Journal of Sports Sciences, February 2006; 24(2): 143 – 147 A new device for evaluating distance and directional performance of golf putters JOHNNY NILSSON1,2 & JON KARLSEN1 1 Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway, and 2University College of Physical Education and Sports, Stockholm, Sweden (Accepted 21 March 2005) Abstract The purpose of this study was to construct and evaluate the reliability of an apparatus for testing golf putters with respect to distance and direction deviation at different impact points on the clubface. An apparatus was constructed based on the pendulum principle that allowed putter golf clubs to swing at different speeds. The mean speed of the club head before ball impact, and of the ball after impact, was calculated from time measurements with photocells. A pin profile rig was used to determine the directional deviation of the golf ball. Three different putters were used in the study, two that are commercially available (toe-heel weighted and mallet types) and one specially made (wing-type) putter. The points of impact were the sweet spot (as indicated by the manufacturer’s aim line), and 1, 2 and 3 cm to the left and right of the sweet spot. Calculation of club head speed before impact, and of ball speed after impact (proportional to distance), showed errors 0.5% of interval duration. The variability in ball impacts was tested by measuring time and direction deviations during 50 impacts on the same ball. The mean duration (+ s) after ball impact in the test interval (1.16 m long) was 206 (0.8) ms and the standard deviation in the perpendicular spreading of the balls in relation to the direction of the test interval was 0.005 m. A test – retest of one putter on two consecutive days after remounting of the putter on the test apparatus showed less than 1% difference in distance deviation. We conclude that the test apparatus enables a precise recording of distance and direction deviation in golf putters as well as comparisons between different putters. The apparatus and set-up can be used in the laboratory as well as outdoors on the putting green. Keywords: Golf putting, methodology, sweet spot, direction deviation, distance deviation Introduction In golf, play on the green has a large impact on the final score (Pelz, 2000) and a great amount of time is spent on practice greens to perfect the putting technique. This focus on putting in golf is also seen in the equipment industry, with the sale of approximately US$1 billion worth of putters each year. As an example, the Callaway Company sold putters worth US$142.8 million in 2003 (, 20040320). There are numerous club brands and club specialities on the market today. Many aspects of the putting technique have been described in scientific reports, including the basic swing technique (Brooks, 2002; Gwyn & Patch, 1993), temporal aspects of the back and down swing of the putter, strike variability patterns on the clubface in relation to the sweet spot, direction sense, and body alignments and kinematics (Coello, Delay, Nougier, & Correspondence: Johnny Nilsson, E-mail: University College of Orliaguet, 2000; Craig, Delay, Grealy, & Lee, 2000; Delay, Nougier, Orliaguet, & Coello, 1997). Farrally et al. (2003), who examined the proceedings from major golf science conferences, reported that 85 scientific papers across academic disciplines had been published on golf equipment since 1994. To our knowledge, however, no scientific study has focused on the performance of the putter (and the ball), including distance and direction deviation related to impacts inline or offline with the club head centre. And, no study has evaluated the reliability of a test apparatus for testing golf putters. The aims of the present study were to construct a putt tester to resemble an optimal putting technique, which Pelz (2000) describes as a perfect inline stroke, and to evaluate the reliability and implementation of the apparatus for testing golf putters with respect to distance and directional deviation at different impact points on the clubface. Physical Education ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online Ó 2006 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/02640410500131225 and Sports, Box 56 26, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden. 144 J. Nilsson & J. Karlsen Methods Putt tester construction and test procedures The apparatus (putt tester) works as a simple pendulum in a single plane, thereby allowing repeatable club downswings at predefined speeds. Figure 1 depicts the apparatus with a putter mounted. The putter is attached to the axis of rotation, which rests on two low friction bearings. A specially designed clamp allows the golf putter to be attached to the axis of rotation and the putt tester frame. The clamping of the putter shaft followed a standardized procedure. The fixation of the shaft grip in the cuff was secured by means of stiff high friction rubber bars between the shaft grip and the cuff. The shaft was always tightly clamped to the cuff and the friction between them was tested by manually applying a twisting torque to the shaft. The eventual rotation of the shaft was checked after every impact by inspection of the clubface angle. The height of the frame was adjusted to fit clubs with different lengths and the putter was aligned to fit the lie. The alignment of the club was standardized by adjusting the aiming line of the club right over the predefined roll line. The vertical and horizontal position of the club head was governed by a millimetre scale. By applying different drop heights for the downswing of the club, the speed of the club head was varied. In the start position before dropping down, the club was held by an electro-magnet, which was then released by the experimenter. Two photocells (SICK, Type WL25-714, Hego Systems AB, Sweden), placed 0.24 m apart, recorded the time when the club head passed them. The photocells were triggered by reflective tape attached to the club head. The putt tester was placed on an evenly painted wooden sheet (2.1 6 0.9 m) that was fixed to the top of the table. We were interested in studying