BULK RATE US POSTAGE PAID Permit #1 Winton CA 95388 THE HERALD Serving San Joaquin County since 1959 • 55th yr. • No. 13 • Issue 2,890 • March 27, 2014 • Ph: 209-772-8854 email: Lindenherald@gmail.com • www.Lindenherald • 50¢ CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED The Linden Herald • 55th year • No. 13 • Issue 2,890 • Post Office Box 929 • Linden, California • 95236-0929 • March 27, 2014 • Ph (209) 772-8854 • A legal newspaper of general circulation All about your town … Around Linden … Linden Food and Clothing Bank gives out a bag of groceries to the area’s needy— Tuesday 4-5:30 pm, Saturday 10-11:30 am. Mission Hall, 19147 Hwy 26, Linden. The organization also receives donations during the same time and is accepting dry goods such as beans, vegetables, soup, rice, fruit and non perishable food—and clean, gently-used clothing and shoes. Donations are also taken by sending checks to Cherie Sivell c/o Salvation Army Unity, PO Box 693, Linden CA 95236. Linden-Peters Chamber of Commerce— Membership information: business-agri-business $30 yearly; family $20; individual, $15. Write to PO Box 557, Linden 95236. Support the community and the “Welcome to Linden” sign. We all talk about helping the environment and keeping the earth clean. I’m sure everyone knows about recycling and how much it can help. But how many of us take the time to actually recycle? If you think about it, most everyone passed a recycling center at some time. Most people know where one can go to recycle trash (remember to look for the recycle triangle symbol). So, instead of talking about it, take about an extra 20 minutes or so each week and bring your recyclable items down to the nearest receiving station. We all need to pitch in. Concerning how we all drive through Linden: as a community we all need to take a hard look at how fast we drive down Front Street before and after school, as well through our residential streets. Everyone these days is in such a hurry and I know half the time we don’t realize how fast we are going. We need a safe zone in our community for our children and every resident that walks our streets. If we as adults don’t slow down and start driving safer, how can we expect to tell our teen-agers that they need to slow down and drive safely? Young people learn by example, so please let’s all teach our youngsters how to drive safely by slowing down and driving in a safe manner as a community. We may even save a life. Develop map skills Teach your youngsters to read a map by helping them create one of their own. Try walking the neighborhood together and let your child sketch out the roads, friends’ houses and other places. Then, help your youngster use the map to show you the way to school. Is it appropriate? It can be difficult to tell whether a movie, video game or TV show is appropriate for your child. You can find guidance at a nonprofit web site that checks for adult content, violence, language and social behavior. Look for easy-to-scan ratings at www. commonsensemedia.org. Go with whole grains Did you know that whole grains provides fiber that discourages over eating? Try serving your youngsters whole grain cereals. You’ll add nutrition to their diet—and fill them up. Tempt taste buds by topping the cereal with apples, bananas and another fruit. Box tops Clip Box Tops-earn cash for our schools every time you shop for groceries. Tops from hundreds of your favorite products is worth around 10¢ to the school—and that adds uVisit boxtops4education.com for more great ideas to earn cash the our schools. Linden will host its Third Annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life on Saturday-Sunday, April 5-6 at the Linden High School Lions Stadium. The event is for 24 hours beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday to Sunday morning. The theme is “Lindenland Wishing Upon a Cure”. Teams will be selling a variety of food item and provide information and activities to raise cancer awareness. Linden’s Relay for Life was the idea of resident Michael Page. The first Linden event in 2012 surpassed expectations with 40 teams and 75 survivors participating as they raised more than $104,000 which was the second highest first-year relay total in California, and third in the nation, Last year teams battled heat, as well as cancer, with 24 teams and 48 survivors participating. The event raised $73,000. Community members are invited to join for food, live music and fun. Stop by at anytime during the entire 24 hours. Bring the family, visit the team campsites, or walk around the track at one’s leisure, and learn about ways the community can all fight back against cancer. Contact Janice Colombini at (209) 887-3338 or jmscolombini @aol.com. Pam Knapp is Linden’s #1 Citizen Pam Knapp has been named as the Linden Lions Club Citizen of the Year. Pam is the Career Center Director for Linden High School and has been involved with many civic activities. She is the wife of Larry Knapp who is a member of the Linden Municipal Advisory Council. The couple has two children. Howard attends Cal Berkeley and Catherine UCLA. Pam will be featured as the Grand Marshal in the Linden Cherry Festival parade. Some of her activities in Linden include serving as the Flag Team coach; assisted with the Linden Lions Speech Contest encouraging students to participate and providing guidance on public-speaking techniques; Board Member of the Linden Community Theater and often performs in its productions; and assists with the high school holiday production and sings in those productions. Pam served as co-chair on the Linden Cherry Festival Queen Committee for more than 5 years and will assume most of those responsibilities for the queen contest this year. She also started the college visitation program that provides students the opportunity Pam Knapp & Lions member Roger Bowley to visit campuses each year. She arranges a bus tour of colleges throughout California for more than 30 students from Linden High. Pam was recently nominated for the State of California Star FFA Counselor Award and, after winning both the Sectional and the Regional awards, received the California FFA Star Counselor award in ceremonies in Fresno. “One of the really neat things about Pam is her desire to work with her students and has fun doing it,” said Lions member Roger Bowley. Pam was born in Honolulu, Hawai’i and went to high school in the East Bay Area and graduated from the University of the Pacific with undergraduate and master degrees. She served as a disc jockey for student-run radio station KUOP and performed as a singer, dancer and actor in various college stage plays. Dist. workers get pay hike By Patrick O’Rourke Salary adjustments are required to all employees of the Stockton East Water District according to 2008-2015 Memorandum of Understanding. Staff is promised a minimum of 2.5 percent and maximum six percent salary increases per year. Salary adjustment percentages are evaluated with the urban wage earners and clerical workers index; both averages are evaluated and compared to the district minimum for a final decision. Juan Vega, Stockton East Accountant, suggested a 2.5 percent salary increase for district employees due to a below minimum prediction of the US city average at 1.24 percent average income increase. Administrative, Agricultural and Municipal divisions...” Funds will be drawn from all three divisions. With water district authorization the County Auditor can process monthly automatic transfers and the district is no longer dependent upon monthly instruction from the District Treasurer. According to US Bank estimates, the water district monthly remittance is $159,072. According to General Manager Scot Moody the money from the water fund will be placed into a single account for the monthly payments. In other business— The Stockton East directors unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the County Auditor-Controller Office to automatically deposit district funds from Water Fund No. 46097 to an account at US Bank to cover monthly installment payments beginning April 1 through March 2015. The Board will transfer all funds as stated in the 20142015 Fiscal year budgets. In accordance with a resolution from Dec. 2013, declaring: “The district establishes separate budgets and accounts for revenue and expenditures for No fooling—tax hike April 1 Finance updates Administrator Kelly Stephens addressed the Board of The sales tax will jump April 1 in Stockton. The tax goes up by .75 percent for a total of 9 percent. The increase includes eight other counties in California which the local voters approved, according to the State Board of Equalization. The next tax is not temporary or has a “sunset.” It is here to stay. The higher sales tax not only includes Stockton businesses by businesses in San Joaquin County who “engage in business within the area and sell Directors about the dissolution of East San Joaquin Water Users Association, established in 1977 as a non-profit association. “We have $18,000 in the bank for that association, it was organized as non-profit so the money must be dispersed accordingly.” said Stephens. “The Directors of 1977 are no longer around, so there is a little more work than just dissolving the association.” Water levels New Hogan Reservoir has 99,736 acre feet in storage and is releasing 25 cubic feet per second. New Melones Reservoir has 1,051,366 acre feet in storage and releasing 25 cubic feet per second. merchandise for use in the area,” according to the State mandate. Retailers generally must apply the new tax rate if they: sell autos, boats, or aircraft to customers who register them within the taxing area. Collect tax on lease payments from property used in the taxing area. Are engaged in business in the taxing area and have merchandise sold and delivered within the area. Common scenarios in which retailers are considered to be (See page 4—regulations) Page 2 • Linden Herald More about … Tax engaged in business in the area include, but are not lim- ited to: • Having a business location in the tax area; • Delivering into the tax area using their vehicles. The man of the hour … A tribute to Louis Brovelli By Catherine Brovelli Today we honor the man of the hour He has led our family with courage and strength Through good times and bad He was always there. He always worked had to earn our keep He also played hard, whether baseball or navy We honor our daughters who made it worthwhile And also our grandchildren, who have made us smile It’s been a long road, but always worthwhile We hope it continues, for many a mile. Your gov’t leaders President Barack Obama (202) 456-1414 (202) 456-2461 Fax The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC. 20500 US Senator Barbara Boxer District Office - Sacramento (916)448-2787 (916)448-2563 Fax 510 I St. Ste. 7-600 Sacramento, 95814 Dianne Feinstein District Office-Fresno (559) 485-7430 2500 Tulare St., Ste. 4290, Fresno CA 93721 Congress Jerry McNerney 2222 Grand Canal Blvd. .