SUMMER PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY Connecting with Colorado Academic Standards Table of Contents Clickable links Contents Summer Professional Academy Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1 Summer Professional Academy Professional Practices ....................................................................................................... 2 Summer Professional Calendar............................................................................................................................................ 3 Summer Professional Academy Course Description ........................................................................................................... 5 ADVANCED DIFFERENTIATION ......................................................................................................................................... 5 CAPTURING KIDS HEARTS ................................................................................................................................................ 5 CHECK AND CONNECT COMPREHENSIVE IMPLEMENTATION TRAINING ........................................................................ 6 CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF MUSIC EDUCATORS .............. 6 CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF PE EDUCATORS..................... 7 CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF VISUAL ARTS EDUCATORS .... 7 DIBELS NEXT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 DIFFERENTIATION THAT WORKS! .................................................................................................................................... 8 DOCUMENT BASED QUESTIONING (DBQ) ....................................................................................................................... 9 ENGINEERING IS ELEMENTARY ........................................................................................................................................ 9 FOSTERING EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING SKILLS IN STUDENTS ........................................................................................ 10 KAGAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING DAY 1 ....................................................................................................................... 10 KAGAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING DAY 2 ....................................................................................................................... 11 LOVE AND LOGIC – 9 Essential Skills©........................................................................................................................... 11 READ PLANS ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 SCANTRON ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 SPECIAL EDUCATION COMMON CORE STRATEGIES FOR LEARNERS WHO STRUGGLE ................................................. 13 STEM FOR SECONDARY .................................................................................................................................................. 13 STEP UP TO WRITING TRAINER OF TRAINERS (4th Edition – Common Core) ................................................................. 14 THINKING MAPS: NEXT STEPS........................................................................................................................................ 14 YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID ............................................................................................................................... 15 Summer Professional Academy Overview Back to Table of Contents This summer, teachers in Fountain-Fort Carson School District will be provided with ten days of targeted professional development to support implementation of the Colorado Academic State Standards. Twenty-one different courses will provide District Eight teachers with an opportunity to participate in trainings provided by nationally recognized professionals, to develop their leadership skills, and to provide time to work with colleges. Teachers will receive a stipend of $100 per class for a maximum stipend of $500. With principal’s approval, teachers may enroll in more than five classes during the ten days of Summer Professional Academy (SPA); however, this will not be additional payment. Priority will depend on space available. Recertification credit will be available for all courses. Stipends are for certified staff only. Please see the following pages for a calendar of events and course descriptions. Fountain-Fort Carson Professional Development Curriculum & Instruction 10665 Jimmy Camp Road Fountain, CO 80817 Questions: Joe Fabey Email: 719-382-1323 1 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Professional Practices The courses offered through Summer Professional Academy are aligned to support the Colorado Academic Standards, and our District Curriculum Calendars. Within each course description, you will be able to see the professional practice/s addressed in the class. These include: Create content in a challenging manner Increase knowledge of information literacy Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning Apply literacy skills across academic content areas Create a safe and respectful learning environment Adjust instruction based upon assessments Increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs Increase leadership density at the building or district level Increase opportunities for collaboration Increase oral and written communication skills Increase utilization of instructional technology Increase understanding of math practice and content standards to include: Increase understanding of how to provide opportunities to explain math thinking Enhance opportunities to improve use of math vocabulary Increase understanding of the inquiry method Increase knowledge of methods to provide multiple representations of math concepts Increase knowledge of methods of math practice and content standards Increase understanding of how to provide real world math problems Increase understanding of how to provide multiple math strategies to learn a concept Improve ability to provide interdisciplinary connections to math 2 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Calendar June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 Advanced Differentiation Capturing Kids Hearts Capturing Kids Hearts Capturing Kids Hearts Kagan Cooperative Learning Day 1 Engineering is Elementary Curriculum Assessment & Educator Evaluation: Supporting the Needs of Visual Arts Educators Curriculum Assessment & Educator Evaluation: Supporting the Needs of PE Educators Engineering is Elementary Youth Mental Health First Aid Engineering is Elementary Fostering Executive Functioning Skills in Students Elementary Love and Logic Love and Logic Thinking Maps: Next Steps READ Plans Special Education Common core Strategies for Learners Who Struggle Scantron All classes will be held from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Lunch will be on your own. You will have approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. Sign-in sheets will determine stipend and credit. It is important to arrive on time in the morning and after lunch. Sign-in sheets will be removed 15 minutes after class begins. Location for classes vary. Please check SPA Guide or My Learning Plan for specific locations. 