GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ADMINISTRATION OF U.T . OF DAMAN & DIU, OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, WORKS DIVISION NO. 1, MOTI DAMMAN. E- TENDER (ON LINE) INVITATION NOi1CE Nu. 91 of 2015-2016. The Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Works Div.I, Daman invites, on behalf of the President of India, the sealed item rates Tenders from the Specialist/ consultants /Approved Registered Contractors of C.P.W.D., State P.W.D.'s or MES, railways, and also, with the VAT Department of U.T. of Daman & Diu for the following works. Sr. NAME OF WORK ESTIMATED TENDER END ERFEES TIME EARNEST No. ID 10. COST. MONEY NON REFUN DABLE In Rs. In Rs. In Ra. LIMIT I Construction of R.C.C. Gutter along road side sura Falia to School Falia at Moti Vankad in Bhimpore Group Gram Panchayat. (E-23020) 173152 1,66,23,493/- 3,32,470/- 1,000/- 6 Months 2 Re-construction of road Divider from Kalaria Junction to Dabhel Check Post at Nani Daman. (E-23006) 173153 85,45,335/- 1,70,907/- 1,000/- 4 Months 3 Construction of Pump House for drinking water well situated in Rural areas of Daman District. (E-11083) 173155 44,27,535/- 88,551/- 500/- 3 Months 4 Supplying & installation of 10 ton capacity crane at 173158 37,05,720/- 74,114/ 500/- Central Store Building of Electricity Department, 5 Kachigam, Daman. (E-46270) Providing, Supplying & replacing filter Media at Water 173161 16,06,850/- 32,137/- 500/- Treatment plant at Dabhel & Magarwada of Daman 6 District. (E-1 1096) Repairs and Replacement of roof of Foodgrains godown 8 Providing of stretcher lift for the PHC at Kachigam, Daman. (E-46271) Special repair and improvement to D type Qtr. For 173162 11,68,809/- 23,376/- 500/- 10 2 Months 173164 11,16,745/- 22,335/- 500/- 173165 9,97,364/- 19,947/- 500/- designated isolating Ebola patient at Marwad Hospital Campus, Nani Daman. (E-23017) 9 2 Months near R.T.O. Office, Nani Daman. (E-23025) 7 2 Months 2 Months 2 Months Providing & fixing of decorative lights for beautification of Dholarjunction, at Moti Daman. (E-46264) 173168 Providing false ceiling painting & furniture for account office at old OIDC camp office, Moti Daman. (E-23018) 173172 6,98,480/- 13,970/- 500/- 1 Months On line downloading of tender documents *Last date & Time for Receipt of Bid 5,45,725/- 10,915/- 500/- 2 Months Up to 22/04/20 15, 15.00 hrs. On 27/04/2015, up to 15.00 hrs. On 27 /04/2015,. 16.00 hrs.(if Possible) *On line Opening of Price Bid website till the last date and time for submission. Price https :// *Bidders have to submit price bid in electronic format only on Bid in physical format shall not be accepted in any case. • All the agencies are hereby directed to scan their tender fees and EMD online only. It is mandatory to submit tender fees and EMD online failing which the price bid of that agency will not be opened online and Physical submission of such scanned documents shall reach to office of the Executive Engineer within 3 (three) working Days after closing of online bidding and also for Sr. No.9 copy of Electrical Registration & Electrical License should be attached in addition to other requirement for hiddin^ ■ The Satisfactory Govt. / Semi Govt. construction works experience are required for gLa:ifying for the purpose as similar works carried out up to the extend of required amount i.e. 3 works of 40% or 2 works of 60% or I work of 80%. The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender to be received without assigning any reasons there of. Bidder shall have to post their queries on E-mail Address: p wd ab a ahoo .com on before dated :25/04/2015 tip to 14.00 hrs. In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact the following office : "(n) Code Solution - A Division, GNFC Ltd" 403, GNFC Info Tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380054, Gujarat (India) E-Mail:- nprocure(r^), vfc. Net Fax + 91 79 26857321 Website : www.n (C. N' JAD V) I/c. EXECUTaME ENGINEER, P.W.D.;^DAN[AN. No. PWD/DMN/ABITC/ c oc Dated :-10/04/2 15. Copy fd.w.cs. to P.S. to Administrator for kind perusal