# 7 Stockton CA 95207 209-476-8552 312 Cannon Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-1947 Governor Jerry Brown State Capitol Sacramento, 95814 (916) 445-2841 State Senator Lois Wolk—5th Dist. 31 E. Channel St. Rm 440 Stockton CA 95202 209-948-7930 State Capitol Rm 4032 Sacramento 95814 916-651-4005 Cathleen Galgiani—17th Dist. 31 E. Channel St Ste 306 Stockton 95202 209-948-7479 State Capitol Rm 5155 Sacramento 95814 Assembly Kristin Olsen (Republican) (916) 319-2012 RANCHES AG LAND ORCHARDS VINEYARDS Hesseltine NICK BOKIDES, Agent License # 01851351 2000 W. Kettleman Ln., Ste. 106 Lodi CA 95242 Fax: 800/648/7129 Bus: 209/334-3045 Mobile: 209/649-3808 email: nick@bokides.com Up before the rooster sounds his alarm clock By Kris Thompson It’s 3 am and I am wide awake, revved up, ready to work, as most of the world sleeps, snuggled in your collective beds, dreaming good, bad, crazy and indifferent dreams, as I start my day. My nephew, Mike, refers to this as, “Getting up at the crack of dark.” Keep in mind this is a youngster who would easily sleep until noon, or later, given the opportunity. We have discussed this before you see, and he can’t fathom why I would choose to start my day at, and I quote him here, “such a ridiculous hour.” Hanging out until the wee hours is not a problem for the boy. He can easily drag in from a night out after I’m up and about and that irks him. Actually, it irks many people. My sister comments on this every time I stay overnight. She would sit and talk until 1 am but I’m fading long before then. I yawn through their evening meal and take myself to bed or fall asleep soon afterward. She feels like a poor hostess - as if she is boring me and I feel a poor guest for falling asleep. It annoys her that I’m up making tea by 4 am. her need to play hostess intact and, though I’m quite capable of entertaining myself, she persists. The result is we both are uncomfortable, tired and grumpy. It can be embarrassing when you fall asleep on your date at a wedding. I’ve also fallen asleep in conversation, reading, riding in cars, at the movies, during lunch breaks, and at parties. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t end up snoring, drooling, doing the “dreaming dog twitch,” before startling myself awake. In short, I sleep easily, but not necessarily peacefully. Oddly enough I seem to sleep best with someone else a holdover from childhood when my brother, sister and I fell asleep all balled up like kittens. There is something deeply comforting in having nest-mates. Watch kids, puppies, and kittens and they will all tend to group up and curl into each other to sleeping in warmth, and companionship. Adults tend to see this behavior as childish, but I think they are just afraid to admit how good it feels to know someone is snuggled next to you, there if you need them. The comfort of skin on skin is amazing, but too many people think any kind of touch is sexual. Research has shown infants need touch to thrive. Just look at studies of premature babies who gain weight and stabilize more quickly when they are touched. Doctors, nurses and hospitals encourage the parents of preemies to touch them gently as they lie in an incubator in hopes of stimulating just such a response. Children in or- phanages are stunted by lack of touch - they are, quite literally, out of touch with the world around them. They have difficulty forming personal connections and showing empathy for others throughout their lives. It isn’t just a physical sensation - it’s mental and emotional too. I saw this often when working in nursing homes where elderly residents were starved for human touch. Not the impersonal touch of a care giver, but a hug, an arm around their shoulders or a kiss on the cheek. Residents dementia could be calmed to a remarkable degree just by holding their hand, or opening your arms to offer a hug. One resident hollered for hours each night. When I figured out she was alone and afraid I’d lotion and rub her hands and arms until she relaxed. When nearly asleep, I’d kiss her cheek and say, “Goodnight, call if you need me” and she’d sleep soundly. A night nurse I worked with wanted to know why Emma slept well when I worked and cried when I had a night off. I told her what I did and she didn’t think it could be so simple but then she tried my routine and it worked. Many times over the years I worked in nursing homes I found similar methods worked with others. Some wanted someone there as they fell asleep, others needed the ritual of a short conversation, a prayer, music playing, a massage, or a simple “good night.” It’s amazing to me how often others didn’t figure this out and take an extra few minutes to make someone comfortable and content. Another thing I noticed working in nursing homes was how often they tried to change everyone’s internal clock. Everyone up, dressed, and at breakfast by 7:30 am when they had never gotten up before 8 am living at home. Then try and force them to eat breakfast at 8 am rather than at 6 or 9:30 am. Try to keep someone from going to sleep at 5 pm when they were used to being up at 2 am for 50 years owning and operating a cheese factory. Somehow those in charge never figured out they were fighting a losing battle in constantly trying to convince old folks that a lifetime of habit had to be changed and right now! I figure at some point in my future a nasty nurse or aide will tell me loudly, and repeatedly, to go back to bed. Just so you’re aware I will go back to bed and go to sleep when I’m darn good and ready. I warn you do not mess with my waking and sleeping times or I will make your life miserable. That’s a promise. Seeds of Hope The school of suffering has many graduates. It seems that most of them provide insight into the grace and mercy of God for those willing to hear them speak. King David was a graduate of this school. What he learned about suffering is revealed in the sixth Psalm. He begins by describing his pain and the fear he has of his enemies. He shares with us a list of symptoms that most of us have experienced at one time or another: emotional stress, crying, sleepless nights, being attacked by others. However, when he cried out to God for help, God heard him and healed him. Whatever brought about the distress of David was relieved when he called on God for His mercy. Here we find a pattern for us to follow when we need God to rescue us from our sin and suffering. First, he asked God not to abandon or punish him. Then he asked for God’s compassion and care, admitting that he was weak, “sick at heart” and could not handle the situation by himself. He described his weeping as so intense that “my bed is wet with tears.” He was remorseful for what he had done and what God might do to punish him. So, he cried out for God’s “unfailing love” and knew that God heard him and he was able to declare with confidence: “The Lord has heard my crying and my plea (and) the Lord will answer my prayer.” God always hears and answers the prayers of anyone at anytime who asks for His forgiveness. There are no limits to His love nor conditions for His grace. Linden churches First Baptist Church 17580 E. Hwy 26 887-3010 Sunday School .... 9:45 am Wed. Bible study .. 6:30 pm Youth Group Wednesday, ......... 6:30 pm Holy Cross Church “In hos signo vinces” 18633 E. Front St. Services: Saturday Confession 4 pm Sat. Mass (English) ... 5 pm Sunday ....................9:30 am Spanish.................. 11:30 am Tuesday-Friday Mass 8 am Linden-Peters Full Gospel Church 400 N. Fine, Peters Pastor Judd Sunday School ....... 10 am Sun. Worship .......11am, 6 pm Linden United Methodist 19147 E. Main, 887-3362 Sunday School ..... 9:15 am Sunday Worship . 10:30 am Farmington United Methodist Church 25626 E. Elm, Farmington Sunday School .... 9:30 am Sunday Worship ..... 11 am The Herald LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERS 615 E. Lodi Ave … 334-3961 450 FAIRWAY, GALT (209) 744-4312 MAIL: Post Office Box 929 Linden CA • 95236-0929 Ph# 209-772-8854 Lindenherald@gmail.com All material and contents © 2014 The Herald Statement of Principle: The newspapers will print the truth as factually and accurately as we know how. Errors will be corrected promptly. Brian Reilly, editor & publisher. 