13450 Paramount Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280-8251 Phone: (562) 630-3886 Fax: (562) 633-4745 www.midgleymortuary.com midgleymortuary@yahoo.com FD-1557 General Price List These prices are effective January 1, 2014 but subject to change without notice The following pages consist of our General Price List, Casket Price List and Outer Burial Container Price List, in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's "Funeral Rule" for your information and benefit. Included within these price lists, there are several disclosures that are required by either Federal or State law. At the time you receive this packet, your director will tell you about all of these disclosures and request that you sign and date forms that indicate that you received all of them, both verbally and in print. “Prior to drafting any contract for goods or services, the responsible party or the decedent’s survivor who is handling the funeral arrangements is entitle to receive a copy of any preneed agreement in the possession of the funeral establishment that has been signed and paid for, in full or in part, by or on behalf of the decedent.” Authority cited: Business and Professions Code (BPC) Sections 7685(b), 7685.6, and 7745 and California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 1258.4 NOTICE REGARDING CREMATED REMAINS: A person having the right to control disposition of cremated remains may remove the remains in a durable container from the place of cremation or interment, pursuant to Section 7054.6 of the Health and Safety Code. If the cremated remains container cannot accommodate all cremated remains of the deceased, the crematory shall provide a larger cremated remains container at no additional cost, or place the excess in a second container that cannot easily come apart from the first, pursuant to Section 8345 of the Health and Safety Code. Payment in full is required 48 hours prior to the furnishing of any merchandise, ceremonies or disposition. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, personal check, cashier’s check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and incontestable/assignable life insurance policies. There will be a 5% processing fee on all life insurance policies, added to the cash advance section of your Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected. We do not accept estate claims. Personal checks that are returned by your bank unpaid will incur an additional fee of $50.00 plus bank fees and you will be required to replace it with a cashier’s check within 24 hours of our notification to you of the unpaid check. We will add a convenience fee of 3% to the total when credit cards are used. This fee will be added to the cash advance section of your Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected. California sales tax will be added to the cost of merchandise purchased. The tax rate for South Gate is currently 10%. Services rendered by Midgley Gardenside Mortuary and staff are not taxable. It is our privilege to assist you in filing claims for any benefits you may be entitle to, either now or in the future. We offer free Notary Public service to those families we serve. Your confidence and input are sincerely appreciated. All information given to the counselor at the time funeral arrangements are made must be correct vital information prior to filing with the State of California. It is the contracting party’s responsibility to provide the counselor with the correct information. If the information given is incorrect after the filing process has taken place, the death certificate must be amended. This can take several weeks and you will be responsible for all additional charges incurred to amend and order corrected copies of the death certificate. For more information about funerals, cemetery or crematory matters, contact: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-208, Sacramento, California 95834. Phone: (916) 5747870 The goods and services shown below are those we can provide to our customers. You may choose only the items you desire. However, any funeral arrangements you select will include a charge for our basic services and overhead. If legal or other requirements mean you must buy any item you did not specifically ask for, we will explain the reason in writing on the statement we provide describing the funeral goods and services you selected. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Basic Services of the Funeral Director and Staff Our basic service charge includes, but is not limited to, staff to respond to initial request for service; arrangements conference with family or responsible party; preparation and filing of necessary certificates and permits; shelter of Remains; placement of obituary notices, planning of funeral arrangements; and coordination of service with cemetery, crematory, vault companies and others as required $1,395.00 Embalming Except in certain special cases, embalming is not required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain funeral arrangements, such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right to choose an arrangement that does not require you to pay for it, such as a direct cremation or immediate burial $375.00 Special Care of autopsied Remains $125.00 Harvest repair $250.00 Pacemaker removal and disposal $50.00 Other Preparations of the Remains Includes dressing, cosmetizing, hair styling and casketing Remains $150.00 Identification/cot viewing of un-embalmed Remains (30 minute limit) $150.00 Dressing of un-embalmed Remains $125.00 Refrigeration Temporary preservation of Remains for up to 3 days. $50.00 per day beyond the 3 days. *The law requires refrigeration of un-embalmed bodies after 24 hours $95.00 Packaging and Mailing of Cremated Remains Includes express mailing fee $125.00 Disinterment Does not include cemetery or final disposition fees $700.00 TRANSPORTATION: (Beyond 30 miles, charged at $2.00 per mile) Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home Residence Removal or 2nd attendant, add $95.00 Second attendant is used for all cases over 300 pounds $300.00 Funeral Coach (Hearse) Each time it is used $450.00 Family Limousine 9-passenger limo. 4 hour limit. Add $100.00 for each hour over the 4 hour limit $450.00 Flower/Utility vehicle $195.00 Transportation to or from Avalon Each Direction $695.00 Foreign Consulate trip Includes parking and all document preparation, but does not include consular fees $450.00 Additional Charges to Riverside National Cemetery Per vehicle $150.00 Transfer of Remains to place of autopsy Each direction $150.00 Delivery of casketed Remains to residence for visitation or service and return to mortuary Each direction, van is used. If hearse is requested, add $450.00 each direction $150.00 Cremated Remains scattering at sea Un-accompanied by family $75.00 USE OF FACILITIES AND STAFF: Use of facilities and staff for viewing Three hour time period $175.00 Use of staff for funeral service Held in the facility of your choice. Does not include any fees charged by facility $395.00 Use of staff for Memorial Service Held in the facility of your choice. Does not include any fees charged by facility $295.00 Additional Evening service charge Services held in any outside facility $500.00 Use of equipment and staff for graveside ceremony Charge for any service held on Saturday, Sunday or holiday $275.00 Added to regular charges $395.00 Service direction in Avalon $700.00 OTHER SERVICES OF STAFF Re-filing of permit or Affidavit preparation $100.00 MERCHANDISE: "THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC OR OTHER EVIDENCE THAT ANY CASKET WITH A SEALING DEVICE WILL PRESERVE HUMAN REMAINS." Adult Caskets A complete list will be provided to you Ranges from $755.00 to $4,195.00 Infant and Childrens Casket Ranges from $260.00 to $1,250.00 Alternative Container $20.00 Use of Chapel (Rental) casket Includes the insert $725.00 Outer Burial Containers A complete list will be provided to you Ranges from $450.00 to $2,595.00 Shipping Containers Includes Ziegler case, Air Tray and Combo unit Ranges from $135.oo to $625.00 Urns and Cremains containers A complete list will be provided to you Ranges from $25.00 to $1,195.00 Headstones (Markers) Ranges from $400.00 to $1,895.00 Guest register book $45.00 Standard Memorial Folders or Prayer Cards 100 per set $35.00 Specialty Memorial Folders Price varies according to selection