/l ){l n-t rl i,gvwttt'* Yta' t ( /H r,v rt '-'-'-'G-- _W fu4lw t) it wiil neuey (- /'; t) l' f ,'),i,tl tl {V - ],:;=,.,:,- t --?:.. ffi,eferemoe*{;o.{..cm iq::i:t Exerc:ises i$+*,a*.A ;Aa-@,,.fiT* @,qtfrwl. *tA* /*l*^, :- Fass into notkingruess; bu,t usil,l keep A bower quiet lbr us, and, a sleep ffi ITult of' srueet"rl.r*arns, und rtearth, ancr q*iet breatrlin11. ,it, :refer to here? 1,i; Wtut does yorr What do understancl try ,pass into nottrrj.nf;n{r,E.$,? {i,, What is a laowr>r.? ]Iow does it help us? (lrl), Wtrat is full of aspiratiorr and healtb"? [tt) -1 .6) ..., of tlze inh-urnan dearth Fffi Of noble natur-es, of tlrc gloomy d,ays, Of alt the unh.ealthjr 6s776. o'er-d,ayhen.ed wqys Ma.de lbr our searehing: yes, irz. spite of all, Sorne shape of beo,uf.y t?Loues away the pail 0) \41hat does the poet mean by trre 'inhuman clear.ilr cf no5le na.Lgres,? g:ry Why are the da;rs gloomy? (tif t What a.re the untrealthy and o,er-rlarhened rvays,l [4 WUat is the neeci to explol.e vices in hurnan rrot.,r,*i (cj .,., and sueh. *re d*fforlils V{itlt. the green waild. tlr,ey li,ur: in; unt{. cle.ar rills That f,tr themselues a cooling couert mtLke 'Gainst the hot sed.son; th,e m.id forest broke, 0) lMhat effect does l,he nature have on r:s? tD }ftiw are the clear r-ills significan{:? tiit Wr"t gives solittide duriug the h,rt sea.son? Q/) V/liat thing clo you lind in claffodil that keeps kr) i1; Lrlr.rcLning iri aLl sorts of landf,orrrrs? And sualt too is the gt"rcndeur of th.e dooms Wc haue inzagined for the nt.ighly d,rwcl; All lrsuely tale.s that uLt: llsue hearcl or read,; Art enclless fountain. of immortat rlrinh, Pou.ring unto as fVorn tke h,eaueru's ttrinh,. (ll Elxplain: 'granderir of the cloonrs'. (t,lf Who are the 'rnighty dead'? l:lll) Wtrrt contrast of iil'e has been ilrentioned her.r+? [tV/ inrfl"t sorts ,:f aurbrosia dre poet discuss irerr.,? ffi ' 1' MY P' ,ASSIGNWXENT IIDSIX N'{OT'I{EI{ '4'T SIXTY Readthefollowingextractst"tlan*woottr"queutlonsthalif,olloweaeh: t. Oriring from mY Parent's home to Cochin last FridaY Morning, I saw mY mother beside me, doze, oPen mouthed, her face ashen like that oiu totPt. and realized with Pain soott as old as she looked but il-t;t;*rs put that tirought away"""" . fronr r,.^* anti siftimE beside her? was sittimg ^-,i **rlrrr who uorse (a) Where was the poet corning her mother? (lt) What did the po-et notice about rvhy? heu" rnother's face anctr (c) With what does the poet compare ;:',...... ;r; looked out at Youns g 'Irees sprinting, the merry childrerl sprtttn alrport's out'of iheir homes, but after the yarcls .""*r,V check, standing a few Questions away,,..'... Questions 6iWf,*t" .r ,:-^ is the spea\er in these lines? outsicle? trer mind before she looked (b) What thoughtl dltl o"oupy i"l nouu lookirng out help her' horv? ).'tloot*a again at her, wan' Pale old that ;;; lar; wirrLr's moon and feltfear' familiar ache, mY chiidhood's Arnma' Lut all I said was, see you soon' and smtte"""' all l dicl was smile and smile Qucstions anct Paleancl whY? t:ri*n" looked wam tear ditl the speakeT have'l (b) Wtrat childhoo-d suggest? i*jWlt*t do the parting words i'I*t* wimter's nxoslx'' (d) Explain tl'" *'";;;ftton i 'us Xm--- Arssignrrremt mo- I An Elernem$ary School Classrooma lm 'q Slurm , I 0 s o o 6 o Questioru Answers What clo you understand by gusty *aves'/ clown head? Why ,lo.you think the tall giif iu sitting with a weighed Whytheboyanunluckyheir?Wha'thasheinherited? Mrntion the words that irnply the effect of malnutrition What type of classroom is mentiorl here? Who is referred to as svueet and young? \Mhat does the world inap onthe Why the ctrass has been referred to as dim? 6 waXl -signify? Why are ttre winddws their world? Explain'future paintecl with a fog'' What do You understand by 'fcrg to endless night'? Why does the poet cons;icler map as a bact example? a Why is Shakespeare wicked? o I @ 6 o o a & @ ' 6 ancl disrnay' why is gror,vth and developinent of slum clwelling chiidren {, narrctwed down? t Are the children in the school happy? l'l4l.y/ Why not? Why are the pictures and map in the elementary classroom meaningiess? Give all example flom the poem to descril:e the irony. What illessage does the poet want to convey through this poern? 