S Target Shooting 0845 300 1818 – an Olympic sport.

Target Shooting
Item Code FS120004 Mar/11 Edition no 8 (103718)
The Rules of the Scout Association with regard to
shooting with Firearms are set out in the
Association‘s Policy, Organisation and Rules.
Anyone proposing to arrange shooting as a Scout
activity must be familiar with these Rules and with
the relevant Law. The person taking charge of the
activity as the ―Range Officer‖ must hold an
appropriate national governing body qualification.
The purpose of this factsheet is to help Leaders
arrange target shooting activities and to facilitate
discussion of the issues associated with target
shooting. Examples of related activities not
involving firearms and suitable for a wider age
range are also included.
What is a Firearm?
The term ―Firearm‖ is defined in Section 57 of the
Firearms Act 1968. This defines a firearm as a
lethal barrelled weapon capable of the discharge
of any shot, bullet or other missile. So, in order to
be classed as a firearm, an object must be a
weapon, it must have a barrel through which
some kind of missile is fired and the effect of the
missile on the target must be potentially lethal.
Lethality is a complex issue but it is accepted that
a device not capable of inflicting ―a more than
trivial injury"— one in which only superficial
damage such as bruising occurs — will not be
classed as a Firearm. Most air rifles and air pistols
are capable of inflicting a lethal injury and so are
Firearms. The Rules regarding shooting in POR
apply only to the use of Firearms as defined in
law. However, many of the underlying principles
should be applied to target shooting games with
non-lethal equipment to ensure safety and to
encourage young people to develop a good safety
0845 300 1818
Target Shooting – an Olympic sport.
Target shooting is an Olympic sport, and one in
which the United Kingdom has an excellent
record. Success requires concentration and the
disciplined control of both mind and body. It is a
sport in which young and old, male and female,
can compete together and which is available to
many people to whom a lot of sport is
inaccessible, for example those who are blind or
in wheelchairs.
Types of Target Shooting recognised as
Scout Activity
Target shooting with airguns (air rifles and air
pistols) is the most accessible form of the sport
and it is possible to set up a safe airgun range in
almost any Scout Headquarters. Shooting is
typically on indoor ranges either 6 yards or 10
metres long. The relevant National Governing
Body is the National Small-Bore Rifle Association
(NSRA), Lord Roberts Centre, Bisley Camp,
Woking, Surrey, GU24 0NP. Tel: 0845 130 6772.
Outdoor shooting at reactive targets is also a
recognised air rifle discipline. Known as Field
Target shooting, it is usually conducted under the
auspices of the British Field Target Association
(BFTA), P.O. Box 2242, Reading, Berks, RG7
5YY. The BFTA is affiliated to the NSRA. The
distances involved will typically vary between 7
and 50 metres. Specific rules for the conduct of
target shooting with airguns as a Scout-led activity
are contained in POR.
The use of small-bore rifles (usually firing .22inch
rimfire cartridges) is also governed by the NSRA
through a system of affiliated clubs. Small-bore
rifle clubs that meet a stringent set of criteria are
The Scout Association
Gilwell Park Chingford London E4 7QW Tel + 44 (0)20 8433 7100 Fax + 44 (0)20 8433 7103 email info.centre@scouts.org.uk www.scouts.org.uk
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approved for this purpose by the Secretary of
State for the relevant Government Department
(The Home Office, The Scottish Office, and the
Northern Ireland Office as appropriate to the part
of the UK). Scouts may practice target shooting as
a member or guest of one of these ―Home Office‖
approved clubs. Small-bore rifles are very much
more powerful than air rifles and the ranges on
which they are used by approved clubs will have
been inspected for safety by the military, the
NSRA or the NRA and will have a range safety
certificate issued by one of these authorities.
These ranges may be indoors or outdoors and will
usually be from 15 yards to 100 metres in length.