Acknowledgement Cards 25 cards and envelopes per set $15.00 Jewish Memorial package Includes 1 Shiva candle, kriah ribbons and yarmulkes $45.00 Crucifix Each $15.00 Pallbearer Gloves 6 pair per set $30.00 Plastic remains pouch or union-all jump suit Used when Remains are in a deteriorated condition $45.00 CASH ADVANCE ITEMS: (Charges advanced on your behalf to other providers) State required Disposition Permit Required for ALL dispositions $12.00 Certified Copies of the death certificate Legal copies issued by health department, each $21.00 Los Angeles County filing charge Fee charged for processing through VitalChek, this fee is $6.00 for up to the first 10 copies and $0.50 per additional copy $6.00 and up Certified mailing of death certificates Added to the cost of the postage $10.00 Clergy Honorarium Suggested amount $300.00 Musician Honoraria Suggested amount per musician $200.00 Paid Newspaper Obituary Price varies according to publication Foreign Consulate fees Price varies according to publication Motorcycle Escorts 1 motor per 10 vehicles with a minimum of 2 motors. This is for a 3 hour limit. Add $50.00 per ½ hour over the 3 hours County Coroner/Medical Examiner fees Price varies according to County regulation Flowers Crematory fee, includes alternative container, sales tax on container, and DCA Fee* $150.00 Ranges from $50.00 to $950.00 *Department of Consumer Affairs regulatory fee imposed on all cremations and burials $270.90 THE FOLLOWING PAGES HAVE PACKAGES DESIGNED TO MAKE OUR SELECTION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF SERVICES EASIER. THEY ARE FOR SERVICES ONLY AND DO NOT INCLUDE ANY MERCHANDISE ITEMS, SUCH AS CASKET, VAULT, OR FLOWERS; OR CASH ADVANCE ITEMS, SUCH AS PERMITS, DEATH CERTIFICATES, ESCORTS, FLOWERS OR HONORARIA. Traditional Service Package Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; embalming or alternative care; dressing, cosmetizing and grooming; use of staff for viewing, and direction of funeral and graveside ceremonies; funeral coach (for 1 service) and utility/flower vehicle; and memorial package consisting of 1 memorial book, 100 memorial cards, 25 thank you cards, and an everlasting on-line obituary $2,195.00 Graveside Service Package Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; embalming or alternative care; dressing, cosmetizing and grooming; use of facility and staff for viewing, and direction of graveside ceremony; utility/flower vehicle to transport casket to cemetery. If hearse is requested, add $450.00 $1,495.00 Immediate Burial Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; alternative care of Remains; and delivery to local cemetery in utility vehicle. Permit, casket and other merchandise is not included. Other services can be selected at additional cost. $925.00 Forwarding Remains Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; embalming; and delivery to Los Angeles International Airport in a utility vehicle. Combo unit or Air Tray are included. $975.00 Receiving Remains Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; delivery to local cemetery for graveside service with a utility vehicle. If hearse is requested, add $450.00 $975.00 Full Service Cremation Package Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; embalming or alternative care; dressing, cosmetizing and grooming; use of facility and staff for viewing at our location; use of our solid oak Chapel (rental) casket and rental insert; delivery of Remains to crematory and retrieval of Cremains from crematory; and a plastic temporary urn. A selection of urns is available. Permit and crematory fees not included. Also included is a memorial package consisting of 1 memorial register book, 100 memorial cards, 25 Thank you cards and an everlasting, on-line obituary. If requested, the casket can be transported to another facility for viewing/services. If a utility vehicle is used, add $300. If a hearse is requested add $550.00. $2,395.00 Direct Cremation with Ceremony Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; alternative care of Remains; delivery of Remains to crematory and retrieval of Cremains from crematory; and a plastic temporary urn. A selection of urns is available; use of our facility