Opening Policy Statements - DRAFT Opening Policy Statements (“Draft” is for country editing and posting to Simcon) WHAT IS IT? A summary of your research about the issues as they exist in and/or impact your country and possible solutions to address these issues. Each issue delegation will submit their draft to their counterpart delegation for initial edits, questions and suggestions. Papers will then be turned in to teachers, and lastly, posted online addressed only to Simcon. Since you are delegates representing your country, the draft policy paper should be written from the first person’s point of view using we and our. Example: “Our biggest challenge is…” WHAT ARE THE STEPS FOR COMPLETION? 1) Complete the activity for “Country Perspective on Modern World Problems” in which your issue group designs and presents information on your topic as it relates to your country’s history, current national and international events, and solutions (your previous research will constitute the bulk of your paper). 2) Continue to research solutions and related information as required below. 3) In written paragraph form, address the following requirements: Address the Opening Policy Statements to the International Community (The International Community is your audience, but you will only send the “Draft” to Simcon) Add a salutation i.e. Distinguished Delegates of the World, a) Introduce your country with a summary of the history of your country’s policy approaches to the issue, nationally and internationally. Historically, what problems and/or experiences has your country had related to your issue? What solutions have been tried and with what degree of success? →Unlike what you might have done when you presented for the “Country Perspective Activity” you will here want to frame your country’s history in a favorable light. b) Follow with a description of the problem or challenge(s) within your issue that your delegation believes is the most critical for the international community to address. (This MUST be a problem of international concern related to your issue, not just within your own borders). →Explain the critical nature of the problem or challenge(s) with supporting facts, definitions, examples, concrete details, quotations, and/or other information. →Use at least one visual (picture, graph, diagram, etc.) to illustrate the seriousness of the issue, and provide a caption explaining the visual. c) Explain 3 solutions your delegation would like other countries to consider. How would these benefit the international community? →These can be existing solutions based on your research, or new ideas research. →Use evidence, examples, statistics, facts, etc. to support your claim that these solutions will benefit the international community. →Use at least one visual (picture, graph, diagram, etc.) to illustrate solutions, and provide a caption explaining the visual. Student Handout Contemporary World History Project (CWHP) Write a brief conclusion to sum up your remarks, followed by your delegation’s closing i.e. Respectfully, The Child Labor Delegation DUE ___________________________________________ EDITING PROCESS 1. After each delegation completes the essay, exchange papers with your counterpart delegation and give feedback per the peer editing requirements. Counterpart delegations are: Terrorism/NNP, Trade/Child Labor, Gender/Minority Rights, Health/Global Warming. 2. Research comments posed by peer delegation, review feedback, and edit paper. 3. At a designated time, return the edited Opening Policy Statements – DRAFT to your counterpart delegation for a review of the changes you made. 4. Turn in to Teacher. 5. Edit once more with feedback from teacher, and post online (see directions that follow). 6. Submit your delegation’s Opening Policy Statements – DRAFT to Simcon (and no other countries) via the online international CWHP community (see below). You will not be combining your paper with those of other delegations. FINAL DRAFT DUE ONLINE: ____________________________ WHERE IS IT POSTED? From Delegate Central at, log on to Simulation CWHP-SC for Southern CA or CWHP-NC for Northern CA with your Country Name and Password. DIRECTIONS FOR POSTING: Send a message on behalf of your issue delegation to “Simcon” (and no other countries) with DRAFT – Opening Policy Statements in the subject line. Post your message as simple text in the message section (without visuals or special formatting), and also as an attachment (attachments can include visuals). The ICONS online community does not support formatting such as italics, bolding, centering, tabs, etc. Student Handout Contemporary World History Project (CWHP)
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