CHAGRINVALLEYRECCENTER’15 OPENING DAY IS JUNE 6. NEW FITNESS CENTER Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am-9 pm Tuesday and Thursday 6 am-9 pm Saturday 7 am-3 pm FITNESS CENTER AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Ages 12-adult June 1 - August 18 MWF 9am-9pm T/TH 6am-9pm SAT 7am-3pm August 19 - September 5 MF 6pm-9pm SAT 7am-3pm Hours subject to change based on usage and demand. Classic Family Membership with Fitness Center $485 Fitness Center Add-on (p/person ages 12+) $100 Members $150 Non-Members This state-of-the-art facility is filled with treadmills, spin bikes, elipticals, stair steppers, crank cycles, dumbbells, full racks, and weight machines. For just $80 you can upgrade your Rec Classic Family Membership to include unlimited fitness center access for everyone in our family ages 12 and up. Fitness-only $150. Fitness add-on to swim-only $100. Child care will be available for a fee see REC KIDS CARE. TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING Ages 12-adult June 8 - July 29 MW 9am-10am $8 Rec Members $12 Non-members (To be paid by check or cash at each visit.) An intense and fun hour of total body strength, core/toning and cardio training on the track and fields near the Rec. Classes will be led by a certified personal trainer. Expect something new and challenging each class. All equipment will be provided except for a mat and water. Meet at entrance to track. Class held outdoors - weather permitting. Contact for more info. REGISTER at The Sands Community Room SPINNING Ages 12-adult June 11 - July 30 TH 9:15am-10:15am $8 Rec Fitness Members ONLY (To be paid by check or cash at each visit.) Beginner and experienced riders are welcome, so come reach your fitness goals with this onehour, fun, calorie-torching ride! Taught by Caroline Brosnan, certified group fitness, Spinning, Barre, and Pilates instructor. Hand-picked music geared to motivate and inspire! Class will be held in the CF high school fitness center and is only open to those with Rec Fitness Center Memberships. Space is limited. Contact for more info. SATURDAY MAY 9 All Residents 8:00am - 2:00pm Numbers will be handed out one hour before opening on May 9. One number per person. WATER AEROBICS Ages 12-adult June 12 - July 31 F 11am-11:45am Free Members $5 Non-members Free for all senior Non-members age 60+ (To be paid by check or cash at each visit.) Classes run by Judy Kramer, an experienced water fitness instructor, will include working with kickboards, water weights and pool noodles to improve strength, flexibility, and overall fitness level. Classes held in a Rec pool. No advance signup required, just drop-in! REC KIDS CARE Ages 3 and up June 8 - August 14 M-F 8:30am - 12:00p Members: $5/hr for first child,$3 for siblings. Non-members $8/$6 First hour is 90 minutes. Parents must follow established child sign-in/signout procedures at each visit and remain on the CF high school/Rec campus while their child is at camp. Advance sign-up is requested to guarantee your spot; drop-ins allowed only as space permits. Sign-up available online ( sheets/cvrcsignups) or in person at Rec Kids Care. Payment required at each visit. Contact to fill out paperwork and jump start the process. WEDNESDAY MAY 13 All Residents 7:00pm - 9:00pm MEMBERSHIP includes use of Rec pools, playground, rec room (including drop-in craft center) as well as discounts on camps, classes, and other add-ons. Classic Membership also includes swimming & tennis lessons (one session per child). A fitness-center-only membership includes access to the fitness center only and does not include the benefits mentioned above. done by mail if you are only registering for swim only and/ or fitness-only membership. Passes can be picked up on or after the first day of the pool opening. Single memberships will be sold only to individuals older than 10 years of age. All children under 10 years old MUST be accompanied by an adult member while at the Rec Center. Only two adult members per family membership. Registration for swim lessons, tennis lessons, and classes MUST be done in person. Please fill out the attached form and bring it with you to registration on May 9 or May 13. Payment is by cash, check, MasterCard or Visa. Registration for membership may be $20 discount will apply to all membership registrations by May 13, 2015. Mail in registration must be postmarked May 13, 2015, or earlier, to receive the discount. MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS CLASSIC FAMILY MEMBERSHIP All Classic Family Memberships include swim and tennis lessons—one session of each per child Classic Family Membership ADD-ONS Fitness Center (per person ages 12+) $405 Classic Family Membership with Fitness Center $485 unlimited access to the CFHS fitness center for all family members age 12 and over. SWIM-ONLY MEMBERSHIPS All Family Swim memberships include up to two adults. Baby Pool Family $120 Adult single (age 18-59) $150 Youth single (age 13-17) $120 Family – 2 member $185 Family – 3 member $260 Family – 4 member $325 Family – 5 or more $380 access to the wading pool and playground area only Members $100 Non-Members $150 Members-only Swim Team: $40 for 1st swimmer from a family $30 for 2nd swimmer, $20 each for 3rd swimmer or more Swim team is not available to Non-Members Group Swim Lessons: Member $40 Non Member $150 Private Swim Lessons (30 min.): Package of 5 $100 Package of 10 $180 Package of 15 $240 Lap Swim Member FREE $ 55 Non Member $100 (add one extra adult to any family membership) Members-only Tennis Lessons: Senior (age 60-69) $ 75 Member group lesson $20 Senior Couple (age 60-69 $130 Quick Start Tennis $40 Tennis Team $25 Super Senior (age 70+) FREE Add-a-Nanny Seniors ages 66-69 who were Super Senior members in 2014 may join as Super Seniors in 2015. Drop-In Fees: 10 Member