3 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Calendar June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 Curriculum, Assessment & Educator Evaluation: Supporting the Needs of Music Educators Differentiation that Works! Fostering Executive Functioning Skills in Students Secondary Special Education Common core Strategies for Learners Who Struggle Capturing Kids Hearts Capturing Kids Hearts Capturing Kids Hearts Kagan Cooperative Learning Day 2 Differentiation that Works! Check and Connect Comprehensive Implementation Training STEM for Secondary Check and Connect Comprehensive Implementation Training STEM for Secondary Step Up to Writing Trainer of Trainers Document Based Questioning (DBQ) Step Up to Writing Trainer of Trainers Youth Mental Health First Aid DIBELS NEXT All classes will be held from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Lunch will be on your own. You will have approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. Sign-in sheets will determine stipend and credit. It is important to arrive on time in the morning and after lunch. Sign-in sheets will be removed 15 minutes after class begins. Location for classes vary. Please check SPA Guide or My Learning Plan for specific locations. 4 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description ADVANCED DIFFERENTIATION DATE: Monday, June 1, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K-12, Participants will be selected by principal (5 teachers per building) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Richard Cash PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning and increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based on the needs of students. Our students must be proficient not only in the content standards, but also in the thinking and learning modes essential for success in the 21st century. New state and national standards specifically targets these advanced levels of thinking for all students. To get all students to these higher levels, some will need more scaffolding, while others will need greater degrees of sophistication. Join Dr. Richard M. Cash, an award winning author and educator in this highly interactive learning session. You are sure to leave with numerous strategies and techniques to engage and encourage your students in a robust learning environment. Teachers will: Know the essentials of a rigorous curriculum, be able to infuse thinking tools into curriculum & instructional practices, and understand why advanced levels of thinking are required for success in the 21st Century CAPTURING KIDS HEARTS DATE: Tuesday, June 2 – Thursday, June 4, 2015 – Secondary Tuesday, June 9 – Thursday, June 11, 2015 - Elementary TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 6 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (12 teachers per bldg.) Grades K - 5, Participants will be selected by principal (6 teachers per building) CREDIT: 21 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Capturing Kids Hearts Presenter PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Create a safe and respectful learning environment and increase opportunities for collaboration. Truly remarkable outcomes are possible in a classroom where trust, respect, and caring relationships flourish. Creating such an environment is a tremendous challenge. Capturing Kids' Hearts is a 3-day experience that provides tools for administrators and teachers to build positive, productive, trusting relationships among themselves and with their students. These processes can transform the classroom and school environment, paving the way for high performance. 5 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description CHECK AND CONNECT COMPREHENSIVE IMPLEMENTATION TRAINING DATE: Tuesday, June 9 - Wednesday, June 10, 2015 - Secondary TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Welte Education Center Professional Development Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 6 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (7 teachers per building) CREDIT: 14 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Check and Connect Presenter PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Create a safe and respectful learning environment and increase opportunities for collaboration. Check & Connect is an intervention used with K-12 students who shows warning signs of disengagement with school and who are at risk of dropping out. At the core of Check & Connect is a trusting relationship between the student and a caring, trained mentor who both advocates for and challenges the student to keep education salient. Students are referred to Check & Connect when they show warning signs of disengaging from school, such as poor attendance, behavioral issues, and/or low grades. Participants will learn and understand: core components and elements of Check & Connect, the eleven steps for Check & Connect preparation, implementation, and evaluation, how to implement Check & Connect with fidelity, the role of the Check & Connect coordinator, the role and expectations of the Check & Connect mentor, Check & Connect mentor competencies and skills CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF MUSIC EDUCATORS DATE: Monday, June 8, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12 Music Teachers CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Karol Gates PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase opportunities for collaboration. This workshop will be needs-based and will focus on the input of the participants around the overall need for strong standards-based curricular planning and purposeful assessment in order to provide artifacts/evidence and strong authentic examples of effective teaching and learning in the Music disciplines. State support resources developed by educators in over 120 of the 178 school districts will be used and available for participants as needed. 