Colorado Welfare Fraud Council

Colorado Welfare Fraud Council
Social Services Technical and Business Staff
The 2015 Annual Training Conference
At the Embassy Suites Hotel in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
Tuesday, May 5th, 2015
2:00-4:00 PM CWFC Board Meeting
John Q. Hammons BR
5:00-7:00 PM Registration
Registration Desk
7:00-9:00 PM Networking
Hotel Atrium
Wednesday, May 6th, 2015
7:30-8:15 AM Registration
8:30-10:00 AM Opening Session - Welcome!
 Tammy Frey - CWFC President
 Matt Furphy – SSTABS President
 Michael Rourke - Weld County District Attorney
 Mark Magnuson – CWFC President Elect
Registration Desk
River Birch B & C
10:00-10:15 AM Break
10:15-11:45 AM  Shrink Your Stress
- Jedd Hafer, Professional Speaker
11:45 AM-1:15 PM Lunch - provided
1:15-2:45 PM  PARIS – Putting the Pieces Together
- Brenda Valasek, Investigator
River Birch B & C
River Birch B & C
Aspen Daisy
Weld County Department of Human Services
 Interim Assistance Reimbursement
- Kris Carire, Adult Financial Lead
- Sarah Bender, Disability Specialist
CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
 Household Composition (Colorado Works)
- Teri Hardy, Program Specialist
- Jessie Sweet, Program Specialist
CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
 SSA OIG Fraud
- Lina Rivera, Special Agent
Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General
 Consideration of Trusts in Determining Medical
Assistance Eligibility
Lake Loveland A & B
- Leanne Gardner, Trust Officer
- Gary Rudolph, Trust and Estate Assistant
- Max Sprouse, Program Assistant
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF)
Benefits Coordination Section – Trust Unit Legal Division
Trust Closures and Estate Recovery
- Ashley DiRenzio, Recovery Officer: Third Party
Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
- Richard Clark, Eligibility Trainer
Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
2:45-3:00 PM Break
High Meadows
3:00-4:30 PM  12 Ways to Stay Miserable
- Donna Green, CEO and Training Specialist
- Nick Nicholson, Master Trainer and Developer
Aspen Daisy
Training Healthy Teams
 Weld County Drug Task Force Narcotics/VICE Unit Elderberry
- Michael Wright, Investigator
Weld County Drug Task Force
 What Would You Do? Interviewing
- Becky McKinney, Eligibility Trainer
Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
 IPV Hearings
- Matthew E. Norwood, Administrative Law Judge
Office of Administrative Courts
 Address Confidentiality Program
Lake Loveland A & B
- Jackie Cash, Program Manager
Address Confidentiality Program
5:00-6:00 PM Pam Gillis Memorial Triathlon
6:00-10:00 PM Dinner and networking
Northeast Grass
The Summit-off site
Eagles Nest at the Summit-Networking at its
best. Bowling, billiards and conversation.
Thursday, May 7th, 2015
7:30-8:15 AM Registration
8:30-10:00 AM  Dealing with Change
- Donna Green, CEO and Training Specialist
Registration Desk
Aspen Daisy
Training Healthy Teams
 Investigative Case Studies
- Janet Sullivan, Investigations & QA Manager
Jefferson County Human Services
- Brenda Valasek, Investigator
Weld County Department of Human Services
 Meet PEAK – The 5 Year Reunion
- Marlys Griggs, Eligibility Trainer
- Jesse Trujillo, Eligibility Trainer
Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center (SDC)
 Going the Extra Mile - Workshop
- Teri Walch-Sabo, Colorado Works Program Lead
- Beth Nelson, Colorado Works Program Specialist
CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
 Homeland Security Investigations 101
Lake Loveland A & B
- Eric Dreher, Resident Agent in Charge
Homeland Security Investigations
10:00-10:15AM Break
High Meadows
10:15-11:45 AM  A Walk in Their Shoes
- Asad Abdi, President
Aspen Daisy
Global Refugee Center
 Dynamic Attitudes for Customer Service
- Nick Nicholson, Master Trainer & Developer
Training Healthy Teams
 Food Assistance and Fraud: Hot Topics
- Jesica Henderson, Policy Specialist
- Sam Landercasper, Policy Specialist
Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) – Food Assistance
 The Gift of the MAGI
- Rebecca Ornelas, Eligibility Trainer
Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center (SDC)
 Polarity Management
Lake Loveland A & B
- David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching
Hilltop Coaching
11:45 AM-1:15 PM Lunch-provided
1:15-2:45 PM  Wearing the Right Hat: Exploring Differences in
River Birch B & C
Aspen Daisy
Interviewing Techniques
- Sam Landercasper/Jesica Henderson, Policy Specialists
Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) – Food Assistance
- Paula Guerro
Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) – Help Desk
 Refugee 101 – An Introduction to Refugees and
Refugee Resettlement
- James Horan, VP, Refugee & Community Services
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains
 The Appeal of Appealing: Understanding the
Specifics of a Client’s Dispute Rights
- Carrie Becker, Hearing Officer
Weld County Department of Human Services
 Fraud Document Training
- Darin Icardi, Investigator
Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Investigations
 Recognizing the Hats We Wear
Lake Loveland A & B
- David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching
Hilltop Coaching
2:45-3:00 PM Break
High Meadows
3:00-4:30 PM  5615s for Eligibility Workers
- Richard Clark, Eligibility Trainer
Aspen Daisy
Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center (SDC)
 Determining True Eligibility – Real Examples of
Fraud on Verification and Applications
- Aleissa Thomas, Investigator
Weld County Department of Human Services
 Sponsor Deeming
- Jamie Malone , Program Specialist
CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
 Micro Expressions – An Examination of Inherent
Facial Expressions
- Bridget Convey , CBMS Business Analyst
Governor's Office of Information and Technology
 Accountability vs. Responsibility
Lake Loveland A & B
- David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching
Hilltop Coaching
6:00-10:00 PM Cash Bar
6:00-10:00 PM  Awards Banquet
River Birch B & C
 Peter Donello – Magic Show and Entertainment
Friday, May 8th, 2015
9:00-10:00 AM  CWFC Annual General Membership Meeting
River Birch B & C
 SSTABS Annual General Membership Meeting
10:15-11:45 AM  USDA Priorities for Recipient Integrity
- Gregory Paulos, Recipient Integrity Team Lead
River Birch B & C
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Mountain Plains
Region, USDA
Thank you for attending!!!
