Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum

Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum
ADB Headquarters, Manila | 16 June 2015
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has successfully mobilized US$ 5.3 billion of investment in the energy access sector from 2008 to
2014, and deployed US$ 2 billion per year on clean energy. This was made possible by a policy that promotes the maximization of
modern energy access in ADB developing member countries, especially for the rural poor. The ADB Energy for All Program collaborated
with ADB’s Operations Departments to integrate energy access impact to projects on energy generation, agriculture, water and
environment. At the same time, the ADB Energy for All Program actively matches credible energy access enterprises with investors in
the private sector to finance and mobilize sustainable and long-term solutions for energy poverty.
ADB, in partnership with UNDP and ESCAP, seeks to replicate its innovative, business-model oriented approach in the energy access
sector to future efforts in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, as one of the lead organizations and host for the Asia
Pacific Hub of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. Apart from expanding the scope of its activities, ADB is also developing a suite of
services for Investors to reduce the risk of financing clean energy companies, and Governments to integrate renewable energy, energy
efficiency and energy access targets in their country development plans.
The Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum is one of the pre-forum events of the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2015. This year,
ADB will share the results of its initiatives with energy access enterprises, investors and Governments. Clean energy practitioners are
encouraged to participate in the event’s discussions on catalyzing investment renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access.
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:00
Opening Panel
10:00 – 10:30
Networking Break
10:30 – 12:00
Forging Ahead in Asia and the Pacific. This session will present the overall strategy of the
Sustainable Energy for All Initiative to mobilize public and private sector resources in the renewable
energy, energy efficiency and energy access sector in selected countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Government representatives will share how they can be proactive in pursuing these objectives through
their respective Country Action Agendas.
12:00 – 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:15
Facilitating Private Sector Investment (Part 1). This session will examine how donor funding can
be used to develop and deploy risk-sharing mechanisms and credit enhancement schemes that lower
the risks commercial banks, private equity investors and other financing institutions assume when they
invest in energy access.
Facilitating Private Sector Investment (Part 2). This session will examine how donor funding can
be used enhance the viability and bankability of energy access enterprises through micro-level
interventions such as customized technical assistance, and macro-level interventions, such as
resource and market studies.
15:15 – 15:30
Networking Break
15:30 – 17:15
Business Plan Presentations. This session will showcase the promising energy access enterprises
in Energy for All’s pipeline of companies.
17:15 – 17:30
Closing Remarks
For any inquiries, kindly contact Mr. Charles Navarro at