6 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF PE EDUCATORS DATE: Monday, June 1, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS Classroom PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12 PE Teachers CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Phyllis Reed PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase opportunities for collaboration. This workshop will be needs-based and will focus on the input of the participants around the overall need for strong standards-based curricular planning and purposeful assessment in order to provide artifacts/evidence and strong authentic examples of effective teaching and learning in the PE disciplines. State support resources developed by educators in over 120 of the 178 school districts will be used and available for participants as needed. CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT & EDUCATOR EVALUATION: SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF VISUAL ARTS EDUCATORS DATE: Monday, June 1, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12 Art Teachers CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Karol Gates PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase opportunities for collaboration. This workshop will be needs-based and will focus on the input of the participants around the overall need for strong standards-based curricular planning and purposeful assessment in order to provide artifacts/evidence and strong authentic examples of effective teaching and learning in the Arts disciplines. State support resources developed by educators in over 120 of the 178 school districts will be used and available for participants as needed. 7 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description DIBELS NEXT DATE: Friday, June 12, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (4 teachers per building) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Melanie Wilson PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs. DIBELS Next is the assessment used throughout the District to assess reading proficiency for elementary students. All elementary teachers must know how to administer each of the DIBELS Next assessments, understand and interpret the data from the assessments, and know how to use the data to develop reading interventions. DIFFERENTIATION THAT WORKS! DATE: Monday, June 8, 2015– Elementary Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - Secondary TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – Main Cafeteria PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (5 teachers per building) Grades 6 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (10 teachers per bldg.) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Lin Kuzmich PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning and adjust instruction based upon assessments. Differentiated Data Driven Instruction has a nice ring to it, but how do you implement this toughest of skills in the elementary and secondary settings with Fountain-Fort Carson’s diverse student population? Learn several high payoff methods to respond to on-going student data. Learn responses that are unique for formative versus summative assessment results. Understand and use equity of task strategies to get all students moving forward. Even if you have 6 minutes at the opening of class, you can start to differentiate effectively! These strategies have high payoff in closing achievement gaps even among at risk populations. Each session is customized to level with grade or course appropriate examples. Leave our session with several differentiated and lesson ready opportunities planned for your students this fall. 8 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description DOCUMENT BASED QUESTIONING (DBQ) DATE: Friday, June 12, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS - PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (2 teachers per building) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Katrina McLain PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase knowledge of information literacy, increase oral and written communication skills and provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning. The workshop is a lively, interactive course for Fountain-Fort Carson teachers, grades 3-12, to discuss how document based questions can be used as powerful tool to improve students’ critical thinking, analytical reading and evidence-based writing skills. Learn the DBQ Project’s 6-Step Method and how it structures the experience of “doing history.” Learn how all students at all skill levels can be successful analyzing primary and secondary source documents and writing argumentative essays. During the workshop we will “do” a DBQ to demonstrate the method and we will look at student writing to analyze degrees of proficiency. Our DBQs and Min-Qs align with the Colorado Academic Standards but our main interest is engaging students in rigorous work. We aim to help teachers help students read smart, think straight, and write clearly. Implemented across grade levels, doing DBQs with all students can significantly improve student reading and writing in non-fiction texts. ENGINEERING IS ELEMENTARY DATE: Monday, June 1 – Wednesday, June 3, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Welte Education Center Professional Development Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 3 – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (3 teachers per building) CREDIT: 21 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Joelle Clark and Lori Rubino-Hare PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning and increase opportunities for collaboration. This 3-day session is an opportunity for STEM teacher leaders to attend an Engineering is Elementary (EiE) teacher educator institute. The purpose is to prepare professional development providers to facilitate EiE workshops. The session is hands-on and learner-driven. Participants will develop a deep understanding of the pedagogy and structure of the EiE curriculum and take away a large collection of valuable resources to help facilitate EiE workshops. 