N O R T H L A K E Senior Campus News Term one edition three 2015 www.northlake.wa.edu.au 9314 0444 NORTH LAKE SENIOR CAMPUS MANY PATHS MANY FUTURES The power of team The task for Camille's team in their P25 class last week was to create a structure made entirely from small sheets of paper and strong enough to support a partially filled water bottle. They did it! For more see inside... OLNA testing program A large number of Year 11 students will be participating in the compulsory OLNA testing program this week Successful completion of these tests is a requirement for eligibility for the WACE. See the back page for this week’s schedule and room changes. Youth Focus will be on campus in the wellness centre on Mondays. For an appointment call 6266 4333 and let them know you are from North Lake. Or you can just drop in and say hello. North Lake News 9 March 2015 Centrelink & accommodation help A Fremantle Multicultural representative is now available in the school for students who need help with accommodation or Centrelink problems. She is located in the office that is between the canteen and the gym. The time are Monday and Tuesday from 9am to 3pm. Please make appointments at the front office. Department of Education sites are considered to be public places so smoking is not permitted in or near any buildings, in vehicles or on school grounds. This complements WA State Government policy on smoking in public places. Community health nurse Manon, the community health nurse, is based at North Lake on Wednesdays. You can drop in to the wellness centre or make appointments on 9314 0444 or at the front office to discuss health and wellbeing issues. The services provided are free and confidential. ͚͠ ͚͙͘͝ ͡Ȅ͜ Notre Dame School of Medicine Course Info Session Graduates rate Notre Dame 5 stars Awarded 8 years in a row 9Teaching quality 9Generic skills 9Overall satisfaction Arts & Sciences | Business | Education | Health Sciences | Law | Medicine | Nursing & Midwifery | Philosophy & Theology | Physiotherapy Medicine Course Information Session New 5-star achievements 9Graduate starting salary 9Getting a full-time job 2015 Good Universities Guide Sunday 22 March 10.30am Expo | 11am Presentation › 4 year graduate entry Medicine degree (MBBS) › Hear from current Medicine students › 100 Commonwealth Supported Places for 2016 (HECS-HELP*) › Additional information session about the Pre-Medicine Certificate ǡǡ Register now: nd.edu.au/medinfosession The University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Medicine (ND35), 38 Henry St, Fremantle For further information 08 9433 0533 | future@nd.edu.au Ǥ ǣȀȀǤ ǤǤȀȀȀ Fremantle *HECS-HELP available to Australian citizens only. North Lake News 9 March 2015 Broome Sydney ND1085 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 0621F N O R T H L A K E S E N I O R C A M P U S The power of team Daniel Giles has an unusual job description. He's the learning opportunities facilitator at Character Cabinets, an Armadale business that works on kitchen design, renovations and high-quality cabinetmaking. He was at a juststartit.co networking breakfast recently when he heard about some of the things happening at North Lake. "It sounded like fun," he told North Lake News, "I decided to find out more." Recently Daniel spoke to Craig's P25 class, made up of Business Cert lll, AIT and Design Graphics students, and provided some insights into team work. Teams are vital in classrooms and also, as Daniel pointed out, in sport, business, the military and even in nature. Daniel said good teams have a lot in common including good planning; common goals and they take advantage of the individual strengths of the team members. "Good teams always follow through," he said. "Team members don't let the team down and they support members of the team who may be struggling. It's about sharing the load and sharing responsibilities." To reinforce what Daniel had been talking about the large class was split into groups for a team challenge. The task was to create a structure capable of supporting a partially filled plastic water bottle. The structure was to be built entirely of squares of plain paper. The teams soon learned that communication was a key in coming up with a successful solution. There were lots of ideas from towers to concertinas and each group had successes and failures along the way. For a local angle on juststartit go to http://juststartit.com.au/author/ juststartit-admin North Lake News 9 March 2015 3 N O R T H L A K E S E N I O R C A M P U S OLNA SCHEDULE – SEMESTER ONE 2015 Monday 9 March PERIOD COMPONENT 1 Writing 2 3 ROOM STUDENTS SUPERVISOR C3 VET EAL/D & English Jane Beatty Work Studies General EAL/D Judith Natale C3 Maths Essentials Numeracy 4 C1 Chipo Tsvigu REMAINING STUDENT SUPERVISION Sue Kovacevic in J15 Chris Fraser in Maths 1 Philip Jelovsek Room Changes - P3 and P4 Andre Gauci from C1 to J23 Tuesday 10 March PERIOD 1 2 3 COMPONENT 6 STUDENTS SUPERVISOR C1 General English Christine Menner C3 General EAL/D Liliana Leonte Work Studies General English Sue Kovacevic C3 Maths Applications* OT Lee Work Studies Maths Applications Tracey Fisher C1 ATAR English Sue Kovacevic C3 ATAR EAL/D Liliana Leonte Work Studies ATAR English Rod Quin Writing Numeracy 4 5 ROOM Writing REMAINING STUDENT SUPERVISION Nadia Lekias in J14 Jacqueline Kelly in Maths 4 Chris Fraser in J25 * including 2 Yr. 11 Maths Specialist Room Changes - P3 and P4 Sophie Wang from C3 to J23 P5 and P6 Andre Gauci from C1 to Library and Margaret Lonnie from Work Studies to Home 1 Thursday 12 March PERIOD COMPONENT ROOM STUDENTS SUPERVISOR 1 Numeracy C3 Maths Methods plus non-Maths OT Lee Work Studies General EAL/D Judith Natale 2 REMAINING STUDENT SUPERVISION Chris Fraser in Maths 4 Room Changes - P1 and P2 Mike Wrenn from C3 to C4 Friday 13 March PERIOD COMPONENT ROOM STUDENTS SUPERVISOR 1 Numeracy C3 IEC 7 Carolyn Hirst C1 IEC 6 Jane Beatty 2 REMAINING STUDENT SUPERVISION Room Changes - P1 and P2 Craig Blair from C3 to C4 and Andre Gauci from C1 to J23 4 North Lake News 9 March 2015
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