bembo on Venetian constitution RL 956 civil wars at Venice L 707 R 63-64 “ainsi parle l'ancienne histoire de Sainct Denis en France...” Jews had slaves [L Historia Dionysiaca] R 1044 penalties acc. to Salic law, “comme aux sept articles de la septaine en la loy Salique” R 1034 n.o penalties among the ripuarians R 1035 n8 penalties in Salic law R 482 n9 jurisdiction of university over students RL 503* the bearing of arms makes a gentleman L350C n8 R 21 n8 power of paterfamilias R 167 n8 on treason RL 397 L 279 6503 Salicet in l. vectigalia. col. 1. R 245 n3 9417 Salicet. in l. ult. de pact. Hostiens. Anchar. Panor. in R 1035 n1 c. ult. de poen. 7467 Salicetus ...Salic. in l. qui iurisdictioni. de R 446 n8 iurisdict. 6209 Salicetus …Sal. in l. cunctos populos. de summa R 183 n2 trinitate. C. [L 86 adds the "de summa trinitate"] 5310 Salicetus …Salicet. in l. 1. de iis qii parentes. C. ex R 38 n3 l. minime. de religionis & sumptibus… 5883 Salicetus Cynus, Bald. Bart. Salicet. in l. digna R 135 n7 vox. de legib. C. trial of clerics taxation nobles punished less - acc. to the docteurs magistrate and wrong done to himself all Italian jurisconsults agree on the limited sovereignty of most Italian towns parricide justified if father a traitor compact between prince & subjects Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6062 Salicetus de quib. Cyn. Bar. Bald. Salicet. in l. digna. de legib. C. 7223 Sallust in bello Catilinari 7350 Sallust in Catilin. W Page Notes R 159 n2 prince & the contracts of his predecessors R R 159 404 n3 power of Triumviri capitales 432 n6 lex Portia forbids flogging of citizens AUC 454 7841 Sallust in Cornel. Sallust in orat. Portii Latronis. R 500 n7 Senate abolishes many collegia 5278 Sallust Sallust in bello Catilin. R 35 n9 Q. Fulvius killed his son for taking part in Catiline's conspiracy 6923 Sallust C. Sallust in Iugur. Cicero in provinciis R 368 n1 C. Gracchus persuades people to suspend consular. tribunes' power of veto during debate on consular provinces 9534 Salustius RL 503* Caius Marius’ oration against the nobility [6 L351A lines] n3 9531 Salustius in bello Iugurth. de Mario. RL 503* L. Siccius Dentatus, a worthy and valiant L350D soldier, was by Roman laws a common person n7 8659 Salvianus ‘nostre Salvian de Marseille” R 785 the complaints of Salvianus of Massilia that the poor are paying out all their money to obtain the protection of the rich 9351 Salvius Iunianus de legatis praestand. l. quamvis. R 1024 n1 on duties of magistrate de in ius vocando. ff. l. quaesitum. RL de testamentis. l. ita vulneratus. ad l. Aquil. §. penult. 8639 Samnites R 773 captain of Samnites encourages his men: “Iustum est bellum quibus necessarium, et pia arma, quibus nulla nisi in armis relinquitur spes.” 7944 Samuel RL 544 Samuel antiquissimus Hebraeorum magister L 396A primam Tecuphan seu conversionem annuam in autumni equinoctio statuit 9004 Samuel R 881 Samuel warns the people that a king will require a tithe of their fruits 8901 Samuel 1. c. 27. F 80 R 857 n8 town of Siceleg, given to David, always royal lib. 2. cap. 27. L 86 domain 6754 Samuel 1. cap. 26 & 24 R 304 n4 David will not try to kill Saul lib. 2. Samuel cap. 23. 2. n9 8626 Samuel c. 12. & Iudic. cap. 2. & 3. R 763 n1 God has raised up enemies to keep the Jews in obedience 7933 Samuel c. 2. lib. 1. RL 543 the good live longer L 394D 6307 Samuel I. Samuel. 8. 7. Exo. 22. 28. Petri. 2. 17. R 212 n.o a slight to a prince is a slight to God Paul ad Roman. c. 14. Timo. 2. Hierem. 38. Ezechiel. 17. 6454 Samuel lib. 1. c. 2 R 240 n.o king cannot give pardon for offense against laws of God 9198 Samuel lib. 2. // 1. cap. 12. vocant. <Hebrew> R 970 n2 leaders of Jews called Messiahs RL 8960 Samuel lib. 2. c. 8. RL 870 kings of Idumaea paid David annual stipendium 9232 Samuel 2. cap. 14. R 988 n8 God directs the lots 8232 Saxo Grammaticus R 645 n9 Fronto of Denmark & the duel 7744 Scaevola R 484 v. Roman Law 8092 Scaliger, Joseph lib. 6. cap. de hebdomad. Daniel. RL 571 on Jewish chronology L 423B Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8440 Scaliger, Julius in lib. contra Cardanum. 9295 Scotland Histor. Scotor. 8042 Scripture 8155 Scylax 8340 Scythians 7929 Secundus, the Stoic philosopher 7538 Sempronius the Tribune 5258 Seneca 5279 Seneca 5386 Seneca 5936 Seneca 7874 Seneca 7889 Seneca 7914 Seneca 8055 Seneca 8189 Seneca 8843 Seneca 8852 Seneca 9123 Seneca 9376 Seneca 9423 Seneca 5621 Seneca 6742 Seneca 7904 Seneca in epistol. ad Lucilium in li. de Ira in lib. de clementia. Dio lib. 55. 8183 Seneca in lib. de ira. 8184 Seneca in lib. de ira. 8529 Seneca 7502 Seneca in lib. de remediis fortuit. li. 3. de ira. 160 W Page Notes R 698 n4 of Verona, says the French have a spirit quick to carry out what they wish to do [8 lines quoted] R 1009 n1 royal alliance between France & Scotland RL 564 Faciamus hominemi ad angelos oratio habetur L 414A “Let us make Man,” says God, the angels being present R 613 on the kings of the Indies - as different from their subjects as God is above men R 678 on the Scythians: Herodotus, Justin, Strabo, Pliny, [Tacitus F 80] [Vitruvius F 80] Vegetius R 543 consoles Pompey after the battle of Pharsalia R 459 Sempronius the Tribune blames Appius the Censor for retaining his office after its time had expired [3 lines quoted]: “Ego te, Appi, in vincula duci iubebo, nisi Aemiliae legi parveris,” etc. R 32 on a father turning his son out of his house R 35 Tarius the senator & Augustus - punishment of Tarius' son R 46 on slaves; head of household in olden times was called paterfamilias & not dominus R 150 "Caesari cum omnia licent, propter hoc minus licet" R 521 says Romans looked on Augustus as father, not as lord R 530 Romans fear to take a census of the slaves RL 542 Augustin (following Panaetius & Seneca) calls L 392 the chain of necessity God RL 565 “septimus quisque annus aetati notam imprimit” L 417C R 625 said: “Id solum fulmen placabile est, quod mittit Iupiter.” R 846 on morality being wider than just keeping the laws R 848 Nihil, inquit, tam moribus alienum quam in spectaculo desidere. R 940 says a virtuous man can’t please the people R 1028 says: Nihil mihi videtur frigidius quam lex cum prologo: iubeat lex, non suadeat. R 1035 n6 says easiest mode of death is beheading with a sword R 85 n9 Pomponius Atticus ancestor of 3 emperors R 301 n2 makes Nero say I am God's lieutenant R 535 n5 Augustus’ way of dealing with the conspiracy of Cinna [3 lines quoted] R 624 n3 Augustus allows himself to get angry against malefactors R 624 n3 Theophrastus says the better a man is the more difficult is it for him to refrain from anger at wrongdoing RL 719 on a fortune hanging from a woman’s ears R 451 n6 Seneca said Piso “a multis vitiis integrum esse, sed pravum, et cui placeret pro constantia rigor.” Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 161 W Page Notes R 730 n.o the word “mérite” - Seneca’s use of it: “Altius RL iniuriae quam merita descendunt.” [quoted also R 741 marg. F 80] 5276 Seneca lib. 1. de clementia R 35 n7 on punishment of parricides in reign of Nero's father 8505 Seneca lib. 2. cap. 37. de beneficiis. R 713 n9 wealth of Lentulus 7382 Seneca lib. 2. de ira... R 437 n9 many R. magistrates had power of life & death 5439 Seneca lib. 3. de benefic. R 54 n.o Nero appoints tibunal for slaves' complaints 5446 Seneca lib. 3. de benefic. R 54 n4 fear of informers under Tiberius 5433 Seneca lib. 3. de ira. 2 R 53 n1 cruelty to slaves 6040 Seneca lib. 7. c. 4. & 5. de beneficiis R 157 n5 Ad reges potestas omnium pertinet, ad singulos proprietas 7535 Servilius, Senator R 459 speech of Senator Servilius to the Tribunes [4 lines quoted]: “Vos Tribuniplebis Senatus appellat, ut in tanto discrimine Reipublicae dictatorem dicere Consules pro vestra potestate cogatis,” etc. 9433 Servius ad Maronem in 9. Aeneidos. R 1036 n2 hanging the worst penalty 5762 Servius in illud Aeneidos "aut fraus innexa clienti." R 102 n.o the laws of the XII Tables 9074 Sextus Ruffinus R 907 n.o treasure of Trajan 8453 Shibboleth Iudic. 12. R 701 n3 pronunciation differences 6120 Sigebertus, Floard R 167 on homage paid by Counts of Britanny "comme on peut voir és histoires de Floard & Guytald..." L 86: "ex Floardi Sigeberti scriptis" 6359 Sigismond R 218-219 ordonnance on treason of Sigismond, King of Poland, dated 1538 8783 Sigismond en l’histoire de Moschovie R 833 n3 K. of Muscovy nails ambassador’s cap to his head 9230 Sigismond l’histoire de Moschovie R 988 n4 Bishops of Moscow chosen by lot 9472 Sigismond I l’an 1496 R 1043 n8 penalty for murder - law of Sigismond I of Poland 6852 Sigismund R 348 law of Sigismund Augustus of Poland 1550 only nobles can be senators 9478 Sigismund liber. histor. Moschovi. R 1044 n3 in Tartary & Muscovy least larceny punished by death 5708 Sigismund Sigismundi Liberi in historia Moschov. R 96 n.o testamentary rights of foreigners 6649 Sigismund Sigismundus ab Herbestein en l'Histoire R 275 n3 droit seigneurial not known until Tartar de Moschovie invasions 6647 Sigismund Sigismundus liber RL 274 comme nous lisons en l'Histoire de Moschovie 6294 Sigismund Sigismundus Liber in historia R 206 n3 on the Tartar chieftain Moschovitar. 5630 Sigismund Herbestein Liber Baro ab Herbestein R 87 n4 citizenship in Muscovy [Herveste F 76 F 80] in historia Moschoviae 8247 Sigismundus liber in historia Moschovit. R 653 n1 theological disputes forbidden in Russia 8370 Sigismundus liber in historia Moschovitarum. R 684 n3 John II, Duke of Muscovy, had a horror of women 8519 Sigismundus Utriusque Sigismundi legibus R 716 n5 alienation of estates forbidden in Poland 6984 Sigon, Charles R 379 Nicolas Gruchius & Charles Sigon failed to realize difference between an office and a commission 8135 Sigon, Charles lib. 2. c. 2. de iudiciis. R 595 n3 on passage of Asconius Paedianus: on decision by majority of judges or by unanimity 6956 Sigon, Charles lib. 3. cap. 5. de iure provinciarum R 374 n.o definition of a magistrate Slip Reference 8573 Seneca lib. 1. de beneficiis. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 6286 Sigonius W Page R 203 7199 Sigonius, Carolus R 402 7081 Sigonius, Charles R 391 R 105 n6 R 403 n.o 5776 Sigonius, Charles 7212 Sigonius, Charles 7991 Simplicius 5054 Sleidan 6765 Sleidan lib. 1. cap. 1. de antiquo iure Italiae. lib. 2. de iudiciis. cap. 3. in lib. de caelo. Arist. Bodini Methodus historiar. c. 9. RL 551 L 402D R 16 n.o R 306 n4 8009 Sleidan R 8376 Sleidan 8450 Sleidan R 684 n6 RL 699 L 521D 8631 Sleidan R 8736 Sleidan RL 819 6763 Sleidan 7996 Sleidanus in Historia. Calvinus Ephoris licuisse scribit in reges qui tamen private fuerunt animadvertere; ceteris non item 556 n5 768 RL 305 RL 553 L 404C 8271 Sleidanus R 661 n7 6217 Soci con. 89. colum. 2. libr. 1. & cons. 169. lib. 2. R 185 n4 & consil. 127. lib. 1. col.2…. 6087 Socin cons. 4. lib. 3 R 162 n2 6504 Socin cons. 87 // 187. col. 8. R 245 n3 RL 5658 Socin consil. 25 (F) // 55 (L) li. 1 R 89 n4 RL 6322 Socin consil. 4. lib. 3… R 213 n5 6223 Socin Soc. in consi. 4. lib. 3. Castrensis consi. 19 R 186 n6 Brunus consi. 45. Iaso consi. 227.lib. 2 162 Notes reign of Pepin (donation of Exarchate) - in the history of Floard, Sigonius, Onophrius on powers of censors; Bodin disagrees with views of Fr. Ottomanus & Carolus Sigonius Charles Sigon: de Iudiciis - puzzled by Cicero's saying of Augustus "Demus imperium Caesari, sine quo res militaris geri non potest." [L 86 says Sigonius & Gruchius] his interpretation of the phrase "Comiter Maiestatem conservare" is wrong Sigonius has not understood the difference between "ignominia" & "infamia" the book of Simplicius (enemy of the Christians) on chronology Anabaptists of Munster on rebellions against princes [L 86 gives 'Sleidan' as the authority for the statement that Martin Luther denied any right of revolt when questioned by the German princes who were about to revolt against Charles V] John, Duke of Burgundy, killed on bridge of Montereau polygamy at Munster on the levity of which the Gauls are accused; says he saw burnings & cuttings in Gaul for 9 years (i.e. the religious wars), in Germany none; “nor did they stay long with the new Lutheran doctrine that they had approved, but soon embraced the opinions of Anabaptists, Leidanists, Zwinglians, Salestadians, Osiandrians, Westphalians,, Davidists, Stancarians, Adamites, Waldensians, Interimists, and countless other sects.” 1544 France nearly partitioned by Emp. Charles V, acc. to Sleidan Emp. Charles V reads N for U in a treaty and keeps prisoners Duke of Saxony & Landgrave of Hesse even rebellion against prince is not allowed wars of people v. princes in Germany; 100,000 killed John of Leiden, preacher, seizes Munster restrictions on sovereignty what is a sovereign? taxation citizens rights of sovereignty on sovereignty of Duke of Savoy Italorum Iurisconsulti iuniores all make the same mistake Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 163 W Page Notes R 221 n2 on death penalty [not in L 86] R 945-946 Pierre Soderin’s speech at Florence pour changer l’estat 9159 Soderin, Pierre (Soderinus) R 953 Pierre Soderin Confalonnier speaks at Florence against the aristocracy 8407 Solinus R 686 says the Scythians stuck a sword in the ground and worshipped it 5081 Solomon R 20 in his writings enemy of women [L - qui sic RL vixit ut amantissimus sic scripsit ut omnino capitalis foeminarum hostis esse videatur] 5935 Solomon R 149 sapientiae magister Salomon; God judges princes more severely than common people 5970 Solomon R 153 God is held by his promises - ut recte sententiarum magister scripsit 9154 Solomon R 949 many more fools, etc. than wise, as Solomon says 5250 Solon ap. Cic. Cicero pro Roscio perduell. R 30 n9 remark of Solon on parricides quoted by Cicero 5517 Solon in l. ult. de collegiis, ubi praedonum quoque R 69 n5 the laws of Solon collegia probantur F 80 "…ubi collegia praedonum et piratarum lege Solonis probata fuere" L 86 9563 Solon Laertius. Proclus in Timaeum. RL 503* true nobility consists in virtue L354C n8 7928 Sophocles RL 543 said: L 394C 7563 Sozomenes lib. 1. cap. 9. R 464 n8 lex Pappia Poppaea on which consul takes precedence 7142 Spain, constitution of lex regni parte 3. tit. 19. l. 2. RL 397 laws of Spain on power of bishops L 278 7282 Spartian R 421 n8 Caracalla orders murder of Papinian 9043 Spartian. R 892 n7 Antoninus & monts de pieté 5440 Spartianus R 54 n5 Emp. Hadrian - law on treatment of slaves 8153 Spartianus R 613 old woman says to Hadrian (who said he had no time to judge her case) “Noli igitur imperare.” 