'l'he poern ends with a note of optirnism. tr)o you agree 'witkr the poet? Justify" Mention a few ttrings fi'om the poem [hat show the pafhetic condition of the slum children? Which figure of speech has been used in the line,' so blot their maps with slums as big as doom'? Why does the poet say 'let their tottgue run nakecl intc, boohs'? t1. SUBJECT : ENGLISTI CLASS : XII A''IGh{MENT LESSON _ 1 I,T OF STOLEN CI{ILDHOOD THE LOST SPRING' SfOrunS questions in about 30-40 words:Answer the fonlowing b) c) d) ": How is Saheb's";in; ;e children of slums as partners in survival? what u"", does he go there Saheb go? Why? Why ..I go inside when no one is around.,, Where cloes ,; ffi; .; ;:TJffi:l;trff'."Ji*gle briefly' 0 not wearing footwear? does Anees Juns offelPt ":lldren his very existence? name a total contrast to a) phat explanation a destinv and a curse' Discuss makers has become both i 1-^-'+ +1^o nn speaks about the coexistence Anees Jung are the bangle *ukt"' What theY? worlds with resfect to erse' distinct worlds of two diverse' t g)Thefamiiyo"..,p*io,ofbarrglemakingandpor,ertyistheacceptedorderinFirozabad. Comment*ith,.,p""ttoMukesh,sgrandmother. villages to cities? the migration of people from fir reasons the of h) what could be some attached to it? i) j) gate' has a metaphor Do you think the 'fenced bangles? what is it? about the old woman wearing There i, ,o*"it irg ironical in 150 words:Answer the fotlowing question the baggage on the child' 'Together they have imposed "' Elucidate' j! YI'O' A'S'lfq^^""btr -0 S LI{ERAruwry]|ryrsTs$) Short Oue 1. Z. 3. 4. S. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. stims.",-gMa*S) "What did the astrologers foretell when the Tiger King was bom? ,'At that very rnornent a great miracle took place." What was the mornent? WLrat was the miracle? Whmmade the astrologers stand transfixed in amazement? What forced the chief astrologer to tell the manner of the T'iger King's death? Wkrat did the chief astrologer say about the manner of the ll'iger King's death? Wry did the Tiger King get that name? FIow was the crown prince Jung Eahadur brought up? When did he beeome the h,{aharaja? Why did the Maharaja start tiger hunting? How did he justify it? What did the Maharaja do on killing his first tiger be how did he feel? What did the astrologer say? "Whpt would__the astrologer do if he killed the hundredth tiger also"? demanded the lUaharaja. What was the astrologeros reply? 12. 13. 14" 15. 16. L7, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. "Froffr that day onwards it was celebration time for all the tigers inhabiting Fratibandap ur atrt" . How? Why? lVhat dangers or problems were faced by the Maharaja during his mission of l<illing the tigers? F{orlr did the Maharaja once stand in danger of losing his ernpire? How did he retain it? After killing 70 tigers, what was the hurdle faced by ttre Maharaja? FIow was this hurdle removed? What dispelled the gloom of the Maharaja when the hundredth tiger could not be t$nd? The Maharaja first announced a three-year exemption frclm all taxes for the village. Why did he do so and later on why did he change his decision? FIow did the Maharaja fulfill his vow to kill