for memorial service. If requested, the urn can be transported to another facility for services. Add $350.00 plus any facility charges. Permit and crematory fees not included. $1,125.00 Direct Cremation Includes the basic service of the funeral director, staff and overhead; transfer of Remains to the funeral home; securing/filing necessary certificates and permits; alternative care of Remains; delivery of Remains to crematory and retrieval of Cremains from crematory; and a plastic temporary urn. A selection of urns is available; use of our facility for memorial service. Permit and crematory fees not included. $ 975.00 If you want to arrange a direct cremation, you can use an alternative container. Alternative containers encase the body and can be made of materials like fiberboard or composition materials (with or without an outside covering). The alternative container we offer is cardboard with no lining or outside covering. A selection of cremation caskets are also available. You may provide your own container as long as it meets state and crematory regulations. If you provide your own container, the charge for the Direct Cremation would be: $ 955.00 Please note that any Remains weighing over 350 pounds will be charged $1.00 per total pounds in addition to the Direct Cremation fee. 13450 Paramount Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280-8251 Phone: (562) 630-3886 Toll Free: (800) 795-0028 Avalon: (310) 510-1406 Fax: (562) 633-4745 Web: www.midgleymortuary.com Email: midgleymortuary@yahoo.com Casket Price List These prices are effective January 1, 2014 and are subject to change without notice. “THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC OR OTHER EVIDENCE THAT ANY CASKET WITH A SEALING DEVICE WILL PRESERVE HUMAN REMAINS” The price range for adult caskets is $755.00 to $4,195.00. The price range for infant and children’s caskets is $260.00 to $1,250.00. The price range for shipping containers is $135.00 to $625.00. The alternative container is $20.00. The use of the rental casket is $725.00, which includes the rental insert. For more information about funerals, cemetery or cremation matters, contact: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-208, Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 574-7870 ADULT CASKETS Eleanor Carnegie STAINLESS STEEL (gasketed) Champagne Rose brushed Champagne velvet Mystic Blue brushed Blue velvet $4,195.00 $4,195.00 Pearl Rose Summit STEEL (18 gauge, gasketed) White Pink crepe Bronzetone Rosetan crepe $1,995.00 $1,995.00 Freedom Three Roses Calvary Crosses Calvary Crosses Treemont Treemont Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin STEEL (20 gauge, gasketed) Silver Oyster crepe Orchid Pink crepe Almond Rosetan crepe Pewter Oyster crepe Silver Oyster crepe Coppertone Rosetan crepe Orchid Pink crepe Silver Oyster crepe Blue Blue crepe White Oyster crepe Coppertone Rosetan crepe $1,745.00 $1,745.00 $1,695.00 $1,695.00 $1,595.00 $1,595.00 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Clair Clair Clair Clair Truman STEEL (20 gauge, non-gasketed) Bronzetone Rosetan crepe Orchid Pink crepe Light Blue Blue crepe White Pink crepe Silver Oyster crepe Coppertone Rosetan crepe Light Blue Blue crepe White Oyster crepe Flat Gray Oyster crepe $1.095.00 $1,095.00 $1,095.00 $1,095.00 $ 985.00 $ 985.00 $ 985.00 $ 985.00 $ 865.00 Classic Poplar Lancaster Carlton Traditional Pine Taylor Jericho Basic Cloth HARDW OOD, SOFTW OOD AND CREMATION (non-gasketed) Medium Pecan gloss Rosetan crepe Dark American Brown gloss Rosetan crepe Medium Brown satin Rosetan crepe Light natural satin Oyster crepe Dark Walnut satin Oyster crepe Natural unfinished Un-lined Embossed Doeskin cloth Oyster crepe $3,295.00 $2,895.00 $2,175.00 $1,575.00 $1,415.00 $ 995.00 $ 755.00 Alternative Cremation Box Ashley 5’6” Ashley 4’6” Ashley 3’6” Ashley2’6” Soft Touch 5’6” Soft Touch 4’6” Soft Touch 3’6” SoftTouch 2’6” Soft Touch 2’0” Soft Touch 20” Rental casket Ziegler (gasketed) Air Tray Combination Unit ALTERNATIVE CONTAINER (Cardboard, non-gasketed) Un-covered Un-lined $ INFANT AND CHILDRENS (20 gauge, gasketed) Powder gold shaded White Ivory Capri crepe Powder gold shaded White Ivory Capri crepe Powder gold shaded White Ivory Capri crepe Power gold shaded White Ivory Capri crepe $1,250.00 $1,035.00 $ 980.00 $ 890.00 INFANT AND CHILDRENS (Cloth covered cardboard, non-gasketed) White embossed Plush Ivory crepe White embossed Plush Ivory crepe White embossed Plush Ivory crepe White embossed Plush Ivory crepe White embossed Plush Ivory crepe White embossed Plush Ivory crepe RENTAL CASKET AND SHIPPING CONTAINERS Solid Oak, medium finish Rosetan crepe Sheet metal, un-finished Un-lined Wood base/cardboard top Un-lined Wood base, sides, top Un-lined 20.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 605.00 525.00 435.00 365.00 294.00 260.00 $ $ $ $ 725.00 625.00 135.00 175.00 Gasketed means the casket was designed by the manufacturer to resist the entrance of air, water or other outside elements. Non-gasketed means the casket was not designed by the manufacturer to offer this additional protection. The only warranty of written warranty, if implied, including an purpose, with respect the casket or any other merchandise sold in connection with this service is the express any, granted by the manufacturer. This mortuary makes no warranty, express or implied warranty of merchantability and an implied warranty of fitness for a particular to the casket and outer burial container. If you purchase a casket from an outside source, you will be required to sign a Third Party Merchandise release form. 13450 Paramount Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280-8251 Phone: (562) 630-3886 Fax: (562) 633-4745 www.midgleymortuary.com midgleymortuary@aol.com FD-1557 Outer Burial Container Price List These prices are effective January 1, 2014 and subject to change without notice For more information about funerals, cemetery or crematory matters, contact: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-208, Sacramento, California 95834 (916) 5747870 In most areas of the country, state or local law does not require that you buy a container to surround the casket in the grave. However, many cemeteries require that you have such a container so that the grave will not sink in. Either a grave liner or a burial vault will satisfy these requirements. The Bronze Pantheon Regency Seville Vanguard Sentinel Standard #5 Concrete box Steel re-enforced, Bronze lined Steel re-enforced, Copper lined Steel re-enforced, Stainless Steel lined Steel re-enforced, ABS Marbelon lined Steel re-enforced, Polystyrene lined Steel re-enforced, Polystyrene lined Steel re-enforced, unlined $2,595.00 $2,295.00 $1,945.00 $1,465.00 $1,365.00 $894.00 $450.00 Additional Saturday, Sunday and Holiday charges will apply Outer Burial Container Price List Bronze Triune Copper Triune Stainless Steel Triune Stainless Steel Cameo Triune Venetian Montecello Universal Urn Vaults Double re-enforced, Bronze lined Double re-enforced, Copper lined Double re-enforced, Stainless Steel lined Double re-enforced, Stainless Steel lined Single re-enforced, Strentex lined Single re-enforced, Strentex lined Polystyrene, unlined $995.00 $930.00 $875.00 $875.00 $820.00 $785.00 $450.00 Disclosures and W arranties The only warranty of the casket or any other merchandise sold in connection with this service is the express written warranty, if any, granted by the manufacturer. This mortuary makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including an implied warranty of merchantability and an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the casket and outer burial container. Prices listed above do not include sales tax. Installation charges, which are fees added to the services provided by the cemetery, are not included in the above mentioned prices. We will collect vault and marker installation fees from you when we sell you a vault or marker, and pay them to the cemetery on your behalf. Sales tax is computed at the assigned rate to South Gate, California, which is currently 10%. 