8589 Spartianus R 739 Alex Severus deals with seller of titles 8602 Spartianus R 744 n6 Alex. Severus & sale of offices: “Non patiar mercatores potestatum.” 5562 Spartianus Sueto. saepe & Spartian. in Antonino R 75 n6 civilis compared to urbanus Pio 6888 Spartianus in Adriano R 357 n5 Hadrian gives the Senate regular judicial functions 6542 Spartianus Spartia. in Adriano. R 247 n4 private compared to public domain of a prince 6139 Spec in §. quoniam de feudis R 170 n8 liege homage does not except even Pope or Emperor 7709 Spec in titu. de statu monachor. ver. 12. R 483 n2 status of thoese entering religious houses 6564 Spec tit. de sentent. §. qualiter. ver. 2. R 249 n1 right to judge according to one's conscience 7452 Specul in tit. de citat. §. sed nunquid... R 445 n1 right to resist magistrates? 6234 Specul in tit. de leg. R 190 n9 some say Pope can appoint regents for insane kings 6161 Specul titul. de feud. §. 1. q. 10. R 175 n3 no one can be liege vassal of more than one lord 8559 Specul. titul. de feud. vers. 40. DD. in l. ult. ad l. R 726 n2 confiscation of goods in cases of high treason Iul. maiestat... Slip Reference 6368 Socin, Maria in c. inquisitione. de accusat. 9142 Soderin, Pierre Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5975 Specul. …in titul. de inst. edit. §. nunc dicendum fine… 6370 St. Denis, mss. of W Page Notes R 153 n3 prince's compacts 9189 St. Jerome 8992 St. Louis, testament of R 969 RL R 879 5755 Stobaeus 9560 Stobaeus a R 100 n8 RL 503* L354B apud Stobaeum ex iis quae apud Stobaeus restant fragmentis. R 221 5803 Strabo 6795 Strabo 7848 Strabo R R R 117 315 n3 503 n3 7995 Strabo c 8255 Strabo b R 552 some very ancient edicts are to be found at St. Denis (dated 1060 & 1129) where the seal of the Queen is added to that of the King kingship best, says St. Jerome testament of St. Louis (on taxation) is still in the Treasury of France & registered in the chambre des Comptes fragments of the laws of Hippodamus Hippodamus, lawgiver of Miletus, divided the Milesians into soldiers, artificers and husbandmen, which Aristotle seems to have missed on the league of 23 cities of Lycia autocratic constitution of Massilia after Greece was pacified “antiqua concilia genti cuique restituta sunt.” evidence on nature of people of the North RL 654 Plutarch says Antiochus respected the Jewish L 484B religion during the siege; but he captured & sacked the city, acc. to Polybius, Strabo, Timagenes, Apollodorus R 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare 8366 Strabo b 8415 Strabo c 8677 Strabo 8769 Strabo R …Tranquil. in Nerone… Dio Cassius. in August. in Augusto RL 435 lib. 16. 8533 Strabo lib. 4. 5797 Strabo lib. 6 5791 Strabo Pausan. in Eliacis Strabo lib. 4 5735 Sudas in verbo Barbarius 6374 Suetonius 8143 Suetonius 8206 Suetonius 6419 Suetonius 8002 Suetonius 8011 Suetonius a 7368 Suetonius 691 n6 oriental people are more soft & courteous R 792 n9 Mummius destroys Corinth RL 831 Samnites repeatedly break treaty with Rome. At end of social war Sulla ordered 4000 Samnites who had surrendered to be slain. R 884 taxation raised by Ptolemy Auletes, acc. to Strabo RL 993 succession among the Nomads L 732 R 719 n3 restrictions on legacies to women at Marseille R 115 n1 Aratus reorganized the Achaean League R 114 n7 the Amphyctionic League R 99 the slave Barbarius became praetor R 222 Tiberius rescinds all privileges granted by Augustus R 605 Senate pays Bibulus to buy his consulship and keep out Luceius, the friend of Caesar, as Suetonius says R 630 on Claudius’ unfortunate attempts to play the judge - “Alium negantem rem cognitionis, sed ordinarii iuris esse, subito causam apud se agere coegit.” R 232 n7 Nero & right of appeal from Senate R 556 n6 battle at Actium in September R 558 n5 Augustus born and dies in September 9015 Strabo 9256 Strabo 164 Tranquillus on Augustus, who added a fourth Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 9178 Suetonius in Augusto. 9010 Suetonius 8374 Suetonius in Caesare in Caesare. 6740 Suetonius 5907 Suetonius in Calig. Tacitus in prooemio lib. primi. R in Caligula R 301 n1 144 n8 6630 Suetonius in Caligula R 269 n2 8777 Suetonius in Caligula. Tacit. lib. 5. Livius lib. 36 R 832 n7 8531 Suetonius in Claudio. RL 718 7686 Suetonius 9440 Suetonius 7554 Suetonius in Domitiano. in Galba. in Iulio. R R R 480 n4 1037 n6 462 n2 6153 Suetonius 8387 Suetonius in Neron. in Nerone. & Dio funambulos se vidisse confirmant.... in Tiberio in Tiberio. cap. 27, 28, 29, 30. in Vespa. R R 171 n9 685 n9 R R R 132 n9 on perpetual privilegia granted by emperors 513 n9 on the good rule of Tiberius’ early years 921 n6 Nero’s prodigal use of gold for decorating buildings 207 n.o Augustus & the vassal states 480 n3 Augustus & the Jewish collegia 5854 Suetonius 7862 Suetonius 9102 Suetonius 6296 Suetonius 7685 Suetonius R 969 n.o RL R 883 n9 R 684 n5 165 Notes possible judicial vote besides Absolvo Condamno & Non liquet writes of an oracle foretelling a king for Rome; L reads: oraculum divinitus editum Caesar brings treasures of Egypt to Rome Caesar presses Cinna to pass a law allowing polygamy relations of Senate & Emperor Caligula quotes Homer: ὔ ἀ ὸ ὴ ί etc. relates anecdote of Caligula reading verse of Homer - ὔ ἀ ὸ ί denouncing of friendship before declaring war; “Veteres bellum indicturi renunciabant amicitiam.” legal position of women at Rome at time of Augustus legacy to Senate declared void by Domitian Galba has a giblet whitewashed Caesar accused by a quaestor after conspiracy of Catiline, “quod apud se maiorem potestatem compellari passus esset.” Tiridates does homage to Nero wisdom of elephants 6902 Suetonius Ioseph. [L 86 adds: Tranquillus] R Philo...licet Sueto. in Aug. dissentire R videatur. Sueto. saepe & Spartian. in Antonino Pio R Sueton. Neronis dictum refert: R ἐ ῦ ῶ ς ῖ ῖ ὶ Tacit. & Tranquil. in Tiberio, in R Vespasiano Tacit. lib. 1. Tranquil. in Tiberio R 5717 Suetonius 5903 Suetonius Tacit. lib. 5. Tranquil. in Caesare Tacitus & Tranquillus in Tiberio 7567 Suetonius Tranq. in August. 8175 Suetonius 5461 Suetonius Tranquil. Tranquil. in August. 5609 Suetonius Tranquil. in Augusto 5636 Suetonius 7844 Suetonius 6837 Suetonius 6866 Suetonius 6811 Suetonius Tranquil. in Augusto Tranquil. in Augusto. Tranquil. in Caesare Tranquil. in Caesare Tranquil. in Calig. 