the hundredth tiger? What did the hunters do when they saw that the tiger was not dead? What happened when the Maharaja and his son played with the little wooden tiger? Comment on the surgeon's announcement. "The operation is successful. The Maharaja is dead"? .cL L-ong l. , uestions : (7 MarkS) Who is Tiger King? Why does he get this name? what did the Maharaja do to disprove the astrologer's prophecy? Did he succeed? wrat did the Maharaja do to find the required number of'tigers to kill when 6. the tiger population became extinct in the forests of Pratibandapurarn? "T'he Tiger King is a story of satire and irony. substantiate with examples. t Draur a character-sketch of the Tiger what prophecy was made about the Maharaja? what did he do to disprove it? 7. The4tory 'The T'iger King' is a satire on the eoncert of those in power.,, 8. Explain with reference to the lesson, How did the Tiger King meet his eird? what is ironical about his fate? L 5. King;' A,S*lq**u*,t t-' cl,.{ss - fb' 6 I, ITERAqURP A$SISN xu :.TI{E T...4ST }4ENT I,TSSON' Short Questions :- l. 2. a 4. 5. 6. Why was Franz afraid of scolding? the day out ? Wf.tV ai6 Franzthink of running a:way from school and spending why ? and to school For Franz, what was much more tempting than going to school' How and late The school looked totuffy different on t-he aay fran, went why was it different ? ? what was Franz expeeted to be prepared with fbr school that day ? what did he what clid Mr. Hamel t*tt tt * peopli in the class about French language ask them to do and whY ? 7. L 9. 10. 11. 1) 13. 14. 15. 16. 11 18. 19. 24. zl. 22. 27. 24. 25. 26. 77. 28. 29. 30. How does M. Hamel pa;y a tribute to the French language ? why was there a crowd"in front of the bulletin - board at the torvn hall ? ,.Us'ually, when school began there was a great bustle." What was the bustle due to ? wiry dii Franz blush and feel frightened when he entered the class ? that How wos the scene in the schoo! ln tt e morning of the last lesson diff'ererrt from on otlher days ?.1 What surprised Franz in the olass ? How did"Franzfeel at learning the order banning teaching of,French ? what did Franz notice that was unusual about the school on thart day ? How did Franz's feelings about M. Hamel and school change ? I-{ow die Franz foel at lerarning the order banning the teaching of French Wny naa the olci villagers cofre to the class thrJday ? What was Franz expected to recite? What was the result ? FIow did M. Harnel feel about learning the school ? What did the French teacher M' Hamel say about the language ? What are the causes for shrdents not leaming their lessons '? What made Franz not leam his lessons ? ,; i o'The Last Lesson ". Comment on the title of the story How was the last lesson taught and leamed ? I{ow clid the teacher give the bad news '? Wlrat was it ? How did he listener's reaot ? 'Th,e;re was a large crowd in Itont of the bulletin-board'- Why ? I{ow did Franz enter the class ? How did the teacher react ? Wha,t changes did the orcler from Berlin cause in school that dav ? How did M. Hamel look different on the day of his last lesson '? What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave the last French lesson 'l t ong Questioms 1. n L, 3. 4. 6. 