Cancer Survivors kririene6 Tournament Committee Kathy L Jones Tournament Director 7 I 7-752-6406 Donna Utermahlen Sponsorship Director Lisa Angstadt Secretary/Treasurer Gary Chapman Head Golf Professional, Quail Valley Golf Club 1 6th Annual Golf In honor of Joe Ruth Tournament Lutheran Home Care & Hospice Benefitting: Our tournament needs your help! We are organizing the 16th Annual Cancer Survivors & Friends Golf Tournament to be held June 5, 2015, at Quail Valley Golf Course. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, which is funded by tournament participants and local sponsors. Contributions to this event are fully tax-deductible. All proceeds benefit our local Lutheran Home Care and Hospice. We invite you to join us as a sponsor, or donor. By being a sponsor or donating to this event, you will be promoting your company to a group of people who are very loyal to its sponsors, as well as to the many area golfers, business owners and others who will be participating at the outing itself. Companies like yours make available the resources for us to offer our participants a quality event and hopefully deliver a substantial contribution to Lutheran Home Care & Hospice. Sponsorship levels include: GOLD SPONSOR -- $100 SILVER SPONSOR -- $50 • Custom sign displayed on course. • Recognition at registration and luncheon. • Recognition at registration and luncheon. • Golf cart flyer. • Golf cart flyer. BRONZE SPONSOR • — $25 Golf cart flyer. Donations we can offer as door prizes, raffles or include in golfers' gift bags are also an important part of our event. A gift donation will be recognized on the golf cart flyer. We are anticipating a highly successful and well-attended event. We thank you in advance for your support in this cause that is so dear to our hearts! Sincerely, Donna Utermahlen Sponsorship Director CSF Tournament * 636 York Street * Gettysburg, PA .-2sandfrievidsOcomcastnet: 17325 Lutheran Cancer ,S'urvivoff k 'Friends Cyoff Tournament Fud- 1 tome Care & I lospice, A Ministry of Lutheran Social Services 16th Annual Services Cancer Survivors This golf tournament was founded in 1999 by cancer survivor Joe Ruth. Assisted by fel- • In-Home Support Services — for those who need non-medical help to remain at home • Home Health Care — for those who low survivor Angie Angstadt, their vision was to have an event to not only honor cancer survivors and remember victims, but to also honor their family and friends. need medical care at home Although Joe lost his battle to cancer, the Home Health Telemonitoring — for those who want peace of mind knowing that someone is monitor- tournament continues to maintain the founding mission, as it has grown and ing their health status daily evolved into an annual event. Each year, the tournament has been able to make a substantial contribution to our local Lutheran • Hospice Care — for those living with krrriends 6011 Tournament senefitthil Zugeran 7-tome Care k7lospiee a terminal illness and their families Home Care and Hospice organization. Friday, June 5, 2015 Our prayers are dedicated to all of those who are survivors and victims, and the families and friends who support them. For more information, email I -800-840-908 I Quail Valley Golf Course 901 Teeter Rd Littlestown, PA 7. 41 Cancer Survivors & Friends Golf Tournament Sponyars ki) Opp orttinifi Team Registration & Sponsorship Form Entry Fee : $70 per golfer Format: 4-Person Scramble Please print information. Tournament entry fee is $70 per golfer. o o GOLD SPONSOR -- $100 Custom sign* displayed on course. Recognition at registration and luncheon. Golf cart flyer. Name Address • Cart & Green Fees • Golfer's Gift Bag • Luncheon Zip • Snacks/Soda/Water Email * • Beer at discounted price inurnamen! )nu Prizes for Men's, Ladies' & Mixed Foursomes o City/St Ph ( )- *Please include email address to receive confirmation of registration. SILVER SPONSOR -- $50 Player #2 o Recognition at registration and luncheon. o Golf cart flyer. Player #3 Player #4 • Longest Drive - Men, Ladies, Seniors • Closest to Pin - Men, Ladies, Seniors • Two Circles of Gold - $5.00 each • Water - Green - Anywhere Else $5.00 • 715 a.m. • 8:15 a.m. Welcome BRONZE SPONSOR -- $25 o Company Name* Golf cart flyer. *As it should appear for sponsor recognition Entry Fee @ $70 x *Please enclose company logo with attached registration form OR email to csandfriends@comcastnet. Gold Sponsor @ $100 Silver Sponsor @ $50 Bronze Sponsor @ $25 I cannot attend but please accept my contribution Registration Review of Tourney Rules • 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start • Luncheon begins as groups complete their rounds • = $ Total Enclosed $ Please make checks payable to: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 31 9 2015 CSF Tournament Mail to: CSF Tournament do Lisa Angstadt 636 York St. Gettysburg, PA 17325 Awards & Prizes Ceremony I
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