9 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description FOSTERING EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING SKILLS IN STUDENTS DATE: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 – Elementary Monday, June 8, 2015 – Secondary TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 11:45 A.M. LOCATION: Elementary - FFCHS - PLC Room; Secondary Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (4 teachers per building) Grades 6 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (8 teachers per bldg.) CREDIT: 4 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Karen Jensen and Shawna Clark PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs and create a safe and respectful learning environment. Executive function refers to a set of mental skills that are coordinated in the brain's frontal lobe. Executive functions work together to help a person achieve goals. Executive function includes the ability to: manage time and attention, switch focus, plan and organize, remember details, curb inappropriate, speech or behavior, and integrate past experience with present action. With the rollout of Common Core State Standards, new emphasis has been placed on the need for students to have and utilize executive functioning skills. In this half-day workshop teachers will learn specific strategies that can be implemented easily within the classroom setting to support students who struggle with key executive functioning tasks including organization, time management, attention, and more! KAGAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING DAY 1 DATE: Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – Main Cafeteria PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (3 teachers per building) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Kagan Trainer PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase leadership density at the building or district level and increase oral and written communication skills. Want to engage students? Want to raise test scores? Want teacher-friendly strategies to implement tomorrow? This workshop is for you! Experience cutting edge teaching structures to create classroom success now and forever! In addition, you learn management tips, how to form effective teams, strategies for creating a cooperative class through team-building and class building, and why cooperative learning produces gains and group work often fails. Finally, a class that has practical, hands-on ideas grounded in sound research and theory. 10 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description KAGAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING DAY 2 DATE: Friday, June 12, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – Main Cafeteria PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (3 teachers per building) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Kagan Trainer PREREQUISITE: Kagan Cooperative Learning Day 1 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase leadership density at the building or district level and increase oral and written communication skills. Create full student engagement with Kagan Structures—simple yet powerful cooperative learning instructional strategies. Supported by a large body of scientific research, and proven effective in countless classrooms, schools, and districts, this revolutionary way to teach is transforming teaching and learning. Come experience the power of Kagan Structures. See how easy it is use teamwork and pairs to create a greater level of engagement than you imagined possible, even for your reluctant learners. We're not talking about group work. We're talking the real deal, and knowing the difference is the difference between engaging some and engaging all students. When we engage all students, they all learn more. They have fewer discipline problems. And because the structures are so cooperative and interactive, they work wonders for students' social skill development. Come learn easy ways to use Kagan Structures as a part of every lesson, creating greater engagement, deeper understanding of the content, improved retention, and greater liking for class and content. Kagan will give you the Seven Keys to unlock the door to successful cooperative learning. If you want more fun in teaching, highly engaged students who love your classroom, and elevated test scores, this workshop is for you. LOVE AND LOGIC – 9 Essential Skills© DATE: Thursday, June 4 – Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Welte Education Center Professional Development Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (5 teachers per building) CREDIT: 14 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: David Divine and Ellen Crow PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Create a safe and respectful learning environment and increase opportunities for collaboration. This is a nine module educator training designed by the Love and Logic Institute. You will learn how to: Set limits with enforceable statements, neutralize student arguing, and develop positive student/teacher relationships because of this training there will be reduced: Student complaints about teachers, parent complaints, and office referrals. 11 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description READ PLANS DATE: Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (4 teachers per building) CREDIT: 3 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Laurie Noblitt PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs. This course is designed to give teachers a better understanding of the new law that was enacted in 2013-2014. This law impacts the development of Reading Plans for student s in first through third grade. All district 1-3 grade teachers will need to be familiar with the law, how student will qualify for the new plan, and how to create a new READ plan. This half-day class will provide teachers who want to be trainers with the important information necessary to implement the new READ Act at the building level. SCANTRON DATE: Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 11:45 A.M. LOCATION: Central Office Board Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 2 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (2 teachers per building) CREDIT: 4 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Clint Allison PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Adjust instruction based upon assessments and increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs. Participants will take part in the hands on use of Scantron Achievement Series and Performance Series data to differentiate instruction for a classroom, small group, or individual student. Participants will focus on discerning error patterns to tailor instructional remediation and extension. Information learned about Scantron will then be combined with participants using the Alpine Achievement System to progress monitor students over time. Participants will connect remediation and extension strategies to current topics of study by employing the Atlas Curriculum Mapper System to plan long range, cohesive instructional units. 