!r. ., ii,t;:,r::: 9.Fsiff School of Management Studies Cochin Univcrsity of Sciencc and T'echnology Kochi - 682022, Kcrala Phone: (048a) 2575310/2575096 Fax 2575492 llmail: sms(Dcusat.ac.in tSir' Muy 20 15. i','J r, W' Dear Candidate, Sub:- Admission fbr tl-re Academic Year 2015 - 16 - Manaqerlent Programmes I{c& You are provisionaliy considered for the second phase o1' the Admission proceciurc lor thc Management Programmes of'fered by the School o1'Managen"rent Studies, Cochin lJniversity o1-scicucc zrncl T'echnology, fbr the Group Discussion and Intervieu'will be conciucted liom 3''d.Iune to 16il',lunc 2015 at tlrc School of M:rnagement Studies, CUSAT, Kochi - 682 022. You arc rcquired to,be prescnt for a Group l)iscussion and lntcrvierv at tlrc Sclrool of' Managcmcnt Studies on the date and time given against your name in thc schcdule publishcil by CUSA'I' in the Univcrsity websitc (:f:y:yCggel.ls,!It. Please brins a copy each o{'this instruction lctter. and CMAT/MA'I-/CAI- Scorc card. Failure to attend the Group l)iscussion and Intcrvicrv rvill rcsult in your loosing thc chance for admission to Managcmcnt courscs at School of Managcntcnt Studies, CUSA'I. 'l'his shoul.d bc trcated as the call letter lbr GD and Intcrvicw. 'l'hcrc rvill bc no individual call letters for attcnding GD and intcrvicw. All canclidates who atterrcl the GD arrd Interview and find their nanres in the flnal rank list lor coLrrrscling rvill be called for counseling to be held at School of'Management Studies, CUSAI'by the last weeh ol'.lunc 2015. You have to produce the lollowing dccurnents iu original along with attested copies at the timc ol'counscling lor atl nrission to be held during the last rveck of June 2015. T'hc Schedule fbr counseling will also bc;rublishctl in the University Websitc. (No scparatc letter will bc scnt) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate/Course Completion Certiflcate CMAT/MATTCAT Score Card Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate lOtr'standard Certificate & All mark lists of all 1,ears/semesters ol'the Qualilying Degree lixarnrination Migration Certihcate in respect of candidates who have studied last in Institr-rtions or-rtsidc thc statc ol' I( cra lii Conversion tablc obtaincd liom the institution, in case of candidates who havc grade points instcacl olmarks. 7. Irt cuse oJ'SEIIC cundidotes cluiming seat reservutiott shorlld produce the Non Creutn.v l-oJ)er Certfficate issued by revenue olJicer not ltelcw the rnn.k oJ'u Village OlJicer. 8. Valid document(s) to prove Keralite status, i1'applicable" [I'lease rel'er the academic notilication and prospectus lbr detailsl (). Community Certificate issued by l-ahsildar in tl-re case of SC/ST Candidates 10. Certificate liorn Medical Iloard in case of candidates seekir.rg adn.rissior.r under l)lrysicalll, Ilandrcappccl 6. Qr-rota. proving proliciency in Sports, if selection is under Sports Quota. to tlre efl'ect lhat the candidate has 3 or more years of'supervisory/executivc 0xpericnoc (a{ier taking the Deglee) and a No Objection Certiflcate liorn the en-rployer in the case o1-canclidatcs seekir-rg admission for MBA (Part Time) course under "Experienced Category". 13.Two scts of copies of all original certilicates / documents fattested by Gazetted Officerl rncntionocl 1 1. Certif icate 12. Ccrtil'icaLe aborre. Please note thal: a) Carrdidates awaiting rosults ol'any sultplemcntary exantittatiorrs are not eligiblc lor adnrission, b) Allowing you to appeal lor (Jloup Discr-rssiorr and Interview is in no way conflrnring your eligrbility lbr nclrrissi,rn to Mar ragcrr rcnI I]rograt)lncs. .t:s-t trJ I SCIIOOL OF MANAGEMENT' STUDIF]S 'ili;i ;^# # f COCIIIN UNIVERSITY OF'SCTENCE AND TECIINOLOGY. COCI"IIN - f' ;trd 682 022 ADDII'IONAI. I,IST OF CANDIDA'TES CAI,LED ITOR GD AND INT'IIRVTEW ON I6'fII JUNE 2015 Y d Sl.No. llegno l)atc ancl -I-imc for I ntervicw Namc GD & I 13791s MOHAMMIID FAIZAL 16.06.201s 9.00 a.rn. 1 137955 SAJISII K I' 16.06.201s 9.00 a.m. -) l4l MIDIIUNMANICHAN 16.06.20r 5 9.00 a.m. 4 141264 NEEITA.TA VAITMA 16.06.201s 9.00 a.rn 5 141463 ANISIIA ANILKUMAII 16.06.20 r 5 9.00 a.nr. 6 141550 SIMI 16.06.2015 9.00 a.nr. '7 t6.06.2015 9.00 a.rn. 16.06.2015 9.00 a.rn. 9 l4l8tt4 At}I K AT}DUI,LA r42086 HITIIA.TOSE V 142284 PAVIN P IT 16.06.201s 9.00 n.rn. l0 t42377 ALAN I' TI{ANKACI{AN 16.06.2015 9.00 a.rn. lt 1124s7 SANAL.A.S 16.06.201s 9.00 a.m. {l 186 PJ KOCtlt - 22 28-05-20r s SCUOOL
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