of Hon. Administrator, Secretariat, Daman. COPY SUBMITTED FOR INFORMATION:The Development Commissioner U.T. of Daman & Diu Secretariat, Daman. l'he Finance Secretary, U.T. of Daman & Diu, Secretariat, Daman. The Collector U. T. of Daman & Diu, Collectorate, Daman. The Superintending Engineer, PWD, Daman (5 Copies), Fort area, Moti Daman. Copy to :- N.I.C., Secretariat, Daman for publication on web site Assistant Engineer , Sub Division No.l/Il/&IV, Daman. t ^a Qtrrt , w4cumh 30i Tl zi;T wr4wq , tw fir f r7r, f liar ralr1r 2v >r um 3a r - 346 220. a# ^•ttr-ty r *-T 1 4Sl 311 4cII, fir f43flT, (3i'ra ) aq *fka Ar 1 U! urlTQr - ?, Ur, #.• t/2•t4-2ot4. arrtff t *r 31lT # f^ATpT f agar, Uaw R)-w fir i^ti MES tR-ct 31'1T TM A't@r yii i iTa d * #T f4a * 2RRT wr;4 f^31WT / ww4 T / 3i 7 trt'r2PIJMW^R frif;graTUr(-,Tqi^ ; ;3 ^.^. WT fir 3#.$1 W qqm M'R T* Tq 1 Construction of R.C.C. Gutter along road side sura Falia to School Falia at Moti Vankad in Bhimpore Group Gram Panchayat. (E-23020) 173152 1,66,23,493/- 3,32,470/- 1,000/- 2 Re-construction of road Divider from Kalaria Junction to 173153 85,45,335/- 1,70,907/- 1,000/- Dabhel Check Post at Nani Daman. (E-23006) 3 4 5 (RW 1 6 Months 4 Months Construction of Pump House for drinking water well situated in Rural areas of Daman District. (E-11083) 173155 44,27,535/- 88,551/- 500/- Supplying & installation of 10 ton capacity crane at Central 173158 37,05,720/- 74,114/ 500/- Store Building of Electricity Department, Kachigam, Daman. ( E-46270) Providing, Supplying & replacing filter Media at Water Treatment plant at Dabhel & Magarwada of Daman District. TR ft 3 Months 2 Months 173161 16,06,850/- 32,137/- 500/- 173162 11,68,809/- 23,376/- 500/- 2 Months E-11096 6 Repairs and Replacement of roof of Foodgrains godown near R.T.O. Office, Nani Daman. (E-23025) 2 Months 7 Providing of stretcher lift for the PHC at Kachigam, Daman. (E-46271) 173164 11,16,745/- 22,335'- 500/- 2 Months 8 Special repair and improvement to D type Qtr. For designated isolating Ebola patient at Marwad Hospital Campus, Nani Daman. (E-23017 Providing & fixing of decorative lights for beautification of Dholar junction, at Moti Daman. (E-46264) 173165 9.97,364/- 19,947/- 500/- 2 Months 173168 6,98,480/- 13,970/- 500/- 1 Months Providing false ceiling painting & furniture for account office at old OIDC camp office, Moti Daman. (E-23018) 173172 5,45,725/- 10,915/- 500/- 2 Months 9 10 • f T i t *r 34r a sl iaig') dl fib :z:z1.V1h•ty Z'r ty:oo W4 -CTCT; • tc ' r Arfe` tcr 3rf llt fcf AT F T T fiw ?rdoV/R•ty E+'t ?4:oo cT • 3rr r t . t t Ulm T1ar fk;rfw lb/otrAoty # K:00 ajr (zit ' #M ) afl c A # t t 7i r ^ Fq # https://www, ttt cr *r 3d 1 f'clftr AT ^Pm c AFc^T ^5 TT I Sic $T r ^t ( f? s i )Fd r 7 c Y Air f aft f c t- +TZ t fir vim ii I f r 31I.HI d WT^r a crZT f r T(-U, WZTr;:rr Uf r, T +R '+ t ZFT4 3 t*ff c 80% cfr iiTrfz? * 74F wit zrT 60% f,'11147 Ndltf1 U PT zrr 40% crl + cf ZTfj^ '+r c t;T Eb c+ FR 7'{ gut W+ # Ti ffi 3r.iaTd A7iIIIr4T I hI ft T 2h 3TfgZi7T / ^T 3if3'{il-tr # 3 T F ; ft f k i #; * 7 # q ar, 1 W ^tT f'cr;" #T f1 ci;tahiul 1c &Ul f' J # four 7rz1T ift, F t2 TT c TT r AT 3WT .3i1 '+r 3r r Rf`ct Pr 3rrrif { zFr Vifti-hit t trrN 9 i 3W irdti tii 4t Fftff / Ftg tl z / Tf^MT s U 9TT Weir i lwrr q cT 31 QT-fl' TtT / :Fft Tftzg i7TZr a1-u e 4; Frp 7 f1T 3TTFif^ci wT;k Un# rlptw I cft- r wu / q wrf4 +r t grw f ' vaw +r t ziT c zft 5if'f c T 31IJ1IId wT^r me c111 ft t. QTA PK* zlr R3ft 1 T zl^r f4 w zFi T w Tyr Ttzhii zrT 3r4tz TZ w4# a Fr 364-I ^T,2f I +c11 aht 3Tq4 ";:r t gcir : tT ft.F ".oV.:Z•ty # tw:•o wir - r 3R 317w it I Z c if ;Ebt %* r El' RW ift zrr 34 caw f^f^ # 3Tr7T # r f C* f vfirkm *r 3TrdFzt +, ift, t t f f z # 47 FW-r > : "(n) Code Solution - A Division, GNFC Ltd" 403, GNFC Info Tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380054, Gujarat (India) E-Mail:- nprocure@gnvfc. Net Fax + 91 79 26857321 Website : 4 (1. INT. zli^a) AaTTf} zhiftcl-h 3Tf A-Zi-crr, ^#.f#.f^r., ter, #.^#.f#.f4./ r / L T . t . / f ' f . ./ f: to/o1!/2ot4.
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