12 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description SPECIAL EDUCATION COMMON CORE STRATEGIES FOR LEARNERS WHO STRUGGLE DATE: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - Elementary Monday, June 8, 2015 - Secondary TIME: 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Welte Education Center Professional Development Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 5, Participants will be selected by principal (4 teachers per building) Grades 6 – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (8 teachers per bldg.) CREDIT: 3 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: District 8 Presenter PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase knowledge of how to modify instruction based upon student needs and provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning The Common Core State Standards initiative represents a shift in education as it aims for consistent implementation of a rigorous, 21st century set of nation-wide standards. Many specialists in the field have discussed the need to address implementation efforts specifically regarding students receiving special education services as well as other students who may struggle with the many facets of learning. This half-day course will provide practical suggestions for successfully implementing the Common Core State Standards within the classroom setting for students with disabilities as well as struggling learners by specifically addressing strategies which include: deconstruction Standards, reducing Cognitive loads, Gradual Release to Independence, Concept Mastery Routines, Executive Skill Interventions STEM FOR SECONDARY DATE: Wednesday, June 10, - Thursday, June 11, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 6 - 12, Participants will be selected by principal (7 teachers per building) CREDIT: 14 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Dave Khaliqi, UCCS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning. STEMifying Your Instruction – this workshop will take teachers, step by step through the process of using instructional practices that use problem-based engineering design principles. Participants will understand and apply the following frameworks to their own instruction: 1. Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) as outlined in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 2. The State Model Evaluation System for Teachers as outlined by the Colorado Department of Education Educator Effectiveness rubrics 3. 21st Century Skills in Science as outlined in the Colorado Academic Standards in Science 4. Conceptual Problem Solving Framework (Kitsch, 1993) as an overarching guide for inquiry, literacy, problem solving, and concept retention. 13 Back to Table of Contents 5. Summer Professional Academy Course Description 6. STEP UP TO WRITING TRAINER OF TRAINERS (4th Edition – Common Core) DATE: Thursday, June 11 – Friday, June 12, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: Welte Education Center PARTICIPANTS: Grades K - 8, Participants will be selected by principal (3 teachers per building) CREDIT: 14 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Step Up Trainer PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Increase leadership density at the building or district level and increase oral and written communication skills. Candidates will deepen their knowledge of the curriculum and the training itself. They will model instructional strategies to showcase their content knowledge. Implementation successes and challenges will be discussed along with strategies for coaching and supporting classroom teachers. THINKING MAPS: NEXT STEPS DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades K – 12, Participants will be selected by principal (2 teachers per bldg.) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: Marci Chapman PRE-REQUISITE: Thinking Maps Professional Practice: Provide instruction that enhances critical thinking and reasoning. Increase opportunities for collaboration. After this one day training, participants will be able to integrate Thinking Maps for effective instructional strategies. Teachers who attend the training will be armed with the ability to implement Thinking Maps for curriculum and lesson planning and embed Thinking Maps in instructional plans. Participants will also be able to collaborate with students to use Thinking Maps to explain, revise, and synthesize ideas independently across disciplines to encourage students' meta-cognition, self-reflection, and assessment. The activities presented will be hands-on, and collaborative. Don't miss out on this training! 14 Back to Table of Contents Summer Professional Academy Course Description YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID DATE: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 and Thursday, June 11, 2015 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: FFCHS – PLC Room PARTICIPANTS: Grades 6 – 12; Participants will be selected by principal (6 teachers per bldg.) CREDIT: 7 CDE Contact Hours PRESENTER: FFC8 Staff Trainer PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Create a safe and respectful learning environment and increase opportunities for collaboration. This is a groundbreaking, internationally recognized evidence-based training program to help citizens identify mental health and substance abuse problems, connect individuals to care, and safely deescalate crisis situations if needed. This class encompasses two curricula: a core program tailored for adults and a separate program for adults that work with youth. The program will cover: risk factors and warning signs for a range of mental health problems, an understanding of the prevalence of various mental health disorders, a 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources and knowledge to assess the situation to select and implement appropriate interventions, and to help the individual in crisis connect with appropriate professional care and the evidence-based professional, peer, social and self-help resources available to help someone with a mental health problem. 15
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