220 motor home generator for sale. Like new. $800. Call 772-3836. The Herald • Page 3 Let’s go fishing Lions baseball dominates What is happening in the outdoor world? Lion baseball team continues winning ways Delta Expect to put in some time if you are targeting striped bass. The fish are scattered throughout the system making for tough conditions. Your best bet is the continued fair to good sturgeon action, especially on the Sacramento River above and below the Power Lines south of Decker Island and further north in Cache Slough And Prospect Slough where good numbers of legal diamondbacks in the 40-to 60inch slot limit are showing for anglers dunking shrimp and eel strips. If interested in finding better water clarity move over to the San Joaquin River east of the Antioch Bridge up into False River between Jersey and Bradford islands for striped bass averaging 22 to 23 inches in size, up to an occasional fish weighing as much as 15 pounds. Most are taken at anchor tossing thread fin shad. Trollers taking a few stripers off the rock barges and along the ber ms of f Sherman Island with P-Line Predators and Yo-Zuri’s with a white-worm trailer in 8- to 15-feet of water. Use your electronics to locate small schools of fish. The overall fishing should improve as we approach the month of April. New Melones Reservoir Keith Bryan from Novato was fishing the California Tournament Trails pro-am event on February 22 when he tossed a wacky-rigged, 5-inch Senko green-pumpkin color with copper flakes onto a shelf near deep water when all of a sudden his line loaded up and he set the hook on a large fish. After a 10 minute battle on 8pound test line he boated a 2412-inch long spotted bass with a 22 and 1/8th inch girth. At the official weigh-in Bryan’s catch brought a boat load of excitement as he pulled Jay Sorensen the large bass out of the bag. The bass proved to be a spotted bass with a weight of 10 pounds, 4.8 ounces. If Bryan’s once in a lifetime fish is certified it will be a pending world record largest spotted bass, and a record for 8-pound line. The information has been sent to the International Game Fish Associate for certification. Also, during the tournament Angels Camp angler Robert Lee hooked and released a 14pound largemouth bass after the weigh-in. Los Vaqueros Reservoir Trolling and shoreline bait casting improves for striped bass, 18 to 24 inches, along with several 5-fish limits reported by field scouts. Upcoming trout plants will improve your chances of hooking-up with a trophy fish exceeding 5 pounds especially along the South and Peninsula coves and on the anchor in Howden and Cowboy coves. The average trout is weighing 112 pounds with some whoppers going as much as 7 pounds or (See page 4-Fishing) DANIEL PURVIANCE (209) 887-3554 FAX (209) 887-3574 WELL DRILLING, PUMPS & IRRIGATION SYSTEMS CONT. LIC. 377923 17707 E. HWY 26, P.O. BOX 64 LINDEN, CA 95236 PAYLESS IGA #1 18980 N. HWY 88 • LOCKEFORD 209-727-5551 PAYLESS IGA # 2 • 226560 HWY 88 • PIONEER 209-295-7160 PAYLESS IGA #3 3505 SPANGLER LN., COPPEROPOLIS 209-785-5100 By Craig Anderson Linden’s 5-2 win over the Argonaut Mustangs in Jackson was no easy matter and the game didn’t start out as if things would be easy for the Lions as Linden’s two run lead in the top of the third was matched by the Mustangs in the bottom of the inning and the teams remained locked in the 2-2 tie until the top of the seventh when Linden plated three runs for the 5-2 win. Josh Beal went 3 for 3 with two runs, a double and a triple to lead Lion hitters and Frank Holloway scored and drove in a run. The win lifted Linden’s record to 1 -0 in Mother Lode League play and 3-5 overall while the Mustangs fell to 0-1 and 6-4. Both teams had six hits and each team made an error. Linden’s Frosh Soph team won its game 18-7. The Lions returned to the comfortable confines of their home diamond for their next contest with Argonaut, a game won by the lions, 10-0 in a mercy rule shortened five inning contest. Better even than the final score was the performance by Justin Giovannoni who threw a five-inning no hitter for the 2-0, 4-5 Lions. Linden began the game hot, scoring six runs in the first , added one more in the second and three in the third. Linden got 7 hits and made one error in the game. Giovannoni, a senior right hander headed to UOP also struck out seven; on the offensive side of the game ledger Shelby Lackey via a 2 for 3 day including a homer, double and three RBI and three runs scored, and Jason Dill knocked in three runs. Linden’s Mother Lode League record improved to 30, 4 for 5 overall and Argonaut’s league record fell to 0-2, 6-5. The Lions took break from league play with a game against Bear Creek at Bar Creek and this one was a slugfest that ended with the Lions in the victory column with an 11 -10 victory after both teams used up a total of eight hurlers, and combined for 22 hits. Eddie Murarik led the way for Linden on offense with his FOUND A lovely hound dog has been found. Could he be your dog? He wants to go home … call Annie at 209327-6565 3 for 3 afternoon that included a triple and three RBI, followed by Holloway with a 2 for 4 game including a triple and two runs scored. Linden opened the game with three runs in the first and nine total by the top of the third and it appeared their nine runs would hold up even though Bear Creek had scored four to close within five runs. Then, in the bottom of the fourth the Bruins tacked on four runs to close within one 9-8 - and after they added two in the bottom of the fifth they led 10-9. The Bruins didn’t hold the lead for long as the Lions stormed back in the top of the sixth with two runs that put them back on top 11 -10, after which Linden held on for the win that lifted their overall record to 5-5 and Bear Creek’s overall record dropped to 6-2. 3 straight for Linden softball Linden’s streak began with a. 2-0 win over Argonaut at Jackson and this one was a pitcher’s duel between Linden’s Lauren Watanabe and Argonaut’s Conrad despite Linden amassing nine hits and Argonaut managing only four. Watanabe pitched the shutout with the aid of eight strikeouts and she gave up only one walk. Elissa Mancuso, Celeste Sanchez, and Emily Orr each had two hits for Linden (1 -0 Mother Lode League, 7-1 overall); Amador’s league record was 0-1, 3-3-1 overall. The Frosh Soph Argonauts hammered the Lions 17-5. Argonaut visited Linden a few days later and the end result was the same, an 8-4 Lady Lions win. Orr led the way for the Lions with a 3 for 4 day, including a double and three rbi and Taylor Yray went 2 for 4 with a double and two rbi and Lauren Watanabe and Chelsea Haflich each had two hits for 2-0, 8-1 Linden. The game was in Argonaut’s favor 4-1 entering the bottom of the fifth when Linden struck for four runs and a 5-4 lead which they expanded to eight with four in the bottom of the sixth for the final 8-4 score in Linden’s favor. Linden’s Frosh/Soph team won 8-6 to complete the sweep. The Lady Lions next game was a non-league affair with the Lathrop Spartans, a contest Linden won easily via a 14-3 score behind freshman hurler Karina Romero who gave up three hits in the error plagued game - Linden committed five miscues, Lathrop four. Orr topped the Lions by going 3 for 5 including a triple and six RBI and Megan Ott went 2 for 2 and Casey Griffith went 2 for 4 with an rbi. This one was over almost before it began as the Lions entered the fourth inning with an 8-3 lead and scored six runs in the final two innings to guarantee the win. Linden’s Frosh/Soph won their game. Tennis is in building mode By Craig Anderson Following their 8-1 loss to Argonaut, “...probably the strongest tennis team in the Mother Lode League this year” said Linden head coach Greg Frank, the Lions played Calaveras at home, in this case the In-Shape Health Club in Stockton, and fell 9-0 to the Calaverasians. “Our number two boys singles player, Danie Aries, lost in straight sets but played really well despite losing the first set in a tiebreaker,” Frank said. “Our number one girl’s doubles team of Anna Miller and Clirabelle Flores also played well in a losing effort.” (See page 4-tennis) Page 4 • The Herald More about … Fishing better. The weather has been absolutely beautiful offering you the opportunity to go out and enjoy the great outdoors. Until next tide have a enjoyable day on your next fishing experience. Trout plants The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will be stocking catchable-sized trout in the following waters, listed by county. Unforeseen weather conditions could cause postponements. Contra Costa - Lafayette Reservoir, San Pablo Resrevoir. El Dorado - El Dorado Forebay, Jenkinson Lake. Fresno - Avocado Lake, Kings River (below Pine Flat Dam) San Joaquin River (below Friant Dam). Mariposa - Eastman Lake. Placer - Halsey Forebay. San Joaquin - Oak Grove Regional Park Lake. Siskiyou - Greenhorn Reservoir. Jay’s best bets Delta - (striped bass, sturgeon, largemouth bass, catfish); Lake Amador - (trout); San Pablo Bay - (sturgeon); Pardee Lake - (trout); Camanche Lake - (trout, largemouth bass). Ocean - (sand dabs, Dungeness crab pot pulling). Water conveyance Water officials last week announced steps to bypass water quality standards in the Delta to make water available to San Joaquin Valley farmers. Last months storms boosted the amount of water flowing through the Delta, as well as the amount that could be pumped south from the estuary. While exports from the Delta have been limited to the amount of water needed to protect human health, safety and our fishery resources officials said that some water may now be available for