2015 South Zone Region C Junior Olympic and Intermediate Championship 2015 South Zone Region C Novice and Intermediate Invitational April 25-26, 2015 Lewisville, Texas Facility: Westside Aquatic Center 1750 Duncan Lane Lewisville, TX 75067 Pool Specs: Pool - 25 yards by approx. 56 feet. (7 Lanes) Depth - 14 feet at entry sloping to 7’ 10” at the bulkhead Distance of water from deck level: 0 inches 3 lanes in lap pool available throughout the meet Meet Dates: April 25-26, 2015 Entry Deadline: April 14th, 2015 Rules: The current USSS Rule Book shall govern this event. Sponsored By: Pirouettes of Texas Sanctioned By: United States Synchronized Swimming Meet Manager: Paula Valdez paula.valdez@gmail.com Events: Novice : Solo, Duet, and Team in age groups: 8 & Under/9-10/11-12/13-15/16-17/18-19 Intermediate Invitational: Solo, Duet, and Team in age groups: 10&Under/11-12/13-15/16-17/18-19 Intermediate Championship: Solo, Duet, and Team in age groups: 10&Under/11-12/13-15/16-17/18-19 Junior Olympic: Solo, Duet , and Team in age groups: 12 & Under, 13-15/16-17/18-19 Free Combination in age groups: 13-15/16-19 Note: The top three routines in duet and team for the 12 & Under, 13-15, 16-17 and 18-19 Age Group Competition, the first place solo in the same age groups, and the top three Free Combination routines in 13-15 and 16-19 age groups will qualify for Esynchro U.S. Junior Olympics Synchronized Swimming Championships. Entries will be limited to either the Championship OR the Invitational. A routine may not be entered in both. There are NO TRIO competitions being held during this Regional event. Medals will be given for places 1-3, ribbons for places 4th through 8th. Eligibility: Novice and Intermediate Invitational No qualifications, any can enter Figures and Final Routines only (technical elements will not be controlled) Athletes must show proof of Introductory or Competitive Athlete USSS registration Intermediate and JO/Age Group Championship Top Three from Association Championship are eligible to enter Please submit qualifying meet and placement with entry forms Figures and Final Routines only for solo, duet, and team; Free Combination (a 100% routine score event); Intermediate technical elements will not be controlled Athletes must show proof of USSS Competitive Athlete registration Figures: 16-19 Age Group 308 Barracuda Airborne Split 355g Porpoise Twist Spin 2.6 13-15 Age Group, Intermediate A 301e Barracuda Spinning 360 423 Ariana 2.2 2.2 12 & Under Age Group, Intermediate B 101 Ballet Leg, Single (R/L) 301 Barracuda 2.0 Novice 101 Ballet Leg, Single 310 Somersault, Back Tuck 201 Dolphin 361 Prawn 1.6 1.1 1.4 1.6 2.8 1.6 Optional Figure Group for JO and Intermediate events will be drawn 72 hours before event (Day and Time TBA) There will be split test awards Entries: Fees: Sponsor Fee: $20.00 per competitor Routine Fee: $10.00 per competitor per routine Mail Checks, postmarked by April 14th, 2015 to Pirouettes of Texas c/o Laura Barlow 531 Lauren Ct Keller, Texas 76248 Entry Deadline: All entry forms, proof of qualification, and proof of USSS athlete registration must be emailed to the meet manager Paula Valdez (paula.valdez@gmail.com) and Laura Barlow (runrun64@verizon.net) postmarked by April 14th, 2015. Any swimmer who is listed as an alternate and not swimming another routine shall pay the entry fee. Coaches: All coaches must be on USA Synchronized Swimming’s 100% complied list to be on deck. Hospitality: Available for coaches and Officials throughout the meet. Concessions: There will be concessions available. Food will not be allowed inside the pool bleachers area or on deck. There will be space made available outside for teams to bring pop up tents. Coolers can be kept within eating area of hospitality (if small) or outside under team tent. NO GLASS in the facility or on the grounds please. Host Hotel: Courtyard Dallas Lewisville 2701 Lake Vista Drive Lewisville, TX 75067 A separate link will be sent for ease in booking, or you may call 972-316-3100 Room Rate: $84 a night for double beds. Pool is 4 miles from the hotel, approx. 