DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL Sector VI, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 Holidays’ Homework Class VII ENGLISH 1. Keeping all the elements of a good advertisement in mind, design an advertisement on any one object of your choice on A3 size sheet. The activity will be assessed as a part of FA 2. 2. Write 5 unfamiliar words ( minimum five letter words) daily with their contextual meanings from your subject text books in a thin note book. 3. Read any one book of your choice and write its book review. Make sure the following details are included : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Name of the book Author‟s name Publisher‟s name Theme of the book Characters of the story Details about the protagonist ( 50 words) Summary (200 words) Reader‟s opinion ( 50 words) Suggested Authors : Ruskin Bond Charles Dickens Enid Blyton Rabindra Nath Tagore Visit the websites given below and have fun while you learn English http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/en/ www.funenglishgames.com DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 1 ihndI p`dtkaya inado-Sa– • kaya- svacCtapUva-k kroM. • samast kaya- e–4 SaIT pr kroM. p`Sna–1–naIcao ilaKo p`%yayaaoM sao paÐca–paÐca nae Sabd banaa[eÁ– k– ‘[k’ ¸ ‘Aavaa’ ¸ ‘AahT’ ¸ ‘kar’ ¸‘dar’ P`aSna–2–naIcao ide gae maUla SabdaoM maoM ]icat ]psaga- lagaakr nae Sabd banaa[eÁ– k– ‘iva’ ¸ ‘Ait’ ¸ ‘sad\’ ¸ ‘dur’ ¸ ‘bao’ P`aSna–3–naIcao ilaKo SabdaoM ko dao–dao pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd ilaiKeÁ– k–kpD,a K–gaaya ga–AaÐK Ga–saaÐp P`aSna–4–naIcao ilaKo sabdaoM sao Baavavaacak saM&a Sabd banaa[eÁ– k–AmaIr K–laMbaa ga–dyaalau Ga–laD,ka P`aSna–5–prIxaaeÐ p`arMBa haonao sao phlao¸prIxaaeÐ samaaPt haonao pr AaOr garimayaaoM maoM skUla kI CuT\iTyaaÐ haonao pr Aapkao kOsaa lagata hOÆ Apnao AnauBava ilaiKe. P`aSna–6–Aap jaanato hOM ik hmaaro doSa maoM 26 janavarI kao bahadur baccaaoM kao purskar ide jaato hOM. Aap eosao hI paÐca bahadur baccaaoM kI bahadurI ka ica~ saiht vaNa-na kroM tqaa yah BaI spYT kroM ik ]nhoM purskar iksa kaya- kI vajah sao idyaa gayaa hO AaOr kaOna saa purskar imalaa hOÆ DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 2 MATHEMATICS ACTIVITY 1 (a) Maths Dictionary Take 10 or 12 A-4 sheet papers divide them into half, length wise. Place the two bunches together and make a booklet. Write your name, class, section and the topic on the cover page. Search for any 50 maths vocabulary words from your maths book. Arrange the words alphabetically. Write the word, its definition on the left side and the illustration on the right hand side of the booklet. Draw or Paste pictures to make it effective and illustrative. On the first page give a small introduction and on the last page, make a bibliography. if you have taken help from various sources . Below is a list of possible words that you may include ( this is not a complete list just some suggestions): 2 D, 3 D, Acute , Addition, Angle, Area, Bigger than, Calculator, Capacity, Centimeters, Circle, Co-ordinates, Cuboids, Cylinders, Data, Decimal, Point, Degrees, Digit, Division, Edges, Fraction, Graphs, Hexagon, Horizontal, Inches, Kilograms, Length, Measure, Metre, Multiplication Find and write words from your dictionary which have the same meaning, e.g Addition, Adding, Plus & words which have more than one meaning (e.g square (the shape) and square (multiply a number by itself). (b) Poster making : Choose any 6 words from your dictionary which you think are important and make a colourful pictorial representation of the same on A3 size sheet. ACTIVITY 2 Adventure Camp Read the given passage It was a bright sunny morning when students of class VII stood in the school‟s assembly ground, thinking about the adventures they would have in Jim Corbett . Yes, they were going to the much awaited Adventure Camp! They would live in tents, trek in the forest, spot some flora and fauna, climb the rocks, observe the valleys, perhaps make their own food and what not. “Hurry up students, fall in line” said the Teacher instructor. Within no time the teachers and all the students gathered in the ground. Mr.Sharma continued, “You are representing your school in this Adventure Camp. So, behave, act and perform well. Be disciplined and do not harm the DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 3 nature. I hope you would not let us down. Well, you would go to the camp by bus. Now, stand in order and move towards your buses.” The students stood in lines – class and