5563 Suetonius 6714 Suetonius 7363 Suetonius 75 n6 civilis compared to urbanus 292 n.o Nero wanted to see the universe go up in flames 435 n5 the emperors entrusted trial of extraordinary cases to senate, etc. 364 n9 Tiberius at his accession does not wish to alter the jurisdiction of the ordinary magistrate R 97 n5 rights of bankruptcy RL 142 Tiberius deprives people of the last of their powers R 464 n8 lex Pappia Poppaea on which consul takes precedence R 621 n6 Titus makes himself pontifex maximus R 57 n9 Augustus frees slaves to serve in the galleys at Actium R 83 n3 Augustus very sparing with grants of citizenship R 86 n.o Senators forbidden to leave Italy R 500 n1 Augustus restores the collegia R 342 n2 Julius Caesar did not disclose his plans R 351 n2 Senate often not called for a whole year R 331 n5 spate of edicts under Caligula & Claudius Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7506 Suetonius Tranquil. in Claud. Tranquil. in Claud. 7500 Suetonius Tranquil. in Claudio. 8185 Suetonius Tranquil. in Claudio. 6719 Suetonius 5367 Suetonius 5610 Suetonius 6877 Suetonius Tranquil. in Domitiano. Tranquil. in Galba Tranquil. in Iulio Tranquil. in Iulio 6730 Suetonius 7843 Suetonius 8601 Suetonius Tranquil. in Iulio. Tranquil. in Iulio. Tranquil. in Iullio. 5403 Suetonius 7283 Suetonius 8590 Suetonius 8167 Suetonius 8591 Suetonius Tranquil. in Nerone Tranquil. in Nerone & Tacit. lib. 14 Tranquil. in Othone. Tranquil. in Tiberio. Tranquil. in Tito. 6998 Suetonius Tranquil. in Vespasiano 6648 Suetonius 5191 Suetonius Tranquillus in Augusto Tranquillus in Claudio. l. uxorem. de lega…. Tranquillus. 8186 Suetonius 8635 Suger 9378 Suidas 8966 Swiss Leagues 5786 Swiss, the 7619 Synesius 5435 Synesius 5465 Tacitus 6946 Tacitus 7995 Tacitus a 8174 Tacitus 8216 Tacitus 8285 Tacitus 8299 Tacitus in Epistolis 166 W Page Notes n6 R 455 n2 Claudius goes to observe the judges and takes a back seat himself R 450 Claudius,when judging one day, threw a knife at a prisoner R 624 n9 extreme anger of Claudius towards a criminal throws knife at him R 295 n3 on Domitian R 44 n6 Galba adopts Piso R 83 n4 Caesar enfranchised a whole legion R 354 n7 Caesar's chief advisers were Q. Paedius & Cornelius Balbus "quibuscum ὰ ώlitteris occultis communicabat" R 300 n6 Caesar's quarrel with the Tribune Aquila R 500 n9 Caesar abolishes collegia R 743 competition in bribery between Bibulus & RL Caesar’s candidate Luceius R 48 n3 Rome freed by death of Nero R 422 n9 Seneca & Burra advise Nero to kill his mother R 740 n4 gifts of Otto to Praetorian guard R 618 n1 Tiberius communicates only in writing R 740 n.o Titus always granted requests - hence called “les delices du genre humain” R 380 n7 Vespasian sets up judges to deal with cases which had piled up in the civil wars R 275 n2 Augustus hated to be called "Dominus" R 27 n9 no proper control over wives in Roman Empire R R 624 n1 cruelty of Caligula 771 Louis le Gros goes with large army to meet the Emperor Henry, acc. to Suger, Abbot of St. Denys R 1028 on the old woman Ptolemais - very fond of RL L 756 lawsuits R 872 the accounts of payments to the Swiss League in 1550 R 108-113 alliances of the Swiss R 469 in his letter to Theophilos calls last day of life ί R 53 n.o behavior of his shipmates in a storm - would rather kill themselves than be drowned; quotes verse of Homer where H. says the soul of a drowned man ἀ ό RL 57 Tacfarinas frees slaves R says Tiberius called the senators "indulgentissimos dominos" R 552 evidence on nature of people of the North R 621 n5 Tiberius does not wish to alter the jurisdiction of the magistrates R 638 on conspiracies: “Optimum remedium insidiarum est, si non intelligantur.” R 668 people of the north - blond hair, green eyes RL 668 on the Germans’ appearance; “Truces et Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8308 Tacitus 8315 Tacitus x 8323 Tacitus 8338 Tacitus Notes caerulei oculi, rubilae comae” Germans have no forts or castles Germans great drinkers 167 RL 674 R 678 on the Germans in battle on Germans [4 lines quoted] “Gens non astuta nec calida...constituunt dum errare non possunt” R 679 Germania [3 lines quoted] “Occidere solent non disciplina et severitate, sed impetu etira ut inimicum.” R 683 [L 86] on marriage among Germans - “Severa apud eos matrimonia” - content with one wife [F 80] English have one wife to 9 or 10 men R 683 says only the Germans out of all the Barbarians are content with one wife RL 684 says German children are all like their fathers L 507D sign of chastity R 686 on the Germans: “Nihil neque publicae neque RL privatae rei nisi armati agunt.” [quoted] R 698 accuses Gauls of a certain “levitas” or legereté 8343 Tacitus 8361 Tacitus 8368 Tacitus 8378 Tacitus 8405 Tacitus 8437 Tacitus a 8517 Tacitus 8593 Tacitus 9090 Tacitus 9175 Tacitus 9212 Tacitus 9279 Tacitus 9592 Tacitus 5902 Tacitus & Tranquillus in Tiberio 5355 Tacitus 5448 Tacitus 6897 Tacitus in lib. de morib. German. in lib. de morib. German. in lib. de morib. German. 9502 Tacitus in lib. de moribus Germanorum. 8578 Tacitus in moribus Germ. 8447 Tacitus in moribus Germanorum. 8577 Tacitus 9292 Tacitus 7566 Tacitus in vita Agricol. in vita Agricolae. lib 56. Tranq. in August. 5380 Tacitus lib. 1 5581 Tacitus W Page L 495D R 672 R 673 lib. 1. // 2. comitia populi transtulit ad senatum 6901 Tacitus lib. 1. Tranquil. in Tiberio R 716 says the Germans don’t make wills [2 lines quoted]: “Haeredes successoresque sui cuique liberi: et nullum testamentum,” etc. R 741 [quoted]: “Proniores ad vindictam sumus quam ad gratiam; quia gratia oneri, ultio in quaestu habetur.” R 918 the denarius of the Romans, as Tacitus says R 964 on need for single commander R 978 tells how Armenians chose a foreigner as king R 998 says eldest inherit in Germany RL 503* said of Cassius and Syllanus: Alter opibus L356B vetustis, alter generis claritudine excellebat. RL 142 Tiberius deprives people of the last of their powers RL 42 Germans alone were monogamous RL 55 Germans punished only in anger R 362 n7 on the German habit of drinking during important councils. RL 1049 laws of Germans on legacies, acc. to Tacitus L 771 R 731 n2 says Germans ascribe all deeds of prowess to their princes, to avoid envy R 699 n5 says Germans break their word easily and without dishonor R 731 n1 Domitian kills any men of merit & renown R 1004 n8 women rule England in time of Domitian R 464 n8 lex Pappia Poppaea on which consul takes precedence R 46 n6 Senate's laws on adopted children, to prevent the abuse of adoption… R 79 n3 Tiberius takes away popular rights R 364 n9 Tiberius on being made emperor does not wish Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 5718 Tacitus 5438 Tacitus 7007 Tacitus lib. 5 lib. 14 lib. 14 R R R 97 n5 53 n4 383 n2 7284 Tacitus 7807 Tacitus lib. 14 lib. 14 R R 422 n9 490 n7 7845 Tacitus 8215 Tacitus 8084 Tacitus 6978 Tacitus lib. 14 R lib. 14. Tranquil. in Nerone. R lib. 15. fuere qui annotarent A.D. XIV. Cal. R Sextiles... L lib. 15. “in quo tamen quid velit divinari RL non potest” [i.e. B. does not understand Tacitus’ words “totidem annos menses et dies inter utraque incendia numerent”] lib. 17 R 5120 Tacitus 7193 Tacitus 8729 Tacitus lib. 2 lib. 2 lib. 2 6887 Tacitus lib. 3. & sequent. 