East Fork Swimming Pool District Board of Trustees General Meeting March 19, 2015 The Board of Trustees March meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM at the Carson Valley Swim Center, Minden, NV. Members present were Chairman Michael McCormick, Vice Chairman Janine Petrick-Sullivan, Gordon Gray, Alisha Ashbaugh and Dave Ellison. Staff members present were Linda Rigdon, Swim Center Director, Shannon Harris, Swim Center Assistant Director, Cindee Maxwell, Board Secretary. AGENDA Motion made by Gray, to move consent agenda items 1c & 1d to the administrative calendar. MINUTES Upon motion by Ellison, second by Gray, the minutes of February 19, 2015 meeting were unanimously approved. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS There was no public comment. Upon motion by Ellison, second by Gray, the consent agenda items 1a & 1b were unanimously approved. 1a. Approval of the previous minutes from the Board meeting on February 19, 2015. 1b. For possible action. Report and approval of general ledger cash, balances, expenditures and investments through February 28, 2015. PUBLIC RECOGNITION. RECOGNIZING LINDA RIGDON FOR HER 26 YRS. OF SERVICE TO THE POOL DISTRICT AS AN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR. McCormick thanked Rigdon for her 26 yrs. of dedicated service to the East Fork Swimming Pool District as Assistant Director and Director. Ellison thanked Rigdon and said her years of knowledge will be missed. Gray expressed his appreciation for Rigdon and stated that she has done a great job as assistant director and director at the Swim Center. Petrick-Sullivan said Rigdon’s kindness and compassion towards staff was impressive. Ashbaugh thanked Rigdon for all the positive changes she has made to the facility. Harris presented Rigdon with an engraved gift from the East Fork Swimming Pool District, thanking Rigdon for her 26 yrs. of dedication to the Swim Center. Public comment: Pat Brunner said over the years Rigdon has handled challenging situations with grace and professionalism and her presence will be missed. Jack Solomon representing the Masters Swim Team thanked Rigdon for listening and working with them. Jim Moorefield wished Rigdon well and appreciated her dedication and hard work over the years. Carl Schnock commented on how smooth the transition was from the previous director and that Rigdon has proved herself as a true professional. ITEM 1 PRESENTATION ON THE RATES CHARGED AT THE SWIM CENTER AND COMPARISON TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS’ RATES. PRESENTATION WILL INCLUDE COST RECOVERY ANALYSIS. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN ON THIS PRESENTATION BUT PUBLIC COMMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. McCormick stated that this agenda item is presentation only but that public comment would be taken. Director Linda Rigdon said that the overall Board philosophy regarding cost recovery in the past has been a rate of 33%. Currently the Swim Center is operating at a rate of 19% cost recovery. Rigdon presented documentation comparing rates from the various aquatic facilities across Northern Nevada. Rigdon noted that our rates are amongst the lowest in the area but yet we offer more than other facilities. Rigdon stated that rates have not been raised in over 10 yrs. Ellison is hopeful that Aquatic Design will be able to provide some helpful cost recovery analysis after their assessment of the facility. Ashbaugh suggested raising the fees 33% across the board to help raise the cost recovery percentage. Petrick-Sullivan appreciated the background information and agreed that fees should be raised. McCormick stated that the public should expect an increase in fees but that the Board would be fair in moving forward. Ellison stated that there were three areas to look at when rates are discussed, the first being cost recovery, second, is the fee structure, and lastly, cost of operating the pool. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Moorefield suggested leaving the High School rates the same due to the time frame with budgeting deadlines for the School District. Kat Matheson suggested that the Swim Center look at the low revenue days as opportunity days to bring in groups or activities that would increase the numbers. Jack Solomon stated that the senior fees were almost free in his option. Pat Brunner stated that the Board looked at raising fees in 2010 but due to the economy down turn they chose not to. Brunner encouraged the board to find a balance between fees and tax dollars. Carl Schnock asked if the Board had a structured price increase and would they consider structured price increase budget over 5 years as a percentage increase. Wendy Yturbide asked if the family rates would also be going up. Nikki Willis representing the Douglas Dolfin Swim Team stated that the Dolfins Swim Team is a non-profit 501C-3 Club which encourages teamwork, hard work and includes parents donating at least 35 hours of service each year to the club to keep the cost down. Willis asked the Board to please consider not raising their rates at this time or they would have to pass the costs onto the parents. Matheson asked the Board to be fair and possibly consider a different fee for non-profit organizations that use the Swim Center. Moorefield explained water space usage and encouraged the Board to consider the space usage per lane before making a decision. Brunner reminded the public that the Board represents the district not necessarily the pool. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1c Approval of policy change to close the swim center on Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day and Easter. McCormick explained that after reviewing the low number of patrons on the various holidays and in order to keep the payroll cost down it seemed like an option to consider closing the Swim Center on Thanksgiving, Easter and New Year’s Day. By closing on these holidays it would cut down on payroll costs and also allow employees time off with their families. McCormick reminded the Board that tax payer accountability was important. Gray stated that he was not in favor of closing for any holiday other than Christmas. Ellison said it was responsible for the Board to consider overall labor costs along with cost recovery. Ashbaugh wants to look at opening fewer pools and shortening the hours of operations to lower costs on holidays rather than closing for the entire day. Assistant Director Harris stated that staff is sent home on a holiday if they are not needed. Petrick-Sullivan encourages staff being off and home with family on holidays. Gray stated that overall personnel costs have risen over the past 5 yrs. due to an audit recommendation of placing a lifeguard on every pool which increased overall payroll. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Moorefield asked if the Board had considered looking at all the low attendance days each year and possibly closing on a few of those rather than holidays. Pat Brunner felt that it was not wise to raise rates and take away days of operation. Brunner suggested closing the Swim Center earlier during the winter months to lower payroll costs. Carl Schnock agreed with allowing employees time with their families during the holidays. Motion made by Ashbaugh to look at more numbers and hours of operation before making a decision to close on any given holiday. Second by Gray, passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1d Approval of authorizing the Director to sign an Interlocal agreement with the Douglas County District to allow the Pool to utilize the services of Scott McCullough as project manager for the swim center roofing project as well as other construction projects. McCormick explained that McCullough has served as project manager for the new community center in town as well as the Douglas High School expansion project. His service fee is very reasonable at $65.00 an hour and he comes with knowledge, resources and skills that would benefit the Swim Center. McCullough would work closely with the maintenance supervisor Robert Maxwell on the roofing project and any other projects designated by the Board. Gray requested that the wording be changed allowing Robert Maxwell to serve as project manager and McCullough more as an advisor. Gray asked for clarification regarding what McCullough would be responsible for if hired. Ellison stated that McCullough would bring valuable knowledge and experience to the Swim Center. It would be up to the Director to dictate the amount of work and time McCullough would spend on the various projects depending on the need. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Moorefield asked if McCullough was employed by the state or the school district. McCormick clarified that McCullough was currently employed by the Douglas County School District and Douglas County. Pat Brunner stated that a roofing company would have their own project manager and Robert Maxwell serves as a project manager for all projects at the Swim Center since he is the maintenance supervisor and is capable of doing so. Motion made by Ashbaugh, to allow the pool Director to sign an Interlocal agreement with the Douglas County School District to allow the Pool to utilize the services of Scott McCullough as project manager for the swim center roofing project as well as other construction projects as determined by the Director. Second by, Ellison, and was unanimously approved. ITEM 3 FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. DISCUSSION ON CHANGING THE FIXED ASSET CAPITALIZATION POLICY FORM $1500 TO $5000. Ellison stated that he spoke with the auditor Joan Blake and currently the Swim Center capitalization policy for fixed assets is $1500 and that the auditor recommends that it should be changed to $5000. NO PUBLIC COMMENT: Motion made by Petrick-Sullivan to increase the fixed asset capitalization policy from $1500 to $5000. Second made by, Gray, and was unanimously approved. ITEM 4 FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED EAST FORK SWIMMNG POOL DISTRICT PERSONNEL POLICIES. McCormick explained that the East Fork Swimming Pool District has never had a personnel policy manual. McCormick stated that he would like to request more time to review the manual. Gray stated that everything in the manual is in accordance with the federal and state laws, and commends Baugh for her efforts. Petrick-Sullivan thought it was very comprehensive and she too would like more time to study it. Gray made a motion to table the vote and discuss at next month’s meeting. Second, made by Ashbaugh, and was unanimously approved. ITEM 5 DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE 2015-16 TENTATIVE BUDGET INCLUDING CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR FIVE YEARS. Assistant Director Shannon Harris stated that the tentative budget is a working document and it is tentative for the Boards approval. Harris explained that the budget is a flat line budget; the overall numbers are remaining the same as the current fiscal years projected forecast numbers. Several line items have been added for clarification purposes and one major