7. B. q 10. ? (125-150 {' t WortlsF What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day ? F{ow did M. Hamel, the French teacher, rnake the people realizo the importance of leaming their language ? Give a brief Charactdt- sketch of M. Llamel on the basis of this lesson ? Franz's attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel ohanges when he comes to know about the take over of his village by JPrussians. Do you agree ? Discuss with reference to this lesson. What did M. Hamel say in his address to his student, little Fran:z'? Franz thinks "Will they make them sing in,Gerrnan, even the pigeong?" Comrnent ? What was M. F{amel'i advice to his class on the importancL ofthe}rench language. What effect did it have on Franz ? Florv did Prussia's victory over Alsace affect the Life at M. Harnel's school ? List tho various unusual things Franz ncrtice abcjut the sclrool that day ? What is linguistic chauvinism ? Is it right to ca.rry pride in one's language too far ? a I I ALt:4r*^-b^t iln'+ (i, .i son,6c,,: ENGISFtr ASSTG}{NIENT BOOK FLAMI}{GO - DEEP WATER. Ctr ASS: XtrX Amswen t[re'follow.r*g questioms im 30-40 wordls: a) What did the writer notice when he was sitting alone on the side of y.M.C.A" b) what did the eighteen year old boy do to the writer and rvhy? pool? I I c) what did the writer rernember when he came to himself after the misaclventure at the pool? d) whar did the writer finalry do to get over his fear of water? e) When did the writerjoin the y.M.C.A. pool I) What special method rJicl the and why? instructor used to teach the writer to swim? g) What is the misadventure writer is talking about? Answer the foHowing questiom in about I50-200 words: a) Narrate briefly the writer ernotions and fears when he was thrown into the pool. what plans clid he make to come to'the surfdbe? b) How did the instructor buird a swimrner out of the Dougras? { I SUBJECT: ENGISI{ ASSIGNMENT BOOK F'LAMIFIGO - DEEF WATER CLASS; XH Answer ttae following questions in 30-40 words: a) what did the writer-notice when he was sitting alone on the side of y.M.c.A. pool? b) what did the eighteen year old boy do to the writer and why? the writer remember when he came ro himself after the misadvenrure at the pool? did the writer finaily do to get over his fear of water? yu'laij :l d) what e) When did the writerjoin the y.M.C.A. pool f) what special method did the instructor u,sed and why? to teach the writer to swim? g) What is the misadventure writer is talking about? Amswer the folfiowiimg questiom im about Is0-200 words; a) Narrate briefly the r'vriter emotions and fears when he was thrown into the pa*l. what plans clid he rnake to come to the surface? b) How did the instructor buird a swimmer out of the Douglas? l q i) ShortQuestions:(30-40words'2markseach'4x2=8): "-"i. - *"ritual for Jack? Wrry aiO ttory-t*ttirrg bec-ome a stories? What were th'"oto*o'r features of Jack's Comment? Jack was very skilled at story-telling' problem?^ Describe Rofier Skunk' What is his main How did theither animals tease Roger Skunk? wh"." diJ Roger Skunk go fir1t for help? ,,fnis wa.Ji ni* pf.,urr,;Ist ttris last mont[ a reality phase." Comment? did Rr:ger Skunk reach there? Who rvas"tt--*irirar .iihrr" did he live? Horv for help? him What did tf," *i'atO do when R'oger beggecl get rid of it? did he What rvas Roger's next problem and how like roses? Why didn't R"oger Skuni< nlommy like him smelling What was the result? Why did Rog"iskrrk', mommytake lim.to the.rvizard? wrat happeied-lfter Roger skunk smelled very bad again? Why/ Why not? Was Jo huppy with the ending of the story? up? to end story How clid Jo want the story Jo difference between the original ending and the endirrg of the 2. 3. 1'. 5. e:. " 8. g. 10. ii. lZ. 13. 14, f S. 16. What is the insists on? on.life presented by this story? 1'l. what are the two different perspectives middle position? ugly an in caught iB. Wtrat makes Jack feel' I ': -' -' Long- Questions: - '1 : . ---' 1. Describe Jack's art of story-telling'as told by Jack in this chapter? 2, Na.,ate the story of Roger Skunk 3. Comment on the two different persilectives as slrown in tlris story? 7 ('*
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