Clubs carrying out target shooting with full power
rifles and muzzle-loading pistols must be
approved for this purpose by the Secretary of
State for the relevant Government Department.
Scouts may practice target shooting as a member
or guest of one of these ―Home Office‖ approved
clubs. Shooting is generally outdoors over
distances from 50 to1200 yards. Ranges are
inspected for safety by the military authorities or
the NRA and will have a range safety certificate.
The national governing body is the National Rifle
Association (NRA), Bisley Camp, Brookwood,
Woking, Surrey, GU24 0PB. Tel: 01483 797777.
Clay Pigeon Shooting is target shooting with
shotguns at moving targets. It is an outdoor
activity. The target is a ―clay‖ – a disc projected
into the air or along the ground from a ―trap‖ and
which breaks when hit. The national governing
body is the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association
(CPSA), Edmonton House, Bisley Camp,
Brookwood, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0NP Tel:
01483 485400. Scouts may participate in clay
pigeon shooting under the standards and controls
of the CPSA. Assurance that these standards are
being applied is most readily achieved by
participation in the activity as a member or guest
of an affiliated club.
There are several other national bodies
associated with the shooting sports. The Muzzle
Loaders‘ Association of Great Britain is concerned
with muzzle-loading rifles and pistols. The Great
Britain Target Shooting Federation is an ―umbrella
organisation‖ for International target shooting and
the British Association for Shooting and
Conservation is the UK representative body for
country shooting. All of these bodies issue
Association in range safety and the proficient use
of firearms (see below).
The use of firearms on Service premises under
the supervision of an authorised member of the
armed forces, such as may take place on a
military ―open day‖ is permissible as a Scout
activity. The range management qualifications
issued by HM armed forces and UK Police forces
are recognised by The Scout Association.
The Debate – Is Shooting Suitable?
The possibility of parental or any local sensitivity
to the activity needs to be taken into account
when planning to incorporate target shooting into
the Scout programme. The use of guns in sport
can raise issues which it may be helpful for the
young people to discuss prior to participation in
the activity. The following is a brief summary of
the points for and against which may help in
The case for
Target shooting brings forward many virtues.
Guns are potentially dangerous and any young
person participating will need to learn and apply
the safety rules. By this means they should gain
an understanding of the need for an appropriate
safety culture in the handling of dangerous
equipment in general. Strong self discipline is
required for undertaking shooting and a great deal
of co-ordination is required in the aiming and firing
process, which also requires a great deal of
concentration, patience and self control.
Dedication is required to improve the shooting
posture and so improve shooting technique and
gain better scores. All of these virtues are of great
benefit in the development of a young person.
Shooting allows those who are less physically
able to participate and gain the self esteem from
competing on equal terms with physically able
young people. Many other sporting disciplines,
such as archery, throwing the javelin, parachuting,
gliding and orienteering, exploit present or former
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military skills and their adoption as sports in which
friendly competition takes place at international
level is a positive contribution to world peace.
The case against
Historically, the one purpose of a gun was to kill or
incapacitate a fellow human being or animal.
Although guns nowadays tend to be used in a
sporting context, it does not alter the fact. In
America, the gun culture is proving very hard to
break. A gun culture is starting to grow within this
country and it is not sensible that The Scout
Association should assist by allowing Scouts to
participate in shooting. Scouting is not a military
organisation but by far and away the greatest
users of guns are the military. We should not,
therefore, even contemplate their use. Within the
spiritual development of young people which
Scouting aims to encourage, shooting does not fit
well and we should therefore not offer the
opportunity to handle guns. In aiming to work
towards a peaceful future there is no place in the
world for guns and, therefore, training in guns,
even air guns for sporting purposes, is
Safety culture
Target shooting has an excellent safety record,
with one of the lowest accident rates of all
Olympic sports. This may seem surprising in view
of the obvious hazards associated with the
handling of firearms but it is because the hazards
are so obvious that shooters have an excellent
safety culture. It must be stressed to all
newcomers to the sport that ultimately safety is
the personal responsibility of the shooter for on
the firing point firer, firearm and ammunition must
all come together. It is this necessary and very
visible concern for safety which gives target
shooting such a high training value for the
development of young people.