Please Join CWFC for their 2016 Conference at the Marriott in
Colorado Springs
Key Note Speaker
Michael Rourke
Michael Rourke is the Weld County District Attorney. He was born in Denver and raised
primarily in Littleton, Colorado. He went to the University of Colorado-Boulder. He then
attended the University of Denver College of Law. He was hired as a Deputy District
Attorney by the 18th Judicial District where he stayed until 2004. In 2004, he was offered the
position of Assistant District Attorney for the 19th Judicial District. In 2014, he was elected as
the District Attorney for the 19th Judicial District.
Key Note Speaker
Jedd Haffer
Jedd Haffer is an author and national presenter for the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. He has
presented in 41 states and 4 countries. His latest ebook, Shrink Your Stress in 5 Steps, is a
top-seller in the Amazon self-help category. Jedd is the father of 4 kids (2 adopted from
foster care) and makes his home in Colorado. Participants will hear practical ways to
minimize the negative effects of stress and feel better right away.
Workshop Descriptions & Speaker Biographies
Workshop Descriptions are listed in alphabetical order by workshop
with presenter biographies after each workshop description.
12 Ways to Stay Miserable
We will explore effective and successful ways to embrace the drudgery of work, the burden of stress and
the misery of everyday living in this tongue and cheek session on emotional health.
Donna Green, CEO and Training Specialist, Training Healthy Teams
Donna Green has been in the training field since 1978. Her home state was New York until she arrived in
sunny Colorado in July, 2000. She left New York Public Schools to accept a position as Lead Trainer with
the State of Colorado on various computer based projects. She then worked as the Economic
Development Supervisor of Training and Assessment with the Office of Economic Development, Denver.
Donna is a Training Specialist and Facilitator and holds multiple certifications. She has experience in
training adults in many areas and ensures an exciting, interactive, fun and informative experience to all
who attend her classes. Non-traditional in her style and delivery, she often relies on her sense of humor
to hook you, yet facilitates clear and concise two-way communication. Participants report that she will
not “bore you or waste your time”. Donna created Training Healthy Teams to share her expertise in
promoting dynamic company growth.
Nick Nicholson, Master Trainer and Developer, Training Healthy Teams
Nick has been in the training field since 1985. She worked at the University of California at Los Angeles
for three years as a trainer and administrative consultant. Nick was with Denver Department Human
Services for over 20 years as part of the Staff Development and Training Team in the Human Resources
Department. Nick has designed and implemented trainings in the following areas: COLORS© Personality
seminars, customer service consulting, team development, effective meetings, supervisory job
performance standards, personal skill building, project management and various computer system
trainings. Nick’s creative delivery style is motivational and has a commitment to helping each participant
succeed in an enjoyable, highly interactive learning environment. Nick’s primary strengths are a flexible,
outgoing style and a sense of humor that makes learning a fun experience.
5615s for Eligibility Workers
This session will cover the purpose of the 5615 form, how to complete it correctly and review scenarios.
Richard Clark, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
Richard joined the Staff Development Center in January 2015. Most recently, he has worked as a
disability adjudicator on behalf of the Social Security Administration and as a Long-Term Care Medicaid
eligibility worker with Arapahoe County. Prior to this, Richard earned his degree in Education from
Metropolitan State and has worked as a teacher at the middle school, high school and adult education
levels. He is excited to be developing much needed training materials to support eligibility workers across
Accountability vs. Responsibility
What is the difference? We use these words interchangeably, and yet they have very different roots.
Understand what does and does not matter to you, and why.
David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching, Hilltop Community Resources
David Livingston is the Director of Corporate Coaching for Hilltop Community Resources. Since 2001, he
has been a contributing member of the faculty of Hilltop’s Coaching Team; he became director of the
program in 2008. Coaching is a technology/philosophy for the development of personnel and
organizational cultures. David’s presentations of Coaching curriculum utilize many different modalities
and teaching methods to engage different learning styles. David created and oversees Hilltop’s
Experiential Learning Project (HELP), which trains groups and individuals on effective teaming and skill
building. He works with a portable initiative curriculum, and also facilitates groups on Hilltop’s High
Ropes Course. David manages Hilltop’s Crisis Prevention Team, and has brought new instruction styles
and sharper content to their classes. He also facilitates Be Well Colorado/Chronic Disease SelfManagement courses and oversees First Aid/CPR training at Hilltop. In the past, David created vocational
and recreational programs for Hilltop Residential Youth Services. David’s extensive training and personal
skills make him a fun partner in the pursuit of experiential learning and professional development. He
believes living is learning, and the opportunity for learning occurs in every moment. His core philosophy
for learning “team” is: know the individuals, develop effective processes, and have fun together. The
core elements of his approach are communication, trust, decision-making and problem solving. To David,
life’s greatest learning adventure is his family. He is married to the love of his life and has four children.