9 min drive Airport Info: Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW) - 10 miles (15 minutes from Lewisville) Dallas, Love Field (DAL) – 20.7 miles (29 minutes) All Major Rental Car Companies are available at both airports Gelling: A gelling station will be provided at the pool. There is no gelling or de-gelling in the locker rooms or in the pool. There will be a $100 fine. T-shirts: Information and design forthcoming for Gildan Boxy Cut t-shirt, available for pre-order only. Programs: Information forthcoming about submissions and deadlines. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FRIDAY, APRIL 25TH 8:00 pm Coaches’ meeting at Courtyard Dallas, Lewisville. SATURDAY, APRIL 26TH 7 am: Facility Open 7:15 am: Open Warm up in Pool Figures Lunch Break Team Duets SUNDAY, APRIL 27TH 7 am: Facility Open 7:15 am: Open Warm up in Pool Solo Combo Awards Ceremony NOTE: This is a tentative schedule only. If the meet is running early, we will proceed early. 2015 South Zone Region C Junior Olympic and Intermediate Championship 2015 South Zone Region C Novice and Intermediate Invitational April 25-26, 2015 Lewisville, Texas FORM A FINANCIAL SUMMARY Club Name: _________________________________________ Team Code: _______________________ Representative/Coach: __________________________________Email: ___________________________ Address: _____________________________________________Phone: ___________________________ Number of athletes entered ____ x Sponsor fee $20 = __________ Solos ____ x entry fee $10 = __________ Duets _____ x entry fee for 2 x $20 = __________ Teams _____ x # of members ____ x $10 = __________ Combo _______x # of members____ x$10 = __________ TOTAL = __________ All checks should be made payable to: PTX, Inc. Mail to: Laura Barlow 531 Lauren Court Keller, Texas 76248 FORM B OFFICIALS AVAILABILITY TEAM NAME:____________________________________________________ Association:______________________________________________________ Name Rating Availability: Saturday Sunday ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ REMINDER: All coaches and judges must be registered members of USSS. If you are an unaffiliated official and not a life member of USSS, you must email proof or provide it at check in. Officials’ uniform for the duration of the meet will be black bottoms and white tops. FORM C COACHES ATTENDING Coaches must be 100% compliant with Coaches Certification Program as of March 10, 2015 to be on deck at this meet. Please list all coaches that will attend the meet 2015 South Zone Region C Entry Form Group: Please complete Separate Entry Forms for each different Figure Group/Division 3-Letter Club Code Zone: A Club Meet Location: Lewisville, Texas Solo Honorary Athlete Name (First, then Last) Mark if in other Birth fig group Year Figure Group ID# N B S C E D Duet Age Div. ID# Age Div. W Trio ID# Age Div. Region: Team ID# Age Div. Comments Totals Team Contact(s) Coach Phone Days ( ) Evenings ( ) Email Name Phone Days ( ) Evenings ( ) Email The athlete(s) listed above are currently registered with USSSI and are correctly entered for this meet. Coach’s Signature: Date Attach complete Proof of Qualification. For questions or concerns, contact your Association, Regional, or Zone scoring chairperson or the National Scoring Chairperson Club Entry Form - Combination Routine Only Zone Region C Championship Meet Name 2015 South Please complete Separate Entry Forms for each different Age Group 3-Letter Club Code _______ _____________________________ _ Zone: N S E W Region: A B C D Club Meet Location: Lewisville, TX Athle te Nam e (First , then Last) Birth Year ID # Age Div. Comments Totals Team Contact(s) Coach ____ Name ______ ______ Phone Days ( )____________ Evenings ( ) Email Phone Days ( ) ) Email Evenings ( The athlete(s) listed above are currently registered with USSSI and are correctly entered for this meet: Coach’s Signature: _______________________Date:____________ Attach complete Proof of Qualification. For questions or concerns, contact your Zone scoring chairperson or the National Scoring Chairperson.
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