Operator’s Manual Index What is the blu Electronic Cigarette? ........................1-3 Inside the blu Rechargeable Pack ............................... 4-5 How to Use Your blu ............................................. 6-8 blu and Your Health ............................................9-11 blu Electronic Cigarette Requirements .....................11-12 Warranty / Policy ................................................13-14 NOTE: blu Premium and Premium100 can be purchased and used by smokers aged 18 years and up. It should not be used by children; pregnant or breast feeding women; people with heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes; or people taking medicines for asthma or depression. Consult your physician before using any electronic cigarette product. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: Warning: This product contains nicotine, a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. What are blu ® Electronic Cigarettes? blu ™ electronic cigarette is a smoking product that consists of a cartridge and battery containing a blue LED light that lights up each time you inhale. blu e-cigarette flavors are made in the U.S.A. with domestic and imported ingredients. blu pack, batteries and chargers are made in China at our BS EN ISO 9001:2008 certified factory. Pack Logo 1 The new illuminated pack logo adds both style and substance to your blu experience. Upon opening the pack, the blu logo springs to life and lights up to let you know the pack has a sufficient charge. Once closed, the logo deactivates after 30 seconds. New Social Feature (Exclusive to blu Premium and Premium100) Your blu Premium and Premium100 packs have a social feature that allows you to recognize when you are around other blu users. When the social feature is turned on, your pack is constantly looking for others with your great taste and locations where you can purchase or use blu products. Your blu pack comes with the social feature turned off by default and can be activated by pressing the button on the left side of the pack. Your pack will vibrate twice when the social feature is turned on and once when it is deactivated. Just like you, your blu Premium and Premium100 packs are looking to socialize. Social Indicators When another blu user, blu retailer, or venue that allows the use of blu comes within 50 feet of your pack, your blu will spring to life by vibrating and flashing the logo on the front of the pack. The blu social feature works using radio signals in the unlicensed band and has been FCC certified. 2 Pack Indicator: Battery Indicator: Social on/off: Pack Charging Indicator For greater feedback and function, the blu pack charging indicator is located on the side of the blu Premium and Premium100 pack. The blue indicator bars reflect the current charge level of the pack; the greater the number of bars that are lit, the greater the remaining charge. During the charging process, the indicator will continually cycle through all three light bars until charging is complete. When the pack is fully replenished, the blue lights will stop cycling and the pack will vibrate once. Open the pack lid for charge level anytime. 3 Battery Indicator For greater feedback and function, the battery indicator is located on the side of the blu Premium and Premium100 pack. The red indicator bars on the bottom reflect the current charge level of the spare battery. During the charging process, the indicator will continually cycle through all three light bars until charging is complete. When the battery is ready for use, the red lights will stop cycling. Charging the Pack and Batteries Your blu batteries and pack have some charge from the factory, but for optimum performance it is recommended that you charge your blu pack and both batteries before use. To charge the blu pack, plug the wall charger into any 100V – 240V outlet. Plug the large end of the enclosed USB cord into the wall charger and the other end with the mini-USB plug into the bottom of your blu pack. Wall Charger 4 The 3 blue lights on the side of your pack will start cycling to show the pack is charging. These lights will stop cycling and the pack will vibrate once to indicate the pack has been charged successfully. The pack will charge your cigarette batteries up to nine times before requiring a full recharge. When your blu pack needs recharging, the last blue light on the side of your pack will blink, letting you know that it needs to be charged and cannot charge your spare battery fully. Recharge Required: In general use, your batteries will let you know they need to be recharged by blinking 30 times. To charge your cigarette battery using the pack, simply place the battery into the no-screw charge port inside the pack. This new feature eliminates the need to screw the battery into the pack – as long as the battery is inside the charge port, it is charging. During charging the three red lights on the side of your pack will cycle. They will stop cycling when the battery is charged. Store the battery in the charge port until needed. The updated battery management system prevents over-charging and ensures the batteries will always perform at an optimum level. 5 USB Charger To charge using the USB charger, plug it into an available USB port on your computer, then screw the battery clockwise into the USB charger. The blue light on your cigarette battery will flash and the USB charger light will turn red to signify charging has begun. Once fully charged, the light on the USB charger will turn blue, letting you know your battery is ready for use and can be unscrewed from the charger. WARNING: Do not use your blu™ electronic cigarettes with any devices or products other than supplied. Do not charge your blu batteries with any charging device other than blu chargers. Charging using any other device may cause fire and will void your warranty. Using Your blu Cartridges or blu Tank™ Systems To use a blu flavor cartridge or blu tank system (Premium100 only), simply take one from the pack, remove the plastic cap and the sticker frrom each end, and screw onto the battery. The cartridges and tanks are sealed until the plastic cap and intake seal are removed, but if for some reason you get fluid from the cartridge on your hands or skin, simply wash under water. blu cartridges and tank systems are designed 6 to be used only with your blu™ electronic cigarette and should not be used with any other product or for any other application. Once a cartridge is empty, it will not produce vapor and can be replaced. Number of puffs is simply a guide; actual numbers will vary depending on the user. Flavor Cartridge or blu Tank™ systems (Premium 100 only) Battery 7 How to Properly Use Your blu e-Cig Once you have charged your batteries and placed your first cartridge or blu Tank™ system (Premium100 only) on the blu electronic cigarette, you are ready to start using it. Simply place the cartridge/tank end in your mouth and inhale like a normal cigarette. This will initiate the atomizer, contained within the cartridge/tank, which will vaporize the liquid and allow you to inhale and exhale vapor. Each time you ‘drag’ on your blu e-cig, the blue LED tip will light to indicate it is working properly. This is the only way your blu electronic cigarette is designed to be used and it should not be used in any other manner. 8 Nicotine blu cartridges and the tank systems come in various flavors and nicotine. When using cartridges that contain nicotine, you will inhale vapor that contains nicotine and it will be absorbed into your body. To avoid overconsumption, the blu e-cig will automatically warn you by flashing 5 times to signify you have puffed more than 6 times in the space of a minute. This will not affect the operation of your e-cig, but it is recommended that you put it down and stop using for a short period of time to prevent overconsumption. If at any time you feel dizzy or nauseous, please stop using the product immediately and consult your doctor. Please keep all components away from children and pets. Should the cartridges that contain nicotine be ingested, please consult your doctor or vet immediately. blu electronic cigarrette liquid is made in the U.S.A. using domestic and imported ingredients. 9 Can I Use blu e-Cigs to Stop Smoking? Your blu product is designed to be a smoking alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. This product has not been evaluated or certified as a stop smoking product by the FDA. If you wish to quit smoking, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. Premium Flavor Cartridge blu Tank™ Systems blu Cartridge/Tank Longevity Your blu Premium cartridges will last for approximately 250 puffs on average. Your blu Tank™ systems will last approximately 550 puffs. This means one blu cartridge is equivalent to approximately one pack of traditional cigarettes and a blu Tank system is equivalent to approximately two packs of traditional cigarettes. 10 Individual results will vary. The information provided is simply meant as a guide. blu cartridges and tank systems are sealed to keep the liquid contents safe and fresh for maximum longevity. It is recommended that you do not remove the cap or sticker from your cartridges until you are ready to use. Battery Premium batteries should last around 100 puffs per charge. blu Battery Longevity The great thing about blu is that you always have a spare battery and can charge on the go with your exclusive blu pack. Once discharged, your pack will take approximately two hours to fully recharge. NOTE: It is recommended that you carry your blu cigarette batteries in the pack at all times when not in use. Carrying the cigarette batteries in your pocket loosely may cause your blu to continually activate and overheat, causing injury and loss of power. 11 Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to purchase or use the blu electronic cigarette. Non-smokers; children; pregnant women; women who may become pregnant; women who are breastfeeding; persons with or at risk of heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, or diabetes; or taking medicine for depression or asthma should not use this product. Nicotine is addictive and is known to cause sudden and severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure, which may be dangerous to your health. The blu is intended for current smokers over the age of 18 who wish to use blu as an alternative to traditional cigarettes without the ash and smell associated with traditional cigarettes. You should consult your physician before using the blu electronic cigarette because it may or may not contain nicotine. If you are smoking tobacco products, you are encouraged to stop. 12 When not smoking your blu, you should always keep them stored in the pack. If the cigarettes are exposed to wind or loud noises, this may cause them to activate continually and overheat. Please keep out of reach of children and pets. Some parts of the blu may be a choking hazard. If ingested, please consult your doctor or vet immediately. When taking your blu Premium or Premium100 on a plane, turn off the social feature so that it is not transmitting during flight. blu Limited Warranty blu eCigs warrants, for a period of one year from the original purchase date, that the pack, chargers and batteries included are free from material defects in workmanship. If material is found to be defective, the sole liability from blu is to repair or replace the product with a factory recertified product. If there is dissatisfaction or damage arising from use of our product, you agree the only recourse and maximum liability may be repair or replacement of your product. This warranty is provided in lieu of all express or implied warranties, including merchantability and fitness warranties, unless these warranties are required by law. If such warranties 13 are required, they will apply only during the warranty period. For more information, visit: . The warranty does not apply to cartridges, blu Tank systems, or if the product isused with products other than blu products, used for commercial purposes, damaged by wear and tear, acts of God, misuse, abuse, negligence, accident, modified or tampered with, or any other cause other than defective material or workmanship. Customer Care If you have any questions or comments, please call blu customer care at 1-888-207-4588 or visit our website NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. ©2015 LOEC, Inc. WARNING: This product contains nicotine derived from tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. blu™, blu eCigs®, blu Tank™, blu Tanks™, and the blu logo are trademarks of Lorillard Technologies, Inc. 14 NOTES:
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