Address Confidentiality Program
The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) provides survivors of domestic violence, sexual offenses,
and/or stalking with a legal substitute address. The substitute address is then used for interacting with
state and local government services, such as driver’s licensing, school enrollment, human services, police
and courts. The ACP has over 2200 active participants and the number grows each month. This workshop
will provide you with a general program overview including eligibility, referral and enrollment criteria, as
well as what you need to know about interacting with the ACP and program participants. The last half
hour will be reserved for questions and open discussion around any current, previous, or foreseeable
program issues.
Jackie Cash, Program Manager, Address Confidentiality Program
Jackie Cash has been the Program Manager for the Colorado Address Confidentiality Program (ACP),
since the program’s inception in 2007. Jackie has a background in investigations, child welfare, law,
policy, and program management. Jackie graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of
Arts in Social Work, and the University of Denver, College of Law. She is a licensed Colorado attorney,
and has lived in Colorado since 1967 (an almost-native). Jackie is a frequent presenter on the topic of
address confidentiality.
The Appeal of Appealing: Understanding
the Specifics of a Client’s Dispute Rights
Have you ever been stumped as to whether a client can actually request administrative review of a
department's action? Have you ever been stymied as to the nuances of navigating the various appeal
routes? Do you know what continuation of benefits means and when program rules require that it be
enacted (and for how long)? Have you ever been befuddled about the differences between a dispute
resolution conference and state level hearings? If so, this is the class for you! During this presentation,
you will learn how to determine a public assistance client's right to appeal county's action; how to
prepare for a dispute resolution conference; and learn a general overview of the state level
administrative review process.
Carrie Becker, Hearings Officer, Weld County Department of Human Services
Carrie has been the Hearing Officer for the Weld County Department of Human Services for
approximately five years. As such, Carrie conducts local-level administrative disqualification hearings and
renders determinations regarding alleged intentional program violations. Carrie also conducts local-level
Dispute Resolution Conferences and prepares the Assistance Payments’ prehearing letters and exhibit
packets for the state-level Fair Hearings. Prior to relocating to Colorado, Carrie was a civil insurance
defense paralegal in Indiana, where she also obtained her Masters of Public Administration from Ball
State University. In her free time, Carrie enjoys various outdoor activities with her husband and two
Consideration of Trusts in Determining Medical Assistance
Eligibility along with Trust Closures and Estate Recovery
Medicaid regulations require that if an individual or the individual’s spouse has transferred assets into a
trust or is a beneficiary of a trust, the trust document is required to be submitted to the Colorado
Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (“HCPF”) to determine the effect of the trust on
Medicaid eligibility. This presentation will provide an overview of the types of trusts that a Medicaid
applicant or client may be required to submit to an eligibility site, why individuals use trusts, how
Medicaid views trusts in relation to eligibility, and how to submit those trusts to the State for review. This
presentation is designed around questions that eligibility sites have asked of HCPF concerning trusts and
issues HCPF has encountered in analyzing, evaluating and determining the countability of trusts under
federal and state law. Additionally, the information regarding the trust closure process requirements
from counties will be provided as well as the estate recovery process and the Department’s role. Q & A.
Leanne Gardner, Trust Officer, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Leann has been employed as the Trust Officer for the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and
Financing since October 2012. As the Trust Officer, Leanne examines and assesses trust documents to
determine the effect of the trust upon a Medicaid applicant/recipient’s financial eligibility.
Gary Rudolph, Trust and Estate Assistant, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Since January 12, 2015, Gary has been employed as the Trust and Estate Assistant for the Colorado
Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. He assists the Trust Officer by reviewing and
interpreting trusts and related documents, applying relevant standards in federal and Colorado statutes
and regulations. He assists with drafting correspondence to and communicating with counties regarding
Department’s reviews of trusts and assets. Gary’s duties also include review and analysis of trust
accountings and resources for Medicaid eligibility purposes consistent with federal and state law to
determine the effect upon applicant/recipient Medicaid financial eligibility. Additionally, Gary will
process closures of trusts when beneficiaries move out of state or following the date of death. Gary will
serve as a contact point for county technicians with respect to beneficiaries who are over resources and
the efforts to seek repayment of assets.
Max Sprouse, Program Assistant, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Max has worked in Colorado State government for 10 years in the Department of Regulatory Agencies
and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
Ashley DiRienzo, Recovery Officer - TPL, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
I have a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Health Care Management with a minor in Economics and a
Master’s of Business Administration. Part of my previous experience includes working for a personal
injury attorney as a paralegal and managing an orthopedic practice of 10 surgeons and 1 surgery center. I
started with the Department in 2010 as a Tort & Casualty Litigation Specialist where I established the
Department’s interest in automobile accidents, medical malpractice suits, etc. in order to recover costs
expended by Medicaid when another payer was liable to pay for a client’s care. I transitioned to
Recovery Officer in 2013. As the Recovery Officer, I manage the Third Party Recovery Contract between
Health Management Systems (HMS) and the Department. HMS works on the Department’s behalf to
recover payments from the estates of deceased clients, from tort and casualty cases, and from
commercial insurance carriers (including Medicare). In addition to managing this contract I am
responsible for monitoring the closure of trusts (income and disability), as well as annuities.