section wise. There were exactly 10 students from each section, forming a group of 60 students and 10 teachers, including Mr. Sharma. All moved outside to board the buses. Mrs. Saxena, the coordinating teacher exclaimed, “We have got only 4 mini buses; how do I adjust the students?” Mr. Singh, the sports teacher, came forward and said, “Ma‟am, I can see we have 4 buses in which 3 buses are 15 seater and 1 bus is 25 seater. So, that should be enough.” Mrs. Saxena explained. They all set off for the journey and reached Jim Corbett. It was a place brimming with positivity and the scenic beauty was breathtaking. At the camp, each student was served with a welcome drink. Soon the rooms were allotted and they all met in the Conference Hall. After an hour, they were greeted by Brigadier Tripathi and his team of 50 members who would guide the students and teachers in their camping activities. The students were divided into groups and within half an hour, the groups reached the camping site, where they would take part in the adventure activities. The jungle trek was enjoyable but tiring. As dusk fell, it was time to take shelter. At night, the students sat around the bonfire and presented group plays. At first light, the students were served breakfast and soon they were all taken for rock climbing. Many students were scared and backed out. Then BrigadierTripathi told the students about the performance of their team and success rate in climbing the given rock in their past. Some were successful in the first attempt, while some took more attempts; there were a few who had not tried rock climbing at all. However, they all wanted to try it. He tried to motivate them and showed them a data which had the following table: NO. OF ATTEMPTS 1st attempt 2nd attempt More than 2 attempts Did not attempt at all Total NO. OF PEOPLE 10 20 15 5 50 Within no time, all the students decided to climb the rock and enjoyed the activity. For the rest of the days students were taken for village walks, visit to organic farms, bird watching and river crossing. There were some in–house activities as well. Finally the departure time arrived. Mr. Sharma was happy to know that the students had an amazing time and the camp helped them in bringing out their hidden qualities. Now, referring to the instances and situations listed above, answer the following questions using mathematical knowledge: On the basis of your reading the passage answer the following:Q1. Find the ratio of: a) The people climbing the rock in 1st attempt to those climbing in 2 attempt. b) The people not attempting to climb the rock to those climbing in more than 2 attempts. c) Are the two ratios same ? DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 4 d) Find the student-teacher ratio of the Adventure camp. Q2. a) Of the 50 students under Brigadier Tripathi, what percent of them were able to climb the rock in 2 attempts? b) What percent of students did not attempt to climb the rock? Q3. Mr. Singh, the sports teacher, came forward and said, "Ma'am, I can see, we have 4 buses in which 3 buses are 15 seaters and 1 bus is 25 seater”. What is the total number of seats? Revise Unit 1 and 2 in practice notebook. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 5 SCIENCE Activity 1 In the boxes given below write the alphabets which match with the numbers and discover the qualities of a good scientist. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 6 Activity 2 Prepare a booklet using coloured A4size sheets and do your Holidays Homework in that booklet. A. You see a lot of vegetation around you. Have you ever wondered why: The green parts of a plant are above the ground and the roots are usually below the ground? A leaf become yellow and dies if you coat it with vaseline/oil? Same plants are insectivorous even though are able to prepare their food by ophotosynthesis. B. Aashna is eating a burger. Describe the journey and fate of the burger as it enters her mouth and travels through her body. You may give a digrammatic representation of the same. C. Which property of water leads to: Movement of a steam engine Breaking/degradation of rocks Making of a rainbow Insects „walking‟ on water D. List out some practices that can be adopted for conservation of water. In school At individual level By the government Activity 3 Make a crossword puzzle on the topic „Nutrition in plants‟ .Visit the site classhelper.org for making the crossword. Also take a printout of the crossword generated by you. SOCIAL SCIENCE Read the chapter no.