Guest Passes $75 10 Drop-in Passes $120 Daily Member Guest $10 Non-member Drop-in $15 REGISTRATION $20 DISCOUNTS ON MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATIONS COMPLETED BY MAY 13. PAGE 2 247-7813 MAY 9 MAY 13 OPENSWIMHOURS INTERMEDIATE POOL 1.5-5 ft. 40 x 60 ft SENIOR POOL 4-9 ft. 50 ft. x 100 ft. OPENING DAY • JUNE 6 AT 11am June 6 - July 30 We all know summer is short in NE Ohio---let’s get the most out of it! MIDDLE POOL On both weekdays and weekends, open swim is starting an hour earlier and going an hour later than last year! NEW! Monday - Thursday Noon - 9pm Friday 10am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm BIG POOL Monday - Thursday 12:30 - 9pm Friday 10am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm On Fridays, Big Pool and Middle Pool will have an even earlier 10am start all season long! Pool hours may vary due to swim meets, special events and weather. Please check our web site and/or daily posting at the Rec for the most up-to-date information. WADING POOL MEET OUR NEW DIRECTOR! Enjoy the wading pool and newly re-imagined and reconstructed playground area whenever the Rec is open: New reduced-price wading pool/playground-only membership! Weekdays 8am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm Chris Hagen is excited to be the new Rec director and is looking forward to a super fun summer. Chris's leadership will be key for guiding the Rec into the future with lots of exciting changes while maintaining its unique character and traditions. Our director for the past 10 years, Mary Beth Wolfe, will be helping Chris transition into his new role over the next few months and will be on site as the Facilities Director for the first part of the summer. We are also thrilled that Jo Wintering will be returning to head the CVRC swim team program again this year! EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM JUNE 8 - JULY 24 Monday - Thursday 6:30am - 8am JULY 27 - AUGUST 18 Monday - Thursday 8am - 10a INVITATIONAL JULY 18, NO OPEN SWIM July 31 - August 18 DEAR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF THE REC, BIG & MIDDLE POOLS Monday - Friday 10am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm WADING POOLS Monday - Friday 8am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm Late Summer WEEKENDS ONLY AUG. 22,23,29,30 SEPT. 5-7 ALL POOLS Building on that support, the Rec Council has crafted a great lineup of new and old programs. Saturday & Sunday 11am - 9pm RECWIFI The Rec Building and the grounds are equipped with WI-FI for your convenience! What a winter we had! As summer turned to autumn and the pool turned quiet, there was sincere doubt about whether the pool would open again. But you showed overwhelming support and exceeded all expectations. Your donations jumped past The Rec’s $100,000 fundraising goal to $150,000 by year end and donations continue to pour in. The money has been used for needed maintenance and repairs, a new pavilion, new playground, and new furniture. Refilled cash reserves have enabled us to expand hours and try new programs. Drop off the kids at the pool for swim lessons and classes led by the Valley Art Center. Or let them experience the new Rec Kids Care. Get energized at the fitness center. Stop by newly expanded snack bar. Enjoy a sandwich or salad by the pool with the kids. Reconnect with your friends while your kids splash with their friends at the pool. Then finish the day with a frozen yogurt. Need a week to catch up on things at home? You won’t have to ask twice when you offer the kids a week in the new After School’s Out Sports Camp with Mr. Cannon and Ms. Czerr or the new Theatre Camp with Mr. Welch or the Rec Day Camp. There are too many exciting things to mention here. So look inside the brochure now, join, and enjoy. Happy summer, Michael Garvey CVRC Chairman 247-7813PAGE 9 SWIMCLASSES The CVRC swimming program is specifically design for the Rec swimming facilities. Classic Family members and Swim-only members with swim lesson add-on may register ONE SESSION PER CHILD. Please read the descriptions of each level and match your child to the skills described. A class may be cancelled if fewer than six students are registered. Classes will not be held on July 4th and 5th. Additional sessions may be available after registration is complete for a $30 fee. TADPOLES Typical Ages: 6 months to 4 years Student to Teacher 5:1 Length of Class: 25 minutes Class Location Shallow End of Middle Pool Instructional activities: Techniques for parents to orient their child to the water. Child must be accompanied by an adult in the water. PLEASE NOTE: Children who are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper while in the pools. LEVEL 1 WATER EXPLORATION Typical Ages 3 to 5 years Student-to-Teacher5:1 Length of Class 25 minutes Class Location Shallow End of Middle Pool Instructional activities: Front and back crawl arm movements, float with and without assistance, blow bubbles, submerge face & head, retrieve rings. Testing requirements at completion of class: Submerge face, float on front and back with assistance. Level 2 - Primary Skills Typical Ages 4 to 6 years Student to Teacher5:1 Length of Class 25 minutes Class Location Middle Area of Middle Pool Instructional activities: Front and back crawl arm movements, float with and without assistance, submerge face & head, retrieve rings, flutter kick with kickboards with assistance. Testing requirements at completion of class: Float independently on both front and back. Submerge head comfortably. LEVEL 3 STROKE READINESS Typical Ages 5 to 7 years Student to Teacher 5:1 Length of Class 25 minutes Class Location Deep End of Middle Pool Instructional activities: Front and back crawl arm movements, float with and without assistance, submerge face & head, retrieve rings, flutter kick with