the implementation of the device on different typical putters. Therefore, we used three types of putters in the study (toe-heel weighted, mallet and wing-type putters). After impact, the golf ball rolled over the sheet through a 0.7 m long interval. Two photocells (SICK, Type WL25-714, Hego Systems AB, Sweden) recorded the time spent in the interval and, based on these, the ball speed and roll distance were calculated. The detection windows of the photocells were reduced to a width of 3.5 mm. The duration between the photocells was registered and printed by a timing unit (Hego Systems AB, Sweden). The duration after ball impact is proportional to ball speed and roll distance. Wilson True Tour golf balls were used with all putters. After impact, the rolling ball was stopped by a pin profile rig. When hit by a ball, the pins were pushed into the rig and an indent or spherical pattern occurred. This was used to determine medio-lateral deviation. The spatial resolution of the pin markers was 13 pins per centimetre. The distance from the impact point to the profile rig was 1.16 m (Figure 1D). In this study, the apparatus was placed on a table for a normal laboratory setting, but the putt tester has also been tested outdoors on a putting green. In the outdoor setting, all parts of the putt tester, apart from the pin profile rig, were used. The test for distance and medio-lateral deviation after impact with golf putters was performed using a series of ten golf ball hits. Impacts on the sweet spot and 1, 2 and 3 cm to the toe and heel side of the sweet spot were performed. Here, the sweet spot was Figure 1. Test apparatus for measuring golf putter performance. (A) Sagittal view of the test apparatus: (1) pendulum frame, (2) adjustable metal arm to hold the putter in a drop down ready position (3a), (4) clamp to hold the club shaft, (5) photocells for recording time duration of the club head in the downswing, (6) golf ball in position for putter impact, (7) power supply for the photocells, (8) time unit to the downswing photocells. (B) Rear frontal plane view of the test apparatus: (1) pendulum frame, (2) adjustable metal arm to hold the putter in a drop down ready position (3b). The Putter in an impact position, (4) clamp to hold the club shaft, (9) position adjustable club holder cuff that connects the shaft clamp to the axis of rotation (10) of the pendulum, (11) ball bearings for the axis of rotation, (12) electro-magnet that holds the club in a drop down ready position, (13) photocells to measure time of the ball in an interval after impact, (14) horizontal levelling device. (C) Sagittal view of the time measuring interval after ball impact: (13) photocells, (15) pin profile rig to measure lateral deviation of the ball, (16) power supply for the (17) timing unit. (D) Schematic overhead view showing the distances (units ¼ metres) between different components of the test apparatus set-up. Photocells to measure interval time for speed calculation of the club head before impact (1 – 2) and golf ball after impact (3 – 4). The whole apparatus was placed on a table. A new device to evaluate performance of golf putters defined as a point on the clubface that is vertically in the middle and directly under the manufacturer’s defined aim line. The same vertical position was used for all impact points. The ball was placed on the line of impact (Figure 1D) and centred in front of the point of impact. During both the laboratory tests and the outdoor test on a green, two conventional commercially available and commonly used putters were employed. In addition, a specially made wingtype putter was used. Comparison of data obtained in the laboratory with data obtained on an outside putting green was done. By using the same drop height of the club on the putting green (110 ms in the interval before ball impact), the roll distance and medio-lateral deviation could be determined. The roll friction on the golf green was measured with a stimpmeter. Statistics Descriptive statistical methods, including means and standard deviations (s), were employed in the data analysis. Results and discussion Methodological considerations of the reliability of the apparatus An important factor for the precision of the time measurements is the triggering of the photocells. The temporal resolution of the photocells was 1 ms, following the technical specifications of the manufacturer. Accordingly, time was measured to the nearest millisecond. The photocells were supported with a plastic plate on the photocell window so that only a 3.5 mm wide detector window was used on each photocell. To test the variability in photocell triggering, a sliding ruler with a nano-scale was used. A sharp piece of plastic was attached to the ruler. This was moved by the sliding ruler until triggering of the photocell. The procedure was repeated 20 times. The results show that the standard deviation was only 0.04 mm, which corresponds to 0.006% of the distance between photocell 1 and photocell 2 (Figure 1D) and therefore this error can be neglected. Another factor potentially affecting reliability was the relative time error in the recording by photocells 1 and 2 (Figure 1D), as the time spent in the interval was short (80 – 200 ms, typically 112 ms was needed to collect the present data). Using 112 ms as an example of interval time, a duration of 111.5 – 112.4 ms was possible with the clock unit still indicating 112 ms. The relative time error in the interval before ball impact can therefore, in the worst case, be +0.4% with the present duration setting. To 145 reduce the relative error, the interval before impact can be lengthened. The error in the interval after ball impact is, in the worst case, +0.2% based on the longer interval duration (200 – 220 ms). To test the variability in time measurements related to photocell time resolution or other possible factors as well as direction variability, a series of 50 repeated impacts was performed on the same ball with the same pre-impact interval time (110 ms). The results showed a very small time variation in relation to the mean post-impact interval time (206 + 0.8 ms) and