Age considerations
The law does not stipulate a minimum age for the
handling of firearms under supervision and on
private premises. However, it is a key principle of
the Scout Association‘s Rules for all activities that
they should be appropriate to the maturity and
ability of each participant and that equipment
should be of the appropriate size. The size of gun
is very significant. Young people do not benefit
from being invited to ―have a go‖ with an air rifle
which is far too big for them. This sets them up to
fail with the result that they may easily be put off
the activity.
The mental maturity of potential participants is
even more important because this is a matter of
safety. They must be capable of understanding
the need for the safety rules and the rules
themselves. They must be willing to obey them.
They must also be able to distinguish reality from
the fantasy or ―play‖ world of ―Cowboys and
Indians‖ and understand the very real
responsibilities of being entrusted with a firearm.
It has been suggested that for most children this
occurs at some time between the ages of 8 and
10. The responsibility for inviting young people to
take part in target shooting as a Scout activity
rests with the Leaders who know them well and
can judge their fitness to take part.
Parental Consent
For those under the age of 18 years it is a
requirement of POR that written parental consent
is gained prior to the activity. Details of the
particular form of shooting should be given with as
much detail as practicable. This will help parents
and the young people themselves to decide
whether they consider the activity to be suitable
for them. For some, the shooting of an air gun
may be considered acceptable but not the
shooting of a cartridge firearm. Others may
consider the use of target rifles of all calibres
acceptable but not air pistols. Such parental
opinions must be respected.
Section 21 of the 1968 Firearms Act prohibits the
possession of a firearm and ammunition by any
person who has been convicted of a crime and
sentenced to a term of imprisonment or its
equivalent for young persons of 3 months or
The prohibition applies in all circumstances and to
all categories of firearms and ammunition
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including those such as airguns or shot cartridges
for which a certificate is not needed.
A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5
year prohibition, shorter ones no prohibition but a
longer one means a life ban.
Although not strictly a legal requirement, it is good
practice to obtain a declaration that participants
are not prohibited persons under Section 21 of the
1968 Firearms Act.
It may conveniently be
combined with the parental consent. This
declaration should also be obtained from any
adults who may be invited to participate in or
assist with the activity. A specimen form indicating
the activity information that should be supplied
and sought is attached to this Factsheet. The
spaces for administrative information are not
intended to be prescriptive but are provided for
the convenience of those who wish to photocopy
the form rather than produce their own.
 Prior permission in writing from the person
authorised to be in charge of the premises or
camp site where the shooting is to take place
 Adequate arrangements for the security of the
firearms when not in use (including whilst in
At least one suitably qualified Instructor,
preferably several, will be required to actually run
the activity.
The list of qualifications recognised by the Scout
Association, a brief guide to the relevant Law (in
England) and advice on security are contained
elsewhere in this Factsheet.
To arrange target shooting with small-bore or fullbore target rifles or with muzzle loading rifles and
pistols, or clay pigeon shooting contact your local
club or the relevant national governing body
(listed above).
How to arrange the activity
Range Conducting Officer Qualifications
For most, the starting point will be an air rifle
range at a Scout HQ or campsite. Many Scout
Counties/Areas will have an Activities team who
can provide the necessary qualified instructors
and equipment. If no local back-up of this type is
available a local rifle club may be able to help.
The NSRA will be happy to put you in contact with
clubs. Note that the guidance about airgun
shooting given in this Factsheet applies to Great
Britain but NOT to Northern Ireland, where
airguns are subject to additional legal controls,
essentially those applicable to small-bore rifle
shooting in the rest of the UK.