farmers though who would benefit remains to be seen. The amount of water pumped south would be still be a trickle about 1,500 cubic feet per second, or one-tenth the capacity of the giant pumps, unless flows through the Delta also increase. Salmon season Presently everything is shut down among the charter boats that wait eagerly for the Saturday, April 5 salmon fishing opener along the California Coast. All boats out of Half Moon Bay, San Francisco Bay and Bodega Bay will be able to fish for salmon until November 9. For Monterey and Santa Cruz, the season closes October 5. The two days-a-week closure has been lifted this year, The daily limit is two kings with a 24-inch minimum size requirement. Hunter safety The Stockton Sportsmen’s Club is offering two hunter education safety classes on April 5 and 12. Classes are free for youth 15 years and younger; $10 for adults. Instructor Paul Sarsted said classes include self-study, training and examination. Students who receive certification qualify to purchase a California hunting license. Information: (209)204-0358. Linden Garden Club hosts annual sale The Linden Community Garden Club will host their celebrated annual sale of plants April 12 from 9-4 at 7440 N. Jack Tone at Comstock roads. Money raised will help support the high school scholarship program. Refreshments, prizes and garden art will be offered during the day long, rain or shine event. There will be a large selection of perennials, annuals, succulents, herbs, vegetables, shrubs, trees and hundreds of heirloom tomatoes. 209-465-2555 Top performances for swimmers Linden swim teams turn in good records in a league meet Amanda Ley, Linden’s head swim coach, said, “We’re onethird of the way through the season with a great start. The girl’s teams are impressing everyone and the boys aren’t far behind.” She highlighted some swimmers, noting those that have already qualified for the SacJoaquin Section Championships: Josh Owens, who qualified in the 200 IM, 50 freestyle, and 100 free-, Anthony Craven has qualified in the 50 free and Tami Moody qualified in the 100 fly. “We have a few relays and individual events that are very close to a section time and we’re going to reach those goals within the next few meets,” Ley said. In a recent meet with Argonaut and Amador, the Lady Lions easily beat Argonaut (140-14) and Amador (14013). Linden winners included the 200 M Relay team of Tami Moody, Angela Penland, Sarah Glisson, and Justine Betti with a time of 2:11.83; Betti (200 free in 2:29.78, 500 free, 6:47.69); Glisson (2001M in 2:48.92), Moody (50 free, 26.67; 100 back, 1:07.13); Penland (100 fly in 1:16.17); Moranda Whitaker (100 free, 1 A 6.17); 200 relay team of Moody, Penland, Glisson, and Betti with a time of 1:55.2; Scout Steinkamp (100 breaststroke, 1:27.39); 400 relay team of Helene Dondero, Kendra Champion, Steinkamp, and Whitaker) in a time of 4:53.63. Linden’s boys team beat Argonaut 101-32 and Amador 101-29 and the Lions first place finishers were the 200 relay team of Christian Angele, Tristan Cooper, and Craven in 1:56.34); Cooper (200 IM in 2:30.40)- Josh Owens (50 free, 22:31; 100 breast stroke, 1:07.82), Joshua Herron (100 fly, 1:22.73); 200 free relay team of Cooper, Angele, Craven and Owens in 1:38.4; Brian Humphreys (100 back, 1:19.72); and the 400 F relay team of Eddie Lima, Herron, Andrew Huber, and Angele in 4:39.97. Thus far the girl’s record looks like this: Linden vs. Bret Harte (88-82); Linden vs. Calaveras (115-51); Linden vs. Amador (14013) and Linden vs. Argonaut (140-14). Record: Linden 4-0 in Mother Lode League action. And the boy’s record is Linden vs. Bret Harte (66-103); Frank Jr. Septic Service 209-465-7472 Serving Linden and the surrounding areas New & used tires • Uantas nuevas y usadas Open: Monday to Saturday, 8 am-6 pm. (Closed Sunday) 5023 N. Market St/Hwy 26 • Linden Linden vs. Calaveras (80-88); Linden vs. Amador (97-29) and Linden vs. Argonaut (101 -32). The Linden Lions are 2-2 in league play for the year. The Linden Lady Lions roster included Alejandra Toledo, Alexa Coltrin, Alexis Miranda, Amber Harrison, Angela Penland, Ashley Espinosa, Baylee Osterlie, Danielle Betti, Emily Herring, Estefania Lima, Hailey Wright, Helene Dondero, Justine Betti, Kendra Champion, Maddie Carr, Maria Renteria, Maria Vargas, Marissa Martini, Megan Martini, Moranda Whitaker, Patricia Moreno, Sarah Glisson, Scout Steincamp, Tami Moody and Wendy Lopez. The Linden Boys roster is comprised of Andrew Huber, Anthony Craven, Brian Humphreys, Christian Angele, Eddie Lima, Eric Gardea, Josh Owens, Joshua Herron, Justin Hung, Ryan Martinez, and Tristan Cooper. Linden golfers split 2 matches Calaveras golfers cruise by Linden 208-255; Lions beat Argonaut 219-253 Linden met Calaveras on the hillside La Contenta in Valley Springs par 35 golf course and Linden coach Mike Zaklan’s analysis of Calaveras as the best golf team in the Mother Lode League was borne out by the end result, a 208-255 Calaveras win. Linden’s leaders were Andrew Castillou (43), Matthew Murphy and Grayson Thiel each with 52, Kevin Holtberg Why yellow school buses? In 1939, Frank W. Cyr, a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College, organized a national conference on student transportation. It resulted in the adoption of standards for the nation's school buses, including the shade of yellow. (53) and Paolo Amilasan with a 55. Calaveras’ record improved to 7- 0 and Linden’s fell to 4-3 in league play. Argonaut visited the Lions at Lockeford Springs and Linden took a 219-253 win to lift their league record to 4-2. Argonaut dropped to 1-5. Leading the way for Linden were Castillou and Murphy with 42, followed by Amilasan’s 44, Thiel’s 45 and Holtberg’s 46. More about … Tenni s Frank pointed out that more than half the team members are first year players and that the Lions “will have some growing pains this season but we’re improving each week.” Linden Herald • Page 5 To work better, take a vacation (NAPSA)-Perhaps one of the best-kept secrets for staying happy and efficient at your job may be what you do outside office walls. Why Vacation According to new research by the Society for Human Resource Management, employees who take regular vacations enjoy greater productivity, increased job satisfaction and higher organizational morale than those who don't. Despite such studies, not all working Americans have a positive attitude about taking a vacation. In fact, 61 percent of organizations report that their employees leave behind three or more unused vacation days a year. Taking full advantage of earned time off-as well as completely "unplugging" while away-may seem an odd way to get ahead but it can be a great gift to your employer and yourself. What You Should Know One thing that may help you get yourself that gift is a vacation ownership. Here are three reasons: 1. Your vacation is paid for in advance. Because of the prepaid nature of a timeshare, you never have to think about finding or funding accommodations throughout the length of your trip. You can cost effectively enjoy vacation lodging every year for the rest of your life without the burden of paying increasingly more for your stay, as you would for hotel rates, which continue to rise. 2. You're guaranteed consistent time away. Owning a timeshare can instill in you the discipline of taking time away, at least once a year, from hectic work schedules to relax and recharge in high-quality accommodations. Plus, if you partner with a timeshare exchange company, you can swap out your stay at your "home" resort for one in a new destination. 3. Time away and together is healthy for the entire family. Beyond the individual benefits of coming back to the office more motivated, creative and innovative, family and friends can share in the excitement, closeness and health benefits of regular rest and re_prieve. Many timeshare companies let you pass timeshare investments through generations, so your children can inherit and enjoy your timeshare for many more years. Travelers who value variety often choose vacation exchange companies such as RCI, which has been delivering dream vacations for 40 years, because of its expansive portfolio of more than 4,000 affiliated resorts. Where To Sample A Stay Those considering vacation ownership can try the timeshare experience firsthand before they purchase by booking a stay through Endless Vacation Rentals at www.evrentals.com. Owning a timeshare in a vacation home can encourage workers to get away enough to revive their effectiveness on the job. From Little League to MLB Little League Baseball: Developing Major- League People For 75 Years (NAPSA)-Here's intriguing news for parents, their young athletes and anyone interested in America's past and present: The world's largest youth sports organization is celebrating its Diamond Anniversary. From its humble beginnings in 1939 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania equipment to baseball and ebrated at the 7,000 leagues with 30 players to today's softball programs in need. The around the world, and the reach of more than 2.4 million mosaic will be unveiled on millions of volunteers, alumni, players and 1 million adult June 6. For everyone wanting families and players are en- volunteers in every U.S. state to share their Little League couraged to share in the cel- and more than 80 other coun- memories on social media, the ebration on social media with tries, Little League has contin- official hashtag for the Big the ued to thrive by sticking to its Legacy #LittleLeague75. fundamental values-commu- #LittleLeagueBigLegacy. Project is of ficial hashtag: This year also marks other nity, family, friendly competi- "Over the course of our rich major milestones, with the cel- tion, and relationships that 75-year history, through the ebrations of the 40th Anniver- last a lifetime. many life lessons learned on sary of Little League Softball, To celebrate, the organiza- the diamonds, from notable 25th Anniversary of the Little tion is rolling out an exciting athletes to incredible enter- League Challenger Division slate of programs beginning tainers, writers, philanthro- and 15th Anniversary of the with the Little League Big pists and citizens, Little Little League Urban Initiative. Legacy Project. This creates a League Baseball and Softball For more information, visit unique, digital baseball mo- can proudly say it develops www.LittleLeague.org or see saic with images spanning 75 major -league people," said facebook.com/LittleLeague or years of Little League memo- Stephen D. Keener, Little twitter.com/Little League. ries. People are encouraged to League President and CEO. submit photos to "We are so thrilled to be cel- LittleLeagueBigLegacy.com ebrating the 75th Anniversary Little League founder Carl Stotz through June 5. For each of Little League and look for- (middle, back row) and the photo submitted, Little League ward to continuing our legacy Lycoming Dairy Little League will donate $1, up to $50,000, of helping children develop team pose for their first team to Pitch In for Baseball strong character on and off the photo in 1939, Little League's (pifb.org), a nonprofit organi- field." inaugural year, in Lycoming, zation that helps provide Local advertisers Storage Ranch in Valley Springs Many sizes & types available Price negotiable Call 530-622-7348 Text 530-363-8428 The anniversary will be cel- Photo above— Pennsylvania. Page 6 • The Herald SAN JOAQUIN CO. LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE Case Number 39-2014-00307553-PR-PW-STK Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., PO Box 201022, Stockton CA 95201, Stockton Courthouse Dec. 17, 2013 ESTATE OF Hazel M Hanke, Decedent NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Hazel M Hanke To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both of Hazel M Hanke A Petition for Probate has been filed by Julie Angeline in the Superior Court of San Joaquin County. The Petition for Probate requests that Julie Angeline be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval, Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 4-2-2014 Time: 8:30 am, Dept. 26. Address of court: same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-1 54) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the petitioner Jeff Klink, 3200 L Street, Sacramento CA 95816 (916) 455-5575. 3/27 NAME CHANGE Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 14, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00307629-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Tamara Rible for change of name. To All interested perSONS: Petitioner Tamara Rible filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Tamara Rible Proposed name: Tamara Maren The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 3-28-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 14, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 11, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00307497-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Sajdeh Zakaria Shabbar for change of name. To All inteRESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Sajdeh Zakaria Shabbar filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Sajdeh Zakaria Shabbar Proposed name: Sajeda Zakaria Shabbar The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 3-28-13 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Oct. 16, 2013 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 3/27 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 19, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00307639-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Anthony Bertoldo for change of name. To All interested PERSONS: Petitioner Anthony Bertoldo filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Anthony Bertoldo Proposed name: Anthony Gonzales The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-4-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 19, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 19, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308405-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Rudi Carranza Paredes on behalf of Abel J. Tecuapa and Alan Tecuapa for change of name. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Rubi Carranza Paredes filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Abel Jesus Tecuapa Proposed name: Abel Jesus Tecuapa Carranza Present name: Alan Tecuapa Proposed name: Alan Tecuapa Carranza THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-25-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated March 6, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Oct. 16, 2013, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00302668-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Stephanie Salinas on behalf of Raymond Cecilio Fresquez Jr. for change of name. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Stephanie Salinas on behalf of Raymond Cecilio Fresquez Jr. filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Raymond Cecilio Fresquez Jr. Proposed name: Isaiah Raymond Salinas THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-4-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated March 6, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 19, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00307637-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Eleanor Medrano for change of name. To All interested PERSONS: Petitioner Eleanor Medrano filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Eleanor Medrano Proposed name: Eleanor Gonzales The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-4-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 19, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 27, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308139-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Nicolas Huerta Blanco for change of name. To All interESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Nicolas Huerta Blanco filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Nicolas Huerta Blanco Proposed name: Carlos Nicolas Huerta The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-18-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 27, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 28, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308228-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Albert Mejia Carrillo for change of name. To All interESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Albert Mejia Carrillo filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: Present name: Albert Mejia Carrillo Proposed name: Albert Mejia The court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4-18-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 28, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/3 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed March 25, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00309117-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Julianna Rose Salinas for change of name. To All inteRESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Amy Duncan on behalf of Julianna Salinas has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Julianna Rose Salinas Proposed name: Julianna Rose Duncan The COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 5-16-14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated March 25, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/17 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed March 21, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308854-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Estephanie Juarez Ambriz for change of name. To All interested persons: Petitioner Estephanie Juarez Ambriz has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Estephanie Juarez Ambriz Proposed name: Estephanie Ambriz Juarez The court ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date May 9, 2014 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated March 21, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/17 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed March 11, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308548-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Deena Thoppil Kayalaparambil for change of name. To All interested personS: Petitioner Deena Thoppil Kayalaparambil has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Deena Thoppil Kayalaparambil Proposed name: Deena T. Geevarghese-Oomen The COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date May 2, 2014 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated March 11, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/17 Linden Herald Legal Notice San Joaquin County Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 222 E. Weber Ave., Room 303, Stockton CA 95202. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Filed Feb. 28, 2014, Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk. Case Number 39-2014-00308216-CU-PT-STK PETITION OF Christopher Michael Torres for change of name. To All interested persons: Petitioner Christopher Michael Torres has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Christopher Michael Torres Proposed name: Christopher Michael Tzintzun The cOURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date 4/18/14 Time: 11:00 am Dept. 17 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Linden Herald. Dated Feb. 28, 2014 Charlotte J. Orcutt Judge of the Superior Court 4/17 FAMILY LAW Linden Herald Legal Notice Superior Court Filed March 28, 2011 Rosa Juniqueiro, Clerk SUMMONS (Family Law) Notice to Respondent: Rogelio Reyes Sanchez You are being sued. Petitioner’s Name is: Teresa Sue Reyes Case Number: FL369849 You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this Summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response (FL-120 or FL-123) at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. NOTICE The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of them. NOTE: If a judgment or support order is entered, the court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for yourself or the other party. If this happens, the party ordered to pay fees shall be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set aside the order to pay waived court fees. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin, 540 East Main Street, Stockton, California 95202 The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or petitioner without an attorney, is: Teresa Sue Reyes, 9 North Washington Street, #B, Lodi California 95240 March 28,2011, By Clerk Sharon Wright Deputy 4/3 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 015547 Filed 2/14/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Flying Panini, Brian Lee & Lisa Renee Graber, 3144 Sheridan Way, Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Brian Garber 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016064 Filed 2/18/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Untamed Nation, Frances E. Ordez, 1432 Goden Oak Way, Stockton CA 95209 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Frances E. Ordez 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 013029 Filed 2/7/14 Refile Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name ELS Home Lending, 10006 Capetown Ln., Stockton CA 95219 E. Silva & C Silva, 10006 Capetown Ln., Stockton CA 95219 This Business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1/1/2011 s/ Everett Silva CEO 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# Previous Fle 2014-014931 Filed 2/13/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Jascin Vending /Gift Shop, 5000 S. Airport Way, Stockton CA 95206 James L. Ivy, Cindy Ivy, 4918 Buttercup Ln., Stockton CA 85212 This business is conducted by a married couple. s/ James L. Ivy, Proprietor 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 011651 Filed 2/14/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name California Inn, 4100 E. Waterloo Rd., StocktonCA 95215 Kanjibhai T. Patel,4100 E. Waterloo Rd., Stockton CA 95215 Champ Patel, 3622 Rimini Lane, Stockton CA 95212 Mike T. Patel, 2533 N. Piccoli Rd., Stockton CA 95215 This business is conducted by a general partnership The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 8-11-00 s/ Champ Patel, Partner 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020859 Filed 3/4/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Honey Bear Ranch Winery, 2826 Barkley Rd., Camin CA 95109, PO Box 474, Victor CA 95253 Wats Transportation, LLC, 17036 N. Locust Tree Rd., Lodi CA 95240 California limitied liability company This business is conducted by a limited liabiity company The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 3-5-13 s/ Sheri Watts 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019691 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Cafe Two Twenty Two, Leona Marino221 Sacramento St., Lodi CA 95240, 3264 Shoreline Ct., Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Leona Marino 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 018337 Filed 2/25/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Quality Carpet & Tile Cleaning, Tahira Rehman, 779 Mac Duff Ave., Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Tahira Rehman 4/3 The Herald • Page 7 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020182 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name R&R Pool Care, Robert Scott Richardson, 1414 Vista Dr., Lodi CA 95242 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Robert Scott Richardson 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020235 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Inner City Dream Center, 3040 E. Fremont St., Stockton CA 95205 Inner City Action Inc., 761 Shadowbrook Lane, Manteca CA 95336 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2-28-2014 s/ Kimberley Saldana, secretary 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 015547 Filed 2/14/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Flying Panini, Brian Lee & Lisa Renee Graber, 3144 Sheridan Way, Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Brian Garber 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 004855 Filed 1/15/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Inner City Action Uptown Thrift, 21 South Sacramento St., Lodi CA 95240 Inner City Action Inc., 761 Shadowbrook Lane, Manteca CA 95336 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10-18-2014 s/ Kimberley Saldana, secretary 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019505 Filed 2/27/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name IInandouttrafficschool.com 7500 West Lane, Suite 104, Stockton CA 95210 Cambrela Inc., 3310 Morningside Drive, Stockton CA 95219 California corporation This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1-3-12 s/ Stephen Lofy, President 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 021694 Filed 3/6/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Derivi Castellanos Architecture, D.C.A., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 Derivi Construction & Architecture, Inc., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by a California corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Linda M. Derivi, Director 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026237 Filed 3/18/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Derivi Castellanos Architects, 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 Derivi Construction & Architecture, Inc., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by a California corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Linda M. Derivi, Director 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016845 Filed 2/20/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Eagle Nest HarleyDavidson, 13900 Harlan Rd., Lathrop CA 95330. 1000 Arden Way, Sacramento CA 95815 Westbrook Land Enterprises, Inc., 1000 Arden Way, Sacramento CA 95815 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2-20-2014 s/ Andrew Westbrook, President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026388 Filed 3/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Abandonment Stockton-Stanford Montesorri School, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 Date business name statement was received in San Joaquin County 11/28/2012 Document number 2012-155681 Stanford International Corporation, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by a California corporation s/ Zhenping Wang, Administrator Vice President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026389 Original (first filing) Filed 3/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Stockton Montesorri, Maple Montessori School, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210, 7020 Paul Do Mar Way, Elk Grove CA 95757 Stanford International Corporation, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by a corporation. This business is conducted by a California corporation s/ Zhenping Wang, Administrator Vice President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 011520 Original (first filing) Filed 2/4/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Ted’s Mobile Media, Ted O. Walher, 917 Pinecone Dr., Modesto CA 95351 This business is conducted by an individual, copartners s/ Ted Walher 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 021093 Original (first filing) Filed 3/4/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name A Line Technologies, 1518 West Hammer Lane, Stockton CA 95206, 372 Florin Rd #272, Sacramento CA 95831 47 R Enterprises, Inc., 372 Florin Rd #272, Sacramento CA 95831 California corporation This business is conducted by a corporation. s/ Glenn Takeda, CEO 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016770 Original (first filing) Filed 2/20/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Hire Source, 1803 W. March Lane, Ste A, Stockton CA 95207 THS LLC, 1803 W. March Lane, Ste A, Stockton CA 95207 California corporation This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 10-22-2009 s/ Bernard C. Kramer, managing partner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020020 Refile previous file 2009-045404 Filed 2/28/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Nourish Ink A limited liability company, Heart To Heart Publishing Ink, 2284 Dry Creek Way, Stockton CA 95206 Nourish Ink, A Limited Liability Company, 2284 Dry Creek Way, Stockton CA 95206 California LLC This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 3-23-2009 s/ Coleen Ariana Rehm 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016107 Original (first filing) Filed 2/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Appollonia Hard Apple Cider, Crossfie Hard Apple Cider, Red Dragon Hard Apple Cider, Pacific Cider Cellars, Pacific Cider Works, William Tell Hard Apple Cider, Cider Brothers, Cidewinder, Apple