perpendicular deviation from the line of interval direction (s ¼ 0.005 m). To assess the reliability of the putt-tester when the golf club had been tested, demounted and remounted on the shaft clamp as well as repositioned and realigned, a test – retest was performed. This was done with a toe-heel weighted putter on two consecutive days with the same golf balls in the same order. The results are presented in Figure 2 and the deviation between the two tests was small. The average difference between the seven pairs of mean values, representing the different impact points, was less than 1%. The largest difference in deviation between test and retest for the mean value of one impact point was 1.5% (Figure 2). These results indicate that repeated mounting and alignment can be done without adversely affecting reliability (i.e. the calculation of ball speed and roll distance). The results indicate that the reliability of the putt-tester is sufficient to perform the type of measurement described above. Figure 2. Test – retest of the same putter on two consecutive days. On the abscissa the impact point 0 represents the sweet spot of the club head and 1, 2 and 3 represent deviation (in cm) of impact points to the toe (þ) and heel side (7) of the sweet spot. On the ordinate 100% represents roll distance at impact point 0. Each data point in the figure represents the mean + s of 10 repeated ball impacts. 146 J. Nilsson & J. Karlsen Comparison of distance and direction deviation – implementation of the putt-tester In Figures 3A and B, the differences in roll distance after ball impact on the sweet spot and three positions (1, 2 and 3 cm) on the toe and heel side of the sweet spot, using two conventional and commercially available golf putters as well as a specially made putter, are presented. The results in Figure 3A clearly reflect the curvo-linear relationship between medio-lateral clubface impact point deviation and roll distance, as well as differences in performance between the three golf putters at certain deviations from the sweet spot. The decrease in roll distance due to deviation in impact point was, for the putters in the present example, about 13% in the worst case. In Figure 3B, differences in direction Figure 3. (A) The relationship between relative roll distance (ordinate) and horizontal impact point deviation (abscissa) for three different putters. On the ordinate 100% represents roll distance at impact point 0. (B) The relationship between relative medio-lateral deviation as a percentage of roll distance after ball impact (ordinate) and horizontal impact point deviation (abscissa) for three different putters. In both plots on the abscissa the impact point 0 represents the sweet spot of the club head and 1, 2 and 3 represent deviation (in cm) of impact points to the toe (þ) and heel side (7) of the sweet spot. Each data point in the figure represents the mean + s of 10 repeated ball impacts. (medio-lateral) deviation, in relation to impact point, are shown. The largest relative deviation was about 3.5% of the roll length after ball impact. All putts made with the putt-tester in this study equal approximately a 9 m putt on a flat green with an average roll friction. The latter was checked with a device (stimpmeter) for measuring roll friction on golf greens, which showed a value of 8 feet. (For further information about the stimpmeter, see www. html.) The putt-tester was also tested on a golf green and the results obtained (Figure 4) were in line with the results from the laboratory tests (Figures 3A and B). The results above indicate that the test apparatus can be used with different types of putters, and is able to show differences in distance and direction performance. In conclusion, the results presented here show that the putt-tester can detect differences in distance and medio-lateral deviation related to different points of Figure 4. Distance and directional deviation in 10 m long putts with the putt-tester on a golf green with two different putters where putts were made at the sweet spot and 1 – 3 cm to the toe or heel side of the sweet spot. In all putts the same club head speed at impact was given by the putt-tester. X marks the point of ball impact. Black dots represent ball positions after impact with a commercially available mallet putter. White dots represent ball positions after impact with a specially made wing-type putter. A new device to evaluate performance of golf putters impact on the putter club face with high reliability. Although the present data are from horizontal offcentre hits, the putt-tester can also be used to test deviation from vertical off-centre hits, or a combination of vertical and horizontal miss-hits. The apparatus and set-up can be used in the laboratory as well as on an outdoor putting green to evaluate the distance and directional performance of putters already on the market and to monitor the process to perfect putters in the future. References Brooks, R. J. (2002). Is it a pendulum, is it a plane? Mathematical models of putting. In E. Thain (Ed.), Science and Golf I:, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf (pp. 127 – 141). London: Routledge. 147 Coello, Y., Delay, D., Nougier, V., & Orliaguet, J.-P. (2000). Temporal control of impact movement: The time from departure control hypothesis in golf putting. International Journal of Sport psychology, 31, 24 – 46. Craig, C. M., Delay, D., Grealy, M. A., & Lee, D. N. (2000). Guiding the swing in golf putting. Nature, 405, 295 – 296. Delay, D., Nougier, V., Orliaguet, J.-P., & Coello, Y. (1997). Movement control in golf putting. Human Movement Science, 16, 597 – 619. Farrally, M. R., Cochran, A. J., Crews, D. J., Hurdzan, M. J., Price, R. J., Snow, J. T. et al. (2003). Golf science research at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Journal of Sports Sciences, 21, 753 – 765. Gwyn, R. G., & Patch, C. E. (1993). Comparing two putting styles for putting accuracy. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 387 – 390. Pelz, D. (2000). Dave Pelz’s putting bible. New York: Doubleday.
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