Is Your Online Security Intelligent? Mikel Steadman Dyn Director of Sales Engineering @mikelsteadman SCENARIOS THAT MATTER TO YOU THE INTERNET, IN 60 SECONDS… ish INTERNET_HIGH_FIVE @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman APPLICATION SECURITY @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman NETWORK SECURITY @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman What’s Happening on the Outside? @mikelsteadman IS EITHER SCENARIO UNUSUAL? Scenario 1 Traffic between two floors of the same office building in Singapore takes over 350ms round trip, traveling via San Jose, California Scenario 2 Traffic from Western Europe to the US takes around 70ms round trip, traveling via Iceland’s incumbent provider @mikelsteadman IS EITHER SCENARIO UNUSUAL? Scenario 1 – INNOCENT NTT won’t peer with Tinet in Singapore; Tinet must drag traffic to San Jose to hand it off to NTT, who drags it home again to Singapore. Scenario 2 – UNUSUAL Iceland’s Siminn hijacked routes of major firms for weeks and passed the traffic along. In general, traffic never flows via Iceland (cost, geo). @mikelsteadman IS EITHER SCENARIO UNUSUAL? Scenario 1 Latencies to Google’s public DNS servers increase dramatically from S. America Scenario 2 Latencies to a Microsoft network (hosting important domains) decrease momentarily from E. Europe @mikelsteadman IS EITHER SCENARIO UNUSUAL? Scenario 1 – UNUSUAL Google departs Brazil for unexplained reasons. DNS queries answered from California. No route hijacking involved. (See our 10/30 blog post) Scenario 2 – UNUSUAL Microsoft network (more specific of routed prefix) is hijacked, misdirection limited to immediate vicinity. Not Man-in-the-Middle! Traces terminated at the hijacker. @mikelsteadman The Internet: IT’S NOT THE HIGHWAY SYSTEM @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman The Internet: IT’S NOT YOUR CIRCULATORY SYSTEM @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman The Internet: IT’S NOT A TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman The Internet: IT’S A HUMAN MARKETPLACE @mikelsteadman @mikelsteadman 1. Submarine Cables Tie Continents Together ● Internet exchange points can form around critical landing sites, if local conditions are right. @mikelsteadman 2. Fiber Networks ● Connecting landing point and exchange point cities ● Arbitraging differences in Internet pricing ● Creating diversity that can survive local cable breaks @mikelsteadman 3. Regional & Local Internet ● Internet service providers of all sizes compete to serve consumer interest, interconnecting in small and medium-sized regional hub cities @mikelsteadman 4. The Last Mile ● Delivery of bits from citylevel infrastructure to local offices and consumers @mikelsteadman Security Affects Your Business 3,000 Outages/day Across the Global Internet With effects that can last for hours Source: Dyn Research @mikelsteadman Is Your Security Intelligent? INTELLIGENT DOMAIN SECURITY @mikelsteadman DNS Hijacking 500,000 Domains Across 1,500 networks serving 150 cities were affected by routing hijacks over last year Source: Dyn Research @mikelsteadman Hijacks ● Hijacks ○ Raised when a prefix you Originate is announced by a different Origin AS ● Hijacked Sub-prefix ○ Raised when you are monitoring a prefix and a more specific prefix within that range is announced by a different Origin AS @mikelsteadman What is BGP? ● Routing Protocol ● BGP = Border Gateway Protocol ● Properties ○ ○ ○ ○ @mikelsteadman ubiquitous: the de facto internet standard distributed: no centralized coordination trust-based: routers believe what they learn gossipy: share information freely Why we care about BGP @mikelsteadman AS Path & Data Collection Edge 8781 701 6453 Core Dyn @mikelsteadman Destination “X” AS Path & Data Collection Edge 8781 701 6453 Core Dyn Destination “X” @mikelsteadman Destination “X” ACTIVE MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE @mikelsteadman Dyn Internet Intelligence @mikelsteadman Through Measurement, You are in Control @mikelsteadman Notes on Hijacks ● Real Hijacks are rare ○ False positives occur more often ○ Usually prefixes with different Originating ASes ■ Examples: Salesforce owns ExactTarget ■ Verisign owns multiple ASes ● Only the Network Operator can really know what they expect @mikelsteadman Review: 5 Critical Internet Intelligence Questions ● Where is my audience (geography & key ISP’s)? ● How do ISP’s bring my brand to market? ● How do we identify external attacks on our brand (domain)? ● How do we monitor and analyze the performance of the internet? ● Who oversees our ability to watch, control, and optimize our traffic? Dyn is a cloud-‐based Internet Performance company. Dyn helps companies monitor, control, and op<mize online infrastructure for an excep<onal end-‐user experience. We have a world-‐class network and unrivaled, objec<ve intelligence into Internet condi<ons. @mikelsteadman The Good News ● The Internet is a service delivery medium, like any other. It can be measured and managed to meet your critical business goals. ● Dyn delivers the global measurement infrastructure and interactive tools to help your global business succeed and thrive! Dyn is a cloud-‐based Internet Performance company. Dyn helps companies monitor, control, and op<mize online infrastructure for an excep<onal end-‐user experience. We have a world-‐class network and unrivaled, objec<ve intelligence into Internet condi<ons. @mikelsteadman THANK YOU! Mikel Steadman Dyn Director of Sales Engineering @mikelsteadman Dyn is an Internet Performance Company Availability & Uptime ONE SECOND DELAY = 7% 11% 16% REDUCTION IN ONLINE CUSTOMER CONVERSION FEWER PAGE VIEWS DECREASE IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Source: Aberdeen Group @mikelsteadman HOW PERFORMANCE IMPACTS YOUR BUSINESS YAHOO FOUND THAT AN ADDITIONAL ONE-SECOND SERVER DELAY RESULTED IN A 2.8% REVENUE DECREASE (AND NEARLY A 2 SECOND INCREASE IN TIME TO CLICK) @mikelsteadman HOW PERFORMANCE IMPACTS YOUR BUSINESS 40% OF USERS ABANDON WEBSITES THAT TAKE MORE THAN 3 SECONDS TO LOAD Source: Akamai @mikelsteadman HOW PERFORMANCE IMPACTS YOUR BUSINESS 6.79M OF DECREASED SALES PER MILLISECOND Source: Amazon @mikelsteadman The Internet: ● 80% of the top ten global Internet properties are still headquartered in the US, but 81% of their users are outside the US.* ● Worldwide spending on cloud services and infrastructure will reach $100B in 2014.* ● The quality of the Internet’s paths is a key determinant of end-user experience for services delivered in the Cloud. @mikelsteadman
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