Holders of any of the following qualifications may
supervise the shooting of airguns as a Scout
Delivering air rifle and air pistol shooting as Scout
activities independently at Group or Unit level or
by a Campsite needs the following before the air
guns may be brought onto the relevant premises:
Great Britain Target Shooting Federation:
Coach Educator,
National Coach,
Regional Coach,
County Coach,
Club Coach.
National Rifle Association:
Club Instructor,
Cadet Adult Instructor,
Range Conducting Officer;
Range Conducting Officer Assessor.
 Knowledge of the relevant Law on the part of the
Group Scout Leader, District Explorer Scout
Commissioner or Campsite Manager as
National Small-bore Rifle Association:
Youth Proficiency Scheme Tutor,
Youth Proficiency Scheme Tutor Trainer,
Range Conducting Officer,
Club Instructor (Rifle, Pistol or Airgun)
NSRA Club Coach,
NSRA County Coach.
 Prior permission in writing from the home
District/County Commissioner
The Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain:
Approved Instructor.
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British Association for Shooting and Conservation:
Airgun Coach.
H.M. Armed Forces and the cadet forces (SCC,
ACF, CCF and ATC):
Range Conducting Officer.
Police Forces:
Range Conducting Officer.
It should be noted that many of these
qualifications relate to the use of firearms very
much more powerful than airguns. Accordingly,
their holders will be very well versed in range
safety generally but some may be unfamiliar with
the range design principles necessary to
overcome the specific hazard of short range
airgun shooting – that of ―bounce-back‖ from the
stop butt. The attention of those whose training
and experience do not include airgun range
construction should be drawn to the relevant
section in this factsheet (below) or to the Codes of
Practice on this subject issued by the military
authorities and the NSRA if they will be setting up
ranges ―from scratch‖ as opposed to operating
only on ranges of proven safe construction.
The use of “Range Assistants” or “Safety
Qualified Range Officers may be assisted in the
running of the range by others who need not hold
formal qualifications. This is encouraged as a
means of developing young people in taking
responsibility for the activity and its administration.
These people must operate within their
"demonstrated competence" as determined by the
qualified person taking responsibility for the range.
"Range Assistants" do things not involving the
direct supervision of the shooters on the range such as marshalling people, counting pellets,
changing targets and scoring.
―Safety Supervisors‖ need a higher degree of
competence as shooters. They can be used to
provide close supervision of shooters while on the
range, it being understood that they operate at all
times under the overall supervision of the Range
Officer. They can help the shooter interpret the
range officer's instructions into actions such as
loading, aiming, firing, making visibly safe. They
can provide the close supervision that may be
needed to ensure a beginner "keeps it pointing
down the range".
The degree of supervision needed will be
influenced by many factors, most notably the
competence of the shooters concerned, and is at
the absolute discretion of the qualified Range
Types of Target:
Most target shooting is carried out using paper
targets. For most disciplines the targets have
circular aiming marks and concentric scoring rings
but other geometrical designs may be
encountered and are acceptable for Scout use.
The use of targets representing human beings or
animals is not permitted as a part of any Scout
activity, nor on property owned or leased by, or
used in the name of, the Scout Movement.
Modern purpose built airgun and small-bore
ranges may have electronic target systems where
the scoring is achieved automatically, displayed
on the firing point and printed at a central console.
In addition, there are a number of types of
reactive targets available for airgun shooting.
These will generally ―fall when hit‖ providing
―instant feedback‖ to the shooter and to spectators
and can be very enjoyable to use. They may be
obtained as sets of targets in a box or frame
intended for indoor use or as individual targets to
be set out on the ground outside for ―Field Target‖
shooting. Both types of target are available in
geometric shapes and these are acceptable for
use by Scouts and on Scout property subject to
compliance with the relevant range construction
The Construction of Airgun Ranges
Airgun ranges to be used by Scouts or on Scout
premises must have been properly constructed to
comply with the guidelines issued by the National
Small-Bore Rifle Association or the National Rifle
Association and with any bye- laws relevant to the
location of the range. These guidelines derive
from the criteria for Airgun Range Construction
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contained within the Ministry of Defence Joint
Services Publication 403 Volume II. The following
notes are intended for the information of those
who may be asked to authorise the construction of
a range on premises under their control and for
Range Officers whose training and qualifications
relate to firearms other than airguns.
