Africa`s Brutal Dictator Who Threatens to Cut Off Gay Heads Finds

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Africa’s Brutal Dictator Who Threatens
to Cut Off Gay Heads Finds Another
Ally in Washington, DC
BGR Group Team
Dictator Jammeh
The Democratic Union of Gambia Activist is protesting in front of the BGR Group offices in
Washington, DC to register its opposition to the recently lobbying contract the BGR Group
signed with His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yayha Abdul-Aziz Jamus Junkung
Jammeh who seized power in 1994 from the democratically elected government of Sir Dawda
Jawara that was universally recognized as one of most democratic in continental Africa.
Since coming to power, President Jammeh has killed over 400 innocent Gambians and nonGambians and just recently (August 2012) mercilessly sent nine prisoners to the firing squad.
Known to have supported the blood diamond wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia, openly engaging
in arms trade with Iran and actively involved in drug trafficking and running the Gambian
judiciary amuck, Gambian dictator, Yahya Jammeh, has now dished out millions of US dollars to
the BGR Group to redeem his dented international image.
The new contract with the BGR Group seeks to “advocate and help build support for increased
political and economic assistance from government and non-governmental organizations for The
Gambia's adolescent and adult female education programs.”
Ironically, the U.S. State Department’s 2012 Human Rights Report on The Gambia is the most
scathing of any of its previous Reports reflecting the deteriorating human condition of ordinary
Gambians, including schoolgirls President Jammeh claims to want to help. The Report cataloged
the human rights abuses of what is now considered by the European Union and the American
Government as one of the most repressive government in Africa.
Please visit the State Department Report website and access Report on Gambia
The State Department's Report reads like a horror story, which lists other human rights as
government harassment and abuse of its critics, torture, arrests and detention, and sometimes
forced disappearances of its citizens, including journalists.
Therefore, out of growing concern about President Jammeh’s dismal governance record, The
Democratic Union of Gambian Activists (DUGA) is seeking your support to end tyranny and
dictatorship in The Gambia. Please visit our website at or call us on (202)