In 9very eoneeivable manner, thefarnily is a link ta a_ar past and bridge to ourfuture. So let us spend Qauttty Time together as afamily in the present, especialljt daring holidolts. According to National Summer Learning Associationo students who do not participate in leaming and enriohment activities during break can lose roughly 22% af knowledge and skills they gained during the school time, So dear parenis, here are some tips to engage your child during summeriieat : q Observe a sehedule - Yes, even holidays need ta be scheduled. The schedule may not be as rigid as the one c o o r o o o . e ' observed during working days. Convey the message: Eolidays do not mean days to be wasted. Holidays mesns days of learning and daing new things. Exercising together * A brief walk or e brisk jog in the park.would leave, bothyou and yow ward all set to enjoy the lotig d(ty ahead. Outdoor activities - The cool morning before the June nmforces one to stay indoors, is the ideal time to enjoy in nature cntd indulge in hard plqting games. Encourage your ward to do so. Devoting time to studies - Do ensure that your wud aliocates time for studies std does the Holiday Haizework as per the classroom instructions. Getting to know your child accordingly. - Identify your ward's area of interest and encourage him to join a hobby class Moral values - Do ercsure that your ward. spends some part of thte day on a regular basis with the senior wemhers of thefamrly.'The time could be gainfully used by reading the newspaper aloud, taking themfor cwalk or other similar thoughtful activities. Sharing responsibil"iti is - Asstgn chares to your ward. Yes, irnolve the chitd in domestic tasks tike laying table, watering the plants, wranging study table or almirah. It iould be a step towards sharing responsibilities. Lesson in social responsibility - Encowage your child to spare sometime every day and teach an economically deprived child. It could be the child of the domestic ltelp. Strengthen the family bond - Or[anise famity get togethers, pay them a visit or invite them over. Hold 'AII Friends'party at home. Write daily diary - TeII yaur child to write events of the day in the diary, especially when somethtng special )our prayers together. '"i#:X;Y"I#trmf7;,'o?,1ff {#fiiiii,i#{,"u*n,,,. i:i:" HOLIDAYS H-O}IEWORK- 2015 _ 16 CLASS _ I ]' ENGLISH l. ? 3 ' .f Write one page of cursive rrrvi+i-writing daily. '{^l Do thorough reading of Lesson f to + fro* My English Reader and leam spellings. a zoo with your parents and make a collage of animals you see there. 4. _visit News p,aper activity : cut and"paste 5 words of the following each sound * ee, oo, and ll. 5. Something to do : 1. Girls will make any Z charts of the following poems a. One thing at a time b. My Mummy c. Tiny Ball 2. Boys will make any 2 charts of the following sounds ee, ll, oo, sh, ch, th, ss, ck, ng. Points to remember Make charts lengthwisg and the charts should be of white colour. Notq - Do your English Holidays H.W in a new, thin note book. ART AhID CRAFT Step by step Book - Page 2 - 12 VIVA - Colors and Craft Book - Page I I (Mud pasting ) l. Make a family tree and paste picture of your ru*trffio".r. 2. During holidays go for morning walk with your parents and observ'e big trees around you. Write rheir narnes also. Collect leaves of different shapes and sizes make them dry and paste in your copy. 3. Visit aZoo and note down names of wild animals in your copy. 4, Leam and write Dictionary words of Lesson-l to 4. 5. Make chart on any one of the following topic: a) Body Farts b) Things we get from plants l. 2' 3. 4. 5. ,6" o MATTIS Draw the shapes of Rectangle, Circle, Triangle and square on the note book and colour them. Write number of sides and corners. Draw and color any figure showing the concept of thick and thin, big and small and long and short. Learn and write the number names : a. Number of students in ycur school b. Number of girls in your class c. Number of eggs in one dozen d. Number of teeth in vour mouth e. What is your mother's age*-Make any one chart from the following : (chart should be of white color) a. Shapes, Addition and Subtraction. Before and€fter no, ordinal numbers. Learntables 2and3. Do 10 sums of Addition and 10 sums of Subtraction q (Count on fingers) i r qt r sRRr \Fi gtt Efre j *ffi qTgt B-ilfq rT16' I S iI€F..rfit rjtrTsr q q'B-+ rrd qr r{nfu{ ?TK q ;r;rsT arrx$m $nqr s*r s ci qrar * qq qrq -3rrftTn T T.* q Btr* Fr* qrem frqmT*r 1 $Ir, E, {, d fr qr*r * qn-qn tr etd q+*r . rR+ + clsq + $rrft qim + sq cfr fr rrM'* qrq fu{ firrfi'( r{r qfrr o E, €, g, s'fr crfl qr Vfi-Vs'qrC qn*r I rnqr €{qr$ ys I fr 20 fi.F T.e 3rh qn qtr sf[, E, f,, Gsunt and colour the shapes: ,/^. U f orBlack Red or Pink fJ 7\ Blue Yellow'or Or.a{Tge Green or Purple oo How many? Gircles ' :,'. :" $quares ; FlecJangles ': - Triangles i-"fu;w A -Circles Triangles ,Flectangles LXuil="n Hlnu ir, lNl I lonl Flow many? , Triangles .€ %l [: A n, o A [-] A n Rectangles [:] r_______ t4" [' many? :$Quare$ tq-:r7, C ' ._$ircles ! o rF. 3 c,SfE-Uftg i -t sl -T,rv1 v'l I -- 'lJ -h -T-'+-rff--i c:f).fM+WL \t1 i> ) ' I tt . = t r--:f/t +._rq -* F*i-T t ( ' gft _ F+rEia+T-= -T+A;? j?-p: \__-*-.*_ 4ffiq ffi {TGlq .j - fr-dd16-q-;iTi- ffii - E^ffiT{fr[T(g=o) rtr + 3+B=E =qi :" ?T + t+S=g.\" \3' .-..--..--. -r t + & + TI = T + S + ET = T-R?T Sqdqtr F -I': 4 ,-:rril +-i il i_ Q+E=T\9 ' Lets.try ssddreiw fhis cqt 1, i' 2. - on in the bed the bosket 3. " under the tahrle. ;i€=_. 1. -The pencil is (, .-.rt... 3. The bgtf al tneJu9fS:'. thafsble. ; fS i . ',,.,- ,-.tb+gble. . .,, ,,the tub. il _, ,.1,'.r'... . 4 The bun is the tsbfe, 5. Thdcqt is :f 6. The hut is 7. ; ., .,i. -FI t ne ... Tt,R . ts ,,*cb*e. .' .l the fub. . 'li1'::i....:li CIUH FSOM '. 'Dear ,cflildr*n thtngs:iin, I P.ut the glven he : csrrect',.basket, "Vegetables Let us do following ups: . .'il eat 1. IV'e should 2. Sleep gives l. Cobd food makes our body 4. Exercise rnakes us and food. tathe body; 5; Without rest our body gets Childreno you were told very informative things about healthy food and kceping ourself and surroundings clean by the teaeher. Now based on the knowledge gained do these exercises : Say yes or no to the following: , 1. We must have green vegetables , 2. We should not drink milk. 3. We should wake up early in the morning; 4.1Me shouldbrush our teeth twice. 5. We should come empty stomach to school. 6.IiVs should,respect our elders and love younger ones. 7. We must exercise daily.
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