The principal danger peculiar to airgun shooting is
that of pellets bouncing back from striking a hard
or reflective surface near the target area.
Indoor Ranges
A suggested range layout for an Indoor Range is
attached to this factsheet. On indoor ranges each
target will be mounted in a holder with a pellet
catcher designed to trap the pellet and to
withstand repeated impact. The range should be
constructed with a backstop to prevent damage to
walls and fixtures from the occasional shot that
misses the target holder and pellet catcher. Safe
backstop materials are those which:
 Totally resist the pellet, causing it to lose all its
energy in deforming – examples are a heavy steel
plate or a thin steel sheet mounted directly in
contact with a rigid material such as chipboard - or
 Decelerate the pellet and dissipate its energy –
examples are loosely hanging sheets of carpet or
heavy canvas (which may be made even more
effective by suspending two pieces about three
inches (70mm) apart - or
 Allow initial penetration followed by deceleration
and expansion – examples are combination
materials forming a sandwich such as
hardboard/expanded polystyrene/ chipboard.
Backstops of the last two design types should be
inspected regularly as they will deteriorate in use.
The following materials are generally NOT safe to
use on their own for the reasons shown:
 Hardboard – penetration
 Thin steel sheet – penetration
 Chipboard – vicious rebound
 Timber (hardwood) - vicious rebound
 Timber (softwood) – unpredictable rebound.
Purpose made pellet catchers and target holders
are commercially available and their use is
recommended. However, acceptable temporary
target holders can be made from large cardboard
boxes filled with newspapers, magazines, bits of
carpet etc.
A properly constructed airgun range is one that
does not present a significant rebound hazard.
Ranges that do should not be used. Accordingly
there should be no need for individual eye
protection by shooters or range staff. A range of
new construction should be tested for rebound
before being used by young people. This test
should be repeated after backstop renewal.
During this testing, eye protection should be worn.
Air pistols have a lower permitted energy limit
than air rifles and the lower pellet energy means
that rebound (as opposed to penetration) is more
probable from certain types of backstop. Ranges
on which air pistols are to be used should
therefore be tested for rebound with air pistols as
well as air rifles.
Outdoor Ranges
Outdoor airgun ranges may be constructed either
with or without a stop butt. For those with a stop
butt, similar rebound considerations apply as for
indoor ranges. In addition, the absence of a roof
could allow an accidental shot at high elevation to
go over the top of the stop butt and consideration
should be given to operating a full danger area
template. The danger area template for airgun
ranges without an effective stop butt is shown in
the diagram at the back of the factsheet.
POR Rules concerning airgun shooting other than
as an activity of a Home Office Approved club
specifically limits calibre to .177 inch or less. The
reasons for this are as follows:
 For target shooting at paper targets a standard
calibre is used to enable fair competition (all
pellets make similar sized holes); .177inch is the
internationally recognised calibre for this purpose.
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 .22inch is the calibre of choice for shooting at live
quarry. Target shooting is recognised as a Scout
activity; shooting at live quarry is not.
of each vehicle, such as a car boot. If a choice of
several vehicles is available, choose those with
alarms fitted.
 The maximum permitted muzzle energy for air
rifles not requiring a Firearms Certificate is 12
ftlbf, regardless of calibre. .22 air rifles are
generally made with muzzle energies near this
limit so that they are most effective against live
quarry. The muzzle energy of a .177-inch air rifle
designed for target shooting at 6yds or 10 metres
may be around half this value, with a resultant
lower potential for harm in the event of an
Remember that security ―under lock and key‖ is
only as good as the security of the keys. Keys
protecting guns must be protected to the same
standards as if they were the guns themselves
and not left accessible to young people.