Richard Clark, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
See 5615s for Eligibility Workers for Richard Clark’s biography.
Dealing with Change
This is a training session on understanding how change affects us. We will explore techniques on how to:
face change, deal with change, support change, survive and be victorious in the battle with change. Why
is change so difficult sometimes? What can I do to make it easier?
Donna Green, CEO and Training Specialist, Training Healthy Teams
See 12 Ways to Stay Miserable for Donna Green’s biography.
Determining True Eligibility – Real Examples
of Fraud on Verification and Applications
It is the responsibility of the eligibility technician to determine eligibility for public assistance benefits.
True eligibility is ensuring all rules and regulations are met when determining a client is eligible for
benefits, and approaching the eligibility interview and process with the confidence, knowledge, and
resources to determine eligibility with the certainty that you know a family’s true circumstances is
paramount to being successful. This presentation will display over 50 real examples of applications,
redeterminations, and verifications received on which the county could have (dare say “should” have)
noticed questionable circumstances at which point it became the county’s responsibility to recognize and
prevent fraud from occurring prior to authorizing benefits.
Aleissa Thomas, Investigator, Weld County Department of Human Services
Aleissa Thomas determined eligibility for Food Assistance, Medicaid, and Colorado Works for 4 years and
was awarded the CWFC Income Maintenance Technician of the Year Award in 2007. She was a Weld
County DHS Agency Trainer from 2008 – 2012 and trained Adult Financial, Adult Medicaid, Food
Assistance, Child Care, Interviewing Skills, Customer Service, CBMS, Fraud, Introduction to Refugees, and
Discrimination. She has been a Weld Fraud Investigator since 2012 and was the recipient of the 2014
Colorado Welfare Fraud Council Investigator of the Year Award. She has also immensely enjoyed
spending the last year travelling to different counties around Colorado presenting Parts I and II of the
Determining True Eligibility Training.
Dynamic Attitudes for Customer Service
Customer Service is a choice and can actually be fun! It’s about energy, commitment and fun
interactions. Learn to engage with your clients and customers making them feel at ease and leaving them
with a positive first impression. Develop listening skills that pave the way for clear understanding and
problem solving. An interactive and engaging session that will reveal your very own dynamic attitudes in
customer service skills.
Nick Nicholson, Master Trainer and Developer, Training Healthy Teams
See 12 Ways to Stay Miserable for Nick Nicholson’s biography.
Food Assistance and Fraud: Hot Topics
This session will present updates or requisite processes surrounding the pursuit of fraud, documentation,
and imposition of Intentional Program Violations. Attendees will leave this workshop with an
understanding of the current issues pertaining to fraud in the Food Assistance Program as well as training
of CBMS updates for Intentional Program Violations. Highlights of this training will include: Current
compliance issues with United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services (USDA,
FNS); Updates to the Electronic Disqualified Recipient System (eDRS) and CBMS; Local-level ADH
Hearings; and other common policy questions.
Jesica Henderson, Policy Specialist, Colorado Department of Human Services
Jesica Henderson is a Food Assistance Policy Specialist who has been at the Colorado Department of
Human Services since May 2014. She is currently the representative for Denver and Larimer County as
well as the Northeast portion of the state. Her specialty is program integrity including fair hearings and
fraud within the Food Assistance program. Jesica came to CDHS from Boulder County where she worked
as an eligibility technician; she has also worked with Emergency Family Assistance (EFAA) in the
emergency and transitional housing programs. Jesica strives to offer timely assistance to counties that
have questions, or need technical support. She can be reached at or 303866-4748.
Sam Landercasper, Policy Specialist, Colorado Department of Human Services
Sam Landercasper is one of the newest additions to FA Policy within CDHS. Prior to coming to the State,
he had worked for the Eagle County Department of Human Services for two years as an Eligibility
Specialist and then as a Quality Assurance Specialist/Fraud Investigator. He can be reached at or 303-866-5108.
Fraud Document Training
Learn to identify fraudulent identity documents you see on a daily basis including Colorado driver’s
licenses, identification cards, and other identity documents!
Darin Icardi, Investigator, Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Investigations
Darin Icardi entered law enforcement in 1998 and worked in Ohio and Colorado as a Police Officer and
spent a good part of his time as a Police Officer in patrol, undercover, and SWAT. Additionally, Darin was
a District Attorney Investigator, and as such, he investigated fraud, identity theft, homicides, officer
involved shootings, and public corruption. Since 2010, Darin has been an Investigator with the
Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Investigations specializing in identity theft, internal
investigations, and examination of counterfeit documents.
The Gift of the MAGI
This presentation will cover the methodology used to determine eligibility for certain Medicaid programs.
We will cover who is eligible, what is/is not considered when determining eligibility and the income and
household composition calculation.