6628 Tacitus lib. 4 8739 Tacitus lib. 4 8478 Tacitus lib. 5 8550 Tacitus lib. 5 5716 Tacitus 6420 Tacitus 5592 Tacitus lib. 6//5 lib. 8. Tranquil. in Nerone… lib. II 6633 Tacitus 6741 Tacitus 5388 Tacitus 5378 Tacitus principio. lib. 1 Sueton….Tacitus in prooemio lib. primi. Tacit. de morib. German. Tacit. lib. 1 6700 Tacitus Tacit. lib. 2. & 4. Appianus, Livius, Valerius Max. Tacit.... 7362 Tacitus 378 n2 on Galba's short reign: "Precarium seni imperium et brevi transiturum" R 22 n6 divorce for adultery in time of Tiberius R 401 n8 Tiberius orders public prosecution of prostitutes R 815 n.o Tacfarinas sends embassy which Tiberius refuses to see R 357 n4 tiberius does use the Senate as a judicial body sometimes R 266 n2 says 3 kinds of states: "Cunctas nationes et urbes populus aut primores aut singuli regunt." R 820 n3 kings of Parthia joined thumbs & mingled the blood in making a treaty R 708 n2 Decemviri legum ferendarum fix very low rate of interest R 723 n6 wills of guilty men who kill themselves before sentence is passed “pretium festinandi” R 97 n5 rights of bankruptcy R 232 n7 Nero & right of appeal from Senate R 80 n7 speech of Tiberius on citizenship (graven in bronze at Lyons) RL 269 Augustus' ordering of the constitution R 301 n1 relations of Senate & Emperor R 47 n2 diced away their liberty R 45 n4 adoptions at Rome, because privileges for those with children R 285 n8 Roman Senate sends royal gifts to subject kings R 6347 Tacitus princip. lib. 1. 8083 Tarafa (Tarapha) R R 6251 Teran, Jacques de R 7601 Terence R apud Donatus. q. v. 500 n2 637 n1 571 n4 168 Notes to alter the jurisdiction of the ordinary magistrate rights of bankruptcy slaves of murdered Pedanius (urban Prefect) inquiry ordered into brawls between people of Nuceria & of Naples Nero advised to kill his mother Cassius urges Senate to condemn 400 slaves ro death Nero suppresses collegia Nero & a conspiracy length of time between first & second fire of Rome (Gauls - Nero) 435 n5 the emperors entrusted trial of extraordinary cases to senate, etc. 217 n2 Augustus calls himself Imperator 571 chronology of the historian T. (B. praises his accuracy) 191 Bodin is not going to deal with the views on papal power of Jacques de Teran (chambrier du Pape), nor of Capito nor of M. Charles du Moulin 467 n5 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 169 Notes Pontius Pilate refers the case [of Jesus] to the Emperor Tiberius, as T. says 655 over 100 sects, according to Tertullian & Epiphanius 42 n.o polygamy amongst Persians & Asiatics 23 n8 power of husband over wife 499 n8 on the charges against the early Christians 888 Augustus’ laws de maritandis ordinibus Slip Reference 5601 Tertullian W Page R 82 8262 Tertullian R 5354 Tertullian …Tertul. lib. ad uxorem 5140 Tertullian in apologetico ca. 6 // lib. 6 7837 Tertullian in apologia pro Christianis. 9028 Tertullian in lib. de monoga. b 5489 Tertullian in lib. de resurrection. 8855 Tertullian in lib. de spectaculis 8337 Theodore Duca, Emperor of Constantinople 6677 Theodoretus episcopus Cyrenensis de Graecarum affectionum curatione… 9210 Theodoritus distinct. 63. cano. 13. non est permittendum. Augustin. epistola. 110. Theodoritus lib. 4. cap. 20. ecclesiasticae historiae. 8156 Theodoric R R R R RL R RL R R 8252 Theodosius RL 654 L 483D 8032 Theon of Smyrna RL 564 L 412D 5146 Theophrastus R 23 6772 Theophrastus R 308 8352 Theophrastus R 680 8582 Theophrastus R 733 8961 Theophrastus R 870 9650 Theophrastus RL 503* L360D R 664 RL R 147 8274 Theophrastus li. ) \ ~ j 5915 Theopompous 6689 Theopompus 7898 Theopompus 9480 Thomas 9461 Thomas Plutar. ex Theopompo. Ephore. Thucydide. 2. q. 66. art. 3. in prima secundae. q. 73. Anton. Florent. in prima parte summae. tit. 9. c. 1. §. 1. R R 61 n2 848 678 282 n4 on emancipation theater immoral 92 different combinations of temperament all kings of the east were barbarians - yet civilization is derived from them 977 n2 General Council of Laodicaena forbade people to elect ministers & prelates 614 RL 283 RL 534 L 387 R 1044 n5 RL R 1041 n2 letter of Theodoric to the Senate, apud Cassiodorum: “Facilius est errare naturam, quam dissimilem sui princeps possit Rempublicam formare.” Emperor Theodosius prevents persecution of Arrians - see his own letters to Ambrosius: “Trade Arrianis basilicam; mei namque sunt omnia iuris.” avoids explanation of Bk. 8 of Plato’s Republic - Platonic philosopher, translator of Plato (not, says Bodin, the same Theon Alexandrinus who wrote commentaries to Ptolemy in Greek) husbands killed wives who drank wine in Massilia & Miletus says death is "miseriarum exitus, id est ῶ ῶ ἀ ά ς" Athenians mixed the hemlock with wine to sweeten it says desire for glory greatest stimulus to young men Pericles paid money to Spartan generals not to buy peace, as Theophrastus says, but to put off the war nothing better becomes a freeborn man than husbandry and grazing is surprised at the great variety of customs & characters inside the Greek race & Timaeus said Pericles welcomed the Peloponnesian War because it diverted the attention of his enemies at home on state of early kingship Pericles starts war to avoid giving an account of public money open adultery, etc. punishable more severely, acc. to Theologians persuading someone to a crime is punished less than the effect - theologians agree with Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 7140 Thresor de France (?) decretum illud ad verbum RL 397 descripsit Guido Papus [q.v.] L 278 5911 Thucydides R 146 6599 Thucydides R 255 6603 Thucydides R 256 6668 Thucydides 6682 Thucydides 6963 Thucydides R R R 280 283 376 7655 Thucydides R 475 7897 Thucydides R 534 7974 Thucydides 8202 Thucydides 8344 Thucydides R R R 547 n4 629 679 9141 Thucydides 9161 Thucydides 9205 Thucydides R 945 R 955 n3 R 974 n.o RL 5514 Thucydides 7901 Thucydides 6798 Thucydides 7886 Thucydides 7880 Thucydides 5916 Timaeus in prooemio Plutar. ex Theopompo. Ephore. Thucydide. Thucyd. Xenoph. Plutar. Thucydid. Arist. polit. 5. Thucydid. Xenophon. Plutarch. 8255 Timagenes c R 69 n2 RL 534 L 387 R 319 n4 R 529 n5 R 527 n4 R 147 RL 654 L 484B 6311 Timothy 6756 Timothy …Timo. 2. R 1 Peter 2. 17 & 1 Timothy 2. 2 & ad Rom. R 14. 1. 7781 Tiraquel in tract. de iure primigen. nu. 116. & 117. R 8619 Tite Live livre 35 [3 lines quoted] R 7646 Toulouse, Parl of ap. Boerius q. v. 7727 Toulouse, Parl. of R R 7320 Toulouse, Parl. of R …decisio. capel. Tolos. 246. 