 A typical .177 pellet will lose its energy through
aerodynamic drag more quickly than a .22 pellet
of the same muzzle energy. This means that over
longer distances a negligent ―loose shot‖ with a
.177 pellet presents a lesser hazard in the event
of an accident.
Pellet type
POR Rules also specify that the pellets used must
be ‗diabolo shaped‘ and of soft deformable metal
such as lead. This is to minimise the risks of
―bounce-back‖ from the target area. Tests have
shown that pellets of some other types, notably
steel BB and plastic ―Zaps‖, rebound badly from
traditional steel target boxes.
It is a legal requirement to keep airguns secure
when not in use. They are attractive to young
people, who may not fully appreciate their
potential to cause injury, even death.
Unsupervised access by young people must be
effectively prevented. This will involve keeping
airguns under lock and key when not in use. For
permanent storage in an HQ or campsite a
dedicated and robust cupboard or other container
fixed in a permanent lockable building is
recommended. Its purpose should not be
apparent from the outside. It is good practice to
store airguns and pellets separately.
Where there is no practicable alternative to short
term storage in vehicles, guns and pellets should
be hidden, preferably in a separately locked area
Target Shooting activities not involving
Archery is the subject of a separate Rule in POR
and has its own Factsheet (FS120406).
Some airguns, those of the type generally referred
to as "airsoft" guns, have muzzle energies well
below the level at which (on the basis of expert
advice from the Forensic Science Service) a
penetrating injury can occur. Because of this they
do not fit the definition of a firearm and do not
come under the control of the Firearms Act. Use
of "airsoft" and similar guns by Scouts lies outside
the scope of the POR Rule on ―Shooting with
firearms‖ and is subject to the general rules
relating to risk assessment. A direct hit from very
close range would cause bruising and such guns
should never be fired at living people or at
animals. Range safety rules should be followed so
that users learn good habits.
Members of the Scout Movement may not take
part in ―Paintball games‖ as a Scout activity but
may take part in Target Shooting using Paintball
Laser Clay Pigeon ―shooting‖ is a laser game and
is not a firearms activity. POR Rules require that
parental permission is obtained and the activity is
included on the sample form attached to this
Factsheet for the convenience of users.
Other “Accuracy” games
There are many ―accuracy‖ games which develop
the basic skills of target shooting. They may be
played with balls, Frisbees etc and many are
suitable for very young children.
Home Office Memorandum http://www.parliament.the-stationeryoffice.co.uk/pa/cm199900/cmselect/cmhaff/95/95ap05.htm
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An example suitable for Beavers would be to play
a target practice game. Mark a target on the floor
and teams take it in turns to slide a plastic dish
across the floor on to the target.
Alternatively, try throwing a soft ball at a target
such as a bucket or chair to try and hit it.
Members from Cub age upwards will enjoy forms
of ―crazy golf‖ or putting played with golf
equipment (use the light plastic balls indoors!).
Water pistols can be used for accuracy games. In
pairs, try to force a hole through a stretched out
piece of kitchen roll or toilet paper using water
pistols. The pistols must not go over a marked
line. This works best on a table top.
Discussion and Debate
Debating an issue in a formal manner offers
training value both in logical thinking and in public
speaking. The use of firearms for sporting
purposes is a suitable subject for debate by
Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Some of the
arguments for and against have been set out
above. A ―set piece‖ debate can be held in which
Members represent the views of various interest
groups such as the anti-gun lobby and the
shooting organisations. Examples of the cases
―for‖ and ―against‖ target shooting are given in this
Factsheet and critical analysis of these could form
the basis for discussion. The value of the exercise
is increased if Members are given sufficient
advance notice to be able to research more
thoroughly the views they are to represent. The
rest of the Unit forms the ―studio audience‖ and
votes on the proposition both ―before‖ and ―after‖
the debate to enable the speakers to see what
influence they have had on the opinion of others.