Rebecca Ornelas, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
Rebecca is currently a Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center Trainer. Rebecca has
a passion to help people succeed. She began her career working as a Legal Secretary for The US
Attorney’s Office. She continued to move throughout other branches within the judicial system, but
always felt something was missing. In 2006 she was offered a job with Human Services in Jefferson
County and since then her life has not been the same. She became Team Lead within eight months. In
2008 she was promoted to Lead Worker for eligibility for Food Assistance and Medical Assistance. She
took pride in her job as she assisted customers and trained her staff. In April of 2014 she took the next
step of her journey when she was offered the Eligibility Training Specialist position with The Health and
Economic Security Staff Development Center. She is excited to be a part of a team whose goals are to
provide accurate and consistent training to all 64 county departments of Human Services and MA/PE
sites. She understands the value of good training and is motivated to help people succeed. Rebecca also
gives back to the community. She has run a food bank out of her church for over 14 years. Every month
thousands of pounds of food are distributed to hundreds of families and her favorite part of each
giveaway is spending time with family, coworkers and friends as they volunteer their time together to
give another family hope.
Going the Extra Mile - Workshop
Who is going the extra mile-you or your customer? Who benefits the most by going the extra mile?
Participants will explore what our customers go through in a simulation atmosphere. They will
experience first-hand the fall out of requesting verification. This will be a fun yet self-reflective session
geared toward all programs. Attendance will be capped so get there early!
Teri Walch-Sabo, Colorado Works Program Lead, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Teri retired from the Pueblo County Department of Social Services in October 2012. After 12 years as a
Colorado Works Case Manager, she became the first Assistance Program Trainer in Pueblo County. In
her current position as the Colorado Works Lead she continues to offer Colorado Works training,
conducts Tier III audits, writes and tests CBMS projects, assists with county questions, researches help
desk tickets and is hands on with the implementation of business process reengineering. She is the
regional representative for Adams, Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Las Animas, Otero and Prowers. Teri is
very passionate about the small and medium counties and helping them meet their goals. She works in
Denver but maintains a home and marriage in Pueblo. Good thing she loves to travel and has an
understanding husband.
Beth Nelson, Colorado Works Program Specialist, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Beth Nelson is a program specialist for the Employment and Benefits Division and is the regional
representative for the northeast part of the state along with Chaffee, Fremont, and Pueblo. She started
her career in 2004 as a program specialist with Arapahoe County, and then worked her way up to a lead
worker for the intake and ongoing Colorado Work unit, which was followed by a promotion to supervisor
for the ongoing Colorado Works unit. After supervising eligibility for a couple of years she moved on to
be the Assistant Director at the Center for Workforce Development at the Community College of Aurora,
and helped to administer multiple contracts for Adams and Arapahoe Counties. Beth started with the
State in June of 2013, and moved over to the Employment and Benefits Division in February of 2014. She
is excited about the new direction the department is taking and looks forward to working with everyone.
Homeland Security Investigations 101
Summarizing what type of investigations Homeland Security Investigations completes and how we might
be able to help you.
Eric Dreher, Resident Agent in Charge, Homeland Security Investigations
Eric Dreher is the Resident Agent in Charge (RAC) of the Greeley, Colorado Office of the Department of
Homeland Security/Homeland Security Investigations. RAC Dreher started as a Special Agent with the
United States Customs Service in 1997 and has been stationed in Presidio, Texas; Las Cruces, New
Mexico; El Paso, Texas; and Denver, Colorado. RAC Dreher has completed a myriad of investigations for
the United States Customs Service and the Department of Homeland Security.
Household Composition (Colorado Works)
Household composition is one of the most complex parts of the eligibility determination process. This
session will provide participants with the basics of household composition and allow for specific
questions from participants that address the unique household scenarios that they encounter.
Teri Hardy, Program Specialist, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Teri Hardy is a Program Specialist for the Employment and Benefits Division. Teri serves as the regional
representative for Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Custer, El Paso, Huerfano, Larimer, Saguache and Teller
Counties. Teri enjoys coming to work and doing whatever is needed in order to get the job done! Teri is
best known for her great ideas and wonderful personality (and incredible shoe collection).
Jessie Sweet, Program Specialist, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Jessie Sweet is a program specialist with the Employment and Benefits Division. She has been with the
Department of Human Services for six years and has also worked for the Office of Veterans and Disability
Services. She received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Colorado and also
studied for a semester at the University of Edinburgh with an emphasis on Scottish government and
social policy. She previously directed a human resources and payroll department for a cable company.
Her experience with policy through previous positions allows her to bring a focused approach to training
with special attention to program requirements.
Interim Assistance Reimbursement
This workshop is designed for eligibility workers who are responsible for completing the IAR process for
the AND-SO program. It is recommended that participants have AND-SO knowledge prior to attending
this workshop, as we will only explore the IAR process. Participants will understand how to correctly
obtain and report information within Government Service Online. You will learn how to work the IAR
rejection report to ensure that the county is reimbursed directly from the Social Security Administration.
You will also obtain knowledge in correctly completing the data entry within CBMS. Participants will leave
the training with a full understanding of the entire IAR process from start to finish.