170 Notes jurisconsults decree of Martin V on jurisdiction of bishops still extant "in publicis archivis" on the origin of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides, Xenophon, Aristotle & Plutarch say the aim of the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War was to set up democracies everywhere rebuts those who say the kings of Sparta had 2 votes said kingship was hereditary in early times on state of early kingship law on erection of new offices usually brought before the people, as we can see in Thucydides, Plutarch, etc. [F 80] Thucydides says Greece full of brigands short time before he lived Plato & T. agree on the great integrity of Pericles Byzantium captured by Pausanias says punishment must be carried out quickly son of Olorus, calls the Thracians ώ έ ς Pericles really a monarch, says Thucydides aristocrats at Samos killed by the people for over 600 years Greeks had kings by right of succession - so writes Thucydides against Aristotle’s opinion, who thought kings of heroic times were elected [L adds that Aristotle’s error can also be shown from Plutarch] first men savage Pericles starts war to avoid giving account of his spending of public money Lysander sets up aristocracies democratic revolution in Corcyra Athenians impose democracies & Theopompus said Pericles welcomed the Peloponnesian War because it diverted the attention of his enemies at home Plutarch says Antiochus respected the Jewish religion during the siege; but he captured & sacked the city, acc. to Polybius, Strabo, Timagenes, Apollodorus 212 n.o slight to prince is slight to God 305 n9 kings are sacred 487 n9 rights of oldest member of college 759 Paulus Aemilius on the advantages of a fortified camp 472 483 n7 Parl. of Toulouse upholds abbots’ jurisdiction over their “religious” 424 n6 on misappropriation of privileges Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7635 Toulouse, Parl. of v. sub Aufrerius 7135 Toulouse, Parlement …Iordan. Bri….curia Parisiorum vetuit anno 1395 curia vero Tolosana etiam in clericos prehensionem ademit 6276 Toulouse, Parlement of l'an 1462, le 25 May. Benedic. in cap. Raynutius in verbo adelazium q. 242. [F 80 has "adelaziam"] 8657 Tranquil. in Augusto W Page R 471 RL 397 L 277 R R Notes 171 power of Pontifices in France 202 n1 John of Navarre, soi disant Count Palatine is condemned for treason "par arrest du Parlement de Toulouze" 783 n3 Augustus re: those peoples who had abused their liberty 8799 Tranquil. in Augusto R 836 n1 Augustus’ census & accounts of the empire very well kept 9044 Tranquil. in Augusto R 892 n8 Augustus lends public money 9063 Tranquil. in Augusto R 903 n3 Augustus kept register of all state affairs 9663 Tranquil. in Augusto RL 503* lex Roscia concerning seating at the theater L364C n4 9666 Tranquil. in Augusto RL 503* decreed that those who themselves or whose L365A parents had ever had a knight’s status be n7 allowed to take their places upon the fourteen steps or degrees next to the stage at the theater 8956 Tranquil. in Augusto [L 86 cap. ult.] R 869 n9 gifts by and to Augustus 5718 Tranquil. in Caesare. l. 4. §. qui bonis cedere poss. R 97 n5 rights of bankruptcy a C. 9035 Tranquil. in Caligula R 889 n4 tax on lawsuits - Caligula 9059 Tranquil. in Claudio R 901 n8 public works of Claudius, acc. to Tranquillus RL L 671 9399 Tranquil. in Claudio R 1032 n7 edict of Claudius on size of penalties 8800 Tranquil. in Domitiano R 836 n2 Domitian calls himself perpetual Censor but held no census 9007 Tranquil. in Nerone R 882 n7 Nero & taxation 8386 Tranquil. in Nerone R 685 n9 wisdom of elephants 9060 Tranquil. in Nerone et Caligula. R 901 n9 prodigal expenditures of Caligula & Nero 9058 Tranquil. in Vespasiano. R 900 n6 Vespasian & the poor 8990 Tranquillus RL 879 12 lines quoted on Vespasian’s policy of L 655 taxation 9180 Tranquillus R 969 Augustus thinks of retiring from Principate L 714 gives an account to the senate, says Tranquillus 9589 Tranquillus in Augusto RL 503* Augustus supplied the needs of the poorer L356B Senators so they would not be oppressed by n9 poverty 9066 Tranquillus in Galba R 905 n.o Galba revokes gifts of Nero 8735 treaties, Swiss R 817 4th & 5th articles of 4 chief cantons dated 1481; 16th & 17th articles of treaty of House of Austria with 12 cantons - equality in arbiters 8801 Trebellius R 836 n3 Decius appoints Valerianus Censor with “infinita potestas” 8437 Trebellius Pollio R 698 accuses Gauls of a certain “levitas” or legereté b 6703 Tritemius cap. 17 R 285 n9 Emperor Fred. I sends royal insignia to Peter of Denmark 6112 Tritemius F 80 Tritemius cap. 17 R 166 n8 Emperor Frederick I sends sword & crown to L 86 Tritemies cap. 17 Peter, Duke of Denmark Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 8074 Trogus Pompeius b 7515 Tuditanus, C. See Messala 8267 Tullius 8034 Tullius, M. 6537 Turin, customs of W Page R 568 R R 172 Notes among those who date the Persian Empire from Ninus 456-457 660 says first principle of an orator is to say nothing against his position RL 564 M. Tullius numerorum Platonis obscuritatem L 412D uno verbo excusavit R 247 n1 various rights of a sovereign RL consuetudo Turonens. tit. de moyenne iustice. art. 9. tit. des espaves… 8805 Turonens, Gregor. [L. episcop. Turonens] lib. 9. c. 30 R 837 n6 K. Childebert orders census in France & Aymo. lib. 2. 5078 Twelve Tables [ap. Cicero?] RL 19 XII Tabulae has law ‘Sacra Privata Perpetua Permanento’ which Cicero transferred into his laws 5840 Twelve Tables Cicero pro domo sua. Privilegia nisi R 131 n3 comotiis centuriatisne irroganto. 5921 Twelve Tables quod postremum iussit populus id R 149 n5 laws are revocable ratum esto. l. sed et posteriores. de legib. ff. 5761 Twelve Tables Servius in illud Aeneidos "aut fraus R 102 n.o law of XII Tables: "Si patronus clienti fraudem innexa clienti." facit, sacer esto." 5267 Ulpian in tit. ad legem duodecim refert. RL 32 father can sell his children into slavery 3 times 8823 Ulpian in titulis RL 839 census - loss of citizenship 9228 Ulpian l. 1. de constitut. princip. ff. R 986 a famous advocate used the words of Ulpian in RL l. 1. de constitut. princip. ff., which read “lege Regia de euis imperio lata, populus ei, & in eum omnem suam potestatem contulit” in a Paris case, setting off a storm 7086 Ulpian l. 4. §. gravi. l. 3. §. 1. & penult. de R 391 n4 Ulpian distinguishes magistrate from "curator" administrat. rerum ad civitat. l. magistratus (about whom he wrote a special book) Reipublicae. l. curator. eo. titul. l. 4. de offic. procons. l. 1. & 2. de operib. public. l. 2. & 17. de usuris. l. ult. de munerib. l. pen. de collegiis. l. 5. §. haec verba. quod vi aut clam. 9036 Ulpian l. interdum. de vectigalib. C. // l. interdum. R 889 n5 duty only on luxuries - list [list of Ulpian in L] §. species. de publicanis. 