kickboards with assistance. Testing requirements at completion of class: Front & back crawl across the middle pool with assistance, glides. LEVEL 3+ STROKE READINESSPLUS Typical Ages 6 to 8 years Student to Teacher 6:1 Length of Class 40 minutes Class Location Deep End of Middle Pool & Shallow End of Big Pool Instructional activities: Kicking with kickboard in middle and big pool, rotary breathing assistance with kickboard, width swimming in middle & big pool, elementary backstroke kick, treading water, streamlining, sit dives in the big pool. Testing requirements at completion of class: Continuous front and back crawl, unassisted in middle pool (2 widths) elementary backstroke kick, rotary breathing with kickboard while swimming the width of the big pool, sit dives into the big pool. LEVEL 4 STROKE DEVELOPMENT Typical Ages 7 to 10 years Student to Teacher 6:1 Length of Class 40 minutes Class Location Shallow End of Big Pool Instructional activities: Widths across the big pool practicing strokes to be tested, frequent kickboard use in breast and side stroke instruction, rotary breathing rehearsal, practice open turns, elementary backstroke arms. Testing requirements at completion of class: Two widths front crawl with rotary breathing, two widths back crawl, one width elementary backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke kick, diving from kneeling position, tread water for two minutes, streamlining. PAGE LEVEL 5 STROKE REFINEMENT Typical Ages 8 to 12 years Student to Teacher6:1 Length of Class 40 minutes Class Location Middle of Big Pool Instructional activities: Widths across the big pool practicing strokes to be tested, frequent kickboard use, diving practice, open turns. Testing requirements @ completion of class: Three widths of refined freestyle with rotary breathing (form will be tested), three widths of refined backstroke, two widths of breaststroke with proper frog kick, two widths of sidestroke, two widths of elementary backstroke, one width butterfly kick with kickboard, open turns, standing diving, tread water for five minutes. LEVEL 6 SWIMMING PROFICIENCY Typical Ages 9 to 12 years Student to Teacher6:1 Length of Class 40 minutes Class Location Deep End of Big Pool Instructional activities: Swim widths across the big pool practicing strokes to be tested, tread water, diving practice, flip turn practice. Testing requirements @ completion of class: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, sidestroke, elementary backstroke, flip turns, shallow racing dives. ASR - Advanced Stroke Refinement Typical Ages 12 and up Class Location Deep End of Big Pool Length of Class 40 minutes Instructor drills and offers feedback to improve stroke efficiency for competitive swimmers. 247-7813 SWIMSESSIONS 4 DAYS A WEEK 2 DAYS A WEEK EVENINGS & WEEKENDS MON - THURS FOR 2 WKS MON & WED or TUE & THURS FOR 4 WKS TUE & THURS or SAT & SUN FOR 4 WKS TOTAL OF 8 CLASSES TOTAL OF 8 CLASSES TOTAL OF 8 CLASSES Session Session Session Session LEVEL TAD L1 L2 L3 Session Session Session Session A June 8 - June 18 B June 22 - July 2 C July 6 - July 16 D July 20 - July 30 TIME 9:30-9:55 LEVEL CLASSES/SESSION A B C D TA1 TB1 TC1 TD1 W X Y Z M/W T/TH M/W T/TH Session P T/TH June 9 - July 2 Session Q S/S June 20 - July 19 Session R T/TH July 7 - July 30 June 8 - July 1 June 9 - July 2 July 6 - July 29 July 7 - July 30 TIME No classes July 4-5 Subject to a min. enrollement of 6 students LEVEL TIME CLASSES/SESSION W X Y Z TAD 11:30-11:55 TW2 TX2 TY2 TZ2 9:00-9:25 10:45-11:10 1A1 1A2 1B1 1B2 1C1 1C2 1D1 1D2 L1 10:00-10:25 1W3 1X3 1Y3 1Z3 L2 10:00-10:25 2W3 2X3 2Y3 2Z3 9:00-9:25 9:30-9:55 2A1 2A2 2B1 2B2 2C1 2C2 2D1 2D2 L3 9:15-9:55 3W2 3X2 3Y2 3Z2 L3+ 11:15-11:55 3+W2 3+X2 3+Y2 3+Z2 10:45-11:25 3A1 3B1 3C1 3D1 L4 10:45-11:25 4W3 4X3 4Y3 4Z3 L3+ 10:00-10:40 3+A 3+B 3+C 3+D L5 10:00-10:40 4A1 11:30 - 12:10 4A2 4B1 4B2 4C1 4C2 4D1 4D2 10:00-10:40 11:30-12:10 5W2 5W3 5X2 5X3 5Y2 5Y3 5Z2 5Z3 L6 10:00-10:40 6W2 6X2 6Y2 6Z2 L5 10:45-11:25 5A1 5B1 5C1 5D1 L6 10:45-11:25 6A1 6B1 6C1 6D1 ASR 10:45-11:25 SB1 SB1 SC1 SD1 L4 SWIMTEAM MEMBERS-ONLY June 8 - July 18 The spirited Blue Roosters team is led by enthusiastic coaches. Weekday morning practices; evening home and away swim meets twice a week. Evening practice times may be offered on Mondays based upon demand. Swimmers must be able to pass the big pool safety test and should be able to do the front crawl. This is not a learn to swim course. Enrollment will be closed at the end of the first week of practice. Ages 11 & Older Ages 10 & Under M-F 8:00-9:00am M-F 9:00-9:50am $40 for first swimmer $25 for second swimmer $15 for third or more LAPSWIM JUNE 8 - JULY 24 M-F 6:30AM - 8:00AM JULY 27 - AUGUST 18 M-F 8:00AM - 10:00AM Members FREE Non-members $100 Lap swimming for fitness for all levels of swimmers, from recreational exercisers to triathlete. PRIVATE CLASSES/SESSION P TAD 9:30-9:55am 6:30-6:55pm Q R TQ3 TP4 TR4 L1 10:00-10:25am 7:00-7:25pm 1P5 1Q3 L2 10:00-10:25am 7:00-7:25pm 2P5 2Q3 L3 9:15-9:55am 6:15-6:55pm 3Q3 1R5 2R5 3P4 3R4 CHAGRIN VALLEY INVITATIONAL July 18, 2015 All Day Event Preliminaries begin at 9:00am Finals begin at 6:30pm Join us for the 45th Annual Invitational. Over 800 swimmers from 18 area clubs compete in relay races. Admission is charged. No Open Swim July 18 SWIM LESSONS Subject to instructor and pool availability. See the Rec Director for information. 30 minutes. Package of 5 $100 Package of 10 $180 Package of 15 $240 PAGE 6 TENNISPROGRAM CVRC Tennis program is back, providing, fun, tennis instruction. More flexible scheduling coordinates with new swim lesson schedule. Classic Family members and Swim-only members with Tennis add-on may register for ONE CLASS PER CHILD. Additional clinics may be available after Registration is complete for an additional $20 fee. SUMMER CLINICS Tennis Clinics Summer Clinics are held in two-week and four week sessions. 8 sessions. 4 days/week or 2 days/week Level 1 • 4-5 yr.Participants will learn Session A Session B Session C Session D the movements of tennis through eyehand coordination drills, games and fun group activities. Level 2 • 6-7 yr. Participants will learn basic grips, stroke pattern, and basic rules of tennis through eye-hand coordination drills and games. M - TH June 8 - June 18 M - TH June 22 - July 2 M/W July 6 - July 29 T/TH July 7 - July 30 A B C D L1 8:15-8:45 8:15-8:45 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 L2 8:50-9:30 8:50-9:30 8:15-8:55 8:15-8:55 L3 9:45-10:30 10:45-11:30 9:45-10:30 9:45-10:30 L4 10:45-11:30 9:45-10:30 10:45-11:30 10:45-11:30 Level 3 • 8-10 yr. Participants will learn basic grips, stroke pattern, timing, movement, and basic rules of tennis through eye-hand coordination drills and games. Level 4 • 11 yr. + Participants will develop proper movement, strokes, shot directions and serve. Drills will be used to help gain control consistency, and footwork. Some match play will be involved to give the participants experience in serving, rallying and scoring. QUICK START TENNIS M-TH 11:45 am - 12:45pm QS Session E: June 8 - June 25 QS Session F: June 29 - July 16 $40.00/session This is a USTA sanctioned program designed to make learning and playing the game easier for kids ten and under by making it “kid-sized: i.e., employing smaller courts and racquets, lower nets, less bouncy balls and modified scoring. Each our of class time consists of 30 minutes of instruction followed by 30 minutes of “kid-sized” match play Each class is 3 weeks, 4 days per week for a total of 12 hours of fun. All “Quick Start” participants will receive a free racket with their $40.00 registration fee. Proper footwear must be worn on the court. TENNISTEAM MEMBERS-ONLY Match Play Fri. 1-3 pm TT Session E: June 8 - July 15 Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 TT Session F: June 19 - July 16 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30-2:30 $25.00/per player per session Tennis team offers participants the chance to refine their skills by competitive match play. In an effort to provide tennis team members a more consistent level of instruction, practice, and match play, we are offering tennis team in two four week sessions. Participants must be able to serve, sustain a rally, and keep score. Prior match play is recommended. All tennis team members must register with the USTA for an additional $24.00. This can be done online or by phone. Tennis team will practice 4 days per week (M-Th) with match play against area teams on Fridays from 1:00-3:00pm at CVAC. Level Four/Intermediate Tennis players may also play on the tennis team with approval from the head tennis coach. BIRTHDAY PARTIES & POOL RENTAL During open hours: $150 2 hours of reserved tables & chairs Exclusive use of middle pool pavilion Access to kitchen to store food Swimming fun with lifeguards on duty After hours: $350 2 hours of private swimming fun* Private access to any one of the three swimming pools 2 lifeguards on duty *Best options are Saturdays and Sundays before opening or after pool closes See CVRC Director for date and time availability and reservations. Private Tennis Lessons Private tennis lessons are offered for a fee on a limited basis, subject to instructor and availability of courts. Please see the Tennis Director for more information. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS $20,000+ Brigeman Family Pradco Chagrin Falls Dads’ Club $5,000+ Doman Family Chagrin Falls Booster Club $1,500+ and in-kind Bidar Construction Co. Chagrin Valley Jaycees Evans Printing markey creative Millcraft Paper Winfield Associates, Investment Advisors and many volunteers 247-7813PAGE 7 CAMPS & CLASSES Camps and classes are taught by experienced teachers or coaches, and are held at the Chagrin Falls High School Campus, Gurney Elementary School or the Rec Building. Most camps run five days a week and are open to members and non-members for a fee. Classes are limited in size and are conducted for registered participants only. Check the sandwich board on the first day of camp to verify camp locations. The staff reserves the right to cancel any camp due to insufficient enrollment. REC DAY CAMP Kids entering Grades 1-7 Chagrin Valley Rec Center M-F Select from Options below FULL DAY 9am-4pm $180 Members $225 Non-members HALF DAY Morning 9am-12pm or Afternoon 1pm-4pm $95 Members $120 Non-members Session 1 June 8 - June 12 Session 2 June 15 - June 19 Session 3 June 22- June 26 Session 4 June 29 - July 3 Session 5 July 6 - July 10 Session 6 July 13 - July 17 Session 7 July 20 - July 24 Session 8 July 27 - July 31 NEW! Extended Hours: arrive at 8am and stay as late as 6pm for an additional fee of $12 per hour. 24 hour notice required. This classic all-around day camp provides unique activities and bonding with friends and counselors in a safe, stimulating and fun environment. The camp features activities including group sports and games, crafts, swimming, nature exploration, attendance at Rec special events, and walking field trips. NEW! Choose between full-day or half-day options. Full-day campers should bring a bag lunch or will be able to buy lunch at the newly improved Rec snack bar with expanded healthy lunch choices. Morning and afternoon activities will be different on each day. Each session will follow a similar format, but activities will vary. AFTER SCHOOL’S OUT SPORTS CAMP Kids entering Grades 1-7 Chagrin Valley Rec Center M-F 1pm-4pm Member $95 non-member $120 p/session Eight 1-week sessions Session 1: June 8-12 Session 2: June 15-19 Session 3: June 22-26 Session 4: June 29-July 3 Session 5: July 6-10 Session 6: July 13-17 Session 7: July 20-24 Session 8: July 27-31 NEW! Based on the