-13 of your Social Science text book and prepare a list of the rulers of Sultanate period in a chronological order and write a detailed description of any two rulers of your choice who ruled during the sultanate period. Activity should cover the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Time period of the rulers Challenges they faced Features of their administration Their contribution to the field of Architecture and Literature DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 7 Note1. Do the activity on A4 size ruled sheets. 2. Project must be supported by pictures, drawings, table work, collage work, newspaper clippings etc. 3. Decorate the file creatively. COMPUTER Prepare a Power point presentation (pictures and uses) on the Internet Services (Blog, Email, Social networking, E-commerce etc) and submit the hardcopy (handouts 4 on one sheet. OR Prepare a chart on different types of Computer Software (System s/w and Application s/w). संस्कृ तम् 1. ‘उपकारकााः वृक्ााः’ इतत पाठस्याधारे ण फलवृक्ाणां – पुष्पवृक्ाणां च नामातन पत्रे (A-4 Size Sheet) तलतखत्वा तेषां तचत्रातण लेपयन्तु । 2. पठठत-व्याकरणस्य अभ्यास-ठिप्पतणपुतस्तकायां (Practice Notebook)तलतखत्वा अभ्यासं कु ववन्तु, तदाधारे ण च कक्ा परीक्ा भतवष्यतत । 3. ‘सुरतभाः’ पाठ्यपुस्तकस्य प्रथमतितीयपाठय ाः (पाठ– 1, 2) अभ्यासप्रश्नान् अभ्यास-ठिप्पतणपुतस्तकायां (Practice Notebook) तलखन्तु स्मरन्तु च । ART & CRAFT 1. Make one 3 D Craft – „ Best out of waste‟ 2. Paper Mache – „fruits and fruit basket‟. 3. Make one Composition – „Spring Season‟. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 8 Multidisciplinary Project Topic - Pollution Subject English Description Write a meaningful slogan on any one of the following:a) b) c) d) On A4 size sheet Mention three Do‟s and Don‟ts‟ to avoid pollution. Collect the data of ten polluted cities in the world in terms of Air pollution and represent the same using Bar Graph. Collect the data of polluting agents (chemicals, metals, nonmetals etc.) present in Delhi air and represent the same using Pie- Chart Paste the Bar graph and Pie chart on A4 size sheets. Prepare a project report on the „Effect Prepare a 2 page report on of Pollution on plants, animals and ruled coloured A4 size sheets human beings‟. Report should be hand written. Information/pictures can be collected from magazine, newspapers or internet to make the project more impressive. Can make the drawings to illustrate the concept. Social Science Hindi Mathematics Science Air Pollution Water Pollution Noise Pollution Global Warming Specific Guidelines On A3 size sheet Prepare a project on any one important river of India, which is highly polluted. Collect Information & paste pictures. Also mention the programmes that have been taken up by the government of India to keep the river clean & pollution free. Prepare a 3 to 4 pages report. Project report has to be hand written only. p`Sna–1–Baart mao p`dUYaNa ka str • kaya- saÔa[-pUva-k kroM. inaMrtr baZ,ta jaa rha hO jaao ik • p`dUYaNa ko ivaiBanna p`karaoM ka vaNa-na krto hue DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 9 Sanskrit icanta ka ivaYaya hO. kuC samaya pUva- p`dUYaNa ka str [tnaa BaMyakr nahIM qaa AtÁ Baart maoM baD,to hue p`dUYaNa ko ivaiBanna straoM kao sËOp bauk pr ica~aoM ko maaQyama sao dSaaeÐ. kuC samaya pUva- ko p`dUYaNa str AaOr vat-maana samaya ko str ko AMtr kao ica~aoM ko maaQyama sao spYT kroM. • p`dUYaNa kao dUr krnao ko ilae p`%yaok vyai@t ka @yaa k<a-vya hO tqaa sarkar nao [sako ilae @yaa– @yaa AiBayaana calaaeÐ hOM¸[saka vaNa-na BaI sËOp bauk maoM kroM. तचत्रमाध्यमेन चतुर्ववधप्रदूषणस्य (वायुप्रदूषणं, जलप्रदूषणं, ध्वतनप्रदूषणं, मृदाप्रदूषणं) पृष्ठ (A-4 Size Sheet) पर सववप्रथम प्रदूषण का प्रकार तलखें और नीचे उस प्रदूषण से सम्बतन्धत तचत्र तचपकाएं । Make a presentation on the topic “Land Pollution” of minimum five slides using the software MS Power point. E-mail the presentation on the following, address reetikabhatia.computer@gmail.com You are required to mention your class, sec ,Roll No and name. वगीकरणं कु ववन्तु । Computer Science NOTE: A single report file is to be made for all the subjects. The first page of the report file will have the following description. Name of the student, Class /Sec, Roll No and Year. Please arrange the A-4 size sheets of respective subjects in the order given above. Internet, books, magazines and newspapers can be referred to, for information. DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 110075 Page 10
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