line item, operating account has been broken into sub-categories. Food and merchandise has been separated into two categories allowing for more accurate accounting numbers. Harris stated that she did increase the training/seminars and travel budget line items because she recognizes the benefits of staff education. Harris explained that along with the tentative budget the 5 year capital outlay projects were also tentative. McCormick stated that the capital outlay is expected to change over the next few months depending on the maintenance report from Aquatic Design. McCormick expressed his appreciation for the hours spent on the tentative 2015-16 budget. Ellison stated that revenues have been flat for several years and the Board is looking at what improvements need to be made moving forward. Ellison also stated that trying to manage the spending is an ongoing challenge and the tentative budget is a work in progress. Motion made by Gray to approve the 2015-16 tentative budget including five year capital outlay. Second, made by Ashbaugh, and was unanimously approved. ITEM 6 PRESENTATION ONLY. UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF A MASTER PLAN FOR THE SWIM CENTER AND POSSIBLE OPTIONS. THERE WILL BE NO ACTION ON THIS MATTER BUT STAFF MAY BE GIVEN DIRECTION ON HOW TO PROCEED. Assistant Director Harris told the board that she looks forward to Aquatic Design coming to the facility to do an equipment assessment and overall cost analysis. Aquatic Design comes at a much lower price and can provide much needed information. Once the report is done it will provide a much better picture of future repairs moving forward. PUBLIC COMMENT. Pat Brunner requested a preliminary copy of the master plan when one is done. At this time there is no action to have a master plan done. ITEM 7 FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. DISCUSSION ON APPROINTING SHANNON HARRIS TO SERVE AS DIRECTOR OF THE EAST FORK SWIMMING POOL DISTRICT AT A STARTING SALARY OF $75,000 EFFECTIVE APRIL 5, 2015. McCormick stated that promoting Shannon Harris to Director will be a great benefit to the District as Harris handles public and staff well. Petrick-Sullivan has been amazed by Harris’s ability to manage conflict. She has found Harris to be very fair, respectful, and a person with integrity. Petrick-Sullivan fully supports Harris as Director. Ashbaugh thinks Harris communicates well, handles people and situations professionally. Ashbaugh stated that she would like to see someone with more pool experience as Director. Ashbaugh would like to open the position to the public to see what other applicants are out there. Ellison admired Harris for being tactful and appreciates the fact that Harris had the ability to step in and up to the job. Gray stated that it was easier to move a person up rather than in from the outside. Gray supports the promotion of Harris to Director. Petrick-Sullivan commented on the impressive letters of recommendations that were written for Harris. McCormick stated that the public respect Harris has is a valuable asset to the facility and that she has the qualities to be a great leader. Director Rigdon stated that she was in full support of Harris being promoted to Director. Rigdon has mentored Harris over the past 6 months and feels like she is ready for the task. Harris shared her passion for this job. Harris recognizes that a good leader is constantly learning and she plans on learning and working hard for this facility and district. Harris stated that she looks forward to developing a good relationship with the county, staff and Board of Trustees. Motion made by Gray to appoint Shannon Harris as Director of the East Fork Swimming Pool District at a starting salary of $75,000 effective April 5, 2015. Second, made by, Petrick-Sullivan, and was unanimously approved. ITEM 8 PRESENTATION ONLY. REPORTS FROM SWIM CENTER DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BUT STAFF MAY BE GIVEN DIRECTION ON HOW TO PROCEED. Outdoor pool. Director Rigdon stated that the outdoor pool is now open to the public and opens at 9:00am. Outdoor family pool will open Memorial Day weekend. Climbing wall. Climbing wall is down for cleaning purposes and a new bell system is being installed at the top of the wall. Early Retirement. Rigdon thanked the board for allowing her to take an early retirement and presented the board with her letter of resignation. Activity Report. Assistant Director Harris presented the activity report to the board and said she had changed the EMT and Lifeguard report as discussed at the prior board meeting. Anytime oxygen is administered by an EMT it will be classified as a major medical event. Programs. The Douglas High School Aquatic Class has ended and the students have been issued their certificates and are certified in Lifeguard/CPR/First Aid. Accepting Applications. Harris stated that the Swim Center is now accepting applications for lifeguards. Hiring will begin in April along with training. Lifeguard Class. The lifeguard class is now complete. Trisha Smithen and Richard Cannon EMT Supervisors taught the class and did a great job. The District is fortunate to have a good number of excellent candidates for the lifeguard positions. REVIEW OF AGENDA & DATE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The Board of Trustees will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday April 16, 2015 held at the CVSC in Minden, NV at 8:30am. Upon Motion by Gray, second, by Ellison, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.
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