9635 Ulpian l. Iustissime. §. aedilit. edicto. RL 503* merchants are more prone to dishonest gain ff. L359C n3 9349 Ulpian l. prospexit. qui et a quibus. R 1024 n9 says law may be hard, but must be applied if it RL is clear 9028 Ulpian li. 14. l. 1. unde vir. l. 44. de ritu. nuptiar. R 888 Augustus’ laws de maritandis ordinibus c RL 9520 Ulpian lib. 2. Inst. c. 2. RL 503* state-free men an order between slaves and L349D libertines n5 5123 Ulpianus titul. xi. & 9. Institut. R 22 n9 Ulpian divided those "in potestate" from those in titulis. RL "in manu" 6855 Valaerius Maximus lib. 2. cap. 1. de Fabio Max. & R 349 n3 old rules for election to Senate P. Crasso 9662 Valer. maxim. RL 503* writes of Africanus and the matter of seating at L364C the theater n3 Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 5599 Valer. Maximus 9412 Valerius W Page Cicero actione in Verrem. 1. 4. 7. R 81 n3 Valer. Max. li. 8 R 1034 Notes power of magistrates 173 father who whipped his son was stoned by the people, says Valerius 5136 Valerius de instit. antiq. R 23 n8 power of husband over wife 7518 Valerius li. 7. c. 7. & lib. 5. c. 4. Pli. lib. 7. c. 36. R 457 n6 Consul Aemilius Lepidus accepts appeal from Festus in verbo pietati. the Praetor Orestes 8858 Valerius lib. 2. RL 848 theater immoral 6442 Valerius lib. 8. de publicis iudic. R 237 n6 right of reprieve 6699 Valerius Maximus R 285 n8 Roman Senate sends royal gifts to subject kings 8280 Valerius Maximus R 666 says Roman who yawned in front of Censor lost his citizenship 9033 Valerius Maximus RL 889 tax on lawsuits L 663 7218 Valerius Maximus lib. 2 R 403 n7 says Livius Salinator, when Censor, demoted & "inter aerarios retulit" all the tribes 7490 Valerius Maximus lib. 2. R 448 n7 Roman eques punished for sighing in presence of censor 7519 Valerius Maximus lib. 2. cap. 3. R 457 n7 Consul Luctatius steals the triumph from the Praetor Valerius 5270 Valerius Maximus lib. 4 R 33 n3 on the Tribune Pomponius & the son of Torquatus 7488 Valerius Maximus lib. 8. R 448 n6 even a tribune was punished for attempted rape 8180 Valerius Maximus lib. 8. F 80 R 623 n6 Galba wins pardon from Cato Major by tears & Valer. lib. 2. L 86 his family 8545 Valerius Maximus lib. 9. Plutar. in vita Ciceron. R 722 n4 Cassius Licinius kills himself before actual sentence is pronounced 7222 Valerius Maximus pro Cluentio. Valer. Max. lib. 8. R 404 n1 jurisdiction of Triumviri capitales cap. 4. Valer. lib. 5. c. 9. & lib. 6. ca. 1. n2 6874 Valerius Maximus Valer. lib. 3 RL 353 the poets portray Pallas sitting at the feet of Jove 6934 Valerius Maximus Valer. Max. li. 8. Appia. li. 1. R 370 n8 in wartime laws not adhered to so strictly 6417 Valerius Maximus Valer. Max. li. 8. Livius li. 27… R 232 n5 on Senate's punishment of legion garrisoning [F 80 only] Rhegium 5245 Valerius Maximus Valer. Max. lib. 2 R 30 n6 young Torquatus and his father 6289 Valla, Laurentius [F 80 Laurens Vale] R 203 on the donation of Constantine 8603 Valois, Philip R 745 5989 Valois, Philippe de R 154 5712 Valois, Philippes de 5412 Varro lettres patentes de Philippes de R Valois 1339 & de Charles VII 1443 [1445 L 86] R 96 n8 5423 Varro R 51 6345 Varro R 217 50 law of Philip Valois of 11 May 1333, verified “en la Cour de Parlement & en la chambre des Comptes” (on gifts of princes) Philip Valois - 2 testaments 1347 & 1350 (au tresor de France, au coffre intitulé les testaments des Rois, nombre 289) derivation of servus ἰ ς → sermo, not series → sermo, as Varro thought human sacrifice in ancient Italy ordered by an oracle; ῶς = light or man Varro says: Est enim edictum iussum magistratus. Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference 7093 Varro W Page R 394 7235 Varro R 8366 Varro e 5768 Varro R 174 Notes derivation of 'dictator' - B. mentions the books De Lingua Latina, supposedly by M. Varro, which suggested derivation as "quia dictus ab interrege" which B. considers wrong 408 Varro & Messala divide magistrates into 2 groups -the major & the minor [L omits Messala] 683 n2 sexual habits of the hare R 103 n8 vassalage in ancient times 7435 Varro 6556 Varro Dionys. Halic. lib. 2. Varro lib. 1. de re rustica in lib. de lingua Lat. in lib. de lingua Lat. Livius lib. 8. Demosthenes ἀ ί , Iustinianus έ ὸ vocat. 9032 Varro 5393 Varro 7480 Varro in libris de lingua Latina in verbo clarigare… lib. 2. de lingua Latina. R R 444 n7 248 n9 F 80 in note L 86 in text R 889 n2 RL 47 R 447 n4 said edictum = magistratus iussum right of reprisal or "clarigatio" tax on lawsuits those captured in war first they were called Praetors, then Iudices & then Consuls when the praetor urbanus took over their judicial functions 9352 Varro lib. 5. de lingua lat. R 1024 n.o powers of praetor 7205 Varro lib. 5. de Lingua Latina. si modo is autor sit. R 402 n8 said: "Praetori exercitum urbanum convocare non licere: Consuli, Censori, Interregi, Dictatori licere." 5729 Varro Clarigationem vocat in libr. de lingua Latina R 98 n7 rights of foreigners 6918 Varro & Messala Gellius lib. 13. cap. 12 R 368 n8 Varro ap. Messala 7120 Varro [pseud.] RL 397 [?apud A. Gellius q.v.?] L 276 the books de Lingua Latina are not Varro's because of the blunders they contain and also because they say "multa" was used by Antiphrasis [mulcta = fine] 5015 Varro, Marcus R 5 et seq. put human happiness in action & contemplation 8455 Varro, Marcus R 701 on Sabine pronunciation: Fircus instead of Faedus, Hircus instead of Haedus 8190 Varro, Marcus lib. 21 rerum humanarum. R 626 the ancient theology was three-sided and applied to priests, philosophers & poets 7548 Varro: vitiosa comitia, vitio creatos magistratus... R 461 n5 on “vitiosa comitia” (i.e. technically invalid) 6299 Vatican registers R 208 "les registres du Vatican" are appealed to on a matter of the correct title for a certain ruler 7972 Vatican, Register of R 547 another horoscope of Constantinople by Valens of Antioch also extracted from the Vatican reporters 8257 Vegetius RL 654 Pompeius & siege of Jerusalem, acc. to L 484C Vegetius 8836 Velleius Paterculus R 843 on reply of the Tribune Drusus to an architect about state interference, i.e. a census 8534 Venice in statu. Venetor. R 719 n4 legacies to women restricted at Venice 6443 Venice in statutis Venetor. R 237 n.o granting of pardon at Venice 8807 Venice, censors at R 837 at Venice in 1566 there were 3 magistrates called “I Seignori Sopra il ben vivere de la cita.” 6304 Venice, Decree of Senate R 209 K. of France takes precedence, as was ordained at Venice by arrest du Senat à la poursuite du Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 Slip Reference W Page 9456 Venice, ordonnance 9496 Venice, ordonnance R R 1041 n7 1047 n6 9454 Venice, ordonnance, faicte l’an 1461 au Senat. 9453 Venice, ordonnances lib. 4. cap. 18. R R 1040 n4 1039 n5 8727 Venice, ordonnances of 6823 Venice, statutes of in statutis Venet. 5706 Venice, statutes of lib. 1. cap. 59. stat. Venet. 5316 Venice, statuti Venetorum in statutis Venetor. & edicto. Mediolani anno 1564 Augusto mense 8630 Venice, treaties of R R R R 814 335 n3 96 n4 38 n5 R 767 6143 Vermandois, custom of R 171 8442 Veronensis RL 698 L 521A RL 458 7528 Verrius Flaccus aux statuts de Venize de l’an 1551 le 12 juin Festus in verbo majorem. 