Kris Carire, Adult Financial Lead, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Hello. I would like to take a quick minute to introduce myself. My name is Kris Carire and I have been
with the Employment and Benefits Division (EBD) since March 2013. I started my career with EBD as a
CBMS Specialist. In January 2014, I was hired as the Adult Programs Lead. In my current position I wear
many hats and enjoy each one of them. I have 14 years of experience working in the county
administering benefits to Colorado families; however, I have greatly enjoyed my transition to state
Sarah Bender, Disability Specialist, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Sarah Bender has been employed with the State of Colorado in the Employment and Benefits Division
(EBD) since February 2014. Her main focus is monitoring counties within her region, answering policy
questions, CBMS projects, IARs, and managing the SP-HCA caseload (to name a few). She started her
career in Human Services at Arapahoe County in 2000. At that time she determined eligibility for Adult
Programs. After leaving Arapahoe County in 2004 she worked at Swedish Medical Center as a Public
Benefits Coordinator. She assisted uninsured and underinsured patients in obtaining Medicaid coverage
as well as any other resources that may help them. In 2008, her journey led her back to Arapahoe
County to supervise the Adult Financial Ongoing unit. Then in 2010, she joined Adams County
Department of Human Services where she supervised one of the Adult teams. Her expertise is within the
Adult Financial programs and she is in the process of learning all the ins and outs of the Colorado Works
program. She is excited and very happy with the opportunity to work with the EBD team as well as the
opportunity to provide support to the counties of Colorado that are on the front lines providing the
Investigative Case Studies – Lakewood and Weld Counties
This session will include Investigative Case studies of both Jefferson and Weld County investigations.
Jefferson County assisted the USDA, FBI and Lakewood Police Dept in one of the largest Food Stamp
Trafficking Cases in Colorado. A store owner in Lakewood Colorado was sentenced to four years in prison
for stealing $867,686.There were over 400 clients seen on store surveillance selling their EBT cards for
cash. Additionally presented will be the progression and disposition of a sampling of cases investigated
by the Weld County Department of Human Services and will focus not only on the evolution of the
investigation but also on fraud prevention and best practices.
Janet Sullivan, Investigations & QA Manager, Jefferson County Human Services
Janet Sullivan is the Investigations and Quality Assurance Manager for Jefferson County Department of
Human Services. She has held this position for the last 11 years. Prior to this position, she was a Fraud
Investigator for nine years. Prior to being a Fraud Investigator, she held the position of an Eligibility
Specialist for four years. She has worked for Jefferson County Department of Human Services for 25
years. She is a certified Fraud Investigator with the United Council on Welfare Fraud.
Brenda Valasek, Investigator/PARIS Specialist, Weld County Human Services
Brenda Valasek has worked in public assistance for eleven years. She began her career in eligibility
with the State of Nebraska after spending ten years as a funeral director/embalmer. She moved to
Colorado where she has been employed with Weld County since 2008. Brenda has been a Welfare
Fraud Investigator since October, 2012, and has worked with PARIS for five years. In 2014, Brenda
resolved a total of 551 PARIS matches which resulted in 381 individuals removed from Medicaid
enrollment; the payoff for the county was over $268,000 in savings. Brenda has a Bachelor of Arts in
Psychology from Hastings College and an Associates of Applied Science degree in Mortuary Science
from Kansas City Kansas Community College. She is a member of CWFC, the Nebraska Funeral
Directors Association, and Sam’s Club.
IPV Hearings
How to prepare for an IPV hearing and how to present at such a hearing.
Matthew E. Norwood, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Courts
Matthew E. Norwood was appointed an Administrative Law Judge in 2001. He is in the General Services
Section of the Office of Administrative Courts. There he hears a wide variety of public benefits cases,
licensing cases and other administrative matters. He received his undergraduate degree from Colorado
College in 1982. He received his law degree from the University of Colorado School of Law in 1985. Prior
to becoming an ALJ, he was a First Assistant Attorney General, where he represented the medical board.
He also supervised attorneys representing the medical board, the nursing board and other health care
Meet PEAK – the 5 year reunion
This presentation will cover 2015 PEAK functionality and highlight the benefits of PEAK for eligibility sites
and clients.
Marlys Griggs, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
Marlys Griggs has joined the Staff Development Center as a team member developing the new vision of
integrated training. Coming from OIT CDHS Training her experience includes class presentation,
developing course materials, web based trainings, and on-line presentations for CBMS, CHATS, and Trails.
She has had the pleasure to teach middle and high school in Colorado and has graduated to teaching
adults. Prior to joining the State she was a trainer in the industrial embroidery machine and software
field. Her entrepreneurial spirit caused her to successfully write, produce, and market a set of
instructional machine embroidery CDs, and she still digitizes and produces embroidery as a hobby.
Jesse Trujillo, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
Jesse Trujillo has 10 years of experience working with the Colorado Benefits Management System
application. His experience includes working as an Eligibility Specialist, Quality Assurance specialist, CBMS
Application Testing Specialist and most recently with the Colorado Department of Human Services as a
Food Assistance Automated System Specialist where he translated Food Assistance policy into the design
of automated system requirements and identified automated system changes needed to correctly issue
accurate and timely Food Assistance benefits. Jesse’s knowledge and expertise has allowed him to
achieve success in becoming a CBMS expert and his duties will now include Training Eligibility Site
workers on all programs including accurate data entry of CBMS. He is very much looking forward to
sharing his CBMS knowledge with those who are attending trainings. Jesse enjoys playing golf, fishing and
spending time with his dogs in his spare time.