13450 Paramount Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280-8251 Phone: (562) 630-3886 Toll Free: (800) 795-0028 Avalon: (310) 510-1406 Fax: (562) 633-4745 Web: www.midgleymortuary.com Email: midgleymortuary@yahoo.com Urn Price List These prices are effective January 1, 2014 and are subject to change without notice. For more information about funerals, cemetery or cremation matters, contact: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-208, Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 574-7870 Crystal Bordeaux Crystal Artistry 11”h x 9” w $478.00 Scroll Famille Stratford Porcelain 12”h x 8”w 12”h x 8.5”w x 7”d $340.00 $340.00 Butterfly Garden Butterfly Garden keepsake Butterfly Garden sharing Fall Aster Fall Aster keepsake Fall Aster sharing Rose Garnet Rose Garnet keepsake Rose Garnet sharing Doves of Peace Doves of Peace keepsake Doves of Peace sharing Rose Rose keepsake Rose sharing Jade Jade keepsake Jade sharing Cloisonne 10.5”h x 8”w 6.25”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2/25”w 11”h x8:w 6.5”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2.25”w 11”h x 8”w 6.5”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2.25”w 11”h x 8”w 6.5”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2.25”w 11”h x 8”w 6.5”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2.25”w 11”h x 8”w 6.5”h x 4.75”w 4.25”h x 2.25”w $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 $432.00 $175.00 $88.00 Brushed Pewter Brushed Pewter keepsake Brushed Pewter sharing Brushed Bronze Brushed Bronze keepsake Brushed Bronze sharing Brushed Classic 10.5”h x 6”w 5.75”h x 4”w 3”h x 1.75”w 10.5”h x 6”w 5.75”h x 4”w 3”h x 1.75”w $195.00 $94.00 $52.00 $195.00 $94.00 $52.00 Midnite Ornate Midnite Ornate keepsake Midnite Ornate sharing Optional Golden Urn charm Pink Rose Pink Rose Heart Optional Pewter Heart Stand Ellora Series 10.5”h x 6”w 5.75”h x 4.75”w 3”h x 1.75”w 1.5”h x 2.5”w with gold ribbon 10.5”h x 6”w 3”h x 3”w x 1.75”d 2.25”h x 2.25”w $204.00 $94.00 $52.00 $76.00 $204.00 $98.00 $40.00 Capri Frost Capri Charcoal Capri Blush Capri Dove Capri Sapphire Capri Solid Surface 9”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d 9”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d 9”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d 9”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d 9”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d $252.00 $252.00 $252.00 $252.00 $252.00 Regina Regina Companion Alexandria Alexandria Companion Marble and Bronze 8.5”h X 7.25”w x 7.25”d 8.5”h x 10.5”w x 8”d 8.5”h x 7.25”w x 7.25”d 8.5”h x 10.5”w x 8”d $846.00 $1,170.00 $866.00 $1,195.00 Spartan Bronze Cherub Boy Cherub Girl Fabricated Bronze 7”h x 5.5”w x 5.5”d 5”h x 3.5”w x 3.5”d 5”h x 3.5”w x 3.5”d $115.00 $295.00 $295.00 Archer Maple Scattering Urn 10.25”h x 9.5”w x 5”d $378.00 Hummingbird Crystal Rose Floral/Wood Design 7”h x 7.75”w x 10.25”d 10”h x 6”w x 6”d $288.00 $339.00 Kennedy Amherst Cherry Bradford Maple Bradford Oak Notable Hardwoods 10”h x 11.25”w x 9.25”d 6.25”h x 11”w x 8”d 6”h x 11”w x 8”d 6”h x 11”w x 8”d $320.00 $370.00 $410.00 $419.00 Cowboy Cowboy keepsake Dolphins Dolphins keepsake Lighthouse Lighthouse keepsake Angel Colonnade Angel Alabaster Angel Alabaster keepsake Artistic Composite 13.25”h x 11”w x 11.25”d 7.5”h x 6”w x 6”d 12”h x 12”w x 10.25”d 5”h x 5.75”w x 4.5”d 14.50”h x 10.25”w x 9.5”d 7.75”h x 5.5”w x 5.5”d 8.25”h x 9.5”w x 7.25”d 13.5”h x 8.75”w x 8.5”d 5.75”h x 4”w x 3.75”d $338.00 $138.00 $338.00 $138.00 $338.00 $138.00 $338.00 $338.00 $138.00 Large silver Cross Avon silver Heart Large silver Teardrop Cherub silver Primrose silver Dove silver Dolphin silver US Flag pendant silver US Flag pin silver Seashell silver with white opal sparkle Teddy Bear Silver Small silver Cross Silver Chain Keepsake Jewelry 7/8” x 1-5/16” 7/8” x 13/16” ½” x ¾” 3/8” x ¾” ½” x ½” ¾” x 7/8” ¾” x 5/8” ½” x 7/16” ½” x 7/16” 7/8” x 7/8” 9/16” x 15/16” 5/16” x 1-1/8” 24” $187.00 $132.00 $149.00 $132.00 $132.00 $132.00 $132.00 $136.00 $124.00 $348.00 $154.00 $132.00 $48.00 Standard plastic temporary urn Minimum Durable Container 8.75”h x 6.75”w x 3.5”d $25.00 Crystal Remembrance Crystal Remembrance Hand blown glass egg, comes sm, med. lg Sm $450.00, med. $600.00, Lg, $800.00 Appliques A variety of appliques, emblems and engraving is available. Please inquire about the cost of adding these items to your urn selection. Note that not all urns can be engraved or have an applique or emblem added.
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