175 Notes sieur de Nouailles, l'an MDLVIII at Venice - 25 livres if you shed a man’s blood at Venice no interest higher than 6%, acc. to ordonnance law of Venice against false witness - harsh at Venice harsher penalty for female thieves than for men various ordonnances of Venice of 1506 & 1512 voting procedure at Venice testamentary rights at Venice son can kill father who is a traitor treaties of Venice: a) 1508 with Pope Iulius II, Emp. Maximilian & the King of Naples b) 1570 with Sultan Selim on homage of vassals "comme la coustume des Vermandois, article 220" L 86: 51) articulo consuetudinis generalis 220 says the Gauls seem to possess an ‘ignea mens’ or ‘igneus vigor’ writes that consuls never both had power on the same day civitas compared to urbs effect of one calm leader among angry crowd: “Ac veluti magno in populo cum saepe coorta...Ille regit dictis animos & pectora mulcet.” (6 lines) souls of drowned never reach Elysium homage paid by Counts of Britanny to Charlemagne & Louis le Piteux "comme on peut voir és histoires de Floard & Guytald, que les uns appellent Witald, petit fils de Charlemagne" L 86: "quae tam ex historia et Vitaldi Caroli magni nepotis, tum etiam ex Floardi Sigeberti scriptis perspicuum esse potest." on division of Lotharingia & Arles after death of Lothaire, according to accounts of Guitald [L 86 Vitaldus], Floard & Lambert evidence on nature of people of the North Vitruvius called in to settle argument between Bodin & Cuias on method of estimating value of a building Matthew, King of Hungary, sends to Italy for legal specialists captain of Volsci encourages his men: “Armati armatis obstant, virtute pares, sed necessitate superiores estis.” appeals could be made to the Praetorian Prefect 5560 Verrius Flaccus in verbo senatum 8240 Virgil lib. 2. Aeneid R R 74 n.o 651 n 5434 Virgil Virg. 6. Aeneid 6121 Vitaldus R R 53 n2 167 6212 Vitaldus R 184 R R 552 545 n8 8412 Vives R 689 n1 8638 Volsci R 773 7504 Vopiscus R 452 n1 n2 914 n3 debasing of coinage - edict of Emperor Tacitus 44 n7 Aurelian was adopted 491 n1 Emp. Aurelian at capture of Thyana -“would 7995 Vitruvius 7961 Vitruvius lib. 2. c. 8. Flavius Vopiscus in Floriano. l. 1. de offi. praefect. praetor. 9087 Vopiscus in Tacito 5368 Vopiscus [Flavius] Vopiscus in Aureliano 7811 Vopiscus, [Flavius] in Aureliano. R R R Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 176 Notes not leave one dog alive.” on slaves human sacrifices of Amorrheans & Ammonites Slip Reference W Page 5477 William, King of Sicily (les ordonnances de) 5420 Wisdom Sapientiae c. 3. Sapient. c. 1. in libris regum. 9258 Witikindus lib. 2. 6642 Xenophon 6686 Xenophon 6712 Xenophon R 60 R 51 n.o RL RL 993 Otho the Great - succession by force of arms L 732 R 995 n4 right of Theodoric the bastard to inherit R 10 Xenophon & Aristotle divided economics from politics R 255 Thucydides, Xenophon,…say Athens aimed at setting up democracies everywhere R 274 in the Cyropaedeia - on the king of Persia R 283 on state of early kingship RL 289 on good kings - 6715 Xenophon 8400 Xenophon 9130 Xenophon R R R 293 685 942 R 632-3 9273 Witikindus Saxonic. 5029 Xenophon 6596 Xenophon 9324 Xenophon 9488 Xenophon 9186 Xenophon 9115 Xenophon 6626 Xenophon 8209 Xenophon in Cyripaedia in lib. de Repub. Athen. in libris de factis & dictis Socratis [Memorabilia] in libro de Atheniensium Republica 9604 Xenophon in oeconomicis 6411 Xenophon 8219 Xenophon in republica Atheniensium lib. 2. rerum Graecarum 7508 Xenophon lib. 3. a)naba&s. 6875 Xenophon 8123 Xenophon lib. 3. rerum Graecar. lib. 7. rerum Graecar. 8669 Xenophon 7877 Xenophon lib. de Repub. Atheniens. Plut. in Nicia & Alcibiade. 6800 Xenophon 7881 Xenophon 5127 Xenophon Thucyd. Xenoph. Plutar. Thucydid. Xenophon. Plutarch. ἰς ῖ ς ῶ ἐ ῶ ἐ ῖ 6643 Xiphilin Dio lib. 57 & Xiphilin in Adriano 7977 Xiphilinus 8113 Xiphilinus 8707 Zabarel Dio. Xiphilinus in Antonino philosoph. consil. 137. his portrait of a good prince says some Egyptians lived to be 600 says plebs advance the most vicious & unworthy R 1014-15 on upbringing of Cyrus R 1046 says Persians consider virtues as well as vices of the accused & acquit him if his virtues preponderate R 969 n2 kingship best, says Xenophon R 939 n1 on the Republic of the Athenians RL 265 says Plato's portrait of Socrates is not true to life says democracy preserves a state when everything goes ῖς ὶ ῖς [by lot & by yoke] handicrafts accounted base trades RL 503* L357C n5 R 231 n2 an appeal to the people of Athens R 638 n3 Eteonices the Spartan subdues a mutiny before it breaks out R 455 n4 on princes to whom God has given very wide jurisdiction R 353 inner council of 12 at Sparta as Xenophon says R 590 n2 Epaminondas & Pelopidas win victory after end of their term of office R 790 n7 Athenians turn the league into an empire R 524 n3 Syracuse changes from aristocracy to democracy R 319 n4 Lysander sets up aristocracies R 527 n4 Athenians impose democracies RL 22 [= to fall into the hands of the enemy] "in manu" = in the power of R 274 n1 Themistocles wanted to greet the Persian king in the Greek manner RL 547 Constantinople sacked by Galienus R 585 n5 Marcus Aurelius ordains no one to be governor in his own country R 804 n2 Cardinal Zabarel on question: is prince bound Bodin Sources Index – République/De Republica Release Date – April 2015 177 Notes by oath made when conquered? 8703 Zabarel [L 86 Zabarella] Cardin. Zabar. consi. 137. R 803 n.o may a prince break an oath made under compulsion? 8091 Zacharaiah cap. 7 & 5. Haggai cap. 2. 3. RL 571 on Jewish chronology, length of the captivity L 423A 9012 Zarata, Augustinus R 883 conquerors of Peru kept large treasures back for themselves - as Augustin Zarata [L] [de Zarate F], the Logistes of the Spanish king, has reckoned 7446 Zasius ad. §. quadrupli. de action. DD. in l. R 445 n5 right to resist magistrates meminerint. unde vi. C. & in 2. q. 1. 6144 Zasius §. omnes filii. si de feudo contro. Zasius in RL 171 on vassals - one can swear for all epit. feud. par. 7. ait Germanis moribus unum pro omnibus sufficere, ut etiam plerisque Galliae municipiis, fidem quidem a singulis praestari aequum est, quia nihil accedit patrono nec decedit vassallo. 6177 Zasius in epito. feud. parte 7. qui eundem Germanis RL 175 on liege homage morem esse tradit. 8570 Zazius in tracta. de feudis. R 729 n4 procedure for confiscation in Germany 8414 Zoar. <a Hebrew word or the name of a Hebrew R 691 n5 “la partie dextre,....que les Hebrieux donnent à writer?> la Lune & à Mars” 8223 Zonaras in Iustiniano. R 640 n5 Blue and Green factions under Iustinian a 7202 Zonaras Livius…Zonar. tom. 2. R 402 n6 censors often published their edicts 6483 Zonaras Procopius lib. 3. belli Gothici. & Zonaras R 243 n.o Romans reserved the right of coining gold money Slip Reference W Page
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