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Activity Information and Parental Permission Form – Shooting
Written parental permission is needed before a young person can take part in this activity
Upper section to be completed by Leader.
Lower section to be filled in by parent or guardian and returned to Leader.
Name of Unit or Section:
Activity Information: (please tick the appropriate box)
Air rifle shooting 
Clay pigeon shooting  Rifle shooting
Air pistol shooting 
Shotguns on a range  Laser clay shooting
Other (please specify): __________________________________________________________
Date or period ____________________________________________________________________
Administrative Information:
Start Time ________________________
Finish Time _______________
Place: ___________________________
Is transport provided? YES/NO
Cost ____________________ Cheque payable to________________________________________
Additional information
Emergency contact telephone No._____________________________________________________
Leader: ________________________ Contact details: ____________________________________
If any additional information is required please do not hesitate to contact the Leader of the activity.
Parent or Guardian's consent
I, being the parent/guardian of the person named below, declare that he/she is not subject to
restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (which applies only to persons who have
served a term of imprisonment or youth custody) and give permission for:
_________________________________________________(name of young person) to take part in
________________________________________________________________(proposed activity )
Please state if he/she has a disability or medical condition relevant to this activity:
Please indicate details of any medical treatment they are receiving at the moment:
I am able/unable to provide transport (delete as appropriate)
I enclose a fee of _____________________
Contact details in the event of an emergency: __________________________________________
________________________________________________Tel: ___________________________
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Extracts from the Firearms Act 1968
„Section 21‟
A person who has been sentenced (to custody for life or) to preventive detention, or to
imprisonment or to corrective training for a term of three years or more (or to youth custody (or
detention in a young offender institution) for such a term), or who has been sentenced to be
detained for such a term in a young offenders institution in Scotland, shall not at any time have a
firearm or ammunition in his possession.
A person who has been sentenced ….. to imprisonment for a term of three months or more but less
than three years ( or to youth custody ( or detention in a young offender institution) for such a term),
or who has been sentenced to be detained for such a term in a detention centre or in a young
offenders institution In Scotland, shall not at any time before the expiration of the period of five
years from the date of his release have a firearm or ammunition in his possession.
This means:
Section 21 prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances), by any
person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or its equivalent for
young persons) of 3 months or more. The prohibition applies in all circumstances, including handling and
firing at an approved shooting club or at a clay pigeon shoot where a certificate is not ordinarily required. It
also applies to the possession or use of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS
or shot cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.
A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5 year prohibition, shorter ones no prohibition but a longer
one means a life ban.
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Range Layout Diagrams
1. Indoor Range:
Notes on the Indoor Range
This diagram is indicative only.
6 yards is the minimum
distance for safe airgun
Security of the area in front of
the firing points is vital. Any
doors in front of the shooters‘
table must NOT be capable of
being opened from the outside.
It is desirable to have a
separate area where shooters
may be briefed before entering
the range.
2. Outdoor Range Danger Area Template:
Notes on the Outdoor Range
Danger Area Template:
The entire Danger Area must
be secured and should be
overseen by the Range Officer.
The original template in the
Code of Practice is expressed
partly in angular units and is
shown here converted to
wholly linear units for the
convenience of users.
Lines of Sight must be below
the horizontal (i.e. targets
below muzzles)
These dimensions relate to
horizontal ground.
Note that the Range Danger
Area extends 120 metres from
the Firing points.
Down-range distances
increase if the ground falls
beyond the targets and may be
reduced if the ground rises
beyond them.
If all Lines of Sight are parallel, The Danger Area width is:
o equal to the Range Width plus 68 metres at 50 metres from the Firing Points
o equal to the Range Width plus 74 metres at 88 metres from the Firing Points
o equal to the Range Width plus 19 metres at 120 metres from the Firing Points.