Micro Expressions – An Examination of Inherent Facial Expressions
Are you looking for a fun session where you can learn things that apply not only to your professional life
but to your personal life as well? Come to Bridget’s Micro Expression session! We will learn about how
to gain insight into tiny non-verbal cues of deception that every person in the world expresses without
control, regardless of their environment or upbringing. We will not only learn the skill of spotting a micro
expression, we will also learn how to apply our new found skill through analyzing videos, one on one
interactions, and we will have a final exercise at the end of the session to help emphasize your new
found skill set!
Bridget Convey, CBMS Business Analyst, Governor’s Office of Information and Technology
Bridget has worked for the State of Colorado for 13 years. She helped prepare the North East Region of
Colorado for the implementation of CBMS beginning in 2002. After CBMS implementation, she trained
County and State staff on CBMS functionality and Cognos Query and Report Studio. In 2008 she moved
over to Colorado Works Policy and was a Program Integrity, Compliance and Evaluation Coordinator. In
2011, she moved over to the State Policy Adult Financial team and handled case reviews. That same
year, she accepted a promotion and became the Adult Financial Policy Lead. In 2012, Bridget was elected
CWFC President-Elect and became CWFC President for the 2013/2014 CWFC year. In 2013, she decided
to make a career change and moved over to the Governor’s Office of Information and Technology as a
Business Analyst for CBMS. Bridget has two children that she loves talking about, a 19 year old Navy
sailor named Michael and a 15 year old angel named Haley.
PARIS: Putting the Pieces Together
PARIS (Public Assistance Reporting Information System) is a State/Federal collaborative effort to identify
duplicate assistance received and/or erroneous payments through an information exchange created and
managed by the Administration of Children & Families under the U. S. Department of Health & Human
Services. This seminar is an introduction to PARIS, how to work PARIS matches, and includes specific case
examples showing why it is beneficial for counties to actively work the PARIS report. Participants will
receive out-of-state contacts, resources, and pointers to aid in establishing a successful PARIS unit.
Brenda Valasek, Investigator/PARIS Specialist, Weld County Human Services
See Investigative Case Studies – Lakewood and Weld Counties for Brenda Valasek’s biography.
Polarity Management
Understanding our Biases, the roots of Conflict, and why Cliques develop in the Workplace. Manage
yourself, and you can effectively manage other people and situations. Ever solve a problem that
resurfaces over time, frustrating every angle of solution? Maybe it’s not a problem to solve after
all…Polarity Management is a diagnostic tool!
David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching, Hilltop Community Resources
See Accountability vs. Responsibility for David Livingston’s biography.
Recognizing the Hats We Wear
Our workday sends us through a revolving door of roles and tasks. We are a Staff one minute, a Manager
the next. Then we switch to Leader or maybe Coach. This is done repeatedly and often unconsciously.
Bring it into your cognitive mind, and change the outcome of your interactions and efforts.
David Livingston, Director of Corporate Coaching, Hilltop Community Resources
See Accountability vs. Responsibility for David Livingston’s biography.
Refugee 101 – An Introduction to
Refugees and Refugee Resettlement
This session will provide an overview of refugees and refugee resettlement in the world, the U.S. and
locally in Colorado. This overview will include discussion about the refugee experience overseas, the
journey to resettlement in another country, the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program, the role of
resettlement/voluntary agencies, refugees as clients of county human services departments and the
supports that refugees access.
James Horan, Vice President – Refugee and Community Services,
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains
James Horan currently serves as Vice President – Refugee & Community Services at Lutheran Family
Services Rocky Mountains, overseeing the Refugee & Asylee, Immigration Legal Services and Disaster
Response programs, with offices in eight communities throughout Colorado and New Mexico and
providing services to clients in four states. Mr. Horan is currently entering his sixteenth year with the
programs and has also served as an Employment Specialist, Resettlement Administrator, Division
Director and President of the Colorado Refugee Network Council. Additionally, he has acted as a
consultant to RefugeeWorks/Higher, an U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement technical assistance
provider for refugee employment and self-sufficiency, serving in California, Massachusetts and New York.
Mr. Horan has been a Board of Immigration Appeals accredited representative since 2005. Prior to his
current role, he served as an English instructor in Ukraine and as a volunteer for the local affiliates of
Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
Sponsor Deeming
This presentation is for Adult Financial Eligibility Technicians and will cover Sponsor Deeming.
Jamie Malone, Program Specialist, CDHS, Employment and Benefits Division
Jamie Malone has been employed with the State of Colorado since 2000. She started her state career in
the Aging and Adult Services (AAS) Division as the Division Director’s Assistant and then moved into the
Program Integrity and Accountability Unit. Jamie has now moved to the Employment and Benefits
Division, Benefits and Services Section. Jamie’s main focus within EBD is Policy Specialist for the Adult
Financial and Colorado Works programs, as well as some systems work, Tier III reviews and monitoring
timeliness for the South West Region (the best region in the state). Jamie was a two-term Chair of the
Denver Commission on Aging until her final term ended in August 2013. She is currently pursuing a
degree in Public Administration/Communications through Colorado State University – Global Campus
and will graduate in May 2015.
This presentation offers what SSA OIG investigates and how they can help.
