2015 Summer Catalog Dawson Education Cooperative “Serving the Schools, Serving the Children” Dawson Professional Development Highlights Summer 2015 LITERACY June 10-11 Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Grades 2-4 (ELF) Karen Taylor June 16 Analyzing DIBELS Data to Make Instructional Decisions Karen Taylor June 16 Media Mania-Using Video, Lyrics, and Songs in Mid-Secondary English April McGhee; Leslie Travis June 16-17 The Daily Five (Literacy AND Math) Corby Scully; Kimberly Turner June 17-18 Comprehensive Literacy 4-5 (ELF) Tammy Boyette June 18 Assessments for Literacy K-2 (interventions tied to those assessments) Robin Phelan June 18 Creating Text Dependent Addicts with Text Dependent Questions, K-5 Karen Taylor June 22 Dyslexia & Phonics 101 Jill Sullivan June 23 Literacy and Mathematics: A GREAT Partnership (K-3) Robin Phelan; Cindy McAfee June 30 Literacy in the CTE Classroom Gayanne Coleman June 30 K-1 Word Study Robin Phelan; Karen Taylor July 2 Assessments for Literacy K-2 (interventions tied to those assessments) Robin Phelan July 7 Three Modes of Writing Tammy Boyette July 7-9 LDC Summer Training Gayanne Coleman July 13 4-8 Disciplinary Literacy (implementing new Soc. Studies standards) Karen Taylor July 14 The Daily Five (Literacy) Corby Scully; Kimberly Turner July 15 TESS Domain: Designing Coherent Instruction and Assessments Gayanne Coleman; Tammy Boyette July 16 Researching to Build and Present Knowledge K-5 Karen Taylor July 16 English/Language Arts and PARCC Assessment ADE Presenter July 20 There’s a Book for That! Robin Phelan July 21 The Daily Five Corby Scully; Kimberly Turner July 22-23 Picture Perfect: Connecting Literacy and Science Robin Phelan; Annette Brown July 23 Don’t Raise Your Voice, Improve Your Argument! (9-12 argumentative writing) Gayanne Coleman July 27-28 Am I Ready? (Curriculum Writing for SS, Science, CET and ELA: Units, Modules, and Pacing) Gayanne Coleman July 27-28 ELLA (Overview and Assessment) Robin Phelan July 29-30 Comprehensive Literacy (Grades 6-8) Tammy Boyette July 30 Multi-Sensory Instruction for Struggling Readers Karen Taylor August 4 Depending on the Text Gayanne Coleman; Tammy Boyette June 9 Digging the Past—Geo Tour Annette Brown June 15-16 Planning for New Science Standards: K-12 Introduction to 3-D Learning Annette Brown June 23-25 Transition to New AR Science Standards: Targeted Support for Elem. Teachers Annette Brown SCIENCE July 7-9 LDC for Science and CTE Annette Brown July 15 Connecting the Links, ADEQ Annette Brown July 16 Do the Rot Thing, ADEQ Annette Brown July 22-23 Picture Perfect: Connecting Literacy and Science Annette Brown: Robin Phelan July 27-28 Am I Ready? (Curriculum Writing for SS, Science, CET and ELA: Units, Modules, and Pacing) Gayanne Coleman August 4-5 Transitioning to New AR Science Standards: Putting Practice in Place Annette Brown June 9 In the Beginning: Effective Openings for Math Lessons, K-6 Cindy McAfee June 10-11 Data and Stats for Middle School Carrie Barber June 11 Happily Ever After: How to Effectively Close Quality Math Lessons, K-6 Cindy McAfee June 16 Got Questions? Carrie Barber June 16 You CAN Have It All: Teaching for Understanding and Fluency (K-6) Cindy McAfee June 17 Counting Collections (K-4) Cindy McAfee June 18 High School Vectors Carrie Barber June 18 Mathematics and PARCC Assessment ADE Presenter June 23 Literacy and Mathematics: A Great Partnership Cindy McAfee; Robin Phelan July 7-9 Mathematics Design Collaborative—MDC Cohort 3 Carrie Barber MATHEMATICS July 14 Unit Planning, MDC Year II Carrie Barber July 15 Writing Your Own FALS—MDC Year II Carrie Barber July 20-23 Bits and Pieces: Developing an Understanding of Fraction, 3-6 Cindy McAfee July 21 How’s Your PARCCing Lot? Carrie Barber July 23 Fear Factor: Problem Solving in Secondary Mathematics Carrie Barber July 29-30 Proof and Proving in High School Geometry Carrie Barber June 22 Beam Me Up, Scottie! Augmented Reality in the Content Areas Tonia McMillan June 23 Tiny Techs for K-2 Tonia McMillan June 24 AppFlows and the IPad (morning session) Tonia McMillan June 24 Appsmashing with Google Apps (afternoon session) Tonia McMillan June 25 Coding as Easy as 123! (morning session) Tonia McMillan June 25 Crack the Code! Gamification (afternoon session) Tonia McMillan July 2 ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! (morning session) Tonia McMillan July 6 Makerspaces in the Media Center Tonia McMillan July 13 Let the Computer Grade Them! (morning session) Leann Pinkerton July 13 Let the Computer Grade Them! (afternoon session) Leann Pinkerton TECHNOLOGY July 13 Technology in the Math Classroom Brad Launius July 13 Student GPS Dashboards and ASIS for System Administrators (morning) Katrina Craft July 13 Student GPS Dashboards and ASIS for School Leaders (afternoon session) Katrina Craft July 14 Today’s Tools You Can Use Tomorrow Chelsie Sturdivant July 14 Google in the Classroom (morning session) Jim Yeager July 14 Google in the Classroom (afternoon session) Jim Yeager July 15 Google in the Classroom: It’s Magic (morning session) Ashley Kincannon July 15 Google in the Classroom: It’s Magic (afternoon session) Ashley Kincannon July 15 Google Sheets and Forms for the Techie Teacher (morning session) Jill Heard July 15 Google Sheets and Forms for the Techie Teacher (afternoon session) Jill Heard July 15 Triand for System Administrators (morning session) Sarah Cox July 15 Triand for Counselors and Registrars (afternoon session) Sarah Cox July 16 Social Media in Schools: A Comprehensive Approach Tyler Tarver July 16 Triand for Teachers (morning session) Sarah Cox CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION TBA 419 Endorsement Training Millie Aaron June 11 Drug Awareness Training for Counselors Paula Smith June 16 CTE Assignments Matter! April Shepherd June 18 Building CTE Digital Courses—Going Paperless! April Shepherd June 22 Social Media to Enhance and Expand Your CTE Classroom April Shepherd June 24 What is Your Technical Skill Attainment Data Telling You? April Shepherd June 25 Grief Counseling for Counselors Angela Kathman June 30 Applying Effective Literacy Strategies in the CTE Classroom Gayanne Coleman July 2 CTE and the Common Core April Shepherd June 15 AR Novice Teacher Mentoring Tammy Boyette; Karen Taylor June 16-17 SREB Transition Courses (Literacy Ready and Math Ready) SREB Trainer June 18 Mathematics and PARCC Assessment ADE Presenter June 22 Dyslexia & Phonics 101 Jill Sullivan June 24 ESL Standards, Handbook, ELPA Miguel Hernandez, ADE June 25 or 26 TESS Support Training (calibration) Diann Gathright July 6 AR Novice Teacher Mentoring Tammy Boyette; Cindy McAfee July 13 Accelerate Your Classroom with Free Technology “EAST for Teachers” Dondi Jackson July 16 English/Language Arts and PARCC Assessment ADE Presenter MISCELLANEOUS July 28 AR Novice Teacher Mentoring Tammy Boyette; Karen Taylor June 8-9 Pre-AP Mathematics TBA June 8-9 Pre-AP Science TBA June 8-9 Pre-AP English/Social Studies TBA FINE ARTS: ART, MUSIC, PHYSICAL EDUCATION June 15 Mi Picasso es Su Picasso! Stephanie Smith – Smithzonian June 16 Basic Injury Care and Prevention Course (8:30-11:30) Terry DeWitt – OBU Sturgis Bldg., 406-A June 16 AHA’s CPR with AED and First Aid Course: Heart Saver (1:30-4:30) Terry DeWitt – OBU Sturgis Bldg., 406-A June 17 Basic Injury Care and Prevention Course (8:30-11:30) Terry DeWitt – OBU Sturgis Bldg., 406-A June 17 AHA’s CPR with AED and First Aid Course: Heart Saver (1:30-4:30) Terry DeWitt—OBU Sturgis Bldg., 406A June 17 Make Music and Move! Kara Stokke June 22 Magnificent Methods of Matisse! Stephanie Smith – Smithzonian June 29 The Dali News! Stephanie Smith – Smithzonian July 6 Marilyns, and Campbell’s, and Cokes Oh My! Stephanie Smith – Smithzonian July 13 New Fine Arts Frameworks Training ADE-TBA SOCIAL STUDIES July 16 Using the State Capitol to Teach Lisa Watson July 20 Teaching Without the Textbook Will Heatherly July 21 Social Studies Framework Training ADE-TBA July 21 Physical Geography Will Heatherly July 22 Cultural Geography Will Heatherly July 23 Critical Thinking Geography Will Heatherly June 15 Autism: Until the Pieces Fit Brandi Shinn June 22 One Size Fits All…Whatever! Brandi Shinn June 24 Behavior Tools Basic Kris Shinn June 24 If Your Lips are Moving Brandi Shinn SPECIAL EDUCATION NOTE: The above list of workshops highlights trainings offered in high usage content areas. This is NOT a complete list of summer trainings offered at Dawson Education Service Cooperative during summer 2015. Refer to escWorks for the complete list of offerings. Dawson Education Service Cooperative 242311 - 242312 DSC Strategies to Enhance Health Education Instruction and Student Learning Subject(s): Health Audience(s): Staff,Counselors Description: This interactive, hands on workshop will provide participants with knowledge of their own learning and teaching styles, and will provide strategies that will enhance learning for teachers and their students. Information will be linked to the Arkansas Health Education Framework and to the Common Core Standards. Goals: 1. Participants will understand the importance of varied teaching strategies and student learning styles. 2. Participants will increase their understanding of the link between brain research and student learning. 3. Participants will obtain hands-on classroom activities that can be used with students For more information on this workshop call Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Kathleen Courtney Location: Date(s): Time: Malvern SD-Safe Room at Central Admin Bldg Jun 2, 2015 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 5.00 Registration Fee: $0 246715 - 246718 DSC Mental Health in the School Setting Subject(s): Audience(s): PreK-12,School Nurse Description: This workshop is about understanding mental health in the school age child and will look at four commonly diagnosed disorders, reasons for the increase in mental health diagnosis, and addressing the symptoms versus addressing the person. For more information on this workshop, please contact Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Nicki Weatherly Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 4, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 246753 - 246756 DSC Pediatric Assessment Subject(s): Health Audience(s): PreK,School Nurse Description: This workshop will give an overview of how to perform a pediatric assessment in the school setting and will discuss abnormal findings. For more information, call Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Emilee Vaught, RN, DHS Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 4, 2015 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 246721 - 246724 DSC Children with Special Health Care Needs; A Review of the Federal Laws Impacting Students and the School Nurse’s Role in Development and Implementation of Individual Health Care Plans Subject(s): Health Audience(s): PreK-12,School Nurse Description: This workshop will identify laws impacting healthcare needs of Special needs students, explain how the IHP impacts the student’s learning and how to incorporate it into the IEP . Understand and recognize eligible diagnoses and the Guiding Principles of the IEP process. For more information, please contact Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Cheryl Lindly Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 5, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 1 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247420 - 247421 DSC Transitioning Special Needs Students to the Adult Setting Subject(s): Health Audience(s): PreK-12,School Nurse Description: This presentation addresses how the Department of Human Services works to transition people with special needs from the school setting to an adult setting. Questions and Answer session on Special Health Care Needs . For more information on this workshop, please contact Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Cheryl Lindly Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 5, 2015 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 1.50 Registration Fee: $0 241469 - 241470 DSC 419 Endorsement Training Subject(s): Audience(s): 5,6 Description: 419 Endorsement Professional Development is designed for AR 5 & 6th teachers to teach technology integrated into courses across the curriculum. 355910 Input Technologies (40 minutes/week to equal total 1440 total minutes per year) Licensure required to teach this course: 224, 250 or 419 Credit: Grade Level: 5 or 6th Input Technologies is a course designed to provide students with the necessary foundation skills to be successful in a technology enriched world. The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is forty minutes per week or its equivalent during the school year. 366910 Technology Communications (40 minutes/week to equal total 1440 total minutes per year) Licensure required to teach this course: 224, 250 or 419 Credit: Grade Level: 5 or 6th Technology Communications is a course that continues to develop the technology skills learned in the 5th grade. Word processing skills will be expanded as well as the introduction to basic spreadsheet functions and manipulation. The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is forty minutes per week or its equivalent during the school year. For more information on this workshop, please contact Janie Freeman or April Shepherd. Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Simmon's Technology Lab in HGSD High School Jun 8, 9, 10, 2015 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 247706 - 247712 DSC Pre-AP Math Subject(s): G/T,Mathematics Audience(s): 5-8,9-12 Description: Pre-AP strategies for Mathematics, Science, and English/Social Sciences will be presented by trained professionals from College Boards. This training will allow teachers to receive their official certificates and qualify them through ADE . There is a $250.00 registration fee for non-consortium schools. This will cover the book and manual. There will be a $100 fee for Pre-AP training manuals and books for all participants. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): College Board Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 8, 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Page 2 of 56 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $100 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247717 - 247721 DSC Pre-AP Science Subject(s): G/T,Science Audience(s): 5-8,9-12 Description: Pre-AP strategies for Mathematics, Science, and English/Social Sciences will be presented by trained professionals from College Boards. This training will allow teachers to receive their official certificates and qualify them through ADE . There is a $250.00 registration fee for non-consortium schools. This will cover the book and manual. There will be a $100 fee for Pre-AP training manuals and books for all participants. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): College Board Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 8, 9, 2015 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $100 247725 - 247726 DSC Pre-AP English/Social Science Subject(s): G/T,Social Sciences Audience(s): 5-8,9-12 Description: Pre-AP strategies for Mathematics, Science, and English/Social Sciences will be presented by trained professionals from College Boards. This training will allow teachers to receive their official certificates and qualify them through ADE . There is a $250.00 registration fee for non-consortium schools. This will cover the book and manual. There will be a $100 fee for Pre-AP training manuals and books for all participants. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): College Board Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 8, 9, 2015 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $100 Page 3 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 238972 - 238974 DSC Flipped Classroom Session with Jon Bergmann Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: Jonathan Bergmann is considered one of the pioneers in the Flipped Class Movement. He is co-author of the books, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day and Flipped Learning – Gateway to Student Engagement. Jon believes educators should ask one guiding question: What is best for my students in my classroom? To the best of his abilities he has done this in his twenty-four years as a high school science teacher. He received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010. He serves on the advisory board of TED Education. He hosts “The Flip Side,” a radio show which tells the stories of Flipped Educators. He is the father of three and is happily married to the love of his life. He blogs at jonbergmann.com. 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-11:30 Welcome and General Session with Break Lunch 12:30- 4:30 Breakout Sessions will include, but not be Limited to, the following: The Nuts and Bolts of a Flipped-Mastery Classroom In a Flipped-Mastery Classroom, students work through the curriculum in a flexible-paced manner where they are expected to master key objectives. It creates an individualized learning experience for each student while still happening in the typical classroom setting. This type of course, at first, seems daunting. Jon will explain the key components to the Flipped-Mastery classroom and how to move towards a student-centric mastery classroom. The Many Faces of the Flipped Classroom There is not just ONE way to flip a classroom. Learn how teachers from all disciplines and all levels can flip their classes. Jon will take you on a tour of teachers who have embraced flipped learning. The bulk of the presentation will be devoted to sharing how different teachers are utilizing flipped learning techniques to answer our “one question” and transform the face to face time they have with their students. Teachers of all levels (K-College) and all disciplines will be di ***PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE GET ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL BEFORE REGISTERING FOR THIS SESSION. DISTRICTS WILL BE BILLED $15.00 For LUNCH AFTER THE WORKSHOP.