Annie, HAC, Hard Apple Cider, 220 S. Cluff Ave., Lodi CA 95240, 2715 W. Kettleman Ln., Suite 203-314, Lodi CA 95242 Tri-Star Marketing, LLC, 220 S. Cluff Ave., Lodi CA 95240 California LLC This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Anthony Scotto 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 022339 Original (first filing) Filed 3/6/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Honeydale Beekeeping, 4940 Timepiece Cir., Stockton CA 95219 George Morris Dale, 4940 Time piece Cir., Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by an individual. s/ George Dale, owner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 023802 Original (first filing) Filed 1/27/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name AERS Roadside, 1435 W. Flora St., Stockton CA 95203 Stephanie M. Keys, Adrian L. Keyes, 1435 W. Flora St., Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by co-partners The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Stephanie M. Keyes, owner/co-partner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016104 Original (first filing) Filed 2/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Zillion Dollar Mouthpiece Ministry, 801 Prosperity St., Mtn. House CA 95391 Curtis R. Norman, Venita R. Norman, 801 Prosperity, Mtn. House CA 95391 This business is conducted by a married couple The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a. s/ Curtis R. Norman, owner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026974 Original (first filing) Filed 3/10/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name El Potrero, 2355 Waterloo Rd., Stockton CA 95215. 11788 Sun Rd., Stockton CA 95215 Miguel Cortes Espinoza, 11788 Sun Rd., Stockton CA 95215 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on ___ s/ Miguel Cortez-E 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 023802 Original (first filing) Filed 3/10/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Central Valley Advisors, LLC, The Salvetti Group, Central Valley Advisors, 3555 Deer Park Drive, Suite 160, Stockton CA 95219 Central Valley Advisors, 3555 Deer Park Drive, Suite 160, Stockton CA 95219 California corporation This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 3/3/14 s/ Nicholas D. Salvetti, Member 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026111 Original (first filing) Filed 3/17/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Baked Bree, 18878 N. Lower Sacramento Rd., Woodbridge CA 95258, 1409 Ayers Ave., Lodi CA 95242 Breanna Woodyard, 1409 Ayers Ave., Lodi CA 95242 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Breanna Woodyard 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026745 Refile Previous File # 209-057307 Filed 3/19/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name English Oaks Plaza, 523 W. Harney Ln., #2525 S. Hutchins St., Lodi CA 95240, 83 W. March Lane, Ste. 10, Stockton CA 95207 Harbhajan Shergill, 5541 Quashnick Rd., Stockton CA 95212 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 4-3-09 s/ Chuck Lantznester, Owner’s authorized agent 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019198 Original (first filing) Filed 3/13/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name KG Transport, 2011 Thruch Ct., Lodi CA 95240 Karamjit Grewal, 2011 Thruch Ct., Lodi CA 95240 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Karamjit Grewal 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 024271 Original (first filing) Filed 3/11/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Lincoln Company, 1504 W. Sonoma Ave., Stockton CA 95204 Bobby Allen Jones, 1504 W. Sonoma Avenue, Stockton CA 95204 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Bobby A. Jones 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026109 Original (first filing) Filed 3/17/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name PAL Collectibles, 17186 Epling Oak Lane, Lathrop CA 95330 Edwin Nathan Vazquez, Jr., 17186 Epling Lane, Lathrop CA 95330 This business is conducted by individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Edwin N. Vazquez, Jr. 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 015547 Filed 2/14/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Flying Panini, Brian Lee & Lisa Renee Graber, 3144 Sheridan Way, Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Brian Garber 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016064 Filed 2/18/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Untamed Nation, Frances E. Ordez, 1432 Goden Oak Way, Stockton CA 95209 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Frances E. Ordez 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 013029 Filed 2/7/14 Refile Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name ELS Home Lending, 10006 Capetown Ln., Stockton CA 95219 E. Silva & C Silva, 10006 Capetown Ln., Stockton CA 95219 This Business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1/1/2011 s/ Everett Silva CEO 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# Previous Fle 2014-014931 Filed 2/13/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Jascin Vending /Gift Shop, 5000 S. Airport Way, Stockton CA 95206 James L. Ivy, Cindy Ivy, 4918 Buttercup Ln., Stockton CA 85212 This business is conducted by a married couple. s/ James L. Ivy, Proprietor 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 011651 Filed 2/14/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name California Inn, 4100 E. Waterloo Rd., StocktonCA 95215 Kanjibhai T. Patel,4100 E. Waterloo Rd., Stockton CA 95215 Champ Patel, 3622 Rimini Lane, Stockton CA 95212 Mike T. Patel, 2533 N. Piccoli Rd., Stockton CA 95215 This business is conducted by a general partnership The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 8-11-00 s/ Champ Patel, Partner 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020859 Filed 3/4/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Honey Bear Ranch Winery, 2826 Barkley Rd., Camin CA 95109, PO Box 474, Victor CA 95253 Wats Transportation, LLC, 17036 N. Locust Tree Rd., Lodi CA 95240 California limitied liability company This business is conducted by a limited liabiity company The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 3-5-13 s/ Sheri Watts 4/3 Page 8 • The Herald FCITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019691 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Cafe Two Twenty Two, Leona Marino221 Sacramento St., Lodi CA 95240, 3264 Shoreline Ct., Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Leona Marino 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 018337 Filed 2/25/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Quality Carpet & Tile Cleaning, Tahira Rehman, 779 Mac Duff Ave., Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Tahira Rehman 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020182 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name R&R Pool Care, Robert Scott Richardson, 1414 Vista Dr., Lodi CA 95242 This business is conducted by an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Robert Scott Richardson 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020235 Filed 2/28/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Inner City Dream Center, 3040 E. Fremont St., Stockton CA 95205 Inner City Action Inc., 761 Shadowbrook Lane, Manteca CA 95336 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2-28-2014 s/ Kimberley Saldana, secretary 4/3 Filed 2/27/14 re file Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name IInandouttrafficschool.com 7500 West Lane, Suite 104, Stockton CA 95210 Cambrela Inc., 3310 Morningside Drive, Stockton CA 95219 California corporation This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1-3-12 s/ Stephen Lofy, President 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 021694 Filed 3/6/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Derivi Castellanos Architecture, D.C.A., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 Derivi Construction & Architecture, Inc., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by a California corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Linda M. Derivi, Director 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026237 Filed 3/18/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Derivi Castellanos Architects, 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 Derivi Construction & Architecture, Inc., 924 N. Yosemite Street, Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by a California corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Linda M. Derivi, Director 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016845 Filed 2/20/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Eagle Nest HarleyDavidson, 13900 Harlan Rd., Lathrop CA 95330. 