Lina Rivera, Special Agent, Social Security Administration, Office of the Inspector General
Lina Rivera is a Special Agent (SA) with the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General
(SSA OIG). She is the firearms instructor for the SSA OIG Denver Field Division. SA Rivera received a
bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder in Sociology with an emphasis in Criminal
Justice. She began her federal career as a Contact Representative for the SSA in 2005 and began working
as a Special Agent for SSA OIG in 2008.
A Walk in Their Shoes
A first-hand perspective of the refugee experience.
Asad Abdi, President, Global Refugee Center
Asad was born in Ethiopia and came to Greeley in 2008 where he was involved in mediating the dispute
between workers and JBS. After mediating this dispute, Asad saw that there was a real need for an
organization to serve refugees and the Greeley community; he and four refugee community members
founded the Global Refugee Center in 2008. As President and Founder, Asad oversees all programs
offered by the GRC and represents GRC to the larger community.
Wearing the Right Hat:
Exploring differences in interviewing techniques
This session will address the different interviewing techniques utilized at application/RRR and client
interviews for fraud investigations. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about Food
Assistance policy regarding Intentional Program Violations. They will leave with valuable information that
will help aid in the prevention, detection and determination of fraud involved with the Food Assistance
Program. Highlights of this training will include: mock interview scenarios, interactive activities, case
reviews from local and state level Intentional Program Violation hearings and a Q&A session.
Sam Landercasper, Policy Specialist, Colorado Department of Human Services
See Food Assistance and Fraud: Hot Topics for Sam Landercasper’s biography.
Jesica Henderson, Policy Specialist, Colorado Department of Human Services
See Food Assistance and Fraud: Hot Topics for Jesica Henderson’s biography.
Paula Guerrero, Help Desk, Colorado Department of Human Services
Paula Guerrero is a new addition to the Help Desk team. Prior to coming to the Help Desk, she worked
for FA policy and the OIT Help Desk. In addition, she spent four years at Adams County Department of
Human Services as an Eligibility Specialist. She can be reached at or 303-8664271.
Weld County Drug Task Force Narcotics/VICE Unit
Tell Tale Signs of Drug Usage on a Home Visit – signs of drug usage, indicators of clandestine labs and
common indicators of drug abuse; environmental clues an investigator may note while on a home visit.
Michael Wright, Investigator, Weld County Drug Task Force
Michael Wright has been employed with the Greeley Police Department since June 2011. Officer Wright
started in the patrol division and was transferred to the Weld County Drug Task Force in August of 2014
where he promoted to an Investigator. Investigator Wright has worked a range of assignments at the
WCDTF, including working in an undercover capacity where he purchased illicit narcotics such as
Methamphetamine and Heroin. Some of Investigator Wright’s duties at the WCDTF are conducting
surveillance, interviewing witnesses and/or suspects, writing Colorado and Federal arrest and search
warrants, non-testimonial evidence affidavits, utilizing the assistance of undercover agents and
confidential informants. Investigator Wright has had the privilege of working alongside senior
investigators who have worked complex investigation including State and Federal wire intercepts to help
identify drug trafficking organization in Weld County, the State of Colorado as well as organizations
across the country. Investigator Wright is familiar with many commonly abused illegal drugs, including
cocaine, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, marijuana and methamphetamine. While working as an undercover
officer, Investigator Wright has developed contacts with illicit drug users, illicit drug traffickers and drug
informants. Investigator Wright has been involved in discussions and interviews with individuals who are
involved in the aspects of sales, packaging, transferring, manufacturing and the use of drugs. Investigator
Wright is familiar with the appearance, common methods of use, manufacturing, distribution, packaging
and concealing of these drugs, as well as slang terms frequently used to refer to these drugs and things
closely related to their use and sale. Investigator Wright was deemed as a court appointed expert witness
in February of 2015 in his field.
What Would You Do?
This presentation will cover techniques for effective interviews, and discuss the opportunities and
challenges faced while conducting interviews.
Becky McKinney, Eligibility Trainer, Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center
Becky is currently Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Center Trainer. Becky previously
worked with the Governor’s Office of Information Technology for seven years as a Policy and System
trainer for Trails and CHATS. In this position she was responsible for development and delivery of
classroom training, web based training, and webinar/live online courses. Prior to working for the
Governor’s Office of Information Technology she worked with the Colorado Department of Human
Services Food Assistance Program as a Policy Specialist for two years. As a Policy Specialist she Performed
Management Evaluation reviews for 64 counties. Researched and responded to auditors on findings
while completing case reviews. Worked with county staff to resolve client complaints. She also worked
for 1 ½ years with the Office of CBMS as the Centralized Data Entry Team (CDET) Supervisor. Managed
23 data entry staff and 6 staff responsible for Emergency Processing Unit (EPU) for Medical Assistance,
Food Assistance and Cash Programs. Worked closely with counties and clients to resolve issues.
Completed weekly reports for CDET and EPU. In a previous position she worked for five years as an
Eligibility Specialist at Adams County Department of Human Services managing a Food Assistance
USDA Priorities for Recipient Integrity
This presentation will focus on USDA priorities for the recipient integrity in the SNAP program
Gregory Paulos, Recipient Integrity Team Lead,
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Mountain Plains Region, USDA
Greg Paulos is currently the Recipient Integrity Team Lead for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program team in the Mountain Plains Regional Office of USDA. Greg has worked for the USDA since 2007,
all focused on the SNAP program. Prior to the USDA, Greg worked for various non-profits in New York
City, and received his Masters in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley.