- Dalpark Private School

P.O. Box 17480
34 Umkomaas Avenue
Dalpark Ext.6
(011) 9155700
(011) 9158842
Facebook: Dalpark Private School
Website: www.dalparkprivate.co.za
NEWSLETTER 13 – 19 May 2015
DONATION – It is with great excitement that we announce that our school has received a donation of R100 000
from a trust fund. The funds have been donated towards our building project. The donation was facilitated by
our former ISASA (Independent Schools Association of South Africa) regional representative, Mrs Sue Hill. We
understand that due to us being IQAA and UMALUSI compliant (these are quality assurance agencies), we were
able to receive this generous donation. A very BIG THANK YOU to the board of trustees who chose our school
and also to Mrs Sue Hill for facilitating this. A BIG THANK YOU to all the parents who chose to join us for the
school function celebrating this occasion despite the short notice. Thank you also to all the parents who could
not attend but sent messages of congratulations to the school. It is really much appreciated.
SANJAY OMNATH WRITES – I am one of the few honoured parents that had the opportunity to witness a
step towards a great future for Dalpark Private School by attending the presentation last Friday. It was indeed a
day to remember. I felt privileged to bear witness to this progress which the school has been working on. It is
with great pride that I can say that the Sponsor is indeed someone who has brought light to the end of the tunnel.
I know that the Board members, and all concerned, give heartfelt thanks to ISASA for recommending the school
to the sponsor. The entertainment that the school put together was awesome. I would encourage more sponsors
to come forward and help with this project so that our children may benefit from this. The parents were taken on
a tour of the new building, and all I can say is that this project is something that is going to determine our
children’s future. Ten new classrooms with store rooms, two toilets and a huge hall with a store room and
kitchen, one would not have imagined that all this would have been possible in such a small space. In addition a
Maths Lab, Science Lab and an English Lab, which will include a reading corner, will be available to our
children. Dalpark Private School has come a long way and is definitely working to be a school for our children
to achieve the best Foundation phase of their schooling career. It is sad that I will be spending the last year in the
school after eleven years.
SCHOOL FEES –Please assist in the smooth running of the school by paying your fees in advance. Do not
forget the workbook fees. The school is in a sad position as only 40% of our parents are up to
date with their school fees or have paid their school fees in full. The school is struggling to meet
commitments and at the same time complete the building.
ADNO’S – Adno’s, our uniform supplier have received a new consignment of tracksuits. They are also taking
orders for the girls’ summer uniforms (dresses) which are R100 cheaper than before as they are using a new
manufacturer. They also have socks, ties, badges (for blazers), jerseys and pullovers available.
WINTER UNIFORM – A community member has approached us to make beanies, fleece jackets and tracksuit
pants for our learners. The beanies and jackets will have the school emblem embroidered on them. The beanies
are R55, the fleece jackets are R150 and the fleece-lined tracksuit pants are R120. Samples are available at
school if you are interested. Orders will be taken in the front office. These items will form part of the existing
winter uniform. Remember no black stockings or leggings should be visible as part of the uniform and no earmuffs are allowed in school.
WEBSITE - Parents wishing to view your account statements on our website need to follow a simple on-line
registration process. We would like all parents to complete their registration as soon as possible ensuring
that you enter your child’s name and surname as spelt on the school records. Once you have registered, it will be
possible to view your updated account on the website by logging in with your own password. The website is
secure and there are programmes in place to guarantee confidentiality. Our webmaster is Mr. Pat Govender and
he can be contacted on 0110396271 / 0734831139 or pat@primedsign.co.za.
OPEN DAY/NEW APPLICATIONS – If you have family member intending to apply for admission, please
encourage them to do so as soon as possible as we already have a substantial waiting list. We do give families
first preference provided that they do not apply at the last minute. The Open Day for new and prospective
parents and learners will be on Saturday, 20 June, from 09h00 to 12h00.
IMPROVEMENT IN LATE-COMING – There has been a marked decline in latecomers since we have been
locking the gates at 07h45. Letters of warning will be sent to regular latecomers and thereafter they will be kept
in internal suspension or detention.
HOMEWORK AND PROJECTS – Please ensure that your child/ren complete all their projects and homework
assignments on time. Defaulters will be given letters of warning and repeat offenders will be kept in for
detention. Parents will receive detention notification letters at least a week in advance.
SENIOR TOUR – The senior (Grade 4 – 7) tour to Durban has been confirmed for 7 to 11 September. Learners
will travel to Durban and experience Ushaka Marine World, a harbour boatride, the Natural Science Museum,
Moses Mabida Sky Car, the beach and many other attractions. The all-inclusive cost for the trip is R2800.
Letters have been circulated to learners and a R500 deposit will secure a place. Learners that have been guilty of
discipline problems and those whose school fees are in arrears will not be considered for the trip. There are only
60 places available on a first-come first-serve basis.
EXCURSIONS – The following outings will take place this term:
Grade 4 to 7
28 May
Lion Park (R120)
Grade R to 3
10 June Jo’burg Theatre-Shrek (R120)
STARS OF THE WEEK: Ra – Shaun Moonsammy; Rb – Megan Munsamy; 1a – Sienna Singh; 1b – Simphiwe
Moeketsi; 2a – Zimemo Mazizi; 2b – Tasmiyah Laher; 3a – Leoney Moagi; 3b – Ayabonga Nkosi; 4a – John Ray
Waterson; 4b – Tshegofatso Lengana; 5a – Khanya Nsibande; 5b – Delmaine Pienaar; 6a – Gugu Vilakazi; 6b –
Shaylen Munusamy; 7a – Nathania Padiachy; 7b – Kiveshnee Govender.
SCHOOL PHOTOS –Prestige Photos will be taking our school photos on 2 June. We will send out more
information and order forms closer to the time.
TUCK SHOP – The Menu will continue to the end of Term. Monday – Chip Roll (R12-00), Tuesday – Burgers
(R15-00), Wednesday – Mince Roll (R15-00), Thursday – Chip Roll (R12-00), Friday – Hot Dog (R12-00).
NEW CONTACT NUMBERS FOR THE SCHOOL - 011 915 5700 / 0197 / 1024 / 0078
BANKING DETAILS – The banking details for the school are:
NEDBANK: East Rand Business: Branch Code: 128842: Acc. No. 1288 052 243.
If you are sending proof of payment, please ensure that you send it to the correct email address, which is
accounts@dalparkprivate.co.za .
Yours in education,
L. Naina - Co-Principal
“Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now - always.” – Albert Schweitzer