1000 Arden Way, Sacramento CA 95815 Westbrook Land Enterprises, Inc., 1000 Arden Way, Sacramento CA 95815 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2-20-2014 s/ Andrew Westbrook, President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 015547 Filed 2/14/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Flying Panini, Brian Lee & Lisa Renee Graber, 3144 Sheridan Way, Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Brian Garber 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026388 Filed 3/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Abandonment Stockton-Stanford Montesorri School, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 Date business name statement was received in San Joaquin County 11/28/2012 Document number 2012-155681 Stanford International Corporation, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by a California corporation s/ Zhenping Wang, Administrator Vice President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 004855 Filed 1/15/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Inner City Action Uptown Thrift, 21 South Sacramento St., Lodi CA 95240 Inner City Action Inc., 761 Shadowbrook Lane, Manteca CA 95336 This business is conducted by a corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10-18-2014 s/ Kimberley Saldana, secretary 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026389 Original (first filing) Filed 3/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Stockton Montesorri, Maple Montessori School, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210, 7020 Paul Do Mar Way, Elk Grove CA 95757 Stanford International Corporation, 1606 Hammertown Drive, Stockton CA 95210 This business is conducted by a corporation. This business is conducted by a California corporation s/ Zhenping Wang, Administrator Vice President 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019505 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 011520 Original (first filing) FIVE MISTAKES MEN MAKE 1. One man struck a match to see if the gasoline tank in his car was empty … it wasn’t. 2. One man patted a strange bulldog to see if it was affectionate … it wasn’t. 3. One man speeded up to see if he could beat the train to the crossing … he didn’t. 4. One man touched an electric wire to see if it was dead … it wasn’t. 5. One man cut out his advertising to see if he could save money and still have just as many customers … he didn’t, The Linden Herald will help you put together a cost efficient advertising campaign … Call us at 209-772-8854 www.lindenherald.com Filed 2/4/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Ted’s Mobile Media, Ted O. Walher, 917 Pinecone Dr., Modesto CA 95351 This business is conducted by an individual, copartners s/ Ted Walher 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 021093 Original (first filing) Filed 3/4/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name A Line Technologies, 1518 West Hammer Lane, Stockton CA 95206, 372 Florin Rd #272, Sacramento CA 95831 47 R Enterprises, Inc., 372 Florin Rd #272, Sacramento CA 95831 California corporation This business is conducted by a corporation. s/ Glenn Takeda, CEO 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 022339 Original (first filing) Filed 3/6/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Honeydale Beekeeping, 4940 Timepiece Cir., Stockton CA 95219 George Morris Dale, 4940 Time piece Cir., Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by an individual. s/ George Dale, owner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016104 Original (first filing) Filed 2/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Zillion Dollar Mouthpiece Ministry, 801 Prosperity St., Mtn. House CA 95391 Curtis R. Norman, Venita R. Norman, 801 Prosperity, Mtn. House CA 95391 This business is conducted by a married couple The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a. s/ Curtis R. Norman, owner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 023802 Original (first filing) Filed 3/10/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Central Valley Advisors, LLC, The Salvetti Group, Central Valley Advisors, 3555 Deer Park Drive, Suite 160, Stockton CA 95219 Central Valley Advisors, 3555 Deer Park Drive, Suite 160, Stockton CA 95219 California corporation This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 3/3/14 s/ Nicholas D. Salvetti, Member 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026745 Refile Previous File # 209-057307 Filed 3/19/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name English Oaks Plaza, 523 W. Harney Ln., #2525 S. Hutchins St., Lodi CA 95240, 83 W. March Lane, Ste. 10, Stockton CA 95207 Harbhajan Shergill, 5541 Quashnick Rd., Stockton CA 95212 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 4-3-09 s/ Chuck Lantznester, Owner’s authorized agent 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 019198 Original (first filing) Filed 3/13/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name KG Transport, 2011 Thruch Ct., Lodi CA 95240 Karamjit Grewal, 2011 Thruch Ct., Lodi CA 95240 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Karamjit Grewal 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016770 Original (first filing) Filed 2/20/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Hire Source, 1803 W. March Lane, Ste A, Stockton CA 95207 THS LLC, 1803 W. March Lane, Ste A, Stockton CA 95207 California corporation This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 10-22-2009 s/ Bernard C. Kramer, managing partner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 020020 Refile previous file 2009-045404 Filed 2/28/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Nourish Ink A limited liability company, Heart To Heart Publishing Ink, 2284 Dry Creek Way, Stockton CA 95206 Nourish Ink, A Limited Liability Company, 2284 Dry Creek Way, Stockton CA 95206 California LLC This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on 3-23-2009 s/ Coleen Ariana Rehm 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016107 Tobacco Companies Don’t Want You. They Want Your KIDS Today in the U.S., 1,000 people will die from smoking and 3,000 kids will try smoking for the first time. If you don’t smoke by the time you’re 18, chances are you won’t. Tobacco companies know this, so they spend billions marketing to your kids every year. They call this recruiting replacement smokers. WE CALL IT CORRUPT. Write to your Linden editor— ‘talk’ to your community The Linden Herald is keenly interested in hearing from you, be it your praises or complaints, likes or dislikes, or — especially — any topics you think we should cover. Call us at (209) 772-8854 or e-mail your comments LindenHerald@gmail.com. (Anonymous letters will be published). Please include a phone # (for verification only—it will not be published). Original (first filing) Filed 2/18/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Appollonia Hard Apple Cider, Crossfie Hard Apple Cider, Red Dragon Hard Apple Cider, Pacific Cider Cellars, Pacific Cider Works, William Tell Hard Apple Cider, Cider Brothers, Cidewinder, Apple Annie, HAC, Hard Apple Cider, 220 S. Cluff Ave., Lodi CA 95240, 2715 W. Kettleman Ln., Suite 203-314, Lodi CA 95242 Tri-Star Marketing, LLC, 220 S. Cluff Ave., Lodi CA 95240 California LLC This business is conducted by a limited liability company The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Anthony Scotto 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 023802 Original (first filing) Filed 1/27/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name AERS Roadside, 1435 W. Flora St., Stockton CA 95203 Stephanie M. Keys, Adrian L. Keyes, 1435 W. Flora St., Stockton CA 95203 This business is conducted by co-partners The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Stephanie M. Keyes, owner/co-partner 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026974 Original (first filing) Filed 3/10/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name El Potrero, 2355 Waterloo Rd., Stockton CA 95215. 11788 Sun Rd., Stockton CA 95215 Miguel Cortes Espinoza, 11788 Sun Rd., Stockton CA 95215 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on ___ s/ Miguel Cortez-E 4/17 BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 024271 Original (first filing) Filed 3/11/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Lincoln Company, 1504 W. Sonoma Ave., Stockton CA 95204 Bobby Allen Jones, 1504 W. Sonoma Avenue, Stockton CA 95204 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a s/ Bobby A. Jones 4/17 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026109 Original (first filing) Filed 3/17/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name PAL Collectibles, 17186 Epling Oak Lane, Lathrop CA 95330 Edwin Nathan Vazquez, Jr., 17186 Epling Lane, Lathrop CA 95330 This business is conducted by individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 015547 Filed 2/14/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name The Flying Panini, Brian Lee & Lisa Renee Graber, 3144 Sheridan Way, Stockton CA 95219 This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Brian Garber 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 016064 Filed 2/18/14 Original (First filing) Conformed copy Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Untamed Nation, Frances E. Ordez, 1432 Goden Oak Way, Stockton CA 95209 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. s/ Frances E. Ordez 4/3 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Doc# 2014- 026111 Original (first filing) Filed 3/17/14 Kenneth W. Blakemore, Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious business name Baked Bree, 18878 N. Lower Sacramento Rd., Woodbridge CA 95258, 1409 Ayers Ave., Lodi CA 95242 Breanna Woodyard, 1409 Ayers Ave., Lodi CA 95242 This business is conducted by an individual The refistrant commenced to transact business under the ficitious business names listed above on n/a 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 s/ Breanna Woodyard 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 4/17 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 LINDEN HERALD LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 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1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567 R & B PROTECTIVE COATINGS, INC. Call 887-2030 19968 E. Hwy 26 • Linden
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