***For more information on this workshop call Paulette Blacknall at 870-230-5476. Facilitator: Paulette Blacknall Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: HSU Grand Ballroom at the Garrison Center 1045 McKnight Drive Arkadelphia Limit: 300 Credit: 6.00 Jun 9, 2015 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Registration Fee: $0 246288 - 246289 DSC Digging the Past – Field Trip Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): 3,4 Description: Fossils and bones takes children back in time hundreds of millions of years to when life was very different - a time when spiral shells and crab-like creatures swam the oceans, giant dragonflies flew among giant horsetail trees, and the land was stalked by huge reptiles with long necks and tails, terrifying teeth, and deadly horns. Did you know fossils can be found locally? Dress comfortably, bring some bug spray and pack a lunch because we will spend the day on an adventure searching for hidden treasures located right here in Arkadelphia and surrounding areas . This PD is designed to provide 3rd and 4th grade teachers an engaging learning experience, lessons and strategies that aide in teaching the learning expectations in the new Arkansas Science Standards. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Angela Chandler, Annette Brown Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 4 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247451 - 247454 DSC SPARK PE Curriculum Training, Grades 3-8 Subject(s): Physical Education Audience(s): 3-5,6-8 Description: SPARK is a research-based, evidence-based physical education program for teachers and recreation leaders that has a highly active curriculum. If participants have the SPARK curriculum at their school district , please bring the SPARK curriculum to the training, as the curriculum will not be included. For more information on this workshop call Audra Walters /Tanika Flannigan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: CODIE MALLOY Presenter(s): CODIE MALLOY, KELLY SPENCER Location: Date(s): Time: Jonesboro Public Schools, MacArther Junior High, 1615 Wilkins, Jonesboro, Credit: AR Limit: 25 6.00 Jun 9, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Registration Fee: $0 247458 - 247459 DSC SPARK PE Curriculum Training, Grades K-2 Subject(s): Physical Education Audience(s): K-2 Description: SPARK is a research-based, evidence-based physical education program for teachers and recreation leaders that has a highly active curriculum. If participants have the SPARK curriculum at their school district , please bring the SPARK curriculum to the training, as the curriculum will not be included. For more information on this workshop call Audra Walters /Tanika Middleton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: Martha Wilf Presenter(s): Martha Wilf Location: Date(s): Time: Jonesboro Public Schools, Visual Arts Magnet, 1804 Limit: Hillcrest AR 6.00 25 Drive, Jonesboro, Credit: Jun 9, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Registration Fee: $0 238321 - 238324 DSC School Wellness Committee Role in School Health Index Subject(s): Health Audience(s): Description: This workshop will discuss the role of school wellness committees in using the School Health Index (SHI) as well as information on completion of the SHI. Tobacco prevention resources and policy as well as injury prevention resources for school wellness programs will also be provided. For more information on this workshop call Tommie Rogers at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Tommie Rogers Presenter(s): Anna Haver Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 10, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 5 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244160 - 244161 DSC Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Grades 2 & 3 ELF Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 2,3,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Designed specifically for Grades 2-3 educators, this module identifies the critical components of a comprehensive literacy system, focuses on the unique instructional needs of the learner as related to literacy acquisition, explores setting the context for learning through instructional approaches that meet the needs of the learner, and provides the purposes and types of literacy assessments that when used appropriately will guide instructional decisions. This is a two-day revised ELF training for grades 2-3. No commitment is required for follow-up trainings. Participants will receive information on how to implement a reading/writing workshop. Required Text: Guiding Readers and Writers by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 10, 11, 2015 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $50 245281 - 245283 DSC Data and Statistics for Middle School Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 5-8,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: Teachers will examine the Data and Statistics standards progression from elementary school through high school to realize the significance of helping students understand basic statistical ideas in middle school. Participants in this workshop will learn more about using data and statistics in the real world and leave the workshop with resources for their classroom. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 10, 11, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $50 246472 - 246474 DSC In the Beginning: Effective Openings for Mathematics Lessons (GR K-6) Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): K-6,ParaProfessionals Description: We all know the importance of beginnings…that it’s all about the hook . During this session, participants will examine sources and methods for creating engaging openings that prompt mathematical inquiry. We will also examine what should take place between the Opening and Closing of an effective lesson . Participants will come away from this session with actual openings for some of their 2015-2016 lessons. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Bismarck Elementary School Jun 10, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 6 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244845 - 244846 DSC Drug Awareness Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12,Counselors Description: How do I know if a student is under the influence? How can I expect them to act? What do I do if I suspect a student is under the influence? How do I approach a parent/guardian? What are some resources for the student? For the family? This session will provide information about prescription and non-prescription drugs as well as other substances. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): PAULA SMITH Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 11, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 75 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246447 - 246468 DSC Happily Ever After: How to Effectively Close a Math Lesson (GR K-6) Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): K-6,ParaProfessionals Description: Do your math classes end with a bang, or just a fizzle? Do they feel like run-on sentences? Learn how to place that period (or exclamation point) at the end of the lesson by exploring what should happen during the closing and how to make that happen. Participants will view videos of good closings, work through the obstacles (“sounds good, but…”), and role play closings for various lessons. Should be a fun, informative and productive day! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Bismarck Elementary School Jun 11, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 247460 - 247461 DSC SPARK PE Curriculum Training, Grades K-2 Subject(s): Physical Education Audience(s): K-2 Description: SPARK is a research-based, evidence-based physical education program for teachers and recreation leaders that has a highly active curriculum. If participants have the SPARK curriculum at their school district , please bring the SPARK curriculum to the training, as the curriculum will not be included. For more information on this workshop call Audra Walters at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: Martha Wilf Presenter(s): Martha Wilf Location: Date(s): Time: Henderson State University, Duke Wells Building, 1192 M. 25 H. Russell Drive, Arkadelphia, Limit: Credit: 6.00 AR Jun 11, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Registration Fee: $0 247465 - 247466 DSC SPARK PE Curriculum Training, Grades 3- 8 Subject(s): Physical Education Audience(s): 3-5,6-8 Description: SPARK is a research-based, evidence-based physical education program for teachers and recreation leaders that has a highly active curriculum. If participants have the SPARK curriculum at their school district , please bring the SPARK curriculum to the training, as the curriculum will not be included. For more information on this workshop call Audra Walters at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: KELLY SPENCER Presenter(s): CODIE MALLOY, KELLY SPENCER Location: Date(s): Time: Henderson State University, Duke Wells Building, 1192 M. 25 H. Russell Drive, Arkadelphia, Limit: Credit: 6.00 AR Jun 11, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Page 7 of 56 Registration Fee: $0 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247739 - 247740 DSC ADE Digital Sandbox - Video Sharing Elevated To A Whole New Level Subject(s): Educational Technology,All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: The ADE Digital Sandbox has released some dramatic new updates this year , and in this workshop, we will explore these powerful new tools, including: MediaSpot - allows you to easily create your own video enhanced HTML documents , that can then be shared with a URL link via email, posted to a website or through social media; Video Showcase - create your own video gallery on your district or school website, where videos are added and removed from your website through your Sandbox account, and without you having to worry about bandwidth or storage issues; Live Event Streaming - turn your smart phone, tablet, or desktop/laptop into a live streaming device, allowing viewers to join your event "real time" via the web. Your video streams are automatically captured, converted into an MP4 video file, and placed into your Sandbox account for future use. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Michael Kessler Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jun 11, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 244516 - 244520 DSC Planning for New Science Standards: K-12 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Learning Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): K-6,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: During this two-day session, participants will engage in hands-on experiences designed to enhance understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas that will make up the new Arkansas K-12 Science Standards. This introductory workshop is designed for K-12 teachers who have not previously attended a Planning for New Science Standards PD opportunity. For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown, Greg Wertenberger Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 15, 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $0 246205 - 246258 DSC Arkansas Novice Teacher Mentor Training Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: A teacher who wishes to be an active mentor for the 2015-2016 school year must be recommended by his or her administrator to attend the one-day Mentor Training. Trainings will be held at the local Co-ops. The recommendation form can be scanned and emailed to the person in charge of the training or can be brought to the training by the mentor. All attendees must be TESS trained “prior” to attending the mentor training . Mentors must stay the entire time of the training and must be approved as a mentor by the trainer. A participant will not be approved as a mentor without a completed Mentor Recommendation Form. For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 8 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246529 - 246536 DSC Mi Picasso es Su Picasso! (ART TEACHERS ONLY) Subject(s): Fine Arts Audience(s): K-12 Description: In this workshop, we will explore the history behind Pablo Picasso and Cubism and create your own Cubist Style Art to take back to your classroom! Picasso believed that art needed to do much more than simply show us what something looked like. His development of Cubism is said to be the most crucial development in art since the invention of perspective. Picasso fragmented the images he painted, so that the viewer could see the subject from many angles simultaneously; allowing the essence of the image to be shown rather than simply a copy of it. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Stephanie Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Smithzonian Art Center, 612 Main St. Arkadelphia Jun 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246835 - 246836 DSC Autism: Until the Pieces Fit Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12 Description: Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in our history to date occurring in 1 out of every 68 children. As the mom of a teenage son with autism, the presentation is chalked full of real-life stories featuring Will and other job related experiences. Special attention is given to the primary areas of difference ; and how these differences can be addressed by interventions and strategies presented in this workshop. Autism: Until the Pieces Fit will also explore basic strategies to prevent and respond to the challenging and ever changing behaviors exhibit in many ASD Children . Photo examples, video clips and samples are used to show how to implement these techniques. This emotion packed presentation will challenge you as a teacher, a parent and as a member of society. Brandi will share practical ideas for showing acceptance, educating, communicating and loving those with autism, every day in all environments. This workshop can be adapted to fit the specific needs of any audience. TAPPS hours available at request. Learner Objectives: Develop a broader understanding of the core deficit areas and characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders ; Help educators identify learning strengths and difficulties for individual students with autism ; Build a better understanding of the behavioral triggers; Identify basic prevention and reinforcement strategies to address challenging behaviors; Introduce teaching methods and strategies that are useful when working with children with autism There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Brandi Shinn Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 35 Page 9 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247403 - 247406 DSC Toolkit training Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: This training explains the components of the transition goals and services piece in the Arkansas IEP and the importance of using transition assessments to develop transition plans. Participants are provided instruction on how to use the Indicator 13 Checklist (OSEP approved) to complete forms 400-402 of the IEP. Practice in writing post-secondary goals will be provided, as well as information on writing the required Student Profile Summary as it relates to transition. This training will provide mock transition assessment data for an activity that will help teachers write the most effective transition plans for their students. (Full day but can be half day without the activities) For more information on this workshop, please contact Lisa Washington at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Lisa Washington Presenter(s): Lisa Washington Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 237530 - 237531 DSC Project WET/WOW/ and Aquatic WILD Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: Participants will receive 3 FREE guides –Project WET, WOW, the Wonders of Wetlands, and the new Aquatic WILD guide available only through workshops and earned by staying the entire workshop time (6 hours). Participants should bring a sack lunch and drink. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing. For more information on this workshop, please contact Barbara Miller at millerb@adeq.state.ar.us or 501-683-5407. Facilitator: Barbara Miller Presenter(s): Barbara Miller Location: Date(s): Time: Lake Ouachita State Park - Mt. Pine Jun 16, 2015 9:30 am - 9:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 241471 - 241472 DSC ADE Fine Arts Frameworks Subject(s): Fine Arts,Music Audience(s): K-12 Description: On January 8, 2015, the State Board of Education approved the 2014 Fine Arts Curriculum Framework for instruction in visual art, music, theatre, and dance for Grades K-12. The new framework will be implemented in Arkansas schools in the 2015-16 school year. ADE is offering a full day of professional development supporting the new framework . The goal of this professional development opportunity is to provide fine arts teachers with an understanding of the curriculum shifts required by the new framework as well as new opportunities the framework makes available. These one-day trainings will target teachers from each of the four disciplines. Each training will begin with a joint session for all fine arts teachers covering common issues such as the National Core Arts Standards, disciplinary literacy, and state requirements for arts education. Breakout sessions in individual disciplines of music, visual art, and theater and dance will follow, and teachers will unpack discipline-specific frameworks and participate in cross-walking and lesson planning . A team of facilitators (one in each discipline) will provide the instruction. For more information on this workshop, please contact Beth Neel, Billie Garlin or Sue Newton. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Beth Neel, Lana Hallmark Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 60 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 10 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 241729 - 241734 DSC Regional Training for SREB Transition Courses Math Ready Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 7-12 Description: The Math Ready course focuses on the key readiness standards from national College and Career Readiness standards as well as the eight Standards of Mathematical Practice. The course addresses some of the essential college- and career-readiness standards from Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. The course consists of eight (8) Math Ready Modules using the SREB curriculum: •Unit 1: Algebraic Expressions •Unit 2: Equations •Unit 3: Measurement and Proportional Reasoning •Unit 4: Linear Functions •Unit 5: Linear Systems of Equations •Unit 6: Quadratic Functions •Unit 7: Exponential Functions •Unit 8: Summarizing and Interpreting Statistical Data The SREB Math Ready curriculum is available for download at: http://www.sreb.org/page/1684/math_ready.html. Participants will need a laptop or tablet for this professional development and are required to download materials and familiarize themselves with the curriculum prior to the training. Facilitator: KARLA NEATHERY Location: Date(s): Time: Benton HS Cafeteria Jun 16, 17, 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Presenter(s): Limit: 200 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 241746 - 241747 DSC Regional Training for SREB Transition Courses Literacy Ready Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 7-12 Description: The Literacy Ready course focuses on the development of strategies for reading and writing and fully understanding specific kinds of complex texts in all subjects. Students read texts to develop knowledge and formulate opinions in order to communicate in a variety of written formats. Literacy Ready prepares high school students to read and write about college-level texts in core subjects using two (2) history, two (2) English, and two (2) science modules/units. The content of each discipline is at the forefront of the curriculum. Literacy skills specific to each discipline are emphasized in reading and writing assignments based on the subject area content. The SREB Literacy Ready curriculum is available for download at: http://www.sreb.org/page/1683/literacy_ready.html Participants will need a laptop or tablet for this professional development and are required to download and familiarize themselves with the curriculum, as well as ordering and reading the books for the literacy modules before attending training: The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr and Ubik by Philip K. Dick. Facilitator: KARLA NEATHERY Location: Date(s): Time: Benton HS Cafeteria/Ampitheater Jun 16, 17, 18, 2015 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Presenter(s): Limit: 200 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 11 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244175 - 244177 DSC Analyzing DIBELS DATA to make Instructional Decisions Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): Description: Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS, 6th Edition and DIBELS Next) comprise a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy and reading skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. These measures allow teachers to assess student development of phonological awareness, letter knowledge, decoding, fluency, and comprehension. In addition, DIBELS/DIBELS Next measures are measures of fluency and automaticity of each skill. By looking at students’ success rates on the DIBELS/DIBELS Next measures, teachers can interpret the effectiveness of classroom instruction, identify students who are at risk for difficulties with literacy acquisition , and plan accordingly. Participants will learn how to interpret DIBELS/DIBELS Next scores and plan their next instructional steps toward moving students to proficiency in the foundational skills they must acquire in order to be successful readers. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244547 - 244552 DSC Media Mania Subject(s): Language Arts,Literacy Audience(s): 7-12 Description: This session will look at standards using different types of media as texts . These instructors are classroom teachers who use videos and music to engage and teach students. They will give you resources and strategies to use in the classroom. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244853 - 244854 DSC You CAN Have It All: Teaching for Understanding AND Fluency (GR K-6) Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): K-6,ParaProfessionals Description: This session, designed for teachers of students in grades K-6, will focus on the development of children's understanding of single- and multi-digit operations using manipulatives, pictures, appropriate tasks, and effective number talks. We will examine ways to press students to make symbolic connections to their informal strategies, focusing on (and generalizing) the properties of operations that are in play in their work. We will ultimately define what it means for a student to be fluent and the steps to facilitate students' growth to that end. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 12 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245112 - 245113 DSC Got Questions? Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: This training will focus on the importance of effective questioning and discussion techniques within a secondary mathematics classroom. Becoming a better questioner and guiding students through more meaningful discussions will help to move students forward while maintaining rigor within the class setting. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Math Lab Upstairs, Bldg #2 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 22 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245477 - 245484 DSC The Daily 5 Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-5 Description: The Daily 5 is a system of managing independent work time in a reading and writing workshop. Let Kimberly and Corby show you how they use the daily five to simplify their life and make independent work time truly meaningful. Participants will leave this training with a packet of ideas and the knowledge to implement the Daily Five in their own classroom. This workshop is designed for any teacher wanting to implement a workshop approach. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): CORBY SCULLY, KIMBERLY TURNER Location: Date(s): Time: Bismarck Elementary School Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246158 - 246160 DSC CTE Assignments Matter Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): 7-12,CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: In order to prepare students for success in college and career, CTE teachers must make learning more focused and relevant with well-crafted and engaging assignments. Research data shows that CT students who have rigorous assignments are more likely to meet college- and career-readiness standards. Participants will learn the eight indicators of rigorous CT assignments and how to enhance their classroom assignments . There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman/April Shepherd at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): APRIL SHEPHERD Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson CTE Meeting Room, Bldg #2 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 13 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246313 - 246700 DSC There’s a Book for That, Teaching the Common Core Standards Through Read Aloud Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-2,3 Description: Reading aloud is widely recognized as the single most important activity leading to literacy acquisition. Reading to young children promotes language, vocabulary, comprehension and overall success in school. In this training we will discuss and demonstrate how to teach the CC literacy standards through highly engaging read aloud. GREAT NEW IDEAS AND WONDERFUL DOOR PRIZED!!!! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246498 - 246499 DSC Basic Injury Care and Preventative Course Subject(s): Health,Physical Education Audience(s): K-12 Description: This session will cover wound care (blood borne pathogens), concussion (recognition, prevention and management), Heat Illness (recognition, prevention and management), Sudden Death in Children and Athletes, Psychosocial Issues with Youth. This course meets the AAA requirement for continuing education for coaches . There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Terry DeWitt Location: Date(s): Time: OBU, Sturgis Physical Ed Center Rm 406-A Jun 16, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 30 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 246516 - 246517 DSC American Heart Association’s CPR with AED and First Aid Course (Heart Saver) Subject(s): Health,Physical Education Audience(s): K-12 Description: This session will cover CPR for the adult, child and infant; choking and first aid; hands on lab and skills testing. All participants will receive a CPR, AED and First Aid Certificate (which will be mailed after the course has been completed) and is good for two years. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Terry DeWitt, PhD, AT Location: Date(s): Time: OBU, Sturgis Physical Ed Center Rm 406-A Jun 16, 2015 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 14 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 238873 - 238874 DSC Make Music and Move Subject(s): Music Audience(s): K-12 Description: Make Music and Move embraces the colors of creativity in every child by using music, movement and make-believe as an essential learning tool and keeping the seeds of imagination from educational thorns by continually growing buds of creativity. Make Music and Move is a teaching approach used in combination with the National Standards of the General Music Program and the Core Curriculum of the Academic Classroom . Make Music and Move brings life to learning and learning to life. For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton in the Administration Department at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Kara Stokke Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 17, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 60 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 244848 - 244849 DSC Counting Collections (K-4) Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): K-4,ParaProfessionals Description: Children need many and varied experiences with counting to learn •which numbers come next (and before), •how these number sequences are related to the objects in front of them, •how to keep track of which ones have been counted, and •which objects still need to be counted. Experience with counting provides a solid foundation for future experience with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (National Research Council, 2001). This 1-day session provides a rationale for why and a guide (activities) for how to have children count objects all school year long. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jun 17, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245477 - 245483 DSC The Daily 5 Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-5 Description: The Daily 5 is a system of managing independent work time in a reading and writing workshop. Let Kimberly and Corby show you how they use the daily five to simplify their life and make independent work time truly meaningful. Participants will leave this training with a packet of ideas and the knowledge to implement the Daily Five in their own classroom. This workshop is designed for any teacher wanting to implement a workshop approach. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): CORBY SCULLY, KIMBERLY TURNER Location: Date(s): Time: Bismarck Elementary School Jun 17, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 15 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246260 - 246262 DSC Implementing a Comprehensive Literacy Framework for Grades 4-5 Module 1 - Overview of a Comprehensive Literacy Framework and Literacy Assessment System (ELF) Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 4,5,Staff Description: Overview of a Comprehensive Literacy Framework and Literacy Assessment System Designed specifically for Grades 4-5 educators, this module identifies the critical components of a comprehensive literacy system, focuses on the unique instructional needs of the learner as related to literacy acquisition, explores setting the context for learning through instructional approaches that meet the needs of the learner, and provides the purposes and types of literacy assessments that when used appropriately will guide instructional decisions. Required Text: Guiding Readers and Writers by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 17, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246498 - 246510 DSC Basic Injury Care and Preventative Course Subject(s): Health,Physical Education Audience(s): K-12 Description: This session will cover wound care (blood borne pathogens), concussion (recognition, prevention and management), Heat Illness (recognition, prevention and management), Sudden Death in Children and Athletes, Psychosocial Issues with Youth. This course meets the AAA requirement for continuing education for coaches . There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Terry DeWitt Location: Date(s): Time: OBU, Sturgis Physical Ed Center Rm 406-A Jun 17, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 30 Credit: 0.00 Registration Fee: $25 246516 - 246522 DSC American Heart Association’s CPR with AED and First Aid Course (Heart Saver) Subject(s): Health,Physical Education Audience(s): K-12 Description: This session will cover CPR for the adult, child and infant; choking and first aid; hands on lab and skills testing. All participants will receive a CPR, AED and First Aid Certificate (which will be mailed after the course has been completed) and is good for two years. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Terry DeWitt, PhD, AT Location: Date(s): Time: OBU, Sturgis Physical Ed Center Rm 406-A Jun 17, 2015 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 16 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244529 - 244530 DSC Creating Text Addicts with Text Dependent Questioning Subject(s): Health Audience(s): K-5,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Practice recognizing and creating high quality text-dependent questions to support the expectations of the CCSS and the PARCC Assessment. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245286 - 245287 DSC High School Vectors Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 9-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Facilitators,Curriculum Coordinators Description: This course will integrate algebraic and geometric thinking as it applies to vectors. Participants will consider how to build upon the experiences students have had with properties and operations in algebra and geometry to the effects of properties and operations on vectors, both graphically and in component form. We will apply slope concepts and complex numbers concepts from algebra, and translation concepts in geometry to vector concepts in physics, pre-calculus, and advanced topics and modeling with mathematics courses. As we explore vectors, we will address the following major concepts: · Identifying vector components from an initial and terminal point; · Applying the associative, commutative, and additive inverse property to vectors; · Applying scalar multiplication and expressing the result geometrically and in component form ; · Vector addition (in component form, triangle models, and parallelogram models); and · Vector subtraction (in component form, adding a negative vector, and missing addend model) There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Math Lab Upstairs, Bldg #2 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 17 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246156 - 246157 DSC Building CTE Digital Courses – Going Paperless Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): 7-12,CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: Do you have videos, websites, projects that you use in class? Are you tired of having mounds of paperwork to grade? Have you wished you could just find that perfect place to access a CTE resource that another teacher has shared to help round out a lesson? Come experience an interactive lesson on blended personalized learning. During this workshop, you will create lessons to help make your classroom more efficient , easier to manage and assist in minimizing paperwork. In addition, you will create a one stop shop to access your classroom resources. Bring your digital resources, lesson plans and creativity. Your CTE students will be amazed at the interactive lesson plans they will experience in the upcoming school year. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman/April Shepherd at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): APRIL SHEPHERD Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246184 - 246191 DSC Assessment and Intervention for K-2 Literacy Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-2 Description: Accurate identification of children who experience delays in attaining critical early literacy skills is needed to prevent reading problems. Studies have demonstrated that reading problems become increasingly more resistant to intervention and treatment after the 3rd grade. This training will focus on planning appropriate interventions, based on assessment data in Kindergarten, First and Second grade. Assessments covered will be the DIBELS, DSA, DRA. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Page 18 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246273 - 246274 DSC : Implementing a Comprehensive Literacy Framework for Grades 4-5 Module 2 - Word Study: Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction (ELF) Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 4,5,Staff Description: Word Study: Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction Designed specifically for Grades 4-5 educators, this module focuses on a systematic, engaging approach aimed at exploring the sound, pattern, and meaning relationships among words. At this stage many of the words are related and derive from the same Greek or Latin root. Students are guided towards making discoveries about how words work and generalizing their understandings in order to read, spell, and write more efficiently. Required Text: Word Journeys by Kathy Ganske, 2nd edition There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 247776 - 247777 DSC Mathematics and PARCC Assessment—Classroom Instruction that Prepares Students for PARCC Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 3-5,6-12 Description: Quality classroom instruction is the best way to prepare students to be successful on their PARCC assessments . Participants will take a deep dive into evidence tables, scoring rubrics, performance level descriptors and other resources that help guide instruction in a way that optimally supports student performance on the PARCC assessment . Participants will also gain a deeper look into the test design and ways to alter their classroom assessments to support student success. For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): ADE Assessment Unit Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 18, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 60 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 19 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247408 - 247409 DSC Student Driven Transition Planning (SDTP) Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: Student-Directed Transition Planning (SDTP) lesson materials systematically teach students to complete their student-directed summary of performance and have been aligned with the Arkansas Frameworks . Using student, family and educator information, students determine their post-school goals and learn other aspects about themselves. Educators use the eight SDTP lessons to teach their students how to actively participate in their transition -focused IEP meetings. The topics of the eight SDTP lessons include: • • • • • • • • Awareness of Self, Family, Community, and Disability Concepts and Terms for Transition Planning Vision for Employment Vision for Further Education Vision for Adult Living Course of Study Connecting with Adult Supports and Services Putting It All Together: The Summary of Performance SDTP offers a detailed Teacher’s Guide with step-by-step instructional suggestions. Tools include PowerPoint presentations, pencil and paper activities and extension activities and valuable resources. (1/2 day) For more information on this workshop, please contact Lisa Washington at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Lisa Washington Presenter(s): Lisa Washington Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 19, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 247411 - 247413 DSC Preparing Middle School Students As They Consider Going To College Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: In an effort to start thinking about life after high school at an earlier age , ATS has developed a presentation for middle school teachers that will include points of consideration for post-secondary options for students in middle school. College can mean different things to different people, so a definition of “college”, different post-secondary education environments and what it means to be “college and career ready”, will be discussed. As the education settings change, so do the laws; an important comparison of these changes will be presented so teachers can begin preparing students and equipping them with the essential self-determination skills they will need to be successful. Strategies and resources for areas of career exploration, goal-setting and self-determination will also be provided. (1/2 day) For more information on this workshop, please call Lisa Washington at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Lisa Washington Presenter(s): Lisa Washington Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 19, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 20 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 240661 - 240663 DSC Dyslexia & Phonics 101 Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Description: This workshop will provide K-12 educators and administrations with information about the nature of dyslexia, including myths and truths about dyslexia, the markers of dyslexia, the neurological basis of dyslexia, the role of phonemic awareness, effective instructional methods for students with dyslexia , and appropriate classroom modifications for dyslexic students. Attendees will be provided with the information necessary to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom, particularly those students with dyslexia. In this workshop, teachers and administrators will engage in learning the definition of dyslexia, myths and truths about dyslexia, and the markers of dyslexia. They will learn the neurological basis of dyslexia, and discover the importance of incorporating phonemic awareness instruction into the curriculum for these students. Teachers will participate in a self-assessment to determine their own knowledge of the structure of the English language, and learn how critical this knowledge is to teaching students with dyslexia. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will have knowledge of: the nature of dyslexia, including myths and truths about dyslexia; the neurological basis of dyslexia; the markers of dyslexia; the process of screening for dyslexia; the requirements of Act 1294 effective instructional strategies for students with dyslexia ; appropriate classroom accommodations for students with dyslexia There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton in the Administration Department at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): JILL SULLIVAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245668 - 245671 DSC Beam Me Up Scottie! Augmented Reality in the Content Areas TESS 1c, 1d, 1e, 3c, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Staff Description: Transform learning and teaching using Augmented Reality in the classroom . This session will focus on the latest in Augmented Reality and how to implement this technology into the classroom to engage students and transform learning. See incredible demos and the latest in AR apps. We will also see how you and your students can use QR codes in lessons, activities, assessments and much more! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 21 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246171 - 246173 DSC Social Media to Enhance & Expand Your CTE Classroom Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): 7-12,CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: Social media is an ingrained part of today’s society . When used carefully, social media can be a useful tool in the CTE classroom. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use social networking platforms such as Fakebook and FakeTwitter to exchange CTE content. Pinterest is a valuable resource that will be shown to help teachers share classrooms ideas. LinkedIn's will assist teachers in joining discussion groups and building an effective CTE network in state and out of state. Come see how social media can offer an interesting new twist to the CTE classroom . There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman/April Shepherd at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): APRIL SHEPHERD Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson CTE Meeting Room, Bldg #2 Jun 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246195 - 246198 DSC Charlie May Simon and Arkansas Diamond Overview TESS: 1d, 2a Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-6,Staff Description: Overviews of the Charlie May Simon (4-6) and Arkansas Diamond (K-3) reading lists for the 2015 - 2016 will be demonstrated. Media specialists and teachers are invited to attend. For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Loyd Harris Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 22, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Limit: 35 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 246358 - 246360 DSC Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Yr1 – Day 1 of 7 Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): PreK,K-2,3 Description: Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) explores how student in pre-K through 3rd grade learn mathematics and recommends how teaching and curricula should change to improve mathematics learning during these critical years. CGI is research-based and correlates to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. NOTE: This PD meets 4 days in the summer, 2 days in the fall and 1 day in the spring. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CHERYL HENTSCHEL, RHONDA PETTIT Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room, Bldg #5 Jun 22, 23, 24, 25, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 24.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 22 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246543 - 246544 DSC Magnificent Methods of Matisse! (ART TEACHERS ONLY) Subject(s): Fine Arts Audience(s): K-12 Description: We will examine the methods that Matisse used in his art , discuss how to teach them in the classroom, and create our own Matisse Style Art. If Matisse had a slogan, it might have been, “Minimal Detail; More Impact!” Matisse is known as the Master of Color. His use of color creates an emotional response in the viewer, so we will explore ways to help the kids we teach to do the same! Matisse’s work is also very influential in today’s design , so we’ll look at where we see his influence and how our students can use it too. Then we’ll use what we learn to create our own Bold and Powerful ART ! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Stephanie Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Smithzonian Art Center, 612 Main St. Arkadelphia Jun 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246823 - 246825 DSC One Size Fits All…Whatever! Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12 Description: This informative workshop provides general and special education teachers a vast supply of ideas, strategies and techniques for properly accommodating and modifying for special education, ESL/ELL, 504 or at risk students. Specific attention will be given for students with unique academic needs, those prone to behavioral conditions, or suffering emotional trauma and distress. Throughout the One Size Fits All presentation, the allowable modifications based on current testing and common core will be addressed. Teachers can expect to receive ideas for tools to assist teachers in implementation of said regulations. TAPPS are hours available at request. Learner Objectives: Identify differences between accommodations and modifications and interventions; Define differences in fair and equal; Acquire practical strategies for accommodations and modifications that will ensure active classroom participation for students with disabilities, language barriers, sensory deficits , attention problems and others; Discover ways of building on the student’s learning style and strengths when developing accommodations and modifications. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Brandi Shinn Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 35 Page 23 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244523 - 244526 DSC Transitioning to New Science Standards: Targeted Support for Elementary Teachers Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): K-6,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: Participants will use strategies learned throughout this three-day session to support a student-centered, elementary classroom in which the three dimensions of the new Arkansas Science Standards are integrated with Common Core Literacy - a definite “win-win.” * In addition to the 3 day summer PD, there will be a follow-up day in the fall and one in the spring. Dates to be determined * It is recommended, but not required, that participants have some knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards (e.g., attended any Planning for New Science Standards PD opportunities). For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown, Greg Wertenberger Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jun 23, 24, 25, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 245468 - 245469 DSC LITERACY and Math a Powerful Pair Subject(s): Literacy,Mathematics Audience(s): K-2 Description: So little time so many things to teach. In this training we will connect math concepts with engaging picture books. This training is designed to help students learn the vocabulary to understand basic math skills as they listen to and discuss a variety of picture books. This training is designed for K-2 teachers. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE, ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245665 - 245667 DSC Tiny Techs for K-2 TESS 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 2c, 3c. 3d, 4b, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-2,Staff Description: Come see how you can create digital learning stations for all content areas. Participants will learn how to create a digital learning station and manage the station with their students. Topics will include assessment, digital portfolios, and much more! Come get great ideas and resources for implementing technology in your classroom. In this session, we will be using the computer, and iPads. Please bring an iPad to the training. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 24 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 248001 - 248003 DSC Classroom Management (Relationship Building, Prevention, and Response to Misbehavior) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Description: This workshop will focus on the three legs of a healthy classroom environment: relationships with students, prevention techniques/procedural management, and response to misbehavior—discipline techniques. If time allows, we will also address tips for dealing with parents. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Beth Neel Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Math Lab Upstairs, Bldg #2 Jun 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 22 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245673 - 245675 DSC Appflows and the iPad - TESS 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 2c, 3c. 3d, 4b, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Appflows, the process of using multiple apps to create, modify, remix, edit and publish content from an iPad to create content that could never have been created with just one app. With the increasingly flexibility of the iPad iOS and the ability to share content on one iPad from app to app, from iPad to iPad, and from an iPad to the web, both students and teachers have the ability to create truly remarkable creations on an iPad. Please bring an iPad to this training. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 24, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245676 - 245677 DSC Appsmashing with Google Apps - TESS 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 2c, 3c, 3d, 4b, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Appsmashing, the process of using multiple apps to create, modify, remix, edit and publish content from a Chromebook to create content that could never have been created with just one app. With the increasingly flexibility of the Chromebook and the ability to share content to the web, both students and teachers have the ability to create truly remarkable creations on a Chromebook. Participants will learn how to use Google Apps and extensions to create great looking projects . A Chromebook is required for this training! Please bring your Chromebook to the training! There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 24, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 25 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246486 - 246488 DSC What is Your Technical Skill Attainment Data Telling You Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): 7-12,CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: Lesia Edwards, AR CTE Assessment Program Coordinator, will be sharing information regarding the upcoming changes being made to the career and technical end of course assessments. Lesia will be sharing the new version of the user interface and the new reporting features found within the AR End of Course Assessment . Come see how your EOC data can assist you in preparing quality instruction for your CTE classroom. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): Lesia Edwards Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 24, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246827 - 246831 DSC If Your Lips are Moving Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12 Description: Confidentiality is at a high level of importance and concern among our society and especially within the realm of education. If your Lips are Moving is to promote awareness of confidentiality laws and requirements regarding students and the differences of sharing information and betraying confidentiality . The importance of confidentiality within the school, the community and the ever popular social media will be discussed. Personal experiences will be shared along with participant engaging activities and role plays. Every teacher, paraprofessional, therapist and school staff is encouraged to attend . TAPPS hours available at request. Learner Objectives: Define the three confidentiality laws; Identify the six questions one should ask before discussing information; Discuss the importance of confidentiality within the workplace There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Brandi Shinn Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 24, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 35 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 26 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246833 - 246834 DSC Behavior Tools Basic Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12 Description: The basic class is highly information and interactive. While the material is consistent with the state-of –the- art behavioral research and principles, it is presented in an extraordinarily “user friendly” way. Participants relate easily to the real life examples from within the classroom and the home setting. The strategies are highly effective and often work quickly . The Behavior Tools methods work well with adults, teenagers and children on all levels of functioning and verbal abilities, including those with limited spoken communication. The class is highly effective for teachers of all student ages and subjects. **The class is a 6-8 hour (1 day) training class with a maximum of 20 participants per class. ** (Additional fee required for manuals) Learner Objectives: Identify coercion and punishment commonly used to change behavior; Identify the effects of coercive and punishment on people; Demonstrate the steps and benefits of the Strengthen Relationships Tool ; Describe the value of, and demonstrate empathy statements; Define behavior, consequences, reinforcement and its effects; Demonstrate the steps of Use Reinforcement Tool; Define “Junk Behavior” and Discuss Why it Happens; Demonstrate the steps of the Pivot Tool There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Kris Shinn Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jun 24, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 247785 - 247787 DSC ESL Topics/Issues: ESL Standards, Handbook, Best Practices & ELPA21 Assessment Subject(s): Other Audience(s): K-12 Description: ESL Topics/Issues: ESL Standards, Handbook, Best Practices & ELPA21 Assessment For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): MIGUEL HERNANDEZ Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 24, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 242387 - 242389 DSC Grief Counseling Subject(s): Audience(s): Counselors Description: Although grief is considered to be a universal human experience, little attention is given to grief and grieving in contemporary American society. When the bereaved is child, often parents, teachers, and school counselors may feel ill-equipped to provide assistance. The Grief Center at Circle of Life hospice provides grief support and bereavement resources at no cost to all members of the Arkansas community , including school counselors. During our presentation you will learn best practices for how to respond to a grieving child, important considerations for parents, friends, and teachers, how developmental factors affect the expression of grief , and best practices for explaining death to children. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): Angela Kathman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jun 25, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 75 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 27 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 242401 - 242402 DSC TESS Support—Score Calibration and Coaching Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12,Administrators Description: This session will provide additional support to administrators interested in working more in depth on scoring calibration (scoring consistently with multiple evaluators). This issue is particularly important to schools with multiple evaluators within the same building. The session will also focus on coaching teachers toward growth. For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Diann Gathright Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 25, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245707 - 245709 DSC Coding as easy as 123! (Morning Session) TESS 1a, 1d, 3c, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-6,Staff Description: In this workshop participants will leave as Coding Ninja's with ways to introduce students to coding and develop a love for coding. We will use Beebots followed by apps on the iPads or Chromebooks . Beebot, Daisy the Dino, CargoBots, Turtle Draw, Hopscotch etc. Please bring your iPad to the training. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 25, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 246130 - 246133 DSC Crack the Code on Gamification! (Afternoon Session) TESS 1a, 1d, 3c, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Gaming most simply put is playing games. How can we capitalize on student interest and the science behind games in the classroom? Come learn how to design student games on the computer and other devices. Some simple coding will also be shown in creating games. BYOD There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jun 25, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 28 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 239790 - 239792 DSC ADE Updates (Department Personnel) and Data Session Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12,Administrators Description: ADE Updates (Department Personnel) and Data Session For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Beth Neel Location: Date(s): Time: Lakeside School District PD Center Jun 29, 2015 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Limit: 75 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 244040 - 244042 DSC Teaching Foundational Literacy Skills in RTI Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Subject(s): Audience(s): K-2,Administrators,ParaProfessionals,Special Ed,Instructional Leaders Description: Improve your RTI program by strengthening all three tiers while addressing Common Core Literacy standards . This workshop is designed to focus on 8 Common Core K-2 foundational Literacy standards. We will take an in depth look at how to thoroughly teach these standards during your Tier I teaching and bring focus and routine to your Tier 2 Interventions. Learn how to improve Tier 3 instruction while giving all students access to the Common Core. This workshop was developed for K—2 teachers, Resource teachers, Literacy Interventionists, and Paraprofessionals. Even Speech Pathologists will benefit from the instructional ideals included for working to supplement the learning in the classroom. Administrators will see how effective their Literacy programs will be by making strategic changes to improve their Response to Intervention programs while addressing the Common Core Literacy standards. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): BONNIE SMITH Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jun 29, 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $50 246545 - 246551 DSC The Dali News! (ART TEACHERS ONLY) Subject(s): Fine Arts Audience(s): K-12 Description: We will examine the methods that Salvador Dali used in his art , discuss how to teach them in the classroom, and create our own Surreal Style Art. Can you talk to a Lobster? Do clocks really melt? Anything is possible in Dali’s world! Salvador Dali expanded the boundaries of what’s possible , but did he influence Lady Gaga? Can our art influence the world around us? We’ll discuss these questions and construct some Surreal Art of our own . Kid’s love to create from their imagination, and we’ll explore how to encourage them to do so, and facilitate it in this Wacky Workshop! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Stephanie Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Smithzonian Art Center, 612 Main St. Arkadelphia Jun 29, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Page 29 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 239794 - 239795 DSC Dawson Administrator Institute Day 2: Leadership Session Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12,Administrators Description: Dawson Administrator Institute Day 2: Leadership Session For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Lakeside School District PD Center Jun 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 75 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 242395 - 242396 DSC Applying Effective Literacy Strategies in the CTE Classroom Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: This professional development is designed for all Career Education teachers across all programs of study to work within current ADE guidelines with DESC Literacy Specialist, Gayanne Coleman for current best practices for all content areas. The agenda will allow Q&A to enhance CTE teachers understanding of ADE Disciplinary Literacy in general . Also, time will be spent with teachers working within their own CE frameworks with reading and writing activities to increase student awareness of literacy skills inherent in a content area. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): APRIL SHEPHERD, Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jun 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244144 - 244147 DSC K-1 Word Study Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): K-1,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Designed specifically for K-1 educators, this module focuses on instructional approaches aimed at exploring the sound, pattern, and meaning relationships among words in order to develop children’s phonological awareness , decoding, spelling, and vocabulary. Students are guided towards making discoveries about how words work and generalizing their understandings in order to read, spell, and write more efficiently. Required Text: Word Journeys by Kathy Ganske, 2nd edition There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jun 30, Jul 1, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 30 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 239799 - 239800 DSC Dawson Administrator Institute Day 3: Fiscal Session and Teen Suicide Prevention Session Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12,Administrators Description: Dawson Administrator Institute Day 3: Fiscal Session and Teen Suicide Prevention Session There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Mike Mertens, Richard Abernathy Location: Date(s): Time: Lakeside School District PD Center Jul 1, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 75 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 246142 - 246146 DSC ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! TESS 1a, 1d, 1e, 2c, 2e, 3c, 4e (Online session) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Come learn how to use video conferencing as an instructional tool for your classroom. Zoom is an online videoconference tool that is free to use. It allows you to videoconference with your colleagues and students. You can also record your conference and display the computer screen. This tool is great for online teaching and the “Flipped Classroom”. PLEASE NOTE! This is an online workshop. Details will be sent via email. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Tonia McMillan's Office Jul 2, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 246184 - 246187 DSC Assessment and Intervention for K-2 Literacy Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-2 Description: Accurate identification of children who experience delays in attaining critical early literacy skills is needed to prevent reading problems. Studies have demonstrated that reading problems become increasingly more resistant to intervention and treatment after the 3rd grade. This training will focus on planning appropriate interventions, based on assessment data in Kindergarten, First and Second grade. Assessments covered will be the DIBELS, DSA, DRA. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 2, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 31 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246493 - 246495 DSC CTE and the Common Core Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Family and Audience(s): 7-12,CTE Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed Description: The college- and career-readiness standards and the K-12 English language arts and mathematic standards define the academic knowledge and skills students need in order to be career-ready. CCSS are not only college ready standards but also career readiness standards. Reading, writing, communication, and math reasoning are all skills needed for success in careers, the workplace, and post-secondary. Teachers will receive immediate strategies for aligning and integrating Common Core Standards into the CTE curriculum. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Janie Freeman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Janie Freeman Presenter(s): APRIL SHEPHERD Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 2, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246139 - 246141 DSC Makerspaces in the Media Center and Beyond! TESS 1a, 1d, 1e, 2c,2e,3c, 4e Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Makerspace is a place where young people have an opportunity to explore their own interests, learn to use tools and materials, and develop creative projects ...the key is that it can adapt to a wide variety of uses and can be shaped by educational purposes as well as the students’ creative goals . Come learn how to create your own Makerspace in the media center or anywhere on campus. This will be a hands-on training. Participants will learn how Makerspaces work in any curriculum, especially STEM. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 6, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246205 - 246207 DSC Arkansas Novice Teacher Mentor Training Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: A teacher who wishes to be an active mentor for the 2015-2016 school year must be recommended by his or her administrator to attend the one-day Mentor Training. Trainings will be held at the local Co-ops. The recommendation form can be scanned and emailed to the person in charge of the training or can be brought to the training by the mentor. All attendees must be TESS trained “prior” to attending the mentor training . Mentors must stay the entire time of the training and must be approved as a mentor by the trainer. A participant will not be approved as a mentor without a completed Mentor Recommendation Form. For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE, TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 6, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 32 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246667 - 246672 DSC Marilyns, and Campbell’s, and Cokes Oh my! (ART TEACHERS ONLY) Subject(s): Fine Arts Audience(s): K-12 Description: We will examine the methods that Andy Warhol used in his art , discuss how to teach them in the classroom, and create our own Pop Art. Did Andy Warhol deceive the world? Are his recreations real art? What constitutes art? In this workshop, we’ll try to answer these questions and explore the ins and outs of Pop Art . If we were Warhol, what would we recreate today? What would your students recreate? Well, let’s find out! We’ll even do a screen printing project for the classroom. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Billie Garlin Presenter(s): Stephanie Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Smithzonian Art Center, 612 Main St. Arkadelphia Jul 6, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244601 - 244641 DSC LDC: Literacy Design Collaborative for ELA & SS/History Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Language Audience(s): 7-12 Arts,Literacy,Family and Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed,Economics Description: LDC is designed to make literacy instruction the foundation of the core subjects. LDC offers a planning approach in which literacy is a venue for learning content. In LDC teachers use a systematic framework for developing reading, writing, and thinking skills within various disciplines. The LDC tools embed the Common Core Literacy Standards into content-area instruction. For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 7, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245252 - 245255 DSC Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) Regional Training-Cohort 4 Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: Cohort 4 of Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) is a professional development opportunity offered by the Arkansas Department of Education, education service cooperatives, and the university STEM centers in partnership with the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). It focuses on providing students with rigorous, engaging mathematical learning experiences. It utilizes the Shell Centre’s Math Formative Lessons (FALs) as assessments for learning. For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER, Deanna Dennis Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 7, 8, 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 33 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246208 - 246210 DSC Three Modes of Writing Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 4,5-8,Staff Description: This day of Professional Development is designed for teachers to gain an understanding of the three modes of writing (narrative, informational, argumentative) in Common Core State Standards by examining what the standards say and suggest while recognizing the guiding principles of the writing standards. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 7, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246321 - 246322 DSC LDC: Science and CTE Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Social Audience(s): 7-12,Administrators,Instructional Sciences Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: LDC is designed to make literacy instruction the foundation of the core subjects. LDC offers a planning approach in which literacy is a venue for learning content. In LDC teachers use a systematic framework for developing reading, writing, and thinking skills within various disciplines. The LDC tools embed the Common Core Literacy Standards into content-area instruction. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jul 7, 8, 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 18.00 Registration Fee: $0 247916 - 247919 DSC Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Grades K-1 Overview Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): K-1,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Effective Literacy for Grades K-1 is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a study of comprehensive literacy and the infrastructure components that support student learning by increasing teachers’ knowledge and skills in the areas of research-based, data-driven, and developmentally appropriate instructional practices. It focuses on a foundational understanding of the literacy learning progressions, an assessment system to plan differentiated instruction , and evidence-based practices that support contexts for learning. Participants will receive information on how to implement a reading/writing workshop. For more information on this workshop, please call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Hot Springs Administration Jul 7, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 34 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 239488 - 239489 DSC Gatekeeper Training Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Administrators,Counselors Description: Gatekeepers of Arkansas is a 2-day training Providing Youth Suicide Prevention Awareness . This is intended for counselors, administrators, teachers, school nurses or other staff who would like to become Gatekeeper Trainers . Participants will be expected to take this information back to the local school district and provide training for their staff in youth suicide prevention awareness. For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Roger Palmer, Suzanne Knowles Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 8, 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $0 244601 - 244645 DSC LDC: Literacy Design Collaborative for ELA & SS/History Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Language Audience(s): 7-12 Arts,Literacy,Family and Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed,Economics Description: LDC is designed to make literacy instruction the foundation of the core subjects. LDC offers a planning approach in which literacy is a venue for learning content. In LDC teachers use a systematic framework for developing reading, writing, and thinking skills within various disciplines. The LDC tools embed the Common Core Literacy Standards into content-area instruction. For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 8, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 247907 - 247908 DSC Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Grades 2-3 Overview Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 2,3,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Effective Literacy for Grades 2-3 is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a study of comprehensive literacy and the infrastructure components that support student learning by increasing teachers’ knowledge and skills in the areas of research-based, data-driven, and developmentally appropriate instructional practices. It focuses on a foundational understanding of the literacy learning progressions, an assessment system to plan differentiated instruction , and evidence-based practices that support contexts for learning. Participants will receive information on how to implement a reading/writing workshop. For more information on this workshop, please contact Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Hot Springs Administration Jul 8, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 35 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244601 - 244643 DSC LDC: Literacy Design Collaborative for ELA & SS/History Subject(s): Career and Technical Education,Language Audience(s): 7-12 Arts,Literacy,Family and Consumer Science,Agri,Business Ed,Economics Description: LDC is designed to make literacy instruction the foundation of the core subjects. LDC offers a planning approach in which literacy is a venue for learning content. In LDC teachers use a systematic framework for developing reading, writing, and thinking skills within various disciplines. The LDC tools embed the Common Core Literacy Standards into content-area instruction. For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 247909 - 247912 DSC Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Grades 4-5 Overview Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 4,5,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Effective Literacy for Grades 4-5 is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a study of comprehensive literacy and the infrastructure components that support student learning by increasing teachers’ knowledge and skills in the areas of research-based, data-driven, and developmentally appropriate instructional practices. It focuses on a foundational understanding of the literacy learning progressions, an assessment system to plan differentiated instruction , and evidence-based practices that support contexts for learning. Participants will receive information on how to implement a reading/writing workshop. For more information on this workshop, please contact Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Hot Springs Administration Jul 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 249318 - 249320 DSC Behavior Data Collection Tools Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: Do you need any tools to help you with collecting behavioral data? Data collection is collecting specific information about a student's performance. Typically we think of this in terms of academic performance. But what a about data collection needed for behavior performance measurement? What do we do then? This workshop will give the participant guidance on: *How to determine the best data collection method based on the type of behavior being measured *Using a data collection guide which provides an explanation of each type of data collection method and how to summarize data *Basic information for preparing a behavior graph For more information on this workshop, please contact Sharon Adams at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Sharon Adams Presenter(s): Sharon Adams, Shelia Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 9, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Page 36 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244171 - 244172 DSC Grades 4-8 Disciplinary Literacy Implementing New Social Studies Standards with CCSS Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 4,5-8,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: College and career readiness in this field requires an appreciation of the norms and conventions of the discipline, such as the kinds of evidence used in history; an understanding of domain-specific words and phrases; an attention to precise details; and the capacity to evaluate intricate arguments, synthesize complex information, and follow detailed descriptions of events and concepts (CCSS, p. 60). This professional development provides strategies that will enable participants to design history/social studies instruction that supports close reading behaviors. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245003 - 244860 DSC Let the Computer Grade Them! (TESS: 1c, 1f, 2c, 31, 3d, 4b, 4e) Morning Session Subject(s): Audience(s): 3,4,5-8,9-12,Staff,Administrators Description: This workshop will focus on how to create quick formative computer-based assessments using Google Forms, Educite, Polleverywhere, and Edulastic. Let the computer do the grading for you with these free educational resources. I will show you how to create Common Core-aligned assessments that don't require you to spend hours with your red-ink pen. Assessments will be accessible from any device. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): LEANN PINKERTON Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 13, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245003 - 244864 DSC Let the Computer Grade Them! (TESS: 1c, 1f, 2c, 31, 3d, 4b, 4e) Morning Session Subject(s): Audience(s): 3,4,5-8,9-12,Staff,Administrators Description: This workshop will focus on how to create quick formative computer-based assessments using Google Forms, Educite, Polleverywhere, and Edulastic. Let the computer do the grading for you with these free educational resources. I will show you how to create Common Core-aligned assessments that don't require you to spend hours with your red-ink pen. Assessments will be accessible from any device. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): LEANN PINKERTON Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 25 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 37 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245027 - 245030 DSC Tech Tips for the Classroom (TESS 1d, 2d, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4f ) Morning Session Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): 2,3-5,6-12 Description: This class will include website organization and design basics, Google Docs, Google, Presentation and Google Forms. A Google Form will be used for pre-assessment along with digital tools to address/target students at their level (all related to Google Suite). This course will show teacher how to use the free screen cast-o-matic for recording short "how-to's" and/or classroom content. Please bring a laptop to the training. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245033 - 245035 DSC Tech Tips for the Classroom (TESS 1d, 2d, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4f ) Afternoon Session Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): 2,3-5,6-12 Description: This class will include website organization and design basics, Google Docs, Google, Presentation and Google Forms. A Google Form will be used for pre-assessment along with digital tools to address/target students at their level (all related to Google Suite). This course will show teacher how to use the free screen cast-o-matic for recording short "how-to's" and/or classroom content. Please bring a laptop to the training. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 13, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245037 - 245039 DSC Technology in the Math Classroom (TESS 1a, 1d, 1e, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3e, 4a, 4e) Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 5-8,Staff Description: Learning to incorporate technology into everyday math lessons is essential to achieving success. This workshop will give you resources and show you how to use those to implement immediately in your class for increased engagement, improved achievement, and buy-in from parents. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): BRAD LAUNIUS Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Page 38 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245701 - 245702 DSC Student GPS & ASIS fro System Administrators and Trainers (Morning Session) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Training will include: Assigning permissions for users, setting metric goals, uploading student photos, and prepare participants to provide assistance and training for their school or district.* All participants must be able to login to the dashboards prior the session. For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Katrina Craft Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 245703 - 245704 DSC StudentGPS & ASIS for School Leaders (Afternoon Session) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: This session will provide hands-on training for the StudentGPS dashboards and Arkansas Student Intervention System (ASIS) for school leaders. Training will include: Basic features of StudentGPS and ASIS, how to analyze the data, and how to use systems to guide instruction.* All participants must be able to login to the dashboards prior the session. For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Katrina Craft Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 13, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 246316 - 246319 DSC Grades 4-5 Disciplinary Literacy in Science Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 4,5,Instructional Leaders Description: Designed for science teachers, this professional development opportunity focuses on evidence-based strategies and techniques to support building discipline-specific reading, writing, and research skills in the science classroom. Participants will 1) examine the effectiveness of literacy strategies and techniques in a science classroom , 2) establish connections among NGSS, CCSS, and TESS, and 3) create instructional plans that include literacy techniques that support student learning of science. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson ECH Meeting Room - Building #7 Jul 13, 2015 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Limit: 6 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 39 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 240470 - 240471 DSC Connecting the Links Advanced Environmental Education Subject(s): Science Audience(s): 6-12 Description: This workshop provides the tools teachers of grades 6-12 need to help students understand complex environmental issues while developing critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Participants explore how our choices affect our environment and the options available to us. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Betsy Spetich, Michelle Gillham Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244850 - 244851 DSC Intentional Talk: How to Structure & Lead Productive Mathematical Discussions (Grades K-6) Subject(s): Mathematics,Special Education Audience(s): K-6,ParaProfessionals Description: Built around the book Intentional Talk by Elham Kazemi and Allison Hintz , this professional development is intended to provide participants with a vision and strategies for structuring and facilitating classroom conversations that meet various predetermined discussion goals. Participants will also receive a complimentary copy of the book. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245043 - 245044 DSC Today’s Tools You Can Use Tomorrow (TESS 1d, 1e, 1f, 2b, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4e) Subject(s): Mathematics,All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Are you tired of students using the same old PowerPoint presentations? Would you like to utilize technology for short, formative assessments? Join me as we explore new web tools and iOS apps that students can use to create presentations and share their learning. Find cool and effective apps and web tools that can be used in your classroom tomorrow . Content creation, sharing, collection, collaboration, and some Augmented Reality will be covered. Please bring an iPad to the training. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): CHELSIE STURDIVANT Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 40 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245258 - 245260 DSC Unit Planning–MDC Year 2 Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: This training will focus on Unit Development and Planning for the Year incorporating MDC and FALs within the units . This is a working training session. For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245477 - 245479 DSC The Daily 5 Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-5 Description: The Daily 5 is a system of managing independent work time in a reading and writing workshop. Let Kimberly and Corby show you how they use the daily five to simplify their life and make independent work time truly meaningful. Participants will leave this training with a packet of ideas and the knowledge to implement the Daily Five in their own classroom. This workshop is designed for any teacher wanting to implement a workshop approach. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): CORBY SCULLY, KIMBERLY TURNER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 35 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246291 - 246292 DSC Google in the Classroom (Afternoon Session) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: This workshop will feature techniques and resources for implementation of Google Classrooms at any grade level. Participants will create a portfolio of twenty plus skills and resources that will enable them to establish an effective and easily managed Google Classroom. This workshop will also highlight content development and lesson building. The sessions will be aimed at both beginners and intermediate Google Classroom users. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 14, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 41 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246294 - 246295 DSC Google in the Classroom (Morning Session) Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: ?This workshop will feature techniques and resources for implementation of Google Classrooms at any grade level. Participants will create a portfolio of twenty plus skills and resources that will enable them to establish an effective and easily managed Google Classroom. This workshop will also highlight content development and lesson building. The sessions will be aimed at both beginners and intermediate Google Classroom users. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Tonia McMillan Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 14, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 240472 - 240475 DSC Do the Rot Thing Subject(s): Science Audience(s): 9-12 Description: This workshop explores composting through hands-on activities you can use in your classroom. Participants receive an understanding of the composting process and resources to help incorporate composting into a variety of subjects. Although the workshop is geared toward teachers of grades 9-12, most activities can be adapted for use with other ages. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Betsy Spetich, Michelle Gillham Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244660 - 244665 DSC Am I Ready? Are They Ready? Subject(s): Audience(s): 6-12 Description: TESS Domain 1 will be the focus of this session. Planning coherent instruction is vital to using best practices and increasing student engagement. Planning assessments helps teachers know where they are going and how best to help students be successful. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman, TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 42 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244957 - 245010 DSC Google in the Classroom, It’s Magic! (TESS: 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4b, 4e) Morning Session Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Attendees will learn how to creatively utilize Google forms in the classroom, such as creating the following items: review games, assessment, parent call logs, student surveys, PARCC practice and so much more! We will discuss AutoCrat and Flubaroo and how these tools can make your life so easy! I will talk about using Google Voice and teach participants how to set up a Google Voice phone number to safely call parents without making the dreaded trip around school to locate a phone. In addition, I will address how Google Classroom is transforming my classroom and how you can use Classroom to its fullest potential. Goodbye paper! Hello technology! There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Ashley Kincannon Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245021 - 245023 DSC Google in the Classroom, It’s Magic! (TESS: 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4b, 4e) Afternoon Session Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: Attendees will learn how to creatively utilize Google forms in the classroom, such as creating the following items: review games, assessment, parent call logs, student surveys, PARCC practice and so much more! We will discuss AutoCrat and Flubaroo and how these tools can make your life so easy! I will talk about using Google Voice and teach participants how to set up a Google Voice phone number to safely call parents without making the dreaded trip around school to locate a phone. In addition, I will address how Google Classroom is transforming my classroom and how you can use Classroom to its fullest potential. Goodbye paper! Hello technology! There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Ashley Kincannon Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 15, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245101 - 245102 DSC Google Sheets and Forms for the Techie Teacher (TESS 1d, 1f, 2c 3c, 3d, 4b, 4c) Afternoon Session Subject(s): Educational Technology,Mathematics,All Audience(s): 3-5,6-12 Subject Areas Description: Want to know how to make Google Sheets and Forms work for your classroom ? Join us as we explore the limitless possibilities with sheets and forms that will give you the tools you need to work smarter. This is a half day session. Please bring a laptop to the training. This is a half day session. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Jillana Heard, Lori Bush Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jul 15, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 Page 43 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245104 - 245106 DSC Google Sheets and Forms for the Techie Teacher (TESS 1d, 1f, 2c 3c, 3d, 4b, 4c) Morning Session Subject(s): Educational Technology,Mathematics,All Audience(s): 3-5,6-12,Staff Subject Areas Description: Want to know how to make Google Sheets and Forms work for your classroom ? Join us as we explore the limitless possibilities with sheets and forms that will give you the tools you need to work smarter. This is a half day session. Please bring a laptop to the training. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Jillana Heard, Lori Bush Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 30 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 245265 - 245266 DSC Writing Your Own FALs–MDC Year 2 Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: This training will focus on incorporating MDC and FALs within units of study . Participants will learn and gain experience writing FALs for themselves in specific areas where there is not a FAL that already exists . This is a working training session. For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245648 - 245649 DSC Triand for System Administrators (Morning Session) TESS 4b Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Staff Description: This class is for users who have been designated as the Account Owner for their district and will be responsible for assigning permissions to other users. Learn how to use Triand to control user access and set sharing capabilities for reports and student records. Learn the basic functions of the system and how to troubleshoot issues. IMPORTANT: Users will need to have a Triand account and know how to log in before attending this class . Instructions can be found at http://adedata.arkansas.gov/triandsupport. For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Sarah Cox Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 44 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245658 - 245660 DSC Triand for Counselors/Registrars (Afternoon Session) TESS 4b Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Staff Description: This class is for Counselors, Registrars, or any user who will be responsible for pulling or sending transcripts. Learn how to use Triand to search for and view student records containing demographic data , state and local assessments results, course history, current schedule and more. Learn how to send and receive transcripts from another Arkansas school or to a higher education institute. Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-80-107, using Triand to submit student records electronically to Arkansas schools is a requirement for all Arkansas public schools , regardless of grade level. IMPORTANT: Users will need to have a Triand account and know how to log in before attending this class . Instructions can be found at http://adedata.arkansas.gov/triandsupport. For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Sarah Cox Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 15, 2015 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 244138 - 244139 DSC Researching to Build and Present Knowledge K-5 Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): K-5,Staff,Instructional Leaders Description: Researching to Build and Present Knowledge K-5 is a targeted professional development opportunity designed to support the key shifts called for by the Common Core State Standards for ELA/ Literacy and promote educators’ understanding of the development of students’ processes for conducting and reporting research . This is a critical step for educators and their students integrating reading, writing, listening, and speaking grounded in textual evidence. The information contained in this session is important for K-5 ELA/Literacy instructors, as well as social studies and science teachers, as these teachers prepare students to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245048 - 245050 DSC Social Media in Schools: A Comprehensive Learning Experience (TESS 1b, 1d, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4c) Subject(s): Educational Technology,Mathematics,All Audience(s): 5-8,9-12,Staff Subject Areas Description: I will walk participants through setting up and learning about the following social media applications and relate them to usages within a school setting: Twitter, Facebook Pages, Tumblr, Wordpress, Instagram, Snapchat, and IFTTT. Also work on streamlining the process of posting. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): TYLER TARVER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 24 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 45 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245662 - 245663 DSC Triand for Teachers (Morning Session) TESS 4b Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): Staff Description: This class is for teachers and other school/district users with a need to access student transcripts and assessment data. Learn how to use Triand to access your students’ records containing demographic data , state and local assessments results, course history, current schedule and more. Learn how view state assessment results for students currently assigned to you. Using Triand to submit student records electronically to Arkansas schools is a requirement for all Arkansas public schools. IMPORTANT: Users will need to have a Triand account and know how to log in before attending this class. Instructions can be found at http://adedata.arkansas.gov/triandsupport. NOTE: In order for teachers to successfully access student transcripts and testing reports in Triand , teacher email addresses must be listed in the eSchoolPLUS teacher catalog. Please contact your school or district eSchoolPLUS Group Manager to ensure your school email address is entered in APSCN prior to attending this training . For more information on this workshop call Tonia McMillan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Tonia McMillan Presenter(s): Sarah Cox Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 24 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $0 246525 - 246528 DSC Using the State Capitol to Teach Subject(s): Audience(s): K-12 Description: Using the State Capitol to Teach is the Secretary of State’s teacher workshop that provides an overview of the free educational materials and resources. The workshop includes civic materials, Arkansas history and state capitol information, and internet resources. This workshop meets the two- hour professional development Arkansas history requirement. There is a $25.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin/Beth Neel at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Lisa Watson Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am - 11:30 am Limit: 25 Credit: 3.00 Registration Fee: $25 247783 - 247784 DSC ELA and the PARCC Assessment—Classroom Instruction that Prepares Students for PARCC Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 3-5,6-12 Description: Quality classroom instruction is the best way to prepare students to be successful on their PARCC assessments . Participants will take a deep dive into evidence tables, scoring rubrics, performance level descriptors and other resources that help guide instruction in a way that optimally supports student performance on the PARCC assessment . Participants will also gain a deeper look into the test design and ways to alter their classroom assessments to support student success. For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): ADE Assessment Unit Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 45 Page 46 of 56 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244540 - 244545 DSC Bits & Pieces: Developing an Understanding of Fractions (GR 3–6) Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 3-5,6,ParaProfessionals Description: This 6-day institute (4 summer days with 2 follow-up days in the fall) is comparable to Teachers Development Group’s Extending Children’s Mathematics Institute (also known as ECM or CGI for upper elementary). This is a description from their registration brochure: Extending Children’s Mathematics was developed by the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) research and development group to extend the ideas of CGI to third through sixth grade students. Over twenty-five years of CGI research has shown that students learn with un¬derstanding if and only if new concepts are connected to what they already know. This Institute is devoted to studying how students’ learning of computation with large numbers , fractions, decimals and algebraic think¬ing can be connected to what they already understand about whole number operations. What teachers learn in this institute enhances how they use any curriculum or resource materials. In this Institute you will learn to: •Analyze the connections between whole number operations and fractions, decimals, and algebra •Assess your students’ understanding of these concepts •Design problems to build the bridge between students’ current understanding and your specific learning goals •Facilitate the discussion of mathematical ideas in a manner that engages all learners at the same time as it encourages the development of more sophisticated understanding Participants will each receive a free copy of the book Extending Children’s Mathematics : Fractions and Decimals by Susan Empson and Linda Levi, director of Teachers Development Group (TDG). Days 5-6 of this institute will be determined on the final day of the summer session. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): CINDY MCAFEE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 20, 21, 22, 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 30.00 Registration Fee: $0 246809 - 246810 DSC Teaching Without the Textbook in the Social Studies Classroom Subject(s): Social Sciences,Economics Audience(s): 6-12 Description: Social Studies Primary and Secondary sources for use in the social studies classroom New State Standards included. Grades 6-12 There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): WILLIAM HEATHERLY Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 20, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 47 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244669 - 244672 DSC How Close is Close? Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): 9-12 Description: Close Reading is a term that we all hear in education, but what does that really mean? There are strategies to help teach students to closely read texts, not just in ELA but in all content areas. We will look at strategies and practice those strategies to help teach our students how to delve deeper and grapple with texts. PLEASE BRING YOUR LAPTOP. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 21, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244842 - 244844 DSC New Social Studies Frameworks Subject(s): Social Sciences Audience(s): K-12 Description: There will be a workshop for K-12 social studies teachers regarding the revised Social Studies Curriculum Framework, the C3 Framework, and disciplinary literacy. The day will begin with an overview of disciplinary literacy, the C3 Framework inquiry arc, and the revised Social Studies Curriculum Frameworks. Participants will examine the C3 components of a lesson and discuss ways to apply the inquiry arc in their classrooms. After lunch there will be break-out sessions for the analysis of an exemplar unit or lesson appropriate for use in Grades K-4, Grades 5-8, and Grades 9-12. Teachers will work toward completing a lesson or unit for use in their classrooms. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Sue Newton at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): Maggie Herrick Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Conference Center - Building #6 Jul 21, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 60 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 245246 - 245248 DSC How’s Your PARCCing Lot? Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Curriculum Coordinators Description: With the implementation of the PARCC assessment during the 2014-2015 school year, there are a lot of questions still needing answers. This day of professional development will help teachers gain a better understanding of the PARCC assessment. Participants will increase their fluency of Common Core Math Standards while acquiring hands-on experience with PARCC released materials. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab I - Building #2 Jul 21, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 48 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245477 - 245480 DSC The Daily 5 Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-5 Description: The Daily 5 is a system of managing independent work time in a reading and writing workshop. Let Kimberly and Corby show you how they use the daily five to simplify their life and make independent work time truly meaningful. Participants will leave this training with a packet of ideas and the knowledge to implement the Daily Five in their own classroom. This workshop is designed for any teacher wanting to implement a workshop approach. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): CORBY SCULLY, KIMBERLY TURNER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 21, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 35 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246801 - 246802 DSC Physical Geography in the Social Studies Classroom Subject(s): Social Sciences,Economics Audience(s): 6-12 Description: Social Studies using the new Arkansas state standards to develop physical geography connections in the classroom . Discussion will include new middle school geography standards as a focus. Grades 6-12 There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): WILLIAM HEATHERLY Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 21, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246803 - 246804 DSC Cultural Geography in the Social Studies Classroom Subject(s): Social Sciences,Economics Audience(s): 6-12 Description: Social studies using the new Arkansas state standards to develop cultural geography connections in the classroom . Discussion will include new middle school geography standards as a focus. Grades 6-12 There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): WILLIAM HEATHERLY Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 49 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246838 - 246843 DSC Picture Book Science (Based on Picture Perfect Science Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): K-2 Description: This one day PD opportunity is designed for K-2nd grade teachers to deepen content knowledge and integrate science and reading in a meaningful way that supports CCSS and content standards. So come along as we explore science and reading with the use of picture books with Picture Perfect Science. Experience inquiry-based science with these ready-to-teach lessons. The lessons are organized using the 5Es Instructional Model with carefully selected reading strategies are embedded throughout. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown or Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown, ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 249318 - 249324 DSC Behavior Data Collection Tools Subject(s): Audience(s): Description: Do you need any tools to help you with collecting behavioral data? Data collection is collecting specific information about a student's performance. Typically we think of this in terms of academic performance. But what a about data collection needed for behavior performance measurement? What do we do then? This workshop will give the participant guidance on: *How to determine the best data collection method based on the type of behavior being measured *Using a data collection guide which provides an explanation of each type of data collection method and how to summarize data *Basic information for preparing a behavior graph For more information on this workshop, please contact Sharon Adams at 870-246-3077. Facilitator: Sharon Adams Presenter(s): Sharon Adams, Shelia Smith Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 22, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 244674 - 244675 DSC Don’t Raise Your Voice. Improve Your Argument Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): 9-12 Description: Writing argumentatively is a relatively new concept for teachers and students . We will focus on strategies to take students from persuasion to argument. PLESAE BRING YOUR LAPTOP. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 50 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 245110 - 245111 DSC Fear Factor: Problem Solving in Secondary Math Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 6-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, developing problem skills is essential to support those standards. This day of professional development will help teachers gain a better understanding of how to develop the problem solving process. Participants will experience rich problems and carefully selected/planned questions to elicit problem solving and allow mathematical ideas to emerge. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246806 - 246808 DSC Critical Thinking Geography in the Social Studies Classroom Subject(s): Social Sciences,Economics Audience(s): 6-12 Description: Applying critical thinking CCSS literacy connections to geography in the social studies classroom. New middle school stands will be a focus but applicable to all social studies classes. Grades 6-12 There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Billie Garlin at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Sue Newton Presenter(s): WILLIAM HEATHERLY Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Tech Lab II - Building #6 Jul 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246844 - 246845 DSC Picture Book Science (Based on Picture Perfect Science Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): 3-5 Description: This one day PD opportunity is designed for 3rd – 5th grade teachers to deepen content knowledge and integrate science and reading in a meaningful way that supports CCSS and content standards. So come along as we explore science and reading with the use of picture books with Picture Perfect Science. Experience inquiry-based science with these ready-to-teach lessons. The lessons are organized using the 5Es Instructional Model with carefully selected reading strategies are embedded throughout. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown or Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown, ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 23, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 51 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244679 - 244682 DSC Am I Ready? Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): 6-12 Description: This day is designed for hands-on curriculum writing and planning. Teachers will be able to write their units and/or LDC modules for SY 2015-2016. With new standards in many content areas and the need for literacy in all content areas, teachers will be able to write lessons/units/modules with the specialists. Please bring your laptop, CCSS, content frameworks/standards, resources and materials to create units/plans/modules. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Annette Brown, Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 27, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246307 - 246310 DSC ELLA- Implementing a Comprehensive Literacy Classroom Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-1 Description: This is the first module of the new or revised ELLA training . In the new version of ELLA teachers may pick and choose which trainings fit their own personal needs. Day one is an overrview of comprehensive literacy. This day would be great for a novice teacher, but it also provides an excellent refresher for the seasoned teacher. We will go over the steps in implementing a comprehensive literacy classroom as well as connecting each component to the Common Core standards. The focus of day two is Assessment. Teachers will look at a variety of assessments to guide instruction , and begin to put together their own personal assessment notebook. If you feel that assessment in your classroom is lacking, this day is for you. Remember we no longer require that teachers attend all training days. We will scheduel other days as needed. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Louisa Perritt Primary Jul 27, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 6 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246352 - 246354 DSC CGI-2 (Cognitively Guided Instruction, Year 2) – Day 1 of 6 Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): PreK,K-2,3 Description: NOTE: This training is a continuation of CGI at the 2nd level. Participants must have completed CGI Level 1(all 7 days of training). There will also be two consecutive follow up days for this training scheduled during the upcoming school year. CGI training supports any math program/curriculum/textbook adoption a school has implemented. Enrollment in CGI is open to classroom teachers, special education teachers, mathematics coaches/specialists, Title 1teachers responsible for teaching mathematics, and administrators. NOTE: This PD meets 4 days during the summer with 2 follow-up days during the school year. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): TBA TBA, TINA HOBBS Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Administrative Conference Rm - Bldg #1 Jul 27, 28, 29, 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Page 52 of 56 Credit: 24.00 Registration Fee: $0 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 244679 - 244687 DSC Am I Ready? Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): 6-12 Description: This day is designed for hands-on curriculum writing and planning. Teachers will be able to write their units and/or LDC modules for SY 2015-2016. With new standards in many content areas and the need for literacy in all content areas, teachers will be able to write lessons/units/modules with the specialists. Please bring your laptop, CCSS, content frameworks/standards, resources and materials to create units/plans/modules. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Annette Brown, Gayanne Coleman Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 28, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 20 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246205 - 246250 DSC Arkansas Novice Teacher Mentor Training Subject(s): All Subject Areas Audience(s): K-12,Staff Description: A teacher who wishes to be an active mentor for the 2015-2016 school year must be recommended by his or her administrator to attend the one-day Mentor Training. Trainings will be held at the local Co-ops. The recommendation form can be scanned and emailed to the person in charge of the training or can be brought to the training by the mentor. All attendees must be TESS trained “prior” to attending the mentor training . Mentors must stay the entire time of the training and must be approved as a mentor by the trainer. A participant will not be approved as a mentor without a completed Mentor Recommendation Form. For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 28, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $0 245273 - 245274 DSC Proof and Proving in High School Geometry Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): 9-12,Staff,Administrators,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: If you have read the Common Core State Standards for high school mathematics and the Standards for Mathematical Practice, you have likely noticed proof is emphasized more than has been in the recent past. Course participants will investigate the big ideas of proof and proving as they relate to Geometry in High School. This course is designed to address the following questions : *How, when, and where should proof be taught in High school Geometry? *What forms of proof should students be able to use (two-column or other)? i.e What should a proof look like? *How is proof affected by the definitions of similarity and congruence in terms of transformations ? *What are some useful strategies for teaching proof and reasoning? *How can I assess the proof and reasoning ability of students? For more information on this workshop call Carrie Barber at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CARRIE BARBER Presenter(s): CARRIE BARBER Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Literacy Meeting Room - Building #5 Jul 29, 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 53 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246252 - 246253 DSC Implementing a Comprehensive Literacy Framework for Grades 6-8 Module 1 - Overview of a Comprehensive Literacy Framework and Literacy Assessment System (CLASS) Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 6-8,Staff Description: Overview of a Comprehensive Literacy Framework and Literacy Assessment System Designed specifically for Grades 6-8 educators, this module identifies the critical components of a comprehensive literacy system, focuses on the unique instructional needs of the learner as related to literacy acquisition, explores setting the context for learning through instructional approaches that meet the needs of the learner, and provides the purposes and types of literacy assessments that when used appropriately will guide instructional decisions. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 29, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244163 - 244165 DSC Multi-Sensory Instruction for Struggling Readers Subject(s): Language Arts Audience(s): K-5,Staff,ParaProfessionals,Instructional Leaders Description: This training focuses on what classroom teachers can do with struggling readers in their reading block. Multi-Sensory Strategies for, Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, Fluency, Comprehension, Spelling, and Handwriting will be addressed. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Karen Taylor at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: KAREN TAYLOR Presenter(s): KAREN TAYLOR Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Jul 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 50 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 246255 - 246256 DSC Implementing a Comprehensive Literacy Framework for Grades 6-8 Module 2 - Word Study: Orthography, Morphology, and Vocabulary Instruction (CLASS) Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): 6-8,Staff Description: Word Study: Orthography, Morphology, and Vocabulary Instruction Designed specifically for Grades 6-8 educators, this module focuses on a systematic, engaging approach aimed at developing learners’ understandings of how words work and developing vocabulary knowledge through speaking , reading, and writing. Students are guided towards making discoveries about word relationships and generalizing their understandings in order to read, spell, and write more efficiently. Required Text: Vocabulary Their Way Second Edition by Templeton, et al. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Tammy Boyette at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: TAMMY BOYETTE Presenter(s): TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Jul 30, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 54 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 246313 - 246314 DSC There’s a Book for That, Teaching the Common Core Standards Through Read Aloud Subject(s): Literacy Audience(s): K-2,3 Description: Reading aloud is widely recognized as the single most important activity leading to literacy acquisition. Reading to young children promotes language, vocabulary, comprehension and overall success in school. In this training we will discuss and demonstrate how to teach the CC literacy standards through highly engaging read aloud. GREAT NEW IDEAS AND WONDERFUL DOOR PRIZED!!!! There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Robin Phelan at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: ROBIN PHELAN Presenter(s): ROBIN PHELAN Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Aug 3, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 244532 - 244536 DSC Transitioning to New Arkansas Science Standards: Putting Practices in Place Subject(s): Language Arts,Science Audience(s): 6-8,Instructional Leaders,Curriculum Coordinators Description: The new Arkansas Science Standards will require students to apply Science and Engineering Practices . This two-day session will engage participants in these practices using stategies designed to support deeper understanding of science concepts. * It is recommended, but not required, that participants have some knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards (e.g., attended any Planning for New Science Standards PD opportunities). For more information on this workshop call Annette Brown at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SAVUMOR PARKING LOT. Facilitator: Annette Brown Presenter(s): Annette Brown, Greg Wertenberger Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Meeting Room - Building #8 Aug 4, 5, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 25 Credit: 12.00 Registration Fee: $0 244688 - 244689 DSC Depending on the Text Subject(s): Language Arts,Social Sciences Audience(s): 6-12 Description: What are text-dependent questions? How are they different from questions I already use? These are questions we will address in this session. We will also assist teachers in writing good text-dependent questions using their content. Please bring your laptop and a piece of text you will use in your instruction. There is a $50.00 registration fee for participants outside the Dawson Co-op area. (Please click PO and check out to register for the workshop, if you are one of Dawson Co-op schools.) For more information on this workshop call Gayanne Coleman at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street ( ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: Gayanne Coleman Presenter(s): Gayanne Coleman, TAMMY BOYETTE Location: Date(s): Time: Dawson Distance Learning Room - Building #9 Aug 4, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 40 Credit: 6.00 Registration Fee: $50 Page 55 of 56 Dawson Education Service Cooperative 247079 - 247080 DSC CGI-2 (Cognitively Guided Instruction, Year 2) – Day 1 of 6 Subject(s): Mathematics Audience(s): PreK,K-2,3 Description: NOTE: This training is a continuation of CGI at the 2nd level. Participants must have completed CGI Level 1(all 7 days of training). There will also be two consecutive follow up days for this training scheduled during the upcoming school year. CGI training supports any math program/curriculum/textbook adoption a school has implemented. Enrollment in CGI is open to classroom teachers, special education teachers, mathematics coaches/specialists, Title 1teachers responsible for teaching mathematics, and administrators. NOTE: This PD meets 4 days during the summer with 2 follow-up days during the school year. For more information on this workshop call Cindy McAfee at 870-246-3077. Please visit our website at www.dawsonesc.com for directions, maps and a printable catalog. Free parking is available at First United Methodist Church parking lot on the corner of Caddo and 8th Street (ONE BLOCK FROM DAWSON CO-OP). Facilitator: CINDY MCAFEE Presenter(s): Lynne Nielsen, TINA HOBBS Location: Date(s): Time: Malvern Elementary, PD Room Aug 7, 10, 13, 14, 2015 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Limit: 30 Credit: 24.00 Registration Fee: $0 Page 56 of 56
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