УДК 528.44 НЕМЕЦКИЙ ПОДХОД К ИНТЕГРИРОВАННОЙ КАДАСТРОВОЙ СИСТЕМЕ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ИНФРАСТУКТУРЫ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННЫХ ДАННЫХ Хаген Грефф DVW GmbH, Beim Grootsee 38, D-22455, Гамбург, Германия, главный представитель Союза немецких геодезистов (DVW), дипл.-инж., тел. +49 40 5553765, e-mail: hagen.graeff@gmx.de Йенс Рикен DVW GmbH, c/o Innenministerium NRW, Haroldstr. 5, 40213 Дюссельдорф, Германия, вицепрезидент Союза немецких геодезистов (DVW), дипл.-инж., тел. +49 211 / 871 2625, e-mail: jens.riecken@mik.nrw.de Описывается новая автоматизированная информационная система кадастра недвижимости ALKIS, предназначенная для замены старых кадастровых систем в Германии, которая будет внедрена в 16 землях до 2013 г. после миграции всех данных в новый формат. Рассматривается новый подход к интегрированной кадастровой системе в контексте инфраструктуры пространственных данных. Ключевые слова: интегрированная кадастровая система, регистр недвижимости, ALKIS, геопортал, инфраструктура пространственных данных. кадастра GERMANY`S APPROACH FOR AN INTEGRATED CADASTRE SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE (SDI) Hagen Graeff DVW GmbH, Beim Grootsee 38, D-22455 Hamburg, Germany, Chief Representative of DVW, Dipl.-Ing., tel: +49 40 5553765, e-mail: hagen.graeff@gmx.de Jens Riecken DVW GmbH, c/o Innenministerium NRW, Haroldstr. 5, 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany, DVW Vice President, Dipl.-Ing., tel.: +49 211 / 871 2625, e-mail: jens.riecken@mik.nrw.de The new Authoritative Real Estate Register Information System (ALKIS) is described. It will replace the old systems ALB and ALK and be implemented till 2013 in all 16 states in Germany after migration all data in the new format. New approach for an integrated cadastre system in the context of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is considered. Key words: integrated cadastre system, immovable property register, ALKIS, geoportal, SDI. 1. Development of the Cadastre In Germany the taxation issue was the reason to establish a cadastre system, followed by the needs to establish a property cadastre. It is a parcel based system where all information is geographically referenced to unique, well defined units of land. The cadastre, based on cadastral surveying, shows the division of the ground in maps and contains describing information about the status of the property (location, size, land use etc.). Therefore the immovable property register contain the describing part of the cadastre. Both systems cadastre and immovable property register, in combination are able to give a complete overview about legal and de facto situation of land. Both systems are constantly updated and kept consistent. 2. ALKIS Although cadastre is in Germany in the responsibility of the 16 states the computerized systems are unique with some small exceptions. These systems are the automated cadastral map (ALK) and the automated parcel register (ALB). Maps and registers are fully digitized in Germany. The systems are harmonized in all 16 states. Since 2006 a new project called ALKIS (Authoritative Real Estate Register Information System) is developed and will replace the old systems ALB and ALK. ALKIS will be implemented till 2013 in all 16 states (nowadays 9 states working with the new system after migration all data in the new format). ALKIS is a project of the AdV (Working committee of the surveying authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany). The GIS – Industry and customers interests are involved in the development. It uses ISO and OGC standards and has a systemunrepentant interface. ALKIS store all information - graphical and describing - in one object-orientated database system in compliance with the standards set by ISO/TC 211 and the Open Geospatial Consortium. It is the fundamental part of the 3A-data model which also contains geodetic reference points and topographical information. 3. ALKIS and SDI To provide the 3A data model as a fundamental part of the emerging German Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI-Germany, GDI-DE) is one of the current challenges of the German cadastral administration working on. Many steps are done but many steps must be done in the next years to fulfill the needs of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure as defined in the INSPIRE directive. The public geospatial data are already variously used and widely available at different geoportals. By integration of various datasets in the ALKIS data model or using the same or similar (standard based) methodology the use and further processing of the public geospatial data will be simplified substantially. The main reason is the consistent application of standardized web services like WMS and WFS for providing the data. Essential advantages are: Ensure investment safeguarding, Vendor independence, Definition of universal, browser readable interface for all public geospatial data to provide object oriented data in interoperable formats, Cadastral information becomes a core database that can easily be combined or extended with other data. It is therefore a big step to the SDI of Germany. © H. Graeff, J. Riecken, 2012
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