popular After School Sports program run by Chagrin Falls’ Gurney Elementary School teachers Justin Cannon and Mary Jo Czerr. Here, sports-minded high school-age counselors will assist in coaching group sports and fun athletic games and training. Activities will include wiffle ball, dodgeball, tag, tennis, capture the flag, kickball, touch football, soccer, etc. Kids will be divided into groups by age to keep things safe and challenging for all. Bring a water bottle, a snack and your swimsuit and towel for cool-off breaks in the pool! Sports Camp families can also take advantage of extended hours available through Rec Day Camp; stay at the Rec as late as 6pm for an additional fee of $12 per hour (24 hr advance notice required). NEW! For the same price, full day Rec Day campers have the option to attend the AFTER SCHOOL’S OUT SPORTS CAMP run by Mr. Cannon and Mrs. Czerr for the afternoon hours (1-4pm). To do this, sign up for full-day Day Camp with afternoon Sports Camp option. GURNEY DAYCAMP Ages 3-5 yrs Gurney Elementary School M-TH 9:30am-12pm Session 1 June 22 - July 2 Session 2 July 6 - July 16 Member $140 non-member $180 p/session Krista Prexta, an experienced preschool teacher from the Methodist Preschool in Chagrin Falls, is running our Gurney Day Camp this year. Krista and her fun, energetic staff guarantees that your child will love it! They will have fun playing inside and outside with games, crafts, obstacle courses, nature exploration, and good old summer fun! Snacks will be provided each day. Offered in two-week sessions held four days per week. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING TECH CAMP Ages 9-13 June 22 - 26 M-F 9am-12pm $229 (register by April 30 and save $10 with code “FLYER10”) Register at 800-595-3776 Professional technology educators from Classroom Antics, Inc. make computer programming simple and fun using Scratch software technology. Campers are introduced to the essential building blocks of computer programming by creating fun, interactive stories, art and games. During Tech Camp, students will think creatively while learning coding basics. By the end of this camp, these budding programmers will be able to put their imagination into the form of a computer program. Tech campers will receive a complimentary USB drive to take home a copy of their own computer programs each day and at the end of camp. VIDEO GAME DESIGN TECH CAMP Ages 10-13 June 22 - 26 M-F 1pm-4pm $229 (register by April 30 and save $10 with code “FLYER10”) Register at 800-595-3776 Professional technology educators from Classroom Antics, Inc. will teach campers video game design using GameMaker Studio, the latest game design technology from YoYo Games. Campers will be led through the full process of creating a game, including development of characters and rooms, addition of backgrounds, music and sound effects and other great techniques. Each camper will receive a complimentary USB drive so that they can take their work home each day and at the end of camp. Campers will be provided access to a copy of the GameMaker software and a library of graphics and music files so that they can continue to develop their games and create new ones even after camp is over. BASKETMAKING Entering Grades 3 and up July 14 - July 16 T-TH 1pm-2:30pm $25 Members $40 Non-members This three-day camp with an interest in learning how to weave authentic reed baskets. Learn techniques and bring home your own beautiful and functional piece of art! 12 kids max. PAGE 10 BECOME A BETTER BABYSITTER TRAINING Ages 10-13+ Sat. June 20 9am - 1pm Member $50/session Non-member $60 In this hands-on four hour class, each student will learn to change a diaper, how to feed children safely, home and toy safety, some basic first aid, develop skills to use if an infant or child chokes, and much more! Upon successful completion, each student will receive course material and a certificate. Please bring a brown bag lunch and a drink. 22 kids max. DISCOVER THE ARTIST WITHIN Entering Grades 1-4 July 13 - July 17 M-F 9:30am-1:00pm $150 Members $170 Non-members This popular camp is back for its 4th year! Come join the creative staff of Chagrin Falls teachers Mrs. Gebler, Mrs. Haynish and Mrs. Zdolshek and get crafty using a wide variety of art mediums including origami, paper mache, paint, tie dye and more! You will also be exploring your imagination through acting, singing and improvisation! Bring a lunch and drink each day and a plain white fitted cotton T-shirt on the first day. Crafts and performances will be different from those done in past years! Campers must be able to attend all 5 days of the camp to participate. Performance on the last day of camp. Family members are invited! AMERICAN RED CROSS - LIFE GUARD CERTIFICATION CLASS Ages 15+ June 6 - June 28 Sat-Sun 9am-1:00pm $240 Members $290 Non-members Through videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, you’ll learn teamwork, rescue and surveillance skills, First Aid and CPR/AED and other skills you need to work as a professional lifeguard. Successful completion results in a 2-year certification in Lifeguarding that includes first aid, professional-level CPR and AED in one certificate. Must be at least 15 years old by time classes end and pass certain swimming requirements. 6 students are required to run the class and maximum class size is 14. GIRLS GOT GAME Entering Grades 4-6 June 9 - June 12 T-F 2:30pm-5:00pm $90 Members $120 Non-members This four-day sports, fitness and nutrition camp for girls will be run by Lisa Burnett, a Registered Dietitian, former Ohio State women’s soccer player, current Chagrin Falls Soccer Club coach and Chagrin Falls High School assistant cross country coach. Lisa will lead participants in a variety of outdoor fitness-centered games and sports and provide instruction in sports training and nutrition on an age-appropriate level. Each day will conclude with the participants making a new healthy snack. MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS CONDITIONING/ FALL SPORTS PREP Entering Grades 7-8 July 20 - July 23 T-TH 4-5:30pm Member $45/session Non-member $55 TRY SCUBA Adults and Kids ages 12+, limit 10 people in class. June 27 9am-12pm $50 Members $65 Non-members The pros at Buckeye Scuba are going to safely take you beneath the surface to experience SCUBA diving in the Chagrin Valley Rec Center Pool! Students will need to bring bathing suit, towel and any other items necessary to go swimming at the pool. Buckeye Scuba will provide all the necessary diving equipment in a safe and fun environment. This four-day sports, fitness and nutrition camp for girls will be run by Lisa Burnett, one of the Chagrin Valley’s best role models for a healthy and active lifestyle. Lisa is a Registered Dietitian, former Ohio State women’s soccer player, current Chagrin Falls Soccer Club coach and Chagrin Falls High School assistant cross country coach. Lisa will lead participants in a variety of outdoor fitness-centered games and sports and provide instruction in safe and effective sports training and nutrition on an age-appropriate level. Each day will conclude with the participants making a new healthy snack. This is an introductory course. Full SCUBA certification is also available-contact Buckeye Scuba at 440-439-3677 or to learn more. This is not a certification course. REC THEATRE CAMP Age 3-5 June 9 - July 2 T or TH 9-9:50am July 7 - July 30 T or TH 9-9:50am $20 includes all materials Bring your favorite adult and discover, explore, and experience the wonderful world of art. This class will experiment with different mediums and create twoand three-dimensional masterpieces. Bring an art shirt or wear clothes that can get messy. Min. 4, max. 6 students. Two sessions- two age groupsJune 2 June 8 - 12 Grades 1-4 M-F 10am-1pm July 20 - 24 Grades 5-8 M-F 10am-1pm $125 Members $150 Non-members The all-new Rec Theatre Camp presented by The Academy for the Performing Arts, Chagrin Summer Theatre and Dusten Welch will focus on acting technique, improv, scene work, audition skills and much more! No prior theatre experience needed! One week of fun for kids entering Grades 1-4 and Grades 5-8. 16 kids max. AMAZING MUSIC THAT FITS IN YOUR POCKET Kids entering Grades 3 and up June 29 - July 1 M-W 1pm-2pm $35 Members $45 Non-members Hal Walker is a professional musician and music educator with a fascinating array of musical talents and an incredible gift for connecting with kids and sharing his lifelong passion for music with them. This threeday hands-on workshop will follow a free performance given by Hal at the Rec (on Thursday June 25, 1:00 pm). Participants will learn how to play the harmonica, create and play an ancient African rhythm instrument called the Banakula, and gain new insights into the science, creative possibility and fun surrounding music. Visit to learn more.(Fee includes materials for your own harmonica and self-designed and constructed banakula.) 20 kids max. VALLEY ART CENTER Valley Art Center presents its beloved, professionally-led art classes to Rec members only. Instructor Jen Rice. $20 per four-week session. Projects will be different each session. MOMMY AND ME: MIXED UP ART FOR PRESCHOOLERS MIXED MEDIA ART Entering grades K-2 June 9 - July 2 T or TH 10-10:50am July 7 - July 30 T or TH 10-10:50am $20 includes all materials This exciting class will have a little bit of everything! Paint, collage, cut and glue your way to a masterpiece! We will study different art techniques using all sorts of mediums. Min. 4,max. 8 students. EXPLORING THE ARTS Entering grades 3-5 June 9 - July 2 T or TH 11-11:50am July 7 - July 30 T or TH 11-11:50am $20 includes all materials Kids will paint, sculpt, collage, draw, and more. Students will design their own projects under the guidance of a working artist who will be available to teach technique and support them in the process. Min. 4, max. 8 students. PAGE 8 Chagrin Valley Rec Center is located on the Chagrin Falls Middle/High School Campus at 400 E. Washington Street in Chagrin Falls. The Rec offers summer swimming programs to residents of the Chagrin Valley. In cooperation with the Chagrin Falls School Board, The Rec consists of three outdoor pools, five tennis courts, a basketball court, a game room, swimming and tennis lesson programs, camps programs and special events. Conceived by a group of volunteers in 1943, the Rec continues its commitment to offer quality family summer recreation at an economic value to the residents of the Chagrin Valley. The non-profit, nontax supported Recreation Center is a unique volunteer run program. OPENING DAY IS JUNE 6. THE REC IS MORE FUN WITH FRIENDS. Join us this summer to see old friends and meet new ones. 2015 Summer Directors Director – Chris Hagen Facilities Directors – Mary Beth Wolfe, Sherrie Wooden Rec Council Officers Chair – Michael Garvey Vice Chair – Cheryl Nemunaitis Secretary – Addie Holdren Treasurer – Laura McMullen Rec Council Elected Board Jessica Allen Patti Baker Teresa Bidar Neil Markey Connie Sincaglia Mary Beth Wolfe Rec Council Appointments Shannon Ake Ben Brigeman Janeen Daugherty Tom Florkiewicz Sally Goss Ann Gasser Moe Hamdan Chantel Michalek Ann Mitchell Strite Potter Robert Sherman Paul Sincaglia Darren Wyville FAMILY GRILL NIGHT SPECIAL EVENTS SUNDAY, JULY 12 5-10pm Bring your picnic fare and grill grub to enjoy a summer night with friends. Grills will be flaming, music filling the air and refreshing late night swimming for all. Watch for Duck Derby races in the pool too! Free for Members $10 Non-member Inviduals, $20 Family TWEEN NIGHT 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 12 7-9pm Rec Building & Pool Let the summer fun begin! Dance to tunes, lounge on floaties and swim for a cool evening out. Children must be signed in and out by a parent. Free Members $10 Non-members SING-ALONG WITH COURTNEY WHITMER WED., JULY 15 1-1:30pm Check website and sandwich board for classroom location. Get ready to clap your hands and raise those voices as local children’s musician, Courtney Whitmer, energizes you with her heartwarming songs and instruments. This fun event is for children who will be entering 4th -6th grades in the fall. (No younger children are permitted) for young audience JUNGLE TERRY KUK SUL DO WED., JUNE 17 3:30-4:30pm Rec Building Come join the safari and all the fun as our favorite animal expert shares all of his amazing friends! All ages welcome! COMMUNITY POOL PARTY HOSTED BY THE REC AND THE CHAGRIN FALLS DADS’ CLUB SATURDAY, JUNE 20 4-9pm This is our thank you to ALL OF YOU who donated and supported to “Keep the Tradition Alive”. Experience all that the Rec has to offer, enjoy live music by the band, Pipe Dream, food, a dip in the pool and fun games! Members - this is your chance to bring all your friends free of charge for a fun evening out. Free and open to the public. HAL WALKER LIVE AND MAKE YOUR OWN KAZOO THURS., JUNE 25 1-2pm Rec Building Hal Walker is a singer, a songwriter and a musical explorer. His warm, passionate style engages audiences of all ages. He improvises and composes on unique musical instruments that you’ve probably never even seen before! Free for members and their guests. All ages welcome. Hal Walker will also host a music workshop. See CAMPS & Classes. Free for members and their guests. All ages welcome. Program geared WED., JULY 22 1-2pm Enjoy the energy and talents of Jason Zak of the Kuk Sul Do Academy in Chagrin Falls to test your skills. Get an introduction to martial arts. FAMILY GRILL NIGHT SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 5-10pm Bring your picnic fare and grill grub to enjoy a summer night with friends. Grills will be flaming, music filling the air and refreshing late night swimming for all. Watch for Duck Derby races in the pool too! Free for Members $10 Non-member Inviduals, $20 Family TWEEN NIGHT 2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 7-9pm Rec Building & Pool Let the summer fun begin! Dance to tunes, lounge on floaties and swim for a cool evening out. Children must be signed in and out by a parent. Free Members $10 Non-members This fun event is for children who will be entering 4th -6th grades in the fall. (No younger children are permitted) 6TH GRADE AFTER SCHOOL WALK TO “CHILL OUT” POOL PARTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 ‘TIL 5:30 End your first week of school with a dip in the pool with friends! This event is co-sponsored with Safe Routes to School. Students will leave for the Rec directly from school. $5 per student PAGE 247-7813 CHAGRINVALLEYRECCENTER’15 Box 84 • Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 REGISTER Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit NO. 86 Chagrin Falls, Ohio at The Sands Community Room MAY 9 MAY 13 NEW CHAGRINVALLEYRECCENTER’15 NEW CAMP & CLASS OFFERINGS HIGHLIGHTS day camp This NEW AND IMPROVED version of the all-around Classic Day Camp will be a highlight of summer providing unique activities and bonding with friends and counselors in a safe, stimulating and fun environment. Activites include: group sports and games, crafts, swimming, nature exploration, Rec special events, and walking field trips FLEXIBLE NEW SCHEDULE Choose between full-day or half-day morning (9am-12pm) afternoon (1pm-4pm) full-day 9am-4pm see CAMPS & CLASSES page 10 sports NEW! After School’s Out Sports Camp with Mr. Cannon and Mrs. Czerr. This all-new high-energy camp is based on the popular After School Sports program run by the Gurney Elementary School teachers Justin Cannon and Mary Jo Czerr. For kids entering Grades 1-7; held at The Rec from 1-4 pm. Eight 1-week sessions beginning June 8. arts NEW! Summer Theatre Camp Grades 1-4 and 5-8. Presented by The Performing Arts Academy and Chagrin Summer Theatre. Acting Techniques, Monologues, Improv, Scene Work, Audition Skills and more! NEW! Middle School Girls Conditioning Camp for girls entering grades 7-8. Fall Sports Prep. NEW! Valley Art Center at The Rec Valley Art Center is pleased to present its beloved, professionally-led art classes to Rec Center students this summer! Age 3 - Grade 5. NEW! Girls Got Game Fitness and wellness camp led by Lisa Burnett, dietician, CF coach and former OSU soccer player. NEW! Basketmaking Learn to make authentic reed baskets in this three day workshop for campers entering grades 3 and up. see CAMPS & CLASSES page 8 and 10 RETURNING! Discover the Artist Within Art and theatre camp with Mrs. Gebler, Mrs. Haynish, and Mrs. Zdolshek. Students entering Grades 1-4. New this year - Sign up for Full Day Camp and enjoy classic day camp in the morning and sports camp in the afternoon. New Extended Hours - 8 am to 6 p.m. for an additional $12 per hour. 24 hour sign-up required. see CAMPS & CLASSES page 8 JOINTHEREC2015 Registration for membership with swimming & tennis lessons & classes must be done in person. You may fill this out and bring it with you to Registration. Mail in registration is for individual or family memberships only, NOT for registering classes or lessons. Please Check Membership type: CLASSIC FAMILY MEMBERSHIP All Classic Family Memberships include swim and tennis lessons—one session of each per child Family Last Name ❍ Classic Family • $405 includes all swim/tennis one per child ❍ Classic Family with Fitness Center • $485 SWIM-ONLY MEMBERSHIPS Address All Family Swim Memberships include up to two adults City ZIP Phone Cell E-mail E-mail 2 Fill in each family member’s first name Age TAG # CVRC use Adult 1 Adult 2 ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Baby Pool Family • $120 Adult Single (ages 18-59) • $150 Youth Single (ages 13-17) • $120 Family - 2 member • $185 Family - 3 member • $260 Family - 4 member • $325 Family - 5 or more • $380 Add-a-Nanny (One additional adult) • $55 Senior (age 60-69) • $75 Senior Couple • $130 Super Senior (age 70+) • FREE Seniors age 66-69 who were Super Seniors in 2014 may join as Super Seniors in 2015) Adult 3 (may be designated as babysitter or grandparent) Enter that membership cost here. ADD-ONS FITNESS Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 Emergency Contact (other than names above) Name PhoneCell Indicate Medical Alert for any listed above: ❍ Fitness Center Members • $100 ❍ Fitness Center Non-member • $150 GROUP SWIM LESSONS ❍ Members • $40 ❍ Non-member • $150 NON-MEMBER LAP SWIM ❍ $100 TENNIS LESSONS (for members only) ❍ Member group lesson • $20 ❍ Quick Start Tennis • $40 ❍ Tennis Team • $25 Enter the Add-on total here Class Totals from Reverse side I _________________________ a participant and/or as parent and/or legal guardian for a participant in one or more activities, lessons, sports or function, including but not limited to the use of the swimming pool, tennis courts, playground and softball fields (an activity) sponsored by the Chagrin Valley Recreation Council, Inc., during the 2015 season, for and on the behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, associates and assigns, hereby (i) assume all risks of injury which may arise from my and/or my child(ren) or ward(s), participation in an acitivity and (ii) release, discharge and exonerate the Chagrin Valley Recreation Council, Inc, it’s respective members, agents and representatives and the Summer Director, Pool Director, Officers and Administrators from and against any and all liability or damages of every nature, kind and description arising out of my and/or child(ren) or ward(s) participation in any activity. I have read and fully understand the above and claim the registrant is in good health and can participate in all activities. Mail to: Chagrin Valley Rec Center, Box 84, Chagrin Fails, OH 44022 Apply Early Registration Discount (-20.00 prior to May 14) How would you like to pay? Payment Method: ❍ Cash ❍ Check ❍ Visa/MC card number NameDate / exp. date If paying in person, do not enter credit card number Please note • Mail-in Registration is for Swim Membership Only. If you are registering for classes and camps you must register in person. You may fill out this form or download one from the web site and bring it with you, completed, to Registration. We can not pre-process any forms prior to Registration in May. 247-7813PAGE 11 CVRC CAMP & CLASS ADD-ONS GURNEY DAY CAMP list names S1-CHILD 1 ex:Cindy Smith CLASS DATES S1-CHILD 2 John Smith MEMBER FEE NON-MEMBER FEE S1-CHILD3 Smith Carrie S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1 6/22 - 7/2 $140 $180 S2-CHILD 1 S2-CHILD 2 S2-CHILD3 S2 7/6 - 7/16 $140 $180 REC DAY CAMP list names check box if enrolling for full day camp with sports camp option for the afternoon. S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S2-CHILD 1 S2-CHILD 2 S2-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1 6/8 - 12 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S2 6/15 - 19 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S3 6/22 - 26 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S4 6/29 - 7/3 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S5 7/6 - 10 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S6 7/13 - 17 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S7 7/20 - 24 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 S8 7/27 - 31 F$180/H95 F$225/H120 AFTER SCHOOL’S OUT SPORTS CAMP list names S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1 6/8 - 12 $95 $120 S2-CHILD 1 S2-CHILD 2 S2-CHILD3 S2 6/15 - 19 $95 $120 S3-CHILD 1 S3-CHILD 2 S3-CHILD3 S3 6/22 - 26 $95 $120 S4-CHILD 1 S4-CHILD 2 S4-CHILD3 S4 6/29 - 7/3 $95 $120 S5-CHILD 1 S5-CHILD 2 S5-CHILD3 S5 7/6 - 10 $95 $120 S6-CHILD 1 S6-CHILD 2 S6-CHILD3 S6 7/13 - 17 $95 $120 S7-CHILD 1 S7-CHILD 2 S7-CHILD3 S7 7/20 - 24 $95 $120 S8-CHILD 1 S8-CHILD 2 S8-CHILD3 S8 7/27 - 31 $95 $120 SAT 6/20 $55 $65 $55 $65 7/14 - 7/16 $25 $40 7/14 - 7/17 $150 $170 $40/25/15 N/A M/W 6/8 - 7/15 t/TH 6/9 - 7/16 $25 N/A 6/9 - 6/12 $90 $120 6/6 - 6/28 $240 $290 7/20 - 7/23 $45 $55 $125 $150 6/29 - 7/1 $35 $45 6/27 $50 $65 $25 $40 BE A BETTER BABYSITTER list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 BASKETMAKING list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 DISCOVER THE ARTIST WITHIN list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 SWIM TEAM list names CHILD 1 6/9 - 7/25 CHILD 2 CHILD3 TENNIS TEAM list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 GIRLS GOT GAME list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD CLASS list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS CONDITIONING list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 REC THEATRE CAMP list names S1-CHILD 1 S1-CHILD 2 S1-CHILD3 S1 6/8 - 12 S2-CHILD 1 S2-CHILD 2 S2-CHILD3 S2 7/20 - 24 AMAZING MUSIC THAT FITS IN YOUR POCKET list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 TRY SCUBA list names ADULT 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 VALLEY ART list names CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 6/9 - 7/2 Mommy & Me CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 6/9 - 7/2 Mixed Media CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 6/9 - 7/2 Exploring CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 7/7 - 30 Mommy & Me CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 7/7- 7/30 Mixed Media CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD3 7/7 - 7/30 Exploring QTY TOTAL
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